empathy r541 - trunk/data/icons

Author: xclaesse
Date: Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008
New Revision: 541
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/empathy?rev=541&view=rev

Add im-sip icon picked from pidgin.


Modified: trunk/data/icons/Makefile.am
--- trunk/data/icons/Makefile.am	(original)
+++ trunk/data/icons/Makefile.am	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_16x16_im-irc.png \
 	hicolor_apps_16x16_im-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_16x16_im-msn.png \
+	hicolor_apps_16x16_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_16x16_im-local-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-ekiga.png \
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-gizmo.png \
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-irc.png \
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-msn.png \
+	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_22x22_im-local-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-ekiga.png \
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-gizmo.png \
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-irc.png \
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-msn.png \
+	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_24x24_im-local-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-ekiga.png \
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-gizmo.png \
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-irc.png \
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-msn.png \
+	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_32x32_im-local-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-ekiga.png \
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-gizmo.png \
@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-irc.png \
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-msn.png \
+	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_48x48_im-local-xmpp.png \
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-ekiga.svg \
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-gizmo.svg \
@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-irc.svg \
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-xmpp.svg \
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-msn.svg \
+	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-sip.png \
 	hicolor_apps_scalable_im-local-xmpp.svg \
 	hicolor_status_16x16_empathy-available.png \
 	hicolor_status_16x16_empathy-away.png \

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_16x16_im-sip.png
Binary files (empty file) and trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_16x16_im-sip.png	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008 differ

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_22x22_im-sip.png
Binary files (empty file) and trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_22x22_im-sip.png	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008 differ

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_24x24_im-sip.png
Binary files (empty file) and trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_24x24_im-sip.png	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008 differ

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_32x32_im-sip.png
Binary files (empty file) and trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_32x32_im-sip.png	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008 differ

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_48x48_im-sip.png
Binary files (empty file) and trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_48x48_im-sip.png	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008 differ

Added: trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_scalable_im-sip.svg
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/data/icons/hicolor_apps_scalable_im-sip.svg	Sat Jan 12 14:24:29 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
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