ooo-build r14488 - in trunk: . patches/dev300

Author: jannieuw
Date: Wed Nov 12 16:28:44 2008
New Revision: 14488

2008-11-12  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <janneke gnu org>

	* patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff: New patch.  With
	Michael's new table-based find and replace dialog and boxtest
	patch.  Add "defbutton=true" to dialogs (n#439222).

	* patches/dev300/apply: Add it.


Modified: trunk/patches/dev300/apply
--- trunk/patches/dev300/apply	(original)
+++ trunk/patches/dev300/apply	Wed Nov 12 16:28:44 2008
@@ -2197,8 +2197,9 @@
 #        on openSUSE-11.1-alpha0; pmladek is discussing it with the gcc team
 toolkit-layout-gcc-4.3.2-hack.diff, pmladek
-# This will merge with the layoutdialogs2 cws
+# These merge with the layoutdialogs2 cws
 [ AutoCorrectCapsLock ]
 SectionOwner => kohei

Added: trunk/patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff	Wed Nov 12 16:28:44 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+f1180d5... Add "defbutton=true" to dialogs.  Fixes ENTER doing default action: n#439222.
+63b7689... Michael's new table-based find and replace.
+84991df... Apply Michael's boxtest patch.
+diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
+index 0ce5843..517a24d 100644
+--- sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
++++ sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+ 	    </vbox>
+ 	</hbox>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
+index 79720df..6e68b5a 100644
+--- sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
++++ sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ 	    <flow/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+ </modaldialog>
+diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
+index 0a59899..a29a564 100644
+--- sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
++++ sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+         <fixedtext id="FT_LABEL" label="FT-LABEL"/>
+         <edit has_border="true" id="ED_INPUT" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
+index ad5af2b..9b922a7 100644
+--- svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
++++ svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
+@@ -4,69 +4,69 @@
+      transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
+ <sfxmodelessdialog _title="Find &amp; Replace" help-id="SID_SEARCH_DLG" closeable="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" output-size="true" id="RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH" sv-look="true" xmlns=""; xmlns:cnt="";>
+-    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
++    <table cnt:spacing="5" cnt:border="5" columns="2" homogeneous="false">
+ 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_STYLES" _text="Including Styles"/>
+ 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH" _text="(Search)"/>
+ 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_REPLACE" _text="(Replace)"/>
+ 	<string id="STR_WORDCALC" _text="~Entire cells"/>
+ 	<string id="STR_MORE_BTN" _text="More ~Options"/>
+ 	<string id="STR_LESS_BTN" _text="Less ~Options"/>
+-	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
+-	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
+-		<fixedtext id="FT_SEARCH" _label="~Search for"/>
+-		<combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_SEARCH" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_SEARCH" sort="true" tabstop="true"/>
+-		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
+-		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
+-		<flow/>
+-		<flow/>
+-		<flow/>
+-	    </vbox>
+-	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
+-		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<pushbutton default="true" id="BTN_SEARCH" tabstop="true" _label="~Find" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<pushbutton id="BTN_SEARCH_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Find ~All" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-	    </vbox>
+-	</hbox>
+-        <hbox spacing="5" border="0">
+-	    <flow/>
+-	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
+-		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<fixedline id="FL_SEARCH_COMMAND"/>
+-	    </vbox>
+-	</hbox>
+-	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
+-	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
+-		<fixedtext id="FT_REPLACE" _label="Re~place with"/>
+-		<combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_REPLACE" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_REPLACE" sort="true" tabstop="true"/>
+-		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
+-		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
+-		<fixedline show="false" id="FL_SEARCH_COMPONENT"/>
+-		<flow/>
+-		<flow/>
+-		<flow/>
+-	    </vbox>
+-	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
+-		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE" tabstop="true" _label="~Replace" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-		<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Replace A~ll" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-	    </vbox>
+-	</hbox>
+-        <checkbox id="CB_MATCH_CASE" tabstop="true" _label="Ma~tch case"/>
+-        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_1" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-        <checkbox id="CB_WHOLE_WORDS" tabstop="true" _label="Whole wor~ds only"/>
+-        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_2" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
+-        <fixedline id="FL_BUTTONS"/>
+-	<hbox>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<fixedtext id="FT_SEARCH" _label="~Search for"/>
++	<imagebutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_SEARCH" tabstop="true" _label="~Find" cnt:expand="false"
++		     image-align="0" graphic="res/commandimagelist/lc_searchdialog.png"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<vbox spacing="0" border="2" cnt:x-expand="true">
++	     <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_SEARCH" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
++	     <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_SEARCH" sort="true" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
++	</vbox>
++	<pushbutton id="BTN_SEARCH_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Find ~All" cnt:expand="false"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:col-span="2" cnt:y-expand="false">
++	    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
++	    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
++	</vbox>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="2"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<fixedtext id="FT_REPLACE" _label="Re~place with"/>
++	<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE" tabstop="true" _label="~Replace" cnt:expand="false"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<vbox spacing="0" border="5" cnt:x-expand="true">
++	    <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_REPLACE" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
++	    <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_REPLACE" sort="true" tabstop="true"/>
++	</vbox>
++	<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Replace A~ll" cnt:expand="false"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<vbox spacing="5" border="0" cnt:col-span="2">
++	    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
++	    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
++	    <fixedline show="false" id="FL_SEARCH_COMPONENT"/>
++	</vbox>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<vbox spacing="5" border="0" cnt:col-span="2">
++	    <flow>
++                <checkbox id="CB_MATCH_CASE" tabstop="true" _label="Ma~tch case"/>
++                <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_1" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
++                <checkbox id="CB_WHOLE_WORDS" tabstop="true" _label="Whole wor~ds only"/>
++                <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_2" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
++	    </flow>
++	</vbox>
++	<!-- row -->
++        <fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="2"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<hbox cnt:col-span="2">
+             <morebutton delta="174" map-unit="MAP_APPFONT" id="BTN_MORE" state="false" tabstop="true"/>
+             <dialogbuttonhbox>
+ 		<helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
+ 		<cancelbutton id="BTN_CLOSE" tabstop="true" _label="~Close" cnt:expand="false"/>
+             </dialogbuttonhbox>
+ 	</hbox>
+-        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_OPTIONS"/>
+-	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
++	<!-- row -->
++        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_OPTIONS" cnt:col-span="2"/>
++	<!-- row -->
++	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0" cnt:col-span="2">
+ 	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
+ 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_SELECTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="Current selection ~only"/>
+ 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_BACKWARDS" tabstop="true" _label="Bac~kwards"/>
+@@ -107,5 +107,5 @@
+ 		<pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_NOFORMAT" tabstop="true" _label="~No Format" cnt:expand="false"/>
+ 	    </vbox>
+ 	</hbox>
+-    </vbox>
++    </table>
+ </sfxmodelessdialog>
+diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
+index 5938643..9f9d782 100644
+--- svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
++++ svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
+@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
+         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton     id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_CANCEL"/>
+-	    <helpbutton   id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
++	    <helpbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+ </modaldialog>
+diff --git sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
+index e922294..fbab778 100644
+--- sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
++++ sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox spacing="5">
+             <flow/>
+-            <okbutton id="PB_OK"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="PB_OK"/>
+             <helpbutton id="PB_HELP"/>
+         </dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
+index 4fa7e53..e430e22 100644
+--- toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
++++ toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public:
+     struct ChildProps: public PropHelper
+     {
+         //ChildProps( ChildProps* );
+     };
+ protected:
+diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
+index 98190ca..5a0e870 100644
+--- toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
++++ toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
+@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public:
+     struct ChildProps : public Box_Base::ChildProps
+     {
+         ChildProps( ChildData *pData );
+     };
+ protected:
+diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
+index dac2aaa..f1c882b 100644
+--- toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
++++ toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ public:
+     struct ChildProps : public Box_Base::ChildProps
+     {
+         ChildProps( ChildData *pData );
+     };
+ protected:
+diff --git toolkit/src2xml/source/ toolkit/src2xml/source/
+index 128cfa1..b03c5e6 100644
+--- toolkit/src2xml/source/
++++ toolkit/src2xml/source/
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def post_process (s):
+     s = s.replace ('<modaldialog', '<modaldialog sizeable="true"')
+     s = s.replace (' rid=', ' id=')
+     s = s.replace (' border="true"', ' has_border="true"')
+-    s = s.replace (' def-button="true"', ' default="true"')
++    s = s.replace (' def-button="true"', ' defbutton="true"')
+     s = s.replace (' drop-down="', ' dropdown="')
+     s = s.replace (' tab-stop="', ' tabstop="')
+     return s
+diff --git toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
+index 1d631e9..2639752 100644
+--- toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
++++ toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ 	<tabcontrol id="ID_TABCONTROL"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5" cnt:expand="false">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
+ 	    <pushbutton id="BTN_USER" _label="&lt;User&gt;" show="false"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" show="false"/>
+ 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" show="false"/>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/TEST toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index d6a20cb..8a04a66
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
+@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+-export OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-svn
++#! /bin/sh
++for d in $(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-svn /usr/lib/ooo3/; do
++    if test -d $d; then
++        export OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=$d
++	break
++    fi
+ test -d $OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX/openoffice.org3 && export OOO_PREFIX_BRAND=$OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX/openoffice.org3 || export OOO_PREFIX_BRAND=$OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX
+-LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/program:$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/ure-link/lib ../../ "$@"
++export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/program:$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/ure-link/lib"
++../../unx*.pro/bin/test "$@"
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
+index 8015b3f..263ae40 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+         xmlns:cnt="";
+         title="Box Test" optimumsize="true" has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true">
+ 	<vbox>
++	  <table>
++	    <vbox>
+ 		<hbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
+ 			<pushbutton label="XML Left"
+ 			            cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false"/>
+@@ -28,5 +30,7 @@
+ 	                <pushbutton label="XML Right"
+ 	                            cnt:expand="true" cnt:fill="true"/>
+ 	        </hbox>
++		</vbox>
++	</table>
+ 	</vbox>
+ </dialog>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
+index b5e5d76..3fbc889 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
+@@ -344,9 +344,14 @@ public:
+             {
+                 beans::Property prop =;
+                 rtl::OUString name( prop.Name );
+-                rtl::OUString value( pChild->getProperty( name, CONTAINER_PROPERTY ) );
+-                std::pair< rtl::OUString, rtl::OUString > pair( name, value );
+-                pChild->maOriChildProps.push_back( pair );
++		try {
++			rtl::OUString value( pChild->getProperty( name, CONTAINER_PROPERTY ) );
++			std::pair< rtl::OUString, rtl::OUString > pair( name, value );
++			pChild->maOriChildProps.push_back( pair );
++		} catch ( beans::UnknownPropertyException &rEx ) {
++			fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: widget reports that it has a property it cannot return: '%s' this normally means that someone screwed up their PROPERTY_SET_INFO macro usage.\n",
++				 rtl::OUStringToOString (rEx.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
++		}
+             }
+         }
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
+index 0ce5843..517a24d 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+ 	    </vbox>
+ 	</hbox>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
+index 79720df..6e68b5a 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ 	    <flow/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+ </modaldialog>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
+index f630e72..908907d 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ 	</hbox>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" />
+ 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
+index 7c96191..1d74b59 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ LINE TEST"/>
+ 	<checkbox id="CH_LOGFILE" _label="Open additional text document to display the restore logfile"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK" _label="Restore"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" _label="Restore"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" />
+ 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
+index a17920e..ce45a60 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+             </pagelist>
+         </tabcontrol>
+         <hbox>
+-            <okbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="1" tabstop="true"/>
+             <cancelbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
+             <helpbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
+             <pushbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
+index 0a59899..a29a564 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+         <fixedtext id="FT_LABEL" label="FT-LABEL"/>
+         <edit has_border="true" id="ED_INPUT" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+-            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
+             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
+             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/tab-dialog.xml toolkit/workben/layout/tab-dialog.xml
+index 1d631e9..2639752 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/tab-dialog.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/tab-dialog.xml
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ 	<tabcontrol id="ID_TABCONTROL"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5" cnt:expand="false">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
+ 	    <pushbutton id="BTN_USER" _label="&lt;User&gt;" show="false"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" show="false"/>
+ 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" show="false"/>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-plain.xml toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-plain.xml
+index cf31a76..a7c34fe 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-plain.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-plain.xml
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+         </hbox>
+         <fixedline height="8" id="FL_BOTTOM" width="158" x="6" y="77"/>
+         <hbox>
+-            <okbutton def-button="true" height="14" id="PB_OK" width="50" x="61" y="88"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" height="14" id="PB_OK" width="50" x="61" y="88"/>
+             <helpbutton height="14" id="PB_HELP" width="50" x="114" y="88"/>
+         </hbox>
+     </vbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-tight.xml toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-tight.xml
+index 9ff84b3..b027510 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-tight.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount-tight.xml
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
+         <hbox border="5">
+ 	    <flow homogeneous="true"/>
+-	    <okbutton id="PB_OK" cnt:expand="false" default="true"/>
++	    <okbutton id="PB_OK" cnt:expand="false" defbutton="true"/>
+ 	    <helpbutton id="PB_HELP" cnt:expand="false"/>
+         </hbox>
+     </vbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount.xml toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount.xml
+index e922294..fbab778 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/wordcount.xml
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox spacing="5">
+             <flow/>
+-            <okbutton id="PB_OK"/>
++            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="PB_OK"/>
+             <helpbutton id="PB_HELP"/>
+         </dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-indent.xml toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-indent.xml
+index 5a6a226..648da86 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-indent.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-indent.xml
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ 	    </hbox>
+ 	</vbox>
+ 	<vbox border="6" spacing="4">
+-	    <okbutton     id="OkButton"     cnt:expand="false" default="true"/>
++	    <okbutton     id="OkButton"     cnt:expand="false" defbutton="true"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="CancelButton" cnt:expand="false"/>
+ 	    <helpbutton   id="HelpButton"   cnt:expand="false"/>
+ 	</vbox>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-plain.xml toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-plain.xml
+index 30b72a3..c8383b8 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-plain.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/zoom-plain.xml
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ <modaldialog sizeable="true" height="142" help-id="SID_ATTR_ZOOM" moveable="true" output-size="true" id="RID_SVXDLG_ZOOM" sv-look="true" text="Zoom" width="160" xmlns=""; xmlns:cnt="";>
+     <vbox>
+         <fixedline height="8" id="FL_ZOOM" text="Zoom factor" width="92" x="6" y="3"/>
+-        <okbutton def-button="true" height="14" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK" width="50" x="104" y="6"/>
++        <okbutton defbutton="true" height="14" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK" width="50" x="104" y="6"/>
+         <radiobutton height="10" id="BTN_WHOLE_PAGE" width="80" x="12" y="14"/>
+         <cancelbutton height="14" id="BTN_ZOOM_CANCEL" width="50" x="104" y="23"/>
+         <radiobutton height="10" id="BTN_PAGE_WIDTH" width="80" x="12" y="27"/>
+diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/zoom.xml toolkit/workben/layout/zoom.xml
+index 5938643..9f9d782 100644
+--- toolkit/workben/layout/zoom.xml
++++ toolkit/workben/layout/zoom.xml
+@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
+         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
+ 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
+ 	    <flow/>
+-	    <okbutton     id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
++	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
+ 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_CANCEL"/>
+-	    <helpbutton   id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
++	    <helpbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
+ 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
+     </vbox>
+ </modaldialog>

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