accerciser r593 - in trunk: . debian src/lib/accerciser
- From: eitani svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: accerciser r593 - in trunk: . debian src/lib/accerciser
- Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 18:46:10 +0000 (UTC)
Author: eitani
Date: Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
New Revision: 593
* debian/changelog:
* debian/rules:
* src/lib/accerciser/
* src/lib/accerciser/
* src/lib/accerciser/
* src/lib/accerciser/ Added new highlight features and
eye-candy. Updated debian dirs.
Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/ (original)
+++ trunk/ Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -33,5 +33,36 @@
<long>A list of plugins that are disabled by default</long>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/accerciser/highlight_duration</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/accerciser/highlight_duration</applyto>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <default>0.5</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Highlight duration</short>
+ <long>The duration of the highlight box when selecting
+ accessible nodes</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/accerciser/highlight_border</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/accerciser/highlight_border</applyto>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <default>0xff0000ff</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Highlight border color</short>
+ <long>The color and opacity of the highlight border.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/accerciser/highlight_fill</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/accerciser/highlight_fill</applyto>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <default>0xff00006f</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Highlight fill color</short>
+ <long>The color and opacity of the highlight fill.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+accerciser (1.3.5) intrepid; urgency=low
+ * Test!
+ -- Eitan Isaacson <eitan ascender com> Mon, 07 Jul 2008 17:12:56 -0700
accerciser (1.1.92) gutsy; urgency=low
* New dev release
Modified: trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ trunk/debian/rules Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
- dh_iconcache
+ dh_icons
Modified: trunk/src/lib/accerciser/
--- trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ (original)
+++ trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -798,4 +798,4 @@
@param view_column: The column in the activated row.
@type view_column: L{gtk.TreeViewColumn}
- self.node.blinkRect()
+ self.node.highlight()
Modified: trunk/src/lib/accerciser/
--- trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ (original)
+++ trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -15,10 +15,23 @@
import gtk.gdk
import pyatspi
import gobject
-from tools import Tools
+import string
+import rsvg
+import cairo
+from tools import Tools, parseColorString
+import gconf
+cl = gconf.client_get_default()
+ cl.get_string('/apps/accerciser/highlight_border'))
+FILL_COLOR, FILL_ALPHA = parseColorString(
+ cl.get_string('/apps/accerciser/highlight_fill'))
+HL_DURATION = int(cl.get_float('/apps/accerciser/highlight_duration')*1000)
class Bag(object):
Bag class for converting a dicionary to an object with attributes.
@@ -79,7 +92,7 @@
if isinstance(i, pyatspi.Accessibility.Component):
self.extents = i.getExtents(pyatspi.DESKTOP_COORDS)
self.tree_path = None
- self.blinkRect()
+ self.highlight()
self.emit('accessible-changed', acc)
def updateToPath(self, app_name, path):
@@ -105,6 +118,17 @@
+ def highlight(self):
+ if self.extents is None or \
+ 0 in (self.extents.width, self.extents.height) or \
+ -0x80000000 in (self.extents.x, self.extents.y):
+ return
+ ah = _HighLight(self.extents.x, self.extents.y,
+ self.extents.width, self.extents.height,
+ 2.0, 0)
+ ah.highlight(HL_DURATION)
def blinkRect(self, times=MAX_BLINKS):
Blink a rectangle on the screen using L{extents} for position and size.
@@ -151,3 +175,99 @@
return False
return True
+class _HighLight(gtk.Window):
+ '''
+ Highlight box class. Uses compositing when available. When not, it does
+ transparency client-side.
+ '''
+ _svg = r"""
+<svg width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1"
+ xmlns="">
+ <rect x="$x" y="$y" width="$width" height="$height"
+ style="fill:$fill;stroke-width:$stroke_width;stroke:$stroke;
+ fill-opacity:$fill_opacity;stroke-opacity:$stroke_opacity"
+ rx="2" ry="2"
+ />
+ def __init__(self, x, y, w, h,
+ fill_color, fill_alpha,
+ stroke_color, stroke_alpha,
+ stroke_width, padding=0):
+ # Initialize window.
+ gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
+ # Normalize position for stroke and padding.
+ self.x, self.y = x - padding, y - padding
+ self.w, self.h = w + padding*2, h + padding*2
+ # Determine if we are compositing.
+ self._composited = self.is_composited()
+ if False:
+ # Prepare window for transparency.
+ screen = self.get_screen()
+ colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap()
+ self.set_colormap(colormap)
+ else:
+ # Take a screenshot for compositing on the client side.
+ self.root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window().get_image(
+ self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
+ # Place window, and resize it, and set proper properties.
+ self.set_app_paintable(True)
+ self.set_decorated(False)
+ self.set_keep_above(True)
+ self.move(self.x, self.y)
+ self.resize(self.w, self.h)
+ self.set_accept_focus(False)
+ self.set_sensitive(False)
+ # Create SVG with given parameters.
+ offset = stroke_width/2.0
+ self.svg = string.Template(self._svg).substitute(
+ x=offset, y=offset,
+ width=int(self.w - stroke_width), height=int(self.h - stroke_width),
+ fill=fill_color,
+ stroke_width=stroke_width,
+ stroke=stroke_color,
+ fill_opacity=fill_alpha,
+ stroke_opacity=stroke_alpha)
+ # Connect "expose" event.
+ self.connect("expose-event", self._onExpose)
+ def highlight(self, duration=0):
+ if duration > 0:
+ gobject.timeout_add(duration, lambda w: w.destroy(), self)
+ self.show_all()
+ def _onExpose(self, widget, event):
+ svgh = rsvg.Handle()
+ try:
+ svgh.write(self.svg)
+ except (gobject.GError, KeyError, ValueError), ex:
+ print 'Error reading SVG for display: %s\r\n%s', ex, self.svg
+ svgh.close()
+ return
+ finally:
+ svgh.close()
+ if not self._composited:
+ # Draw the screengrab of the underlaying window, and set the drawing
+ # operator to OVER.
+ self.window.draw_image(, self.root,
+ event.area.x,event.area.y,
+ event.area.x, event.area.y,
+ event.area.width, event.area.height)
+ cairo_operator = cairo.OPERATOR_OVER
+ else:
+ cairo_operator = cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE
+ cr = self.window.cairo_create()
+ cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ cr.set_operator(cairo_operator)
+ cr.paint()
+ svgh.render_cairo( cr )
+ del svgh
Modified: trunk/src/lib/accerciser/
--- trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ (original)
+++ trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
import gtk
from i18n import _
+import atk
+import gconf
+import node
+from tools import parseColorString
class AccerciserPreferencesDialog(gtk.Dialog):
@@ -41,6 +45,8 @@
notebook.append_page(sw, gtk.Label(section))
+ notebook.append_page(_HighlighterView(), gtk.Label(_('Highlighting')))
def _onResponse(self, dialog, response_id):
@@ -52,3 +58,130 @@
@type response_id: integer
+class _HighlighterView(gtk.Alignment):
+ '''
+ A container widget with the settings for the highlighter.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.Alignment.__init__(self)
+ self.set_padding(0, 0, 20, 0)
+ self.gconf_cl = gconf.client_get_default()
+ self._buildUI()
+ def _buildUI(self):
+ '''
+ Programatically build the UI.
+ '''
+ table = gtk.Table(3, 2)
+ table.set_col_spacings(6)
+ self.add(table)
+ labels = [None, None, None]
+ controls = [None, None, None]
+ labels[0] = gtk.Label(_('Highlight duration:'))
+ controls[0] = gtk.SpinButton()
+ controls[0].set_range(0.01, 5)
+ controls[0].set_digits(2)
+ controls[0].set_value(
+ self.gconf_cl.get_float('/apps/accerciser/highlight_duration'))
+ controls[0].set_increments(0.01, 0.1)
+ controls[0].connect('value-changed', self._onDurationChanged)
+ labels[1] = gtk.Label(_('Border color:'))
+ controls[1] = self._ColorButton(
+ self.gconf_cl.get_string('/apps/accerciser/highlight_border'))
+ controls[1].connect('color-set', self._onColorSet, 'highlight_border')
+ controls[1].set_tooltip_text(_('The border color of the highlight box'))
+ labels[2] = gtk.Label(_('Fill color:'))
+ controls[2] = self._ColorButton(
+ self.gconf_cl.get_string('/apps/accerciser/highlight_fill'))
+ controls[2].connect('color-set', self._onColorSet, 'highlight_fill')
+ controls[2].set_tooltip_text(_('The fill color of the highlight box'))
+ for label, control, row in zip(labels, controls, range(3)):
+ label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
+ table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.FILL)
+ table.attach(control, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.FILL)
+ for label, control in zip(map(lambda x: x.get_accessible(),labels),
+ map(lambda x: x.get_accessible(),controls)):
+ label.add_relationship(atk.RELATION_LABEL_FOR, control)
+ control.add_relationship(atk.RELATION_LABELLED_BY, label)
+ def _onDurationChanged(self, spin_button):
+ '''
+ Callback for the duration spin button. Update gconf and the global variable
+ in the L{node} module.
+ @param spin_button: The spin button that emitted the value-changed signal.
+ @type spin_button: gtk.SpinButton
+ '''
+ node.HL_DURATION = int(spin_button.get_value()*1000)
+ self.gconf_cl.set_float('/apps/accerciser/highlight_duration',
+ spin_button.get_value())
+ def _onColorSet(self, color_button, gconf_key):
+ '''
+ Callback for a color button. Update gconf and the global variables
+ in the L{node} module.
+ @param color_button: The color button that emitted the color-set signal.
+ @type color_button: l{_HighlighterView._ColorButton}
+ @param gconf_key: the key name suffix for this color setting.
+ @type gconf_key: string
+ '''
+ if 'fill' in gconf_key:
+ node.FILL_COLOR = color_button.get_rgb_string()
+ node.FILL_ALPHA = color_button.get_alpha_float()
+ else:
+ node.BORDER_COLOR = color_button.get_rgb_string()
+ node.BORDER_ALPHA = color_button.get_alpha_float()
+ self.gconf_cl.set_string('/apps/accerciser/' + gconf_key,
+ color_button.get_rgba_string())
+ class _ColorButton(gtk.ColorButton):
+ '''
+ ColorButton derivative with useful methods for us.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, color_string):
+ gtk.ColorButton.__init__(self, gtk.gdk.color_parse(color_string[:-2]))
+ self.set_use_alpha(True)
+ self.set_alpha(int(color_string[-2:], 16) << 8)
+ def get_rgba_string(self):
+ '''
+ Get the current color and alpha in string format.
+ @return: String in the format of #rrggbbaa.
+ @rtype: string.
+ '''
+ color = self.get_color()
+ color_val = 0
+ color_val |= >> 8 << 24
+ color_val |= >> 8 << 16
+ color_val |= >> 8 << 8
+ color_val |= self.get_alpha() >> 8
+ return \
+ '#' + hex(color_val).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').rjust(8, '0')
+ def get_rgb_string(self):
+ '''
+ Get the current color in string format.
+ @return: String in the format of #rrggbb.
+ @rtype: string.
+ '''
+ color = self.get_color()
+ color_val = 0
+ color_val |= >> 8 << 16
+ color_val |= >> 8 << 8
+ color_val |= >> 8
+ return \
+ '#' + hex(color_val).replace('0x', '').replace('L', '').rjust(6, '0')
+ def get_alpha_float(self):
+ '''
+ Get the current alpha as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
+ '''
+ return self.get_alpha()/float(0xffff)
Modified: trunk/src/lib/accerciser/
--- trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ (original)
+++ trunk/src/lib/accerciser/ Tue Jul 8 18:46:09 2008
@@ -170,6 +170,19 @@
return not self.__eq__(other)
+def parseColorString(color_string):
+ '''
+ Parse a string representation of a 24-bit color, and a 8 bit alpha mask.
+ @param color_string: String in the format: #rrbbggaa.
+ @type color_string: string
+ @return: A color string in the format of #rrggbb, and an opacity value
+ of 0.0 to 1.0
+ @rtype: tuple of string and float.
+ '''
+ return color_string[:-2], long(color_string[-2:], 16)/255.0
def getTreePathBoundingBox(treeview, path, col):
Get bounding box of given tree path.
@@ -186,4 +199,3 @@
rect.x += x
rect.y += y
return rect
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