gimp-help-2 r2518 - branches/xml2po-support

Author: romanofski
Date: Wed Jul 30 09:13:24 2008
New Revision: 2518


2008-07-30  Roman Joost  <romanofski gimp org>

	* Makefile: added temporary Makefile, contributed by Ulf-D.
	Ehlert, which provides automatisms for pot and po creation


Added: branches/xml2po-support/Makefile
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/xml2po-support/Makefile	Wed Jul 30 09:13:24 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+####            Preliminaries: Variables and Functions              ####
+# The GIMP manual languages
+ifneq ($(ALL_LINGUAS),)
+ifneq ($(LINGUAS),)
+LANGUAGES ?= de en es fr it ko nl no pl ru sv
+XML_LANG   = en
+PO_LANGS   = $(filter-out $(XML_LANG), $(LANGUAGES))
+# Essential external programs and their default options
+XSLTPROC  = $(fake) xsltproc
+XSLTFLAGS = --nonet
+XMLLINT      = $(fake) xmllint
+XMLLINTFLAGS = --nonet -noout
+XML2PO   = $(fake) xml2po
+MSGINIT  = $(fake) msginit
+MSGFMT   = $(fake) msgfmt
+MSGMERGE = $(fake) msgmerge
+MSGINITFLAGS  = --no-translator
+MSGFMTFLAGS   = --check --use-fuzzy --statistics
+MSGMERGEFLAGS = --quiet --backup=none --update
+# Simple commands
+mkdir_p = mkdir -p
+ln_s    = ln -s
+#     (1) make it work with srcdir != builddir
+#     (2) rename(?) srcdir, xmldir, xmlpodir
+# Directories
+srcdir   = .
+builddir = .
+xmldir   = src
+potdir   = pot
+podir    = po
+xmlpodir = xml
+htmldir  = html
+# Find files and directories
+xml_file_predicates =       \
+	-name '.svn' -prune \
+	          -o        \
+	-name '*.xml' -print
+dir_predicates =        \
+	-name '.svn' -prune \
+	        -o          \
+	-type d -print
+xml_dir_predicates = $(dir_predicates)
+pot_dir_predicates = $(dir_predicates)
+# Files & directories
+XML_FILES := $(shell cd $(srcdir) && find $(xmldir) $(xml_file_predicates))
+XML_DIRS  := $(shell cd $(srcdir) && find $(xmldir) $(dir_predicates))
+#DIR_TREE   = $(patsubst $(xmldir)/%, %, $(XML_DIRS))
+DIR_TREE   = $(XML_DIRS:$(xmldir)/%=%)
+#POT_FILES  = $(patsubst $(xmldir)/%.xml, $(potdir)/%.pot, $(XML_FILES))
+POT_FILES  = $(XML_FILES:$(xmldir)/%.xml=$(potdir)/%.pot)
+#POT_DIRS   = $(patsubst $(xmldir)/%, $(potdir)/%, $(XML_DIRS))
+POT_DIRS   = $(XML_DIRS:$(xmldir)/%=$(potdir)/%)
+# XXX: requires that "plainhtml.xsl" has been renamed to "html.xsl"
+HTML_STYLESHEETS = stylesheets/html*.xsl
+# To talk or not to talk, that is the question!
+# Usage of the "msg" and "cmd" variables:
+# In the command lines of the make rules, use
+#     $(msg) bla bla bla   instead of   @echo bla bla bla
+#     $(cmd) command args  instead of   @command args (or command args)
+# then
+#     messages will be suppressed if VERBOSE=0,
+#     commands will be printed if VERBOSE=2.
+ifeq ("$(VERBOSE)", "0")
+msg = @:
+cmd = @
+ifeq ("$(VERBOSE)", "1")
+msg = @echo
+cmd = @
+msg = @echo
+cmd =
+# Testing & debugging
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),)
+fake      =
+fake      = echo
+#       The main functions used to transform                   #
+#               (a) XML files to POT files                     #
+#               (b) POT files to PO files                      #
+#               (c) XML and PO files to XML files              #
+# Create a PO-template
+# Usage:
+#     $(call xml2pot,xml-file,pot-file)
+# Parameters:
+#     $1 - original (untranslated) XML file
+#     $2 - POT template file containing translatable tags
+xml2pot = $(XML2PO) --output="$(2)" $(1) 2>&1 \
+          | sed -e '/Warning: image file .* not found./d'
+# Merge template (pot) and message catalog (po) or create a new catalog
+# Usage:
+#     $(call pot2po,pot-file,language,po-file)
+# Parameters:
+#     $1 - input POT file
+#     $2 - translation language
+#     $3 - output PO file
+# TODO: include compendium (cf. "info msgmerge")
+pot2po  = if [ -f $@ ]; then \
+              $(MSGFMT)   $(MSGFMTFLAGS)   $(3); \
+              $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGEFLAGS) $(3) $(1) && touch $(3); \
+          else \
+              $(MSGINIT)  $(MSGINITFLAGS) --input $(1) --locale=$(2) --output $(3); \
+          fi
+# Merge PO file into (translated) XML file
+# Usage:
+#     $(call po2xml,en-xml-file,po-file,language,translated-xml-file)
+# Parameters:
+#     $1 - original (untranslated) XML file
+#     $2 - PO file containing translations
+#     $3 - translation language
+#     $4 - resulting (translated) XML file
+po2xml  = $(XML2PO) --po-file=$(2) --language=$(3) --output=$(4) $(1) 2>&1 \
+          | sed -e '/Warning: image file .* not found./d'
+####            Main targets                                        ####
+first: all
+# ignore
+validate: ;
+html: ;
+#index: ;
+all: validate html index AUTHORS
+####            Help!!!                                             ####
+.PHONY: help
+	@echo 'Common targets:'
+	@printf '  %s\t- %s.\n' \
+	'html-<LANG>' 'Build HTML for language <LANG> (implies xml-<LANG>)' \
+	'xml-<LANG> ' 'Create/update XML files for language <LANG> (implies po-<LANG>)' \
+	'po-<LANG>  ' 'Create/update PO files for language <LANG> (implies pot)' \
+	'pot        ' 'Create/update POT files'
+	@echo '(where <LANG> is one of' $(shell echo $(LANGUAGES) | sed -e 's/ /,&/g')')'
+####            Make pot files:  XML(en) --> POT                    ####
+# xmldir/path/to/file.xml --> potdir/path/to/file.pot
+$(POT_FILES): $(potdir)/%.pot : $(xmldir)/%.xml
+	$(cmd) f=$@; d=$${f%/*}; test -d $$d || $(mkdir_p) $$d
+	$(msg) "$@"
+	$(cmd) $(call xml2pot,$<,$@)
+# Targets suitable for command line
+# ("make pot" will work even if pot exists)
+pot update-pot: potfiles
+potfiles: $(POT_FILES)
+####            Make po files:  POT --> PO                          ####
+$(1)_PO_FILES = $$(patsubst $$(potdir)/%.pot, $$(podir)/$(1)/%.po, $$(POT_FILES))
+$$($(1)_PO_FILES): $$(podir)/$(1)/%.po : $$(potdir)/%.pot
+	$$(cmd) f=$$@; d=$$$${f%/*}; test -d $$$$d || $$(mkdir_p) $$$$d
+	$$(msg) "$$@"
+	$$(cmd) $$(call pot2po,$$<,$(1),$$@)
+# Debugging
+list-pofiles-$(1) list-po-files-$(1) list-po-$(1):
+	@echo $$($(1)_PO_FILES)
+po-$(1): $$($(1)_PO_FILES)
+	$$(cmd) if test -e; then rm -f; fi
+$(foreach LANG,$(PO_LANGS),$(eval $(call MAKE_PO_RULES,$(LANG))))
+# Targets suitable for command line
+update-po-%: po-%
+# Special case 'en': do nothing :-)
+po-en: ;
+####            Make XML files  [PO --> XML(non-en)]                ####
+#$(1)_XML_FILES = $$(patsubst $$(podir)/$(1)/%.po, $$(xmlpodir)/$(1)/%.xml, $$($(1)_PO_FILES))
+$(1)_XML_FILES = $$(XML_FILES:$$(xmldir)/%=$$(xmlpodir)/$(1)/%)
+$$($(1)_XML_FILES): $$(xmlpodir)/$(1)/%.xml : $$(podir)/$(1)/%.po
+	$$(cmd) f=$$@; d=$$$${f%/*}; test -d $$$$d || $$(mkdir_p) $$$$d
+	$$(msg) "$$@"
+	$$(cmd) @$$(call po2xml,$$(@:$$(xmlpodir)/$(1)/%=$$(xmldir)/%),$$<,$(1),$$@)
+# This is indirectly used as HTML prerequisite:
+$$(xmlpodir)/$(1): $$($(1)_XML_FILES)
+	$$(cmd) touch $$(xmlpodir)/$(1)
+# Debugging
+list-xmlfiles-$(1) list-xml-files-$(1) list-xml-$(1):
+	@echo $$($(1)_XML_FILES)
+# Targets suitable for command line
+xml-$(1): $$($(1)_XML_FILES)
+$(foreach LANG,$(PO_LANGS),$(eval $(call MAKE_XML_RULES,$(LANG))))
+# Special case: en
+en_XML_FILES = $(XML_FILES:$(xmldir)/%=$(xmlpodir)/en/%)
+$(en_XML_FILES): xmldir-en
+xmldir-en: $(xmlpodir)/en ;
+# TODO: make relative link rather than absolute link(?)
+$(xmlpodir)/en: $(XML_FILES)
+	$(cmd) target_dir=$$(cd $(srcdir)/$(xmldir) && pwd); \
+	link_dir=$(builddir)/$(xmlpodir); \
+	test -d $${link_dir} || $(fake) $(mkdir_p) $${link_dir}; \
+	test -d $${link_dir}/en || $(fake) $(ln_s) $${target_dir} $${link_dir}/en; \
+	touch $@
+# Targets suitable for command line
+# Special case: en
+xml-en: xmldir-en
+# Debugging
+list-xmlfiles-en list-xml-files-en list-xml-en:
+	@echo $(en_XML_FILES)
+####            Make HTML files:  XML --> HTML                      ####
+html-%: po-% index-% html/%/index.html ;
+html/%/index.html: $(xmlpodir)/% $(HTML_STYLESHEETS)
+	$(msg) "*** Making html for $* ... "
+	$(cmd) rm -rf html/$*
+	$(cmd) $(mkdir_p) html/$*
+	$(cmd) test -L html/images || $(ln_s) ../images html/
+	$(cmd) $(XSLTPROC) \
+	  --xinclude \
+	  --stringparam l10n.gentext.default.language $* \
+	  -o html/$*/ \
+	  stylesheets/html.xsl \
+	  $(xmlpodir)/$*/gimp.xml
+	$(cmd) for file in $(srcdir)/stylesheets/*.css; do \
+		test -f $$file || continue; \
+		cp -fp $$file html/$*; \
+	done
+	$(cmd) for file in $(srcdir)/stylesheets/$*/*.css; do \
+		test -f $$file || continue; \
+		cp -fp $$file html/$*; \
+	done
+# The xrefs file is a side effect of the HTML build
+html/%/gimp-xrefs.xml: html/%/index.html
+	$(cmd) touch $@
+####  Context Help  ####
+# XXX: IMHO "index" is a bad name
+index: $(foreach lang,$(LANGUAGES),index-$(lang)) ;
+index-%: html/%/gimp-help.xml ;
+html/%/gimp-help.xml: html/%/gimp-xrefs.xml stylesheets/makeindex.xsl
+	$(cmd) $(XSLTPROC) \
+	  $(srcdir)/stylesheets/makeindex.xsl \
+	  $< \
+	  > $@
+	html/%/index.html \
+	html/%/gimp-help.xml \
+	html/%/gimp-xrefs.xml
+####            Debugging etc.                                      ####
+list-xmlfiles list-xml-files list-xml:
+	@echo $(XML_FILES)
+list-potfiles list-pot-files list-pot:
+	@echo $(POT_FILES)
+	@if type dot >/dev/null; then \
+		dot -Tpng -o $@ $<; \
+	fi
+dot: build-system.png
+	@if test -e $<; then \
+		if type display >/dev/null; then \
+			display $<; \
+		elif type xv >/dev/null; then \
+			xv $<; \
+		fi; \
+	fi
+####     Miscellaneous stuff, to be removed...                      ####
+# Clone a directory tree
+#     $1 - location of destination directory tree
+#     $2 - list of source directories [XXX: drop this in favour of $(XML_DIRS)?]
+#clone_dirtree = for sourcedir in $(2); do \
+#                    test "$${sourcedir}" != "." || sourcedir="" ; \
+#                    sourcedir=$${sourcedir\#./}; \
+#                    destdir=$(builddir)/$(1)/$${sourcedir}; \
+#                    test -d $${destdir} || $(fake) $(mkdir_p) $${destdir}; \
+#                done
+# Get the XML files (prerequisites) for the HTML target
+#     $1 - locale (en, de, es, fr, ...)
+# Returns
+#     $(XML_FILES)             if $1 is 'en', 
+#     translated $(XML_FILES)  otherwise
+#xml_po_files = $(if $(findstring en,$(1)),$(XML_FILES),$(subst $(xmldir),$(xmlpodir)/$(1),$(XML_FILES)))
+#xml_po_files = $(subst $(xmldir),$(xmlpodir)/$(1),$(XML_FILES))
+# XXX: do we need this?
+# Special case 'en'
+#htmldir-en: $(xmldir)
+#htmldir-%: xmldir-%
+#	$(msg) "Making $@"
+#	$(cmd) $(call clone_dirtree,html/$*,$(DIR_TREE))
+# XXX: I'm not sure if the following rule (using a function) works -
+# it seems to depend on the function...
+#html/%/index.html: $(call xml_po_files,%) $(HTML_STYLESHEETS)
+#html/en/index.html: $(call xml_po_files,en) $(HTML_STYLESHEETS)
+#html/en/index.html: $(XML_FILES) $(HTML_STYLESHEETS)
+# XXX: do we need this?
+#xmldir-%: podir-%
+#	$(msg) "Making $(xmlpodir)/$* directories"
+#	$(cmd) $(call clone_dirtree,$(xmlpodir)/$*,$(DIR_TREE))
+# XXX: do we need this?
+#podir-%: $(POT_DIRS)
+#	$(msg) "Making po directories ($*)"
+#	$(cmd) $(call clone_dirtree,$(podir)/$*,$(DIR_TREE))
+# XXX: do we need this?
+#	@echo >&2 "Skipped making po directory for 'en'."
+# XXX: do we need this?
+#potdir: $(POT_DIRS)
+#	$(msg) "Making pot directories ($(potdir))... "
+#	$(cmd)$(call clone_dirtree,$(potdir),$(DIR_TREE))

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