ooo-build r13254 - in trunk: . patches/dev300 patches/emf+
- From: thorstenb svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r13254 - in trunk: . patches/dev300 patches/emf+
- Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 17:04:28 +0000 (UTC)
Author: thorstenb
Date: Wed Jul 16 17:04:28 2008
New Revision: 13254
* patches/dev300/apply:
* patches/dev300/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus.diff:
* patches/dev300/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus-m21.diff: adapted patch to
changes in m22 offapi.
Modified: trunk/patches/dev300/apply
--- trunk/patches/dev300/apply (original)
+++ trunk/patches/dev300/apply Wed Jul 16 17:04:28 2008
@@ -2272,7 +2272,14 @@
[ EMFPlus ]
SectionOwner => rodo
+[ EMFPlus < dev300-m22 >= beb300-m1 ]
+[ EMFPlus >= dev300-m22 ]
+[ EMFPlus ]
Added: trunk/patches/emf+/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus-m21.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/emf+/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus-m21.diff Wed Jul 16 17:04:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1609 @@
+diff -rup cppcanvas-orig/source/inc/implrenderer.hxx cppcanvas/source/inc/implrenderer.hxx
+--- cppcanvas-orig/source/inc/implrenderer.hxx 2007-08-06 12:08:27.000000000 +0200
++++ cppcanvas/source/inc/implrenderer.hxx 2007-10-19 15:24:21.000000000 +0200
+@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ class Gradient;
+ class BitmapEx;
+ class MapMode;
+ class Size;
++class Rectangle;
++class Font;
++class PolyPolygon;
++class Point;
++class MetaCommentAction;
+ namespace basegfx {
+ class B2DPolyPolygon;
+@@ -75,11 +80,110 @@ namespace cppcanvas
+ {
+ struct OutDevState;
+ struct ActionFactoryParameters;
++ struct EMFPObject;
++ struct XForm;
+ // state stack of OutputDevice, to correctly handle
+ // push/pop actions
+ typedef ::std::vector< OutDevState > VectorOfOutDevStates;
++ // EMF+
++ // TODO: replace?
++ struct XForm
++ {
++ float eM11;
++ float eM12;
++ float eM21;
++ float eM22;
++ float eDx;
++ float eDy;
++ XForm()
++ {
++ SetIdentity ();
++ };
++ void SetIdentity ()
++ {
++ eM11 = eM22 = 1.0f;
++ eDx = eDy = eM12 = eM21 = 0.0f;
++ }
++ void Set (float m11, float m12, float dx, float m21, float m22, float dy)
++ {
++ eM11 = m11;
++ eM12 = m12;
++ eDx = dx;
++ eM21 = m21;
++ eM22 = m22;
++ eDy = dy;
++ }
++ void Set (XForm f)
++ {
++ eM11 = f.eM11;
++ eM12 = f.eM12;
++ eM21 = f.eM21;
++ eM22 = f.eM22;
++ eDx = f.eDx;
++ eDy = f.eDy;
++ }
++ void Multiply (float m11, float m12, float dx, float m21, float m22, float dy)
++ {
++ eM11 = eM11*m11 + eM12*m21;
++ eM12 = eM11*m12 + eM12*m22;
++ eM21 = eM21*m11 + eM22*m21;
++ eM22 = eM21*m12 + eM22*m22;
++ eDx *= eDx*m11 + eDy*m21 + dx;
++ eDy *= eDx*m12 + eDy*m22 + dy;
++ }
++ void Multiply (XForm f)
++ {
++ eM11 = eM11*f.eM11 + eM12*f.eM21;
++ eM12 = eM11*f.eM12 + eM12*f.eM22;
++ eM21 = eM21*f.eM11 + eM22*f.eM21;
++ eM22 = eM21*f.eM12 + eM22*f.eM22;
++ eDx *= eDx*f.eM11 + eDy*f.eM21 + f.eDx;
++ eDy *= eDx*f.eM12 + eDy*f.eM22 + f.eDy;
++ }
++// currently unused
++static float GetSwapFloat( SvStream& rSt )
++ float fTmp;
++ sal_Int8* pPtr = (sal_Int8*)&fTmp;
++ rSt >> pPtr[3] >> pPtr[2] >> pPtr[1] >> pPtr[0]; // Little Endian <-> Big Endian switch
++ return fTmp;
++ friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIn, XForm& rXForm )
++ {
++ if ( sizeof( float ) != 4 )
++ {
++ DBG_ERROR( "EnhWMFReader::sizeof( float ) != 4" );
++ rXForm = XForm();
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ rXForm.eM11 = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rXForm.eM12 = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rXForm.eM21 = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rXForm.eM22 = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rXForm.eDx = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rXForm.eDy = GetSwapFloat( rIn );
++ rIn >> rXForm.eM11 >> rXForm.eM12 >> rXForm.eM21 >> rXForm.eM22
++ >> rXForm.eDx >> rXForm.eDy;
++ }
++ return rIn;
++ }
++ };
+ class ImplRenderer : public virtual Renderer, protected CanvasGraphicHelper
+ {
+ public:
+@@ -118,6 +211,14 @@ namespace cppcanvas
+ // (externally not visible)
+ typedef ::std::vector< MtfAction > ActionVector;
++ /* EMF+ */
++ void ReadRectangle (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, float &width, float& height, sal_uInt32 flags = 0);
++ void ReadPoint (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, sal_uInt32 flags = 0);
++ void MapToDevice (double &x, double &y);
++ ::basegfx::B2DPoint Map (::basegfx::B2DPoint& p);
++ ::basegfx::B2DPoint Map (double ix, double iy);
++ ::basegfx::B2DSize MapSize (double iwidth, double iheight);
++ ::basegfx::B2DRange MapRectangle (double ix, double iy, double iwidth, double iheight);
+ private:
+ // default: disabled copy/assignment
+@@ -170,8 +271,30 @@ namespace cppcanvas
+ ActionVector::const_iterator& o_rRangeBegin,
+ ActionVector::const_iterator& o_rRangeEnd ) const;
++ void processEMFPlus( MetaCommentAction* pAct, const ActionFactoryParameters& rFactoryParms, OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas );
++ void EMFPPlusFillPolygon (::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms, OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, bool isColor, sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor);
+ ActionVector maActions;
++ /* EMF+ */
++ XForm aBaseTransform;
++ XForm aWorldTransform;
++ EMFPObject* aObjects [256];
++ float fPageScale;
++ sal_Int32 nOriginX;
++ sal_Int32 nOriginY;
++ sal_Int32 nHDPI;
++ sal_Int32 nVDPI;
++ ::PolyPolygon aClippingPolygon;
++ /* EMF+ emf header info */
++ sal_Int32 nFrameLeft;
++ sal_Int32 nFrameTop;
++ sal_Int32 nFrameRight;
++ sal_Int32 nFrameBottom;
++ sal_Int32 nPixX;
++ sal_Int32 nPixY;
++ sal_Int32 nMmX;
++ sal_Int32 nMmY;
+ };
+diff -rup cppcanvas-orig/util/ cppcanvas/util/
+--- cppcanvas-orig/util/ 2007-08-06 12:08:27.000000000 +0200
++++ cppcanvas/util/ 2007-08-06 17:31:02.000000000 +0200
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ LIB1FILES=\
+ SHL1LIBS= $(SLB)$/$(TARGET).lib
+--- cppcanvas-orig/source/mtfrenderer/ 2007-08-06 12:08:27.000000000 +0200
++++ cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/ 2007-11-05 21:51:22.000000000 +0100
+@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ CDEFS+= -DVERBOSE
+ SLOFILES = $(SLO)$/cachedprimitivebase.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/bitmapaction.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/emfplus.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/implrenderer.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/lineaction.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/pointaction.obj \
+--- cppcanvas-orig/source/mtfrenderer/implrenderer.cxx 2007-08-06 12:08:27.000000000 +0200
++++ cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/implrenderer.cxx 2007-11-10 12:35:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
+ #include "mtftools.hxx"
+ #include "outdevstate.hxx"
++#define EMFP_DEBUG(x)
++//#define EMFP_DEBUG(x) x
+ using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+@@ -1725,6 +1735,33 @@ namespace cppcanvas
+ }
+ }
+ }
++ // Handle drawing layer fills
++ else if( pAct->GetComment().Equals( "EMF_PLUS" ) ) {
++ static int count = -1, limit = 0x7fffffff;
++ if (count == -1) {
++ count = 0;
++ char *env;
++ if (env = getenv ("EMF_PLUS_LIMIT")) {
++ limit = atoi (env);
++ }
++ }
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ passed to canvas mtf renderer, size: %d\n", pAct->GetDataSize ()));
++ if (count < limit)
++ processEMFPlus( pAct, rFactoryParms, getState( rStates ), rCanvas );
++ count ++;
++ } else if( pAct->GetComment().Equals( "EMF_PLUS_HEADER_INFO" ) ) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ passed to canvas mtf renderer - header info, size: %d\n", pAct->GetDataSize ()));
++ SvMemoryStream rMF ((void*) pAct->GetData (), pAct->GetDataSize (), STREAM_READ);
++ rMF >> nFrameLeft >> nFrameTop >> nFrameRight >> nFrameBottom;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ picture frame: %d,%d - %d,%d\n", nFrameLeft, nFrameTop, nFrameRight, nFrameBottom));
++ rMF >> nPixX >> nPixY >> nMmX >> nMmY;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ ref device pixel size: %dx%d mm size: %dx%d\n", nPixX, nPixY, nMmX, nMmY));
++ rMF >> aBaseTransform;
++ //aWorldTransform.Set (aBaseTransform);
++ }
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -2881,6 +2918,9 @@ namespace cppcanvas
+ aParms );
+ }
++ /* EMF+ */
++ memset (aObjects, 0, sizeof (aObjects));
+ createActions( const_cast<GDIMetaFile&>(rMtf), // HACK(Q2):
+ // we're
+ // changing
+--- /dev/null 2007-10-08 22:21:59.000000000 +0200
++++ cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/emfplus.cxx 2007-11-10 18:05:44.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,1357 @@
++#include <tools/stream.hxx>
++#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
++#include <svtools/filter.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/tools/canvastools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/tools/tools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/vector/b2dsize.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/range/b2drectangle.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <vcl/canvastools.hxx>
++#include <com/sun/star/rendering/XCanvas.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/rendering/TexturingMode.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/rendering/XParametricPolyPolygon2DFactory.hpp>
++#include <bitmapaction.hxx>
++#include <implrenderer.hxx>
++#include <outdevstate.hxx>
++#include <polypolyaction.hxx>
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader 16385
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile 16386
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC 16388
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeObject 16392
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects 16394
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon 16396
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines 16397
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath 16404
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath 16405
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints 16411
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString 16412
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin 16413
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode 16414
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint 16415
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode 16417
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode 16418
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality 16420
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSave 16421
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform 16426
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform 16427
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform 16432
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath 16435
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion 16436
++#define EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString 16438
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeBrush 0x100
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypePen 0x200
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypePath 0x300
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeRegion 0x400
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeImage 0x500
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeFont 0x600
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeStringFormat 0x700
++#define EmfPlusObjectTypeImageAttributes 0x800
++#define EmfPlusRegionInitialStateRectangle 0x10000000
++#define EmfPlusRegionInitialStatePath 0x10000001
++#define EmfPlusRegionInitialStateEmpty 0x10000002
++#define EmfPlusRegionInitialStateInfinite 0x10000003
++#define EMFP_DEBUG(x)
++//#define EMFP_DEBUG(x) x
++using namespace ::com::sun::star;
++namespace cppcanvas
++ namespace internal
++ {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (void dumpWords (SvStream& s, int i)
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 pos = s.Tell ();
++ INT16 data;
++ for (; i > 0; i --) {
++ s >> data;
++ printf ("EMF+\tdata: %04hX\n", data);
++ }
++ s.Seek (pos);
++ });
++ struct EMFPObject
++ {
++ };
++ struct EMFPPath : public EMFPObject
++ {
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolygon;
++ sal_Int32 nPoints;
++ float* pPoints;
++ sal_uInt8* pPointTypes;
++ public:
++ EMFPPath (sal_Int32 _nPoints, bool bLines = false)
++ {
++ nPoints = _nPoints;
++ pPoints = new float [nPoints*2];
++ if (!bLines)
++ pPointTypes = new sal_uInt8 [_nPoints];
++ else
++ pPointTypes = NULL;
++ }
++ ~EMFPPath ()
++ {
++ delete [] pPoints;
++ delete [] pPointTypes;
++ }
++ // TODO: remove rR argument when debug code is not longer needed
++ void Read (SvStream& s, UINT32 pathFlags, ImplRenderer& rR)
++ {
++ for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) {
++ if (pathFlags & 0x4000) {
++ // points are stored in short 16bit integer format
++ UINT16 x, y;
++ s >> x >> y;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpoint [x,y]: %hd,%hd\n", x, y));
++ pPoints [i*2] = x;
++ pPoints [i*2 + 1] = y;
++ } else {
++ // points are stored in Single (float) format
++ s >> pPoints [i*2] >> pPoints [i*2 + 1];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpoint [x,y]: %f,%f\n", pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1]));
++ }
++ }
++ if (pPointTypes)
++ for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) {
++ UINT8 pathType;
++ s >> pPointTypes [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpoint type: %x\n", pPointTypes [i]));
++ }
++ aPolygon.clear ();
++ // debug code
++ const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds (::basegfx::tools::getRange (GetPolygon (rR)));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpolygon bounding box: %f,%f %fx%f (mapped)\n", aBounds.getMinX (), aBounds.getMinY (), aBounds.getWidth (), aBounds.getHeight ()));
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& GetPolygon (ImplRenderer& rR, bool bMapIt = true)
++ {
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolygon polygon;
++ sal_Int32 points = nPoints;
++ aPolygon.clear ();
++ int last_normal = 0, p = 0;
++ ::basegfx::B2DPoint prev, mapped;
++ bool hasPrev = false;
++ for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i ++) {
++ if (p && pPointTypes && (pPointTypes [i] == 0)) {
++ aPolygon.append (polygon);
++ last_normal = i;
++ p = 0;
++ polygon.clear ();
++ }
++ if (bMapIt)
++ mapped = rR.Map (pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1]);
++ else
++ mapped = ::basegfx::B2DPoint (pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1]);
++ //EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("polygon point: %f,%f mapped: %f,%f\n", pPoints [i*2], pPoints [i*2 + 1], mapped.getX (), mapped.getY ()));
++ if (pPointTypes) {
++ if ((pPointTypes [i] & 0x07) == 3) {
++ if (((i - last_normal )% 3) == 1) {
++ polygon.setNextControlPoint (p - 1, mapped);
++ continue;
++ } else if (((i - last_normal) % 3) == 2) {
++ prev = mapped;
++ hasPrev = true;
++ continue;
++ }
++ } else
++ last_normal = i;
++ }
++ polygon.append (mapped);
++ if (hasPrev) {
++ polygon.setPrevControlPoint (p, prev);
++ hasPrev = false;
++ }
++ p ++;
++ if (pPointTypes && (pPointTypes [i] & 0x80)) { // closed polygon
++ polygon.setClosed (true);
++ aPolygon.append (polygon);
++ last_normal = i + 1;
++ p = 0;
++ polygon.clear ();
++ }
++ }
++ if (polygon.count ())
++ aPolygon.append (polygon);
++ return aPolygon;
++ }
++ };
++ struct EMFPRegion : public EMFPObject
++ {
++ sal_Int32 parts;
++ sal_Int32 *combineMode;
++ sal_Int32 initialState;
++ EMFPPath *initialPath;
++ float ix, iy, iw, ih;
++ EMFPRegion ()
++ {
++ combineMode = NULL;
++ initialPath = NULL;
++ }
++ ~EMFPRegion ()
++ {
++ if (combineMode) {
++ delete [] combineMode;
++ combineMode = NULL;
++ }
++ if (initialPath) {
++ delete initialPath;
++ initialPath = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ void Read (SvStream& s)
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 header;
++ s >> header >> parts;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tregion\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\theader: 0x%08x parts: %d\n", header, parts));
++ if (parts) {
++ combineMode = new sal_Int32 [parts];
++ for (int i = 0; i < parts; i ++) {
++ s >> combineMode [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tcombine mode [%d]: 0x%08x\n", i, combineMode [i]));
++ }
++ }
++ s >> initialState;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tinitial state: 0x%08x\n", initialState));
++ }
++ };
++ struct EMFPBrush : public EMFPObject
++ {
++ ::Color solidColor;
++ sal_uInt32 type;
++ sal_uInt32 additionalFlags;
++ /* linear gradient */
++ sal_Int32 wrapMode;
++ float areaX, areaY, areaWidth, areaHeight;
++ ::Color secondColor; // first color is stored in solidColor;
++ XForm transformation;
++ bool hasTransformation;
++ sal_Int32 blendPoints;
++ float* blendPositions;
++ float* blendFactors;
++ sal_Int32 colorblendPoints;
++ float* colorblendPositions;
++ ::Color* colorblendColors;
++ sal_Int32 surroundColorsNumber;
++ ::Color* surroundColors;
++ EMFPPath *path;
++ public:
++ EMFPBrush ()
++ {
++ blendPositions = NULL;
++ colorblendPositions = NULL;
++ colorblendColors = NULL;
++ surroundColors = NULL;
++ path = NULL;
++ hasTransformation = false;
++ }
++ ~EMFPBrush ()
++ {
++ if (blendPositions != NULL) {
++ delete[] blendPositions;
++ blendPositions = NULL;
++ }
++ if (colorblendPositions != NULL) {
++ delete[] colorblendPositions;
++ colorblendPositions = NULL;
++ }
++ if (colorblendColors != NULL) {
++ delete[] colorblendColors;
++ colorblendColors = NULL;
++ }
++ if (surroundColors != NULL) {
++ delete[] surroundColors;
++ surroundColors = NULL;
++ }
++ if (path) {
++ delete path;
++ path = NULL;
++ }
++ }
++ UINT32 GetType () { return type; }
++ const ::Color& GetColor () { return solidColor; }
++ void Read (SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR)
++ {
++ UINT32 header;
++ s >> header >> type;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tbrush\nEMF+\theader: 0x%08x type: %d\n", header, type));
++ switch (type) {
++ case 0:
++ {
++ UINT32 color;
++ s >> color;
++ solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tsolid color: 0x%08x\n", color));
++ break;
++ }
++ // path gradient
++ case 3:
++ {
++ s >> additionalFlags >> wrapMode;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpath gradient, additional flags: 0x%02x\n", additionalFlags));
++ UINT32 color;
++ s >> color;
++ solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tcenter color: 0x%08x\n", color));
++ s >> areaX >> areaY;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tcenter point: %f,%f\n", areaX, areaY));
++ s >> surroundColorsNumber;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tsurround colors: %d\n", surroundColorsNumber));
++ surroundColors = new ::Color [surroundColorsNumber];
++ for (int i = 0; i < surroundColorsNumber; i++) {
++ s >> color;
++ surroundColors[i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ if (i == 0)
++ secondColor = surroundColors [0];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tsurround color[%d]: 0x%08x\n", i, color));
++ }
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x01) {
++ sal_Int32 pathLength;
++ s >> pathLength;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpath length: %d\n", pathLength));
++ sal_uInt32 pos = s.Tell ();
++ EMFP_DEBUG (dumpWords (s, 32));
++ sal_uInt32 pathHeader;
++ sal_Int32 pathPoints, pathFlags;
++ s >> pathHeader >> pathPoints >> pathFlags;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpath (brush path gradient)\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\theader: 0x%08x points: %d additional flags: 0x%08x\n", pathHeader, pathPoints, pathFlags));
++ path = new EMFPPath (pathPoints);
++ path->Read (s, pathFlags, rR);
++ s.Seek (pos + pathLength);
++ const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds (::basegfx::tools::getRange (path->GetPolygon (rR, false)));
++ areaWidth = aBounds.getWidth ();
++ areaHeight = aBounds.getHeight ();
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpolygon bounding box: %f,%f %fx%f\n", aBounds.getMinX (), aBounds.getMinY (), aBounds.getWidth (), aBounds.getHeight ()));
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x02) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse transformation\n", color));
++ s >> transformation;
++ hasTransformation = true;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tm11: %f m12: %f\nEMF+\tm21: %f m22: %f\nEMF+\tdx: %f dy: %f\n",
++ transformation.eM11, transformation.eM12,
++ transformation.eM21, transformation.eM22,
++ transformation.eDx, transformation.eDy));
++ }
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x08) {
++ s >> blendPoints;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse blend, points: %d\n", blendPoints));
++ blendPositions = new float [2*blendPoints];
++ blendFactors = blendPositions + blendPoints;
++ for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> blendPositions [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tposition[%d]: %f\n", i, blendPositions [i]));
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> blendFactors [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tfactor[%d]: %f\n", i, blendFactors [i]));
++ }
++ }
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x04) {
++ s >> colorblendPoints;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse color blend, points: %d\n", colorblendPoints));
++ colorblendPositions = new float [colorblendPoints];
++ colorblendColors = new ::Color [colorblendPoints];
++ for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> colorblendPositions [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tposition[%d]: %f\n", i, colorblendPositions [i]));
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> color;
++ colorblendColors [i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tcolor[%d]: 0x%08x\n", i, color));
++ }
++ }
++ } else
++ EMFP_DEBUG (dumpWords (s, 1024));
++ break;
++ }
++ // linear gradient
++ case 4:
++ {
++ s >> additionalFlags >> wrapMode;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tlinear gradient, additional flags: 0x%02x\n", additionalFlags));
++ s >> areaX >> areaY >> areaWidth >> areaHeight;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tarea: %f,%f - %fx%f\n", areaX, areaY, areaWidth, areaHeight));
++ UINT32 color;
++ s >> color;
++ solidColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tfirst color: 0x%08x\n", color));
++ s >> color;
++ secondColor = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tsecond color: 0x%08x\n", color));
++ // repeated colors, unknown meaning, see
++ s >> color;
++ s >> color;
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x02) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse transformation\n", color));
++ s >> transformation;
++ hasTransformation = true;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tm11: %f m12: %f\nEMF+\tm21: %f m22: %f\nEMF+\tdx: %f dy: %f\n",
++ transformation.eM11, transformation.eM12,
++ transformation.eM21, transformation.eM22,
++ transformation.eDx, transformation.eDy));
++ }
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x08) {
++ s >> blendPoints;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse blend, points: %d\n", blendPoints));
++ blendPositions = new float [2*blendPoints];
++ blendFactors = blendPositions + blendPoints;
++ for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> blendPositions [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tposition[%d]: %f\n", i, blendPositions [i]));
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i < blendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> blendFactors [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tfactor[%d]: %f\n", i, blendFactors [i]));
++ }
++ }
++ if (additionalFlags & 0x04) {
++ s >> colorblendPoints;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tuse color blend, points: %d\n", colorblendPoints));
++ colorblendPositions = new float [colorblendPoints];
++ colorblendColors = new ::Color [colorblendPoints];
++ for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> colorblendPositions [i];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tposition[%d]: %f\n", i, colorblendPositions [i]));
++ }
++ for (int i=0; i < colorblendPoints; i ++) {
++ s >> color;
++ colorblendColors [i] = ::Color (0xff - (color >> 24), (color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tcolor[%d]: 0x%08x\n", i, color));
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tunhandled brush type: %d\n", type));
++ }
++ }
++ };
++ struct EMFPPen : public EMFPBrush
++ {
++ XForm transformation;
++ float width;
++ sal_Int32 startCap;
++ sal_Int32 endCap;
++ sal_Int32 lineJoin;
++ float mitterLimit;
++ sal_Int32 dashStyle;
++ sal_Int32 dashCap;
++ float dashOffset;
++ sal_Int32 dashPatternLen;
++ float *dashPattern;
++ sal_Int32 alignment;
++ sal_Int32 compoundArrayLen;
++ float *compoundArray;
++ sal_Int32 customStartCapLen;
++ sal_uInt8 *customStartCap;
++ sal_Int32 customEndCapLen;
++ sal_uInt8 *customEndCap;
++ public:
++ EMFPPen () : EMFPBrush ()
++ {
++ }
++ void SetStrokeAttributes (rendering::StrokeAttributes& rStrokeAttributes, ImplRenderer& rR, const OutDevState& rState)
++ {
++ rStrokeAttributes.StrokeWidth = (rState.mapModeTransform * rR.MapSize (width, 0)).getX ();
++ }
++ void Read (SvStream& s, ImplRenderer& rR, sal_Int32 nHDPI, sal_Int32 nVDPI)
++ {
++ UINT32 header, unknown, penFlags, unknown2;
++ int i;
++ s >> header >> unknown >> penFlags >> unknown2 >> width;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpen\nEMF+\theader: 0x%08x unknown: 0x%08x additional flags: 0x%08x unknown: 0x%08x width: %f\n", header, unknown, penFlags, unknown2, width));
++ if (penFlags & 1)
++ s >> transformation;
++ if (penFlags & 2)
++ s >> startCap;
++ else
++ startCap = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 4)
++ s >> endCap;
++ else
++ endCap = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 8)
++ s >> lineJoin;
++ else
++ lineJoin = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 16)
++ s >> mitterLimit;
++ else
++ mitterLimit = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 32)
++ s >> dashStyle;
++ else
++ dashStyle = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 64)
++ s >> dashCap;
++ else
++ dashCap = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 128)
++ s >> dashOffset;
++ else
++ dashOffset = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 256) {
++ s >> dashPatternLen;
++ dashPattern = new float [dashPatternLen];
++ for (i = 0; i < dashPatternLen; i++)
++ s >> dashPattern [i];
++ } else
++ dashPatternLen = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 512)
++ s >> alignment;
++ else
++ alignment = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 1024) {
++ s >> compoundArrayLen;
++ compoundArray = new float [compoundArrayLen];
++ for (i = 0; i < compoundArrayLen; i++)
++ s >> compoundArray [i];
++ } else
++ compoundArrayLen = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 2048) {
++ s >> customStartCapLen;
++ customStartCap = new sal_uInt8 [customStartCapLen];
++ for (i = 0; i < customStartCapLen; i++)
++ s >> customStartCap [i];
++ } else
++ customStartCapLen = 0;
++ if (penFlags & 4096) {
++ s >> customEndCapLen;
++ customEndCap = new sal_uInt8 [customEndCapLen];
++ for (i = 0; i < customEndCapLen; i++)
++ s >> customEndCap [i];
++ } else
++ customEndCapLen = 0;
++ EMFPBrush::Read (s, rR);
++ }
++ };
++ struct EMFPImage : public EMFPObject
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 type;
++ sal_Int32 width;
++ sal_Int32 height;
++ sal_Int32 stride;
++ sal_Int32 pixelFormat;
++ Graphic graphic;
++ void Read (SvStream &s)
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 header, unknown;
++ s >> header >> type;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\timage\nEMF+\theader: 0x%08x type: 0x%08x\n", header, type));
++ if (type == 1) { // bitmap
++ s >> width >> height >> stride >> pixelFormat >> unknown;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tbitmap width: %d height: %d stride: %d pixelFormat: 0x%08x\n", width, height, stride, pixelFormat));
++ if (width == 0) { // non native formats
++ GraphicFilter filter;
++ filter.ImportGraphic (graphic, String (), s);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tbitmap width: %d height: %d\n", graphic.GetBitmap ().GetSizePixel ().Width (), graphic.GetBitmap ().GetSizePixel ().Height ()));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ };
++ void ImplRenderer::ReadRectangle (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, float &width, float& height, sal_uInt32 flags)
++ {
++ if (flags & 0x4000) {
++ sal_Int16 ix, iy, iw, ih;
++ s >> ix >> iy >> iw >> ih;
++ x = ix;
++ y = iy;
++ width = iw;
++ height = ih;
++ } else
++ s >> x >> y >> width >> height;
++ }
++ void ImplRenderer::ReadPoint (SvStream& s, float& x, float& y, sal_uInt32 flags)
++ {
++ if (flags & 0x4000) {
++ sal_Int16 ix, iy;
++ s >> ix >> iy;
++ x = ix;
++ y = iy;
++ } else
++ s >> x >> y;
++ }
++ void ImplRenderer::MapToDevice (double& x, double& y)
++ {
++ // TODO: other untis
++ x = 100*nMmX*x/nPixX;
++ y = 100*nMmY*y/nPixY;
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DPoint ImplRenderer::Map (::basegfx::B2DPoint& p)
++ {
++ return Map (p.getX (), p.getY ());
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DPoint ImplRenderer::Map (double ix, double iy)
++ {
++ double x, y;
++ x = ix*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM21 + aWorldTransform.eDx;
++ y = ix*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM22 + aWorldTransform.eDy;
++ MapToDevice (x, y);
++ x -= nFrameLeft;
++ y -= nFrameTop;
++ x *= aBaseTransform.eM11;
++ y *= aBaseTransform.eM22;
++ return ::basegfx::B2DPoint (x, y);
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DSize ImplRenderer::MapSize (double iwidth, double iheight)
++ {
++ double w, h;
++ w = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM21;
++ h = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM22;
++ MapToDevice (w, h);
++ w *= aBaseTransform.eM11;
++ h *= aBaseTransform.eM22;
++ return ::basegfx::B2DSize (w, h);
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DRange ImplRenderer::MapRectangle (double ix, double iy, double iwidth, double iheight)
++ {
++ double x, y, w, h;
++ x = ix*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM21 + aWorldTransform.eDx;
++ y = ix*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iy*aWorldTransform.eM22 + aWorldTransform.eDy;
++ w = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM11 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM21;
++ h = iwidth*aWorldTransform.eM12 + iheight*aWorldTransform.eM22;
++ MapToDevice (x, y);
++ MapToDevice (w, h);
++ x -= nFrameLeft;
++ y -= nFrameTop;
++ x *= aBaseTransform.eM11;
++ y *= aBaseTransform.eM22;
++ w *= aBaseTransform.eM11;
++ h *= aBaseTransform.eM22;
++ return ::basegfx::B2DRange (x, y, x + w, y + h);
++ }
++ void ImplRenderer::EMFPPlusFillPolygon (::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon, const ActionFactoryParameters& rParms,
++ OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas, bool isColor, sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor)
++ {
++ sal_uInt8 transparency;
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon localPolygon (polygon);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tfill polygon\n"));
++ localPolygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform );
++ ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction;
++ if (isColor) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t\tcolor fill\n"));
++ transparency = 0xff - (brushIndexOrColor >> 24);
++ rState.isFillColorSet = true;
++ rState.isLineColorSet = false;
++ rState.fillColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
++ ::Color (transparency,
++ (brushIndexOrColor >> 16) & 0xff,
++ (brushIndexOrColor >> 8) & 0xff,
++ brushIndexOrColor & 0xff) );
++ pPolyAction = ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState ) );
++ } else {
++ rState.isFillColorSet = true;
++ // extract UseBrush
++ EMFPBrush* brush = (EMFPBrush*) aObjects [brushIndexOrColor];
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tbrush fill slot: %d (type: %d)\n", brushIndexOrColor, brush->GetType ()));
++ rState.isFillColorSet = false;
++ rState.isLineColorSet = false;
++ if (brush->type == 3 || brush->type == 4) {
++ if (brush->type == 3 && !(brush->additionalFlags & 0x1))
++ return; // we are unable to parse these brushes yet
++ ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTextureTransformation;
++ ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aWorldTransformation;
++ ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aBaseTransformation;
++ rendering::Texture aTexture;
++ double nRotation( 0.0 );
++ const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aBounds( ::basegfx::tools::getRange( localPolygon ) );
++ const double nScale( ::basegfx::pruneScaleValue( fabs( aBounds.getHeight()*sin(nRotation) ) +
++ fabs( aBounds.getWidth()*cos(nRotation) )));
++ aWorldTransformation.set (0, 0, aWorldTransform.eM11);
++ aWorldTransformation.set (0, 1, aWorldTransform.eM21);
++ aWorldTransformation.set (0, 2, aWorldTransform.eDx);
++ aWorldTransformation.set (1, 0, aWorldTransform.eM12);
++ aWorldTransformation.set (1, 1, aWorldTransform.eM22);
++ aWorldTransformation.set (1, 2, aWorldTransform.eDy);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (0, 0, aBaseTransform.eM11);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (0, 1, aBaseTransform.eM21);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (0, 2, aBaseTransform.eDx);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (1, 0, aBaseTransform.eM12);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (1, 1, aBaseTransform.eM22);
++ aBaseTransformation.set (1, 2, aBaseTransform.eDy);
++ if (brush->type == 4) {
++ aTextureTransformation.scale (brush->areaWidth, brush->areaHeight);
++ aTextureTransformation.translate (brush->areaX, brush->areaY);
++ } else {
++ aTextureTransformation.translate (-0.5, -0.5);
++ aTextureTransformation.scale (brush->areaWidth, brush->areaHeight);
++ aTextureTransformation.translate (brush->areaX,brush->areaY);
++ }
++ if (brush->hasTransformation) {
++ ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransformation;
++ aTransformation.set (0, 0, brush->transformation.eM11);
++ aTransformation.set (0, 1, brush->transformation.eM21);
++ aTransformation.set (0, 2, brush->transformation.eDx);
++ aTransformation.set (1, 0, brush->transformation.eM12);
++ aTransformation.set (1, 1, brush->transformation.eM22);
++ aTransformation.set (1, 2, brush->transformation.eDy);
++ aTextureTransformation *= aTransformation;
++ }
++ aTextureTransformation *= aWorldTransformation;
++ aTextureTransformation.scale (100.0*nMmX/nPixX, 100.0*nMmY/nPixY);
++ aTextureTransformation.translate (-nFrameLeft, -nFrameTop);
++ aTextureTransformation *= rState.mapModeTransform;
++ aTextureTransformation *= aBaseTransformation;
++ aTexture.RepeatModeX = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP;
++ aTexture.RepeatModeY = rendering::TexturingMode::CLAMP;
++ aTexture.Alpha = 1.0;
++ uno::Reference< rendering::XParametricPolyPolygon2DFactory > xFactory(
++ rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getParametricPolyPolygonFactory() );
++ if( ) {
++ const uno::Sequence< double > aStartColor(
++ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
++ brush->solidColor ) );
++ const uno::Sequence< double > aEndColor(
++ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
++ brush->secondColor ) );
++ uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence < double > > aColors (2);
++ uno::Sequence< double > aStops (2);
++ if (brush->blendPositions) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t\tuse blend\n"));
++ aColors.realloc (brush->blendPoints);
++ aStops.realloc (brush->blendPoints);
++ int length = aStartColor.getLength ();
++ uno::Sequence< double > aColor (length);
++ OSL_ASSERT (length == aEndColor.getLength());
++ for (int i = 0; i < brush->blendPoints; i++) {
++ aStops[i] = brush->blendPositions [i];
++ for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
++ if (brush->type == 4) {
++// // gamma correction
++// if (brush->additionalFlags & 0x80)
++// aColor [j] = pow (aStartColor [j]*(1 - brush->blendFactors[i]) + aEndColor [j]*brush->blendFactors[i], 1/2.2);
++// else
++ aColor [j] = aStartColor [j]*(1 - brush->blendFactors[i]) + aEndColor [j]*brush->blendFactors[i];
++ } else
++ aColor [j] = aStartColor [j]*brush->blendFactors[i] + aEndColor [j]*(1 - brush->blendFactors[i]);
++ }
++ aColors[i] = aColor;
++ }
++ } else if (brush->colorblendPositions) {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t\tuse color blend\n"));
++ aColors.realloc (brush->colorblendPoints);
++ aStops.realloc (brush->colorblendPoints);
++ for (int i = 0; i < brush->colorblendPoints; i++) {
++ aStops[i] = brush->colorblendPositions [i];
++ aColors[(brush->type == 4) ? i : brush->colorblendPoints - 1 - i] = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
++ brush->colorblendColors [i] );
++ }
++ } else {
++ aStops[0] = 0.0;
++ aStops[1] = 1.0;
++ if (brush->type == 4) {
++ aColors[0] = aStartColor;
++ aColors[1] = aEndColor;
++ } else {
++ aColors[1] = aStartColor;
++ aColors[0] = aEndColor;
++ }
++ }
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t\tset gradient\n"));
++ if (brush->type == 4)
++ aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createLinearHorizontalGradient( aColors,
++ aStops );
++ else {
++ geometry::RealRectangle2D aBoundsRectangle (0, 0, 1, 1);
++ aTexture.Gradient = xFactory->createEllipticalGradient( aColors,
++ aStops,
++ aBoundsRectangle);
++ }
++ }
++ ::basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix( aTexture.AffineTransform,
++ aTextureTransformation );
++ pPolyAction =
++ ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon,
++ rParms.mrCanvas,
++ rState,
++ aTexture ) );
++ }
++ }
++ if( pPolyAction )
++ {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t\tadd poly action\n"));
++ maActions.push_back(
++ MtfAction(
++ pPolyAction,
++ rParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) );
++ rParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1;
++ }
++ }
++ void ImplRenderer::processEMFPlus( MetaCommentAction* pAct, const ActionFactoryParameters& rFactoryParms,
++ OutDevState& rState, const CanvasSharedPtr& rCanvas )
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 length = pAct->GetDataSize ();
++ SvMemoryStream rMF ((void*) pAct->GetData (), length, STREAM_READ);
++ length -= 4;
++ while (length > 0) {
++ UINT16 type, flags;
++ UINT32 size, dataSize;
++ sal_uInt32 next;
++ rMF >> type >> flags >> size >> dataSize;
++ next = rMF.Tell() + ( size - 12 );
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ record size: %d type: %04hx flags: %04hx data size: %d\n", size, type, flags, dataSize));
++ switch (type) {
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeHeader:
++ UINT32 header, version;
++ rMF >> header >> version >> nHDPI >> nVDPI;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ Header\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\theader: 0x%08x version: %d horizontal DPI: %d vertical DPI: %d dual: %d\n", header, version, nHDPI, nVDPI, flags & 1));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeEndOfFile:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ EndOfFile\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeGetDC:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ GetDC\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\talready used in svtools wmf/emf filter parser\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeObject:
++ {
++ UINT32 objectLen;
++ sal_uInt32 index;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ Object slot: %hd flags: %hx\n", flags & 0xff, flags & 0xff00));
++ index = flags & 0xff;
++ if (aObjects [index] != NULL) {
++ delete aObjects [index];
++ aObjects [index] = NULL;
++ }
++ switch (flags & 0xff00) {
++ case EmfPlusObjectTypeBrush:
++ {
++ EMFPBrush *brush;
++ aObjects [index] = brush = new EMFPBrush ();
++ brush->Read (rMF, *this);
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusObjectTypePen:
++ {
++ EMFPPen *pen;
++ aObjects [index] = pen = new EMFPPen ();
++ pen->Read (rMF, *this, nHDPI, nVDPI);
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusObjectTypePath:
++ sal_uInt32 header, pathFlags;
++ sal_Int32 points;
++ rMF >> header >> points >> pathFlags;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpath\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\theader: 0x%08x points: %d additional flags: 0x%08x\n", header, points, pathFlags));
++ EMFPPath *path;
++ aObjects [index] = path = new EMFPPath (points);
++ path->Read (rMF, pathFlags, *this);
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusObjectTypeRegion: {
++ EMFPRegion *region;
++ aObjects [index] = region = new EMFPRegion ();
++ region->Read (rMF);
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusObjectTypeImage:
++ {
++ EMFPImage *image;
++ aObjects [index] = image = new EMFPImage ();
++ image->Read (rMF);
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tObject unhandled flags: 0x%04x\n", flags & 0xff00));
++ break;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPath:
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 index = flags & 0xff;
++ sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor;
++ rMF >> brushIndexOrColor;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ FillPath slot: %d\n", index));
++ EMFPPlusFillPolygon (((EMFPPath*) aObjects [index])->GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor);
++ }
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillRects:
++ {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ FillRects\n"));
++ sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor;
++ sal_Int32 rectangles;
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolygon polygon;
++ rMF >> brushIndexOrColor >> rectangles;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\t%s: 0x%08x\n", (flags & 0x8000) ? "color" : "brush index", brushIndexOrColor));
++ for (int i=0; i < rectangles; i++) {
++ if (flags & 0x4000) {
++ /* 16bit integers */
++ sal_Int16 x, y, width, height;
++ rMF >> x >> y >> width >> height;
++ polygon.append (Map (x, y));
++ polygon.append (Map (x + width, y));
++ polygon.append (Map (x + width, y + height));
++ polygon.append (Map (x, y + height));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\trectangle: %d,%d %dx%d\n", x, y, width, height));
++ } else {
++ /* Single's */
++ float x, y, width, height;
++ rMF >> x >> y >> width >> height;
++ polygon.append (Map (x, y));
++ polygon.append (Map (x + width, y));
++ polygon.append (Map (x + width, y + height));
++ polygon.append (Map (x, y + height));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\trectangle: %f,%f %fx%f\n", x, y, width, height));
++ }
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon polyPolygon (polygon);
++ EMFPPlusFillPolygon (polyPolygon, rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeFillPolygon:
++ {
++ sal_uInt8 index = flags & 0xff;
++ sal_uInt32 brushIndexOrColor;
++ sal_Int32 brushIndex;
++ sal_Int32 points;
++ UINT32 color;
++ USHORT transparency = 0;
++ rMF >> brushIndexOrColor;
++ rMF >> points;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ FillPolygon in slot: %d points: %d\n", index, points));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\twith solid color (ARGB): 0x%08X\n", color));
++ EMFPPath path (points, true);
++ path.Read (rMF, flags, *this);
++ EMFPPlusFillPolygon (path.GetPolygon (*this), rFactoryParms, rState, rCanvas, flags & 0x8000, brushIndexOrColor);
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawLines:
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 index = flags & 0xff;
++ sal_uInt32 points;
++ rMF >> points;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawLines in slot: %d points: %d\n", index, points));
++ EMFPPath path (points, true);
++ path.Read (rMF, flags, *this);
++ EMFPPen* pen = (EMFPPen*) aObjects [index];
++ rState.isFillColorSet = false;
++ rState.isLineColorSet = true;
++ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice(),
++ pen->GetColor ());
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon (path.GetPolygon (*this));
++ polygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform );
++ rendering::StrokeAttributes aStrokeAttributes;
++ pen->SetStrokeAttributes (aStrokeAttributes, *this, rState);
++ ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction(
++ internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction(
++ polygon, rFactoryParms.mrCanvas, rState, aStrokeAttributes ) );
++ if( pPolyAction )
++ {
++ maActions.push_back(
++ MtfAction(
++ pPolyAction,
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) );
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawPath:
++ {
++ UINT32 penIndex;
++ rMF >> penIndex;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawPath\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpen: %d\n", penIndex));
++ EMFPPath* path = (EMFPPath*) aObjects [flags & 0xff];
++ EMFPPen* pen = (EMFPPen*) aObjects [penIndex];
++ rState.isFillColorSet = false;
++ rState.isLineColorSet = true;
++ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice(),
++ pen->GetColor ());
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon (path->GetPolygon (*this));
++ polygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform );
++ rendering::StrokeAttributes aStrokeAttributes;
++ pen->SetStrokeAttributes (aStrokeAttributes, *this, rState);
++ ActionSharedPtr pPolyAction(
++ internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction(
++ polygon, rFactoryParms.mrCanvas, rState, aStrokeAttributes ) );
++ if( pPolyAction )
++ {
++ maActions.push_back(
++ MtfAction(
++ pPolyAction,
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) );
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pPolyAction->getActionCount()-1;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawImagePoints:
++ {
++ sal_uInt32 attrIndex;
++ sal_Int32 sourceUnit;
++ rMF >> attrIndex >> sourceUnit;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawImagePoints attributes index: %d source unit: %d\n", attrIndex, sourceUnit));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO: use image attributes\n"));
++ if (sourceUnit == 2 && aObjects [flags & 0xff]) { // we handle only GraphicsUnit.Pixel now
++ EMFPImage& image = *(EMFPImage *) aObjects [flags & 0xff];
++ float sx, sy, sw, sh;
++ sal_Int32 unknown;
++ ReadRectangle (rMF, sx, sy, sw, sh);
++ rMF >> unknown;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawImagePoints source rectangle: %f,%f %fx%f unknown: 0x%08x\n", sx, sy, sw, sh, unknown));
++ if (unknown == 3) { // it probably means number of points defining destination rectangle
++ float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
++ ReadPoint (rMF, x1, y1);
++ ReadPoint (rMF, x2, y2);
++ ReadPoint (rMF, x3, y3);
++ BitmapEx aBmp( image.graphic.GetBitmapEx () );
++ const Rectangle aCropRect (::vcl::unotools::pointFromB2DPoint (Map (sx, sy)),
++ ::vcl::unotools::sizeFromB2DSize (MapSize(sw, sh)));
++ aBmp.Crop( aCropRect );
++ ActionSharedPtr pBmpAction (
++ internal::BitmapActionFactory::createBitmapAction (
++ aBmp,
++ rState.mapModeTransform * Map (x1, y1),
++ rState.mapModeTransform * MapSize(x2 - x1, y3 - y1),
++ rCanvas,
++ rState));
++ if( pBmpAction ) {
++ maActions.push_back( MtfAction( pBmpAction,
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex ) );
++ rFactoryParms.mrCurrActionIndex += pBmpAction->getActionCount()-1;
++ }
++ } else
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawImagePoints TODO (fixme)\n"));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawString:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawString\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPageTransform:
++ rMF >> fPageScale;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetPageTransform\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tscale: %f unit: %d\n", fPageScale, flags));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetRenderingOrigin:
++ rMF >> nOriginX >> nOriginY;
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetRenderingOrigin\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\torigin [x,y]: %d,%d\n", nOriginX, nOriginY));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetTextRenderingHint:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetTextRenderingHint\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetAntiAliasMode:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetAntiAliasMode\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetInterpolationMode:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ InterpolationMode\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetPixelOffsetMode:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetPixelOffsetMode\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetCompositingQuality:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetCompositingQuality\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSave:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ Save\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetWorldTransform: {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetWorldTransform\n"));
++ XForm transform;
++ rMF >> transform;
++ aWorldTransform.Set (transform);
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tm11: %f m12: %f\nEMF+\tm21: %f m22: %f\nEMF+\tdx: %f dy: %f\n",
++ aWorldTransform.eM11, aWorldTransform.eM12,
++ aWorldTransform.eM21, aWorldTransform.eM22,
++ aWorldTransform.eDx, aWorldTransform.eDy));
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeResetWorldTransform:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ ResetWorldTransform\n"));
++ aWorldTransform.SetIdentity ();
++ break;
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipPath:
++ {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetClipPath\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tpath in slot: %d\n", flags & 0xff));
++ EMFPPath& path = *(EMFPPath*) aObjects [flags & 0xff];
++ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& clipPoly (path.GetPolygon (*this));
++ clipPoly.transform (rState.mapModeTransform);
++ updateClipping (clipPoly, rFactoryParms, false);
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeSetClipRegion: {
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ SetClipRegion\n"));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tregion in slot: %d combine mode: %d\n", flags & 0xff, (flags & 0xff00) >> 8));
++ EMFPRegion& region = *(EMFPRegion*) aObjects [flags & 0xff];
++ // reset clip
++ if ( == 0 && region.initialState == EmfPlusRegionInitialStateInfinite) {
++ updateClipping (::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon (), rFactoryParms, false);
++ } else
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ }
++ case EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawDriverString:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ DrawDriverString, flags: 0x%04x\n", flags));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ break;
++ default:
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+ unhandled record type: %d\n", type));
++ EMFP_DEBUG (printf ("EMF+\tTODO\n"));
++ }
++ rMF.Seek (next);
++ length -= size;
++ }
++ }
++ }
Modified: trunk/patches/emf+/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus.diff
--- trunk/patches/emf+/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus.diff (original)
+++ trunk/patches/emf+/emf+-cppcanvas-emfplus.diff Wed Jul 16 17:04:28 2008
@@ -1021,11 +1021,11 @@
+ rState.isFillColorSet = true;
+ rState.isLineColorSet = false;
-+ rState.fillColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
-+ ::Color (transparency,
++ rState.fillColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( ::Color (transparency,
+ (brushIndexOrColor >> 16) & 0xff,
+ (brushIndexOrColor >> 8) & 0xff,
-+ brushIndexOrColor & 0xff) );
++ brushIndexOrColor & 0xff),
++ rCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace());
+ pPolyAction = ActionSharedPtr ( internal::PolyPolyActionFactory::createPolyPolyAction( localPolygon, rParms.mrCanvas, rState ) );
@@ -1103,11 +1103,11 @@
+ if( ) {
+ const uno::Sequence< double > aStartColor(
-+ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
-+ brush->solidColor ) );
++ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->solidColor,
++ rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() ) );
+ const uno::Sequence< double > aEndColor(
-+ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
-+ brush->secondColor ) );
++ ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->secondColor,
++ rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() ) );
+ uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence < double > > aColors (2);
+ uno::Sequence< double > aStops (2);
@@ -1143,8 +1143,8 @@
+ for (int i = 0; i < brush->colorblendPoints; i++) {
+ aStops[i] = brush->colorblendPositions [i];
-+ aColors[(brush->type == 4) ? i : brush->colorblendPoints - 1 - i] = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice(),
-+ brush->colorblendColors [i] );
++ aColors[(brush->type == 4) ? i : brush->colorblendPoints - 1 - i] = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence( brush->colorblendColors [i],
++ rParms.mrCanvas->getUNOCanvas()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() );
+ }
+ } else {
+ aStops[0] = 0.0;
@@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@
+ rState.isFillColorSet = false;
+ rState.isLineColorSet = true;
-+ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice(),
-+ pen->GetColor ());
++ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (pen->GetColor (),
++ rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace() );
+ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon (path.GetPolygon (*this));
+ polygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform );
@@ -1434,8 +1434,8 @@
+ rState.isFillColorSet = false;
+ rState.isLineColorSet = true;
-+ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice(),
-+ pen->GetColor ());
++ rState.lineColor = ::vcl::unotools::colorToDoubleSequence (pen->GetColor (),
++ rCanvas->getUNOCanvas ()->getDevice()->getDeviceColorSpace());
+ ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& polygon (path->GetPolygon (*this));
+ polygon.transform( rState.mapModeTransform );
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