ooo-build r13010 - in trunk: . patches/dev300 patches/vba
- From: noelpwer svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r13010 - in trunk: . patches/dev300 patches/vba
- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 12:53:26 +0000 (UTC)
Author: noelpwer
Date: Tue Jul 1 12:53:26 2008
New Revision: 13010
2008-07-01 Noel Power <noel power novell com>
* patches/dev300/apply: add patch file below a fix for n#359933
* patches/vba/sc-vbaimport-override-controlname.diff:
Modified: trunk/patches/dev300/apply
--- trunk/patches/dev300/apply (original)
+++ trunk/patches/dev300/apply Tue Jul 1 12:53:26 2008
@@ -1436,6 +1436,10 @@
# export of hlink bindings for shapes
sc-export-shape-hlink-bindings.diff, n#304739, noelpwer
+# attributes present in the vba streams can override the default shape name
+# used for the control in the binary format
+sc-vbaimport-override-controlname.diff, n#359933, noelpwer
# Application.Caller
api-application-caller.diff, n#339941, noelpwer
default-autotext-and-form-name.diff, n#353687
Added: trunk/patches/vba/sc-vbaimport-override-controlname.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/vba/sc-vbaimport-override-controlname.diff Tue Jul 1 12:53:26 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+--- svx/inc/svxmsbas.hxx 2008-04-10 20:03:26.000000000 +0100
++++ svx/inc/svxmsbas.hxx 2008-06-30 17:26:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
+ #include "svx/svxdllapi.h"
+ #include <sot/storage.hxx>
++#include <map>
++#include <hash_map>
+ class SfxObjectShell;
+@@ -53,8 +55,15 @@ class SfxObjectShell;
+ * probably what the user expects to see when viewing the code
+ */
++typedef std::hash_map< sal_Int32, String > ObjIdToName;
++typedef std::map< String, ObjIdToName > ControlAttributeInfo;
+ class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxImportMSVBasic
++ ControlAttributeInfo m_ModuleNameToObjIdHash;
++ void extractAttribute( const String& rAttribute, const String& rModName );
+ public:
+ SvxImportMSVBasic( SfxObjectShell &rDocS, SotStorage &rRoot,
+ BOOL bImportCode = TRUE, BOOL bCopyStorage = TRUE )
+@@ -73,9 +82,10 @@ public:
+ // - returns a warning code if a modified basic exist, in all other
+ // cases return ERRCODE_NONE.
+ ULONG SaveOrDelMSVBAStorage( BOOL bSaveInto, const String& rStorageName );
+ // check if the MS-VBA-Storage exist in the RootStorage of the DocShell.
+ // If it exist, then return the WarningId for loosing the information.
++ const ControlAttributeInfo& ControlNameForObjectId(){ return m_ModuleNameToObjIdHash; }
+ static ULONG GetSaveWarningOfMSVBAStorage( SfxObjectShell &rDocS );
+ static String GetMSBasicStorageName();
+@@ -87,7 +97,7 @@ private:
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE BOOL ImportCode_Impl( const String& rStorageName,
+ const String &rSubStorageName,
+- BOOL bAsComment, BOOL bStripped);
++ BOOL bAsComment, BOOL bStripped );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool ImportForms_Impl(const String& rStorageName,
+ const String &rSubStorageName);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE BOOL CopyStorage_Impl( const String& rStorageName,
+--- svx/source/msfilter/svxmsbas.cxx 2008-06-26 21:31:45.000000000 +0100
++++ svx/source/msfilter/svxmsbas.cxx 2008-06-30 17:25:56.000000000 +0100
+@@ -62,6 +62,23 @@ using namespace com::sun::star;
+ using rtl::OUString;
++void SvxImportMSVBasic::extractAttribute( const String& rAttribute, const String& rModName )
++ // format of the attribute we are interested in is
++ // Attribute VB_Control = "ControlName", intString, MSForms, ControlTypeAsString
++ // e.g.
++ // Attribute VB_Control = "CommandButton1, 201, 19, MSForms, CommandButton"
++ String sControlAttribute( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Attribute VB_Control = \"") );
++ if ( rAttribute.Search( sControlAttribute ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
++ {
++ String sRest = rAttribute.Copy( sControlAttribute.Len() );
++ xub_StrLen nPos = 0;
++ String sCntrlName = sRest.GetToken( 0, ',', nPos );
++ sal_Int32 nCntrlId = sRest.GetToken( 0, ',', nPos).ToInt32();
++ m_ModuleNameToObjIdHash[ rModName ][ nCntrlId ] = sCntrlName;
++ }
+ int SvxImportMSVBasic::Import( const String& rStorageName,
+ const String &rSubStorageName,
+ BOOL bAsComment, BOOL bStripped )
+@@ -384,7 +401,12 @@ BOOL SvxImportMSVBasic::ImportCode_Impl(
+ if( nEnd == STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ pStr->Erase();
+ else
++ {
++ //OSL_TRACE("Erase %s", rtl::OUStringToOString(*pStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() );
++ String sAttr= pStr->Copy( nBegin, (nEnd-nBegin)+1);
++ extractAttribute( sAttr, sModule );
+ pStr->Erase(nBegin, (nEnd-nBegin)+1);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( aDecompressed.Get(j)->Len() )
+diff -rup sc/source/filter/excel/excimp8.cxx sc/source/filter/excel/excimp8.cxx
+--- sc/source/filter/excel/excimp8.cxx 2008-06-26 21:31:48.000000000 +0100
++++ sc/source/filter/excel/excimp8.cxx 2008-06-30 19:12:57.000000000 +0100
+@@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ void ImportExcel8::ReadBasic( void )
+ SvxImportMSVBasic aBasicImport( *pShell, *xRootStrg, bLoadCode, bLoadStrg );
+ bool bAsComment = !bLoadExecutable || !lcl_hasVBAEnabled();
+ aBasicImport.Import( EXC_STORAGE_VBA_PROJECT, EXC_STORAGE_VBA, bAsComment );
++ GetObjectManager().SetOleNameOverrideInfo( aBasicImport.ControlNameForObjectId() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ImportExcel8::EndSheet( void )
+ {
+ GetCondFormatManager().Apply();
+diff -rup sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx
+--- sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx 2008-06-26 21:31:45.000000000 +0100
++++ sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx 2008-06-30 19:15:19.000000000 +0100
+@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@
+ #include "xipage.hxx"
+ #include "xichart.hxx"
+ #include "xicontent.hxx"
++#include "scextopt.hxx"
+ #include "xlescher.hxx"
+ using ::rtl::OUString;
+@@ -1172,8 +1172,13 @@ void XclImpOleObj::DoProcessSdrObj( SdrO
+ // printable
+ aPropSet.SetBoolProperty( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Printable" ), IsPrintable() );
+ // #118053# #i51348# set name from SdrObject as internal name of the control
++ String sName;
+ if( rSdrObj.GetName().Len() > 0 )
+- aPropSet.SetStringProperty( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ), rSdrObj.GetName() );
++ sName = rSdrObj.GetName();
++ String sOverRide( GetObjectManager().GetOleNameOverride( GetObjId() ) );
++ if ( sOverRide.Len() > 0 )
++ sName = sOverRide;
++ aPropSet.SetStringProperty( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ), sName );
+ // sheet links
+ ConvertSheetLinks( GetRoot(), rSdrObj );
+ }
+@@ -1573,6 +1578,23 @@ XclImpDffManager::~XclImpDffManager()
+ {
+ }
++String XclImpObjectManager::GetOleNameOverride( const XclObjId& nObjId )
++ String sOleName;
++ String sCodeName = GetExtDocOptions().GetCodeName( nObjId.mnScTab );
++ CodeNameToCntrlObjIdInfo::iterator it = maOleCtrlNameOverride.find( sCodeName );
++ if ( it != maOleCtrlNameOverride.end() )
++ {
++ CntrlObjIdToName::iterator it_id = it->second.find( nObjId.mnObjId );
++ if ( it_id != it->second.end() )
++ {
++ sOleName = it_id->second;
++ }
++ }
++ return sOleName;
+ void XclImpDffManager::StartProgressBar( sal_Size nProgressSize )
+ {
+ mxProgress.reset( new ScfProgressBar( GetDocShell(), STR_PROGRESS_CALCULATING ) );
+diff -rup sc/source/filter/inc/xiescher.hxx sc/source/filter/inc/xiescher.hxx
+--- sc/source/filter/inc/xiescher.hxx 2008-06-26 21:31:39.000000000 +0100
++++ sc/source/filter/inc/xiescher.hxx 2008-06-30 19:14:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <list>
+ #include <map>
++#include <hash_map>
+ #include <svx/msdffimp.hxx>
+ #include "xlescher.hxx"
+ #include "xiroot.hxx"
+@@ -439,6 +440,7 @@ private:
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class XclImpObjectManager;
+ class XclImpOcxConverter;
+@@ -482,7 +484,6 @@ protected:
+ virtual ULONG Calc_nBLIPPos( ULONG nOrgVal, ULONG nStreamPos ) const;
+ /** Returns a color from the Excel color palette. */
+ virtual FASTBOOL GetColorFromPalette( USHORT nIndex, Color& rColor ) const;
+ private:
+ /** Reads contents of a hyperlink property and returns the extracted URL. */
+ ::rtl::OUString ReadHlinkProperty( SvStream& rEscherStrm ) const;
+@@ -518,6 +519,7 @@ private:
+ typedef ScfRef< ScfProgressBar > ScfProgressBarRef;
+ typedef ScfRef< XclImpOcxConverter > XclImpOcxConvRef;
+ XclImpObjectManager& mrObjManager; /// The Excel object manager.
+ XclImpSolverContainer maSolverCont; /// The solver container for connector rules.
+ ScRangeMap maUsedAreaMap; /// Used ranges for all sheets.
+@@ -531,6 +533,8 @@ private:
+ /** Stores all drawing and OLE objects and additional data related to these objects. */
+ class XclImpObjectManager : protected XclImpRoot
+ {
++typedef std::hash_map< sal_Int32, String > CntrlObjIdToName;
++typedef std::map< String, CntrlObjIdToName > CodeNameToCntrlObjIdInfo;
+ public:
+ explicit XclImpObjectManager( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
+ virtual ~XclImpObjectManager();
+@@ -573,8 +577,14 @@ public:
+ /** Returns the used area in the sheet with the passed index. */
+ ScRange GetUsedArea( SCTAB nScTab ) const;
++ void SetOleNameOverrideInfo( const CodeNameToCntrlObjIdInfo& rOverrideInfo ) { maOleCtrlNameOverride = rOverrideInfo; }
++ String GetOleNameOverride( const XclObjId& nObjId );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ private:
++ CodeNameToCntrlObjIdInfo maOleCtrlNameOverride;
+ /** Reads contents of an Escher record and append data to internal Escher stream. */
+ void ReadEscherRecord( XclImpStream& rStrm );
+ /** Reads a BIFF8 OBJ record following an MSODRAWING record. */
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