gnomeweb-wml r5904 - in trunk: .
- From: lucasr svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnomeweb-wml r5904 - in trunk: .
- Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 15:55:40 +0000 (GMT)
Author: lucasr
Date: Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
New Revision: 5904
2008-03-01 Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org>
* added new pages to the build.
* add news entry for
published tasks.
* update with
list of tasks.
**: one page per
long-term program task.
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -291,6 +291,11 @@
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+<b>2008-03-01</b>: List of available tasks published in the website. See our <a href="tasks">Tasks</a> page!
<b>2008-02-27</b>: Program officially announced to community. See our <a href="";>press release</a>!
<h2>How to Participate</h2>
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+SUBDIRS = documentation evince magnification testing youridea
urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks
page_SCRIPTS = \
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks/documentation
+page_SCRIPTS = \
+ index.html
+page_DATA =
+include $(top_srcdir)/rules.common
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";;>
+ <title>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility 2008" />
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date: 2006-07-02 02:31:07 +0300 (Dom, 02 Jul 2008) $" />
+<h1>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</h1>
+<a href="../">Back to Tasks page</a>
+<h2>Accessibility Documentation for Users and Developers</h2>
+<b>Mentor:</b> <i>To be defined.</i><br/>
+See <a href="";>bug 519067</a> to track this task.
+This USD$6K/6mo task is for a good writer to update/edit/develop/deliver
+documentation for each of the following areas. This task may seem huge, but
+there is a lot of existing documentation to draw from. The person working on
+this task should work with the GNOME documentation team to get the new
+documentation in the right source format (<a
+href="";>DocBook</a>) and stored in the right spot
+(gnome-user-docs and gnome-devel-docs) and should also do a
+search/destroy/relink mission to prevent people from landing on the old
+documentation by mistake (e.g., a Google search should bring you to the right
+spot and not some old crufty documentation).
+<b>NOTE:</b> The person working on this documentation does not have to be the one to
+scour all the code. The documentation can be written by interviewing
+maintainers of various components (e.g., AT-SPI maintainer, Orca maintainer,
+GOK maintainer, etc.). The ultimate deliverables, however, are still the
+responsibility of the person working on this task.
+<h3>How to develop and test for accessibility from an application developer's
+point of view</h3>
+Application developers often know very little about accessibility -- they tend
+to support accessibility accidentally because the toolkit supports it. However,
+application developers often make common mistakes, such as neglecting keyboard
+traversal, making heavy use of images that have no text equivalents, not
+honoring desktop themes, forgetting to related labels to the things they are
+labeling (e.g., "First Name:" and the text area being labeled) and making/using
+custom widgets that do not support accessibility.
+One of the first responses from an application developer to an accessibility
+bug is "What? A11y what? Whojamawitchy? Where do I start?". The goal of this
+task is to be able to point those developers to concise instructions for
+testing for accessibility and how to avoid/address common pitfalls. This should
+include using assistive technologies (Orca, GOK) as well as useful tools such
+as Accerciser. Keep in mind that approachability from a person ignorant about
+accessibility, and with likely very little time to study a thesis on the
+subject, is very important. There is some existing documentation to draw from
+for this:
+ <li><a href="";></a></li>
+ <li><a href="";></a> (may want to find DocBook source for the original document)</li>
+ <li><a href="";></a></li>
+ <li><a href="";>Developer Documentation page</a> - there's a bunch of overlapping and out of date work.</li>
+A document that includes the following might be considered:
+ <li>How to test for keyboard traversal - include instructions on setting up label for/by relations and mnemonics via code and via glade and pointers to docs for the general GNOME Desktop key sequences</li>
+ <li>How to test for theming - include instructions for setting (and recovering from) the high contrast large print theme and pointers to docs for how to support theming</li>
+ <li>Pointer to Accerciser and maybe a quick example of using it in the context of testing for a11y</li>
+ <li>Quick testing with Orca and GOK - typical use cases and expected behavior</li>
+ <li>Pointers to gail to give custom widget developers examples of code they can use to make their widgets accessible</li>
+Clearer diagrams (e.g. UML sequence diagrams) of why and how the accessibility
+infrastructure (application/atk/gail/at-spi/assistive-technology) works should
+also be created. In addition, the documentation should be clearer about the
+various dependencies and the order in which things should be built/installed.
+Here's some notes on the AT-SPI IDL documentation. It has good docs in it, but they seem to be scattered about and are not always up to date:
+"The history behind this is that the "new" IDL space was created as a workspace
+for drafting and documenting some extensions/enhancements to AT-SPI several
+Gnome versions ago. In the ensuing period, Doxygen documentation of AT-SPI's
+IDL in the main source tree was substantially improved; the "new idl"
+directory, which really should be have been named something else I suppose,
+lacks most of those documentation improvements - - BUT it DOES include draft
+documentation for the proposed new APIs, including Collection whose
+implementation has not yet made it into the CVS repository.
+The rather unsatisfactory situation of AT-SPI docs being in my personal Gnome
+directory came about because of the use of Doxygen and because it was, at least
+at that time, difficult to get the autogenerated documentation
+tree extended. The ATK docs have been there, autogenerated from SVN, for a long
+time, but we didn't get the IDL-based docs there, probably in part because they
+use doxygen instead of gtk-doc as the doc-creation-tool. This latter fact is
+because gtk-doc, while the "official" source documentation generator for gnome,
+cannot parse IDL, whereas doxygen can."
+<h3>How to test for accessibility from an operating system distribution point
+of view</h3>
+Even if everyone on the GNOME side does their job correctly, operating system
+distributions can still make mistakes when it comes to integrating
+accessibility support. This document should provide operating system
+distributions with concise directions for testing to make sure they didn't
+screw it up. The directions should include things such as the following, as
+well as integration tips, tricks, and troubleshooting:
+ <li>Pointers to accessibility for application developers (above)</li>
+ <li>A concise list of package/product dependencies</li>
+ <li>Testing audio</li>
+ <li>Testing speech</li>
+ <li>Testing brltty (you can use the dummy X11 driver if you don't have braille hardware)</li>
+ <li>Testing hardware switches (e.g., <a href="";></a>, <a href=""></a>)</li>
+ <li>Testing theming (are the accessibility inspired themes installed and usable?)</li>
+ <li>Testing keyboard accessibility (i.e., "AccessX")</li>
+ <li>Testing accessible login</li>
+ <li>"Smoke testing" with various assistive technologies</li>
+<h3>GNOME Accessibility from a user's point of view</h3>
+New users coming to GNOME often do not know where to start, and they are also
+unsure if they should make the jump from their existing platform (e.g.,
+Windows, Mac OSX) to GNOME. This documentation should include what's available
+and the capabilities provided by GNOME. It should offer concise information to
+help a new user quickly understand if they should make the jump, but also
+provide thorough documentation for getting going. As part of this, one should a
+thorough review and edit of the <a
+href="";>GNOME Desktop
+Accessibility Guide</a>.
+Ideally, GNOME should be a system that provides users with the independence to
+install and configure the accessibility environment themselves. However, some
+new users may need to work with their system administrators and clinicians to
+configure the accessibility environment. As such, this documentation should be
+written with that in mind.
+Each assistive technology (e.g., GOK, Orca, Dasher) could also use improvements
+in the documentation. See the <a
+href="";>For Users</a> page for links
+to the assistive technologies.
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks/evince
+page_SCRIPTS = \
+ index.html
+page_DATA =
+include $(top_srcdir)/rules.common
Added: trunk/
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+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";;>
+ <title>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility 2008" />
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date: 2006-07-02 02:31:07 +0300 (Dom, 02 Jul 2008) $" />
+<h1>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</h1>
+<a href="../">Back to Tasks page</a>
+<h2>Evince Accessibility</h2>
+<b>Mentor:</b>: Brian Cameron<br/>
+<b>Others:</b> Behdad Esfahbod offered help with Pango knowledge.
+See <a href="";>bug 309015</a> to track this task.
+<a href="";>Evince</a> is a document viewer
+for multiple document formats. It currently supports pdf, postscript, djvu,
+tiff and dvi. This USD$6K/6mo task is for someone knowledgeable (or at least
+someone who can some up to speed quickly) with the AT-SPI to improve
+accessibility support for evince. In particular, the following must be
+ <li>Full keyboard navigation must be supported. The user must be able to navigate around (Left/Right/Up/Down, Ctrl+Left/Right Up/Down, Home/End, Ctrl+Home/End, Shift+nav_keys to select, etc) in the document content as well as use the keyboard to select and copy document content. NOTE: The F7 key is used as a means to enable/disable caret navigation, but it may just make sense to always have caret navigation enabled for evince.</li>
+ <li> As the caret is moved, accurate AT-SPI "object:text-caret-moved" events must be issued to reflect the new caret position in the document.</li>
+ <li> As selections are made, accurate "object:text-selection-changed" events must be issued to reflect the current state of selection.</li>
+ <li> As focus changes from the document content to the menu bars (and other objects in the UI), accurate and appropriate AT-SPI "focus:" and "object:state-changed:focused" events must be issued to reflect the new object with focus.</li>
+ <li> The <a href="";>AT-SPI Accessibility_Text interface</a> must be fully supported for the document content.</li>
+ <li> The <a href="";>AT-SPI Accessibility_Hypertext</a> and <a href="";>AT-SPI Accessibility_Hyperlink</a> interfaces must be supported for document content that provides links. </li>
+Testing should be performed with at least PDF documents (including PDF
+documents with forms and annotations) Accerciser, Orca, and GOK. Preferably,
+feedback from end users should be solicited and incorporated as well. Success
+criteria includes compelling access by Orca and GOK users.
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -16,8 +16,34 @@
<a href="../">Back to main page</a>
+<h2>Long-term Tasks</h2>
+ <dt><a href="documentation">Accessibility Documentation for Users and Developers</a><dd>Write and update highly relevant Accessibility documentation for users and developers.
+ <dt><a href="evince">Evince Accessibility</a><dd>Improve Accessibility support (keyboard navigation, selections, focus, links and more) for Evince.
+ <dt><a href="magnification">Magnification</a><dd>Enhance features and improve performance of Magnification support in GNOME.
+ <dt><a href="testing">Accessibility Testing</a><dd>Develop a clear Accessibility test strategy/framework for GNOME.
+ <dt><a href="youridea">Your Idea</a><dd>Have a nice Accessibility project idea? Please let us know. The best idea will get the go ahead.
+<h2>Short-term Tasks</h2>
+Are you a developer who wants to become more familiar with accessibility? Are
+you an artist that can draw? Maybe you might also be interested in becoming a
+module maintainer some day. A great to get started is by fixing bugs, and we're
+offering you a way to get paid to do it. :-)
+519313</a> contains a list of bugs. Each bug represents a SHORT TERM task with
+a 2 week deadline. Do any 5 of these and you are eligible for a USD$1K prize.
+Keep an eye on the list by adding yourself to the CC list of <a
+href="";>bug 519313</a>. We will
+be adding bugs over time, though our current budget only allows us to fund the
+completion of 30 short term tasks.
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks/magnification
+page_SCRIPTS = \
+ index.html
+page_DATA =
+include $(top_srcdir)/rules.common
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";;>
+ <title>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility 2008" />
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date: 2006-07-02 02:31:07 +0300 (Dom, 02 Jul 2008) $" />
+<h1>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</h1>
+<a href="../">Back to Tasks page</a>
+<b>Mentor:</b>: <i>To be defined.</i>
+See <a href="";>bug 519080</a> to track this task.
+Overall, our ultimate goal is to let us get as good as or better than <a
+href="";>ZoomText</a> as well as support new
+innovative accessibility features that can be enabled by the X COMPOSITE
+Extension. This USD$6K/6mo task is to get us on the path to that goal.
+The gnome-mag module provides a magnification service via ORBit/Bonobo. It also
+uses the <a href="";>X
+COMPOSITE Extension</a> to provide smoother and full screen magnification. In
+general, it works :-), but there are some performance
+concerns and some feature enhancements that could be done.
+Coming down the pipe is potential huge conflict: window managers are becoming
+COMPOSITE managers. We see this with the sexy effects of Compiz, and Metacity
+is also becoming a COMPOSITE manager. Since there can be only one COMPOSITE
+manager, the result is that gnome-mag's current form may not work when these
+new window managers are in use. In addition, there are some emerging magnifiers
+as well, such as <a href="";>eZoom for Compiz</a>.
+See the <a
+GNOME accessibility community discussion</a> on this topic.
+ <li>The COMPOSITE extension opens the world for us to do lots and lots of really cool manipulation of what's being displayed on the desktop. This goes well beyond bit zooming and lets us get into really neat and useful stuff that can benefit a larger number of disabilities.</li>
+ <li>The architecture of the COMPOSITE extension seems to be that the most effective use of it is if you are in the process of the thing acting as the COMPOSITE manager.</li>
+ <li>As we see with Compiz and Metacity, people seem to be centering on the window manager as the COMPOSITE manager.</li>
+ <li>We have a desire to for external processes (e.g., Orca) to communicate with features provided by the COMPOSITE manager, such as magnification. Other things beyond magnification include highlighting a character/word/sentence/line/object/etc. of interest, providing tools for on screen keyboard to provide better visual experiences, etc.</li>
+ <li>We may need to consider systems where COMPOSITE may not be available.</li>
+This 'magnification' task is larger than magnification (maybe we need to rename
+it something like CIMSITY -- COMPOSITE Interface for Magnification Services and
+other Interesting TechnologY ;-)). The current task proposal is to create a
+growable API that starts off by supporting at least what we need for
+magnification, but which will also eventually allow us to do other really
+really cool stuff. This API (most likely DBus based?) and an implementation of
+it will need to be available for the GNOME platform (e.g., in a revised
+gnome-mag, in metacity, or in something else). In addition, it must also expose
+itself as a service so that assistive technologies such as <a href="";>Orca</a> can influence
+what is being magnified and/or highlighted and how it is being magnified and/or
+highlighted. The person doing the work should also provide a migration path
+away from the current gnome-mag solution to the new solution (e.g., "how will
+it work with Orca?") and get buy-in from at least the GNOME community that this
+will be a supported solution.
+Someone well versed in the actual use cases of magnification by people with
+visual impairments should be consulted as part of this work -- magnification is
+far more than bit zooming. Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues DiÃgenes (the last
+maintainer of gnome-mag) has written <a href="";>some thoughts</a> on this as a potential
+starting point.
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks/testing
+page_SCRIPTS = \
+ index.html
+page_DATA =
+include $(top_srcdir)/rules.common
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";;>
+ <title>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility 2008" />
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date: 2006-07-02 02:31:07 +0300 (Dom, 02 Jul 2008) $" />
+<h1>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</h1>
+<a href="../">Back to Tasks page</a>
+<h2>Accessibility Testing</h2>
+<b>Mentor:</b>: Willie Walker and Eitan Isaacson<br/>
+See <a href="";>bug 519359</a> to track this task.
+The goal of this USD$6K/6mo task is to develop a clear accessibility test
+strategy/framework for GNOME and generate initial tests that use this
+strategy/framework. The main goal is to make sure the GNOME desktop as a whole
+provides compelling access via theming, keyboard access, assistive
+technologies, etc.
+The testing should provide automated tests that help identify and prevent
+regressions as early as possible. These tests can consist of non-runtime tests
+such as GLADE file linting as well as runtime tests that check for
+accessibility hierarchy and accessibility event issues in running applications
+(e.g., perhaps new assertions or targets to add to LDTP/Dogtail/Strongwind).
+In addition to this work, the leader of this needs to champion a culture of
+automated testing so that GNOME module maintainers understand the real benefit
+of maintaining and using a high-quality test library.
+Deliverables include the following:
+ <li>The testing strategy/framework</li>
+ <li>Identification/implementation of how this will fit into a "make check" target</li>
+ <li>Tests that show how to verify accessibility support works for theming, keyboard navigation, and compelling access via the assistive technology suite of GNOME (e.g., Orca, GOK, Dasher, MouseTweaks, etc.). </li>
+See also recent <a href="";>gnome-accessibility-list</a>, <a href="";>desktop-devel-list</a>, and <a href="";>GNOME Boston 2006 discussions</a> on this topic.
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+urlpath = /projects/outreach/a11y/tasks/youridea
+page_SCRIPTS = \
+ index.html
+page_DATA =
+include $(top_srcdir)/rules.common
Added: trunk/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/ Sat Mar 1 15:55:40 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "";;>
+ <title>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</title>
+ <meta name="description" content="GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility 2008" />
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date: 2006-07-02 02:31:07 +0300 (Dom, 02 Jul 2008) $" />
+<h1>GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility - Tasks</h1>
+<a href="../">Back to Tasks page</a>
+<h2>Your Accessibility Idea</h2>
+<b>Mentor:</b>: <i>Depends upon the task.</i><br/>
+See <a href="";>bug 519075</a> to track this task.
+We want to hear what you think. Is there something from the <a href="";>Get Involved</a> page
+that you think you can do for USD$6K in a 6 month timeframe? Is there some
+other innovative thing you have thought of that is not on the list? Please let
+us know. The best idea will get the go ahead.
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