dia r3995 - in trunk: . objects objects/Misc objects/Misc/pixmaps sheets

Author: hans
Date: Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
New Revision: 3995
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/dia?rev=3995&view=rev

2008-05-10  Hans Breuer  <hans breuer org>

	* objects/Misc/measure.c objects/Misc/pixmaps/measure.xpm
	  objects/Misc/libmisc.c objects/Misc/Makefile.am objects/makefile.msc
	  sheets/Misc.sheet.in : a new object to measure and show the distance
	between two connection points.

   trunk/objects/Misc/measure.c   (contents, props changed)

Modified: trunk/objects/Misc/Makefile.am
--- trunk/objects/Misc/Makefile.am	(original)
+++ trunk/objects/Misc/Makefile.am	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 libmisc_objects_la_SOURCES = \
 			libmisc.c \
 			analog_clock.c \
+			measure.c \
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
 	pixmaps/analog_clock.xpm \
+	pixmaps/measure.xpm \
 	pixmaps/newgroup.xpm \

Modified: trunk/objects/Misc/libmisc.c
--- trunk/objects/Misc/libmisc.c	(original)
+++ trunk/objects/Misc/libmisc.c	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 extern DiaObjectType analog_clock_type;
 extern DiaObjectType tree_type;
+extern DiaObjectType measure_type;
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
+  object_register_type(&measure_type);

Added: trunk/objects/Misc/measure.c
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/objects/Misc/measure.c	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+/* Dia -- an diagram creation/manipulation program
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Alexander Larsson
+ *
+ * measure.c -- shape to measure distance or angle
+ * Copyright (C) 2008  Hans Breuer, <Hans Breuer Org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "object.h"
+#include "diarenderer.h"
+#include "attributes.h"
+#include "properties.h"
+#include "boundingbox.h"
+#include "connection.h"
+#include "units.h"
+#include "intl.h"
+#include "pixmaps/measure.xpm"
+/* Object definition */
+typedef struct _Measure {
+  Connection connection;
+  DiaFont *font;
+  real font_height;
+  Color   line_color;
+  real    line_width;
+  real    scale;
+  DiaUnit unit;
+  int     precision;
+  /* caclculated data */  
+  char *name; /* the calculated measurment */
+  Point text_pos;
+} Measure;
+/* Type definition */
+static DiaObject *measure_create (Point *startpoint,
+				  void *user_data,
+				  Handle **handle1,
+				  Handle **handle2);
+static DiaObject *
+measure_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename);
+static ObjectTypeOps measure_type_ops =
+  (CreateFunc)measure_create,
+  (LoadFunc)  measure_load,
+  (SaveFunc)  object_save_using_properties, /* measure_save */
+  (GetDefaultsFunc)   NULL,
+  (ApplyDefaultsFunc) NULL
+DiaObjectType measure_type =
+  "Misc - Measure",   /* name */
+  0,                      /* version */
+  (char **) measure_xpm, /* pixmap */
+  &measure_type_ops,      /* ops */
+  NULL,                   /* pixmap_file */
+  0                       /* default_user_data */
+/* make accesible from the outside for type regristation */
+DiaObjectType *_measure_type = (DiaObjectType *) &measure_type;
+/* Class definition */
+static ObjectChange* measure_move_handle (Measure *measure,
+                                          Handle *handle,
+					  Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp,
+					  HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers);
+static ObjectChange* measure_move (Measure *measure, Point *to);
+static void measure_select(Measure *measure, Point *clicked_point,
+			   DiaRenderer *interactive_renderer);
+static void measure_draw(Measure *measure, DiaRenderer *renderer);
+static real measure_distance_from (Measure *measure, Point *point);
+static void measure_update_data (Measure *measure);
+static void measure_destroy (Measure *measure);
+static DiaObject *measure_copy (Measure *measure);
+static DiaMenu *measure_get_object_menu(Measure *measure,
+					Point *clickedpoint);
+static PropDescription *measure_describe_props(Measure *measure);
+static void measure_get_props(Measure *measure, GPtrArray *props);
+static void measure_set_props(Measure *measure, GPtrArray *props);
+static ObjectOps measure_ops = {
+  (DestroyFunc)         measure_destroy,
+  (DrawFunc)            measure_draw,
+  (DistanceFunc)        measure_distance_from,
+  (SelectFunc)          measure_select,
+  (CopyFunc)            measure_copy,
+  (MoveFunc)            measure_move,
+  (MoveHandleFunc)      measure_move_handle,
+  (GetPropertiesFunc)   object_create_props_dialog,
+  (ApplyPropertiesDialogFunc) object_apply_props_from_dialog,
+  (ObjectMenuFunc)      NULL, /* measure_get_object_menu, */
+  (DescribePropsFunc)   measure_describe_props,
+  (GetPropsFunc)        measure_get_props,
+  (SetPropsFunc)        measure_set_props,
+  (TextEditFunc) 0,
+  (ApplyPropertiesListFunc) object_apply_props,
+/* Type implementation */
+/*! Factory function - create default object */
+static DiaObject *
+measure_create (Point *startpoint,
+		void *user_data,
+		Handle **handle1,
+		Handle **handle2)
+  Measure *measure;
+  Connection *conn;
+  DiaObject *obj;
+  Point defaultlen = { 1.0, 1.0 };
+  measure = g_new0 (Measure,1);
+  obj = &measure->connection.object;
+  obj->type = &measure_type;
+  obj->ops = &measure_ops;
+  conn = &measure->connection;
+  conn->endpoints[0] = *startpoint;
+  conn->endpoints[1] = *startpoint;
+  point_add(&conn->endpoints[1], &defaultlen);
+  connection_init(conn, 2, 0);
+  /* kind of measurement can only be set via user data */
+  attributes_get_default_font (&measure->font, &measure->font_height);
+  measure->line_width = attributes_get_default_linewidth();
+  measure->line_color = attributes_get_foreground();
+  measure->scale = 1.0;
+  measure->unit = DIA_UNIT_CENTIMETER;
+  measure->precision = 3;
+  measure_update_data(measure);
+  *handle1 = obj->handles[0];
+  *handle2 = obj->handles[1];
+  return obj;
+static DiaObject *
+measure_load(ObjectNode obj_node, int version, const char *filename)
+  return object_load_using_properties(&measure_type,
+                                      obj_node,version,filename);
+static PropNumData scale_range = {1e-9, 1e9, 1 };
+static PropEnumData unit_data[] = {
+  { N_("cm"), DIA_UNIT_CENTIMETER },
+  { N_("dm"), DIA_UNIT_DECIMETER },
+  { N_("ft"), DIA_UNIT_FEET },
+  { N_("in"), DIA_UNIT_INCH },
+  { N_("m"),  DIA_UNIT_METER },
+  { N_("mm"), DIA_UNIT_MILLIMETER },
+  { N_("pt"), DIA_UNIT_POINT },
+  { N_("pi"), DIA_UNIT_PICA },
+  { NULL, }
+static PropNumData precision_data = {1, 9, 1};
+/* Class/Object implementation */
+static PropDescription measure_props[] = {
+    N_("Measurement"),NULL }, /* FIXME: mark read-only */
+  { "scale", PROP_TYPE_REAL, PROP_FLAG_VISIBLE, N_("Scale"), NULL, &scale_range},
+  { "unit", PROP_TYPE_ENUM, PROP_FLAG_VISIBLE, N_("Unit"), NULL, &unit_data },
+  { "precision", PROP_TYPE_INT, PROP_FLAG_VISIBLE, N_("Precision"), NULL, &precision_data },
+  /* the default PROP_STD_TEXT_FONT has PROP_FLAG_DONT_SAVE, we need saving */
+static PropOffset measure_offsets[] = {
+  { "name", PROP_TYPE_STRING, offsetof(Measure, name) },
+  { "scale", PROP_TYPE_REAL, offsetof(Measure, scale) },
+  { "unit", PROP_TYPE_ENUM, offsetof(Measure, unit) },
+  { "precision", PROP_TYPE_INT, offsetof(Measure, precision) },
+  { "text_font",PROP_TYPE_FONT,offsetof(Measure, font) },
+  { PROP_STDNAME_TEXT_HEIGHT,PROP_STDTYPE_TEXT_HEIGHT,offsetof(Measure, font_height) },
+  { PROP_STDNAME_LINE_WIDTH, PROP_STDTYPE_LINE_WIDTH, offsetof(Measure, line_width) },
+  { "line_colour", PROP_TYPE_COLOUR, offsetof(Measure, line_color) },
+  { NULL, 0, 0 }
+#define MEASURE_ARROW(measure) { ARROW_FILLED_TRIANGLE, measure->font_height, measure->font_height/2 }
+/*! Not in the object interface but very important anyway. Used to recalculate the object data after a change  */
+static void
+measure_update_data (Measure *measure)
+  Connection *conn = &measure->connection;
+  DiaObject *obj = &measure->connection.object;
+  real value;
+  Point *ends = measure->connection.endpoints;
+  LineBBExtras *extra = &conn->extra_spacing;
+  Rectangle bbox;
+  Arrow arrow = MEASURE_ARROW(measure);
+  real ascent, width;
+  gchar format[] = "%.3g %s";
+  g_return_if_fail (obj->handles != NULL);
+  connection_update_handles(conn);
+  format[2] = measure->precision + '0';
+  extra->start_trans =
+  extra->end_trans   =
+  extra->start_long  =
+  extra->end_long    = (measure->line_width / 2.0);
+  g_free (measure->name);
+  value = distance_point_point (&ends[0], &ends[1]);
+  value *= measure->scale;
+  value *= (28.346457 / units[measure->unit].factor);
+  measure->name = g_strdup_printf (format, value, units[measure->unit].unit);
+  ascent = dia_font_ascent (measure->name, measure->font, measure->font_height);
+  width = dia_font_string_width (measure->name, measure->font, measure->font_height);
+  measure->text_pos.x = (ends[0].x + ends[1].x) / 2;
+  measure->text_pos.y = (ends[0].y + ends[1].y) / 2;
+  /* for horizontal we could try to center over the line */
+  line_bbox (&ends[0], &ends[0], &conn->extra_spacing,&conn->object.bounding_box);
+  arrow_bbox (&arrow, measure->line_width, &ends[0], &ends[1], &bbox);
+  rectangle_union(&obj->bounding_box, &bbox);
+  arrow_bbox (&arrow, measure->line_width, &ends[1], &ends[0], &bbox);
+  rectangle_union(&obj->bounding_box, &bbox);
+  bbox.left = measure->text_pos.x;
+  bbox.top = measure->text_pos.y - ascent;
+  bbox.bottom = bbox.top + measure->font_height;
+  bbox.right = bbox.left + width;
+  rectangle_union(&obj->bounding_box, &bbox);
+  obj->position = measure->text_pos;
+static void 
+measure_draw(Measure *measure, DiaRenderer *renderer)
+  DiaObject *obj = &measure->connection.object;
+  Arrow arrow = MEASURE_ARROW(measure);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->set_linewidth (renderer, measure->line_width);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->set_linestyle (renderer, LINESTYLE_SOLID);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->set_linejoin(renderer, LINEJOIN_MITER);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->set_linecaps(renderer, LINECAPS_ROUND);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->draw_line_with_arrows (
+					renderer,
+					&measure->connection.endpoints[0], &measure->connection.endpoints[1],
+					measure->line_width, &measure->line_color,
+					&arrow, &arrow);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->set_font(renderer, 
+                                        measure->font, measure->font_height);
+  DIA_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (renderer)->draw_string (
+					renderer, measure->name, 
+					&measure->text_pos, ALIGN_LEFT, 
+					&measure->line_color);
+/*! A standard props compliant object needs to describe its parameters */
+static PropDescription *
+measure_describe_props (Measure *measure)
+  if (measure_props[0].quark == 0)
+    prop_desc_list_calculate_quarks(measure_props);
+  return measure_props;
+static void 
+measure_get_props (Measure *measure, GPtrArray *props)
+  object_get_props_from_offsets(&measure->connection.object, measure_offsets, props);
+static void 
+measure_set_props (Measure *measure, GPtrArray *props)
+  object_set_props_from_offsets(&measure->connection.object, measure_offsets, props);
+  measure_update_data (measure);
+static real
+measure_distance_from (Measure *measure, Point *point)
+  return distance_line_point (
+		&measure->connection.endpoints[0],
+                &measure->connection.endpoints[1],
+		measure->line_width, point);
+static void
+measure_select(Measure *measure, Point *clicked_point,
+	       DiaRenderer *interactive_renderer)
+  connection_update_handles(&measure->connection);
+static ObjectChange* 
+measure_move_handle (Measure *measure,
+                     Handle *handle,
+		     Point *to, ConnectionPoint *cp,
+		     HandleMoveReason reason, ModifierKeys modifiers)
+  connection_move_handle(&measure->connection, handle->id, to, cp, reason, modifiers);
+  measure_update_data(measure);
+  return NULL;
+static ObjectChange* 
+measure_move (Measure *measure, Point *to)
+  DiaObject *obj = &measure->connection.object;
+  Point start_to_end;
+  Point *ends = &measure->connection.endpoints[0]; 
+  start_to_end = ends[1];
+  point_sub(&start_to_end, &ends[0]);
+  ends[1] = ends[0] = *to;
+  point_add(&ends[1], &start_to_end);
+  measure_update_data (measure);
+  return NULL;
+static void
+measure_destroy(Measure *measure)
+  connection_destroy(&measure->connection);
+static DiaObject *
+measure_copy (Measure *from)
+  Measure *to;
+  to = g_new0 (Measure, 1);
+  connection_copy(&from->connection, &to->connection);
+  to->name = g_strdup (from->name);
+  to->font = dia_font_ref (from->font);
+  to->font_height = from->font_height;
+  to->line_width = from->line_width;
+  to->line_color = from->line_color;
+  to->scale = from->scale;
+  to->unit = from->unit;
+  /* the rest will be recalculated in update_data() */
+  measure_update_data(to);
+  return &to->connection.object;

Added: trunk/objects/Misc/pixmaps/measure.xpm
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/objects/Misc/pixmaps/measure.xpm	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * measure_xpm[] = {
+"22 22 4 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #AAAAAA",
+"+	c #555555",
+"@	c #000000",
+"                      ",
+"    .                 ",
+"   .+                 ",
+"   +                  ",
+"  +@@+                ",
+"  +@@+                ",
+".+@@@@+               ",
+".+@@@@+               ",
+"+@@@@@@+              ",
+"   @@.. .+            ",
+"   +@   +@  @@ @ @ @@ ",
+"   +@    @ @   @  @. @",
+"   +@    @ @   @  @. @",
+"   +@    @  @@ @  q. @",
+"+@@@@@@+              ",
+" +@@@@+               ",
+" +@@@@+               ",
+" .+@@+                ",
+"  +@@+                ",
+"    +                 ",
+"   @.                 ",
+"                      "};

Modified: trunk/objects/makefile.msc
--- trunk/objects/makefile.msc	(original)
+++ trunk/objects/makefile.msc	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
 !IFDEF OBJ_misc
 	analog_clock.obj \
+	measure.obj \
 	tree.obj \

Modified: trunk/sheets/Misc.sheet.in
--- trunk/sheets/Misc.sheet.in	(original)
+++ trunk/sheets/Misc.sheet.in	Sat May 10 10:28:12 2008
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
     <object name="Misc - Analog Clock">
       <_description>Traditional clock</_description>
+    <object name="Misc - Measure" intdata="0">
+      <_description>Measure distance</_description>
+    </object>
     <object name="Misc - NewGroup">
       <_description>New-style group object, for testing</_description>

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