ooo-build r11695 - in trunk: . patches/src680 patches/svgimport
- From: strba svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r11695 - in trunk: . patches/src680 patches/svgimport
- Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:34:43 +0000 (GMT)
Author: strba
Date: Sun Feb 24 10:34:43 2008
New Revision: 11695
2008-02-24 Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
* patches/svgimport/svg-import-basegfx.diff,
patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff: fix an issue with closed bezier
polygons (patch Thorsten Behrens).
Modified: trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff
--- trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff (original)
+++ trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff Sun Feb 24 10:34:43 2008
@@ -1,58 +1,773 @@
-diff --git a/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx b/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-index a84ad15..14ac14f 100644
---- basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-+++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-@@ -127,19 +127,37 @@ namespace basegfx
- /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx 2008-02-24 11:25:04.000000000 +0100
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx 2008-02-24 11:24:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -665,6 +665,32 @@
+ return true;
+ }
- This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG-D
-- statement. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
-+ attribute. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
- supported (and ignored during parsing).
++ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute )
++ {
++ o_rPoly.clear();
++ const sal_Int32 nLen(rSvgPointsAttribute.getLength());
++ sal_Int32 nPos(0);
++ double nX, nY;
++ // skip initial whitespace
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen)
++ {
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ // add point
++ o_rPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // skip to next number, or finish
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
+ ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
+ const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
+ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
+@@ -678,13 +704,23 @@
+ {
+ const B2DPolygon aPolygon(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(i));
+ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(aPolygon.count());
++ // simply skip empty polygons - avoids special-casing
++ // this below for the n+1 fix for closed polygons
++ if( !aPolygon.count() )
++ continue;
+ const bool bPolyUsesControlPoints(aPolygon.areControlPointsUsed());
++ // to correctly write out closed curves, need to
++ // output first point twice (so output one additional
++ // point)
++ const sal_uInt32 nExtendedPointCount(nPointCount + aPolygon.isClosed()*bPolyUsesControlPoints);
+ sal_Unicode aLastSVGCommand(' '); // last SVG command char
+ B2DPoint aLeft, aRight; // for quadratic bezier test
- @param o_rPolyPoly
- The output poly-polygon
+- for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j < nPointCount; j++)
++ for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j<nExtendedPointCount; j++)
+ {
+- const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j));
++ const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j%nPointCount));
-- @param rSvgDStatement
-- A valid SVG-D statement
-+ @param rSvgDAttribute
-+ A valid SVG-D attribute string
+ if(0 == j)
+ {
+@@ -697,15 +733,17 @@
+ else
+ {
+ // handle edge from j-1 to j
+- const bool bEdgeIsBezier(bPolyUsesControlPoints
+- && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed(j - 1) || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j)));
++ const bool bEdgeIsBezier(
++ bPolyUsesControlPoints
++ && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed((j - 1)%nPointCount)
++ || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j%nPointCount)));
+ if(bEdgeIsBezier)
+ {
+ // handle bezier edge
+- const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint(j - 1));
+- const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j));
+- const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint(j - 1));
++ const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint((j - 1)%nPointCount));
++ const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j%nPointCount));
++ const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint((j - 1)%nPointCount));
+ const bool bSymmetricControlVector(CONTINUITY_C2 == aPrevCont);
+ bool bIsQuadraticBezier(false);
- @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
- */
-- bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
-- const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDStatement );
-+ bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
-+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDAttribute );
-+ /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
-+ This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG points
-+ attribute (a plain list of coordinate pairs).
-+ @param o_rPoly
-+ The output polygon. Note that svg:points can only define a
-+ single polygon
+@@ -798,7 +836,13 @@
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- // normal straight line points
++ // normal straight line points - no need
++ // to write extra segments for closed
++ // polygons here (see n+1 fix above for
++ // reasoning)
++ if( j==nPointCount )
++ continue;
+ if(aLastPoint.getX() == aCurrent.getX())
+ {
+ // export as vertical line
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx.orig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx.orig 2008-02-23 23:29:27.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * $RCSfile: b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx,v $
++ *
++ * $Revision: 1.7 $
++ *
++ * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007/07/18 11:07:24 $
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ * =============================================
++ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ * MA 02111-1307 USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
++#ifndef _RTL_USTRING_
++#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
++#include <rtl/math.hxx>
++namespace basegfx
++ namespace tools
++ {
++ namespace
++ {
++ void lcl_skipSpaces(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ while( io_rPos < nLen &&
++ sal_Unicode(' ') == rStr[io_rPos] )
++ {
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
-+ @param rSvgPointsAttribute
-+ A valid SVG points attribute string
++ void lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ while(io_rPos < nLen
++ && (sal_Unicode(' ') == rStr[io_rPos] || sal_Unicode(',') == rStr[io_rPos]))
++ {
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
-+ @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
-+ */
-+ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
-+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute );
++ bool lcl_isOnNumberChar(const ::rtl::OUString& rStr, const sal_Int32 nPos, bool bSignAllowed = true)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aChar(rStr[nPos]);
++ const bool bPredicate( (sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || (bSignAllowed && sal_Unicode('+') == aChar)
++ || (bSignAllowed && sal_Unicode('-') == aChar) );
++ return bPredicate;
++ }
++ bool lcl_getDoubleChar(double& o_fRetval,
++ sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 /*nLen*/)
++ {
++ sal_Unicode aChar( rStr[io_rPos] );
++ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sNumberString;
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ while((sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || sal_Unicode('.') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ if(sal_Unicode('e') == aChar || sal_Unicode('E') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ while(sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ }
++ if(sNumberString.getLength())
++ {
++ rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus;
++ o_fRetval = ::rtl::math::stringToDouble( sNumberString.makeStringAndClear(),
++ (sal_Unicode)('.'),
++ (sal_Unicode)(','),
++ &eStatus,
++ NULL );
++ return ( eStatus == rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok );
++ }
++ return false;
++ }
++ bool lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces( double& o_fRetval,
++ sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen )
++ {
++ if( !lcl_getDoubleChar(o_fRetval, io_rPos, rStr, nLen) )
++ return false;
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ return true;
++ }
++ void lcl_skipNumber(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ bool bSignAllowed(true);
++ while(io_rPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rStr, io_rPos, bSignAllowed))
++ {
++ bSignAllowed = false;
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
++ void lcl_skipDouble(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 /*nLen*/)
++ {
++ sal_Unicode aChar( rStr[io_rPos] );
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ while((sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || sal_Unicode('.') == aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ if(sal_Unicode('e') == aChar || sal_Unicode('E') == aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ while(sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ void lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ lcl_skipNumber(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ }
++ // #100617# Allow to skip doubles, too.
++ void lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ lcl_skipDouble(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ }
++ void lcl_putNumberChar( ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ double fValue )
++ {
++ rStr += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( fValue );
++ }
++ void lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace( ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ double fValue,
++ double fOldValue,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ {
++ if( bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ fValue -= fOldValue;
++ const sal_Int32 aLen( rStr.getLength() );
++ if(aLen)
++ {
++ if( lcl_isOnNumberChar(rStr, aLen - 1, false) &&
++ fValue >= 0.0 )
++ {
++ rStr += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ sal_Unicode(' ') );
++ }
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberChar(rStr, fValue);
++ }
++ inline sal_Unicode lcl_getCommand( sal_Char cUpperCaseCommand,
++ sal_Char cLowerCaseCommand,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ {
++ return bUseRelativeCoordinates ? cLowerCaseCommand : cUpperCaseCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ bool importFromSvgD(B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPolygon, const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDStatement)
++ {
++ o_rPolyPolygon.clear();
++ const sal_Int32 nLen(rSvgDStatement.getLength());
++ sal_Int32 nPos(0);
++ bool bIsClosed(false);
++ double nLastX( 0.0 );
++ double nLastY( 0.0 );
++ B2DPolygon aCurrPoly;
++ // skip initial whitespace
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen)
++ {
++ bool bRelative(false);
++ bool bMoveTo(false);
++ const sal_Unicode aCurrChar(rSvgDStatement[nPos]);
++ switch(aCurrChar)
++ {
++ case 'z' :
++ case 'Z' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ // remember closed state of current polygon
++ bIsClosed = true;
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'm' :
++ case 'M' :
++ {
++ bMoveTo = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'l' :
++ case 'L' :
++ {
++ if('m' == aCurrChar || 'l' == aCurrChar)
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ }
++ if(bMoveTo)
++ {
++ // new polygon start, finish old one
++ if(aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.setClosed(bIsClosed);
++ bIsClosed = false;
++ o_rPolyPolygon.append(aCurrPoly);
++ aCurrPoly.clear();
++ }
++ }
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'h' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'H' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY(nLastY);
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'v' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'V' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX(nLastX), nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastY = nY;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 's' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'S' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX2, nY2;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX2 += nLastX;
++ nY2 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // get first control point. It's the reflection of the PrevControlPoint
++ // of the last point. If not existent, use current point (see SVG)
++ B2DPoint aPrevControl(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ const sal_uInt32 nIndex(aCurrPoly.count() - 1);
++ if(aCurrPoly.areControlPointsUsed() && aCurrPoly.isPrevControlPointUsed(nIndex))
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aPrevPoint(aCurrPoly.getB2DPoint(nIndex));
++ const B2DPoint aPrevControlPoint(aCurrPoly.getPrevControlPoint(nIndex));
++ // use mirrored previous control point
++ aPrevControl.setX((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getX()) - aPrevControlPoint.getX());
++ aPrevControl.setY((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getY()) - aPrevControlPoint.getY());
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(aPrevControl, B2DPoint(nX2, nY2), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'c' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'C' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX1, nY1;
++ double nX2, nY2;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX1 += nLastX;
++ nY1 += nLastY;
++ nX2 += nLastX;
++ nY2 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(B2DPoint(nX1, nY1), B2DPoint(nX2, nY2), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# quadratic beziers are imported as cubic ones
++ case 'q' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'Q' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX1, nY1;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX1 += nLastX;
++ nY1 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // calculate the cubic bezier coefficients from the quadratic ones
++ const double nX1Prime((nX1 * 2.0 + nLastX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY1Prime((nY1 * 2.0 + nLastY) / 3.0);
++ const double nX2Prime((nX1 * 2.0 + nX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY2Prime((nY1 * 2.0 + nY) / 3.0);
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(B2DPoint(nX1Prime, nY1Prime), B2DPoint(nX2Prime, nY2Prime), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# relative quadratic beziers are imported as cubic
++ case 't' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'T' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // get first control point. It's the reflection of the PrevControlPoint
++ // of the last point. If not existent, use current point (see SVG)
++ B2DPoint aPrevControl(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ const sal_uInt32 nIndex(aCurrPoly.count() - 1);
++ const B2DPoint aPrevPoint(aCurrPoly.getB2DPoint(nIndex));
++ if(aCurrPoly.areControlPointsUsed() && aCurrPoly.isPrevControlPointUsed(nIndex))
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aPrevControlPoint(aCurrPoly.getPrevControlPoint(nIndex));
++ // use mirrored previous control point
++ aPrevControl.setX((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getX()) - aPrevControlPoint.getX());
++ aPrevControl.setY((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getY()) - aPrevControlPoint.getY());
++ }
++ if(!aPrevControl.equal(aPrevPoint))
++ {
++ // there is a prev control point, and we have the already mirrored one
++ // in aPrevControl. We also need the quadratic control point for this
++ // new quadratic segment to calculate the 2nd cubic control point
++ const B2DPoint aQuadControlPoint(
++ ((3.0 * aPrevControl.getX()) - aPrevPoint.getX()) / 2.0,
++ ((3.0 * aPrevControl.getY()) - aPrevPoint.getY()) / 2.0);
++ // calculate the cubic bezier coefficients from the quadratic ones.
++ const double nX2Prime((aQuadControlPoint.getX() * 2.0 + nX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY2Prime((aQuadControlPoint.getY() * 2.0 + nY) / 3.0);
++ // append curved edge, use mirrored cubic control point directly
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(aPrevControl, B2DPoint(nX2Prime, nY2Prime), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // when no previous control, SVG says to use current point -> straight line.
++ // Just add end point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# not yet supported: elliptical arc
++ case 'A' :
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ case 'a' :
++ {
++ OSL_ENSURE(false, "importFromSvgD(): non-interpreted tags in svg:d element (elliptical arc)!");
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ {
++ OSL_ENSURE(false, "importFromSvgD(): skipping tags in svg:d element (unknown)!");
++ OSL_TRACE("importFromSvgD(): skipping tags in svg:d element (unknown: \"%c\")!", aCurrChar);
++ ++nPos;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ // end-process last poly
++ aCurrPoly.setClosed(bIsClosed);
++ o_rPolyPolygon.append(aCurrPoly);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
- // create 3d PolyPolygon from given 2d PolyPolygon. The given fZCoordinate is used to expand the
- // third coordinate.
-diff --git a/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx b/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-index 8965007..170d453 100644
---- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-+++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-@@ -665,6 +665,32 @@ namespace basegfx
- return true;
- }
+ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute )
+ {
@@ -79,6 +794,197 @@
+ return true;
+ }
- ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
- const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
- bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
++ ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
++ const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
++ bool bDetectQuadraticBeziers)
++ {
++ const sal_uInt32 nCount(rPolyPolygon.count());
++ ::rtl::OUString aResult;
++ B2DPoint aLastPoint(0.0, 0.0); // SVG assumes (0,0) as the initial current point
++ for(sal_uInt32 i(0); i < nCount; i++)
++ {
++ const B2DPolygon aPolygon(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(i));
++ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(aPolygon.count());
++ const bool bPolyUsesControlPoints(aPolygon.areControlPointsUsed());
++ sal_Unicode aLastSVGCommand(' '); // last SVG command char
++ B2DPoint aLeft, aRight; // for quadratic bezier test
++ for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j < nPointCount; j++)
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j));
++ if(0 == j)
++ {
++ // handle first polygon point
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(lcl_getCommand('M', 'm', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = lcl_getCommand('L', 'l', bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // handle edge from j-1 to j
++ const bool bEdgeIsBezier(bPolyUsesControlPoints
++ && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed(j - 1) || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j)));
++ if(bEdgeIsBezier)
++ {
++ // handle bezier edge
++ const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint(j - 1));
++ const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j));
++ const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint(j - 1));
++ const bool bSymmetricControlVector(CONTINUITY_C2 == aPrevCont);
++ bool bIsQuadraticBezier(false);
++ if(bDetectQuadraticBeziers)
++ {
++ // check for quadratic beziers - that's
++ // the case if both control points are in
++ // the same place when they are prolonged
++ // to the common quadratic control point
++ //
++ // Left: P = (3P1 - P0) / 2
++ // Right: P = (3P2 - P3) / 2
++ aLeft = B2DPoint((3.0 * aControl0 - aLastPoint) / 2.0);
++ aRight= B2DPoint((3.0 * aControl1 - aCurrent) / 2.0);
++ bIsQuadraticBezier = aLeft.equal(aRight);
++ }
++ if(bIsQuadraticBezier)
++ {
++ // approximately equal, export as quadratic bezier
++ if(bSymmetricControlVector)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('T', 't', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('Q', 'q', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aLeft.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aLeft.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // export as cubic bezier
++ if(bSymmetricControlVector)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('S', 's', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('C', 'c', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl0.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl0.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // normal straight line points
++ if(aLastPoint.getX() == aCurrent.getX())
++ {
++ // export as vertical line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('V', 'v', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else if(aLastPoint.getY() == aCurrent.getY())
++ {
++ // export as horizontal line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('H', 'h', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // export as line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('L', 'l', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ aLastPoint = aCurrent;
++ }
++ // close path if closed poly (Z and z are equivalent here, but looks nicer
++ // when case is matched)
++ if(aPolygon.isClosed())
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(lcl_getCommand('Z', 'z', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ }
++ }
++ return aResult;
++ }
++ }
++// eof
Modified: trunk/patches/svgimport/svg-import-basegfx.diff
--- trunk/patches/svgimport/svg-import-basegfx.diff (original)
+++ trunk/patches/svgimport/svg-import-basegfx.diff Sun Feb 24 10:34:43 2008
@@ -1,58 +1,773 @@
-diff --git a/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx b/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-index a84ad15..14ac14f 100644
---- basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-+++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
-@@ -127,19 +127,37 @@ namespace basegfx
- /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx 2008-02-24 11:25:04.000000000 +0100
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx 2008-02-24 11:24:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -665,6 +665,32 @@
+ return true;
+ }
- This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG-D
-- statement. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
-+ attribute. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
- supported (and ignored during parsing).
++ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute )
++ {
++ o_rPoly.clear();
++ const sal_Int32 nLen(rSvgPointsAttribute.getLength());
++ sal_Int32 nPos(0);
++ double nX, nY;
++ // skip initial whitespace
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen)
++ {
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ // add point
++ o_rPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // skip to next number, or finish
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
+ ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
+ const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
+ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
+@@ -678,13 +704,23 @@
+ {
+ const B2DPolygon aPolygon(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(i));
+ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(aPolygon.count());
++ // simply skip empty polygons - avoids special-casing
++ // this below for the n+1 fix for closed polygons
++ if( !aPolygon.count() )
++ continue;
+ const bool bPolyUsesControlPoints(aPolygon.areControlPointsUsed());
++ // to correctly write out closed curves, need to
++ // output first point twice (so output one additional
++ // point)
++ const sal_uInt32 nExtendedPointCount(nPointCount + aPolygon.isClosed()*bPolyUsesControlPoints);
+ sal_Unicode aLastSVGCommand(' '); // last SVG command char
+ B2DPoint aLeft, aRight; // for quadratic bezier test
- @param o_rPolyPoly
- The output poly-polygon
+- for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j < nPointCount; j++)
++ for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j<nExtendedPointCount; j++)
+ {
+- const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j));
++ const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j%nPointCount));
-- @param rSvgDStatement
-- A valid SVG-D statement
-+ @param rSvgDAttribute
-+ A valid SVG-D attribute string
+ if(0 == j)
+ {
+@@ -697,15 +733,17 @@
+ else
+ {
+ // handle edge from j-1 to j
+- const bool bEdgeIsBezier(bPolyUsesControlPoints
+- && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed(j - 1) || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j)));
++ const bool bEdgeIsBezier(
++ bPolyUsesControlPoints
++ && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed((j - 1)%nPointCount)
++ || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j%nPointCount)));
+ if(bEdgeIsBezier)
+ {
+ // handle bezier edge
+- const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint(j - 1));
+- const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j));
+- const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint(j - 1));
++ const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint((j - 1)%nPointCount));
++ const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j%nPointCount));
++ const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint((j - 1)%nPointCount));
+ const bool bSymmetricControlVector(CONTINUITY_C2 == aPrevCont);
+ bool bIsQuadraticBezier(false);
- @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
- */
-- bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
-- const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDStatement );
-+ bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
-+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDAttribute );
-+ /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
-+ This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG points
-+ attribute (a plain list of coordinate pairs).
-+ @param o_rPoly
-+ The output polygon. Note that svg:points can only define a
-+ single polygon
+@@ -798,7 +836,13 @@
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- // normal straight line points
++ // normal straight line points - no need
++ // to write extra segments for closed
++ // polygons here (see n+1 fix above for
++ // reasoning)
++ if( j==nPointCount )
++ continue;
+ if(aLastPoint.getX() == aCurrent.getX())
+ {
+ // export as vertical line
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx.orig 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx.orig 2008-02-23 23:29:27.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * $RCSfile: b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx,v $
++ *
++ * $Revision: 1.7 $
++ *
++ * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007/07/18 11:07:24 $
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ * =============================================
++ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ * MA 02111-1307 USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
++#ifndef _RTL_USTRING_
++#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
++#include <rtl/math.hxx>
++namespace basegfx
++ namespace tools
++ {
++ namespace
++ {
++ void lcl_skipSpaces(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ while( io_rPos < nLen &&
++ sal_Unicode(' ') == rStr[io_rPos] )
++ {
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
-+ @param rSvgPointsAttribute
-+ A valid SVG points attribute string
++ void lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ while(io_rPos < nLen
++ && (sal_Unicode(' ') == rStr[io_rPos] || sal_Unicode(',') == rStr[io_rPos]))
++ {
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
-+ @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
-+ */
-+ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
-+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute );
++ bool lcl_isOnNumberChar(const ::rtl::OUString& rStr, const sal_Int32 nPos, bool bSignAllowed = true)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aChar(rStr[nPos]);
++ const bool bPredicate( (sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || (bSignAllowed && sal_Unicode('+') == aChar)
++ || (bSignAllowed && sal_Unicode('-') == aChar) );
++ return bPredicate;
++ }
++ bool lcl_getDoubleChar(double& o_fRetval,
++ sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 /*nLen*/)
++ {
++ sal_Unicode aChar( rStr[io_rPos] );
++ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sNumberString;
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ while((sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || sal_Unicode('.') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ if(sal_Unicode('e') == aChar || sal_Unicode('E') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ while(sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ {
++ sNumberString.append(rStr[io_rPos]);
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ }
++ if(sNumberString.getLength())
++ {
++ rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus;
++ o_fRetval = ::rtl::math::stringToDouble( sNumberString.makeStringAndClear(),
++ (sal_Unicode)('.'),
++ (sal_Unicode)(','),
++ &eStatus,
++ NULL );
++ return ( eStatus == rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok );
++ }
++ return false;
++ }
++ bool lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces( double& o_fRetval,
++ sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen )
++ {
++ if( !lcl_getDoubleChar(o_fRetval, io_rPos, rStr, nLen) )
++ return false;
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ return true;
++ }
++ void lcl_skipNumber(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ bool bSignAllowed(true);
++ while(io_rPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rStr, io_rPos, bSignAllowed))
++ {
++ bSignAllowed = false;
++ ++io_rPos;
++ }
++ }
++ void lcl_skipDouble(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 /*nLen*/)
++ {
++ sal_Unicode aChar( rStr[io_rPos] );
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ while((sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ || sal_Unicode('.') == aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ if(sal_Unicode('e') == aChar || sal_Unicode('E') == aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ if(sal_Unicode('+') == aChar || sal_Unicode('-') == aChar)
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ while(sal_Unicode('0') <= aChar && sal_Unicode('9') >= aChar)
++ {
++ aChar = rStr[++io_rPos];
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ void lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ lcl_skipNumber(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ }
++ // #100617# Allow to skip doubles, too.
++ void lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(sal_Int32& io_rPos,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ const sal_Int32 nLen)
++ {
++ lcl_skipDouble(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ lcl_skipSpacesAndCommas(io_rPos, rStr, nLen);
++ }
++ void lcl_putNumberChar( ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ double fValue )
++ {
++ rStr += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( fValue );
++ }
++ void lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace( ::rtl::OUString& rStr,
++ double fValue,
++ double fOldValue,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ {
++ if( bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ fValue -= fOldValue;
++ const sal_Int32 aLen( rStr.getLength() );
++ if(aLen)
++ {
++ if( lcl_isOnNumberChar(rStr, aLen - 1, false) &&
++ fValue >= 0.0 )
++ {
++ rStr += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ sal_Unicode(' ') );
++ }
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberChar(rStr, fValue);
++ }
++ inline sal_Unicode lcl_getCommand( sal_Char cUpperCaseCommand,
++ sal_Char cLowerCaseCommand,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates )
++ {
++ return bUseRelativeCoordinates ? cLowerCaseCommand : cUpperCaseCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ bool importFromSvgD(B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPolygon, const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDStatement)
++ {
++ o_rPolyPolygon.clear();
++ const sal_Int32 nLen(rSvgDStatement.getLength());
++ sal_Int32 nPos(0);
++ bool bIsClosed(false);
++ double nLastX( 0.0 );
++ double nLastY( 0.0 );
++ B2DPolygon aCurrPoly;
++ // skip initial whitespace
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen)
++ {
++ bool bRelative(false);
++ bool bMoveTo(false);
++ const sal_Unicode aCurrChar(rSvgDStatement[nPos]);
++ switch(aCurrChar)
++ {
++ case 'z' :
++ case 'Z' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ // remember closed state of current polygon
++ bIsClosed = true;
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'm' :
++ case 'M' :
++ {
++ bMoveTo = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'l' :
++ case 'L' :
++ {
++ if('m' == aCurrChar || 'l' == aCurrChar)
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ }
++ if(bMoveTo)
++ {
++ // new polygon start, finish old one
++ if(aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.setClosed(bIsClosed);
++ bIsClosed = false;
++ o_rPolyPolygon.append(aCurrPoly);
++ aCurrPoly.clear();
++ }
++ }
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'h' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'H' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY(nLastY);
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'v' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'V' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX(nLastX), nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastY = nY;
++ // add point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 's' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'S' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX2, nY2;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX2 += nLastX;
++ nY2 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // get first control point. It's the reflection of the PrevControlPoint
++ // of the last point. If not existent, use current point (see SVG)
++ B2DPoint aPrevControl(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ const sal_uInt32 nIndex(aCurrPoly.count() - 1);
++ if(aCurrPoly.areControlPointsUsed() && aCurrPoly.isPrevControlPointUsed(nIndex))
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aPrevPoint(aCurrPoly.getB2DPoint(nIndex));
++ const B2DPoint aPrevControlPoint(aCurrPoly.getPrevControlPoint(nIndex));
++ // use mirrored previous control point
++ aPrevControl.setX((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getX()) - aPrevControlPoint.getX());
++ aPrevControl.setY((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getY()) - aPrevControlPoint.getY());
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(aPrevControl, B2DPoint(nX2, nY2), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ case 'c' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'C' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX1, nY1;
++ double nX2, nY2;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY2, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX1 += nLastX;
++ nY1 += nLastY;
++ nX2 += nLastX;
++ nY2 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(B2DPoint(nX1, nY1), B2DPoint(nX2, nY2), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# quadratic beziers are imported as cubic ones
++ case 'q' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'Q' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ double nX1, nY1;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY1, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX1 += nLastX;
++ nY1 += nLastY;
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // calculate the cubic bezier coefficients from the quadratic ones
++ const double nX1Prime((nX1 * 2.0 + nLastX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY1Prime((nY1 * 2.0 + nLastY) / 3.0);
++ const double nX2Prime((nX1 * 2.0 + nX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY2Prime((nY1 * 2.0 + nY) / 3.0);
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // append curved edge
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(B2DPoint(nX1Prime, nY1Prime), B2DPoint(nX2Prime, nY2Prime), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# relative quadratic beziers are imported as cubic
++ case 't' :
++ {
++ bRelative = true;
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ }
++ case 'T' :
++ {
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ double nX, nY;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen)) return false;
++ if(bRelative)
++ {
++ nX += nLastX;
++ nY += nLastY;
++ }
++ // ensure existance of start point
++ if(!aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ }
++ // get first control point. It's the reflection of the PrevControlPoint
++ // of the last point. If not existent, use current point (see SVG)
++ B2DPoint aPrevControl(B2DPoint(nLastX, nLastY));
++ const sal_uInt32 nIndex(aCurrPoly.count() - 1);
++ const B2DPoint aPrevPoint(aCurrPoly.getB2DPoint(nIndex));
++ if(aCurrPoly.areControlPointsUsed() && aCurrPoly.isPrevControlPointUsed(nIndex))
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aPrevControlPoint(aCurrPoly.getPrevControlPoint(nIndex));
++ // use mirrored previous control point
++ aPrevControl.setX((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getX()) - aPrevControlPoint.getX());
++ aPrevControl.setY((2.0 * aPrevPoint.getY()) - aPrevControlPoint.getY());
++ }
++ if(!aPrevControl.equal(aPrevPoint))
++ {
++ // there is a prev control point, and we have the already mirrored one
++ // in aPrevControl. We also need the quadratic control point for this
++ // new quadratic segment to calculate the 2nd cubic control point
++ const B2DPoint aQuadControlPoint(
++ ((3.0 * aPrevControl.getX()) - aPrevPoint.getX()) / 2.0,
++ ((3.0 * aPrevControl.getY()) - aPrevPoint.getY()) / 2.0);
++ // calculate the cubic bezier coefficients from the quadratic ones.
++ const double nX2Prime((aQuadControlPoint.getX() * 2.0 + nX) / 3.0);
++ const double nY2Prime((aQuadControlPoint.getY() * 2.0 + nY) / 3.0);
++ // append curved edge, use mirrored cubic control point directly
++ aCurrPoly.appendBezierSegment(aPrevControl, B2DPoint(nX2Prime, nY2Prime), B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // when no previous control, SVG says to use current point -> straight line.
++ // Just add end point
++ aCurrPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ }
++ // set last position
++ nLastX = nX;
++ nLastY = nY;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ // #100617# not yet supported: elliptical arc
++ case 'A' :
++ // FALLTHROUGH intended
++ case 'a' :
++ {
++ OSL_ENSURE(false, "importFromSvgD(): non-interpreted tags in svg:d element (elliptical arc)!");
++ nPos++;
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen && lcl_isOnNumberChar(rSvgDStatement, nPos))
++ {
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipNumberAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ lcl_skipDoubleAndSpacesAndCommas(nPos, rSvgDStatement, nLen);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ {
++ OSL_ENSURE(false, "importFromSvgD(): skipping tags in svg:d element (unknown)!");
++ OSL_TRACE("importFromSvgD(): skipping tags in svg:d element (unknown: \"%c\")!", aCurrChar);
++ ++nPos;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(aCurrPoly.count())
++ {
++ // end-process last poly
++ aCurrPoly.setClosed(bIsClosed);
++ o_rPolyPolygon.append(aCurrPoly);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
- // create 3d PolyPolygon from given 2d PolyPolygon. The given fZCoordinate is used to expand the
- // third coordinate.
-diff --git a/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx b/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-index 8965007..170d453 100644
---- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-+++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
-@@ -665,6 +665,32 @@ namespace basegfx
- return true;
- }
+ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute )
+ {
@@ -79,6 +794,197 @@
+ return true;
+ }
- ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
- const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
- bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
++ ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
++ const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
++ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
++ bool bDetectQuadraticBeziers)
++ {
++ const sal_uInt32 nCount(rPolyPolygon.count());
++ ::rtl::OUString aResult;
++ B2DPoint aLastPoint(0.0, 0.0); // SVG assumes (0,0) as the initial current point
++ for(sal_uInt32 i(0); i < nCount; i++)
++ {
++ const B2DPolygon aPolygon(rPolyPolygon.getB2DPolygon(i));
++ const sal_uInt32 nPointCount(aPolygon.count());
++ const bool bPolyUsesControlPoints(aPolygon.areControlPointsUsed());
++ sal_Unicode aLastSVGCommand(' '); // last SVG command char
++ B2DPoint aLeft, aRight; // for quadratic bezier test
++ for(sal_uInt32 j(0); j < nPointCount; j++)
++ {
++ const B2DPoint aCurrent(aPolygon.getB2DPoint(j));
++ if(0 == j)
++ {
++ // handle first polygon point
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(lcl_getCommand('M', 'm', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = lcl_getCommand('L', 'l', bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // handle edge from j-1 to j
++ const bool bEdgeIsBezier(bPolyUsesControlPoints
++ && (aPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed(j - 1) || aPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed(j)));
++ if(bEdgeIsBezier)
++ {
++ // handle bezier edge
++ const B2DPoint aControl0(aPolygon.getNextControlPoint(j - 1));
++ const B2DPoint aControl1(aPolygon.getPrevControlPoint(j));
++ const B2VectorContinuity aPrevCont(aPolygon.getContinuityInPoint(j - 1));
++ const bool bSymmetricControlVector(CONTINUITY_C2 == aPrevCont);
++ bool bIsQuadraticBezier(false);
++ if(bDetectQuadraticBeziers)
++ {
++ // check for quadratic beziers - that's
++ // the case if both control points are in
++ // the same place when they are prolonged
++ // to the common quadratic control point
++ //
++ // Left: P = (3P1 - P0) / 2
++ // Right: P = (3P2 - P3) / 2
++ aLeft = B2DPoint((3.0 * aControl0 - aLastPoint) / 2.0);
++ aRight= B2DPoint((3.0 * aControl1 - aCurrent) / 2.0);
++ bIsQuadraticBezier = aLeft.equal(aRight);
++ }
++ if(bIsQuadraticBezier)
++ {
++ // approximately equal, export as quadratic bezier
++ if(bSymmetricControlVector)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('T', 't', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('Q', 'q', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aLeft.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aLeft.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // export as cubic bezier
++ if(bSymmetricControlVector)
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('S', 's', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('C', 'c', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl0.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl0.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aControl1.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // normal straight line points
++ if(aLastPoint.getX() == aCurrent.getX())
++ {
++ // export as vertical line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('V', 'v', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else if(aLastPoint.getY() == aCurrent.getY())
++ {
++ // export as horizontal line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('H', 'h', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // export as line
++ const sal_Unicode aCommand(lcl_getCommand('L', 'l', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ if(aLastSVGCommand != aCommand)
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(aCommand);
++ aLastSVGCommand = aCommand;
++ }
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getX(), aLastPoint.getX(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ lcl_putNumberCharWithSpace(aResult, aCurrent.getY(), aLastPoint.getY(), bUseRelativeCoordinates);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ aLastPoint = aCurrent;
++ }
++ // close path if closed poly (Z and z are equivalent here, but looks nicer
++ // when case is matched)
++ if(aPolygon.isClosed())
++ {
++ aResult += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(lcl_getCommand('Z', 'z', bUseRelativeCoordinates));
++ }
++ }
++ return aResult;
++ }
++ }
++// eof
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