ooo-build r12757 - in trunk: . scratch/rcsutil

Author: kyoshida
Date: Tue Jun  3 04:37:08 2008
New Revision: 12757

2008-06-03  Kohei Yoshida  <kyoshida novell com>

	* scratch/rcsutil/ new script to parse RCS files for 
	generating interesting statistics.

   trunk/scratch/rcsutil/   (contents, props changed)

Added: trunk/scratch/rcsutil/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/scratch/rcsutil/	Tue Jun  3 04:37:08 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, popen2, os.path, os
+import re
+import time, datetime
+currentAffiliations = {
+    'OPENSTEP':               'unaffiliated',
+    'ab':                     'Sun',
+    'abi':                    'Sun',
+    'ace_dent':               'unaffiliated',
+    'af':                     'Sun',
+    'aklitzing':              'unaffiliated',
+    'ama':                    'Sun',
+    'andreschnabel':          'unaffiliated',
+    'antoxu':                 'Intel',
+    'armin':                  'Sun',            # Armin Theissen (former Sun Ireland)
+    'as':                     'Sun',
+    'aw':                     'Sun',
+    'bc':                     'Sun',
+    'bei':                    'Sun',
+    'beppec56':               'unaffiliated',
+    'bm':                     'Sun',
+    'cd':                     'Sun',
+    'cedricbosdo':            'unaffiliated',
+    'cl':                     'Sun',
+    'cloph':                  'unaffiliated',
+    'clu':                    'Sun',
+    'cmc':                    'RedHat',
+    'cn':                     'Sun',
+    'cp':                     'Sun',
+    'dbo':                    'Sun',
+    'dfoster':                'Sun',
+    'dkeskar':                'Intel',
+    'dr':                     'Sun',
+    'dv':                     'Sun',
+    'dvo':                    'unaffiliated',
+    'ebischoff':              'unaffiliated',
+    'er':                     'Sun',
+    'erack':                  'Sun',
+    'ericb':                  'unaffiliated',
+    'fa':                     'RedHat',         # Dan Williams
+    'fheckl':                 'unaffiliated',
+    'flr':                    'Novell',
+    'fme':                    'Sun',
+    'fpe':                    'Sun',
+    'fredrikh':               'unaffiliated',
+    'fridrich_strba':         'Novell',
+    'fs':                     'Sun',
+    'gh':                     'Sun',
+    'gm':                     'Sun',
+    'grichter':               'MySQL',
+    'hbrinkm':                'Sun',
+    'hde':                    'Sun',
+    'hdu':                    'Sun',
+    'hjs':                    'Sun',
+    'hr':                     'Sun',
+    'hro':                    'Sun',
+    'ih':                     'Sun',
+    'iha':                    'Sun',
+    'ihi':                    'Sun',
+    'is':                     'Sun',
+    'jakob_lechner':          'Fabalabs',
+    'jbu':                    'Sun',
+    'jimmac':                 'Novell',
+    'jl':                     'Sun',
+    'jmarmion':               'Sun',
+    'jodygoldberg':           'Novell',
+    'john.marmion':           'Sun',
+    'jsc':                    'Sun',
+    'jsi':                    'Sun',
+    'jsk':                    'Sun',
+    'ka':                     'Sun',
+    'kaib':                   'Google',
+    'kendy':                  'Novell',
+    'khong':                  'Sun',
+    'kohei':                  'Novell',
+    'kr':                     'Sun',
+    'kso':                    'Sun',
+    'kz':                     'Sun',
+    'laurentgodard':          'unaffiliated',
+    'liutao':                 'RedFlag',
+    'liyuan':                 'RedFlag',
+    'lla':                    'Sun',
+    'lo':                     'Sun',
+    'maho':                   'unaffiliated',
+    'manikandan':             'unaffiliated',
+    'mav':                    'Sun',
+    'mba':                    'Sun',
+    'mh':                     'Sun',
+    'mhu':                    'Sun',
+    'mib':                    'Sun',
+    'mikeleib':               'Intel',
+    'mkretzschmar':           'Google',
+    'mmeeks':                 'Novell',
+    'mox':                    'unaffiliated',
+    'msc':                    'Sun',
+    'mt':                     'Sun',
+    'nemeth':                 'unaffiliated',
+    'nn':                     'Sun',
+    'np':                     'Sun',
+    'npower':                 'Novell',
+    'obo':                    'Sun',
+    'obr':                    'Sun',
+    'oc':                     'Sun',
+    'od':                     'Sun',
+    'oj':                     'Sun',
+    'os':                     'Sun',
+    'pb':                     'Sun',
+    'pdefilippis':            'unaffiliated',
+    'pj':                     'RedFlag',
+    'pjanik':                 'unaffiliated',
+    'pl':                     'Sun',
+    'pmladek':                'Novell',
+    'radekdoulik':            'Novell',
+    'rene':                   'unaffiliated',
+    'rt':                     'Sun',
+    'sb':                     'Sun',
+    'sg':                     'Sun',
+    'sj':                     'Sun',
+    'smsm1':                  'unaffiliated',
+    'sparcmoz':               'unaffiliated',
+    'ssa':                    'Sun',
+    'st':                     'Sun',
+    'sus':                    'Sun',
+    'svesik':                 'Sun',
+    'sw':                     'unaffiliated',
+    'tbe':                    'Sun',
+    'tbo':                    'Sun',
+    'thb':                    'Sun',
+    'timseves':               'SIL',
+    'tl':                     'Sun',
+    'tml':                    'Novell',
+    'tra':                    'Sun',
+    'tristan':                'unaffiliated',
+    'tv':                     'Sun',
+    'ufi':                    'Sun',
+    'va':                     'Sun',
+    'vg':                     'Sun',
+    'vq':                     'unaffiliated',
+    'wangyumin_ccoss':        'CCOSS',
+    'ydario':                 'unaffiliated'}
+def getAffiliation (name, year, month):
+    affil = '(unknown)'
+    if currentAffiliations.has_key(name):
+        affil = currentAffiliations[name]
+    return affil
+class Debuggable(object):
+    def __init__ (self):
+        self.debug = False
+    def debugPrint (self, msg, abortAfter=False):
+        if self.debug:
+            sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n")
+            if abortAfter:
+                sys.exit(1)
+class RCSFile(Debuggable):
+    # alpha numeric letter
+    alphnum = '([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9])'
+    # regex pattern for category match
+    reCategory = '^' + alphnum + '(' + alphnum + '|\ )*\:'
+    reRevSeparator = '^\-+$'
+    def __init__ (self, lines):
+        Debuggable.__init__(self)
+        self.lines = lines
+        self.lineLength = len(self.lines)
+        self.reset()
+    def reset (self):
+        self.headers = {}
+        self.branchSymbols = {}
+        self.commitLogs = []
+        self.descError = False
+        self.symbolicNamesError = False
+        self.miscError = False
+    def parse (self):
+        self.reset()
+        rePattern = re.compile(RCSFile.reCategory)
+        i = 0
+        while i < self.lineLength:
+            line = self.lines[i].rstrip()
+            res =
+            if res == None:
+                # no regex match found
+                i += 1
+                continue
+            category =[:-1]
+            if category == 'symbolic names':
+                i = self.__parseSymbolicNames(i+1)
+                continue
+            if category == 'description':
+                i = self.__parseDescription(i+1)
+                break
+            self.headers[category] = line[res.end(0):].strip()
+            i += 1
+    def output (self):
+        for key in self.headers.keys():
+            print key + " -> '" + self.headers[key] + "'"
+        keys = self.branchSymbols.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        for key in keys:
+            print key + " -> " + self.branchSymbols[key]
+        for commitLog in self.commitLogs:
+            print ('-'*45)
+            keys = commitLog.keys()
+            keys.sort()
+            for key in keys:
+                print (key, "->", commitLog[key])
+    def isError (self):
+        return self.descError or self.symbolicNamesError or self.miscError
+    def __parseSymbolicNames (self, i):
+        # [tab]symbol name: branch number
+        while i < self.lineLength:
+            line = self.__getLine(i)
+            if len(line) == 0:
+                break
+            if ord(line[0]) != 0x09:
+                # First character is not a tab.  End of symbolic names.
+                return i
+            name, number = line.split(':')
+            name = name.strip()
+            number = number.strip()
+            self.branchSymbols[number] = name
+            i += 1
+        self.symbolicNamesError = True
+        self.debugPrint("error parsing symbolic names", True)
+        return i
+    def __getLine (self, i):
+        return self.lines[i].rstrip()
+    def __isRevSeparator (self, i):
+        line = self.__getLine(i)
+        reobj = re.compile(RCSFile.reRevSeparator)
+        res = reobj.match(line)
+        return res != None
+    def __isEndLogSeparator (self, i):
+        line = self.__getLine(i)
+        return line == '='*77
+    def __parseDescription (self, i):
+        """ Parse commit records.
+A typical comment record would look like this:
+  ----------------------------
+  revision
+  date: 2005/10/25 12:31:22;  author: jodygoldberg;  state: Exp;  lines: +8 -4
+  Issue number:  20857
+  Trying to get this patch out of my tree into a CWS.
+  The full commit failed, let's try smaller chunks.
+  ----------------------------
+The first two lines contain auxiliary information about the commit, while the
+rest of the lines contain commit message.
+        if not self.__isRevSeparator(i):
+            self.descError = True
+            self.debugPrint("revision separator expected", True)
+            return i
+        self.debugPrint(self.__getLine(i))
+        i += 1
+        while i < self.lineLength:
+            self.debugPrint(self.__getLine(i))
+            commitLog = {}
+            # revision
+            line = self.__getLine(i)
+            if line.find('revision') != 0:
+                self.descError = True
+                self.debugPrint("revision number not found: '" + line + "'", True)
+                return i
+            revnum = line.split()[1].strip()
+            commitLog['revision'] = revnum
+            i += 1
+            self.debugPrint(self.__getLine(i))
+            line = self.__getLine(i)
+            if not self.__parseDescData(line, commitLog):
+                self.descError = True
+                self.debugPrint("error parsing description data", True)
+                return i
+            i += 1
+            # the rest is a commit message.
+            msg = []
+            while i < self.lineLength:
+                self.debugPrint(self.__getLine(i))
+                if self.__isRevSeparator(i):
+                    break
+                elif self.__isEndLogSeparator(i):
+                    return i
+                line = self.__getLine(i)
+                msg.append(line)
+                i += 1
+            commitLog['message'] = msg
+            self.commitLogs.append(commitLog)
+            i += 1
+        return i
+    def __parseDescData (self, line, commitLog):
+        # date: 2005/10/25 12:31:22;  author: jodygoldberg;  state: Exp;  lines: +8 -4
+        rePattern = re.compile(RCSFile.reCategory)
+        for segment in line.split(';'):
+            segment = segment.strip()
+            if len(segment) == 0:
+                continue
+            res =
+            if res == None:
+                self.debugPrint("category name not found: '" + segment + "'")
+                return False
+            category =[:-1]
+            value = segment[res.end(0):].strip()
+            if category == 'date':
+                # parse & transform a string date value into a datetime object.
+                try:
+                    timeValue = time.strptime(value, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
+                    dtobj = datetime.datetime(timeValue[0], timeValue[1], timeValue[2], 
+                                              timeValue[3], timeValue[4], timeValue[5])
+                    commitLog[category] = dtobj
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.debugPrint("failed to parse a date value: '" + value + "'")
+                    return False
+            elif category == 'lines':
+                # number of lines added
+                reNum = re.compile('\+[0-9]*')
+                res =
+                if res == None:
+                    self.debugPrint("number of added lines not found")
+                    return False
+                added = int(
+                # number of lines removed
+                reNum = re.compile('\-[0-9]*')
+                res =
+                if res == None:
+                    self.debugPrint("number of removed lines not found")
+                    return False
+                removed = abs(int(
+                commitLog['added']   = added
+                commitLog['removed'] = removed
+            else:
+                commitLog[category] = value
+        return True
+    def writeCommitStats (self, statObj):
+        """Write commit statistics to the passed CommitStats instance.
+Each commit log may have the following data:
+    * added - number of lines added (integer).
+    * removed - number of lines removed (integer).
+    * date - commit date and time (datetime object).
+    * author - who made the commit (string).
+    * revision - revision number (string)
+    * state - state of the file ??? (string)
+    * message - commit message (string list).
+Each commit log is supposed to have at least the author, revision and the date
+records, while some logs may not have the added/removed line information (such
+as initial commits, branch nodes etc.
+        for log in self.commitLogs:
+            # author
+            if not log.has_key('author'):
+                self.debugPrint("author record is absent")
+                return False
+            author = log['author']
+            # date
+            if not log.has_key('date'):
+                self.debugPrint("date record is absent")
+                return False
+            date = log['date']
+            # added
+            added = 0
+            if log.has_key('added'):
+                added = log['added']
+            # removed
+            removed = 0
+            if log.has_key('removed'):
+                removed = log['removed']
+            if added or removed:
+                statObj.add(author, date, added, removed)
+        return True
+class CommitStats(object):
+    class Author(object):
+        def __init__ (self):
+            self.years = {}
+    class Year(object):
+        def __init__ (self):
+            self.months = {}
+    class Month(object):
+        def __init__ (self):
+            self.affiliation = '(unknown)'
+            self.commitCounts = 0
+            self.linesAdded = 0
+            self.linesRemoved = 0
+    def __init__ (self):
+        self.authors = {}
+    def add (self, author, date, added, removed):
+        # author node
+        if not self.authors.has_key(author):
+            self.authors[author] = CommitStats.Author()
+        authorObj = self.authors[author]
+        # year node
+        if not authorObj.years.has_key(date.year):
+            authorObj.years[date.year] = CommitStats.Year()
+        yearObj = authorObj.years[date.year]
+        # month node
+        if not yearObj.months.has_key(date.month):
+            yearObj.months[date.month] = CommitStats.Month()
+        monthObj = yearObj.months[date.month]
+        monthObj.affiliation = getAffiliation(author, date.year, date.month)
+        monthObj.commitCounts += 1
+        monthObj.linesAdded += added
+        monthObj.linesRemoved += removed
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__ (self):
+        self.stats = CommitStats()
+    def main (self, args):
+        filepaths = args[1:]
+        for filepath in filepaths:
+            if os.path.isfile(filepath):
+                r = self.__openRCSFile(filepath)
+                if not r:
+                    sys.stderr.write("failed to parse %s\n"%filepath)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+            elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
+                self.__parseDir(filepath)
+        self.__outputReport()
+    def __parseDir (self, dirpath):
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirpath):
+            for filename in files:
+                fullpath =  root + '/' + filename
+                r = self.__openRCSFile(fullpath)
+                if not r:
+                    sys.stderr.write("failed to parse %s\n"%fullpath)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+    def __openRCSFile (self, filepath):
+        cmd = "rlog " + filepath
+        r, w, e = popen2.popen3(cmd)
+        obj = RCSFile(r.readlines())
+        obj.parse()
+#       obj.output()
+        if not obj.writeCommitStats(self.stats):
+            sys.stderr.write("failed to write commit stats\n")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        r.close()
+        w.close()
+        e.close()
+        return not obj.isError()
+    def __outputReport (self):
+        authorNames = self.stats.authors.keys()
+        authorNames.sort()
+        print("author\tyear\tmonth\taffiliation\tcommit count\tlines added\tlines removed")
+        for authorName in authorNames:
+            authorObj = self.stats.authors[authorName]
+            years = authorObj.years.keys()
+            years.sort()
+            for year in years:
+                yearObj = authorObj.years[year]
+                months = yearObj.months.keys()
+                months.sort()
+                for month in months:
+                    monthObj = yearObj.months[month]
+                    print("%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d"%(
+                        authorName, year, month,
+                        monthObj.affiliation,
+                        monthObj.commitCounts, 
+                        monthObj.linesAdded, monthObj.linesRemoved))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    mainObj = Main()
+    mainObj.main(sys.argv)

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