gnomemm r1651 - in gstreamermm/trunk: . examples/media_player_gtkmm examples/ogg_player examples/ogg_player_gtkmm gstreamer/src
- From: jaalburqu svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnomemm r1651 - in gstreamermm/trunk: . examples/media_player_gtkmm examples/ogg_player examples/ogg_player_gtkmm gstreamer/src
- Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 02:48:27 +0000 (UTC)
Author: jaalburqu
Date: Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
New Revision: 1651
2008-07-28 Josà Alburquerque <jaalburqu svn gnome org>
* gstreamer/src/message.ccg:
* gstreamer/src/message.hg:
- Reordered class declarations according to the C API docs.
- Added class and method docs.
- Rewrote parse() method of classes so that there is a void one named
parse() which parses all the relevant message members, another also
named parse() which returns the most prominent member of the message
and others parse methods named parse_*() for the less prominent ones.
This organization and naming of parse() methods can change to be more
intuitive if there is a better way, in particular the parse() methods
which return the prominent members may be better named parse_*() also.
- Added Gst::MessageBuffering::{set/get}_stats*() methods based on new
in GStreamer 0.10.20.
* gstreamer/src/query.hg: Wrapped enum BufferingMode.
* examples/media_player_gtkmm/
* examples/ogg_player/
* examples/ogg_player_gtkmm/ Fixed examples to use
new Gst::MessageError::parse() methods correctly.
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/examples/media_player_gtkmm/
--- gstreamermm/trunk/examples/media_player_gtkmm/ (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/examples/media_player_gtkmm/ Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@
Glib::Error err;
- std::string debug; //TODO: Maybe this should be an optional parameter.
- msgError->parse(err, debug);
+ err = msgError->parse();
std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << std::endl;
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player/
--- gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player/ (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player/ Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@
Glib::Error err;
- std::string debug; //TODO: Maybe this should be an optional parameter.
- msgError->parse(err, debug);
+ err = msgError->parse();
std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << std::endl;
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player_gtkmm/
--- gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player_gtkmm/ (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/examples/ogg_player_gtkmm/ Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
Glib::Error err;
- error_message->parse(err); //TODO: Make err the return type?
+ err = error_message->parse();
std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << std::endl;
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.ccg
--- gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.ccg (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.ccg Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -50,182 +50,336 @@
return Structure(gst_structure, true /* take_copy */);
-MessageApplication::MessageApplication(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageEos::MessageEos(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-// MessageApplication
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageApplication::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageEos::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_application(src->gobj(), structure.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_eos(src->gobj());
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageClockProvide::MessageClockProvide(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageError::MessageError(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageClockProvide::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool ready)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageError::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_clock_provide(src->gobj(), clock->gobj(), ready);
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_error(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+void MessageError::parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug)
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_error(gobj(), &c_error, &c_debug);
-void MessageClockProvide::parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool& ready)
+ debug = c_debug;
+ if(c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ error = Glib::Error(c_error);
+Glib::Error MessageError::parse()
- GstClock* cclock = 0;
- gboolean ready_ = false;
- gst_message_parse_clock_provide(gobj(), &cclock, &ready_);
- clock = Glib::wrap(cclock);
- ready = ready_;
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_error(gobj(), &c_error, NULL);
+ return Glib::Error(c_error);
+std::string MessageError::parse_debug()
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_error(gobj(), NULL, &c_debug);
-MessageClockLost::MessageClockLost(GstMessage* castitem)
+ std::string result = c_debug;
+ if (c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ return result;
+MessageWarning::MessageWarning(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageClockLost::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageWarning::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_clock_lost(src->gobj(), clock->gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_warning(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-void MessageClockLost::parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock)
+void MessageWarning::parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug)
- GstClock* cclock = 0;
- gst_message_parse_clock_lost(gobj(), &cclock);
- clock = Glib::wrap(cclock, false);
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_warning(gobj(), &c_error, &c_debug);
+ debug = c_debug;
+ if(c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ error = Glib::Error(c_error);
+Glib::Error MessageWarning::parse()
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_warning(gobj(), &c_error, NULL);
-MessageCustom::MessageCustom(GstMessage* castitem)
+ return Glib::Error(c_error);
+std::string MessageWarning::parse_debug()
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_warning(gobj(), NULL, &c_debug);
+ std::string result = c_debug;
+ if (c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ return result;
+MessageInfo::MessageInfo(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageCustom::create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageInfo::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_custom(GstMessageType(type), src->gobj(), structure.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_info(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageElement::MessageElement(GstMessage* castitem)
+void MessageInfo::parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug)
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_info(gobj(), &c_error, &c_debug);
+ debug = c_debug;
+ if(c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ error = Glib::Error(c_error);
+Glib::Error MessageInfo::parse()
+ GError* c_error = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_info(gobj(), &c_error, NULL);
+ return Glib::Error(c_error);
+std::string MessageInfo::parse_debug()
+ gchar* c_debug = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_info(gobj(), NULL, &c_debug);
+ std::string result = c_debug;
+ if (c_debug)
+ g_free(c_debug);
+ return result;
+MessageTag::MessageTag(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageElement::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageTag::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const TagList& taglist)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_element(src->gobj(), structure.gobj());
+ //We create a copy because gst_message_new_tag() takes ownership:
+ GstTagList* c_taglist = gst_tag_list_copy(taglist.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_tag(src->gobj(), c_taglist);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+TagList MessageTag::parse()
+ GstTagList* gst_tag_list = gst_tag_list_new();
+ gst_message_parse_tag(gobj(), &gst_tag_list);
+ return TagList(gst_tag_list);
-MessageEos::MessageEos(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageBuffering::MessageBuffering(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageEos::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageBuffering::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, int percent)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_eos(src->gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_buffering(src->gobj(), percent);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+int MessageBuffering::parse()
+ int percent;
+ gst_message_parse_buffering(gobj(), &percent);
+ return percent;
-MessageError::MessageError(GstMessage* castitem)
+void MessageBuffering::set_stats(BufferingMode mode, int avg_in, int avg_out,
+gint64 buffering_left)
+ gst_message_set_buffering_stats(gobj(), (GstBufferingMode) mode, avg_in,
+ avg_out, buffering_left);
+void MessageBuffering::get_stats(BufferingMode& mode, int& avg_in, int& avg_out,
+gint64& buffering_left)
+ gst_message_parse_buffering_stats(gobj(), (GstBufferingMode*)(&mode),
+ &avg_in, &avg_out, &buffering_left);
+BufferingMode MessageBuffering::get_stats_buffering_mode()
+ GstBufferingMode mode;
+ gst_message_parse_buffering_stats(gobj(), (GstBufferingMode*)(&mode),
+ return (BufferingMode)(mode);
+int MessageBuffering::get_stats_avg_in()
+ int avg_in;
+ gst_message_parse_buffering_stats(gobj(), NULL, &avg_in, NULL, NULL);
+ return avg_in;
+int MessageBuffering::get_stats_avg_out()
+ int avg_out;
+ gst_message_parse_buffering_stats(gobj(), NULL, NULL, &avg_out, NULL);
+ return avg_out;
+gint64 MessageBuffering::get_stats_buffering_left()
+ gint64 buffering_left;
+ gst_message_parse_buffering_stats(gobj(), NULL, NULL, NULL, &buffering_left);
+ return buffering_left;
+MessageStateChanged::MessageStateChanged(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageError::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageStateChanged::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, State oldstate, State newstate, State pending)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_error(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_state_changed(src->gobj(), GstState(oldstate), GstState(newstate), GstState(pending));
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-void MessageError::parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug)
+void MessageStateChanged::parse(State& oldstate, State& newstate,
+State& pending)
- GError* c_error = 0;
- gchar* c_debug = 0;
- gst_message_parse_error(gobj(), &c_error, &c_debug);
+ gst_message_parse_state_changed(gobj(), (GstState*)(&oldstate),
+ (GstState*)(&newstate), (GstState*)(&pending));
- if(c_debug)
- {
- debug = c_debug;
- g_free(c_debug);
- }
+State MessageStateChanged::parse()
+ GstState* new_state;
+ gst_message_parse_state_changed(gobj(), NULL, new_state, NULL);
+ return (State)(*new_state);
- if(c_error)
- {
- error = Glib::Error(c_error);
- g_error_free(c_error);
- }
+State MessageStateChanged::parse_old()
+ GstState* old_state;
+ gst_message_parse_state_changed(gobj(), old_state, NULL, NULL);
+ return (State)(*old_state);
-void MessageError::parse(Glib::Error& error)
+State MessageStateChanged::parse_pending()
- GError* c_error = 0;
- gst_message_parse_error(gobj(), &c_error, NULL);
+ GstState* pending_state;
+ gst_message_parse_state_changed(gobj(), NULL, NULL, pending_state);
+ return (State)(*pending_state);
- if(c_error)
- {
- error = Glib::Error(c_error);
- g_error_free(c_error);
- }
+MessageStateDirty::MessageStateDirty(GstMessage* castitem)
+: Message(castitem)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageStateDirty::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_state_dirty(src->gobj());
+ return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageInfo::MessageInfo(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageClockProvide::MessageClockProvide(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageInfo::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageClockProvide::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool ready)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_info(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_clock_provide(src->gobj(), clock->gobj(), ready);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-void MessageInfo::parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug)
+void MessageClockProvide::parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool& ready)
- GError* c_error = 0;
- gchar* c_debug = 0;
- gst_message_parse_info(gobj(), &c_error, &c_debug);
+ GstClock* cclock = 0;
+ gboolean ready_ = false;
+ gst_message_parse_clock_provide(gobj(), &cclock, &ready_);
+ clock = Glib::wrap(cclock);
+ ready = ready_;
- if(c_debug)
- {
- debug = c_debug;
- g_free(c_debug);
- }
+Glib::RefPtr<Clock> MessageClockProvide::parse()
+ GstClock* cclock = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_clock_provide(gobj(), &cclock, NULL);
+ return Glib::wrap(cclock);
- if(c_error)
- {
- error = Glib::Error(c_error);
- g_error_free(c_error);
- }
+bool MessageClockProvide::parse_ready()
+ gboolean ready = false;
+ gst_message_parse_clock_provide(gobj(), NULL, &ready);
+ return ready;
-void MessageInfo::parse(Glib::Error& error)
+MessageClockLost::MessageClockLost(GstMessage* castitem)
+: Message(castitem)
- GError* c_error = 0;
- gst_message_parse_info(gobj(), &c_error, NULL);
- if(c_error)
- {
- error = Glib::Error(c_error);
- g_error_free(c_error);
- }
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageClockLost::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock)
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_clock_lost(src->gobj(), clock->gobj());
+ return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+Glib::RefPtr<Clock> MessageClockLost::parse()
+ GstClock* cclock = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_clock_lost(gobj(), &cclock);
+ return Glib::wrap(cclock, false);
MessageNewClock::MessageNewClock(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
@@ -238,87 +392,128 @@
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+Glib::RefPtr<Clock> MessageNewClock::parse()
+ GstClock* cclock = 0;
+ gst_message_parse_new_clock(gobj(), &cclock);
+ return Glib::wrap(cclock, false);
-MessageSegmentDone::MessageSegmentDone(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageApplication::MessageApplication(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageSegmentDone::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageApplication::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_segment_done(src->gobj(), GstFormat(format), position);
+ GstStructure* copy_struct = gst_structure_copy(structure.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_application(src->gobj(), copy_struct);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageApplication::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_application(src->gobj(), NULL);
+ return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageSegmentStart::MessageSegmentStart(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageElement::MessageElement(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageSegmentStart::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageElement::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_segment_start(src->gobj(), GstFormat(format), position);
+ GstStructure* copy_struct = gst_structure_copy(structure.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_element(src->gobj(), copy_struct);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageElement::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_element(src->gobj(), NULL);
+ return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageStateChanged::MessageStateChanged(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageCustom::MessageCustom(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageStateChanged::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, State oldstate, State newstate, State pending)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageCustom::create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_state_changed(src->gobj(), GstState(oldstate), GstState(newstate), GstState(pending));
+ GstStructure* copy_struct = gst_structure_copy(structure.gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_custom(GstMessageType(type),
+ src->gobj(), copy_struct);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageBuffering::MessageBuffering(GstMessage* castitem)
-: Message(castitem)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageCustom::create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_custom(GstMessageType(type),
+ src->gobj(), NULL);
+ return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageTag::MessageTag(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageSegmentStart::MessageSegmentStart(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageTag::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const TagList& taglist)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageSegmentStart::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position)
- //We create a copy because gst_message_new_tag() takes ownership:
- GstTagList* c_taglist = gst_tag_list_copy(taglist.gobj());
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_tag(src->gobj(), c_taglist);
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_segment_start(src->gobj(), GstFormat(format), position);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-void MessageTag::parse(TagList& taglist)
+void MessageSegmentStart::parse(Format& format, gint64& position)
- GstTagList* gst_tag_list = gst_tag_list_new();
- gst_message_parse_tag(gobj(), &gst_tag_list);
- TagList result(gst_tag_list);
- taglist.swap(result);
+ gst_message_parse_segment_start(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), &position);
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageBuffering::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, int percent)
+gint64 MessageSegmentStart::parse()
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_buffering(src->gobj(), percent);
- return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+ gint64 position;
+ gst_message_parse_segment_start(gobj(), NULL, &position);
+ return position;
+Format MessageSegmentStart::parse_format()
+ Format format;
+ gst_message_parse_segment_start(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), NULL);
+ return format;
-MessageWarning::MessageWarning(GstMessage* castitem)
+MessageSegmentDone::MessageSegmentDone(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageWarning::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageSegmentDone::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_warning(src->gobj(), error.gobj(),(gchar*)(debug.c_str()));
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_segment_done(src->gobj(), GstFormat(format), position);
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+void MessageSegmentDone::parse(Format& format, gint64& position)
+ gst_message_parse_segment_done(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), &position);
+gint64 MessageSegmentDone::parse()
+ gint64 position;
+ gst_message_parse_segment_done(gobj(), NULL, &position);
+ return position;
+Format MessageSegmentDone::parse_format()
+ Format format;
+ gst_message_parse_segment_done(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), NULL);
+ return format;
MessageDuration::MessageDuration(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
@@ -331,19 +526,36 @@
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
+void MessageDuration::parse(Format& format, gint64& position)
+ gst_message_parse_duration(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), &position);
+gint64 MessageDuration::parse()
+ gint64 position;
+ gst_message_parse_duration(gobj(), NULL, &position);
+ return position;
-MessageStateDirty::MessageStateDirty(GstMessage* castitem)
+Format MessageDuration::parse_format()
+ Format format;
+ gst_message_parse_duration(gobj(), (GstFormat*)(&format), NULL);
+ return format;
+MessageLatency::MessageLatency(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageStateDirty::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageLatency::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_state_dirty(src->gobj());
+ GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_latency(src->gobj());
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
MessageAsyncStart::MessageAsyncStart(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
@@ -355,14 +567,13 @@
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-void MessageAsyncStart::parse(bool& base_time)
+bool MessageAsyncStart::parse()
- gboolean result;
- gst_message_parse_async_start(gobj(), &result);
- base_time = result;
+ gboolean new_base_time;
+ gst_message_parse_async_start(gobj(), &new_base_time);
+ return new_base_time;
MessageAsyncDone::MessageAsyncDone(GstMessage* castitem)
: Message(castitem)
@@ -374,20 +585,8 @@
return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-MessageLatency::MessageLatency(GstMessage* castitem)
-: Message(castitem)
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> MessageLatency::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src)
+Glib::RefPtr<Message> Message::wrap(GstMessage* message, bool take_copy)
- GstMessage* message = gst_message_new_latency(src->gobj());
- return Gst::Message::wrap(message, false);
-Glib::RefPtr<Message> Message::wrap(GstMessage* message, bool take_copy) {
Glib::RefPtr<Message> result;
@@ -451,9 +650,6 @@
result = Glib::RefPtr<Message>( new Gst::MessageAsyncDone(message) );
result = Gst::wrap(message, false);
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg
--- gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <gstreamermm/wrap.h>
#include <gstreamermm/format.h>
#include <gstreamermm/clock.h>
-#include <gstreamermm/enums.h>
+#include <gstreamermm/query.h>
@@ -89,204 +89,746 @@
//Glib::RefPtrs references the objects which causes problems when GStreamer API
//tries to modify the GstStructures of the objects.
-class MessageApplication : public Message
+/** An end of stream message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageEos : public Message
- explicit MessageApplication(GstMessage *message);
+ explicit MessageEos(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
+ /** Create a new eos message. This message is generated and posted in the
+ * sink elements of a Gst::Bin. The bin will only forward the EOS message to
+ * the application if all sinks have posted an EOS message.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new eos message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
-class MessageClockProvide : public Message
+/** An error message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageError : public Message
- explicit MessageClockProvide(GstMessage *message);
+ explicit MessageError(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool ready);
+ /** Create a new error message. The message will copy error and debug. This
+ * message is posted by elements when a fatal event occured. The pipeline
+ * will probably (partially) stop. The application receiving this message
+ * should stop the pipeline.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param error The Glib::Error for this message.
+ * @param debug A debugging string for something or other.
+ * @return The new error message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
- //TODO: Use clock as return type?
- void parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool& ready);
+ /** Extracts the Glib::Error and debug string from the Gst::MessageError.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param error Location for the Glib::Error.
+ * @param debug Location for the debug message.
+ */
+ void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts and returns the Glib::Error from the Gst::MessageError.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The Glib::Error.
+ */
+ Glib::Error parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the debug message from the Gst::MessageError.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The debug message.
+ */
+ std::string parse_debug();
-class MessageClockLost : public Message
+/** A warning message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageWarning : public Message
- explicit MessageClockLost(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageWarning(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock);
+ /** Create a new warning message. The message will make copies of error and
+ * debug.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param error The Glib::Error for this message.
+ * @param debug A debugging string for something or other.
+ * @return The new warning message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts the Glib::Error and debug string from the Gst::MessageWarning.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param error Location for the Glib::Error.
+ * @param debug Location for the debug message.
+ */
+ void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts and returns the Glib::Error from the Gst::MessageWarning.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The Glib::Error.
+ */
+ Glib::Error parse();
- //TODO: Use clock as return type?
- void parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock);
+ /** Extracts and returns the debug message from the Gst::MessageWarning.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The debug message.
+ */
+ std::string parse_debug();
-class MessageCustom : public Message
+/** An informational message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageInfo : public Message
- explicit MessageCustom(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageInfo(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
+ /** Create a new info message.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param error The Glib::Error for this message.
+ * @param debug A debugging string for something or other.
+ * @return The new info message.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.12 MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts the Glib::Error and debug string from the Gst::MessageInfo.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param error Location for the Glib::Error.
+ * @param debug Location for the debug message.
+ */
+ void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts and returns the Glib::Error from the Gst::MessageInfo.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The Glib::Error.
+ */
+ Glib::Error parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the debug message from the Gst::MessageInfo.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The debug message.
+ */
+ std::string parse_debug();
-class MessageElement : public Message
+/** A tag message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageTag : public Message
- explicit MessageElement(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageTag(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
+ /** Create a new tag message. The taglist will be copied. The message is
+ * posted by elements that discovered a new taglist.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param tag_list The tag list for the message.
+ * @return The new tag message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const TagList& taglist);
+ /** Extracts and returns the Gst::TagList from the Gst::MessageTag.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return A copy of the Gst::TagList.
+ */
+ TagList parse();
-class MessageEos : public Message
+/** A buffering message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageBuffering : public Message
- explicit MessageEos(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageBuffering(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
+ /** Create a new buffering message. This message can be posted by an element
+ * that needs to buffer data before it can continue processing. @a percent
+ * should be a value between 0 and 100. A value of 100 means that the
+ * buffering completed.
+ *
+ * When @a percent is < 100 the application should PAUSE a PLAYING pipeline.
+ * When @a percent is 100, the application can set the pipeline (back) to
+ * PLAYING. The application must be prepared to receive BUFFERING messages in
+ * the PREROLLING state and may only set the pipeline to PLAYING after
+ * receiving a message with @a percent set to 100, which can happen after the
+ * pipeline completed prerolling.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param percent The buffering percent.
+ * @return The new buffering message.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.11 MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, int percent);
+ /** Extracts and returns the buffering percent from the
+ * Gst::MessageBuffering.
+ * @return The percent as an integer.
+ */
+ int parse();
+ /** Configures the buffering stats values in message.
+ *
+ * @param mode A buffering mode.
+ * @param avg_in The average input rate.
+ * @param avg_out The average output rate.
+ * @param buffering_left Amount of buffering time left in milliseconds.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.20.
+ */
+ void set_stats(BufferingMode mode, int avg_in, int avg_out, gint64 buffering_left);
+ /** Extracts the buffering stats values from message.
+ *
+ * @param mode Location for the buffering mode.
+ * @param avg_in Location for the average input rate.
+ * @param avg_out Location for the average output rate.
+ * @param buffering_left Location for the amount of buffering time left.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.20.
+ */
+ void get_stats(BufferingMode& mode, int& avg_in, int& avg_out, gint64& buffering_left);
+ /** Extracts and returns the buffering mode from message.
+ *
+ * @return The buffering mode.
+ */
+ BufferingMode get_stats_buffering_mode();
+ /** Extracts and returns the average input rate from message.
+ *
+ * @return The average input rate.
+ */
+ int get_stats_avg_in();
+ /** Extracts and returns the average output rate from message.
+ *
+ * @return The average output rate.
+ */
+ int get_stats_avg_out();
+ /** Extracts and returns the buffering time in milliseconds remaining from
+ * message.
+ *
+ * @return The buffering time remaining.
+ */
+ gint64 get_stats_buffering_left();
-class MessageError : public Message
+/** A state change message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageStateChanged : public Message
- explicit MessageError(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageStateChanged(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
+ /** Create a state change message. This message is posted whenever an element
+ * changed its state.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param oldstate The previous state.
+ * @param newstate The new (current) state.
+ * @param pending The pending (target) state.
+ * @return The new state change message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, State oldstate, State newstate, State pending);
- //TODO: Use error as return type?
- void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
- void parse(Glib::Error& error);
+ /** Extracts the old, new and pending states from the
+ * Gst::MessageStateChanged.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param oldstate The previous state.
+ * @param newstate The new (current) state.
+ * @param pending The pending (target) state.
+ */
+ void parse(State& oldstate, State& newstate, State& pending);
+ /** Extracts and returns the new state from the Gst::MessageStateChanged.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The new (current) state.
+ */
+ State parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the old state from the Gst::MessageStateChanged.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The old state.
+ */
+ State parse_old();
+ /** Extracts and returns the pending state from the Gst::MessageStateChanged.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The pending state.
+ */
+ State parse_pending();
-class MessageInfo : public Message
+/** A state dirty message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageStateDirty : public Message
- explicit MessageInfo(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageStateDirty(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
+ /** Create a state dirty message. This message is posted whenever an element
+ * changed its state asynchronously and is used internally to update the
+ * states of container objects.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new state dirty message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
- //TODO: Use error as return type?
- void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
- void parse(Glib::Error& error);
+/** A clock provide message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageClockProvide : public Message
+ explicit MessageClockProvide(GstMessage *message);
+ /** Create a clock provide message. This message is posted whenever an
+ * element is ready to provide a clock or lost its ability to provide a clock
+ * (maybe because it paused or became EOS).
+ *
+ * This message is mainly used internally to manage the clock selection.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param clock The clock it provides.
+ * @param ready true if the sender can provide a clock.
+ * @return The new provide clock message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool ready);
+ /** Extracts the clock and ready flag from the Gst::MessageClockProvide. The
+ * clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param clock Location in which to hold a clock object.
+ * @param ready Location in which to hold the ready flag.
+ */
+ void parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock, bool& ready);
+ /** Extracts and returns the clock from the Gst::MessageClockProvide. The
+ * clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The clock object of the message.
+ */
+ Glib::RefPtr<Clock> parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the ready flag from the Gst::MessageClockProvide.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The ready flag of the message.
+ */
+ bool parse_ready();
-class MessageNewClock: public Message
+/** A clock lost message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageClockLost : public Message
- explicit MessageNewClock(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageClockLost(GstMessage* castitem);
+ /** Create a clock lost message. This message is posted whenever the clock is
+ * not valid anymore. If this message is posted by the pipeline, the
+ * pipeline will select a new clock again when it goes to PLAYING. It might
+ * therefore be needed to set the pipeline to PAUSED and PLAYING again.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param clock The clock that was lost.
+ * @return The new clock lost message. MT safe.
+ */
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock);
- //TODO: Use clock as return type?
- void parse(Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock);
+ /** Extracts and returns the lost clock from the Gst::MessageClockLost. The
+ * clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ * @return The lost clock.
+ */
+ Glib::RefPtr<Clock> parse();
-class MessageSegmentDone : public Message
+/** A new clock message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageNewClock: public Message
- explicit MessageSegmentDone(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageNewClock(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position);
+ /** Create a new clock message. This message is posted whenever the pipeline
+ * selectes a new clock for the pipeline.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param clock The new selected clock.
+ * @return The new new clock message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const Glib::RefPtr<Clock>& clock);
- //TODO: Use something as return type?
- void parse(Format& format, gint64& position);
+ /** Extracts and returns the new clock from the Gst::MessageNewClock. The
+ * clock object returned remains valid until the message is freed.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The selected new clock.
+ */
+ Glib::RefPtr<Clock> parse();
-class MessageSegmentStart : public Message
+/** An application message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageApplication : public Message
- explicit MessageSegmentStart(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageApplication(GstMessage *message);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position);
+ /** Create a new application-typed message. GStreamer will never create these
+ * messages; they are a gift from us to you. Enjoy.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param structure The structure for the message. The structure will be
+ * copied.
+ * @return The new application message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
- //TODO: Use something as return type?
- void parse(Format& format, gint64& position);
+ /** Create a new application-typed message (no Gst::Structure is needed).
+ * GStreamer will never create these messages; they are a gift from us to
+ * you. Enjoy.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new application message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
-class MessageStateChanged : public Message
+/** An element specific message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageElement : public Message
- explicit MessageStateChanged(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageElement(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, State oldstate, State newstate, State pending);
+ /** Create a new element-specific message. This is meant as a generic way of
+ * allowing one-way communication from an element to an application, for
+ * example "the firewire cable was unplugged". The format of the message
+ * should be documented in the element's documentation.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param structure The structure for the message. The message will take a
+ * copy of the structure.
+ * @return The new element message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
- //TODO: Use something as return type?
- void parse(State& oldstate, State& newstate, State& pending);
+ /** Create a new element-specific message. This is meant as a generic way of
+ * allowing one-way communication from an element to an application, for
+ * example "the firewire cable was unplugged". The format of the message
+ * should be documented in the element's documentation. No Gst::Structure is
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new element message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
-class MessageTag : public Message
+/** A custom message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageCustom : public Message
- explicit MessageTag(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageCustom(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, const TagList& taglist);
+ /** Create a new custom-typed message. This can be used for anything not
+ * handled by other message-specific functions to pass a message to the app.
+ *
+ * @param type The Gst::MessageType to distinguish messages.
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param structure The Gst::Structure for the message. The message will take
+ * a copy of the structure.
+ * @return The new message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Structure& structure);
- //TODO: Use something as return type?
- void parse(TagList& taglist);
+ /** Create a new custom-typed message. This can be used for anything not
+ * handled by other message-specific functions to pass a message to the app.
+ * No Gst::Structure is needed.
+ *
+ * @param type The Gst::MessageType to distinguish messages.
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(MessageType type, const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
-class MessageBuffering : public Message
+/** A segment start message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageSegmentStart : public Message
- explicit MessageBuffering(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageSegmentStart(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, int percent);
+ /** Create a new segment message. This message is posted by elements that
+ * start playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek. This message is
+ * not received by the application but is used for maintenance reasons in
+ * container elements.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param format The format of the position being played.
+ * @param position The position of the segment being played.
+ * @return The new segment start message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position);
+ /** Extracts the position and format from the segment start message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param format Result location for the format.
+ * @param position Result location for the position.
+ */
+ void parse(Format& format, gint64& position);
+ /** Extracts and returns the position from the segment start message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The position.
+ */
+ gint64 parse();
- //TODO: Use percent as return type?
- void parse(int& percent);
+ /** Extracts and returns the format from the segment start message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The format.
+ */
+ Format parse_format();
-class MessageWarning : public Message
+/** A segment done message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageSegmentDone : public Message
- explicit MessageWarning(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageSegmentDone(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Glib::Error& error, const std::string& debug);
+ /** Create a new segment done message. This message is posted by elements
+ * that finish playback of a segment as a result of a segment seek. This
+ * message is received by the application after all elements that posted a
+ * Gst::MessageSegmentStart have posted the Gst::MessageSegmentDone.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param format The format of the position being done.
+ * @param position The position of the segment being done.
+ * @return The new segment done message. MT safe.
+ */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position);
- //TODO: Use error as return type?
- void parse(Glib::Error& error, std::string& debug);
+ /** Extracts the position and format from the segment done message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param format Result location for the format.
+ * @param position Result location for the position.
+ */
+ void parse(Format& format, gint64& position);
+ /** Extracts and returns the position from the segment done message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The position.
+ */
+ gint64 parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the format from the segment done message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The format.
+ */
+ Format parse_format();
+/** A duration message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
class MessageDuration : public Message
explicit MessageDuration(GstMessage* castitem);
+ /** Create a new duration message. This message is posted by elements that
+ * know the duration of a stream in a specific format. This message is
+ * received by bins and is used to calculate the total duration of a
+ * pipeline. Elements may post a duration message with a duration of
+ * Gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE to indicate that the duration has changed and the
+ * cached duration should be discarded. The new duration can then be
+ * retrieved via a query.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param format The format of the duration.
+ * @param duration The new duration.
+ * @return The new duration message. MT safe.
+ */
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, Format format, gint64 position);
- //TODO: Use something as return type?
+ /** Extracts the duration and format from the duration message. The duration
+ * might be Gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE, which indicates that the duration has
+ * changed. Applications should always use a query to retrieve the duration
+ * of a pipeline.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @param format Result location for the format.
+ * @param position Result location for the position.
+ */
void parse(Format& format, gint64& position);
+ /** Extracts and returns the duration from the duration message. The duration
+ * might be Gst::CLOCK_TIME_NONE, which indicates that the duration has
+ * changed. Applications should always use a query to retrieve the duration
+ * of a pipeline.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The position.
+ */
+ gint64 parse();
+ /** Extracts and returns the format from the duration message. Applications
+ * should always use a query to retrieve the duration
+ * of a pipeline.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The format.
+ */
+ Format parse_format();
-class MessageStateDirty : public Message
+/** A latency message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
+class MessageLatency : public Message
- explicit MessageStateDirty(GstMessage* castitem);
+ explicit MessageLatency(GstMessage* castitem);
+ /** Creates a new latency message. This message can be posted by elements
+ * when their latency requirements have changed.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new latency message. MT safe.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.12.
+ */
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
+/** An asynchronous start message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
class MessageAsyncStart : public Message
explicit MessageAsyncStart(GstMessage* castitem);
+ /** Creates a new async message. This message is posted by elements when they start an ASYNC state change. new_base_time is set to true when the element lost its state when it was PLAYING.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @param new_base_time If a new base_time should be set on the element.
+ * @return The new async_start message. MT safe.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.13
+ */
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src, bool new_base_time);
- //TODO: Use new_base_time as return type?
- void parse(bool& new_base_time);
+ /** Extract and return the boolean new_base_time from the async_start
+ * message.
+ *
+ * MT safe.
+ *
+ * @return The new_base_time boolean.
+ *
+ * Since 0.10.13.
+ */
+ bool parse();
+/** An asynchronous done message.
+ * See create() for more details.
+ */
class MessageAsyncDone : public Message
explicit MessageAsyncDone(GstMessage* castitem);
- static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
-class MessageLatency : public Message
- explicit MessageLatency(GstMessage* castitem);
+ /** Create an async done message. The message is posted when elements
+ * completed an ASYNC state change.
+ *
+ * @param src The object originating the message.
+ * @return The new async_done message. MT safe.
+ */
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> create(const Glib::RefPtr<Object>& src);
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/query.hg
--- gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/query.hg (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/query.hg Tue Jul 29 02:48:27 2008
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
_WRAP_ENUM(QueryType, GstQueryType)
+_WRAP_ENUM(BufferingMode, GstBufferingMode)
namespace Enums
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