banshee r3008 - in branches/banshee/stable: . src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp

Author: gburt
Date: Tue Jan 22 17:43:12 2008
New Revision: 3008

2008-01-22  Gabriel Burt  <gabriel burt gmail com>

	* src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp/MtpDap.cs: Improve translatability, fix style

	* src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp/ChangeLog: Remove old ChangeLog to avoid


Modified: branches/banshee/stable/src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp/MtpDap.cs
--- branches/banshee/stable/src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp/MtpDap.cs	(original)
+++ branches/banshee/stable/src/Dap/Banshee.Dap.Mtp/MtpDap.cs	Tue Jan 22 17:43:12 2008
@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@
 public static class PluginModuleEntry
-	public static Type [] GetTypes()
+	public static Type [] GetTypes ()
-		return new Type [] { typeof(Banshee.Dap.Mtp.MtpDap) };
+		return new Type [] { typeof (Banshee.Dap.Mtp.MtpDap) };
 namespace Banshee.Dap.Mtp
-	[DapProperties(DapType = DapType.NonGeneric)]
-	[SupportedCodec(CodecType.Mp3)]
-	[SupportedCodec(CodecType.Wma)]
-//	[SupportedCodec(CodecType.Wav)] // for some reason, files get sent to the device as Wav's when this is enabled.  wtf?
+	[DapProperties (DapType = DapType.NonGeneric)]
+	[SupportedCodec (CodecType.Mp3)]
+	[SupportedCodec (CodecType.Wma)]
+//	[SupportedCodec (CodecType.Wav)] // for some reason, files get sent to the device as Wav's when this is enabled.  wtf?
 	public sealed class MtpDap : DapDevice, IImportable//, IPlaylistCapable
@@ -66,254 +66,234 @@
 		private Queue<MtpDapTrackInfo> removeQueue;
 		private List<MtpDapTrackInfo> allTracks;
-		internal MtpDevice Camera
-		{
+		internal MtpDevice Camera {
 			get { return camera; }
-		public override bool CanSynchronize
-		{
+		public override bool CanSynchronize {
 			get { return true; }
-		public MtpDap()
+		public MtpDap ()
-			allTracks = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo>();
-			metadataChangedQueue = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo>();
-			removeQueue = new Queue<MtpDapTrackInfo>();			
+			allTracks = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo> ();
+			metadataChangedQueue = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo> ();
+			removeQueue = new Queue<MtpDapTrackInfo> ();			
 		public override void Eject ()
-			camera.Dispose();
-			base.Eject();
+			camera.Dispose ();
+			base.Eject ();
-		public override InitializeResult Initialize(Hal.Device halDevice)
+		public override InitializeResult Initialize (Hal.Device halDevice)
 			HalDevice = halDevice;
-			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists("usb.vendor_id"))
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Missing Properties", "Cannot find usb.vendor_id");
-			}
-			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists("usb.product_id"))
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Missing Properties", "Cannot find usb.product_id");
-			}
-			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists("portable_audio_player.type"))
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Missing Properties", "Cannot find portable_audio_player.type. Attempting to continue...");
-			}
-			short product_id = 0;//(short) halDevice.GetPropertyInteger("usb.product_id");
-			short vendor_id  = 0;//(short) halDevice.GetPropertyInteger("usb.vendor_id");
-			string type = halDevice.PropertyExists("portable_audio_player.type") ? halDevice.GetPropertyString("portable_audio_player.type") : "mtp";
-			string name = halDevice.PropertyExists("usb_device.product") ? halDevice.GetPropertyString("usb_device.product") : "Mtp Device";
-			int deviceNumber = 0;//halDevice.GetPropertyInteger("usb.linux.device_number");
-			int busNumber = 0;//halDevice.GetPropertyInteger("usb.bus_number");
-			if (type != "mtp")
-			{			
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("MTP: Unsupported Device", "The device's portable_audio_player.type IS NOT mtp");
+			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists ("usb.vendor_id")) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Missing Properties", "Cannot find usb.vendor_id");
+			}
+			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists ("usb.product_id")) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Missing Properties", "Cannot find usb.product_id");
+			}
+			if (!halDevice.PropertyExists ("portable_audio_player.type")) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Missing Properties", "Cannot find portable_audio_player.type. Attempting to continue...");
+			}
+			short product_id = 0;// (short) halDevice.GetPropertyInteger ("usb.product_id");
+			short vendor_id  = 0;// (short) halDevice.GetPropertyInteger ("usb.vendor_id");
+			string type = halDevice.PropertyExists ("portable_audio_player.type") ? halDevice.GetPropertyString ("portable_audio_player.type") : "mtp";
+			string name = halDevice.PropertyExists ("usb_device.product") ? halDevice.GetPropertyString ("usb_device.product") : "Mtp Device";
+			int deviceNumber = 0;//halDevice.GetPropertyInteger ("usb.linux.device_number");
+			int busNumber = 0;//halDevice.GetPropertyInteger ("usb.bus_number");
+			if (type != "mtp") {			
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("MTP: Unsupported Device", "The device's portable_audio_player.type IS NOT mtp");
 				return InitializeResult.Invalid;
-			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("MTP: Starting initialization",
-			                           string.Format("Name: {0}, Device: {1}, Bus:{2}",
-			                                         name, deviceNumber, busNumber));
+			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("MTP: Starting initialization",
+                String.Format ("Name: {0}, Device: {1}, Bus:{2}", name, deviceNumber, busNumber)
+            );
 			List<MtpDevice> cameras = null;
-			try
-			{
-				cameras = MtpDevice.Detect();
-			}
-			catch(TypeInitializationException ex)
-			{
-				string message = "Required libraries could not be found. Read for more information. ";
-				message += (Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
-				message += ex.InnerException.Message;
-				message += " could not be found";
-				LogCore.Instance.PushError("Initialisation error", message);
+			try {
+				cameras = MtpDevice.Detect ();
+			} catch (TypeInitializationException ex) {
+                // Translators: {0} is just newline, {1} is some error string (in English?)
+				string message = Catalog.GetString ("Required libraries could not be found. Read for more information. {0}{0}{1} could not be found.");
+				LogCore.Instance.PushError (Catalog.GetString ("Initialization error"),
+                    String.Format (message, Environment.NewLine, ex.InnerException.Message)
+                );
 				return InitializeResult.Invalid;
-			}
-			catch (Exception ex)
-			{
-				ShowGeneralExceptionDialog(ex);
+			} catch (libmtpsharp.LibMtpException ex) {
+            } catch (Exception ex) {
+				ShowGeneralExceptionDialog (ex);
 				return InitializeResult.Invalid;
-			//camera = cameras.Find(delegate (Camera c) { return c.UsbBusNumber == busNumber && c.UsbDeviceNumber == deviceNumber; });
+			//camera = cameras.Find (delegate (Camera c) { return c.UsbBusNumber == busNumber && c.UsbDeviceNumber == deviceNumber; });
-			if(cameras == null || cameras.Count != 1)
-			{
-				//LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Connection failed", string.Format("MTP: found {0} devices, but not the one we're looking for.", cameras.Count));
+			if (cameras == null || cameras.Count != 1) {
+				//LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Connection failed", string.Format ("MTP: found {0} devices, but not the one we're looking for.", cameras.Count));
 				//foreach (MtpDap cam in cameras)
-				//	LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Found", string.Format("name={2}, vendor={0}, prod={1}", cam.Vendor, cam.Product, cam.Name));
+				//	LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Found", string.Format ("name={2}, vendor={0}, prod={1}", cam.Vendor, cam.Product, cam.Name));
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Connection failed", "We can only handle 1 connected mtp device at a time.");
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Connection failed", "We can only handle 1 connected mtp device at a time.");
 				return Banshee.Dap.InitializeResult.Invalid;
 			camera = cameras[0];
-			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("MTP: device found", String.Format("vendor={0}, prod={1}", vendor_id, product_id));
+			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("MTP: device found", String.Format ("vendor={0}, prod={1}", vendor_id, product_id));
-			base.Initialize(halDevice);
+			base.Initialize (halDevice);
-			InstallProperty("Model", camera.Name);
-			InstallProperty("Vendor", halDevice["usb.vendor"]);
-			InstallProperty("Serial Number", halDevice["usb.serial"]);
-			ThreadAssist.Spawn(InitializeBackgroundThread);
+			InstallProperty ("Model", camera.Name);
+			InstallProperty ("Vendor", halDevice["usb.vendor"]);
+			InstallProperty ("Serial Number", halDevice["usb.serial"]);
+			ThreadAssist.Spawn (InitializeBackgroundThread);
 			CanCancelSave = false;
 			return InitializeResult.Valid;
-		public void InitializeBackgroundThread()
+		public void InitializeBackgroundThread ()
-			ActiveUserEvent userEvent = new ActiveUserEvent("MTP Initialization");
-			try
-			{
+			ActiveUserEvent userEvent = new ActiveUserEvent ("MTP Initialization");
+			try {
 				userEvent.CanCancel = true;
-				userEvent.Header = Catalog.GetString(string.Format("{0}: Found", camera.Name));
-				userEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString("Connecting...");
-				try
-				{
-					ReloadDatabase(userEvent);
-				}
-				catch (Exception e)
-				{
-					ShowGeneralExceptionDialog(e);
-					Dispose();
+				userEvent.Header = Catalog.GetString (string.Format ("{0}: Found", camera.Name));
+				userEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Connecting...");
+				try {
+					ReloadDatabase (userEvent);
+				} catch (Exception e) {
+					ShowGeneralExceptionDialog (e);
+					Dispose ();
-			}
-			finally
-			{
-				GLib.Timeout.Add(4000, delegate {
-					userEvent.Dispose();
+			} finally {
+				GLib.Timeout.Add (4000, delegate {
+					userEvent.Dispose ();
 					return false;
-		public override void Dispose() {
-			camera.Dispose();
-			base.Dispose();
+		public override void Dispose ()
+        {
+			camera.Dispose ();
+			base.Dispose ();
-		private void OnMetadataChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+		private void OnMetadataChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
 			MtpDapTrackInfo info = (MtpDapTrackInfo)sender;
-			if (!metadataChangedQueue.Contains(info))
-				metadataChangedQueue.Add(info);
+			if (!metadataChangedQueue.Contains (info))
+				metadataChangedQueue.Add (info);
-		private void ReloadDatabase(bool reconnect)
+		private void ReloadDatabase (bool reconnect)
-			ActiveUserEvent userEvent = new ActiveUserEvent("MTP Initialization");
-			try
-			{
-				ReloadDatabase(userEvent);
-			}
-			finally
-			{
-				GLib.Timeout.Add(4000, delegate {
-					userEvent.Dispose();
+			ActiveUserEvent userEvent = new ActiveUserEvent ("MTP Initialization");
+			try {
+				ReloadDatabase (userEvent);
+			} finally {
+				GLib.Timeout.Add (4000, delegate {
+					userEvent.Dispose ();
 					return false;
 		// FIXME: Try/catch this entire block?
-		private void ReloadDatabase(ActiveUserEvent userEvent)
+		private void ReloadDatabase (ActiveUserEvent userEvent)
 			double startTime = Environment.TickCount;
 			// Clear the list of tracks that banshee keeps
-			ClearTracks(false);
+			ClearTracks (false);
-			userEvent.Message = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Loading database..."));
+			userEvent.Message = string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Loading database..."));
-			List<Track> files = camera.GetAllTracks(delegate (ulong current, ulong total, IntPtr data) {
+			List<Track> files = camera.GetAllTracks (delegate (ulong current, ulong total, IntPtr data) {
 				userEvent.Progress = (double)current / total;
 				return userEvent.IsCancelRequested ? 1 : 0;
-			if(userEvent.IsCancelRequested)
-			{
-				userEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString("Cancelled...");
+			if (userEvent.IsCancelRequested) {
+				userEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Cancelled...");
-			allTracks = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo>(files.Count + 50);
-			foreach (Track f in files)
-			{
-				MtpDapTrackInfo track = new MtpDapTrackInfo(camera, f);
-				track.Changed += new EventHandler(OnMetadataChanged);
-				AddTrack(track);
-				allTracks.Add(track);
+			allTracks = new List<MtpDapTrackInfo> (files.Count + 50);
+			foreach (Track f in files) {
+				MtpDapTrackInfo track = new MtpDapTrackInfo (camera, f);
+				track.Changed += new EventHandler (OnMetadataChanged);
+				AddTrack (track);
+				allTracks.Add (track);
 			startTime = (Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
-			userEvent.Message = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Loaded {0} files in {1:0.00}sec"), this.tracks.Count, startTime);
-			userEvent.Header = Catalog.GetString(string.Format("{0}: Ready", camera.Name));
+			userEvent.Message = string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Loaded {0} files in {1:0.00}sec"), this.tracks.Count, startTime);
+			userEvent.Header = Catalog.GetString (string.Format ("{0}: Ready", camera.Name));
-		protected override void OnTrackRemoved(TrackInfo track)
+		protected override void OnTrackRemoved (TrackInfo track)
-			base.OnTrackRemoved(track);
+			base.OnTrackRemoved (track);
 			MtpDapTrackInfo t = track as MtpDapTrackInfo;
-			if (IsReadOnly || t == null || !t.OnCamera(camera))
+			if (IsReadOnly || t == null || !t.OnCamera (camera)) {
+            }
 			// This means we have write access and the file is on the camera.
-			removeQueue.Enqueue((MtpDapTrackInfo)track);
+			removeQueue.Enqueue ((MtpDapTrackInfo) track);
-		public override void AddTrack(TrackInfo track)
+		public override void AddTrack (TrackInfo track)
 			//FIXME: DO i need to check if i already have the track in the list?
-			//if ((mtpTrack != null && mtpTrack.OnCamera(camera)))
+			//if ((mtpTrack != null && mtpTrack.OnCamera (camera)))
 			//	return;
-			base.AddTrack(track);
+			base.AddTrack (track);
-		private void AddDevicePlaylist(MtpDapPlaylistSource playlist) {
-			this.Source.AddChildSource(playlist);
-			playlists.Add(playlist);
+		private void AddDevicePlaylist (MtpDapPlaylistSource playlist) {
+			this.Source.AddChildSource (playlist);
+			playlists.Add (playlist);
-		public DapPlaylistSource AddPlaylist(Source source) {
-			ArrayList playlist_tracks = new ArrayList();
+		public DapPlaylistSource AddPlaylist (Source source) {
+			ArrayList playlist_tracks = new ArrayList ();
 			foreach (TrackInfo track in source.Tracks) {
-				if (!TrackExistsInList(track, Tracks)) {
-					AddTrack(track);
-					playlist_tracks.Add(track);
+				if (!TrackExistsInList (track, Tracks)) {
+					AddTrack (track);
+					playlist_tracks.Add (track);
 				} else {
-					playlist_tracks.Add(find_existing_track(track) as TrackInfo);
+					playlist_tracks.Add (find_existing_track (track) as TrackInfo);
-			MtpDapPlaylistSource playlist = new MtpDapPlaylistSource(this, source.Name, playlist_tracks);
-			playlists.Add(playlist);
-			dev.Playlists.Add(playlist.GetDevicePlaylist());
+			MtpDapPlaylistSource playlist = new MtpDapPlaylistSource (this, source.Name, playlist_tracks);
+			playlists.Add (playlist);
+			dev.Playlists.Add (playlist.GetDevicePlaylist ());
-			this.Source.AddChildSource(playlist); // fixme: this should happen automatically in DapDevice or DapSource or something.
+			this.Source.AddChildSource (playlist); // fixme: this should happen automatically in DapDevice or DapSource or something.
 			return playlist;
-		private Track ToMusicFile(TrackInfo track, string name, ulong length)
+		private Track ToMusicFile (TrackInfo track, string name, ulong length)
 			// FIXME: Set the length properly
 			// Fixme: update the reference i'm holding to the original music file?
 			// Why am i holding it anyway?
-			Track f =  new Track(name, length);
+			Track f =  new Track (name, length);
 			f.Album = track.Album;
 			f.Artist = track.Artist;
 			f.Duration = (uint)track.Duration.TotalMilliseconds;
@@ -327,71 +307,70 @@
 			return f;
-		private void RemoveTracks()
+		private void RemoveTracks ()
 			int count = removeQueue.Count;
-			while(removeQueue.Count > 0)
-			{
-				MtpDapTrackInfo track = removeQueue.Dequeue();
-				string message = string.Format("Removing {0}/{1}: {2} - {3}", count - removeQueue.Count,
+			while (removeQueue.Count > 0) {
+				MtpDapTrackInfo track = removeQueue.Dequeue ();
+				string message = string.Format ("Removing {0}/{1}: {2} - {3}", count - removeQueue.Count,
 				                               count, track.Artist, track.Title);
-				UpdateSaveProgress("Synchronising...", message, ((double)count - removeQueue.Count) / count);
+				UpdateSaveProgress ("Synchronising...", message, ((double) count - removeQueue.Count) / count);
 				// Quick check to see if the track is on this camera - possibly needed in
 				// case we have multiple MTP devices connected simultaenously
-				if(!track.OnCamera(camera))
+				if (!track.OnCamera (camera)) {
+                }
 				camera.Remove (track.OriginalFile);
-				allTracks.Remove(track);
+				allTracks.Remove (track);
-				if (metadataChangedQueue.Contains(track))
-					metadataChangedQueue.Remove(track);
+				if (metadataChangedQueue.Contains (track)) {
+					metadataChangedQueue.Remove (track);
+                }
-				track.Changed -= new EventHandler(OnMetadataChanged);
+				track.Changed -= new EventHandler (OnMetadataChanged);
 				// Optimisation - Delete the folder if it's empty
-		private void UploadTracks()
+		private void UploadTracks ()
 			// For all the tracks that are listed to upload, find only the ones
 			// which exist and can be read.
 			// FIXME: I can upload 'MtpDapTrackInfo' types. Just make sure they dont
 			// exist on *this* device already
-			List<TrackInfo> tracks = new List<TrackInfo>(Tracks);
-			tracks = tracks.FindAll(delegate (TrackInfo t) {
-				if (t == null || t is MtpDapTrackInfo || t.Uri == null)
+			List<TrackInfo> tracks = new List<TrackInfo> (Tracks);
+			tracks = tracks.FindAll (delegate (TrackInfo t) {
+				if (t == null || t is MtpDapTrackInfo || t.Uri == null) {
 					return false;
-				return System.IO.File.Exists(t.Uri.LocalPath);
+                }
+				return System.IO.File.Exists (t.Uri.LocalPath);
-			for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++)
-			{
-				FileInfo info = new FileInfo(tracks[i].Uri.AbsolutePath);
-				Track f = ToMusicFile(tracks[i], info.Name, (ulong)info.Length);
+			for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++) {
+				FileInfo info = new FileInfo (tracks[i].Uri.AbsolutePath);
+				Track f = ToMusicFile (tracks[i], info.Name, (ulong)info.Length);
-				string message = string.Format("Adding {0}/{1}: {2} - {3}",
+				string message = string.Format ("Adding {0}/{1}: {2} - {3}",
 				                               i + 1, tracks.Count, f.Artist, f.Title);
-				UpdateSaveProgress("Synchronising...", message, (double)(i + 1) / tracks.Count);
-				camera.UploadTrack(tracks[i].Uri.AbsolutePath, f);
+				UpdateSaveProgress ("Synchronising...", message, (double) (i + 1) / tracks.Count);
+				camera.UploadTrack (tracks[i].Uri.AbsolutePath, f);
 				// Create an MtpDapTrackInfo for the new file and add it to our lists
-				MtpDapTrackInfo newTrackInfo = new MtpDapTrackInfo(camera, f);
-				newTrackInfo.Changed += new EventHandler(OnMetadataChanged);
+				MtpDapTrackInfo newTrackInfo = new MtpDapTrackInfo (camera, f);
+				newTrackInfo.Changed += new EventHandler (OnMetadataChanged);
-				allTracks.Add(newTrackInfo);
-				AddTrack(newTrackInfo);
+				allTracks.Add (newTrackInfo);
+				AddTrack (newTrackInfo);
-		private void UpdateMetadata()
+		private void UpdateMetadata ()
-			try
-			{
-				for (int i = 0; i < metadataChangedQueue.Count; i++)
-				{
+			try {
+				for (int i = 0; i < metadataChangedQueue.Count; i++) {
 					MtpDapTrackInfo info = metadataChangedQueue[i];
 					Track file = info.OriginalFile;
 					file.Album = info.Album;
@@ -405,242 +384,217 @@
 					file.TrackNumber = (ushort) info.TrackNumber;
 					file.UseCount = info.PlayCount;
 					file.Date = info.Year + "0101T0000.0";
-					file.UpdateMetadata();
+					file.UpdateMetadata ();
-			}
-			finally
-			{
-				metadataChangedQueue.Clear();
+			} finally {
+				metadataChangedQueue.Clear ();
-		public override void Synchronize()
+		public override void Synchronize ()
 			// 1. remove everything in the remove queue if it's on the device
 			// 2. Add everything in the tracklist that isn't on the device
 			// 3. Sync playlists?
-			try
-			{
-				RemoveTracks();
-				UpdateMetadata();
-				UploadTracks();
-			}
-			catch (Exception e)
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushWarning("There was an error while synchronizing the current track.  Please file a bug report.", e.ToString());
-			}
-			finally
-			{
-				ClearTracks(false);
+			try {
+				RemoveTracks ();
+				UpdateMetadata ();
+				UploadTracks ();
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushWarning ("There was an error while synchronizing the current track.  Please file a bug report.", e.ToString ());
+			} finally {
+				ClearTracks (false);
-				for (int i = 0; i < allTracks.Count; i++)
-					AddTrack(allTracks[i]);
+				for (int i = 0; i < allTracks.Count; i++) {
+					AddTrack (allTracks[i]);
+                }
-				FinishSave();
+				FinishSave ();
-		private void ShowGeneralExceptionDialog(Exception ex)
+		private void ShowGeneralExceptionDialog (Exception ex)
 			string message = "There was an error using the device. Read for more information. ";
 			message += (Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
-			message += ex.ToString();
+			message += ex.ToString ();
 			LogCore.Instance.PushError ("Device error", message);
-		public void Import(IEnumerable<TrackInfo> tracks, PlaylistSource playlist) 
+		public void Import (IEnumerable<TrackInfo> tracks, PlaylistSource playlist) 
-			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("MTP: importing tracks", "");
-			if (playlist != null)
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Playlist importing not supported",
+			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("MTP: importing tracks", "");
+			if (playlist != null) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Playlist importing not supported",
 				                           "Banshee does not support importing playlists from MTP devices yet...");
+            }
 			QueuedOperationManager importer = new QueuedOperationManager ();
-			importer = new QueuedOperationManager();
+			importer = new QueuedOperationManager ();
 			importer.HandleActveUserEvent = false;
-			importer.UserEvent.Icon = GetIcon(22);
-			importer.UserEvent.Header = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Importing from {0}"), Name);
-			importer.UserEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString("Scanning...");
+			importer.UserEvent.Icon = GetIcon (22);
+			importer.UserEvent.Header = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Importing from {0}"), Name);
+			importer.UserEvent.Message = Catalog.GetString ("Scanning...");
 			importer.OperationRequested += OnImportOperationRequested;
 			importer.Finished += delegate {
 				importer.UserEvent.Message = "Import complete...";
-				importer.UserEvent.Dispose();
+				importer.UserEvent.Dispose ();
 			// For each track in the list, check to make sure it is on this MTP
 			// device and then add it to the import queue.
-			foreach (TrackInfo track in tracks)
-			{
-				if (!(track is MtpDapTrackInfo))
-					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Not MTP track", "Tried to import a non-mtp track");
+			foreach (TrackInfo track in tracks) {
+				if (! (track is MtpDapTrackInfo)) {
+					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Not MTP track", "Tried to import a non-mtp track");
+                }
-				if(!((MtpDapTrackInfo)track).OnCamera(
-					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Track not on this device", "The track to import did not come from this camera");
+				if (! ((MtpDapTrackInfo) track).OnCamera ( {
+					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Track not on this device", "The track to import did not come from this camera");
+                }
-				importer.Enqueue(track);
+				importer.Enqueue (track);
-		private void OnImportOperationRequested(object o, QueuedOperationArgs args) 
+		private void OnImportOperationRequested (object o, QueuedOperationArgs args) 
-			if (!(args.Object is MtpDapTrackInfo))
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Import failure", string.Format("An attempt to import a '{0}' was detected. Can only import MtpDapTrackInfo objects", args.Object.GetType().Name));
+			if (!(args.Object is MtpDapTrackInfo)) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Import failure", String.Format (
+                    "An attempt to import a '{0}' was detected. Can only import MtpDapTrackInfo objects", args.Object.GetType ().Name)
+                );
 			QueuedOperationManager importer = (QueuedOperationManager)o;
 			MtpDapTrackInfo track = (MtpDapTrackInfo)args.Object;
-			if (importer.UserEvent.IsCancelRequested)
-			{
+			if (importer.UserEvent.IsCancelRequested) {
 				importer.UserEvent.Message = "Cancelled";
 			importer.UserEvent.Progress = importer.ProcessedCount / (double)importer.TotalCount;
-			importer.UserEvent.Message = string.Format("{0}/{1}: {2} - {3}", importer.ProcessedCount, importer.TotalCount, track.Artist, track.Title);
+			importer.UserEvent.Message = string.Format ("{0}/{1}: {2} - {3}", importer.ProcessedCount, importer.TotalCount, track.Artist, track.Title);
 			// This is the path where the file will be saved on-disk
-			string destination = FileNamePattern.BuildFull(track, Path.GetExtension(track.OriginalFile.Filename));
+			string destination = FileNamePattern.BuildFull (track, Path.GetExtension (track.OriginalFile.Filename));
-			try
-			{
-				if (System.IO.File.Exists(destination))
-				{
-					FileInfo to_info = new FileInfo(destination);
+			try {
+				if (System.IO.File.Exists (destination)) {
+					FileInfo to_info = new FileInfo (destination);
 					// FIXME: Probably already the same file. Is this ok?
-					if (track.OriginalFile.Filesize == (ulong)to_info.Length)
-					{
-						try
-						{
-							new LibraryTrackInfo(new SafeUri(destination, false), track);
-						}
-						catch
-						{
+					if (track.OriginalFile.Filesize == (ulong)to_info.Length) {
+						try {
+							new LibraryTrackInfo (new SafeUri (destination, false), track);
+						} catch {
 							// was already in the library
-						LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Import warning",
-						                           string.Format("Track {0} - {1} - {2} already exists in the library",
-						                                         track.Artist, track.Album, track.Title));
+						LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Import warning", String.Format (
+                            "Track {0} - {1} - {2} already exists in the library",
+						    track.Artist, track.Album, track.Title
+                        ));
-			}
-			catch (Exception ex)
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Import Warning", "Could not check if the file already exists, skipping");
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Exception", ex.ToString());
+			} catch (Exception ex) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Import Warning", "Could not check if the file already exists, skipping");
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Exception", ex.ToString ());
-			try
-			{
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Import Operation", string.Format("Importing song to {0}", destination));
+			try {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Import Operation", String.Format ("Importing song to {0}", destination));
 				// Copy the track from the device to the destination file
-				track.OriginalFile.Download(destination);
+				track.OriginalFile.Download (destination);
 				// Add the track to the library
-				new LibraryTrackInfo(new SafeUri(destination, false), track);
-			}
-			catch(Exception e)
-			{
-				try
-				{
-					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Critical error", "Could not import tracks");
-					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Exception", e.ToString());
+				new LibraryTrackInfo (new SafeUri (destination, false), track);
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				try {
+					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Critical error", "Could not import tracks");
+					LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Exception", e.ToString ());
 					// FIXME: Is this ok?
-					System.IO.File.Delete(destination);
-				}
-				catch
-				{
+					System.IO.File.Delete (destination);
+				} catch {
 					// Do nothing
-		public void Import(IEnumerable<TrackInfo> tracks) {
-			Import(tracks, null);
+		public void Import (IEnumerable<TrackInfo> tracks) {
+			Import (tracks, null);
-		public override Gdk.Pixbuf GetIcon(int size) {
+		public override Gdk.Pixbuf GetIcon (int size) {
 			string prefix = "multimedia-player-";
 			string id = "dell-pocket-dj";
-			Gdk.Pixbuf icon = IconThemeUtils.LoadIcon(prefix + id, size);
-			return icon == null? base.GetIcon(size) : icon;
+			Gdk.Pixbuf icon = IconThemeUtils.LoadIcon (prefix + id, size);
+			return icon == null ? base.GetIcon (size) : icon;
 		public DapPlaylistSource AddPlaylist (Source playlist)
-			IPodPlaylistSource ips = new IPodPlaylistSource(this, playlist.Name);       		
+			IPodPlaylistSource ips = new IPodPlaylistSource (this, playlist.Name);       		
-			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("In IPodDap.AddPlaylist" , "");
+			LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("In IPodDap.AddPlaylist" , "");
-			foreach(TrackInfo ti in playlist.Tracks) {
-				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug("Adding track " + ti.ToString() , " to new playlist " + ips.Name);
-				IpodDapTrackInfo idti = new IpodDapTrackInfo(ti, device.TrackDatabase);
-				ips.AddTrack(idti);
-				AddTrack(idti);                
+			foreach (TrackInfo ti in playlist.Tracks) {
+				LogCore.Instance.PushDebug ("Adding track " + ti.ToString () , " to new playlist " + ips.Name);
+				IpodDapTrackInfo idti = new IpodDapTrackInfo (ti, device.TrackDatabase);
+				ips.AddTrack (idti);
+				AddTrack (idti);                
 			return (DapPlaylistSource) ips;
-		public override string Name
-		{
-			get
-			{
-				if (camera == null)
-					return "";
+		public override string Name {
+			get {
+				if (camera == null) {
+					return String.Empty;
+                }
 				return camera.Name;
-			}			
+			}
-		public override string GenericName
-		{
+		public override string GenericName {
 			get { return Name; }
-		public override ulong StorageCapacity
-		{
-			get
-			{
+		public override ulong StorageCapacity {
+			get {
 				if (camera == null)
 					return 0;
 				ulong count = 0;
-				foreach (DeviceStorage s in camera.GetStorage())
+				foreach (DeviceStorage s in camera.GetStorage ()) {
 					count += s.MaxCapacity;
+                }
 				return count;
-		public override ulong StorageUsed
-		{
-			get
-			{
+		public override ulong StorageUsed {
+			get {
 				if (camera == null)
 					return 0;
 				ulong count = 0;
-				foreach (DeviceStorage s in
+				foreach (DeviceStorage s in ()) {
 					count += s.MaxCapacity - s.FreeSpace;
+                }
 				return count;
-		public override bool IsReadOnly
-		{
+		public override bool IsReadOnly {
 			get { return false; }
 		public override bool IsPlaybackSupported {
-			get {
-				return false;
-			}
+			get { return false; }

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