ooo-build r12597 - in branches/ooo-build-2-4: . patches/src680

Author: pmladek
Date: Mon May 19 17:29:16 2008
New Revision: 12597

2008-05-19  Thorsten Behrens  <tbehrens novell com>

	* patches/src680/svx-hatched-textmove.diff: to ease moving a
	Draw/Impress textframe with the mouse, added the hatched border
	(similar to text edit mode) also for simple
	selection&rotation. Also fixed wrong resize handles for rotated
	shapes (was disregarding non-rotational-symmetric cursors before).
	* patches/src680/apply: added above patch only for SLED10 and
	  NovellLikeWin32; it needs more testing before enabled everywhere


Modified: branches/ooo-build-2-4/patches/src680/apply
--- branches/ooo-build-2-4/patches/src680/apply	(original)
+++ branches/ooo-build-2-4/patches/src680/apply	Mon May 19 17:29:16 2008
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 SUSE-9.2  : NovellBase
 SUSE-9.3  : NovellBase
 SUSE-10.0 : NovellBase
-SUSE-10.1 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43
+SUSE-10.1 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, TextMove
 SUSE-10.2 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus
 SUSE-10.3 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, EMFPlus
 SUSE-11.0 : NovellBase, BerkeleyDB43, Gcc43, EMFPlus, TransparentPrinting, PptExport, LinkWarningDlg
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 translate-org-za-linux: translate-org-za-common, LinuxCommon, Common, Lockdown
 translate-org-za-win32: translate-org-za-common, Win32Common, Common
-NovellLikeWin32: Win32Common, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyWin32, Lockdown, CalcSolver, cairocanvas, Fpickers, CustomUserConfig, CalcDataPilotDrillDown
+NovellLikeWin32: Win32Common, NovellOnly, NovellOnlyWin32, Lockdown, CalcSolver, cairocanvas, Fpickers, CustomUserConfig, CalcDataPilotDrillDown, TextMove
 # Novell
 NovellWin32: NovellLikeWin32
 NovellWin32ISO: NovellLikeWin32
@@ -2322,6 +2322,9 @@
 # don't do dns lookup on startup
 lockfile-dont-do-dns-lookup.diff, n#389257, jholesov
+[ TextMove ]
+svx-hatched-textmove.diff, n#384563, thorsten
 [ LinkWarningDlg ]
 linkwarn-dlg-in-apps.diff, n#348149, thorsten
 linkwarn-sfx2-disable-cb-persistency.diff, n#348149, thorsten

Added: branches/ooo-build-2-4/patches/src680/svx-hatched-textmove.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/ooo-build-2-4/patches/src680/svx-hatched-textmove.diff	Mon May 19 17:29:16 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+--- svx/inc/svx/svdhdl.hxx	6 Jul 2007 13:17:50 -0000	1.3
++++ svx/inc/svx/svdhdl.hxx	19 May 2008 00:23:59 -0000
+@@ -442,6 +442,19 @@ public:
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++class ImpTextframeHdl: public SdrHdl
++    const Rectangle maRect;
++	// create marker for this kind
++	virtual void CreateB2dIAObject();
++	explicit ImpTextframeHdl(const Rectangle& rRect);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
++++ svx/inc/svx/sdr/overlay/overlayhatchrect.hxx	19 May 2008 00:23:59 -0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ *  $RCSfile: overlaybitmap.hxx,v $
++ *
++ *  $Revision: 1.2 $
++ *
++ *  last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2006/11/14 13:06:40 $
++ *
++ *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ *    =============================================
++ *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ *    MA  02111-1307  USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include <svx/sdr/overlay/overlayobject.hxx>
++#include <vcl/hatch.hxx>
++#include <tools/gen.hxx>
++class PolyPolygon;
++namespace sdr
++	namespace overlay
++	{
++		class OverlayHatchRect : public OverlayObjectWithBasePosition
++		{
++            // the actual hatching to use
++            const Hatch            maHatch;
++            const sal_Int32        mnWidthPixel;
++            const sal_Int32        mnRotAngle;
++			basegfx::B2DPoint		maSecondPosition;
++            PolyPolygon getGeometry(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice);
++			// Draw geometry
++			virtual void drawGeometry(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice);
++			// Create the BaseRange. This method needs to calculate maBaseRange.
++			virtual void createBaseRange(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice);
++		public:
++			OverlayHatchRect(
++				const basegfx::B2DPoint& rBasePos,
++				const Hatch& rHatch,
++                sal_Int32 nRotAngle,
++                sal_Int32 nWidthPixel );
++			const basegfx::B2DPoint& getSecondPosition() const { return maSecondPosition; }
++            void setSecondPosition(const basegfx::B2DPoint&);
++			// Zoom has changed. If the objects logical size
++			// depends on the MapMode of the used OutputDevice, use this call
++			// to invalidate the range in logical coordinates.
++			virtual void zoomHasChanged();
++		};
++	} // end of namespace overlay
++} // end of namespace sdr
++// eof
+--- svx/source/sdr/overlay/	17 Nov 2006 16:15:37 -0000	1.3
++++ svx/source/sdr/overlay/	19 May 2008 00:24:10 -0000
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ SLOFILES=\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlaytriangle.obj				\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlaycrosshair.obj			\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlayhelpline.obj				\
++		$(SLO)$/overlayhatchrect.obj			\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlayrollingrectangle.obj		\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlaypolypolygon.obj			\
+ 		$(SLO)$/overlaysdrobject.obj
+--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
++++ svx/source/sdr/overlay/overlayhatchrect.cxx	19 May 2008 00:24:10 -0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ *  $RCSfile: overlaybitmap.cxx,v $
++ *
++ *  $Revision: 1.4 $
++ *
++ *  last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007/07/18 10:54:23 $
++ *
++ *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ *    =============================================
++ *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ *    MA  02111-1307  USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
++#include <svx/sdr/overlay/overlayhatchrect.hxx>
++#include <vcl/hatch.hxx>
++#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
++namespace sdr
++	namespace overlay
++	{
++        PolyPolygon OverlayHatchRect::getGeometry(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice)
++        {
++			const basegfx::B2DPoint aDiscreteTopLeft(rOutputDevice.GetViewTransformation() * getBasePosition());
++			const basegfx::B2DPoint aDiscreteBottomRight(rOutputDevice.GetViewTransformation() * getSecondPosition());
++			const Rectangle aPixRect((sal_Int32)floor(aDiscreteTopLeft.getX()), 
++                                     (sal_Int32)floor(aDiscreteTopLeft.getY()),
++                                     (sal_Int32)floor(aDiscreteBottomRight.getX()), 
++                                     (sal_Int32)floor(aDiscreteBottomRight.getY()));
++			Rectangle aInnerRect(aPixRect);
++			aInnerRect.Left()+=mnWidthPixel;
++			aInnerRect.Top()+=mnWidthPixel;
++			aInnerRect.Right()-=mnWidthPixel;
++			aInnerRect.Bottom()-=mnWidthPixel;			
++			Rectangle aOuterPix(aPixRect);
++			aOuterPix.Left()-=mnWidthPixel;
++			aOuterPix.Top()-=mnWidthPixel;
++			aOuterPix.Right()+=mnWidthPixel;
++			aOuterPix.Bottom()+=mnWidthPixel;
++			PolyPolygon aPolyPoly( 2 );
++			aPolyPoly.Insert( aOuterPix );
++			aPolyPoly.Insert( aInnerRect );
++            aPolyPoly.Rotate(aPixRect.TopLeft(), mnRotAngle/10);
++            return aPolyPoly;
++        }
++		void OverlayHatchRect::drawGeometry(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice)
++		{
++			const PolyPolygon aPoly( getGeometry(rOutputDevice) );
++			const bool bMapModeWasEnabled(rOutputDevice.IsMapModeEnabled());
++			rOutputDevice.EnableMapMode(false);
++			rOutputDevice.DrawHatch( aPoly, maHatch );
++			// restore MapMode
++			rOutputDevice.EnableMapMode(bMapModeWasEnabled);
++		}
++		void OverlayHatchRect::createBaseRange(OutputDevice& rOutputDevice)
++		{
++			// reset range and expand it
++			maBaseRange.reset();
++            const Rectangle aBounds(getGeometry(rOutputDevice).GetBoundRect());
++            maBaseRange = basegfx::B2DRange(
++                aBounds.Left(),
++                aBounds.Top(),
++                aBounds.Right(),
++                aBounds.Bottom());
++			maBaseRange.transform(rOutputDevice.GetInverseViewTransformation());
++		}
++        OverlayHatchRect::OverlayHatchRect(
++				const basegfx::B2DPoint& rBasePos,
++				const Hatch& rHatch,
++                sal_Int32 nRotAngle,
++                sal_Int32 nWidthPixel) :
++            OverlayObjectWithBasePosition(rBasePos, Color(COL_TRANSPARENT)),
++            maHatch(rHatch),
++            mnWidthPixel(nWidthPixel),
++            mnRotAngle(nRotAngle),
++            maSecondPosition()
++		{
++		}
++		void OverlayHatchRect::setSecondPosition(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rNew)
++		{
++			if(rNew != maSecondPosition)
++			{
++				// remember new value
++				maSecondPosition = rNew;
++				// register change (after change)
++				objectChange();
++			}
++		}
++		void OverlayHatchRect::zoomHasChanged()
++		{
++			// reset validity of range in logical coor to force recalculation
++			mbIsChanged = sal_True;
++		}
++	} // end of namespace overlay
++} // end of namespace sdr
++// eof
+--- svx/source/svdraw/svdhdl.cxx	10 Jan 2008 14:22:56 -0000
++++ svx/source/svdraw/svdhdl.cxx	19 May 2008 00:24:13 -0000
+@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@
+ #include <svx/sdr/overlay/overlaytriangle.hxx>
+ #endif
++#include <svx/sdr/overlay/overlayhatchrect.hxx>
+ #include <svx/sdrpagewindow.hxx>
+ #endif
+@@ -856,45 +858,48 @@ bool SdrHdl::IsHdlHit(const Point& rPnt)
+ Pointer SdrHdl::GetPointer() const
+ {
+     PointerStyle ePtr=POINTER_MOVE;
+-    BOOL bSize=eKind>=HDL_UPLFT && eKind<=HDL_LWRGT;
+-    // Fuer Resize von gedrehten Rechtecken die Mauszeiger etwas mitdrehen
+-    if (bSize && nDrehWink!=0) {
+-        long nHdlWink=0;
++    const BOOL bSize=eKind>=HDL_UPLFT && eKind<=HDL_LWRGT;
++    const BOOL bRot=pHdlList!=NULL && pHdlList->IsRotateShear();
++    const BOOL bDis=pHdlList!=NULL && pHdlList->IsDistortShear();
++    if (bSize && pHdlList!=NULL && (bRot || bDis)) {
+         switch (eKind) {
+-            case HDL_UPLFT: nHdlWink=13500; break;
+-            case HDL_UPPER: nHdlWink=9000;  break;
+-            case HDL_UPRGT: nHdlWink=4500;  break;
+-            case HDL_LEFT : nHdlWink=0;     break;
+-            case HDL_RIGHT: nHdlWink=0;     break;
+-            case HDL_LWLFT: nHdlWink=4500;  break;
+-            case HDL_LOWER: nHdlWink=9000;  break;
+-            case HDL_LWRGT: nHdlWink=13500; break;
++            case HDL_UPLFT: case HDL_UPRGT:
++            case HDL_LWLFT: case HDL_LWRGT: ePtr=bRot ? POINTER_ROTATE : POINTER_REFHAND; break;
++            case HDL_LEFT : case HDL_RIGHT: ePtr=POINTER_VSHEAR; break;
++            case HDL_UPPER: case HDL_LOWER: ePtr=POINTER_HSHEAR; break;
+             default:
+                 break;
+         }
+-        nHdlWink+=nDrehWink+2249; // und etwas drauf (zum runden)
+-        while (nHdlWink<0) nHdlWink+=18000;
+-        while (nHdlWink>=18000) nHdlWink-=18000;
+-        nHdlWink/=4500;
+-        switch ((BYTE)nHdlWink) {
+-            case 0: ePtr=POINTER_ESIZE;    break;
+-            case 1: ePtr=POINTER_NESIZE; break;
+-            case 2: ePtr=POINTER_SSIZE;    break;
+-            case 3: ePtr=POINTER_SESIZE; break;
+-        } // switch
+-    }
+-    if (ePtr==POINTER_MOVE) {
+-        BOOL bRot=pHdlList!=NULL && pHdlList->IsRotateShear();
+-        BOOL bDis=pHdlList!=NULL && pHdlList->IsDistortShear();
+-        if (bSize && pHdlList!=NULL && (bRot || bDis)) {
++    } else {
++        // Fuer Resize von gedrehten Rechtecken die Mauszeiger etwas mitdrehen
++        if (bSize && nDrehWink!=0) {
++            long nHdlWink=0;
+             switch (eKind) {
+-                case HDL_UPLFT: case HDL_UPRGT:
+-                case HDL_LWLFT: case HDL_LWRGT: ePtr=bRot ? POINTER_ROTATE : POINTER_REFHAND; break;
+-                case HDL_LEFT : case HDL_RIGHT: ePtr=POINTER_VSHEAR; break;
+-                case HDL_UPPER: case HDL_LOWER: ePtr=POINTER_HSHEAR; break;
++                case HDL_LWRGT: nHdlWink=31500; break;
++                case HDL_LOWER: nHdlWink=27000; break;
++                case HDL_LWLFT: nHdlWink=22500; break;
++                case HDL_LEFT : nHdlWink=18000; break;
++                case HDL_UPLFT: nHdlWink=13500; break;
++                case HDL_UPPER: nHdlWink=9000;  break;
++                case HDL_UPRGT: nHdlWink=4500;  break;
++                case HDL_RIGHT: nHdlWink=0;     break;
+                 default:
+                     break;
+             }
++            nHdlWink+=nDrehWink+2249; // und etwas drauf (zum runden)
++            while (nHdlWink<0) nHdlWink+=36000;
++            while (nHdlWink>=36000) nHdlWink-=36000;
++            nHdlWink/=4500;
++            switch ((BYTE)nHdlWink) {
++                case 0: ePtr=POINTER_ESIZE;  break;
++                case 1: ePtr=POINTER_NESIZE; break;
++                case 2: ePtr=POINTER_NSIZE;  break;
++                case 3: ePtr=POINTER_NWSIZE; break;
++                case 4: ePtr=POINTER_WSIZE;  break;
++                case 5: ePtr=POINTER_SWSIZE; break;
++                case 6: ePtr=POINTER_SSIZE;  break;
++                case 7: ePtr=POINTER_SESIZE; break;
++            } // switch
+         } else {
+             switch (eKind) {
+                 case HDL_UPLFT: ePtr=POINTER_NWSIZE;  break;
+@@ -1682,6 +1687,66 @@ Pointer ImpMeasureHdl::GetPointer() cons
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ImpTextframeHdl::ImpTextframeHdl(const Rectangle& rRect) : 
++    SdrHdl(rRect.TopLeft(),HDL_MOVE),
++    maRect(rRect)
++void ImpTextframeHdl::CreateB2dIAObject()
++	// first throw away old one
++	GetRidOfIAObject();
++	if(pHdlList)
++	{
++		SdrMarkView* pView = pHdlList->GetView();
++		if(pView && !pView->areMarkHandlesHidden())
++		{
++			SdrPageView* pPageView = pView->GetSdrPageView();
++			if(pPageView)
++			{
++				for(sal_uInt32 b(0L); b < pPageView->PageWindowCount(); b++)
++				{
++					const SdrPageWindow& rPageWindow = *pPageView->GetPageWindow(b);
++					if(rPageWindow.GetPaintWindow().OutputToWindow())
++					{
++						if(rPageWindow.GetOverlayManager())
++						{
++                            const basegfx::B2DPoint aTopLeft(maRect.Left(), maRect.Top());
++                            const basegfx::B2DPoint aBottomRight(maRect.Right(), maRect.Bottom());
++                            svtools::ColorConfig aColorConfig;
++                            Color aHatchCol( aColorConfig.GetColorValue( svtools::FONTCOLOR ).nColor );
++                            ::sdr::overlay::OverlayHatchRect* pNewOverlayObject = 
++                                  new ::sdr::overlay::OverlayHatchRect(
++                                      aTopLeft,
++                                      Hatch(HATCH_SINGLE, aHatchCol, 3, 450),
++                                      nDrehWink,
++                                      4 );
++                            pNewOverlayObject->setHittable(false);
++                            pNewOverlayObject->setSecondPosition(aBottomRight);
++                            // OVERLAYMANAGER
++                            if(pNewOverlayObject)
++                            {
++                                rPageWindow.GetOverlayManager()->add(*pNewOverlayObject);
++                                maOverlayGroup.append(*pNewOverlayObject);
++                            }
++                        }
++                    }
++                }
++            }
++		}
++	}
+ class ImpSdrHdlListSorter: public ContainerSorter {
+ public:
+     ImpSdrHdlListSorter(Container& rNewCont): ContainerSorter(rNewCont) {}
+diff -u -p -r1.35 svdmrkv.cxx
+--- svx/source/svdraw/svdmrkv.cxx	28 Aug 2007 13:50:49 -0000	1.35
++++ svx/source/svdraw/svdmrkv.cxx	19 May 2008 00:24:14 -0000
+@@ -716,10 +729,15 @@ void SdrMarkView::SetMarkHandles()
+ 	{
+ 		ULONG nMarkAnz=GetMarkedObjectCount();
+ 		BOOL bStdDrag=eDragMode==SDRDRAG_MOVE;
++		BOOL bSingleTextObjMark=FALSE;
+ 		if (nMarkAnz==1) 
+ 		{
+ 			pMarkedObj=GetMarkedObjectByIndex(0);
++            bSingleTextObjMark = 
++                pMarkedObj && 
++                pMarkedObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) &&
++                static_cast<SdrTextObj*>(pMarkedObj)->IsTextFrame();
+ 		}
+ 		BOOL bFrmHdl=ImpIsFrameHandles();
+@@ -752,28 +770,44 @@ void SdrMarkView::SetMarkHandles()
+ 			if(!aRect.IsEmpty() && !bHideHandlesWhenInTextEdit) 
+ 			{ // sonst nix gefunden
+-				BOOL bWdt0=aRect.Left()==aRect.Right();
+-				BOOL bHgt0=aRect.Top()==aRect.Bottom();
+-				if (bWdt0 && bHgt0) 
+-				{
+-					aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft(),HDL_UPLFT));
+-				} 
+-				else if (!bStdDrag && (bWdt0 || bHgt0)) 
+-				{
+-					aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft()    ,HDL_UPLFT));
+-					aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomRight(),HDL_LWRGT));
+-				} 
+-				else 
+-				{
+-					if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft()     ,HDL_UPLFT));
+-					if (          !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopCenter()   ,HDL_UPPER));
+-					if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopRight()    ,HDL_UPRGT));
+-					if (!bWdt0          ) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.LeftCenter()  ,HDL_LEFT ));
+-					if (!bWdt0          ) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.RightCenter() ,HDL_RIGHT));
+-					if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomLeft()  ,HDL_LWLFT));
+-					if (          !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomCenter(),HDL_LOWER));
+-					if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomRight() ,HDL_LWRGT));
+-				}
++                if( bSingleTextObjMark )
++                {
++                    const ULONG nSiz0=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
++                    pMarkedObj->AddToHdlList(aHdl);
++                    const ULONG nSiz1=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
++                    for (ULONG i=nSiz0; i<nSiz1; i++) 
++                    {
++                        SdrHdl* pHdl=aHdl.GetHdl(i);
++                        pHdl->SetObj(pMarkedObj);
++                        pHdl->SetPageView(pMarkedPV);
++                        pHdl->SetObjHdlNum(USHORT(i-nSiz0));
++                    }
++                }
++                else
++                {
++                    BOOL bWdt0=aRect.Left()==aRect.Right();
++                    BOOL bHgt0=aRect.Top()==aRect.Bottom();
++                    if (bWdt0 && bHgt0) 
++                    {
++                        aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft(),HDL_UPLFT));
++                    } 
++                    else if (!bStdDrag && (bWdt0 || bHgt0)) 
++                    {
++                        aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft()    ,HDL_UPLFT));
++                        aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomRight(),HDL_LWRGT));
++                    } 
++                    else 
++                    {
++                        if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopLeft()     ,HDL_UPLFT));
++                        if (          !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopCenter()   ,HDL_UPPER));
++                        if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.TopRight()    ,HDL_UPRGT));
++                        if (!bWdt0          ) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.LeftCenter()  ,HDL_LEFT ));
++                        if (!bWdt0          ) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.RightCenter() ,HDL_RIGHT));
++                        if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomLeft()  ,HDL_LWLFT));
++                        if (          !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomCenter(),HDL_LOWER));
++                        if (!bWdt0 && !bHgt0) aHdl.AddHdl(new SdrHdl(aRect.BottomRight() ,HDL_LWRGT));
++                    }
++                }
+ 			}
+ 		} 
+ 		else 
+@@ -783,9 +817,9 @@ void SdrMarkView::SetMarkHandles()
+ 				const SdrMark* pM=GetSdrMarkByIndex(nMarkNum);
+ 				SdrObject* pObj=pM->GetMarkedSdrObj();
+ 				SdrPageView* pPV=pM->GetPageView();
+-				ULONG nSiz0=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
++				const ULONG nSiz0=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
+ 				pObj->AddToHdlList(aHdl);
+-				ULONG nSiz1=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
++				const ULONG nSiz1=aHdl.GetHdlCount();
+ 				bool bPoly=pObj->IsPolyObj();
+ 				const SdrUShortCont* pMrkPnts=pM->GetMarkedPoints();
+ 				for (ULONG i=nSiz0; i<nSiz1; i++) 
+--- svx/source/svdraw/svdorect.cxx	26 Nov 2007 14:56:13 -0000	1.29
++++ svx/source/svdraw/svdorect.cxx	19 May 2008 00:24:14 -0000
+@@ -595,25 +595,35 @@ SdrHdl* SdrRectObj::GetHdl(sal_uInt32 nH
+ 	SdrHdl* pH=NULL;
+ 	Point aPnt;
+ 	SdrHdlKind eKind=HDL_MOVE;
+-	switch (nHdlNum) {
+-		case 0: {
+-			long a=GetEckenradius();
+-			long b=Max(aRect.GetWidth(),aRect.GetHeight())/2; // Wird aufgerundet, da GetWidth() eins draufaddiert
+-			if (a>b) a=b;
+-			if (a<0) a=0;
+-			aPnt=aRect.TopLeft();
+-			aPnt.X()+=a;
+-			eKind=HDL_CIRC;
+-		} break; // Eckenradius
+-		case 1: aPnt=aRect.TopLeft();      eKind=HDL_UPLFT; break; // Oben links
+-		case 2: aPnt=aRect.TopCenter();    eKind=HDL_UPPER; break; // Oben
+-		case 3: aPnt=aRect.TopRight();     eKind=HDL_UPRGT; break; // Oben rechts
+-		case 4: aPnt=aRect.LeftCenter();   eKind=HDL_LEFT ; break; // Links
+-		case 5: aPnt=aRect.RightCenter();  eKind=HDL_RIGHT; break; // Rechts
+-		case 6: aPnt=aRect.BottomLeft();   eKind=HDL_LWLFT; break; // Unten links
+-		case 7: aPnt=aRect.BottomCenter(); eKind=HDL_LOWER; break; // Unten
+-		case 8: aPnt=aRect.BottomRight();  eKind=HDL_LWRGT; break; // Unten rechts
+-	}
++    if( IsTextFrame() && !nHdlNum )
++    {
++        pH=new ImpTextframeHdl(aRect);
++		pH->SetObj((SdrObject*)this);
++		pH->SetDrehWink(aGeo.nDrehWink);
++        return pH;
++    }
++    else
++    {
++        switch (nHdlNum) {
++            case 0: {
++                long a=GetEckenradius();
++                long b=Max(aRect.GetWidth(),aRect.GetHeight())/2; // Wird aufgerundet, da GetWidth() eins draufaddiert
++                if (a>b) a=b;
++                if (a<0) a=0;
++                aPnt=aRect.TopLeft();
++                aPnt.X()+=a;
++                eKind=HDL_CIRC;
++            } break; // Eckenradius
++            case 1: aPnt=aRect.TopLeft();      eKind=HDL_UPLFT; break; // Oben links
++            case 2: aPnt=aRect.TopCenter();    eKind=HDL_UPPER; break; // Oben
++            case 3: aPnt=aRect.TopRight();     eKind=HDL_UPRGT; break; // Oben rechts
++            case 4: aPnt=aRect.LeftCenter();   eKind=HDL_LEFT ; break; // Links
++            case 5: aPnt=aRect.RightCenter();  eKind=HDL_RIGHT; break; // Rechts
++            case 6: aPnt=aRect.BottomLeft();   eKind=HDL_LWLFT; break; // Unten links
++            case 7: aPnt=aRect.BottomCenter(); eKind=HDL_LOWER; break; // Unten
++            case 8: aPnt=aRect.BottomRight();  eKind=HDL_LWRGT; break; // Unten rechts
++        }
++    }
+ 	if (aGeo.nShearWink!=0) ShearPoint(aPnt,aRect.TopLeft(),aGeo.nTan);
+ 	if (aGeo.nDrehWink!=0) RotatePoint(aPnt,aRect.TopLeft(),aGeo.nSin,aGeo.nCos);
+ 	if (eKind!=HDL_MOVE) {
+--- svx/source/svdraw/svdview.cxx	27 Jun 2007 19:13:08 -0000	1.23
++++ svx/source/svdraw/svdview.cxx	19 May 2008 00:24:14 -0000
+@@ -520,7 +520,9 @@ SdrHitKind SdrView::PickAnything(const P
+ 		if(pOut)
+ 		{
+-			nTolerance = pOut->PixelToLogic(Size(2, 0)).Width();
++            // special-casing text object, as it's otherwise hard to
++            // grab&move with mouse
++			nTolerance = pOut->PixelToLogic(Size(5, 0)).Width();
+ 		}
+ 		if(	(aLocalLogicPosition.X() >= aBoundRect.Left() - nTolerance && aLocalLogicPosition.X() <= aBoundRect.Left() + nTolerance)

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