ooo-build r11313 - in trunk: . scratch scratch/sc-xlsutil
- From: kyoshida svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r11313 - in trunk: . scratch scratch/sc-xlsutil
- Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:19:37 +0000 (GMT)
Author: kyoshida
Date: Fri Jan 18 07:19:37 2008
New Revision: 11313
2008-01-18 Kohei Yoshida <kyoshida novell com>
* scratch/sc-xlsutil: new directory to store Excel utilities.
* scratch/sc-xlsutil/ simple Excel file dumper.
* scratch/sc-xlsutil/xls_sheetpass_hash.cxx: moved.
trunk/scratch/sc-xlsutil/ (contents, props changed)
- copied unchanged from r11312, /trunk/scratch/xls_sheetpass_hash.cxx
Added: trunk/scratch/sc-xlsutil/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/scratch/sc-xlsutil/ Fri Jan 18 07:19:37 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os.path
+recData = {
+ 0x000A: ["EOF", "End of File"],
+ 0x000C: ["CALCCOUNT", "Iteration Count"],
+ 0x000D: ["CALCMODE", "Calculation Mode"],
+ 0x000E: ["PRECISION", "Precision"],
+ 0x000F: ["REFMODE", "Reference Mode"],
+ 0x0100: ["SXVDEX", "Extended PivotTable View Fields"],
+ 0x0103: ["SXFORMULA", "PivotTable Formula Record"],
+ 0x0010: ["DELTA", "Iteration Increment"],
+ 0x0011: ["ITERATION", "Iteration Mode"],
+ 0x0122: ["SXDBEX", "PivotTable Cache Data"],
+ 0x0012: ["PROTECT", "Protection Flag"],
+ 0x013D: ["TABID", "Sheet Tab Index Array"],
+ 0x0013: ["PASSWORD", "Protection Password"],
+ 0x0014: ["HEADER", "Print Header on Each Page"],
+ 0x0015: ["FOOTER", "Print Footer on Each Page"],
+ 0x0160: ["USESELFS", "Natural Language Formulas Flag"],
+ 0x0161: ["DSF", "Double Stream File"],
+ 0x0016: ["EXTERNCOUNT", "Number of External References"],
+ 0x0017: ["EXTERNSHEET", "External Reference"],
+ 0x0019: ["WINDOWPROTECT", "Windows Are Protected"],
+ 0x01A9: ["USERBVIEW", "Workbook Custom View Settings"],
+ 0x01AA: ["USERSVIEWBEGIN", "Custom View Settings"],
+ 0x01AB: ["USERSVIEWEND", "End of Custom View Records"],
+ 0x01AD: ["QSI", "External Data Range"],
+ 0x01AE: ["SUPBOOK", "Supporting Workbook"],
+ 0x001A: ["VERTICALPAGEBREAKS", "Explicit Column Page Breaks"],
+ 0x01B0: ["CONDFMT", "Conditional Formatting Range Information"],
+ 0x01B1: ["CF", "Conditional Formatting Conditions"],
+ 0x01B2: ["DVAL", "Data Validation Information"],
+ 0x01B5: ["DCONBIN", "Data Consolidation Information"],
+ 0x01B6: ["TXO", "Text Object"],
+ 0x01B7: ["REFRESHALL", "Refresh Flag"],
+ 0x01B8: ["HLINK", "Hyperlink"],
+ 0x01BB: ["SXFDBTYPE", "SQL Datatype Identifier"],
+ 0x01BE: ["DV", "Data Validation Criteria"],
+ 0x001B: ["HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS", "Explicit Row Page Breaks"],
+ 0x001C: ["NOTE", "Comment Associated with a Cell"],
+ 0x001D: ["SELECTION", "Current Selection"],
+ 0x0200: ["DIMENSIONS", "Cell Table Size"],
+ 0x0201: ["BLANK", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x0203: ["NUMBER", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x0204: ["LABEL", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x0205: ["BOOLERR", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x0207: ["STRING", "String Value of a Formula"],
+ 0x0208: ["ROW", "Describes a Row"],
+ 0x020B: ["INDEX", "Index Record"],
+ 0x0218: ["NAME", "Defined Name"],
+ 0x0221: ["ARRAY", "Array-Entered Formula"],
+ 0x0223: ["EXTERNNAME", "Externally Referenced Name"],
+ 0x0225: ["DEFAULTROWHEIGHT", "Default Row Height"],
+ 0x0231: ["FONT", "Font Description"],
+ 0x0236: ["TABLE", "Data Table"],
+ 0x0026: ["LEFTMARGIN", "Left Margin Measurement"],
+ 0x0027: ["RIGHTMARGIN", "Right Margin Measurement"],
+ 0x0028: ["TOPMARGIN", "Top Margin Measurement"],
+ 0x0293: ["STYLE", "Style Information"],
+ 0x0029: ["BOTTOMMARGIN", "Bottom Margin Measurement"],
+ 0x002A: ["PRINTHEADERS", "Print Row/Column Labels"],
+ 0x002B: ["PRINTGRIDLINES", "Print Gridlines Flag"],
+ 0x002F: ["FILEPASS", "File Is Password-Protected"],
+ 0x003C: ["CONTINUE", "Continues Long Records"],
+ 0x0406: ["FORMULA", "Cell Formula"],
+ 0x0040: ["BACKUP", "Save Backup Version of the File"],
+ 0x041E: ["FORMAT", "Number Format"],
+ 0x0041: ["PANE", "Number of Panes and Their Position"],
+ 0x0042: ["CODEPAGE/CODENAME", "Default Code Page/VBE Object Name"],
+ 0x004D: ["PLS", "Environment-Specific Print Record"],
+ 0x0050: ["DCON", "Data Consolidation Information"],
+ 0x0051: ["DCONREF", "Data Consolidation References"],
+ 0x0052: ["DCONNAME", "Data Consolidation Named References"],
+ 0x0055: ["DEFCOLWIDTH", "Default Width for Columns"],
+ 0x0059: ["XCT", "CRN Record Count"],
+ 0x005A: ["CRN", "Nonresident Operands"],
+ 0x005B: ["FILESHARING", "File-Sharing Information"],
+ 0x005C: ["WRITEACCESS", "Write Access User Name"],
+ 0x005D: ["OBJ", "Describes a Graphic Object"],
+ 0x005E: ["UNCALCED", "Recalculation Status"],
+ 0x005F: ["SAVERECALC", "Recalculate Before Save"],
+ 0x0060: ["TEMPLATE", "Workbook Is a Template"],
+ 0x0063: ["OBJPROTECT", "Objects Are Protected"],
+ 0x007D: ["COLINFO", "Column Formatting Information"],
+ 0x007E: ["RK", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x007F: ["IMDATA", "Image Data"],
+ 0x0809: ["BOF", "Beginning of File"],
+ 0x0080: ["GUTS", "Size of Row and Column Gutters"],
+ 0x0081: ["WSBOOL", "Additional Workspace Information"],
+ 0x0082: ["GRIDSET", "State Change of Gridlines Option"],
+ 0x0083: ["HCENTER", "Center Between Horizontal Margins"],
+ 0x0084: ["VCENTER", "Center Between Vertical Margins"],
+ 0x0085: ["BOUNDSHEET", "Sheet Information"],
+ 0x0086: ["WRITEPROT", "Workbook Is Write-Protected"],
+ 0x0087: ["ADDIN", "Workbook Is an Add-in Macro"],
+ 0x0088: ["EDG", "Edition Globals"],
+ 0x0089: ["PUB", "Publisher"],
+ 0x008C: ["COUNTRY", "Default Country and WIN.INI Country"],
+ 0x008D: ["HIDEOBJ", "Object Display Options"],
+ 0x0090: ["SORT", "Sorting Options"],
+ 0x0091: ["SUB", "Subscriber"],
+ 0x0092: ["PALETTE", "Color Palette Definition"],
+ 0x0094: ["LHRECORD", ".WK? File Conversion Information"],
+ 0x0095: ["LHNGRAPH", "Named Graph Information"],
+ 0x0096: ["SOUND", "Sound Note"],
+ 0x0098: ["LPR", "Sheet Was Printed Using LINE.PRINT()"],
+ 0x0099: ["STANDARDWIDTH", "Standard Column Width"],
+ 0x009A: ["FNGROUPNAME", "Function Group Name"],
+ 0x009B: ["FILTERMODE", "Sheet Contains Filtered List"],
+ 0x009C: ["FNGROUPCOUNT", "Built-in Function Group Count"],
+ 0x009D: ["AUTOFILTERINFO", "Drop-Down Arrow Count"],
+ 0x009E: ["AUTOFILTER", "AutoFilter Data"],
+ 0x00A0: ["SCL", "Window Zoom Magnification"],
+ 0x00A1: ["SETUP", "Page Setup"],
+ 0x00A9: ["COORDLIST", "Polygon Object Vertex Coordinates"],
+ 0x00AB: ["GCW", "Global Column-Width Flags"],
+ 0x00AE: ["SCENMAN", "Scenario Output Data"],
+ 0x00AF: ["SCENARIO", "Scenario Data"],
+ 0x00B0: ["SXVIEW", "View Definition"],
+ 0x00B1: ["SXVD", "View Fields"],
+ 0x00B2: ["SXVI", "View Item"],
+ 0x00B4: ["SXIVD", "Row/Column Field IDs"],
+ 0x00B5: ["SXLI", "Line Item Array"],
+ 0x00B6: ["SXPI", "Page Item"],
+ 0x00B8: ["DOCROUTE", "Routing Slip Information"],
+ 0x00B9: ["RECIPNAME", "Recipient Name"],
+ 0x00BC: ["SHRFMLA", "Shared Formula"],
+ 0x00BD: ["MULRK", "Multiple RK Cells"],
+ 0x00BE: ["MULBLANK", "Multiple Blank Cells"],
+ 0x00C1: ["MMS", "ADDMENU/DELMENU Record Group Count"],
+ 0x00C2: ["ADDMENU", "Menu Addition"],
+ 0x00C3: ["DELMENU", "Menu Deletion"],
+ 0x00C5: ["SXDI", "Data Item"],
+ 0x00C6: ["SXDB", "PivotTable Cache Data"],
+ 0x00CD: ["SXSTRING", "String"],
+ 0x00D0: ["SXTBL", "Multiple Consolidation Source Info"],
+ 0x00D1: ["SXTBRGIITM", "Page Item Name Count"],
+ 0x00D2: ["SXTBPG", "Page Item Indexes"],
+ 0x00D3: ["OBPROJ", "Visual Basic Project"],
+ 0x00D5: ["SXIDSTM", "Stream ID"],
+ 0x00D6: ["RSTRING", "Cell with Character Formatting"],
+ 0x00D7: ["DBCELL", "Stream Offsets"],
+ 0x00DA: ["BOOKBOOL", "Workbook Option Flag"],
+ 0x00DC: ["PARAMQRY", "Query Parameters"],
+ 0x00DC: ["SXEXT", "External Source Information"],
+ 0x00DD: ["SCENPROTECT", "Scenario Protection"],
+ 0x00DE: ["OLESIZE", "Size of OLE Object"],
+ 0x00DF: ["UDDESC", "Description String for Chart Autoformat"],
+ 0x00E0: ["XF", "Extended Format"],
+ 0x00E1: ["INTERFACEHDR", "Beginning of User Interface Records"],
+ 0x00E2: ["INTERFACEEND", "End of User Interface Records"],
+ 0x00E3: ["SXVS", "View Source"],
+ 0x00EA: ["TABIDCONF", "Sheet Tab ID of Conflict History"],
+ 0x00EB: ["MSODRAWINGGROUP", "Microsoft Office Drawing Group"],
+ 0x00EC: ["MSODRAWING", "Microsoft Office Drawing"],
+ 0x00ED: ["MSODRAWINGSELECTION", "Microsoft Office Drawing Selection"],
+ 0x00F0: ["SXRULE", "PivotTable Rule Data"],
+ 0x00F1: ["SXEX", "PivotTable View Extended Information"],
+ 0x00F2: ["SXFILT", "PivotTable Rule Filter"],
+ 0x00F6: ["SXNAME", "PivotTable Name"],
+ 0x00F7: ["SXSELECT", "PivotTable Selection Information"],
+ 0x00F8: ["SXPAIR", "PivotTable Name Pair"],
+ 0x00F9: ["SXFMLA", "PivotTable Parsed Expression"],
+ 0x00FB: ["SXFORMAT", "PivotTable Format Record"],
+ 0x00FC: ["SST", "Shared String Table"],
+ 0x00FD: ["LABELSST", "Cell Value"],
+ 0x00FF: ["EXTSST", "Extended Shared String Table"] }
+def output (msg):
+ sys.stdout.write(msg)
+class XLStream(object):
+ def __init__ (self, file):
+ self.chars =
+ self.size = len(self.chars)
+ self.pos = 0
+ self.version = None
+ def __printSep (self, prefix='', c='-', w=68):
+ print(prefix + c*w)
+ def printStreamInfo (self):
+ self.__printSep('', '=', 68)
+ print("Excel File Format Dumper by Kohei Yoshida")
+ print(" total stream size: %d bytes"%self.size)
+ self.__printSep('', '=', 68)
+ def seekBOF (self):
+ while self.pos < self.size-1:
+ b1, b2 = ord(self.chars[self.pos]), ord(self.chars[self.pos+1])
+ word = b1 + b2*256
+ if word == 0x0809:
+ self.version = 'Biff8'
+ return
+ self.pos += 2
+ def readRaw (self, size=1):
+ # assume little endian
+ bytes = 0
+ for i in xrange(0, size):
+ b = ord(self.chars[self.pos])
+ if i == 0:
+ bytes = b
+ else:
+ bytes += b*(i*256)
+ self.pos += 1
+ return bytes
+ def readByteArray (self, size=1):
+ bytes = []
+ for i in xrange(0, size):
+ bytes.append(ord(self.chars[self.pos]))
+ self.pos += 1
+ return bytes
+ def readRecord (self):
+ pos = self.pos
+ header = self.readRaw(2)
+ size = self.readRaw(2)
+ print("")
+ self.__printSep("%4.4Xh: "%header, '=', 61)
+ if recData.has_key(header):
+ print("%4.4Xh: %s - %s (%4.4Xh)"%(header, recData[header][0], recData[header][1], header))
+ else:
+ print("%4.4Xh: [unknown record name] (%4.4Xh)"%(header, header))
+ print("%4.4Xh: size = %d; pos = %d"%(header, size, pos))
+ self.__printSep("%4.4Xh: "%header, '-', 61)
+ bytes = self.readByteArray(size)
+ for i in xrange(0, size):
+ if (i+1) % 16 == 1:
+ output("%4.4Xh: "%header)
+ output("%2.2X "%bytes[i])
+ if (i+1) % 16 == 0 and i != size-1:
+ print("")
+ if size > 0:
+ print("")
+ return header
+class XLDumper(object):
+ def __init__ (self, filepath):
+ self.filepath = filepath
+ def dump (self):
+ file = open(self.filepath, 'r')
+ strm = XLStream(file)
+ strm.printStreamInfo()
+ success = True
+ while success:
+ success = self.__read(strm)
+ file.close()
+ def __read (self, strm):
+ # read bytes from BOF to EOF.
+ strm.seekBOF()
+ try:
+ header = 0x0000
+ while header != 0x000A:
+ header = strm.readRecord()
+ return True
+ except IndexError:
+ return False
+def usage ():
+ pass
+def main (args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ print("takes at least one argument")
+ usage()
+ return
+ dumper = XLDumper(args[0])
+ dumper.dump()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
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