gnome-control-center r8742 - trunk/capplets/common

Author: thos
Date: Sun Jun  1 16:57:56 2008
New Revision: 8742

2008-06-01  Thomas Wood  <thos gnome org>

	* capplet-util.c:
	* capplet-util.h:

	Remove some redundant and unused code


Modified: trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.c
--- trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.c	(original)
+++ trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.c	Sun Jun  1 16:57:56 2008
@@ -34,271 +34,7 @@
 #include "capplet-util.h"
-#if 0
-/* apply_cb
- *
- * Callback issued when the user clicks "Apply" or "Ok". This function is
- * responsible for making sure the current settings are properly saved.
- */
 static void
-apply_cb (BonoboPropertyControl *pc, Bonobo_PropertyControl_Action action) 
-	if (action == Bonobo_PropertyControl_APPLY)
-		gconf_engine_commit_change_set (gconf_engine_get_default (),
-						changeset, TRUE, NULL);
-/* properties_changed_cb
- *
- * Callback issued when some setting has changed
- */
-static void
-properties_changed_cb (GConfEngine *engine, guint cnxn_id, GConfEntry *entry, gpointer user_data) 
-	if (apply_settings_cb != NULL)
-		apply_settings_cb ();
-/* get_control_cb
- *
- * Callback to construct the main dialog box for this capplet; invoked by Bonobo
- * whenever capplet activation is requested. Returns a BonoboObject representing
- * the control that encapsulates the object.
- */
-static BonoboObject *
-get_control_cb (BonoboPropertyControl *property_control, gint page_number) 
-	BonoboControl        *control;
-	GtkWidget            *widget;
-	widget = create_dialog_cb ();
-	if (widget == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	control = bonobo_control_new (widget);
-	setup_property_editors_cb (widget, changeset);
-	bonobo_control_set_automerge (control, TRUE);
-	return BONOBO_OBJECT (control);
-/* create_control_cb
- *
- * Small function to create the PropertyControl and return it.
- */
-static BonoboObject *
-create_control_cb (BonoboGenericFactory *factory, const gchar *component_id) 
-	BonoboObject                  *obj;
-	BonoboPropertyControl         *property_control;
-	static const gchar            *prefix1 = "OAFIID:Bonobo_Control_Capplet_";
-	g_message ("%s: Enter", G_GNUC_FUNCTION);
-	if (!strncmp (component_id, prefix1, strlen (prefix1))) {
-		property_control = bonobo_property_control_new
-			((BonoboPropertyControlGetControlFn) get_control_cb, 1, NULL);
-		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (property_control), "action",
-				  G_CALLBACK (apply_cb), NULL);
-		obj = BONOBO_OBJECT (property_control);
-	} else {
-		g_critical ("Not creating %s", component_id);
-		obj = NULL;
-	}
-	return obj;
-/* get_factory_name
- *
- * Construct the OAF IID of the factory from the binary name
- */
-static gchar *
-get_factory_name (const gchar *binary) 
-	gchar *s, *tmp, *tmp1, *res;
-	s = g_strdup (binary);
-	tmp = strrchr (s, '/');
-	if (tmp == NULL) tmp = s;
-	else tmp++;
-	if ((tmp1 = strstr (tmp, "-control")) != NULL) *tmp1 = '\0';
-	if ((tmp1 = strstr (tmp, "-capplet")) != NULL) *tmp1 = '\0';
-	while ((tmp1 = strchr (tmp, '-')) != NULL) *tmp1 = '_';
-	res = g_strconcat ("OAFIID:Bonobo_", tmp, "_Factory", NULL);
-	g_free (s);
-	return res;
-/* get_property_name
- *
- * Get the property name associated with this capplet
- */
-static gchar *
-get_property_name (const gchar *binary) 
-	gchar *s, *tmp, *tmp1, *res;
-	s = g_strdup (binary);
-	tmp = strrchr (s, '/');
-	if (tmp == NULL) tmp = s;
-	else tmp++;
-	if ((tmp1 = strstr (tmp, "-control")) != NULL) *tmp1 = '\0';
-	if ((tmp1 = strstr (tmp, "-capplet")) != NULL) *tmp1 = '\0';
-	for (tmp1 = tmp; *tmp1 != '\0'; tmp1++) {
-		*tmp1 = toupper (*tmp1);
-		if (*tmp1 == '-') *tmp1 = '_';
-	}
-	res = g_strconcat ("GNOME_", tmp, NULL);
-	g_free (s);
-	return res;
-/* setup_session_mgmt
- *
- * Make sure the capplet launches and applies its settings next time the user
- * logs in
- */
-setup_session_mgmt (const gchar *binary_name) 
-/* Disabled. I never really understood this code anyway, and I am absolutely
- * unclear about how to port it to GNOME 2.0 */
-#if 0
-	GnomeClient *client;
-	GnomeClientFlags flags;
-	gint token;
-	gchar *restart_args[3];
-	gchar *prop_name;
-	g_return_if_fail (binary_name != NULL);
-	client = gnome_master_client ();
-	flags = gnome_client_get_flags (client);
-		prop_name = get_property_name (binary_name);
-		token = gnome_startup_acquire_token
-			(prop_name, gnome_client_get_id (client));
-		g_free (prop_name);
-		if (token) {
-			gnome_client_set_priority (client, 20);
-			gnome_client_set_restart_style
-				(client, GNOME_RESTART_ANYWAY);
-			restart_args[0] = g_strdup (binary_name);
-			restart_args[1] = "--init-session-settings";
-			restart_args[2] = NULL;
-			gnome_client_set_restart_command
-				(client, 2, restart_args);
-			g_free (restart_args[0]);
-		} else {
-			gnome_client_set_restart_style
-				(client, GNOME_RESTART_NEVER);
-		}
-	}
-#if 0
-/* capplet_init -- see documentation in capplet-util.h
- */
-capplet_init (int                      argc,
-	      char                   **argv,
-	      ApplySettingsFn          apply_fn,
-	      CreateDialogFn           create_dialog_fn,
-	      SetupPropertyEditorsFn   setup_fn,
-	      GetLegacySettingsFn      get_legacy_fn) 
-	gchar                         *factory_iid;
-	BonoboGenericFactory          *factory;
-	GOptionContext                *context;
-	static gboolean apply_only;
-	static gboolean get_legacy;
-	static GOptionEntry cap_options[] = {
-		{ "apply", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &apply_only,
-		  N_("Just apply settings and quit"), NULL },
-		{ "init-session-settings", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &apply_only,
-		  N_("Just apply settings and quit"), NULL },
-		{ "get-legacy", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &get_legacy,
-		  N_("Retrieve and store legacy settings"), NULL },
-		{ NULL }
-	};
-	bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
-	textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
-	context = g_option_context_new (NULL);
-	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, cap_options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
-	gnome_program_init (argv[0], VERSION, LIBGNOMEUI_MODULE, argc, argv,
-			    NULL);
-	if (!bonobo_init (&argc, argv))
-		g_error ("Cannot initialize bonobo");
-	if (apply_only && apply_fn != NULL) {
-		setup_session_mgmt (argv[0]);
-		apply_fn ();
-	}
-	else if (get_legacy && get_legacy_fn != NULL) {
-		setup_session_mgmt (argv[0]);
-		get_legacy_fn ();
-	} else {
-		setup_session_mgmt (argv[0]);
-		create_dialog_cb = create_dialog_fn;
-		apply_settings_cb = apply_fn;
-		setup_property_editors_cb = setup_fn;
-		factory_iid = get_factory_name (argv[0]);
-		factory = bonobo_generic_factory_new
-			(factory_iid, (BonoboFactoryCallback) create_control_cb, NULL);
-		g_free (factory_iid);
-		bonobo_running_context_auto_exit_unref (BONOBO_OBJECT (factory));
-		changeset = gconf_change_set_new ();
-		bonobo_main ();
-		gconf_change_set_unref (changeset);
-	}
- * capplet_error_dialog :
- *
- * @parent :
- * @msg : already translated.
- * @err :
- *
- */
 capplet_error_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, char const *msg, GError *err)
 	if (err != NULL) {

Modified: trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.h
--- trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.h	(original)
+++ trunk/capplets/common/capplet-util.h	Sun Jun  1 16:57:56 2008
@@ -42,49 +42,8 @@
 	if (!def)                                                               \
 		gconf_client_set_##type (client, key, val_##type, NULL);
-/* Callback to apply the settings in the given database */
-typedef void (*ApplySettingsFn) (void);
+/* Some miscellaneous functions useful to all capplets */
-/* Callback to set up the dialog proper */
-typedef GtkWidget *(*CreateDialogFn) (void);
-/* Callback to set up property editors for the dialog */
-typedef void (*SetupPropertyEditorsFn) (GtkWidget *dialog, GConfChangeSet *changeset);
-/* Callback to retrieve legacy settings and store them in the new configuration
- * database */
-typedef void (*GetLegacySettingsFn) (void);
-/* Set up the session management so that this capplet will apply its
- * settings on every startup
- */
-void setup_session_mgmt (const gchar *binary_name);
-/* Wrapper function for the entire capplet. This handles all initialization and
- * runs the capplet for you. Just supply the appropriate callbacks and your argc
- * and argv from main()
- *
- * This function makes several assumptions, requiring that all capplets follow a
- * particular convention. In particular, suppose the name of the capplet binary
- * is foo-properties-capplet. Then:
- *
- *   - The factory IID is Bonobo_Control_Capplet_foo_properties_Factory
- *   - The default configuration moniker is archiver:foo-properties
- *
- * Following this convention yields capplets that are more uniform and thus
- * easier to maintain, and simplifies the interfaces quite a bit. All capplet in
- * this package are required to follow this convention.
- */
-void capplet_init (int                      argc,
-		   gchar                  **argv,
-		   ApplySettingsFn          apply_fn,
-		   CreateDialogFn           create_dialog_fn,
-		   SetupPropertyEditorsFn   setup_property_editors_fn,
-		   GetLegacySettingsFn      get_legacy_settings_fn);
-void capplet_error_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, char const *msg, GError *err);
 void capplet_help (GtkWindow *parent, char const *helpfile, char const *section);
 void capplet_set_icon (GtkWidget *window, char const *icon_file_name);

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