gnome-test-specs r696 - in trunk: . automated-tests-ldtp
- From: nshmyrev svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnome-test-specs r696 - in trunk: . automated-tests-ldtp
- Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 08:44:30 +0000 (GMT)
Author: nshmyrev
Date: Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
New Revision: 696
2008-01-25 Nickolay V. Shmyrev <nshmyrev yandex ru>
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
* automated-tests-ldtp/
Added a folder with ldtp tests from GHOP task.
Scripts made by Joshua Henderson <joshhendo gmail com>
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-about"
+CASEID = "about-02"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-about')
+waittillguiexist ('About*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('About*'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ click ('About*', 'btnClose')
+ wait (2)
+ if guiexist ('About*'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-calculator"
+CASEID = "calculator-03"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+waittillguiexist ('*Calculator*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*Calculator'):
+ print "Error: gnome-calculator did not start"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>b")
+ # Addition
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("5+5<enter>")
+ addition = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ print "addition equals: " + addition
+ additionInt = ""
+ for each in addition:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ additionInt = additionInt + each
+ print "additionInt equals: " + additionInt
+ if not additionInt == "10":
+ print "Error: Addition did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " addition did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Addition did not equal expected")
+ # Subtraction
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("10-5<enter>")
+ subtraction = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ subtractionInt = ""
+ for each in subtraction:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ subtractionInt = subtractionInt + each
+ if not subtractionInt == "5":
+ print "Error: Subtraction did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " subtraction did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Subtraction did not equal expected")
+ # Multiplication
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("5*5<enter>")
+ multiplication = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ multiplicationInt = ""
+ for each in multiplication:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ multiplicationInt = multiplicationInt + each
+ if not multiplicationInt == "25":
+ print "Error: Multiplication did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " multiplication did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Multiplication did not equal expected")
+ # Division
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("25/5<enter>")
+ division = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ divisionInt = ""
+ for each in division:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ divisionInt = divisionInt + each
+ if not divisionInt == "5":
+ print "Error: Division did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " division did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Division did not equal expected")
+ # Clear
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("1234<enter>")
+ click ('*Calculator*', 'btnClear1')
+ clear = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ clearInt = ""
+ for each in clear:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ clearInt = clearInt + each
+ if clearInt == "1234":
+ print "Error: Clear did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " clear did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("clear did not equal expected")
+ # Backspace
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("1234")
+ click ('*Calculator*', 'btnBackspace')
+ backspace = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ backspaceInt = ""
+ # If this is required for backspace, it will cause an error in the test.
+ for each in backspace:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ backspaceInt = backspaceInt + each
+ if not backspaceInt == "123":
+ print "Error: Backspace did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " backspace did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("backspace did not equal expected")
+ # CE
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a<delete>")
+ generatekeyevent ("1234")
+ click ('*Calculator*', 'btnClearentry1')
+ ce = gettextvalue ('*Calculator*', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ ceInt = ""
+ for each in ce:
+ if each == ".":
+ break
+ ceInt = ceInt + each
+ if ceInt == "1234":
+ print "Error: CE did not equal what was expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " CE did not equal expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("CE did not equal expected")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+if guiexist ('gnome-calculator'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ exit ()
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-calculator"
+CASEID = "calculator-07"
+launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+waittillguiexist ('*Calculator*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*Calculator*'):
+ print "Error: gnome-calculator has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>q")
+ wait (2)
+ if guiexist ("*Calculator*"):
+ print "Error: Calculator Did Not Close"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+waittillguiexist ('*Calculator*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*Calculator*'):
+ print "Error: gnome-calculator has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ click ("frm*Calculator*", "btnNumeric4")
+ click ("frm*Calculator*", "btnNumeric7")
+ click ("frm*Calculator*", "btnNumeric2")
+ wait (5)
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+ mouseleftclick ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0")
+ calculatorValue = gettextvalue ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0")
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>c")
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuFile;mnuClose')
+ wait (1)
+ launchapp ('gedit')
+ wait (3)
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>v")
+ textValue = gettextvalue ('*gedit', 'txt0')
+ wait (3)
+ if not calculatorValue == textValue:
+ print "Error: Did not copy and paste from calculator to text editor"
+ selectmenuitem ('*Calculator*', 'mnuCalculator;mnuQuit')
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>n")
+ wait (2)
+ numbers = "42346"
+ generatekeyevent (numbers)
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>a")
+ wait (1)
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>c")
+ wait (1)
+ launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+ wait (1)
+ click ('frm*Calculator*', 'btnClear')
+ wait (2)
+ mouseleftclick ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0")
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>v")
+ calculatorValue = gettextvalue ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0")
+ if not calculatorValue == numbers:
+ print "Error: Did not copy and paste from text editor to calculator"
+ log (APPNAME + " did not copy and paste from text editor to calculator", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Did not copy and paste from text editor to calculator")
+ wait (2)
+ selectmenuitem ('*Calculator*', 'mnuCalculator;mnuQuit')
+ launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+ mouseleftclick ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0")
+ generatekeyevent ("<ctrl>i")
+ wait (1)
+ generatekeyevent ("a")
+ wait (1)
+ click ("frm*Value*", "btnInsert")
+ if not gettextvalue ("frm*Calculator*", "txt0") == "97":
+ print "Error: Value did not return expected"
+ log (APPNAME + " value did not return expected", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Value did not return expected")
+ selectmenuitem ('*Calculator*', 'mnuCalculator;mnuQuit')
+ launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>b')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>a')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>f')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>s')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>t')
+ generatekeyevent ('23864')
+ generatekeyevent ('<enter>')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>k')
+ generatekeyevent ('100000')
+ generatekeyevent ('<enter>')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>m')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>r')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<f1>')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('2453454')
+ generatekeyevent ('<esc>')
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-calculator"
+CASEID = "calculator-13"
+launchapp ('gnome-calculator')
+waittillguiexist ('*Calculator*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Calculator*'):
+ print "Error: gnome-calculator has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ selectmenuitem ('Calculator*', 'mnuHelp;mnuAbout')
+ wait (2)
+ if not guiexist ('About*'):
+ print "Error: About Calculator window did not show"
+ log (APPNAME + " About window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("About Window does not exist")
+ click ('About*', 'btnClose')
+ #selectmenuitem ('Calculator*', 'mnuCalculator;mnuQuit') does not work for some reason
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-cd"
+CASEID = "cd-player-01"
+launchapp ('gnome-cd')
+waittillguiexist ('CDPlayer')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('CDPlayer'):
+ print "Error: gnome-cd did not start"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ generatekeyevent ("<alt><f4>")
+ wait (5)
+ if guiexist ('CDPlayer'):
+ print "Error: gnome-cd did not close"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-character-map"
+CASEID = "character-map-01"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-character-map')
+waittillguiexist ('CharacterMap')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('CharacterMap'):
+ print "Error: gnome-character-map has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ selectmenuitem ('CharacterMap', 'mnuFile;mnuQuit')
+ wait (5)
+ if guiexist ('CharacterMap'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-control-center"
+CASEID = "control-center-01"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-control-center')
+waittillguiexist ('Control*')
+if not guiexist ('Control*'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+ if guiexist ('frmControl*'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg)
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-control-center"
+CASEID = "control-center-03"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-control-center')
+waittillguiexist ('Control*')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Control*'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ click ('ControlCenter', 'btnAssistiveTechnologyPreferences')
+ wait (5)
+ if not guiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences'):
+ print "Error: Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from control center"
+ log (APPNAME + " Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from control center", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from control center")
+ click ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences', 'btnClose')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+ wait (2)
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+ launchapp ('gnome-at-properties &')
+ wait (5)
+ if not guiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences'):
+ print "Error: Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from command line"
+ log (APPNAME + " Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from command line", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Assistive Technology Preferences did not start from command line")
+ click ('AssistivetechonologyPreferences', 'btnClose')
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gnome-control-center"
+CASEID = "control-center-08"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gnome-control-center')
+waittillguiexist ('ControlCenter')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('ControlCenter'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ click ('ControlCenter', 'btnAssistiveTechnologyPreferences')
+ wait (2)
+ if not guiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences'):
+ print "Error: Assistive Technology Preferences did not open from Control Center"
+ log (APPNAME + " Assistive Technology Preferences did not open from Control Center", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Assistive Technology Preferences did not open from Control Center")
+ click ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences', 'btnHelp')
+ click ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences', 'btnClose')
+ wait (10)
+ waittillguiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences')
+ if not guiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences'):
+ print "Error: Assistive Technology Preferences Help did not start from Assistive Technology Preferences"
+ log (APPNAME + " Assistive Technology Preferences Help did not start from Assistive Technology Preferences", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Assistive Technology Preferences Help did not start from Assistive Technology Preferences")
+ selectmenuitem ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences', 'mnuFile;mnuClose')
+ wait (5)
+ if guiexist ('AssistiveTechnologyPreferences'):
+ print "Error: A window with the title Assistive Technology Preferences is still open"
+ log (APPNAME + " A window with the title Assistive Technology Preferences is still openes", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("A window with the title Assistive Technology Preferences is still open")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-01"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuFile;mnuQuit')
+ wait(5)
+ if guiexist ('*gedit'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+import random
+number = random.randint(0,999)
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-02"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ click ('frm*gedit', 'btnNew')
+ wait(2)
+ generatekeyevent ('This is a test file')
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuFile;mnuSaveAs')
+ wait(7)
+ if not guiexist ('dlgSave*'):
+ print "Error: Save Dialog did not open"
+ log (APPNAME + " Save Dialog did not open", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Save Dialog did not open")
+ deletetext ('dlgSave*', 'txtName')
+ enterstring ('dlgSave*', 'txtName', 'LDTP-Gedit-Save-' + str(number) +'.txt')
+ click ('dlgSave*', 'btnSave')
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+import random
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-08"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+number = random.randint(0,999)
+filename = "ldtpAutomatedText-" + str(number) + ".txt"
+text = 'This is text added to a gedit document before it was saved for an LDTP automated test '
+textAdd = 'This is text added to a gedit document after it was saved.'
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ generatekeyevent (text)
+ wait (2)
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuFile;mnuSave')
+ wait (2)
+ deletetext ('dlgSave*', 'txtName')
+ enterstring ('dlgSave*', 'txtName', filename)
+ wait (2)
+ click ('dlgSave*', 'btnSave')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent (textAdd)
+ wait (2)
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuFile;mnuRevert')
+ wait (2)
+ if not guiexist ('dlg*'):
+ print "Error: Revert Dialog did not open"
+ log (APPNAME + " revert dialog did not open", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Revert Dialog did not open")
+ # click ('dlg*', 'btnRevert') - Did not work for some reason
+ generatekeyevent ('<alt>r')
+ wait (2)
+ revertedtext = gettextvalue ('*-gedit', 'txt0')
+ if not revertedtext == text:
+ print "Error: Reverted text does not equal original text"
+ log (APPNAME + " reverted text does not equal original text", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Reverted text does not equal original text")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-11"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+before = "before "
+after = "after"
+both = before + after
+launchapp ('gedit')
+wait (5)
+def runTest(version):
+ try:
+ generatekeyevent (before)
+ generatekeyevent (after)
+ wait (2)
+ allin = gettextvalue ('*gedit', 'txt0')
+ if not allin == both:
+ print "Error: The entire string is not in the text document before undo, " + version
+ log (APPNAME + " The entire string is not in the text document before undo, " + version, "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("The entire string is not in the text document before undo, " + version)
+ wait (2)
+ if version == 'button':
+ click ('*gedit', 'btnUndo')
+ elif version == 'menu':
+ selectmenuitem ('*gedit', 'mnuEdit;mnuUndo')
+ elif version == 'shortcut':
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>z')
+ wait (2)
+ undone = gettextvalue ('*gedit', 'txt0')
+ if not undone == before:
+ print "Error: The string that should be output when undone is not correct, " + version
+ log (APPNAME + " The string that should be output when undone is not correct, " + version, "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("The string that should be output when undone is not correct, " + version)
+ wait (2)
+ if version == 'button':
+ click ('*gedit', 'btnRedo')
+ elif version == 'menu':
+ selectmenuitem ('*gedit', 'mnuEdit;mnuRedo')
+ elif version == 'shortcut':
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl><shift>z')
+ wait (2)
+ redone = gettextvalue ('*gedit', 'txt0')
+ if not redone == both:
+ print "Error: The string that should be output when redone is not correct, " + version
+ log (APPNAME + " The string that should be output when redone is not correct, " + version, "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("The string that should be output when redone is not correct, " + version)
+ wait(2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>a')
+ generatekeyevent ('<delete>')
+ wait (5)
+ except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-13"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ text = "This is some text for a LDTP automated test"
+ generatekeyevent (text);wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>a');wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>c');wait (2)
+ click ('*-gedit', 'btnNew');wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>v');wait (2)
+ textMatch = gettextvalue('*-gedit', 'txt1')
+ wait (2)
+ if not textMatch == text:
+ print "Error: Text in gedit did not copy to new document"
+ log (APPNAME + " text in gedit did not copy to new document", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Text in gedit did not copy to new document")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-14"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ text = "This is some text for a LDTP automated test"
+ generatekeyevent (text)
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>a')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>x')
+ wait (2)
+ click ('*-gedit', 'btnNew')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>v')
+ wait (2)
+ textMatch = gettextvalue ('*gedit', 'txt1')
+ if not textMatch == text:
+ print "Error: Text in gedit was not pasted into the new document"
+ exit ()
+ textNotMatch = gettextvalue('*-gedit', 'txt0')
+ if textNotMatch == text:
+ print "Error: Text in gedit first document did not cut properly"
+ exit ()
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gedit"
+CASEID = "gedit-15"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gedit')
+waittillguiexist ('*-gedit')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*-gedit'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ text = "This is some text for a LDTP automated test"
+ generatekeyevent (text)
+ wait (2)
+ textEntered = gettextvalue ('*-gedit', 'txt0')
+ wait (2)
+ generatekeyevent ('<ctrl>a')
+ wait (2)
+ selectmenuitem ('*-gedit', 'mnuEdit;mnuDelete')
+ wait (2)
+ textDeleted = gettextvalue ('*-gedit', 'txt0')
+ if textEntered == textDeleted:
+ print "Error: Text did not select all and/or delete"
+ log (APPNAME + " text did not select and/or delete", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Text did not select all and/or delete")
+except LdtpExecutionError, msg:
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gthumb"
+CASEID = "imageorganizer-01"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gthumb')
+waittillguiexist ('Home')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Home'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuFile;mnuClose')
+ wait (2)
+ if guiexist ('Home'):
+ print "Error: GUI has not closed"
+ log (APPNAME + " window did not close", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window did not close")
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+wait (2)
+log (CASEID, "pass")
+log (CASEID, "end")
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gthumb"
+CASEID = "imageorganizer-01"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gthumb')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Home'):
+ print "Error: " + APPNAME +" has not opened"
+ log (APPNAME + " window does not exist", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Window does not exist")
+ success = selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuHelp;mnuContents')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error launching \"Help -> Contents\""
+ log (APPNAME + " Error launching \"Help -> Contents\"", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Error launching \"Help -> Contents\"")
+ wait (5)
+ success = generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error: Problem closing gThumb Help"
+ log (APPNAME + " Problem closing gThumb Help", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Problem closing gThumb Help")
+ wait (5)
+ success = selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuHelp;mnuKeyboardShortcuts')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error launching \"Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts\""
+ log (APPNAME + " Error launching \"Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts\"", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Error launching \"Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts\"")
+ wait (5)
+ success = generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error: Problem closing Keyboard Shortcuts Help"
+ log (APPNAME + " Problem closing Keyboard Shortcuts Help", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Problem closing Keyboard Shortcuts Help")
+ wait (5)
+ success = selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuHelp;mnuAbout')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error launching \"Help -> About\""
+ log (APPNAME + " Error launching \"Help -> About\"", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Error launching \"Help -> About\"")
+ wait (5)
+ success = generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+ wait (2)
+ if success == 0:
+ print "Error: Problem closing About page"
+ log (APPNAME + " Problem closing About page", "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError ("Problem closing About page")
+ wait (5)
+ log (str (msg), "cause")
+ log (CASEID, "fail")
+ raise LdtpExecutionError (str (msg))
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+APPNAME = "gthumb"
+CASEID = "imageorganizer-08"
+log (CASEID, "begin")
+launchapp ('gthumb')
+waittillguiexist ('Home')
+wait (5)
+selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuFile;mnuNewFolder')
+wait (2)
+generatekeyevent ('gThumbTestFolder')
+click ('dlg*', 'btnCreate')
+wait (2)
+selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuFile;mnuNewFolder')
+wait (2)
+generatekeyevent ('gThumbTestFolder')
+click ('dlg*', 'btnCreate')
+wait (2)
+if not guiexist ('dlg*'):
+ print "Error: Error dialog did not start when trying to create 2 identical folder names"
+ exit ()
+click ('dlg*', 'btnClose')
+wait (2)
+selectmenuitem ('Home', 'mnuFile;mnuClose')
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+import os
+launchapp ('pidgin')
+wait (5)
+selectmenuitem ('BuddyList', 'mnuAccounts;mnuAdd/Edit')
+wait (2)
+if not guiexist ('frmAccounts'):
+ print "Error: Accounts popup did not open"
+ exit()
+click ('frmAccounts', "btnAdd")
+wait (2)
+pro = [
+'Google Talk',
+errors = 0
+os.popen ('rm comboboxitem.lst')
+capturetofile ('frmAdd*', 'cboProtocol')
+wait (2)
+f = open('comboboxitem.lst', 'r')
+text = f.readlines()
+os.popen ('rm comboboxitem.lst')
+for i in pro:
+ a = 0
+ for b in text:
+ if b == i + "\n":
+ a = 1
+ if a == 0:
+ print "Error: " + i + " is not in the list"
+ errors = errors + 1
+wait (2)
+if not errors == 0:
+ print "Error: There were " + str(errors) + " protocols not in the list"
+ exit ()
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('vumeter -r')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Recording*'):
+ print "Error: Recording Monitor did not start"
+ exit ()
+generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+wait (2)
+if guiexist ('Recording*'):
+ print "Error: Recording Monitor did not close"
+ exit()
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+# Note: This testing script will require human interaction
+# to check that the recording is actually being monitored.
+launchapp ('vumeter -r')
+launchapp ('gnome-sound-recorder')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Recording*'):
+ print "Error: Recording Monitor did not start"
+ exit ()
+if not guiexist ('*Recorder'):
+ print "Error: Sound Recorder did not start"
+ exit ()
+print "LDTP will now start a recording in the Gnome Sound Recorder for 5 seconds"
+print "You will need to see that the recording monitor actually monitors the recording"
+wait (2)
+click ('Untitled*', 'btnRecord')
+wait (5)
+click ('Untitled*', 'btnStop')
+wait (3)
+print "Success, unless Recording Monitor did not monitor recording"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+import os
+launchapp ('gnome-panel-screenshot')
+generatekeyevent ('LDTP-Screenshot')
+click ('frm*Screenshot', 'btnSave')
+if not os.path.exists ('/home/' + os.getenv('HOME') + '/Desktop/LDTP-Screenshot.png'):
+ print "Error: Screenshot did NOT save to Desktop under filename LDTP-Screenshot!"
+ print ""
+ print "If the path to your Desktop is not in this format: /home/[user]/Desktop"
+ print "or the default screenshot save location is not the desktop, disregard"
+ print "this error message."
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-panel-screenshot')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*Screenshot'):
+ print "Error: Screenshot applet did not start"
+ exit ()
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-panel-screenshot')
+waittillguiexist ('*Screenshot')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('*Screenshot'):
+ print "Error: Screenshot application did not start"
+ exit ()
+click ('*Screenshot', 'btnHelp')
+waittillguiexist ('TakingScreenshots')
+wait (5) # Help takes a long time to load, just giving it an extra 5 seconds just incase
+if not guiexist ('frmTakingScreenshots'):
+ print "Error: Screenshot help did not start from Help button within application"
+ exit ()
+generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+click ('*Screenshot', 'btnCancel')
+wait (5)
+ launchapp ('gnome-panel-screenshot --help')
+except NameError:
+ print "Error: Help from command line did not work with NameError exception"
+ exit ()
+ print "Error: Help from command line did not work, unknown error"
+ exit ()
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-session-properties')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Sessions')
+ print "Error: gnome-session-properties did not start"
+ exit ()
+click ('Sessions', 'btnClose')
+wait (2)
+if guiexist ('Sessions')
+ print "Error: gnome-session-properties did not close"
+ exit ()
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-session-properties')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Sessions'):
+ print "Error: Session Proterties did not start"
+ exit ()
+click ('Sessions', 'btnAdd')
+wait (2)
+if not guiexist ('NewStartupProgram'):
+ print "Error: New Startup Program dialogue did not popup"
+ exit ()
+enterstring ('NewStartupProgram', 'txtName', 'Terminal')
+wait (2)
+enterstring ('NewStartupProgram', 'txtCommand', 'gnome-terminal')
+wait (2)
+enterstring ('NewStartupProgram', 'txtComment', 'This is the Gnome terminal. Remove this if the terminal starts at startup!')
+wait (2)
+click ('NewStartupProgram', 'btnOK')
+wait (2)
+if guiexist ('NewStartupProgram'):
+ print "Error: Did not properly click OK button on New Startup Program popup"
+ exit ()
+click ('Sessions', 'btnClose')
+wait (2)
+if guiexist ('Sessions'):
+ print "Error: Did not properly close Sessions window"
+ exit ()
+print "Success"
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-session-properties')
+wait (5)
+if not guiexist ('Sessions'):
+ print "Error: Session Proterties did not start"
+ exit ()
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('gnome-sound-recorder')
+wait (5)
+click ('*Recorder', 'btnNew')
+wait (2)
+click ('Untitled*', 'btnRecord')
+wait (8)
+click ('Untitled*', 'btnStop')
+wait (2)
+click ('Untitled*', 'btnPlay')
+wait (10)
+selectmenuitem ('Untitled*', 'mnuFile;mnuSaveAs')
Added: trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/automated-tests-ldtp/ Fri Jan 25 08:44:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from ldtp import *
+from ldtputils import *
+launchapp ('vumeter')
+if not guiexist ('Volume*'):
+ print "Error: vumeter did not start a GUI"
+ exit()
+generatekeyevent ('<alt><f4>')
+if guiexist ('Volume*'):
+ print "Error: vumeter did not close after Alt F4 key combination"
+ exit()
+print "Passed"
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