metacity r4039 - in trunk: . tools

Author: tthurman
Date: Tue Nov 25 23:20:46 2008
New Revision: 4039

	* tools/ (added): script to produce announcements


Added: trunk/tools/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/tools/	Tue Nov 25 23:20:46 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import commands
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import glob
+import wordpresslib #
+import ConfigParser
+import os
+doaps = glob.glob("*.doap")
+if len(doaps)==0:
+    print 'Please run this from the top-level directory.'
+program_name = doaps[0][:-5]
+print program_name
+markup = {
+    'text': {
+        'open': '  *',
+        'newline': '   ',
+        'close': '',
+        },
+    'html': {
+        'open': '<li>',
+        'newline': '',
+        'close': '</li>',
+        },
+def text_list(list, type):
+    result = []
+    for entry in list:
+        result.append(markup[type]['open'])
+        for word in entry.split():
+            if len(result[-1]+word)>75:
+                result.append(markup[type]['newline'])
+            result[-1] = result[-1] + ' ' + word
+        if result[-1].strip()=='':
+            result = result[:-1]
+        result[-1] = result[-1] + markup[type]['close']
+    return '\n'.join(result)
+news = file('NEWS')
+news_entry = []
+header_count = 0
+while header_count<2:
+    line = news.readline().replace('\n', '')
+    news_entry.append(line)
+    if line.startswith('='):
+        header_count = header_count + 1
+version = news_entry[0]
+news_entry = news_entry[2:-2]
+print version
+majorminor = '.'.join(version.split('.')[:2])
+md5s = commands.getoutput('ssh md5sum /ftp/pub/GNOME/sources/metacity/%s/%s-%s.tar*' % (majorminor, program_name, version)).split()
+if len(md5s)!=4:
+    print 'WARNING: There were not two known tarballs'
+md5_values = {}
+for i in range(0, len(md5s), 2):
+    a = md5s[i+1]
+    md5_values[a[a.rindex('.'):]] = md5s[i]
+print md5_values
+changes = []
+translations = ''
+reading_changes = False
+reading_translations = False
+for line in news_entry:
+    line = line.replace('(#', '(GNOME bug ').strip()
+    if line.startswith('-'):
+        changes.append(line[2:])
+        reading_changes = True
+    elif reading_changes:
+        if line=='':
+            reading_changes = False
+        else:
+            changes[-1] = changes[-1] + ' ' + line
+    elif line=='Translations':
+        reading_translations = True
+    elif reading_translations:
+        translations = translations + ' ' + line
+translations = translations[1:]
+text_links = []
+for i in ('.bz2', '.gz'):
+    text_links.append('%s' % (
+            md5_values[i], majorminor, program_name, version, i))
+text_version = """\
+What is it ?
+What's changed ?
+Where can I get it ?
+%s""" % (text_list([description], 'text'),
+                text_list(changes, 'text'),
+                text_list([translations], 'text'),
+                text_list(text_links, 'text'))
+print "============ x8 x8 x8 ===== SEND THIS TO gnome-announce-list"
+print text_version
+print "============ x8 x8 x8 ===== ENDS"
+html_version = """\
+<b>What is it ?</b><br />
+<b>What's changed ?</b><br />
+<i>Translations:</i><br />
+<b>Where can I get it ?</b><br />
+<ul>%s</ul>""" % (text_list([description], 'html'),
+                text_list(changes, 'html'),
+                text_list([translations], 'html'),
+                text_list(text_links, 'html'))
+cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()['HOME']+'/.config/release-wrangler.ini')
+wp = wordpresslib.WordPressClient(
+    cp.get('release-wrangler', 'blogurl'),
+    cp.get('release-wrangler', 'bloguser'),
+    cp.get('release-wrangler', 'blogpass'))
+wp.selectBlog(cp.getint('release-wrangler', 'blognumber'))
+post = wordpresslib.WordPressPost()
+post.title = '%s %s released' % (program_name, version)
+post.description = html_version
+# appears to have been turned off-- ask jdub
+#idPost = wp.newPost(post, False)
+print html_version

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