gnomemm r1523 - in geglmm/trunk: . examples

Author: hub
Date: Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
New Revision: 1523

	* examples/
	* examples/
	* examples/
	* examples/
	* examples/
	Examples for Geglmm. Only hello-world work, the
	others need API updates.

   geglmm/trunk/examples/   (props changed)

Added: geglmm/trunk/examples/
--- (empty file)
+++ geglmm/trunk/examples/	Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/buffer.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/init.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/node.h>
+main (gint    argc,
+      gchar **argv)
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Buffer> buffer;
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node>   gegl, load_file, save_file;
+  Gegl::init (&argc, &argv);
+  if (argv[1]==NULL ||
+      argv[2]==NULL)
+    {
+      g_print ("\nusage: %s in.png out.gegl\n\nCreates a GeglBuffer from an image file.\n\n", argv[0]);
+      exit (-1);
+    }
+  gegl = Gegl::Node::create();
+  load_file = gegl->new_child ( "operation", "load");
+  load_file->set("path", argv[1], NULL);
+  save_file = gegl->new_child ( "operation", "save-buffer");
+  save_file->set("buffer", buffer->gobj(), NULL);
+  load_file->link (save_file);
+  save_file->process ();
+// New API in 0.0.17.
+//  buffer->save (argv[2]);
+  return 0;

Modified: geglmm/trunk/examples/
--- geglmm/trunk/examples/	(original)
+++ geglmm/trunk/examples/	Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 include Makefile.am_fragment
-noinst_PROGRAMS = hello-world
+noinst_PROGRAMS = hello-world geglbuffer-clock 2geglbuffer geglbuffer-add-image
 hello_world_SOURCES =
 #hello_world_LDFLAGS    = $(common_ldflags)
 #hello_world_LDADD     = $(LIBGEGLMM_LIBS)

Added: geglmm/trunk/examples/
--- (empty file)
+++ geglmm/trunk/examples/	Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include <libgeglmm/node.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/init.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/buffer.h>
+main (gint    argc,
+      gchar **argv)
+  Gegl::init(&argc, &argv);  /* initialize the GEGL library */
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Buffer> buffer; /* instantiate a graph */
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node>   gegl;   /* the gegl graph we're using as a node factor */
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node>   write_buffer,
+             shift,
+             load;
+  gchar *in_file;
+  gchar *buf_file;
+  gdouble x;
+  gdouble y;
+  if (argv[1]==NULL ||
+      argv[2]==NULL ||
+      argv[3]==NULL ||
+      argv[4]==NULL)
+    {
+      g_print ("\nUsage: %s <gegl buffer> <image file> <x> <y>\n"
+               "\nWrites an image into the GeglBuffer at the specified coordinates\n",
+               argv[0]);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  buf_file = argv[1];
+  in_file = argv[2];
+  x = atof (argv[3]);
+  y = atof (argv[4]);
+//  buffer = Gegl::Buffer::create_from_file (buf_file);
+  gegl = Gegl::Node::create();
+  write_buffer = gegl->new_child ("operation", "write-buffer");
+  write_buffer->set("buffer", buffer->gobj(), NULL);
+  shift      = gegl->new_child ("operation", "shift");
+  shift->set ( "x", x, "y", y, NULL);
+  load        = gegl->new_child ("operation", "load");
+  load->set ("path", in_file, NULL);
+  load->link(shift);
+  load->link(write_buffer);
+  write_buffer->process ();
+  /* free resources used by the graph and the nodes it owns */
+  // nothing to do, this is C++ :-)
+  /* free resources globally used by GEGL */
+//  gegl_exit ();
+  return 0;

Added: geglmm/trunk/examples/
--- (empty file)
+++ geglmm/trunk/examples/	Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#include <libgeglmm/node.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/init.h>
+#include <libgeglmm/color.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
+main (gint    argc,
+      gchar **argv)
+  if (argv[1]==NULL)
+    {
+      g_print ("\nUsage: %s <GeglBuffer>\n"
+               "\n"
+               "Continously writes a timestamp to 0,0 in the buffer\n", argv[0]);
+      exit (-1);
+    }
+  Gegl::init (&argc, &argv);  /* initialize the GEGL library */
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node>   gegl;   /* the gegl graph we're using as a node factor */
+  Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node>   display,
+             text,
+             layer,
+             crop,
+             shift,
+             blank;
+  gegl = Gegl::Node::create ();
+  blank      = gegl->new_child ("operation", "color");
+  blank->set ("value", Gegl::Color::create ("rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.4)")->gobj(), NULL);
+  crop       = gegl->new_child ("operation", "crop");
+  crop->set ("x", 0.0, "y", 0.0, "width", 260.0, "height", 22.0, NULL);
+  layer      = gegl->new_child ("operation", "layer");
+  shift      = gegl->new_child ("operation", "shift");
+  shift->set("x", 0.0, "y", 0.0, NULL);
+  text       = gegl->new_child ("operation", "text");
+  text->set ("size", 20.0, NULL);
+                             /*      "color", gegl_color_new ("rgb(0.0,0.0,0.0)"),*/
+  display    = gegl->new_child ("operation", "composite-buffer");
+  display->set ("path", argv[1], NULL);
+  blank->link(crop);
+  blank->link(layer);
+  blank->link(shift);
+  blank->link(display);
+  text->connect_to("output", layer, "aux");
+  /* request that the save node is processed, all dependencies will
+   * be processed as well
+   */
+  {
+    gint frame;
+    gint frames = 1024;
+    GTimeVal val;
+    for (frame=0; frame<frames; frame++)
+      {
+        gchar string[512];
+        struct timeval tv;
+        int t = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+	text->set("string", ctime((const time_t*)&t), NULL);
+	display->process();
+        g_usleep (1000000);
+      }
+  }
+  /* free resources globally used by GEGL */
+//  gegl_exit ();
+  return 0;

Modified: geglmm/trunk/examples/
--- geglmm/trunk/examples/	(original)
+++ geglmm/trunk/examples/	Thu May 22 04:21:16 2008
@@ -39,14 +39,11 @@
     /*< The image nodes representing operations we want to perform */
     Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node> display = gegl->create_child("display");
     Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node> layer = gegl->new_child("operation", "layer");
-    layer->set_property ("x", 2.0);
-    layer->set_property ("y", 4.0);
+    layer->set ("x", 2.0, "y", 4.0, NULL);
     Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node> text = gegl->new_child("operation", "text");
-    text->set_property ("size", 10.0);
-    text->set_property ("color", Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Color>(Gegl::Color::create ("rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0)")));
+    text->set ("size", 10.0, "color", Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Color>(Gegl::Color::create ("rgb(1.0,1.0,1.0)"))->gobj(), NULL);
     Glib::RefPtr<Gegl::Node> mandelbrot = gegl->new_child ("operation", "fractal-explorer");
-    mandelbrot->set_property ("width", 512);
-    mandelbrot->set_property ("height", 384);
+    mandelbrot->set ("width", 512, "height", 384, NULL);
     mandelbrot->link (layer);
     mandelbrot->link (display);
@@ -62,28 +59,26 @@
       for (frame=0; frame<frames; frame++)
           gchar string[512];
-          gdouble t = frame * 1.0/frames;
-          gdouble cx = -1.76;
-          gdouble cy = 0.0;
+          double t = frame * 1.0/frames;
+          double cx = -1.76;
+          double cy = 0.0;
 #define INTERPOLATE(min,max) ((max)*(t)+(min)*(1.0-t))
-          gdouble xmin = INTERPOLATE(  cx-0.02, cx-2.5);
-          gdouble ymin = INTERPOLATE(  cy-0.02, cy-2.5);
-          gdouble xmax = INTERPOLATE(  cx+0.02, cx+2.5);
-          gdouble ymax = INTERPOLATE(  cy+0.02, cy+2.5);
+          double xmin = INTERPOLATE(  cx-0.02, cx-2.5);
+          double ymin = INTERPOLATE(  cy-0.02, cy-2.5);
+          double xmax = INTERPOLATE(  cx+-1.02, cx+2.5);
+          double ymax = INTERPOLATE(  cy+0.02, cy+2.5);
           if (xmin<-3.0)
           if (ymin<-3.0)
-          mandelbrot->set_property ("xmin", xmin);
-          mandelbrot->set_property ("ymin", ymin);
-          mandelbrot->set_property ("xmax", xmax);
-	  mandelbrot->set_property ("ymax", ymax);
+          mandelbrot->set ("xmin", xmin, "ymin", ymin, "xmax", xmax, "ymax", ymax, NULL);
           snprintf (string, sizeof string, "%1.3f,%1.3f %1.3fÃ%1.3f", xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin);
-          text->set_property ("string", &string);
+          text->set ("string", string, NULL);
           display->process ();

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