seed r132 - in trunk: doc examples/ide tests

Author: hortont
Date: Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
New Revision: 132

Add test-maker; update runtime docs (not complete yet); keybindings for 


Modified: trunk/doc/runtime.html
--- trunk/doc/runtime.html	(original)
+++ trunk/doc/runtime.html	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -96,20 +96,148 @@
 var win = new Gtk.Window();
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.printf</b>(format, ...)</div>
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.sprintf</b>(format, ...)</div>
+<code>printf</code> prints, to standard output, a string formatted as specified by <i>format</i>. Following <i>format</i> should be values to substitute, as in C's <code>printf</code>. Most standard printf format strings should work.
+<code>sprintf</code> returns the string, instead of printing it.
+Seed.printf("A number: %d\n", 5);
+Seed.printf("One third is approximately %.3f\n", 1/3);
+Seed.printf("%d %s %d\n", 2, " is not ", 5);
+var my_string = Seed.sprintf("%d + %d = %d", 2, 3, 2+3);
+var my_name = Seed.printf("[%s] is %d characters long!\n", my_string, my_string.length);
 <div class="section"><b>Seed.readline</b>(prompt)</div>
 <p><i>Returns: user input</i></p>
 Uses the GNU Readline library to display a prompt (using the <i>prompt</i> argument) and then wait for input from the user. The readline prompt provides history (using the up and down arrow keys) within a single Seed process.
-Seed.{import_namespace, include, print, readline, prototype, check_syntax, introspect, fork}
+var input = Seed.readline("prompt> ");
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.check_syntax</b>(code)</div>
+Examines a segment of Javascript, looking for syntax errors. If errors are found, an exception is thrown, which can be caught with a try/catch block.
+{ Seed.check_syntax("234[asdf"); }
+{ Seed.print("Something horrible happened!"); }
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.fork</b>()</div>
+<p><i>Returns: pid of child (to parent); 0 (to child)</i></p>
+Creates a new process which is an exact copy of the current one, starting from the next instruction in both processes. It works just as <a href="";>POSIX fork</a> should.
+var pid = Seed.fork();
-when you have things that aren't actually objects , like cluttercolor, you don't have an actual construction and it gets mappppppeed to Clutter.Color._new()
+    // Parent
+    while(1)
+        Seed.print("From Parent");
+    // Child
+    while(1)
+        Seed.print("From Child");
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.setTimeout</b>(code, timeout)</div>
+Evaluates a given segment of Javascript after <i>timeout</i> milliseconds. Keep in mind that this is evaluated in the global context, so local variables surrounding the call to setTimeout will not be available! Also, setTimeout will <b>only</b> work while a GLib main loop is running (after you've called Gtk.main(), etc.).
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.prototype</b>(constructor)</div>
+Returns the prototype for an object created with <i>constructor</i>. This can be used to add methods to all future objects of a particular class.
+Seed.prototype(Gio.FileInputStream).get_contents = function()
+	var stream = Gio.DataInputStream._new(this);
+	var line = stream.read_until("", 0);
+	return line;	
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.introspect</b>(function)</div>
+Returns an object containing information about the function, its arguments, etc. This will eventually support introspection of a wider variety of Javascript types.
+proto = Seed.prototype(Gtk.Window);
+method = Seed.introspect(proto.translate_coordinates);
+for(i in method.args)
+    Seed.print(method.args[i].type)
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.stringify</b>(object)</div>
+Returns a string representing the entire contents of <i>object</i> in a pretty-printed fashion, like that of JSON.
+proto = Seed.prototype(Gtk.Window);
+method = Seed.introspect(proto.translate_coordinates);
+<div class="section"><b>Seed.argv</b></div>
+An array representing the arguments passed to the <code>seed</code> interpreter.
+<div class="section"><b><i>object</i>.signal_<i>signame</i>.connect</b>(function<i>, context</i>)</div>
+Connects <i>function</i> to the signal, <i>signame</i>, on <i>object</i>. Any GObject signal will work. <i>context</i> is passed to the signal handler as the <code>this</code> object; if omitted, the global context is used.
+function button_clicked()
+    Seed.print("You pushed me!!");
+var button = new Gtk.Button();
+<div class="section"><b>Exceptions</b></div>
+Seed throws Javascript exceptions for errors in the GObject layer; our custom exception types are as follows:</p>
+<li><b>InvalidPropertyValue</b> - a property was set to a value out of range</li>
+<li><b>PropertyError</b> - an error occurred in GLib while trying to set a property</li>
+<li><b>NamespaceError</b> - Seed.import_namespace() was called with a nonexistant namespace or namespace version</li>
+<li><b>ArgumentError</b> - a function was called with the wrong number/type of arguments</li>
+<li><b>SyntaxError</b> - a syntax error was thrown from JavaScriptCore</li>
+<li><b>ParseError</b> - a parsing error was thrown from JavaScriptCore (make sure you close all of your brackets!)</li>
+<p>Exceptions are caught with the <code>try/catch</code> construct:</p>
+    var window = new Gtk.Window();
+    window.opacity = "hello!";
+    Seed.print("An exception occurred!");
+<code>e</code> is the name we've given the Exception object in this examle. The Exception object has a handful of properties which provide more information about the exception:</p>
+<li><b>name</b> - the exception type</li>
+<li><b>message</b> - the detailed message describing the exception</li>
+<li><b>line</b> - the line on which the exception took place</li>
+<li><b>sourceURL</b> - the source file, if any, in which the exception took place</li>

Modified: trunk/examples/ide/ide.js
--- trunk/examples/ide/ide.js	(original)
+++ trunk/examples/ide/ide.js	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 Gtk.init(null, null);
 GConf.init(null, null);

Modified: trunk/examples/ide/tabview.js
--- trunk/examples/ide/tabview.js	(original)
+++ trunk/examples/ide/tabview.js	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -61,9 +61,7 @@
 function change_page(notebook, tab, n)
-    //Seed.print("lol");
-    //tabs.get_tab_label(tabs.get_nth_page(n));
-    //update_window();
+    update_window(tabs.get_tab_label(tabs.get_nth_page(n)).get_children()[0].label);
 function ide_ui()

Modified: trunk/examples/ide/toolbar.js
--- trunk/examples/ide/toolbar.js	(original)
+++ trunk/examples/ide/toolbar.js	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+function ide_actions(tab)
+    this.actions = new Gtk.ActionGroup({name:"toolbar"});
+    this.accels = new Gtk.AccelGroup();
+    window.add_accel_group(this.accels);
+    this.new_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"new", label:"New",
+                                      tooltip:"New File", stock_id:"gtk-new"});
+    this.new_action.set_accel_group(this.accels);
+    this.actions.add_action_with_accel(this.new_action, "<Control>n");
+    this.new_action.connect_accelerator();
+    this.new_action.signal_activate.connect(new_file, tab);
+    this.open_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"open", label:"Open",
+                                      tooltip:"Open File", stock_id:"gtk-open"});
+    this.open_action.set_accel_group(this.accels);
+    this.actions.add_action_with_accel(this.open_action, "<Control>o");
+    this.open_action.connect_accelerator();
+    this.open_action.signal_activate.connect(open_file, tab);
+    this.save_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"save", label:"Save",
+                                      tooltip:"Save File", stock_id:"gtk-save"});
+    this.save_action.set_accel_group(this.accels);
+    this.actions.add_action_with_accel(this.save_action, "<Control>s");
+    this.save_action.connect_accelerator();
+    this.save_action.signal_activate.connect(save_file, tab);
+    this.undo_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"undo", label:"Undo",
+                                      tooltip:"Undo", stock_id:"gtk-undo"});
+    this.undo_action.signal_activate.connect(undo, tab);
+    this.redo_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"redo", label:"Redo",
+                                      tooltip:"Redo", stock_id:"gtk-redo"});
+    this.redo_action.signal_activate.connect(redo, tab);
+    this.execute_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"execute", label:"Execute",
+                                      tooltip:"Execute File", stock_id:"gtk-execute"});
+    this.execute_action.set_accel_group(this.accels);
+    this.actions.add_action_with_accel(this.execute_action, "<Control>r");
+    this.execute_action.connect_accelerator();
+    this.execute_action.signal_activate.connect(execute, tab);
 function new_file(sv)
     var tab = new ide_tab("");
@@ -77,21 +121,15 @@
 function ide_toolbar(tab)
+    actions = new ide_actions(tab);
     this.toolbar = new Gtk.Toolbar();
-    this.new_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-new"});
-    this.open_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-open"});
-    this.save_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-save"});
-    this.undo_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-undo"});
-    this.redo_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-redo"});
-    this.run_button = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-execute"});
-    this.new_button.signal_clicked.connect(new_file, tab);
-    this.open_button.signal_clicked.connect(open_file, tab);
-    this.save_button.signal_clicked.connect(save_file, tab);
-    this.undo_button.signal_clicked.connect(undo, tab);
-    this.redo_button.signal_clicked.connect(redo, tab);
-    this.run_button.signal_clicked.connect(execute, tab);
+    this.new_button = actions.new_action.create_tool_item();
+    this.open_button = actions.open_action.create_tool_item();
+    this.save_button = actions.save_action.create_tool_item();
+    this.undo_button = actions.undo_action.create_tool_item();
+    this.redo_button = actions.redo_action.create_tool_item();
+    this.execute_button = actions.execute_action.create_tool_item();
     this.toolbar.insert(this.new_button, -1);
     this.toolbar.insert(this.open_button, -1);
@@ -100,6 +138,6 @@
     this.toolbar.insert(this.undo_button, -1);
     this.toolbar.insert(this.redo_button, -1);
     this.toolbar.insert(new Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1);
-    this.toolbar.insert(this.run_button, -1);
+    this.toolbar.insert(this.execute_button, -1);

Added: trunk/tests/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/tests/	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import stat
+rfile = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
+test_code = rfile.readlines()
+if(test_code[1].find("// STDIN") >= 0):
+    test_in = test_code[1].replace("// STDIN:","").rstrip().replace("\\n","\n")
+    test_in = ""
+(n,out,err) = os.popen3("./" + sys.argv[1])
+if(test_in != ""):
+	n.write(test_in + "\004")
+	n.close()
+outf = open(sys.argv[1].replace("_.js",".js"),"w")
+def sanitize(san):
+    san = san.replace("(","\\(");
+    san = san.replace(")","\\)");
+    san = san.replace("[","\\[");
+    san = san.replace("]","\\]");
+    san = san.replace("{","\\{");
+    san = san.replace("}","\\}");
+    san = san.replace(".","\\.");
+    san = san.replace("*","\\*");
+    san = san.replace("$","\\$");
+    san = san.replace("^","\\^");
+    san = san.replace("/","\\/");
+    san = san.replace("\\","\\\\");
+    san = san.replace("+","\\+");
+    return san
+outf.write("// Returns: 0\n")
+outf.write("// STDIN:" + test_in + "\n")
+outf.write("// STDOUT:" + sanitize("".join(out.readlines()).rstrip()) + "\n")
+outf.write("// STDERR:" + sanitize("".join(out.readlines()).rstrip()) + "\n")
+os.chmod(sys.argv[1].replace("_.js",".js"), stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IWRITE)

Modified: trunk/tests/
--- trunk/tests/	(original)
+++ trunk/tests/	Wed Nov  5 19:59:17 2008
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 failed = []
 for f in os.listdir("."):
-	if f.endswith(".js"):
+	if f.endswith(".js") and not f.endswith("_.js"):
 		rfile = open(f, "r")
 		test_code = rfile.readlines()
 		test_in = test_code[2].replace("// STDIN:","").rstrip().replace("\\n","\n");

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