conduit r1179 - in trunk: . conduit conduit/dataproviders conduit/gtkui conduit/modules/FileModule test/python-tests

Author: jstowers
Date: Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
New Revision: 1179

Move all gnomevfs functions from to

      - copied, changed from r1176, /trunk/test/python-tests/

Modified: trunk/conduit/
--- trunk/conduit/	(original)
+++ trunk/conduit/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 License: GPLv2
 import sys
-import os
 import os.path
 import socket
 import datetime
@@ -17,11 +16,6 @@
 import os
 import signal
 import popen2
-    import gnomevfs
-except ImportError:
-    from gnome import gnomevfs # for maemo
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger("Utils")
@@ -61,77 +55,6 @@
     return False
-# URI Manipulation functions
-def uri_make_canonical(uri):
-    """
-    Standardizes the format of the uri
-    @param uri:an absolute or relative stringified uri. It might have scheme.
-    """
-    return gnomevfs.make_uri_canonical(uri)
-def uri_escape(uri):
-    """
-    Escapes a uri, replacing only special characters that would not be found in 
-    paths or host names.
-    (so '/', '&', '=', ':' and '@' will not be escaped by this function)
-    """
-    #FIXME: This function lies, it escapes @
-    #return gnomevfs.escape_host_and_path_string(uri)
-    import urllib
-    return urllib.quote(uri,safe='/&=:@')
-def uri_unescape(uri):
-    """
-    Replace "%xx" escapes by their single-character equivalent.
-    """
-    import urllib
-    return urllib.unquote(uri)
-def uri_get_protocol(uri):
-    """
-    Returns the protocol (file, smb, etc) for a URI
-    """
-    if uri.rfind("://")==-1:
-        return ""
-    protocol = uri[:uri.index("://")+3]
-    return protocol.lower()
-def uri_get_filename(uri):
-    """
-    Method to return the filename of a file. Could use GnomeVFS for this
-    is it wasnt so slow
-    """
-    return uri.split(os.sep)[-1]
-def uri_sanitize_for_filesystem(uri, filesystem=None):
-    """
-    Removes illegal characters in uri that cannot be stored on the 
-    given filesystem - particuarly fat and ntfs types
-    """
-    import string
-    if filesystem in ("vfat","ntfs"):
-        ILLEGAL_CHARS = "\\:*?\"<>|"
-        #replace illegal chars with a space
-        return uri.translate(string.maketrans(
-                                ILLEGAL_CHARS,
-                                " "*len(ILLEGAL_CHARS)))
-    return uri
-def uri_is_folder(uri):
-    """
-    @returns: True if the uri is a folder and not a file
-    """
-    info = gnomevfs.get_file_info(uri)
-    return info.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY
-def uri_format_for_display(uri):
-    """
-    Formats the uri so it can be displayed to the user (strips passwords, etc)
-    """
-    return gnomevfs.format_uri_for_display(uri)
 # Temporary file functions
 def new_tempfile(contents, contentsAreText=True):
@@ -266,17 +189,6 @@
     username = os.environ.get("USER","")
     return "%s %s" % (username, hostname)
-def open_URI(uri):
-    """
-    Opens a gnomevfs or xdg compatible uri.
-    FIXME: Use xdg-open?
-    """
-    if uri == None:
-        log.warn("Cannot open non-existant URI")
-    APP = "gnome-open"
-    os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, APP, APP, uri)
 def datetime_from_timestamp(t):
     Makes a datetime object from a unix timestamp.
@@ -371,188 +283,6 @@
         return VmSize,VmRSS,VmStack 
-# Scanner ThreadManager
-class ScannerThreadManager(object):
-    """
-    Manages many FolderScanner threads. This involves joining and cancelling
-    said threads, and respecting a maximum num of concurrent threads limit
-    """
-    def __init__(self, maxConcurrentThreads=2):
-        self.maxConcurrentThreads = maxConcurrentThreads
-        self.scanThreads = {}
-        self.pendingScanThreadsURIs = []
-    def make_thread(self, folderURI, includeHidden, progressCb, completedCb, *args):
-        """
-        Makes a thread for scanning folderURI. The thread callsback the model
-        at regular intervals with the supplied args
-        """
-        running = len(self.scanThreads) - len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)
-        if folderURI not in self.scanThreads:
-            thread = FolderScanner(folderURI, includeHidden)
-            thread.connect("scan-progress",progressCb, *args)
-            thread.connect("scan-completed",completedCb, *args)
-            thread.connect("scan-completed", self._register_thread_completed, folderURI)
-            self.scanThreads[folderURI] = thread
-            if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
-                log.debug("Starting thread %s" % folderURI)
-                self.scanThreads[folderURI].start()
-            else:
-                self.pendingScanThreadsURIs.append(folderURI)
-            return thread
-        else:
-            return self.scanThreads[folderURI]
-    def _register_thread_completed(self, sender, folderURI):
-        """
-        Decrements the count of concurrent threads and starts any 
-        pending threads if there is space
-        """
-        #delete the old thread
-        del(self.scanThreads[folderURI])
-        running = len(self.scanThreads) - len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)
-        log.debug("Thread %s completed. %s running, %s pending" % (folderURI, running, len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)))
-        if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
-            try:
-                uri = self.pendingScanThreadsURIs.pop()
-                log.debug("Starting pending thread %s" % uri)
-                self.scanThreads[uri].start()
-            except IndexError: pass
-    def join_all_threads(self):
-        """
-        Joins all threads (blocks)
-        Unfortunately we join all the threads do it in a loop to account
-        for join() a non started thread failing. To compensate I time.sleep()
-        to not smoke CPU
-        """
-        joinedThreads = 0
-        while(joinedThreads < len(self.scanThreads)):
-            for thread in self.scanThreads.values():
-                try:
-                    thread.join()
-                    joinedThreads += 1
-                except AssertionError: 
-                    #deal with not started threads
-                    time.sleep(1)
-    def cancel_all_threads(self):
-        """
-        Cancels all threads ASAP. My block for a small period of time
-        because we use our own cancel method
-        """
-        for thread in self.scanThreads.values():
-            if thread.isAlive():
-                log.debug("Cancelling thread %s" % thread)
-                thread.cancel()
-            thread.join() #May block
-import threading
-import gobject
-import time
-CONFIG_FILE_NAME = ".conduit.conf"
-class FolderScanner(threading.Thread, gobject.GObject):
-    """
-    Recursively scans a given folder URI, returning the number of
-    contained files.
-    """
-    __gsignals__ =  { 
-                    "scan-progress": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [
-                        gobject.TYPE_INT]),
-                    "scan-completed": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [])
-                    }
-    def __init__(self, baseURI, includeHidden):
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
-        self.baseURI = str(baseURI)
-        self.includeHidden = includeHidden
-        self.dirs = [self.baseURI]
-        self.cancelled = False
-        self.URIs = []
-        self.setName("FolderScanner Thread: %s" % self.baseURI)
-    def run(self):
-        """
-        Recursively adds all files in dirs within the given list.
-        Code adapted from Listen (c) 2006 Mehdi Abaakouk
-        (
-        """
-        delta = 0
-        startTime = time.time()
-        t = 1
-        last_estimated = estimated = 0 
-        while len(self.dirs)>0:
-            if self.cancelled:
-                return
-            dir = self.dirs.pop(0)
-            try:hdir = gnomevfs.DirectoryHandle(dir)
-            except: 
-                log.warn("Folder %s Not found" % dir)
-                continue
-            try: fileinfo =
-            except StopIteration: continue;
-            while fileinfo:
-                filename = uri_escape(
-                if filename in [".","..",CONFIG_FILE_NAME]: 
-                        pass
-                else:
-                    if fileinfo.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY:
-                        #Include hidden directories
-                        if filename[0] != "." or self.includeHidden:
-                            self.dirs.append(dir+"/"+filename)
-                            t += 1
-                    elif fileinfo.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_REGULAR:
-                        try:
-                            uri = uri_make_canonical(dir+"/"+filename)
-                            #Include hidden files
-                            if filename[0] != "." or self.includeHidden:
-                                self.URIs.append(uri)
-                        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-                            raise "UnicodeDecodeError",uri
-                    else:
-                        log.debug("Unsupported file type: %s (%s)" % (filename, fileinfo.type))
-                try: fileinfo =
-                except StopIteration: break;
-            #Calculate the estimated complete percentags
-            estimated = 1.0-float(len(self.dirs))/float(t)
-            estimated *= 100
-            #Enly emit progress signals every 10% (+/- 1%) change to save CPU
-            if delta+10 - estimated <= 1:
-                log.debug("Folder scan %s%% complete" % estimated)
-                self.emit("scan-progress", len(self.URIs))
-                delta += 10
-            last_estimated = estimated
-        i = 0
-        total = len(self.URIs)
-        endTime = time.time()
-        log.debug("%s files loaded in %s seconds" % (total, (endTime - startTime)))
-        self.emit("scan-completed")
-    def cancel(self):
-        """
-        Cancels the thread as soon as possible.
-        """
-        self.cancelled = True
-    def get_uris(self):
-        return self.URIs
 class CommandLineConverter:
     def __init__(self):
         self.percentage_match = re.compile('.*')

Modified: trunk/conduit/
--- trunk/conduit/	(original)
+++ trunk/conduit/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import os.path
 import logging
 log = logging.getLogger("Vfs")
@@ -5,7 +6,111 @@
     import gnomevfs
 except ImportError:
     from gnome import gnomevfs
+# URI Functions
+def uri_open(uri):
+    """
+    Opens a gnomevfs or xdg compatible uri.
+    """
+    if uri == None:
+        log.warn("Cannot open non-existant URI")
+    #FIXME: Use xdg-open?
+    APP = "gnome-open"
+    os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, APP, APP, uri)
+def uri_get_filesystem_type(uri):
+    """
+    @returns: The filesystem that uri is stored on or None if it cannot
+    be determined
+    """
+    scheme = gnomevfs.get_uri_scheme(uri)
+    if scheme == "file":
+        try:
+            path = gnomevfs.get_local_path_from_uri(uri)
+            volume = VolumeMonitor().get_volume_for_path(path)
+            return  volume.get_filesystem_type()
+        except RuntimeError:
+            log.warn("Could not get local path from URI")
+            return None
+        except AttributeError:
+            log.warn("Could not determine volume for path")
+            return None
+    return None
+def uri_make_canonical(uri):
+    """
+    Standardizes the format of the uri
+    @param uri:an absolute or relative stringified uri. It might have scheme.
+    """
+    return gnomevfs.make_uri_canonical(uri)
+def uri_escape(uri):
+    """
+    Escapes a uri, replacing only special characters that would not be found in 
+    paths or host names.
+    (so '/', '&', '=', ':' and '@' will not be escaped by this function)
+    """
+    #FIXME: This function lies, it escapes @
+    #return gnomevfs.escape_host_and_path_string(uri)
+    import urllib
+    return urllib.quote(uri,safe='/&=:@')
+def uri_unescape(uri):
+    """
+    Replace "%xx" escapes by their single-character equivalent.
+    """
+    import urllib
+    return urllib.unquote(uri)
+def uri_get_protocol(uri):
+    """
+    Returns the protocol (file, smb, etc) for a URI
+    """
+    if uri.rfind("://")==-1:
+        return ""
+    protocol = uri[:uri.index("://")+3]
+    return protocol.lower()
+def uri_get_filename(uri):
+    """
+    Method to return the filename of a file. Could use GnomeVFS for this
+    is it wasnt so slow
+    """
+    return uri.split(os.sep)[-1]
+def uri_sanitize_for_filesystem(uri, filesystem=None):
+    """
+    Removes illegal characters in uri that cannot be stored on the 
+    given filesystem - particuarly fat and ntfs types
+    """
+    import string
+    if filesystem in ("vfat","ntfs"):
+        ILLEGAL_CHARS = "\\:*?\"<>|"
+        #replace illegal chars with a space
+        return uri.translate(string.maketrans(
+                                ILLEGAL_CHARS,
+                                " "*len(ILLEGAL_CHARS)))
+    return uri
+def uri_is_folder(uri):
+    """
+    @returns: True if the uri is a folder and not a file
+    """
+    info = gnomevfs.get_file_info(uri)
+    return info.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+def uri_format_for_display(uri):
+    """
+    Formats the uri so it can be displayed to the user (strips passwords, etc)
+    """
+    return gnomevfs.format_uri_for_display(uri)
+# For monitoring locations
@@ -15,9 +120,6 @@
 MONITOR_FILE =                      gnomevfs.MONITOR_FILE
-class VolumeMonitor(gnomevfs.VolumeMonitor):
-    pass
 def monitor_add(folder, type, monitor_cb):
         return gnomevfs.monitor_add (folder, type, monitor_cb)
@@ -28,27 +130,190 @@
 def monitor_cancel(monitor_id):
-def get_filesystem_type(uri):
+class VolumeMonitor(gnomevfs.VolumeMonitor):
+    pass
+# Scanner ThreadManager
+class FolderScannerThreadManager(object):
-    @returns: The filesystem that uri is stored on or None if it cannot
-    be determined
+    Manages many FolderScanner threads. This involves joining and cancelling
+    said threads, and respecting a maximum num of concurrent threads limit
-    scheme = gnomevfs.get_uri_scheme(uri)
-    if scheme == "file":
-        try:
-            path = gnomevfs.get_local_path_from_uri(uri)
-            volume = VolumeMonitor().get_volume_for_path(path)
-            return  volume.get_filesystem_type()
-        except RuntimeError:
-            log.warn("Could not get local path from URI")
-            return None
-        except AttributeError:
-            log.warn("Could not determine volume for path")
-            return None
-    return None
+    def __init__(self, maxConcurrentThreads=2):
+        self.maxConcurrentThreads = maxConcurrentThreads
+        self.scanThreads = {}
+        self.pendingScanThreadsURIs = []
+    def make_thread(self, folderURI, includeHidden, progressCb, completedCb, *args):
+        """
+        Makes a thread for scanning folderURI. The thread callsback the model
+        at regular intervals with the supplied args
+        """
+        running = len(self.scanThreads) - len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)
+        if folderURI not in self.scanThreads:
+            thread = FolderScanner(folderURI, includeHidden)
+            thread.connect("scan-progress",progressCb, *args)
+            thread.connect("scan-completed",completedCb, *args)
+            thread.connect("scan-completed", self._register_thread_completed, folderURI)
+            self.scanThreads[folderURI] = thread
+            if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
+                log.debug("Starting thread %s" % folderURI)
+                self.scanThreads[folderURI].start()
+            else:
+                self.pendingScanThreadsURIs.append(folderURI)
+            return thread
+        else:
+            return self.scanThreads[folderURI]
+    def _register_thread_completed(self, sender, folderURI):
+        """
+        Decrements the count of concurrent threads and starts any 
+        pending threads if there is space
+        """
+        #delete the old thread
+        del(self.scanThreads[folderURI])
+        running = len(self.scanThreads) - len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)
+        log.debug("Thread %s completed. %s running, %s pending" % (folderURI, running, len(self.pendingScanThreadsURIs)))
+        if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
+            try:
+                uri = self.pendingScanThreadsURIs.pop()
+                log.debug("Starting pending thread %s" % uri)
+                self.scanThreads[uri].start()
+            except IndexError: pass
+    def join_all_threads(self):
+        """
+        Joins all threads (blocks)
+        Unfortunately we join all the threads do it in a loop to account
+        for join() a non started thread failing. To compensate I time.sleep()
+        to not smoke CPU
+        """
+        joinedThreads = 0
+        while(joinedThreads < len(self.scanThreads)):
+            for thread in self.scanThreads.values():
+                try:
+                    thread.join()
+                    joinedThreads += 1
+                except AssertionError: 
+                    #deal with not started threads
+                    time.sleep(1)
+    def cancel_all_threads(self):
+        """
+        Cancels all threads ASAP. My block for a small period of time
+        because we use our own cancel method
+        """
+        for thread in self.scanThreads.values():
+            if thread.isAlive():
+                log.debug("Cancelling thread %s" % thread)
+                thread.cancel()
+            thread.join() #May block
+import threading
+import gobject
+import time
+CONFIG_FILE_NAME = ".conduit.conf"
+class FolderScanner(threading.Thread, gobject.GObject):
+    """
+    Recursively scans a given folder URI, returning the number of
+    contained files.
+    """
+    __gsignals__ =  { 
+                    "scan-progress": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [
+                        gobject.TYPE_INT]),
+                    "scan-completed": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [])
+                    }
+    def __init__(self, baseURI, includeHidden):
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
+        self.baseURI = str(baseURI)
+        self.includeHidden = includeHidden
+        self.dirs = [self.baseURI]
+        self.cancelled = False
+        self.URIs = []
+        self.setName("FolderScanner Thread: %s" % self.baseURI)
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        Recursively adds all files in dirs within the given list.
+        Code adapted from Listen (c) 2006 Mehdi Abaakouk
+        (
+        """
+        delta = 0
+        startTime = time.time()
+        t = 1
+        last_estimated = estimated = 0 
+        while len(self.dirs)>0:
+            if self.cancelled:
+                return
+            dir = self.dirs.pop(0)
+            try:hdir = gnomevfs.DirectoryHandle(dir)
+            except: 
+                log.warn("Folder %s Not found" % dir)
+                continue
+            try: fileinfo =
+            except StopIteration: continue;
+            while fileinfo:
+                filename = uri_escape(
+                if filename in [".","..",CONFIG_FILE_NAME]: 
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    if fileinfo.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY:
+                        #Include hidden directories
+                        if filename[0] != "." or self.includeHidden:
+                            self.dirs.append(dir+"/"+filename)
+                            t += 1
+                    elif fileinfo.type == gnomevfs.FILE_TYPE_REGULAR:
+                        try:
+                            uri = uri_make_canonical(dir+"/"+filename)
+                            #Include hidden files
+                            if filename[0] != "." or self.includeHidden:
+                                self.URIs.append(uri)
+                        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                            raise "UnicodeDecodeError",uri
+                    else:
+                        log.debug("Unsupported file type: %s (%s)" % (filename, fileinfo.type))
+                try: fileinfo =
+                except StopIteration: break;
+            #Calculate the estimated complete percentags
+            estimated = 1.0-float(len(self.dirs))/float(t)
+            estimated *= 100
+            #Enly emit progress signals every 10% (+/- 1%) change to save CPU
+            if delta+10 - estimated <= 1:
+                log.debug("Folder scan %s%% complete" % estimated)
+                self.emit("scan-progress", len(self.URIs))
+                delta += 10
+            last_estimated = estimated
+        i = 0
+        total = len(self.URIs)
+        endTime = time.time()
+        log.debug("%s files loaded in %s seconds" % (total, (endTime - startTime)))
+        self.emit("scan-completed")
+    def cancel(self):
+        """
+        Cancels the thread as soon as possible.
+        """
+        self.cancelled = True
+    def get_uris(self):
+        return self.URIs

Modified: trunk/conduit/dataproviders/
--- trunk/conduit/dataproviders/	(original)
+++ trunk/conduit/dataproviders/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 import conduit.dataproviders.DataProvider as DataProvider
 import conduit.datatypes as DataType
 import conduit.datatypes.File as File
-import conduit.Utils as Utils
+import conduit.Vfs as Vfs
 import conduit.Database as DB
 TYPE_FILE = "0"
-class FileSource(DataProvider.DataSource, Utils.ScannerThreadManager):
+class FileSource(DataProvider.DataSource, Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager):
     _category_ = conduit.dataproviders.CATEGORY_FILES
     _module_type_ = "source"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
-        Utils.ScannerThreadManager.__init__(self)
+        Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager.__init__(self)
         #One table stores the top level files and folders (config)
         #The other stores all files to sync. 
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
     def refresh(self):
         #scan the folder
-        scanThread = Utils.FolderScanner(self.folder, self.includeHidden)
+        scanThread = Vfs.FolderScanner(self.folder, self.includeHidden)

Modified: trunk/conduit/gtkui/
--- trunk/conduit/gtkui/	(original)
+++ trunk/conduit/gtkui/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import conduit
 import conduit.dataproviders.DataProvider as DataProvider
-import conduit.Utils as Utils
+import conduit.Vfs as Vfs
 import conduit.Conflict as Conflict
 from gettext import gettext as _
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@
     def on_compare_conflicts(self, sender):
         model, rowref = self.view.get_selection().get_selected()
         conflict = model.get_value(rowref, CONFLICT_IDX)
-        Utils.open_URI(conflict.sourceData.get_open_URI())
-        Utils.open_URI(conflict.sinkData.get_open_URI())
+        Vfs.uri_open(conflict.sourceData.get_open_URI())
+        Vfs.uri_open(conflict.sinkData.get_open_URI())
     def on_selection_changed(self, treeSelection):

Modified: trunk/conduit/modules/FileModule/
--- trunk/conduit/modules/FileModule/	(original)
+++ trunk/conduit/modules/FileModule/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import conduit
 import conduit.Utils as Utils
+import conduit.Vfs as Vfs
 import conduit.gtkui.Database as Database
 import conduit.dataproviders.File as FileDataProvider
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
 SCAN_COMPLETE_IDX = 4           #(folder only) HAs the folder been recursively scanned
 GROUP_NAME_IDX = 5              #(folder only) The visible identifier for the folder
-class _FileSourceConfigurator(Utils.ScannerThreadManager):
+class _FileSourceConfigurator(Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager):
     Configuration dialog for the FileTwoway dataprovider
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
     def __init__(self, mainWindow, db):
-        Utils.ScannerThreadManager.__init__(self)
+        Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager.__init__(self)
         self.tree = Utils.dataprovider_glade_get_widget(
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
         for uri in selection.get_uris():
                 log.debug("Drag recieved %s" % uri)
-                if Utils.uri_is_folder(uri):
+                if Vfs.uri_is_folder(uri):
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@
         if self.model[path][GROUP_NAME_IDX] != "":
             displayName = self.model[path][GROUP_NAME_IDX]
-            displayName = Utils.uri_format_for_display(uri)
+            displayName = Vfs.uri_format_for_display(uri)
         cell_renderer.set_property("text", displayName)
         cell_renderer.set_property("ellipsize", True)
@@ -240,7 +241,7 @@
         if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
             fileURI = dialog.get_uri()
             #FIXME: Returns a quoted uri string. Inconsistant with other gnomevfs methods
-            #fileURI = Utils.uri_unescape(fileURI)
+            #fileURI = Vfs.uri_unescape(fileURI)
         elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
         if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
             folderURI = dialog.get_uri()
             #FIXME: Returns a quoted uri string. Inconsistant with other gnomevfs methods
-            #folderURI = Utils.uri_unescape(folderURI)
+            #folderURI = Vfs.uri_unescape(folderURI)
         elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@
                 self.folderGroupName = self.folderEntry.get_text()
                 uri = self.folderChooser.get_uri()
-                self.folder = Utils.uri_make_canonical(uri)
+                self.folder = Vfs.uri_make_canonical(uri)
                 self.includeHidden = self.hiddenCb.get_active()
                 self.compareIgnoreMtime = self.mtimeCb.get_active()

Modified: trunk/test/python-tests/
--- trunk/test/python-tests/	(original)
+++ trunk/test/python-tests/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import conduit
 import conduit.datatypes.File as File
 import conduit.Utils as Utils
+import conduit.Vfs as Vfs
 import os
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
     ok("Local: file size = %s" % size,size != None)
     fname = f.get_filename()
     #Not a strict test because my get_filename() is a bit of a hack
-    ok("Local: file name = %s" % fname,fname == Utils.uri_get_filename(i))
+    ok("Local: file name = %s" % fname,fname == Vfs.uri_get_filename(i))
 comp =
 ok("Local Compare: checking oldest < older = %s" % comp,comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_OLDER)
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
     #test rebasing a remote file to local and returning its uri
     lrnewer = File.File(remoteURIs[1])
-    lrnewerfname = Utils.uri_get_filename(remoteURIs[1])
+    lrnewerfname = Vfs.uri_get_filename(remoteURIs[1])
     lrneweruri = lrnewer.get_local_uri()
     ok("Base: getting local copy of a remote file = %s" % lrneweruri,type(lrneweruri) == str and len(lrneweruri) > 0)
     remote = lrnewer.is_local() == 1
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
         ok("Remote: file size = %s" % size,size != None)
         fname = f.get_filename()
         #Not a strict test because my get_filename() is a bit of a hack
-        ok("Remote: file name = %s" % fname,fname == Utils.uri_get_filename(i))
+        ok("Remote: file name = %s" % fname,fname == Vfs.uri_get_filename(i))
     comp =

Modified: trunk/test/python-tests/
--- trunk/test/python-tests/	(original)
+++ trunk/test/python-tests/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -21,17 +21,6 @@
 ok("Test program installed finds sh", Utils.program_installed('sh'))
 ok("Test program installed doesnt find foobar", Utils.program_installed('foobar') == False)
-ok("URI make canonical", Utils.uri_make_canonical("file:///foo/bar/baz/../../bar//") == "file:///foo/bar")
-safe = '/&=:@'
-unsafe = ' !<>#%()[]{}'
-safeunsafe = '%20%21%3C%3E%23%25%28%29%5B%5D%7B%7D'
-ok("Dont escape path characters",Utils.uri_escape(safe+unsafe) == safe+safeunsafe)
-ok("Unescape back to original",Utils.uri_unescape(safe+safeunsafe) == safe+unsafe)
-ok("Get protocol", Utils.uri_get_protocol("file:///foo/bar") == "file://")
-ok("Get filename", Utils.uri_get_filename("file:///foo/bar") == "bar")
 fileuri = Utils.new_tempfile("bla").get_local_uri()
 ok("New tempfile: %s" % fileuri, os.path.isfile(fileuri))
 tmpdiruri = Utils.new_tempdir()
@@ -57,18 +46,6 @@
 VmSize,VmRSS,VmStack = m.calculate()
 ok("Memstats: size:%s rss:%s stack:%s" % (VmSize,VmRSS,VmStack), VmSize > 0 and VmRSS > 0 and VmStack > 0)
-# Test the folder scanner theading stuff
-def prog(*args): pass
-def done(*args): pass
-stm = Utils.ScannerThreadManager(maxConcurrentThreads=1)
-t1 = stm.make_thread("file:///tmp", False, prog, done)
-t2 = stm.make_thread("file://"+tmpdiruri, False, prog, done)
-ok("Scanned /tmp ok - found %s" % fileuri, "file://"+fileuri in t1.get_uris())
-ok("Scanned %s ok (empty)" % tmpdiruri, t2.get_uris() == [])
 # Test the shink command line executer
 conv = Utils.CommandLineConverter()
 conv.build_command("ls %s %s")

Copied: trunk/test/python-tests/ (from r1176, /trunk/test/python-tests/
--- /trunk/test/python-tests/	(original)
+++ trunk/test/python-tests/	Thu Jan 10 04:33:19 2008
@@ -1,67 +1,27 @@
 #common sets up the conduit environment
 from common import *
+import conduit.Vfs as Vfs
 import conduit.Utils as Utils
-import datetime
-import os.path
-#Test resizing an image 200wx100h
-w,h = Utils.get_proportional_resize(100,None,200,100)
-ok("Resized Image in one dimension OK", w==100 and h==50)
-w,h = Utils.get_proportional_resize(None,1000,200,100)
-ok("Resized Image in one dimension OK", w==2000 and h==1000)
-w,h = Utils.get_proportional_resize(200,1000,200,100)
-ok("Resized Image in both dimension OK", w==2000 and h==1000)
-w,h = Utils.get_proportional_resize(2000,100,200,100)
-ok("Resized Image in both dimension OK", w==2000 and h==1000)
-w,h = Utils.get_proportional_resize(10,5,200,100)
-ok("Resized Image in both dimension OK", w==10 and h==5)
-ok("Resized Image returns integers", type(w)==int and type(h)==int)
-ok("Test program installed finds sh", Utils.program_installed('sh'))
-ok("Test program installed doesnt find foobar", Utils.program_installed('foobar') == False)
-ok("URI make canonical", Utils.uri_make_canonical("file:///foo/bar/baz/../../bar//") == "file:///foo/bar")
+ok("URI make canonical", Vfs.uri_make_canonical("file:///foo/bar/baz/../../bar//") == "file:///foo/bar")
 safe = '/&=:@'
 unsafe = ' !<>#%()[]{}'
 safeunsafe = '%20%21%3C%3E%23%25%28%29%5B%5D%7B%7D'
-ok("Dont escape path characters",Utils.uri_escape(safe+unsafe) == safe+safeunsafe)
-ok("Unescape back to original",Utils.uri_unescape(safe+safeunsafe) == safe+unsafe)
-ok("Get protocol", Utils.uri_get_protocol("file:///foo/bar") == "file://")
-ok("Get filename", Utils.uri_get_filename("file:///foo/bar") == "bar")
+ok("Dont escape path characters",Vfs.uri_escape(safe+unsafe) == safe+safeunsafe)
+ok("Unescape back to original",Vfs.uri_unescape(safe+safeunsafe) == safe+unsafe)
+ok("Get protocol", Vfs.uri_get_protocol("file:///foo/bar") == "file://")
+ok("Get filename", Vfs.uri_get_filename("file:///foo/bar") == "bar")
-fileuri = Utils.new_tempfile("bla").get_local_uri()
-ok("New tempfile: %s" % fileuri, os.path.isfile(fileuri))
+# Test the folder scanner theading stuff
 tmpdiruri = Utils.new_tempdir()
-ok("New tempdir: %s" % tmpdiruri, os.path.isdir(tmpdiruri))
-ok("Unique list keep order", Utils.unique_list([1,1,2,2,3,3,5,5,4,4]) == [1,2,3,5,4])
-s = Utils.random_string()
-ok("Random string: %s" % s, len(s) > 0 and type(s) == str)
-s = Utils.md5_string('Foo')
-ok("md5 string: %s" % s, len(s) > 0 and type(s) == str)
-s = Utils.uuid_string()
-ok("uuid string: %s" % s, len(s) > 0 and type(s) == str)
-s = Utils.get_user_string()
-ok("user string: %s" % s, len(s) > 0 and type(s) == str)
-ts = 0
-dt = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0)
-ok("Datetime to unix timestamp", Utils.datetime_get_timestamp(dt) == ts)
-ok("Unix timestamp to datetime", Utils.datetime_from_timestamp(ts) == dt)
-m = Utils.Memstats()
-VmSize,VmRSS,VmStack = m.calculate()
-ok("Memstats: size:%s rss:%s stack:%s" % (VmSize,VmRSS,VmStack), VmSize > 0 and VmRSS > 0 and VmStack > 0)
+fileuri = Utils.new_tempfile("bla").get_local_uri()
+stm = Vfs.FolderScannerThreadManager(maxConcurrentThreads=1)
-# Test the folder scanner theading stuff
 def prog(*args): pass
 def done(*args): pass
-stm = Utils.ScannerThreadManager(maxConcurrentThreads=1)
 t1 = stm.make_thread("file:///tmp", False, prog, done)
 t2 = stm.make_thread("file://"+tmpdiruri, False, prog, done)
@@ -69,11 +29,4 @@
 ok("Scanned /tmp ok - found %s" % fileuri, "file://"+fileuri in t1.get_uris())
 ok("Scanned %s ok (empty)" % tmpdiruri, t2.get_uris() == [])
-# Test the shink command line executer
-conv = Utils.CommandLineConverter()
-conv.build_command("ls %s %s")
-cmdok,output = conv.convert("/tmp","/dev/null",callback=None,save_output=True)
-ok("Command executed ok", cmdok == True and len(output) > 0)

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