ooo-build r12996 - trunk/scratch/split

Author: michael
Date: Mon Jun 30 17:05:02 2008
New Revision: 12996

hacked up initial spec files for backup


Added: trunk/scratch/split/ooo3_bootstrap.spec
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/scratch/split/ooo3_bootstrap.spec	Mon Jun 30 17:05:02 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# spec file for package OpenOffice_org (Version
+# Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
+# package are under the same license as the package itself.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+# norootforbuild
+%define         piece bootstrap
+Name:           ooo3_bootstrap
+BuildRequires:  ImageMagick ant bison boost-devel ccache cups-devel curl-devel db-devel flac-devel flex gnome-vfs2-devel gperf gtk2-devel icu kdelibs3-devel krb5 libexif mono-devel neon-devel openldap2-devel pam-devel perl-Archive-Zip perl-Compress-Zlib python-devel recode unixODBC-devel unzip xml-commons-apis xorg-x11 zip
+%ifarch %ix86
+BuildRequires:  java-devel
+%if %suse_version > 1020
+# We have switched to the commercial java because of n#290807
+BuildRequires:  java-devel
+BuildRequires:  gcc-java java-1_4_2-gcj-compat-devel
+%if %suse_version > 1010
+# openSUSE 10.2 gcj related features
+BuildRequires:  fastjar gcc-gij
+%if %suse_version == 1000
+# there were missing dependencies in xerces-j2 and more java packages on SL 10.0
+BuildRequires:  update-alternatives
+# mozilla stuff
+%if %suse_version > 1010
+BuildRequires:  mozilla-xulrunner181-devel
+%if %suse_version > 1000
+# for SL 10.1
+BuildRequires:  gecko-sdk mozilla-xulrunner
+# for BuildService on SL 10.0
+BuildRequires:  mozilla-devel mozilla-nss mozilla-nss-devel
+# 10.3 features
+%if %suse_version > 1020
+BuildRequires:  libicu-devel
+# 11.0 features
+%if %suse_version > 1030
+BuildRequires:  hunspell-devel libwpd-devel libwpg-devel libwps-devel
+# CODE10 features
+%if %suse_version > 1000
+BuildRequires:  gstreamer010-plugins-base-devel sablot-devel xalan-j2 xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis
+# hack to build SDK on 10.2-x86_64 and SLED10-x86_64
+%if %suse_version == 1020 || %sles_version == 10
+%ifarch x86_64
+BuildRequires:  gjdoc
+# FIXME: part of the language-dependant stuff is still built here and
+# put into the -devel package
+# test_build_langs:   	   0 = only en-US
+#			   1 = en-US, de, and cs
+#			   2 = all supported languages 
+%define		test_build_langs 	2
+# test_build_binfilters:   0 = no
+#			   1 = yes
+%define		test_build_binfilters 	1
+# test_build_SDK:  	   0 = no
+#			   1 = yes (if possible, see below the definition of ooo_build_sdk)
+%define		test_build_sdk 		1
+# build_module_in_parallel 0 = no
+#			   1 = yes (the number is defined be the number of cpus)
+#			   2,3,4... = yes (force the number of modules to be built in parallel)
+%define		build_module_in_parallel	1
+# prepare_build:	   0 = no
+#			   1 = yes (just build, install and create packages; without %%prep section and configure)
+%define		prepare_build 		1
+%if %test_build_langs == 0
+%define       ooo_langs		"en-US"
+%if %test_build_langs == 1
+%define       ooo_langs		"en-US cs de hu ja"
+%define       ooo_langs		"en-US af ar be-BY bg br ca cs cy da de el en-GB en-ZA es et fi fr ga gl gu-IN he hi-IN hu hr it ja ka km ko lt mk nb nl nn nr pa-IN pl pt pt-BR ru rw sh sk sl sr ss st sv tg th tr ts uk ve vi xh zh-TW zh-CN zu"
+%define       ooo_poor_help_localizations "af bg be-BY br ca cy el fi ga he hr ka lt mk nb nn nr rw sh sr sk ss st tg th tr th ts uk ve vi xh zu"
+# sdk stuff enable only on SL 10.2, SLED10 and higher
+# force no if test_build_sdk is disabled
+%if %test_build_sdk == 0
+%define		ooo_build_sdk 		no
+%if %suse_version > 1010 || %sles_version == 10
+%define		ooo_build_sdk 		yes
+%define		ooo_build_sdk 		no
+# java stuff
+%define	      with_java		yes
+%ifarch %ix86
+%define	      use_gij		no
+# x86_64 ppc
+%if %suse_version > 1020
+%define	      use_gij		no
+%define	      use_gij		yes
+# java target bytecode; should be compatible with the gcj
+%if %suse_version > 1030
+%define       java_target_version	1.5
+%define       java_target_version	1.4
+%define	      ooo_bin_suffix	no
+%define	      ooo_prefix	%_libdir
+%define	      ooo_home		ooo-3
+%define	      ooo_build_dir	build
+%define	      ooo_build_version 2.99.4
+%define	      ooo_build_tag     dev300-m19
+License:        Artistic License; BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; LaTeX Public License (LPPL); LGPL v2.1 or later; MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE (MPL/NPL); X11/MIT
+Group:          Productivity/Office/Suite
+Version:        3
+Release:        1
+AutoReqProv:    on
+PreReq:         coreutils /usr/bin/update-mime-database
+PreReq:         %{?suseconfig_fonts_prereq:%suseconfig_fonts_prereq}
+Summary:        A Free Office Suite (Framework)
+Source0:        ooo-build-%ooo_build_version.tar.gz
+Source1:        %ooo_build_tag-bootstrap.tar.bz2
+# patches against the upstream sources, must be -p0
+# Patch1000:    bug-123456-fix-foo.diff		# example
+BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
+bootstrap !
+%package devel
+License:        Artistic License; BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; LaTeX Public License (LPPL); LGPL v2.1 or later; MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE (MPL/NPL); X11/MIT
+Summary:        A Free Office Suite (Framework)
+Group:          Productivity/Office/Suite
+# FIXME: need until the devel package duplicates all the libraries
+AutoReqProv:    off
+%description devel
+devel package
+%setup -q -n ooo-build-%ooo_build_version
+# apply patches against ooo-build
+# %patch0	# example
+install -m 644 %{S:1} src/
+%if %prepare_build != 0
+# Parallel build settings ...
+if test -n "%{?jobs:%jobs}" -a -e "/opt/icecream/bin/gcc" -a -e "/opt/icecream/bin/g++" ; then
+  PARALLEL_BUILD="--with-gcc-speedup=icecream
+                  --with-max-jobs=%jobs"
+# parallel build of modules; it makes sense on machines with more CPUs
+if test "%build_module_in_parallel" = "1" ; then
+    PARALLEL_BUILD="$PARALLEL_BUILD --with-num-cpus=`grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`"
+if test "%build_module_in_parallel" -gt "1" ; then
+    PARALLEL_BUILD="$PARALLEL_BUILD --with-num-cpus=%build_module_in_parallel"
+# Distro settings ...
+%if %suse_version <= 1030
+    suse_major_ver=$((%suse_version / 100))
+    suse_minor_ver=$((%suse_version / 10 - $suse_major_ver * 10))
+    with_distro="SUSE-$suse_major_ver.$suse_minor_ver"
+%if %suse_version > 1030 && %suse_version <= 1110
+    with_distro="SUSE-11.0"
+    with_distro="SUSE"
+# run autoreconf to make sure that everything works correctly on current system
+# also the autoconf stuff might have been patched
+autoreconf -fi
+# make sure that JAVA_HOME is set correctly
+source /etc/profile.d/
+# use RPM_OPT_FLAGS, ...
+export ARCH_FLAGS="`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS|sed -e 's/\-O[0-9]//g'` -fno-strict-aliasing"
+# FIXME: genccode from the system icu is in /usr/sbin
+export PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin"
+# FIXME: Sun Java is borken on 10.2-x86_64, see
+#        javac from java-1_4_2-gcj-compat-devel uses ecj that is not able to compile OOo
+#        gij requires JAVA_HOME=/usr
+#        ant requires tools.jar from /usr/lib64/jvm/java/lib
+%ifarch x86_64
+%if %suse_version == 1020
+export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
+%if %prepare_build != 0
+./configure $PARALLEL_BUILD \
+	--with-split \
+	--with-piece=bootstrap \
+	--libdir=%{_libdir} \
+	--prefix=%{_prefix} \
+	--mandir=%{_mandir} \
+	--sysconfdir=/etc \
+	--with-docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} \
+	--with-binsuffix=%ooo_bin_suffix \
+	--with-installed-ooo-dirname=%ooo_home \
+	--with-distro="$with_distro" \
+%if %suse_version <= 1030
+	--with-intro-bitmaps="%{S:40} %{S:42}" \
+	--with-about-bitmaps="%{S:41} %{S:43}" \
+	--with-tag=%ooo_build_tag \
+	--with-lang=%ooo_langs \
+	--with-poor-help-localizations=%ooo_poor_help_localizations \
+	--with-mono-gac-root=%{_prefix}/lib \
+%if %test_build_binfilters != 0
+	--enable-binfilter \
+%if %with_java == no
+	--with-java=no \
+	--with-jdk-home="" \
+%if %use_gij == yes
+	--with-java=gij \
+	--with-jdk-home=/usr \
+	--with-java=java \
+	--with-jdk-home=$JAVA_HOME \
+	--with-java-target-version=%java_target_version \
+%if %suse_version < 920 && %sles_version <= 8
+	--disable-openldap \
+	--disable-gnome-vfs \
+	--disable-gtk \
+	--disable-access \
+	--disable-post-install-scripts \
+	--disable-strip \
+	--enable-openxml \
+	--enable-split-app-modules \
+	--enable-split-opt-features
+# FIXME: will be obsolete after we are able to build res files separately
+# FIXME: try to finish build even with the strange random build crash in officecfg
+%ifarch x86_64 ppc
+%if %suse_version <= 1020
+# FIXME: move this to ooo-build
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr
+# FIXME: will be obsolete after we are able to build res files separately
+# FIXME: strip binaries in the devel package now to do not bloat the debuginfo package, n#300679
+# it is only temporary and quite unusable devel package anyway now
+%post devel
+# FIXME - should have the actual files in it ! ;-)
+# except we have ~none here - just a devel package (?)
+# is there anything we absolutely need here ?
+%files devel
+%dir %ooo_prefix/%ooo_home/solver
+%dir %ooo_prefix/%ooo_home/ooo-build

Added: trunk/scratch/split/ooo3_ure.spec
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/scratch/split/ooo3_ure.spec	Mon Jun 30 17:05:02 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# spec file for package OpenOffice_org (Version
+# Copyright (c) 2008 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
+# package are under the same license as the package itself.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+# norootforbuild
+%define         piece ure
+Name:           ooo3_%piece
+BuildRequires:  ooo3_base-devel
+%define	      ooo_prefix	%_libdir
+%define	      ooo_home		ooo-3
+%define	      ooo_build_tag     dev300-m19
+License:        Artistic License; BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; LaTeX Public License (LPPL); LGPL v2.1 or later; MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE (MPL/NPL); X11/MIT
+Group:          Productivity/Office/Suite
+Version:        3
+Release:        1
+AutoReqProv:    on
+Summary:        A Free Office Suite (Framework)
+Source:         %ooo_build_tag-ure.tar.bz2
+%package devel
+License:        Artistic License; BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; LaTeX Public License (LPPL); LGPL v2.1 or later; MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE (MPL/NPL); X11/MIT
+Summary:        A Free Office Suite (Framework)
+Group:          Productivity/Office/Suite
+AutoReqProv:    off
+%description devel
+devel package
+%setup -q -n %ooo_build_tag
+#setup env.
+source $OO_TOOLSDIR/piece/sys-setup
+source $OO_TOOLSDIR/piece/sys-setup
+%post devel
+# FIXME - should have the actual files in it ! ;-)
+# except we have ~none here - just a devel package (?)
+# is there anything we absolutely need here ?
+%files devel
+%dir %ooo_prefix/%ooo_home/solver

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