beagle r4424 - trunk/beagle/Util
- From: dbera svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: beagle r4424 - trunk/beagle/Util
- Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 15:40:11 +0000 (GMT)
Author: dbera
Date: Sun Jan 27 15:40:11 2008
New Revision: 4424
Remove obsolete code.
Modified: trunk/beagle/Util/Config.cs
--- trunk/beagle/Util/Config.cs (original)
+++ trunk/beagle/Util/Config.cs Sun Jan 27 15:40:11 2008
@@ -1013,7 +1013,6 @@
- [ConfigSection (Name="searching")]
public class SearchingConfig : Section {
private KeyBinding show_search_window_binding = new KeyBinding ("F12");
@@ -1065,7 +1064,6 @@
- [ConfigSection (Name="daemon")]
public class DaemonConfig : Section {
private ArrayList static_queryables = new ArrayList ();
public ArrayList StaticQueryables {
@@ -1095,82 +1093,13 @@
set { index_synchronization = value; }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Enable a backend", Params=1, ParamsDescription="Name of the backend to enable")]
- internal bool AllowBackend (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- denied_backends.Remove (args [0]);
- output = "Backend allowed (need to restart beagled for changes to take effect).";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Disable a backend", Params=1, ParamsDescription="Name of the backend to disable")]
- internal bool DenyBackend (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- denied_backends.Add (args [0]);
- output = "Backend disabled (need to restart beagled for changes to take effect).";
- return true;
- }
private bool allow_root = false;
public bool AllowRoot {
get { return allow_root; }
set { allow_root = value; }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Add a static queryable", Params=1, ParamsDescription="Index path")]
- internal bool AddStaticQueryable (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- static_queryables.Add (args [0]);
- output = "Static queryable added.";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Remove a static queryable", Params=1, ParamsDescription="Index path")]
- internal bool DelStaticQueryable (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- static_queryables.Remove (args [0]);
- output = "Static queryable removed.";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="List user-specified static queryables", IsMutator=false)]
- internal bool ListStaticQueryables (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- output = "User-specified static queryables:\n";
- foreach (string index_path in static_queryables)
- output += String.Format (" - {0}\n", index_path);
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether static indexes will be enabled")]
- internal bool ToggleAllowStaticBackend (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- allow_static_backend = !allow_static_backend;
- output = "Static indexes are " + ((allow_static_backend) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " (need to restart beagled for changes to take effect).";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether your indexes will be synchronized locally if your home directory is on a network device (eg. NFS/Samba)")]
- internal bool ToggleIndexSynchronization (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- index_synchronization = !index_synchronization;
- output = "Index Synchronization is " + ((index_synchronization) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ".";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether Beagle can be run as root")]
- internal bool ToggleAllowRoot (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- allow_root = ! allow_root;
- if (allow_root)
- output = "Beagle is now permitted to run as root";
- else
- output = "Beagle is no longer permitted to run as root";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigSection (Name="indexing")]
public class IndexingConfig : Section
private ArrayList roots = new ArrayList ();
@@ -1219,166 +1148,8 @@
get { return maildirs; }
set { maildirs = value; }
- [ConfigOption (Description="List the indexing roots", IsMutator=false)]
- internal bool ListRoots (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- output = "Current roots:\n";
- if (this.index_home_dir == true)
- output += " - Your home directory\n";
- foreach (string root in roots)
- output += " - " + root + "\n";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether your home directory is to be indexed as a root")]
- internal bool IndexHome (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- if (index_home_dir)
- output = "Your home directory will not be indexed.";
- else
- output = "Your home directory will be indexed.";
- index_home_dir = !index_home_dir;
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether any data should be indexed if the system is on battery")]
- internal bool IndexWhileOnBattery (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- if (index_on_battery)
- output = "Data will not be indexed while on battery.";
- else
- output = "Data will be indexed while on battery.";
- index_on_battery = !index_on_battery;
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether to index faster while the screensaver is on")]
- internal bool FasterOnScreensaver (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- if (index_faster_on_screensaver)
- output = "Data will be indexed normally while on screensaver.";
- else
- output = "Data will be indexed faster while on screensaver.";
- index_faster_on_screensaver = !index_faster_on_screensaver;
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Add a root path to be indexed", Params=1, ParamsDescription="A path")]
- internal bool AddRoot (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- roots.Add (args [0]);
- output = "Root added.";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Remove an indexing root", Params=1, ParamsDescription="A path")]
- internal bool DelRoot (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- roots.Remove (args [0]);
- output = "Root removed.";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="List user-specified resources to be excluded from indexing", IsMutator=false)]
- internal bool ListExcludes (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- output = "User-specified resources to be excluded from indexing:\n";
- foreach (ExcludeItem exclude_item in excludes)
- output += String.Format (" - [{0}] {1}\n", exclude_item.Type.ToString (), exclude_item.Value);
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Add a resource to exclude from indexing", Params=2, ParamsDescription="A type [path/pattern/mailfolder], a path/pattern/name")]
- internal bool AddExclude (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- ExcludeType type;
- try {
- type = (ExcludeType) Enum.Parse (typeof (ExcludeType), args [0], true);
- } catch {
- output = String.Format("Invalid type '{0}'. Valid types: Path, Pattern, MailFolder", args [0]);
- return false;
- }
- excludes.Add (new ExcludeItem (type, args [1]));
- output = "Exclude added.";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Remove an excluded resource", Params=2, ParamsDescription="A type [path/pattern/mailfolder], a path/pattern/name")]
- internal bool DelExclude (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- ExcludeType type;
- try {
- type = (ExcludeType) Enum.Parse (typeof (ExcludeType), args [0], true);
- } catch {
- output = String.Format("Invalid type '{0}'. Valid types: Path, Pattern, MailFolder", args [0]);
- return false;
- }
- foreach (ExcludeItem item in excludes) {
- if (item.Type != type || item.Value != args [1])
- continue;
- excludes.Remove (item);
- output = "Exclude removed.";
- return true;
- }
- output = "Could not find requested exclude to remove.";
- return false;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Add a directory containing maildir emails. Use this when beagle is unable to determine the mimetype of files in this directory as message/rfc822",
- Params=2,
- ParamsDescription="path to the directory, extension (use * for any extension)")]
- internal bool AddMaildir (out string output, string[] args)
- {
- Maildir maildir = new Maildir ();
- maildir.Directory = args [0];
- maildir.Extension = ((args [1] == null || args [1] == String.Empty) ? "*" : args [1]);
- maildirs.Add (maildir);
- output = String.Format ("Added maildir directory: {0} with extension '{1}'", maildir.Directory, maildir.Extension);
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Remove a directory from ListMaildirs",
- Params=2,
- ParamsDescription="path to the directory, extension")]
- internal bool DelMaildir (out string output, string[] args)
- {
- args [1] = ((args [1] == null || args [1] == String.Empty) ? "*" : args [1]);
- int count = -1;
- foreach (Maildir maildir in maildirs) {
- count ++;
- if (maildir.Directory == args [0] && maildir.Extension == args [1])
- break;
- }
- if (count != -1 && count != maildirs.Count) {
- maildirs.RemoveAt (count);
- output = "Maildir removed.";
- return true;
- }
- output = "Could not find requested maildir to remove.";
- return false;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="List user specified maildir directories", IsMutator=false)]
- internal bool ListMaildirs (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- output = "User-specified maildir directories:\n";
- foreach (Maildir maildir in maildirs)
- output += String.Format (" - {0} with extension '{1}'\n", maildir.Directory, maildir.Extension);
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigSection (Name="networking")]
public class NetworkingConfig : Section
// Index sharing service is disabled by default
@@ -1415,90 +1186,12 @@
set { service_password = value; }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Toggles whether searching over network will be enabled the next time the daemon starts.")]
- internal bool NetworkSearch (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- if (service_enabled)
- output = "Network search will be disabled.";
- else
- output = "Network search will be enabled.";
- service_enabled = !service_enabled;
- return true;
- }
[XmlArrayItem (ElementName="NetworkService", Type=typeof (NetworkService))]
public ArrayList NetworkServices {
get { return network_services; }
set { network_services = value; }
- [ConfigOption (Description="List available network services for querying", IsMutator=false)]
- internal bool ListNetworkServices (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- output = "Currently registered network services:\n";
- foreach (NetworkService service in network_services)
- output += " - " + service.ToString () + "\n";
-#if ENAB
- output += "\n";
- output += "Available network services:\n";
- try {
- AvahiBrowser browser = new AvahiBrowser ();
- //browser.Start ();
- foreach (NetworkService service in browser.GetServicesBlocking ())
- output += " - " + service.ToString () + "\n";
- browser.Dispose ();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Console.WriteLine ("Cannot connect to avahi service: " + e.Message);
- }
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Add a network service for querying", Params=2, ParamsDescription="name, hostname:port")]
- internal bool AddNetworkService (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- string name = args [0];
- string uri = args [1];
- if (uri.Split (':').Length < 2)
- uri = uri.Trim() + ":4000";
- NetworkService service = new NetworkService (name, new Uri (uri), false, null);
- network_services.Add (service);
- output = "Network service '" + service + "' added";
- return true;
- }
- [ConfigOption (Description="Remove a network service from querying", Params=1, ParamsDescription="name")]
- internal bool RemoveNetworkService (out string output, string [] args)
- {
- string name = args[0];
- foreach (NetworkService service in network_services) {
- if (service.Name != name)
- continue;
- network_services.Remove (service);
- output = "Network service '" + service.Name + "' removed";
- return true;
- }
- output = "Network service '" + name + "' not found in registered services";
- return false;
- }
public class Section {
@@ -1506,21 +1199,6 @@
public bool SaveNeeded = false;
- internal class ConfigOption : Attribute {
- public string Description;
- public int Params;
- public string ParamsDescription;
- public bool IsMutator = true;
- }
- internal class ConfigSection : Attribute {
- public string Name;
- }
- internal class ConfigException : Exception {
- public ConfigException (string msg) : base (msg) { }
- }
public enum ExcludeType {
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