gnomeweb-wml r6140 - in trunk/ . print
- From: xaviblas svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnomeweb-wml r6140 - in trunk/ . print
- Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 15:16:37 +0000 (UTC)
Author: xaviblas
Date: Mon May 19 15:16:36 2008
New Revision: 6140
fixed old _en files
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Construction of Chronopic_juanfer prototype
-Juan Fernando Pardo has started to release an own Chronopic version, simpler and cheaper.
-He managed to build it in one hour, and the total price in Argentina is like 22 US$
-If you want to use the other Chronopic -more expensive (70 Euros in Spain)- check the <a href="construction.html">construction page</a>.
-<h5>Construction of the Chronopic_juanfer v.1.1 (February, 9, 2007)</h5>
-<!--<img src="" width="436" height="444" hspace="6" vspace="8">-->
-<img src="" width="436" height="444" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer schema.
-<li>All the components are mounted on a prototyping board
-<li>Red, Brown and Orange lines are wires located at the bottom face of the board. Both extremes of the wire are soldered to the pins of the components.
-<li>The blue line is wire located at the top face of the board. Both extremes of the wire are soldered to the pins of the componentes.
-<li>It is recommend the use of sockets for the MAX232 and PIC16F876A components, instead of soldering them directly to the board.
-Bill of materials
-<li>C1: 100nF capacitor
-<li>C2: 1uF 63v Electrolytic Capacitor
-<li>C3: 1uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor
-<li>C4,C5,C6,C7: 22uF/25v Electrolytic Capacitors
-<li>C8,C9: 22pF ceramic capacitors
-<li>X1: 4Mhz quartz crystal oscillator
-<li>CL1,CL2: two terminals package for printed circuit boards
-<li>R1: 10K resistor 5%, 1/4W
-<li>R2: 147 ohms resistor. 5%. 1/4W
-<li>R3: 330 ohms resistor. 5%. 1/4W
-<li>S1,S2: Tack switches for printed circuit boards
-<li>L1: 3mm green Led diode
-<li>MAX232: The max232 chip. RS232-TTL conversor (mounted in a 2x18 pin socket)
-<li>PIC16F876A: Michochip Pic 16F876 microcontroller. 28 DIL package. (mounted in a 2x14 pin socket).
-<li>-One 2x8 socket for the Max232 chip
-<li>-One 2x14 socket for the PIC16f876a chip
-<li>-A 8x5 cm prototyping board
-<h5>Photos of the old Chronopic_juanfer v.01</h5>
-<img src="" width="500" height="390" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer front view.
-<img src="" width="500" height="296" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer rear view.
-<img src="" width="559" height="368" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer schema.
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+Moved <a href="construction_chronopic_juanfer.html">here</a>.
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Construction / Contact Platform
-<h5>"Instruction on how to build a contact platform in order to measure the jump capacity"</h5>
-Authors: <b>Bernat Buscà Safont-Tria, Xavier de Blas Foix and Gabriel Daza Sobrino</b>
-<br>BernatBS blanquerna url es, francescxavierdf blanquerna url es, GabrielDS blanquerna url es
-<br>Professors of Sports Science â College of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports of Blanquerna
-Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
-<br>Original instruction by <b>Dr. Alberto García-Fojeda</b>, professor of Biomechanics of INEFC Lleida.
-Material and tools
-<p><img src="">
-<br><tt>[Pendiente: asociar números de ilustración a materiales y herramientas]</tt>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><th> MATERIALS (for the blanket of 0,80m x 1,10m) </th><th> PRICE (approximately) </th></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 21m of iron strap made of tempered steel of 13mm of width and 0.50mm of thickness (for 30 sticks of 70cm) </td><td> 38 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of double slide tape Scotch 3M 19mm x 1,5m. </td><td> 3 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 6 meters of double cable (1m simple for the platform and 5 meters till the Chronopic). </td><td> 3 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of 30m of double slide tape of 5cm width </td><td> 10€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 2 boards of transparent plastic of 1m x 1m </td><td> 1€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 2 boards of resistant canvas of 1m x 1m </td><td> 2€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of 5m of American slide tape </td><td> 10 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 30 small washers for the rivets </td><td> 2 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 30 aluminum/steel rivets </td><td> 4 € </td></tr>
-<li> Scissors to cut metals </li>
-<li> drill </li>
-<li> reels of 3.2mm and 2.1mm</li>
-<li> pistol of rivets </li>
-<li> “cutter”</li>
-<li>regular Scissors </li>
-<li> hammer </li>
-<li> tempered steel end </li>
-<li> Pliers </li>
-<li> Marker </li>
-<p></p><h3>Instruments for the construction </h3>
-<p>Time spending for the manufacturing of the platform (among 3 people): 2h-2h30' (according to the experience).
-<li>Cut 30 pieces of 70 cm each of tempered steel/iron strap
-Using the scissors (the fleje comes in roll of 5m) these pieces are called rod.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li> Make a hole of 3mm 1,5cm from the extreme part of each rod. The iron strap is too hard and it will be difficult to penetrated using only the drill. We recommend to make the hole by using a hammer with the help of a tempered steel end and right after use the drill and a reel of 3,2mm.
-<img src=""><br>
-<img src="">
-<li>Place the 3M double slide tape on one side of rod along every 7cm.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Glue another rod within the hole on the opposite side so that
-excel 3cm (it is important that the extreme parts of the rods are placed over a piece of the double slide tape). To the totality of the group of the rods glued to the tape this we will call group of rods “ group of rods ”.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Cut a piece of double cable of 1,30m, separate them converting in 2 simple cables of 1,30m.
-<li>Mark the cable with marks of 1cm each using the marker. At the beginning is important to leave a 2 cm space without peeling to be counted since the 2 cm.
-<li>Peel each simple cable approximately 1cm every 7cm. At the end you will have a peeled cable every 7 cm. It will be called “ peeled cable of 7cm”. <b>Update:</b> we recommend that this 7 cm distance is lower for not having problems on jump detection. This recommendation applies from here to the end of the text.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Place in a parallel the “ group of rods” so that they are organized in order
-(the upper rods with the hole at one side and the lower rods with the hole to the opposite side).
-<li> Join the group of by using a piece of peeled cable of 7 cm and also using a rivet and a washer. To join them is necessary to separate half of the cable so that the rivet is able to be introduced in the middle
-Do not forget to put the washer in the superior part and and the rivet with a rivet pistol (donÂt leave a set of parallel rods joined by a cable in series for all the superior rods and another cable in series for that joins the inferior rods)
-<img src="">
-<img src="">
-<li>Cut two pieces of plastic 1m by 1m.
-<li>Place two pieces of double face slide tape of 5 cm on both sides of the plastic, upper and lower.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Place the structure over the plastic so that the set of rods are glued on a parallel.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li> Place two pieces of double face slide tape in the free space between the set of rods to fix the structure.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Glue the other piece of plastic to protect the other side.
-<li>Reinforce the boards using the American slide folded.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Finally recover the blanket with the canvas to make it more resistant to possible blows .
-<hr width ="50%">
-Go to <a href="construction_contact_platform_comments_es.html"> Comments on manufacturing</a> (spanish).
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+Moved <a href="construction_contact_platform.html">here</a>.
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-<li>Buying or constructing the chronometer
-<li>Construction of the contact platform
-<li>Photoelectric cells
-<h5>1.- Buying or Constructing the chronometer</h5>
-Chronopic 2.0 coming soon
-(30-9-2007 <a href="">"All Chronopic 2.0 info on the internet / Toda la Información de Chronopic 2.0 colgada en la red"</a>)
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>USB - front</th><th>USB - back</th></tr>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_front_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_back_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Serial - front</th><th>Serial - back</th></tr>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_serial_front_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_serial_back_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<table bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td>
-<b>Old Chronopic 1.0</b>
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Buy Chronopic</th><th>Write to</th><th>Price aproximated</th><th>Comments</th></tr>
-<tr><td>on Spain</td><td colspan="2">(sold out, waiting to new chronopic 2.0)</td><td>on PCB</td></tr>
-<tr><td>on South America</td><td>juanfer juanfer com ar</td><td>150$ argentines +sending</td><td>"selfmade" circuit</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="4">Note1: we are not responsible on possible unworking Chronopics.</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="4">Note2: if you want to sell chronopics, please write an email to xaviblas gmail com </td></tr>
-<p><b>Construction</b> [Experts] If you want information about the <b>construction</b> of the chronometer, read this e-mail: <a href="">Documentación sobre Chronopic 1.0 y el Prototipo 1</a> (spanish). <a href="">Construction of Chronopic cables</a> (spanish). <a href="">Record Chronopic with ICPROG</a> (spanish).
-Check also the <a href="construction_chronopic_juanfer.html">Chronopic_juanfer</a> (cheaper, easier to build).
-<h5>2.- Construction of the contact platform</h5>
-The instrument that allows us to know if the subject is in the air or in the ground can be a platform of contacts or a system of photoelectric cells. We propose the following document for the manufacturing of the contact platform:
-<ul> <li><a href="construction_contact_platform.html">"Instructions for the construction of the contact platform used for the measurement of the jumping capacity"</a>.
-<li>Also check the <a href="construction_contact_platform_comments_es.html">comments of the contact platform manufacture</a> (spanish). <li>Before the ChronoJump project, the projects <b>Salta</b> and <b>Gsalta</b> were created (nowadays no long existing), in these others the chronometer did not exist, and platform-PC connection was produced by the parallel port. Although <b>this method is not adapted to ChronoJump</b> it is included for those interested: <a href="construction_contact_platform_parallel_port_es.html">information of connection by parallel port</a> (spanish).
-As an alternative, another possibility of construction of the contacts platform has been described, but <b>it has not been proven or adapted to ChronoJump</b>:
-<ul> <li><a href="">"Development of the Platform Prototype of a software, for Evaluation of adapted Vertical Jump in video game carpet"</a> (spanish).
-<h5>3.- Photoelectric cells</h5>
-Read this page: <a href="photocells_es.html">Photocells</a> (spanish).
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+Moved <a href="construction.html">here</a>.
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-We invite you to participate in the development of ChronoJump contributing with ideas, requests of functionalities, as well as translation, corrections of errors, programming...
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Mailing lists</th><th>description</th><th>language</th><th>links</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <tr>
- <td>chronojump-list</td>
- <td>discussion on ChronoJump</td>
- <td>english, spanish</td>
- <td>
- <a href="">subscribe</a>
- <!--</td><td>-->
- /
- <a href="">see files</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td>chronojump-devel-list</td>
- <td>in order to collaborate in the development of ChronoJump</td>
- <td>english, spanish</td>
- <td>
- <a href="">subscribe</a>
- <!--</td><td>-->
- /
- <a href="">see files</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
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+Moved <a href="contact.html">here</a>.
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Documents: index
-<font size="2">
-<li>Specific documents of ChronoJump
-<li>Articles related to the valuation of the physical capacities with contact platform:
-<li>Bases and types of the jump force
-<li>Calculation of the mathematical expressions from which they extract the components and manifestations of the force
-<li>Recomendation on the training of the jump
-<li>More related bibliography
-<li>Reference articles about the used instruments
+Moved <a href="documents.html">here</a>.
-<h5>1. Specific documents of ChronoJump</h5>
-<li>De Blas, X (2005). <a href="">Chronojump manual</a> (spanish PDF).
-<li><a href="">Glossary for translators</a> (english)
-<li>De Blas, X (2005). Primeres aproximacions a la creació d'un mètode de mesura, gestió i estadística de la capacitat de salt a partir de l'avaluació de temps de vol i temps de contacte a una plataforma de contactes amb programari i maquinari lliure. Projecte ChronoJump. <i> Revista Aloma. Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport</i>, vol. 15, p.107-123. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a>. Si lo desea, puede consultar esta <a href="">traducción automatizada al español</a> (texto no revisado)</tt>.
-<li>De Blas, X, González-Gómez, J. (2005) Proyecto Chronojump: Sistema de Medida de la Capacidad de Salto usando Software y Hardware Libres. Actas I Congreso de Tecnologías del Software Libre. <tt>[pendiente de publicación]. Accesible en <a href=""></a></tt>.
-<li>Buscà, B., De Blas, X., Daza, E. (2004) Instrucciones para la construcción de una plataforma de contactos para la medición de la capacidad de salto/s [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href="construction_contact_platform.html"></a> (consulta 10-5-05)</tt>.
-<li>Proyecto (vinculado a Chronojump) de master de programación en entornos de software libre en la UOC: <a href="">Proyecto Master en PDF</a> (spanish) <tt>[pending: transalate this to english]</tt>
-<li>Presentation of Chronojump at the 1st Free Software Technologies Conference in A Coruña - july 7th, 2005<a href="">Slideshow in spanish</a>.
-<h5>2. Articles related to the valuation of the physical capacities with contact platform:</h5>
-Special thanks to PhD Michel Marina (INEFC Barcelona) for the help given to this section. <tt>Pending: Unify bibliographic format</tt>.
-<h5>2.1 Bases and types of the jump force</h5>
-<li>Asmussen, E. and F. Bonde-Petersen. Storage of elastic energy in skeletal muscles in man. Acta Physiol Scand 91: 385-92, 1974.
-<li>Bosco, C. Elasticità musculare e forza esplosiva nelle attività físico-esportive. Roma, Società Stampa Sportiva. 1985.
-<li>Bosco, C. and P. V. Komi. Potentiation of the mechanical behavior of the human skeletal muscle through prestretching. Acta Physiol Scand 106: 467-72, 1979.
-<li>Bosco, C., P. V. Komi, and A. Ito. Prestretch potentiation of human skeletal muscle during ballistic movement. Acta Physiol Scand 111: 135-40, 1981.
-<li>Bosco, C., P. Luhtanen, and P. V. Komi. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-82, 1983.
-<li>Bosco, C., J. Tihanyi, P. V. Komi, G. Fekete, and P. Apor. Store and recoil of elastic energy in slow and fast types of human skeletal muscles. Acta Physiol Scand 116: 343-9, 1982.
-<h5>2.2 Calculation of the mathematical expressions from which they extract the components and manifestations of the force</h5>
-<li>Bosco, C., P. Luhtanen, and P. V. Komi. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-82, 1983.
-<h5>2.3 Recomendation on the training of the jump</h5>
-<li>BLIMKIE, C.J.R. (1989). Age- and sex- associated variation in strength during childhood: Anthropometric, morphologic, neurologic, biomechanical, endocrinologic, genetic, and physical activity correlates. In Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine , eds. GISOLFI, C.V. & LAMB, D.R., pp. 99-163. Indianapolis: Benchmark.
-<li>FAIGENBAUM, A.D., WESTSCOTT, W.L., MICHELI, L.J., OUTERBRIDGE, A.R., LONG, C.J., LAROSA-LOUD, R. & ZAICHKOWSKY, L.D. (1996). The effects of strength training and detraining on children. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 10, 109-114.
-<li>DOCHERTY, D., WENGER, H.A., COLLIS, M.L. & QUINNEY, H.A. (1987). The effects of variable speed resistance training on strength development in prepuberal boys. J. Hum. Mvmt. Studies 13, 377-382.
-<li>HETZLER, R.K., DERENNE, C., BUXTON, B.P., HO, K.W., CHAI, D.X. & SEICHI, G. (1997). Effects of 12 weeks of strength training on anaerobic power in prebuscent male athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 11, 174-181.
-<li>KOMI, P.V., KARLSSON, J., TESCH, P., SUOMINEN, H. & HEIKKINEN, E. (1982). Effects of heavy resistance and explosive type strength training methods on mechanical, functional and metabolic aspects on performance . In Exercise and sport biology, ed. KOMI, P.V., pp. 90-102. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
-<li>O'SHEA, J.P. & WEGNER, J. (1981). Power training and the female athlete. Physician and Sports Medicine 9, 109-121.
-<li>SALE, D. (1989). Strength training in children. In Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine, eds. GISOLFI, G. & LAMB, D., pp. 165-216. Indianapolis: Benchmark.
-<li>VITTORI, C. (1990). El entrenamiento de la fuerza para el sprint. Revista Entrenamiento Deportivo 4, 2-8.
-<li>SEWALL, L. & MICHELI, L.J. (1986). Strength training for children. J Pediatr Orthop 6, 143-6.
-<h5>2.4 More related bibliography</h5>
-<li>Bosco, C., (1987). Valoraciones funcionales de la fuerza dinámica explosiva y de la potencia anaeróbica aláctica con el test de Bosco. Apuntes de medicina del deporte. vol. (XXIV), p. 151-158.
-<li>Bosco, C. (1994). La valoración de la fuerza con el test de Bosco. Deporte & Entrenamiento. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
-<li>Esper, A. (2000). Influencia de distintos tipos de calentamientos musculares sobre la saltabilidad. Revista Digital de Educación Física [En línia], Año 5 - NÂ 25 - Septiembre de 2000. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>
-<li>Frick, U., Schmidtbleicher, D., Wörn, C (1991). Comparison of biomechanical methods for determining the height of vertical jumps. Leistungssport, núm. (2), p. 48-53.
-<li>González, J.J, Gorostiaga, E. (1995). Fundamentos del entrenamiento de la fuerza: Aplicación al rendimiento deportivo. Barcelona: INDE.
-<li>Hatze, H. (1998). Validity and Reliability of Methods for Testing Vertical Jumping Performance. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vol. (14), p. 127-140.
-<li>Miranda da Rocha, C., Ugrinowitsch, C., Barbanti, V.J. (2005). A especificidade do treinamento e a habilidade de saltar verticalmente. Um estudo com jogadores de basquetebol e voleibol de diferentes categorias. Revista Digital de Educación Física [En línia], Año 10 - NÂ 84 - Mayo de 2005. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 22-5-05)</tt>
-<li>Vélez, U. (1992). El entrenamiento de la fuerza para la mejora del salto. Apunts. Vol. (XXIX). p. 139-156.
-<h5>3. Reference articles about the used instruments</h5>
-<li>González, I., González, J., Gómez-Arribas, F. (2003). Hardware libre: clasificación y desarrollo de hardware reconfigurable en entornos GNU/Linux [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>.
-<li>Gónzález, J., Prieto-Moreno, A. (2004). Herramientas hardware y software para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Microcontroladores PIC bajo plataformas GNU/Linux [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>.
-<li>Gónzález, J., Prieto-Moreno, A. (2005). Hardware Libre: la Tarjeta Skypic, una Entrenadora para Microcontroladores PIC
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Chronojump FAQ â Frequently asked questions
-<li><a href="#platform">Contact platform</a>
-<li><a href="#chronopic">Chronometer Chronopic</a>
-<li><a href="#chronojump"> Chronojump Software </a>
-<h5 id="platform">Contact platform</h5>
-<li>How can I build a contact platform?
-Follow the instruction on given on this web page: <a href="construction_contact_platform.html">"Instruction on how to build a contact platform to measure jump capacity"</a>.
-<p><li>Where can I buy a contact platform? Can I sell the one I built myself?
-We donÂt trade the contact platforms, instead we advice those who want to use this method to build their proper platform. If any person or company ever decide to produce them by the method we have taught or any other compatible method and decide to commercialize, an aware can be given to us so that we can divulge this service even though we are not responsible for the quality of the products.
-<p><li>Why does the steel has to be warmed?
-The steel of the contact platform will be submitted to a number of pressures, if warmed it will resist better and it will also have a better capacity to return to its initial position.
-<p><li>Why donÂt you use photoelectric cells?
-Read this page: <a href="photocells_es.html">Photocells</a> (spanish).
-<p><li>I have found a better manner to build the contact platform, where could I advertise it?
-Write an e-mail to the list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-list</a> and we will be trying to find a way to announce your proposal.
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
-<h5 id="chronopic">Cronometer Chronopic</h5>
-<li>Why the need of a chronometer if any computer can cover this function?
-The modern operative systems are multifunction, this mean that the computer need a certain quantity of time to develop each function in a way that seems to be executing all functions at the same time.
-If the computer is in charge to receive the stimulus arrived from the contact platform, in certain occasions it may delay the events because it will be developing others<i>subjects</i>, this may cause problems of reliability due to the jumps of same length of time could have different measurements on different circumstance. <br>
-The output chronometer that we have built is special on receiving those events given on the contact platform, avoiding the reliability errors when registering the events. <br>
-Moreover Chronopic permits the use of Chronojump or its reduced version: Chronojump-mini to be used in any electronic display, assuring a good compatibility toward the future. <br>
-For more information, please read this article: <a href="">"Proyecto Chronojump: Sistema de Medida de la Capacidad de Salto usando Software y Hardware Libres"</a> (spanish).
-<p><li>I have read that the current chronometer is a prototype, when will the final version be released?
-For the construction of chronopic it has been used a training card of robots Skypic, taking the chance of a free software, its construction has been documented and it is possible to acquire directly besides it has been also validated.
-<br>So far we have an expansion card that permits the Skypic connection with to contact platform and a software (firmware) permitting Skypic to be completely functional on the detection of stated and events on the contact platform. <br>
-Soon a Chronopic card will be released using less instruction than Skypic and also reduced dimensions and it will be build easily or acquired by a reduced price (15-30 euros in Spain).<br>
-For more information, please read the webpage: <a href="">documentación de Chronopic 1.0 y el prototipo 1</a> (spanish).
-<br><b>Update (Sept 2007)</b>: Chronopic documentation is online
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p><li>How can I build the chronometer?<p>
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p><li>Where can I buy the chronometer?
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
-<h5 id="chronojump">Software Chronojump</h5>
-<li>Can I accede the source code and modify the program? And also sell it?
-Chronojump is a free software distributed under the terms of <a href=""> GPL license </a>, and this permit you to study, modify, redistribute and sell according to the license above. For more information web de <a href="">GPL on Wikipedia</a>.
-<p><li>ÂHow much does it cost?
-On the web it will always offer a free Chronojump version, but you can also commercialize if you wish your own version, we recommend you to offer extra services to the clients that decide to buy them. You may offer courses to trainers, consultant, integration of the platform + chronometer + software in one machine, âyou can also offer the program on any course, class or conference you are involved.
-<p><li>In what operative systems and computer equipment does it work?
-Chronojump has been written for the programming platform <a href="">MONO</a>, that has been conceived in order to facilitate the work of the computer programs in different operative systems and computer equipments. So far it works in GNU/Linux and Windows systems.<br>
-<p><li>How can I download the program? <p>
-Accede the web page <a href="installation.html">Chronojump install</a>.
-<p><li>Can I try Chronojump even though I donÂt have either the chronometer or the contact platform?
-Yes, it has been created a simulation mode of jumps, races of different lengths of time, reaction time and rhythms, so that it is possible to try the program features.
-<p><li>When it will be the release of the 1.0 version and what benefits will it have?
-Nowadays (version 0.6) Chronojump already have more benefits than any other commercial or non â commercial resolutions that we know.
-But there are still a number of aspects to improve, as we can see on the following document <a href="">roadmap</a>.
-If you wish to ask the features please write us an e-mail to the mail list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-list</a>.
-<p><li>How can I know the last news of the project?
-Subscribe or check the files on <a href="contact.html">mailing lists</a>. Or check <a href="">changelog</a>.
-<p><li>Why is it called Chronojump, does it also work to measure races, reaction times and rhythms?
-The initial idea was the creation of a software destined to measure temporal jump events, but it was seen that with a little more effort the same software can be used to chronometer all kinds of races, reaction times and rhythms. Even though we are now working on these bases, the initial efforts will be centered on jumps measurements, that is why Chronojump maintains its original name.
-<p><li>I would like to collaborate, how can I do it?
-Write to the mail list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-devel-list</a> introduce yourself, explain why do you want to collaborate and what are your knowledge
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
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- <h4 id="top">
-Characteristics of the management software
-ChronoJump allows to register any jump with the repetitions that is desired, initiating in or outside the platform, registering independently times of contact and flight times, as well as extra load, height of fall, jumps or time limitation and descriptions of technique.
-ChronoJump uses a small data base <a href="">Sqlite</a> that enables to tie jumps to subjects and sessions, and to make all type of comparisons between these events.
-It is possible and simple to create new types of jumps with the described variables previously.
-It is multiplatform; being programmed in C# using Mono, it would have to work correctly in GNU/Linux, MacOSX, Windows... until the moment works in GNU/Linux and Windows.
- <p>
-It incorporates the following statistics (whenever the opposite does not specify itself, it is allowed to show averages, maximum values, or all the values of only one session or between an indetermine number of sessions (longitudinal), and with distinction of sex)
- <ul>
- <li>Summary of one or several sessions
- <li>Study of an only subject
- <li>Flight time of simple jumps
- <li>Contact time, flight time and index between both event, in jumps with fall and in repetitive jumps (shortly will be also implemented the takeoff speed).
- <li>Power in repetitive jumps
-<li>Evolution of repetitive jumps (only in one session)
- <li>Index of elasticity and index of arms use
-<li>... (ChronoJump modularity makes easier the inclusion of new statistics)
- </ul>
-Chronojump allow to record also <b>races</b>, <b>reaction time</b> and <b>rhythm</b>.
- Graphics of all the statistical described by means of the graphical library <a href="">NPlot</a>.
- <p>
- Export jumps to spreadsheets (CSV format).
- <p>
- Create personalized reports of all data and statistics (HTML format).
- <h5>Characteristics of the timekeeper</h5>
- The Chronopic timekeeper is based on the trainning card Skypic (consult the documentation), and offers a precision of one millisecond according to what has been able to verify. <tt>[Pending to detail how has been verified]</tt>.
- <p>
- Some jump timekeeper systems use only a personal computer connected directly to the platform. The modern computers are multitask, characteristic that prevents to guarantee a trustworthy measurement because they can be making any other task in a given moment. More info in the <a href="construction.html">Construction</a> section.
- <p>
- <h5>Platform characteristics </h5>
- The contact platform can be build up as explained in <a href="construction.html">Construction</a> section.
- <h5>Future characteristics</h5>
- Shortly we desire to implement the following features:
- <ul>
- <li>The platforms can be replaced by photoelectric cells. The method of manufacture of photoelectric cells is not yet described, if you have any information on the matter, we ask for collaboration.
- <li>Possibility of modifying the sensitivity of the timekeeper in each jump.
- <li>If you wish any other feature, please do not hesitate to request using the mail lists.
- </ul>
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- <h4 id="top">
-<b>Now</b> you can try ChronoJump <b>0.6</b> (<b>September-30-2007</b>) from any PC. This version is fully usable. Read changes list <a href="">here</a>.
- <p>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Operating systems</th><th><center>Installation instructions</center></th></tr>
- <tr><td><b>GNU/Linux</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">Chronojump 0.6 (new!) / Chronojump 0.6 (nuevo!)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td><b>Windows</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">Chronojump 0.6 (new!) / Chronojump 0.6 (nuevo!)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td><b>Maemo N770</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">chronojump_mini for Maemo!! Chronojump_mini funcionando en Maemo!!</a></td></tr>
- </table>
- <p><br>
-If you are an <b>advanced user</b>: from an operative system GNU/Linux, install <a href="">Mono</a>, download the Chronojump sources on the <a href="">chronojump SVN on GNOME</a>.
-Help can be found reading the <a href="">manual</a> (spanish), subscribing to the <a href="contact.html">mailing lists</a>. We recommend you to read the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.
-If you wish to know the advance of the project, please check on <a href="">changelog file</a>.
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- <h4 id="top">
-Construction of Chronopic_juanfer prototype
-Juan Fernando Pardo has started to release an own Chronopic version, simpler and cheaper.
-He managed to build it in one hour, and the total price in Argentina is like 22 US$
-If you want to use the other Chronopic -more expensive (70 Euros in Spain)- check the <a href="construction.html">construction page</a>.
-<h5>Construction of the Chronopic_juanfer v.1.1 (February, 9, 2007)</h5>
-<!--<img src="" width="436" height="444" hspace="6" vspace="8">-->
-<img src="" width="436" height="444" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer schema.
-<li>All the components are mounted on a prototyping board
-<li>Red, Brown and Orange lines are wires located at the bottom face of the board. Both extremes of the wire are soldered to the pins of the components.
-<li>The blue line is wire located at the top face of the board. Both extremes of the wire are soldered to the pins of the componentes.
-<li>It is recommend the use of sockets for the MAX232 and PIC16F876A components, instead of soldering them directly to the board.
-Bill of materials
-<li>C1: 100nF capacitor
-<li>C2: 1uF 63v Electrolytic Capacitor
-<li>C3: 1uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor
-<li>C4,C5,C6,C7: 22uF/25v Electrolytic Capacitors
-<li>C8,C9: 22pF ceramic capacitors
-<li>X1: 4Mhz quartz crystal oscillator
-<li>CL1,CL2: two terminals package for printed circuit boards
-<li>R1: 10K resistor 5%, 1/4W
-<li>R2: 147 ohms resistor. 5%. 1/4W
-<li>R3: 330 ohms resistor. 5%. 1/4W
-<li>S1,S2: Tack switches for printed circuit boards
-<li>L1: 3mm green Led diode
-<li>MAX232: The max232 chip. RS232-TTL conversor (mounted in a 2x18 pin socket)
-<li>PIC16F876A: Michochip Pic 16F876 microcontroller. 28 DIL package. (mounted in a 2x14 pin socket).
-<li>-One 2x8 socket for the Max232 chip
-<li>-One 2x14 socket for the PIC16f876a chip
-<li>-A 8x5 cm prototyping board
-<h5>Photos of the old Chronopic_juanfer v.01</h5>
-<img src="" width="500" height="390" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer front view.
-<img src="" width="500" height="296" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer rear view.
-<img src="" width="559" height="368" hspace="6" vspace="8">
-<br>Chronopic_juanfer schema.
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- <h4 id="top">
-Construction / Contact Platform
-<h5>"Instruction on how to build a contact platform in order to measure the jump capacity"</h5>
-Authors: <b>Bernat Buscà Safont-Tria, Xavier de Blas Foix and Gabriel Daza Sobrino</b>
-<br>BernatBS blanquerna url es, francescxavierdf blanquerna url es, GabrielDS blanquerna url es
-<br>Professors of Sports Science â College of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports of Blanquerna
-Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona).
-<br>Original instruction by <b>Dr. Alberto García-Fojeda</b>, professor of Biomechanics of INEFC Lleida.
-Material and tools
-<p><img src="">
-<br><tt>[Pendiente: asociar números de ilustración a materiales y herramientas]</tt>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><th> MATERIALS (for the blanket of 0,80m x 1,10m) </th><th> PRICE (approximately) </th></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 21m of iron strap made of tempered steel of 13mm of width and 0.50mm of thickness (for 30 sticks of 70cm) </td><td> 38 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of double slide tape Scotch 3M 19mm x 1,5m. </td><td> 3 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 6 meters of double cable (1m simple for the platform and 5 meters till the Chronopic). </td><td> 3 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of 30m of double slide tape of 5cm width </td><td> 10€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 2 boards of transparent plastic of 1m x 1m </td><td> 1€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 2 boards of resistant canvas of 1m x 1m </td><td> 2€ </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 1 roll of 5m of American slide tape </td><td> 10 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 30 small washers for the rivets </td><td> 2 € </td></tr>
-<tr align="center" valign="CENTER"><td> 30 aluminum/steel rivets </td><td> 4 € </td></tr>
-<li> Scissors to cut metals </li>
-<li> drill </li>
-<li> reels of 3.2mm and 2.1mm</li>
-<li> pistol of rivets </li>
-<li> “cutter”</li>
-<li>regular Scissors </li>
-<li> hammer </li>
-<li> tempered steel end </li>
-<li> Pliers </li>
-<li> Marker </li>
-<p></p><h3>Instruments for the construction </h3>
-<p>Time spending for the manufacturing of the platform (among 3 people): 2h-2h30' (according to the experience).
-<li>Cut 30 pieces of 70 cm each of tempered steel/iron strap
-Using the scissors (the fleje comes in roll of 5m) these pieces are called rod.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li> Make a hole of 3mm 1,5cm from the extreme part of each rod. The iron strap is too hard and it will be difficult to penetrated using only the drill. We recommend to make the hole by using a hammer with the help of a tempered steel end and right after use the drill and a reel of 3,2mm.
-<img src=""><br>
-<img src="">
-<li>Place the 3M double slide tape on one side of rod along every 7cm.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Glue another rod within the hole on the opposite side so that
-excel 3cm (it is important that the extreme parts of the rods are placed over a piece of the double slide tape). To the totality of the group of the rods glued to the tape this we will call group of rods “ group of rods ”.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Cut a piece of double cable of 1,30m, separate them converting in 2 simple cables of 1,30m.
-<li>Mark the cable with marks of 1cm each using the marker. At the beginning is important to leave a 2 cm space without peeling to be counted since the 2 cm.
-<li>Peel each simple cable approximately 1cm every 7cm. At the end you will have a peeled cable every 7 cm. It will be called “ peeled cable of 7cm”. <b>Update:</b> we recommend that this 7 cm distance is lower for not having problems on jump detection. This recommendation applies from here to the end of the text.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Place in a parallel the “ group of rods” so that they are organized in order
-(the upper rods with the hole at one side and the lower rods with the hole to the opposite side).
-<li> Join the group of by using a piece of peeled cable of 7 cm and also using a rivet and a washer. To join them is necessary to separate half of the cable so that the rivet is able to be introduced in the middle
-Do not forget to put the washer in the superior part and and the rivet with a rivet pistol (donÂt leave a set of parallel rods joined by a cable in series for all the superior rods and another cable in series for that joins the inferior rods)
-<img src="">
-<img src="">
-<li>Cut two pieces of plastic 1m by 1m.
-<li>Place two pieces of double face slide tape of 5 cm on both sides of the plastic, upper and lower.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Place the structure over the plastic so that the set of rods are glued on a parallel.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li> Place two pieces of double face slide tape in the free space between the set of rods to fix the structure.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Glue the other piece of plastic to protect the other side.
-<li>Reinforce the boards using the American slide folded.
-<center><img src=""></center>
-<li>Finally recover the blanket with the canvas to make it more resistant to possible blows .
-<hr width ="50%">
-Go to <a href="construction_contact_platform_comments_es.html"> Comments on manufacturing</a> (spanish).
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- <h4 id="top">
+ Moved <a href="construction.html">here</a>.
-<li>Buying or constructing the chronometer
-<li>Construction of the contact platform
-<li>Photoelectric cells
-<h5>1.- Buying or Constructing the chronometer</h5>
-Chronopic 2.0 coming soon
-(30-9-2007 <a href="">"All Chronopic 2.0 info on the internet / Toda la Información de Chronopic 2.0 colgada en la red"</a>)
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>USB - front</th><th>USB - back</th></tr>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_front_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_back_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Serial - front</th><th>Serial - back</th></tr>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_serial_front_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<td><a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_serial_back_mini.jpg"></a></td>
-<table bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td>
-<b>Old Chronopic 1.0</b>
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
-<tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Buy Chronopic</th><th>Write to</th><th>Price aproximated</th><th>Comments</th></tr>
-<tr><td>on Spain</td><td colspan="2">(sold out, waiting to new chronopic 2.0)</td><td>on PCB</td></tr>
-<tr><td>on South America</td><td>juanfer juanfer com ar</td><td>150$ argentines +sending</td><td>"selfmade" circuit</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="4">Note1: we are not responsible on possible unworking Chronopics.</td></tr>
-<tr><td colspan="4">Note2: if you want to sell chronopics, please write an email to xaviblas gmail com </td></tr>
-<p><b>Construction</b> [Experts] If you want information about the <b>construction</b> of the chronometer, read this e-mail: <a href="">Documentación sobre Chronopic 1.0 y el Prototipo 1</a> (spanish). <a href="">Construction of Chronopic cables</a> (spanish). <a href="">Record Chronopic with ICPROG</a> (spanish).
-Check also the <a href="construction_chronopic_juanfer.html">Chronopic_juanfer</a> (cheaper, easier to build).
-<h5>2.- Construction of the contact platform</h5>
-The instrument that allows us to know if the subject is in the air or in the ground can be a platform of contacts or a system of photoelectric cells. We propose the following document for the manufacturing of the contact platform:
-<ul> <li><a href="construction_contact_platform.html">"Instructions for the construction of the contact platform used for the measurement of the jumping capacity"</a>.
-<li>Also check the <a href="construction_contact_platform_comments_es.html">comments of the contact platform manufacture</a> (spanish). <li>Before the ChronoJump project, the projects <b>Salta</b> and <b>Gsalta</b> were created (nowadays no long existing), in these others the chronometer did not exist, and platform-PC connection was produced by the parallel port. Although <b>this method is not adapted to ChronoJump</b> it is included for those interested: <a href="construction_contact_platform_parallel_port_es.html">information of connection by parallel port</a> (spanish).
-As an alternative, another possibility of construction of the contacts platform has been described, but <b>it has not been proven or adapted to ChronoJump</b>:
-<ul> <li><a href="">"Development of the Platform Prototype of a software, for Evaluation of adapted Vertical Jump in video game carpet"</a> (spanish).
-<h5>3.- Photoelectric cells</h5>
-Read this page: <a href="photocells_es.html">Photocells</a> (spanish).
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-We invite you to participate in the development of ChronoJump contributing with ideas, requests of functionalities, as well as translation, corrections of errors, programming...
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Mailing lists</th><th>description</th><th>language</th><th>links</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <tr>
- <td>chronojump-list</td>
- <td>discussion on ChronoJump</td>
- <td>english, spanish</td>
- <td>
- <a href="">subscribe</a>
- <!--</td><td>-->
- /
- <a href="">see files</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <td>chronojump-devel-list</td>
- <td>in order to collaborate in the development of ChronoJump</td>
- <td>english, spanish</td>
- <td>
- <a href="">subscribe</a>
- <!--</td><td>-->
- /
- <a href="">see files</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Documents: index
-<font size="2">
-<li>Specific documents of ChronoJump
-<li>Articles related to the valuation of the physical capacities with contact platform:
-<li>Bases and types of the jump force
-<li>Calculation of the mathematical expressions from which they extract the components and manifestations of the force
-<li>Recomendation on the training of the jump
-<li>More related bibliography
-<li>Reference articles about the used instruments
-<h5>1. Specific documents of ChronoJump</h5>
-<li>De Blas, X (2005). <a href="">Chronojump manual</a> (spanish PDF).
-<li><a href="">Glossary for translators</a> (english)
-<li>De Blas, X (2005). Primeres aproximacions a la creació d'un mètode de mesura, gestió i estadística de la capacitat de salt a partir de l'avaluació de temps de vol i temps de contacte a una plataforma de contactes amb programari i maquinari lliure. Projecte ChronoJump. <i> Revista Aloma. Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport</i>, vol. 15, p.107-123. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a>. Si lo desea, puede consultar esta <a href="">traducción automatizada al español</a> (texto no revisado)</tt>.
-<li>De Blas, X, González-Gómez, J. (2005) Proyecto Chronojump: Sistema de Medida de la Capacidad de Salto usando Software y Hardware Libres. Actas I Congreso de Tecnologías del Software Libre. <tt>[pendiente de publicación]. Accesible en <a href=""></a></tt>.
-<li>Buscà, B., De Blas, X., Daza, E. (2004) Instrucciones para la construcción de una plataforma de contactos para la medición de la capacidad de salto/s [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href="construction_contact_platform.html"></a> (consulta 10-5-05)</tt>.
-<li>Proyecto (vinculado a Chronojump) de master de programación en entornos de software libre en la UOC: <a href="">Proyecto Master en PDF</a> (spanish) <tt>[pending: transalate this to english]</tt>
-<li>Presentation of Chronojump at the 1st Free Software Technologies Conference in A Coruña - july 7th, 2005<a href="">Slideshow in spanish</a>.
-<h5>2. Articles related to the valuation of the physical capacities with contact platform:</h5>
-Special thanks to PhD Michel Marina (INEFC Barcelona) for the help given to this section. <tt>Pending: Unify bibliographic format</tt>.
-<h5>2.1 Bases and types of the jump force</h5>
-<li>Asmussen, E. and F. Bonde-Petersen. Storage of elastic energy in skeletal muscles in man. Acta Physiol Scand 91: 385-92, 1974.
-<li>Bosco, C. Elasticità musculare e forza esplosiva nelle attività físico-esportive. Roma, Società Stampa Sportiva. 1985.
-<li>Bosco, C. and P. V. Komi. Potentiation of the mechanical behavior of the human skeletal muscle through prestretching. Acta Physiol Scand 106: 467-72, 1979.
-<li>Bosco, C., P. V. Komi, and A. Ito. Prestretch potentiation of human skeletal muscle during ballistic movement. Acta Physiol Scand 111: 135-40, 1981.
-<li>Bosco, C., P. Luhtanen, and P. V. Komi. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-82, 1983.
-<li>Bosco, C., J. Tihanyi, P. V. Komi, G. Fekete, and P. Apor. Store and recoil of elastic energy in slow and fast types of human skeletal muscles. Acta Physiol Scand 116: 343-9, 1982.
-<h5>2.2 Calculation of the mathematical expressions from which they extract the components and manifestations of the force</h5>
-<li>Bosco, C., P. Luhtanen, and P. V. Komi. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-82, 1983.
-<h5>2.3 Recomendation on the training of the jump</h5>
-<li>BLIMKIE, C.J.R. (1989). Age- and sex- associated variation in strength during childhood: Anthropometric, morphologic, neurologic, biomechanical, endocrinologic, genetic, and physical activity correlates. In Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine , eds. GISOLFI, C.V. & LAMB, D.R., pp. 99-163. Indianapolis: Benchmark.
-<li>FAIGENBAUM, A.D., WESTSCOTT, W.L., MICHELI, L.J., OUTERBRIDGE, A.R., LONG, C.J., LAROSA-LOUD, R. & ZAICHKOWSKY, L.D. (1996). The effects of strength training and detraining on children. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 10, 109-114.
-<li>DOCHERTY, D., WENGER, H.A., COLLIS, M.L. & QUINNEY, H.A. (1987). The effects of variable speed resistance training on strength development in prepuberal boys. J. Hum. Mvmt. Studies 13, 377-382.
-<li>HETZLER, R.K., DERENNE, C., BUXTON, B.P., HO, K.W., CHAI, D.X. & SEICHI, G. (1997). Effects of 12 weeks of strength training on anaerobic power in prebuscent male athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 11, 174-181.
-<li>KOMI, P.V., KARLSSON, J., TESCH, P., SUOMINEN, H. & HEIKKINEN, E. (1982). Effects of heavy resistance and explosive type strength training methods on mechanical, functional and metabolic aspects on performance . In Exercise and sport biology, ed. KOMI, P.V., pp. 90-102. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
-<li>O'SHEA, J.P. & WEGNER, J. (1981). Power training and the female athlete. Physician and Sports Medicine 9, 109-121.
-<li>SALE, D. (1989). Strength training in children. In Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine, eds. GISOLFI, G. & LAMB, D., pp. 165-216. Indianapolis: Benchmark.
-<li>VITTORI, C. (1990). El entrenamiento de la fuerza para el sprint. Revista Entrenamiento Deportivo 4, 2-8.
-<li>SEWALL, L. & MICHELI, L.J. (1986). Strength training for children. J Pediatr Orthop 6, 143-6.
-<h5>2.4 More related bibliography</h5>
-<li>Bosco, C., (1987). Valoraciones funcionales de la fuerza dinámica explosiva y de la potencia anaeróbica aláctica con el test de Bosco. Apuntes de medicina del deporte. vol. (XXIV), p. 151-158.
-<li>Bosco, C. (1994). La valoración de la fuerza con el test de Bosco. Deporte & Entrenamiento. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
-<li>Esper, A. (2000). Influencia de distintos tipos de calentamientos musculares sobre la saltabilidad. Revista Digital de Educación Física [En línia], Año 5 - NÂ 25 - Septiembre de 2000. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>
-<li>Frick, U., Schmidtbleicher, D., Wörn, C (1991). Comparison of biomechanical methods for determining the height of vertical jumps. Leistungssport, núm. (2), p. 48-53.
-<li>González, J.J, Gorostiaga, E. (1995). Fundamentos del entrenamiento de la fuerza: Aplicación al rendimiento deportivo. Barcelona: INDE.
-<li>Hatze, H. (1998). Validity and Reliability of Methods for Testing Vertical Jumping Performance. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vol. (14), p. 127-140.
-<li>Miranda da Rocha, C., Ugrinowitsch, C., Barbanti, V.J. (2005). A especificidade do treinamento e a habilidade de saltar verticalmente. Um estudo com jogadores de basquetebol e voleibol de diferentes categorias. Revista Digital de Educación Física [En línia], Año 10 - NÂ 84 - Mayo de 2005. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 22-5-05)</tt>
-<li>Vélez, U. (1992). El entrenamiento de la fuerza para la mejora del salto. Apunts. Vol. (XXIX). p. 139-156.
-<h5>3. Reference articles about the used instruments</h5>
-<li>González, I., González, J., Gómez-Arribas, F. (2003). Hardware libre: clasificación y desarrollo de hardware reconfigurable en entornos GNU/Linux [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>.
-<li>Gónzález, J., Prieto-Moreno, A. (2004). Herramientas hardware y software para el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Microcontroladores PIC bajo plataformas GNU/Linux [en línia]. <tt>Accesible en <a href=""></a> (consulta 13-1-05)</tt>.
-<li>Gónzález, J., Prieto-Moreno, A. (2005). Hardware Libre: la Tarjeta Skypic, una Entrenadora para Microcontroladores PIC
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Chronojump FAQ â Frequently asked questions
-<li><a href="#platform">Contact platform</a>
-<li><a href="#chronopic">Chronometer Chronopic</a>
-<li><a href="#chronojump"> Chronojump Software </a>
-<h5 id="platform">Contact platform</h5>
-<li>How can I build a contact platform?
-Follow the instruction on given on this web page: <a href="construction_contact_platform.html">"Instruction on how to build a contact platform to measure jump capacity"</a>.
-<p><li>Where can I buy a contact platform? Can I sell the one I built myself?
-We donÂt trade the contact platforms, instead we advice those who want to use this method to build their proper platform. If any person or company ever decide to produce them by the method we have taught or any other compatible method and decide to commercialize, an aware can be given to us so that we can divulge this service even though we are not responsible for the quality of the products.
-<p><li>Why does the steel has to be warmed?
-The steel of the contact platform will be submitted to a number of pressures, if warmed it will resist better and it will also have a better capacity to return to its initial position.
-<p><li>Why donÂt you use photoelectric cells?
-Read this page: <a href="photocells_es.html">Photocells</a> (spanish).
-<p><li>I have found a better manner to build the contact platform, where could I advertise it?
-Write an e-mail to the list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-list</a> and we will be trying to find a way to announce your proposal.
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
-<h5 id="chronopic">Cronometer Chronopic</h5>
-<li>Why the need of a chronometer if any computer can cover this function?
-The modern operative systems are multifunction, this mean that the computer need a certain quantity of time to develop each function in a way that seems to be executing all functions at the same time.
-If the computer is in charge to receive the stimulus arrived from the contact platform, in certain occasions it may delay the events because it will be developing others<i>subjects</i>, this may cause problems of reliability due to the jumps of same length of time could have different measurements on different circumstance. <br>
-The output chronometer that we have built is special on receiving those events given on the contact platform, avoiding the reliability errors when registering the events. <br>
-Moreover Chronopic permits the use of Chronojump or its reduced version: Chronojump-mini to be used in any electronic display, assuring a good compatibility toward the future. <br>
-For more information, please read this article: <a href="">"Proyecto Chronojump: Sistema de Medida de la Capacidad de Salto usando Software y Hardware Libres"</a> (spanish).
-<p><li>I have read that the current chronometer is a prototype, when will the final version be released?
-For the construction of chronopic it has been used a training card of robots Skypic, taking the chance of a free software, its construction has been documented and it is possible to acquire directly besides it has been also validated.
-<br>So far we have an expansion card that permits the Skypic connection with to contact platform and a software (firmware) permitting Skypic to be completely functional on the detection of stated and events on the contact platform. <br>
-Soon a Chronopic card will be released using less instruction than Skypic and also reduced dimensions and it will be build easily or acquired by a reduced price (15-30 euros in Spain).<br>
-For more information, please read the webpage: <a href="">documentación de Chronopic 1.0 y el prototipo 1</a> (spanish).
-<br><b>Update (Sept 2007)</b>: Chronopic documentation is online
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p><li>How can I build the chronometer?<p>
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p><li>Where can I buy the chronometer?
-Read the webpage: <a href="construction.html">Construction</a>.
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
-<h5 id="chronojump">Software Chronojump</h5>
-<li>Can I accede the source code and modify the program? And also sell it?
-Chronojump is a free software distributed under the terms of <a href=""> GPL license </a>, and this permit you to study, modify, redistribute and sell according to the license above. For more information web de <a href="">GPL on Wikipedia</a>.
-<p><li>ÂHow much does it cost?
-On the web it will always offer a free Chronojump version, but you can also commercialize if you wish your own version, we recommend you to offer extra services to the clients that decide to buy them. You may offer courses to trainers, consultant, integration of the platform + chronometer + software in one machine, âyou can also offer the program on any course, class or conference you are involved.
-<p><li>In what operative systems and computer equipment does it work?
-Chronojump has been written for the programming platform <a href="">MONO</a>, that has been conceived in order to facilitate the work of the computer programs in different operative systems and computer equipments. So far it works in GNU/Linux and Windows systems.<br>
-<p><li>How can I download the program? <p>
-Accede the web page <a href="installation.html">Chronojump install</a>.
-<p><li>Can I try Chronojump even though I donÂt have either the chronometer or the contact platform?
-Yes, it has been created a simulation mode of jumps, races of different lengths of time, reaction time and rhythms, so that it is possible to try the program features.
-<p><li>When it will be the release of the 1.0 version and what benefits will it have?
-Nowadays (version 0.6) Chronojump already have more benefits than any other commercial or non â commercial resolutions that we know.
-But there are still a number of aspects to improve, as we can see on the following document <a href="">roadmap</a>.
-If you wish to ask the features please write us an e-mail to the mail list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-list</a>.
-<p><li>How can I know the last news of the project?
-Subscribe or check the files on <a href="contact.html">mailing lists</a>. Or check <a href="">changelog</a>.
-<p><li>Why is it called Chronojump, does it also work to measure races, reaction times and rhythms?
-The initial idea was the creation of a software destined to measure temporal jump events, but it was seen that with a little more effort the same software can be used to chronometer all kinds of races, reaction times and rhythms. Even though we are now working on these bases, the initial efforts will be centered on jumps measurements, that is why Chronojump maintains its original name.
-<p><li>I would like to collaborate, how can I do it?
-Write to the mail list <a href="contact.html">chronojump-devel-list</a> introduce yourself, explain why do you want to collaborate and what are your knowledge
-<p align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></p>
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-Characteristics of the management software
-ChronoJump allows to register any jump with the repetitions that is desired, initiating in or outside the platform, registering independently times of contact and flight times, as well as extra load, height of fall, jumps or time limitation and descriptions of technique.
-ChronoJump uses a small data base <a href="">Sqlite</a> that enables to tie jumps to subjects and sessions, and to make all type of comparisons between these events.
-It is possible and simple to create new types of jumps with the described variables previously.
-It is multiplatform; being programmed in C# using Mono, it would have to work correctly in GNU/Linux, MacOSX, Windows... until the moment works in GNU/Linux and Windows.
- <p>
-It incorporates the following statistics (whenever the opposite does not specify itself, it is allowed to show averages, maximum values, or all the values of only one session or between an indetermine number of sessions (longitudinal), and with distinction of sex)
- <ul>
- <li>Summary of one or several sessions
- <li>Study of an only subject
- <li>Flight time of simple jumps
- <li>Contact time, flight time and index between both event, in jumps with fall and in repetitive jumps (shortly will be also implemented the takeoff speed).
- <li>Power in repetitive jumps
-<li>Evolution of repetitive jumps (only in one session)
- <li>Index of elasticity and index of arms use
-<li>... (ChronoJump modularity makes easier the inclusion of new statistics)
- </ul>
-Chronojump allow to record also <b>races</b>, <b>reaction time</b> and <b>rhythm</b>.
- Graphics of all the statistical described by means of the graphical library <a href="">NPlot</a>.
- <p>
- Export jumps to spreadsheets (CSV format).
- <p>
- Create personalized reports of all data and statistics (HTML format).
- <h5>Characteristics of the timekeeper</h5>
- The Chronopic timekeeper is based on the trainning card Skypic (consult the documentation), and offers a precision of one millisecond according to what has been able to verify. <tt>[Pending to detail how has been verified]</tt>.
- <p>
- Some jump timekeeper systems use only a personal computer connected directly to the platform. The modern computers are multitask, characteristic that prevents to guarantee a trustworthy measurement because they can be making any other task in a given moment. More info in the <a href="construction.html">Construction</a> section.
- <p>
- <h5>Platform characteristics </h5>
- The contact platform can be build up as explained in <a href="construction.html">Construction</a> section.
- <h5>Future characteristics</h5>
- Shortly we desire to implement the following features:
- <ul>
- <li>The platforms can be replaced by photoelectric cells. The method of manufacture of photoelectric cells is not yet described, if you have any information on the matter, we ask for collaboration.
- <li>Possibility of modifying the sensitivity of the timekeeper in each jump.
- <li>If you wish any other feature, please do not hesitate to request using the mail lists.
- </ul>
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-<b>Now</b> you can try ChronoJump <b>0.6</b> (<b>September-30-2007</b>) from any PC. This version is fully usable. Read changes list <a href="">here</a>.
- <p>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr bgcolor="#e6e6fa"><th>Operating systems</th><th><center>Installation instructions</center></th></tr>
- <tr><td><b>GNU/Linux</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">Chronojump 0.6 (new!) / Chronojump 0.6 (nuevo!)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td><b>Windows</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">Chronojump 0.6 (new!) / Chronojump 0.6 (nuevo!)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td><b>Maemo N770</b></td><td>Read this e-mail: <a href="">chronojump_mini for Maemo!! Chronojump_mini funcionando en Maemo!!</a></td></tr>
- </table>
- <p><br>
-If you are an <b>advanced user</b>: from an operative system GNU/Linux, install <a href="">Mono</a>, download the Chronojump sources on the <a href="">chronojump SVN on GNOME</a>.
-Help can be found reading the <a href="">manual</a> (spanish), subscribing to the <a href="contact.html">mailing lists</a>. We recommend you to read the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.
-If you wish to know the advance of the project, please check on <a href="">changelog file</a>.
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-<tt>Click in the images to extend.</tt>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="8">
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.6 (spanish)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_front_mini.jpg"></a>
- <br>
- Chronopic 2.0 USB
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.47 (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.47 Windows XP (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.4 Report in HTML (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 stats and graph DjIndex (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 add new run type (spanish)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 add multiple persons and preferences (spanish)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.1 graphs (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.1 graphs reactive jumps (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- Chronopic prototype (Skypic + expansion card)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- contact platform build following these <a href="construction_contact_platform.html">instructions</a>
- </td>
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+ </body></html>
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<body id="page-main" class="with-sidebar">
- <h4 id="top">
-<tt>Click in the images to extend.</tt>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="8">
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.6 (spanish)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="chronopic_2_0_usb_front_mini.jpg"></a>
- <br>
- Chronopic 2.0 USB
- </td>
+Moved here <a href="screenshots.html">Screenshots</a>.
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.47 (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.47 Windows XP (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.4 Report in HTML (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 stats and graph DjIndex (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 add new run type (spanish)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.3 add multiple persons and preferences (spanish)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.1 graphs (english)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- v.0.1 graphs reactive jumps (english)
- </td>
-<tr valign="top">
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- Chronopic prototype (Skypic + expansion card)
- </td>
- <td width="250">
- <a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="188"></a>
- <br>
- contact platform build following these <a href="construction_contact_platform.html">instructions</a>
- </td>
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