pitivi r1127 - in branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS: . pitivi/ui

Author: blewis
Date: Sun Jun  1 22:25:25 2008
New Revision: 1127
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/pitivi?rev=1127&view=rev

reviewed by: <delete if not using a buddy>
* pitivi/ui/timelineobjects.py:
merged new code into exiting SimpleTimeline class. PiTiVi doesn't crash when
you run it, but most of the functionality is disabled.


Modified: branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/timelineobjects.py
--- branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/timelineobjects.py	(original)
+++ branches/SOC_2008_BLEWIS/pitivi/ui/timelineobjects.py	Sun Jun  1 22:25:25 2008
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
 import gtk
 import gst
 import pango
-#import pitivi.instance as instance
-#from pitivi.timeline.source import TimelineFileSource, TimelineSource, TimelineBlankSource
-#from pitivi.timeline.effects import TimelineTransition
-#from pitivi.timeline.objects import MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
-#from pitivi.configure import get_pixmap_dir
-#import pitivi.dnd as dnd
-#from pitivi.bin import SmartFileBin
-#from pitivi.signalgroup import SignalGroup
-#from pitivi.thumbnailer import Thumbnailer
-#from pitivi.ui.slider import PipelineSlider
-#from sourcefactories import beautify_length
-#from gettext import gettext as _
+import pitivi.instance as instance
+from pitivi.timeline.source import TimelineFileSource, TimelineSource, TimelineBlankSource
+from pitivi.timeline.effects import TimelineTransition
+from pitivi.timeline.objects import MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
+from pitivi.configure import get_pixmap_dir
+import pitivi.dnd as dnd
+from pitivi.bin import SmartFileBin
+from pitivi.signalgroup import SignalGroup
+from pitivi.thumbnailer import Thumbnailer
+from pitivi.ui.slider import PipelineSlider
+from sourcefactories import beautify_length
+from gettext import gettext as _
 import goocanvas
 from util import *
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 class SimpleTimeline(goocanvas.Canvas):
     __gtype_name__ = 'SimpleTimeline'
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None, *args, **kwargs):
         goocanvas.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
         self.props.automatic_bounds = False
@@ -95,6 +95,58 @@
         self.scale = 1.0
+        # timeline and top level compositions
+        self.timeline = instance.PiTiVi.current.timeline
+        self.condensed = self.timeline.videocomp.condensed
+        # widgets correspondance dictionnary
+        # MAPPING timelineobject => widget
+        self.widgets = {}
+        # edit-mode
+        # True when in editing mode
+        self._editingMode = False
+        self.editingWidget = SimpleEditingWidget()
+        self.editingCanvasItem = goocanvas.Widget(widget=self.editingWidget)
+        self.editingWidget.connect("hide-me", self._editingWidgetHideMeCb)
+        # Connect to timeline.  We must remove and reset the callbacks when 
+        # changing project.
+        self.project_signals = SignalGroup()
+        # FIXME: do we need this? or will the newproject sginal implicitly
+        # handle this???
+#        self._connectToTimeline(instance.PiTiVi.current.timeline)
+#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-loaded",
+#            self._newProjectLoadedCb)
+#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosedCb)
+#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-loading",
+#            self._newProjectLoadingCb)
+#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-failed",
+#            self._newProjectFailedCb)
+#        # size
+#        self.width = int(DEFAULT_WIDTH)
+#        self.height = int(DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
+#        self.realWidth = 0 # displayed width of the layout
+#        self.childheight = int(DEFAULT_SIMPLE_ELEMENT_HEIGHT)
+#        self.childwidth = int(DEFAULT_SIMPLE_ELEMENT_WIDTH)
+#        self.set_size_request(int(MINIMUM_WIDTH), int(MINIMUM_HEIGHT))
+#        self.set_property("width", int(DEFAULT_WIDTH))
+#        self.set_property("height", int(DEFAULT_HEIGHT))
+#        # drag and drop
+#        self.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION,
+#                           [dnd.FILESOURCE_TUPLE],
+#                           gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
+#        self.connect("drag-data-received", self._dragDataReceivedCb)
+#        self.connect("drag-leave", self._dragLeaveCb)
+#        self.connect("drag-motion", self._dragMotionCb)
+#        self.slotposition = -1
+#        self.draggedelement = None
     def _request_size(self, item, prop):
         self.set_size_request(int(self.items.width), int(
@@ -186,112 +238,45 @@
         unmake_dragable(self, child)
-#class SimpleTimeline(gtk.Layout):
-#    """ Simple Timeline representation """
-#    def __init__(self, **kw):
-#        gobject.GObject.__init__(self, **kw)
-#        self.hadjustment = self.get_property("hadjustment")
-#        # timeline and top level compositions
-#        self.timeline = instance.PiTiVi.current.timeline
-#        self.condensed = self.timeline.videocomp.condensed
-#        # TODO : connect signals for when the timeline changes
-#        # widgets correspondance dictionnary
-#        # MAPPING timelineobject => widget
-#        self.widgets = {}
-#        # edit-mode
-#        # True when in editing mode
-#        self._editingMode = False
-#        self.editingWidget = SimpleEditingWidget()
-#        self.editingWidget.connect("hide-me", self._editingWidgetHideMeCb)
-#        # Connect to timeline.  We must remove and reset the callbacks when
-#        # changing project.
-#        self.project_signals = SignalGroup()
-#        # FIXME: do we need this? or will the newproject sginal implicitly
-#        # handle this???
-#        self._connectToTimeline(instance.PiTiVi.current.timeline)
-#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-loaded",
-#            self._newProjectLoadedCb)
-#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("project-closed", self._projectClosedCb)
-#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-loading",
-#            self._newProjectLoadingCb)
-#        instance.PiTiVi.connect("new-project-failed",
-#            self._newProjectFailedCb)
-#        # size
-#        self.width = int(DEFAULT_WIDTH)
-#        self.height = int(DEFAULT_HEIGHT)
-#        self.realWidth = 0 # displayed width of the layout
-#        self.childheight = int(DEFAULT_SIMPLE_ELEMENT_HEIGHT)
-#        self.childwidth = int(DEFAULT_SIMPLE_ELEMENT_WIDTH)
-#        self.set_size_request(int(MINIMUM_WIDTH), int(MINIMUM_HEIGHT))
-#        self.set_property("width", int(DEFAULT_WIDTH))
-#        self.set_property("height", int(DEFAULT_HEIGHT))
-#        # event callbacks
-#        self.connect("expose-event", self._exposeEventCb)
-#        self.connect("notify::width", self._widthChangedCb)
-#        self.connect("size-allocate", self._sizeAllocateCb)
-#        self.connect("realize", self._realizeCb)
-#        # drag and drop
-#        self.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION,
-#                           [dnd.FILESOURCE_TUPLE],
-#                           gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
-#        self.connect("drag-data-received", self._dragDataReceivedCb)
-#        self.connect("drag-leave", self._dragLeaveCb)
-#        self.connect("drag-motion", self._dragMotionCb)
-#        self.slotposition = -1
-#        self.draggedelement = None
-#        self.show_all()
-#    ## Project callbacks
-#    def _connectToTimeline(self, timeline):
-#        self.timeline = timeline
-#        self.condensed = self.timeline.videocomp.condensed
-#        self.project_signals.connect(self.timeline.videocomp,
-#                                     "condensed-list-changed",
-#                                     None, self._condensedListChangedCb)
-#    def _newProjectLoadingCb(self, unused_inst, unused_project):
-#        gst.log("...")
-#    def _newProjectLoadedCb(self, unused_inst, project):
-#        gst.log("...")
-#        assert(instance.PiTiVi.current == project)
-#        # now we connect to the new project, so we can receive any
-#        # signals that might be emitted while the project is loading
-#        self._connectToTimeline(project.timeline)
-#        # TODO: display final state of project now that loading has
-#        # completed. this callback doesn't do do much else
-#        # LOAD THE TIMELINE !!!
-#        self._condensedListChangedCb(None, self.timeline.videocomp.condensed)
-#    def _newProjectFailedCb(self, unused_inst, unused_reason, unused_uri):
-#        # oops the project failed to load
-#        self._clearTimeline()
-#    def _clearTimeline(self):
-#        self.switchToNormalMode()
-#        self.project_signals.disconnectAll()
-#        for widget in self.widgets.itervalues():
-#            self.remove(widget)
-#        self.widgets = {}
-#    def _projectClosedCb(self, unused_pitivi, unused_project):
-#        self._clearTimeline()
+    ## Project callbacks
+    def _connectToTimeline(self, timeline):
+        self.timeline = timeline
+        self.condensed = self.timeline.videocomp.condensed
+        self.project_signals.connect(self.timeline.videocomp,
+                                     "condensed-list-changed",
+                                     None, self._condensedListChangedCb)
+    def _newProjectLoadingCb(self, unused_inst, unused_project):
+        gst.log("...")
+    def _newProjectLoadedCb(self, unused_inst, project):
+        gst.log("...")
+        assert(instance.PiTiVi.current == project)
+        # now we connect to the new project, so we can receive any
+        # signals that might be emitted while the project is loading
+        self._connectToTimeline(project.timeline)
+        # TODO: display final state of project now that loading has
+        # completed. this callback doesn't do do much else
+        # LOAD THE TIMELINE !!!
+        self._condensedListChangedCb(None, self.timeline.videocomp.condensed)
+    def _newProjectFailedCb(self, unused_inst, unused_reason, unused_uri):
+        # oops the project failed to load
+        self._clearTimeline()
+    def _clearTimeline(self):
+        self.switchToNormalMode()
+        self.project_signals.disconnectAll()
+        for widget in self.widgets.itervalues():
+            self.remove(widget)
+        self.widgets = {}
+    def _projectClosedCb(self, unused_pitivi, unused_project):
+        self._clearTimeline()
 #    ## Timeline callbacks
 #    def _condensedListChangedCb(self, unused_videocomp, clist):
@@ -442,16 +427,7 @@
 #        pos = self._getNearestSourceSlot(x)
 #        self.timeline.videocomp.moveSource(element, pos)
-#    def _widthChangedCb(self, unused_layout, property):
-#        if not property.name == "width":
-#            return
-#        self.width = self.get_property("width")
-#    def _motionNotifyEventCb(self, layout, event):
-#        pass
 #    ## Drag and Drop callbacks
 #    def _dragMotionCb(self, unused_layout, unused_context, x, unused_y,
@@ -530,114 +506,65 @@
 #            self.editingWidget.set_size_request(self.realWidth - 20,
 #                                                self.height - 20)
-#    def _resizeChildrens(self):
-#        # resize the childrens to self.height
-#        # also need to move them to their correct position
-#        # TODO : check if there already at the given position
-#        # TODO : check if they already have the good size
-#        if self._editingMode:
-#            return
-#        pos = 2 * DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING
-#        for source in self.condensed:
-#            widget = self.widgets[source]
-#            if isinstance(source, TimelineFileSource):
-#                widget.set_size_request(self.childwidth, self.childheight)
-#                self.move(widget, pos, DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING)
-#                pos = pos + self.childwidth + DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING
-#            elif isinstance(source, SimpleTransitionWidget):
-#                widget.set_size_request(self.childheight / 2, self.childheight)
-#                self.move(widget, pos, DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING)
-#                pos = pos + self.childwidth + DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING
-#        newwidth = pos + DEFAULT_SIMPLE_SPACING
-#        self.set_property("width", newwidth)
 #    ## Child callbacks
 #    def _sourceDeleteMeCb(self, unused_widget, element):
 #        # remove this element from the timeline
 #        self.timeline.videocomp.removeSource(element, collapse_neighbours=True)
-#    def _sourceEditMeCb(self, unused_widget, element):
-#        self.switchToEditingMode(element)
-#    def _sourceDragBeginCb(self, unused_widget, unused_context, element):
-#        gst.log("Timeline drag beginning on %s" % element)
-#        if self.draggedelement:
-#            gst.error("We were already doing a DnD ???")
-#        self.draggedelement = element
-#        # this element is starting to be dragged
-#    def _sourceDragEndCb(self, unused_widget, unused_context, element):
-#        gst.log("Timeline drag ending on %s" % element)
-#        if not self.draggedelement == element:
-#            gst.error("The DnD that ended is not the one that started before ???")
-#        self.draggedelement = None
-#        # this element is no longer dragged
-#    def _editingWidgetHideMeCb(self, unused_widget):
-#        self.switchToNormalMode()
-#        # switch back to timeline in playground !
-#        instance.PiTiVi.playground.switchToTimeline()
-#    ## Editing mode
-#    def _switchEditingMode(self, source, mode=True):
-#        """ Switch editing mode for the given TimelineSource """
-#        gst.log("source:%s , mode:%s" % (source, mode))
-#        if self._editingMode == mode:
-#            gst.warning("We were already in the correct editing mode : %s" % mode)
-#            return
-#        if mode and not source:
-#            gst.warning("You need to specify a valid TimelineSource")
-#            return
-#        if mode:
-#            # switching TO editing mode
-#            gst.log("Switching TO editing mode")
-#            # 1. Hide all sources
-#            for widget in self.widgets.itervalues():
-#                widget.hide()
-#                self.remove(widget)
-#            self._editingMode = mode
-#            # 2. Show editing widget
-#            self.editingWidget.setSource(source)
-#            self.put(self.editingWidget, 10, 10)
-#            self.props.width = self.realWidth
-#            self.editingWidget.set_size_request(self.realWidth - 20, self.height - 20)
-#            self.editingWidget.show()
-#        else:
-#            gst.log("Switching back to normal mode")
-#            # switching FROM editing mode
-#            # 1. Hide editing widget
-#            self.editingWidget.hide()
-#            self.remove(self.editingWidget)
-#            self._editingMode = mode
-#            # 2. Show all sources
-#            for widget in self.widgets.itervalues():
-#                self.put(widget, 0, 0)
-#                widget.show()
-#            self._resizeChildrens()
-#    def switchToEditingMode(self, source):
-#        """ Switch to Editing mode for the given TimelineSource """
-#        self._switchEditingMode(source)
-#    def switchToNormalMode(self):
-#        """ Switch back to normal timeline mode """
-#        self._switchEditingMode(None, False)
+    def _sourceEditMeCb(self, unused_widget, element):
+        self.switchToEditingMode(element)
+    def _editingWidgetHideMeCb(self, unused_widget):
+        self.switchToNormalMode()
+        # switch back to timeline in playground !
+        instance.PiTiVi.playground.switchToTimeline()
+    ## Editing mode
+    def _switchEditingMode(self, source, mode=True):
+        """ Switch editing mode for the given TimelineSource """
+        gst.log("source:%s , mode:%s" % (source, mode))
+        if self._editingMode == mode:
+            gst.warning("We were already in the correct editing mode : %s" % mode)
+            return
+        if mode and not source:
+            gst.warning("You need to specify a valid TimelineSource")
+            return
+        if mode:
+            # switching TO editing mode
+            gst.log("Switching TO editing mode")
+            # 1. Hide all sources
+            self.items.remove()
+            self._editingMode = mode
+            # 2. Show editing widget
+            self.editingWidget.setSource(source)
+            self.add_child(self.editingCanvasItem)
+        else:
+            gst.log("Switching back to normal mode")
+            # switching FROM editing mode
+            # 1. Hide editing widget
+            self.editingCanvasItem.remove()
+            self._editingMode = mode
+            # 2. Show all sources
+            self.root.add_child(self.items)
+    def switchToEditingMode(self, source):
+        """ Switch to Editing mode for the given TimelineSource """
+        self._switchEditingMode(source)
+    def switchToNormalMode(self):
+        """ Switch back to normal timeline mode """
+        self._switchEditingMode(None, False)
 class SimpleEditingWidget(gtk.EventBox):
     Widget for editing a source in the SimpleTimeline

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