ooo-build r11664 - in trunk: . patches/src680
- From: strba svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r11664 - in trunk: . patches/src680
- Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:19:18 +0000 (GMT)
Author: strba
Date: Thu Feb 21 16:19:17 2008
New Revision: 11664
incorporating Thorsten's and my work on SVG import
Modified: trunk/patches/src680/apply
--- trunk/patches/src680/apply (original)
+++ trunk/patches/src680/apply Thu Feb 21 16:19:17 2008
@@ -1860,9 +1860,12 @@
[ SVGImport ]
# Very partial implementation of SVG import
# Work in progress, don't use, hic sunt leones, etc.
-svg-import.diff, jholesov
+#svg-import.diff, jholesov
# Marco Cecchetti's work on importing text
-svg-import-text.diff, jholesov
+#svg-import-text.diff, jholesov
+svg-import-basegfx.diff, thorsten
+svg-import-filter.diff, thorsten
# allow internal libsvg, hic sunt (still always) leones, HACK!!!
libsvg-module.diff, fridrich
Added: trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-basegfx.diff Thu Feb 21 16:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+diff --git a/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx b/basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
+index a84ad15..14ac14f 100644
+--- basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
++++ basegfx/inc/basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx
+@@ -127,19 +127,37 @@ namespace basegfx
+ /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
+ This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG-D
+- statement. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
++ attribute. Currently, elliptical arc elements are not yet
+ supported (and ignored during parsing).
+ @param o_rPolyPoly
+ The output poly-polygon
+- @param rSvgDStatement
+- A valid SVG-D statement
++ @param rSvgDAttribute
++ A valid SVG-D attribute string
+ @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
+ */
+- bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
+- const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDStatement );
++ bool importFromSvgD( B2DPolyPolygon& o_rPolyPoly,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgDAttribute );
++ /** Read poly-polygon from SVG.
++ This function imports a poly-polygon from an SVG points
++ attribute (a plain list of coordinate pairs).
++ @param o_rPoly
++ The output polygon. Note that svg:points can only define a
++ single polygon
++ @param rSvgPointsAttribute
++ A valid SVG points attribute string
++ @return true, if the string was successfully parsed
++ */
++ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute );
+ // create 3d PolyPolygon from given 2d PolyPolygon. The given fZCoordinate is used to expand the
+ // third coordinate.
+diff --git a/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx b/basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
+index 8965007..170d453 100644
+--- basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
++++ basegfx/source/polygon/b2dsvgpolypolygon.cxx
+@@ -665,6 +665,32 @@ namespace basegfx
+ return true;
+ }
++ bool importFromSvgPoints( B2DPolygon& o_rPoly,
++ const ::rtl::OUString& rSvgPointsAttribute )
++ {
++ o_rPoly.clear();
++ const sal_Int32 nLen(rSvgPointsAttribute.getLength());
++ sal_Int32 nPos(0);
++ double nX, nY;
++ // skip initial whitespace
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ while(nPos < nLen)
++ {
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nX, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ if(!lcl_importDoubleAndSpaces(nY, nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen)) return false;
++ // add point
++ o_rPoly.append(B2DPoint(nX, nY));
++ // skip to next number, or finish
++ lcl_skipSpaces(nPos, rSvgPointsAttribute, nLen);
++ }
++ return true;
++ }
+ ::rtl::OUString exportToSvgD(
+ const B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
+ bool bUseRelativeCoordinates,
Added: trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-filter.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/src680/svg-import-filter.diff Thu Feb 21 16:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,2729 @@
+--- filter/source/config/fragments/ 2005-03-21 12:45:41.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/config/fragments/ 2008-02-21 16:35:51.000000000 +0100
+@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
+ SGF___StarOffice_Writer_SGF \
+ SGV___StarDraw_2_0 \
+ SVM___StarView_Metafile \
++ SVG___Scalable_Vector_Graphics \
+ TGA___Truevision_TARGA \
+ TIF___Tag_Image_File \
+ WMF___MS_Windows_Metafile \
+--- filter/source/config/fragments/filters/SVG___Scalable_Vector_Graphics.xcu 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/config/fragments/filters/SVG___Scalable_Vector_Graphics.xcu 2008-02-21 16:33:54.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
++ <node oor:name="SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics" oor:op="replace">
++ <prop oor:name="Flags"><value>IMPORT ALIEN USESOPTIONS 3RDPARTYFILTER PREFERRED</value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="UIComponent"/>
++ <prop oor:name="FilterService"><value></value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="UserData"><value></value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="UIName">
++ <value xml:lang="x-default">SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics</value>
++ </prop>
++ <prop oor:name="FileFormatVersion"><value>0</value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="Type"><value>svg_Scalable_Vector_Graphics</value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="TemplateName"/>
++ <prop oor:name="DocumentService"><value></value></prop>
++ </node>
+--- filter/source/config/fragments/types/svg_Scalable_Vector_Graphics.xcu 2005-07-20 13:40:16.000000000 +0200
++++ filter/source/config/fragments/types/svg_Scalable_Vector_Graphics.xcu 2008-02-21 16:36:30.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ <node oor:name="svg_Scalable_Vector_Graphics" oor:op="replace" >
+- <prop oor:name="DetectService"/>
++ <prop oor:name="DetectService"><value></value></prop>
+ <prop oor:name="URLPattern"/>
+ <prop oor:name="Extensions"><value>svg</value></prop>
+ <prop oor:name="MediaType"><value>image/svg+xml</value></prop>
+- <prop oor:name="Preferred"><value>false</value></prop>
+- <prop oor:name="PreferredFilter"/>
++ <prop oor:name="Preferred"><value>true</value></prop>
++ <prop oor:name="PreferredFilter"><value>SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics</value></prop>
+ <prop oor:name="UIName">
+ <value>SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics</value>
+ </prop>
+- <prop oor:name="ClipboardFormat"/>
++ <prop oor:name="ClipboardFormat"><value>doctype:xmlns=""</value></prop>
+ </node>
+--- filter/source/svg/ 2003-04-15 16:36:54.000000000 +0200
++++ filter/source/svg/ 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ global:
+ component_getImplementationEnvironment;
+ component_getFactory;
+@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
+ local:
+ *;
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- filter/source/svg/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/ 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++# from oox/source/token - should really put this into solenv
++$ARGV0 = shift @ARGV;
++$ARGV1 = shift @ARGV;
++$ARGV2 = shift @ARGV;
++open ( TOKENS, $ARGV0 ) || die "can't open token file: $!";
++my %tokens;
++while ( defined ($line = <TOKENS>) )
++ if( !($line =~ /^#/) )
++ {
++ chomp($line);
++ @token = split(/\s+/,$line);
++ if ( not defined ($token[1]) )
++ {
++ $token[1] = "XML_".$token[0];
++ $token[1] =~ tr/\-\.\:/___/;
++ $token[1] =~ s/\+/PLUS/g;
++ $token[1] =~ s/\-/MINUS/g;
++ }
++ $tokens{$token[0]} = uc($token[1]);
++ }
++close ( TOKENS );
++open ( HXX, ">$ARGV1" ) || die "can't open tokens.hxx file: $!";
++open ( GPERF, ">$ARGV2" ) || die "can't open tokens.gperf file: $!";
++print ( GPERF "%language=C++\n" );
++print ( GPERF "%global-table\n" );
++print ( GPERF "%null-strings\n" );
++print ( GPERF "%struct-type\n" );
++print ( GPERF "struct xmltoken\n" );
++print ( GPERF "{\n" );
++print ( GPERF " const sal_Char *name; sal_Int32 nToken; \n" );
++print ( GPERF "};\n" );
++print ( GPERF "%%\n" );
++print ( HXX "#ifndef INCLUDED_AUTOGEN_TOKEN_HXX\n" );
++print ( HXX "#define INCLUDED_AUTOGEN_TOKEN_HXX\n\n" );
++print ( HXX "#include <sal/types.h>\n\n" );
++$i = 0;
++foreach( sort(keys(%tokens)) )
++ print( HXX "const sal_Int32 $tokens{$_} = $i;\n" );
++ print( GPERF "$_,$tokens{$_}\n" );
++ $i = $i + 1;
++print ( GPERF "%%\n" );
++print ( HXX "const sal_Int32 XML_TOKEN_COUNT = $i;\n" );
++print ( HXX "const sal_Int32 XML_TOKEN_INVALID = -1;\n\n" );
++print ( HXX "#endif\n" );
++close ( HXX );
++close ( GPERF );
+--- filter/source/svg/gfxtypes.hxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/gfxtypes.hxx 2008-02-21 14:48:45.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.hxx>
++#include <hash_set>
++#include <hash_map>
++namespace svgi
++struct ARGBColor
++ double toDoubleColor( sal_uInt8 val ) { return val/255.0; }
++ ARGBColor() : a(0.0), r(0.0), g(0.0), b(0.0)
++ {}
++ explicit ARGBColor(double fGrey) : a(1.0), r(fGrey), g(fGrey), b(fGrey)
++ {}
++ ARGBColor( double r_, double g_, double b_ ) :
++ a(1.0), r(r_), g(g_), b(b_)
++ {}
++ ARGBColor( double a_, double r_, double g_, double b_ ) :
++ a(a_), r(r_), g(g_), b(b_)
++ {}
++ ARGBColor( int r_, int g_, int b_ ) :
++ a(1.0),
++ r(toDoubleColor(r_)),
++ g(toDoubleColor(g_)),
++ b(toDoubleColor(b_))
++ {}
++ ARGBColor( int a_, int r_, int g_, int b_ ) :
++ a(toDoubleColor(a_)),
++ r(toDoubleColor(r_)),
++ g(toDoubleColor(g_)),
++ b(toDoubleColor(b_))
++ {}
++ double a;
++ double r;
++ double g;
++ double b;
++inline bool operator==( const ARGBColor& rLHS, const ARGBColor& rRHS )
++{ return rLHS.a==rRHS.a && rLHS.r==rRHS.r && rLHS.g==rRHS.g && rLHS.b==rRHS.b; }
++struct GradientStop
++ GradientStop() : maStopColor(), mnStopPosition(0.0)
++ {}
++ ARGBColor maStopColor;
++ double mnStopPosition;
++inline bool operator==( const GradientStop& rLHS, const GradientStop& rRHS )
++{ return rLHS.mnStopPosition==rRHS.mnStopPosition && rLHS.maStopColor==rRHS.maStopColor; }
++struct Gradient
++ Gradient() : maStops(), mbBoundingBoxUnits(false)
++ {}
++ std::vector<GradientStop> maStops;
++ bool mbBoundingBoxUnits;
++inline bool operator==( const Gradient& rLHS, const Gradient& rRHS )
++{ return rLHS.mbBoundingBoxUnits==rRHS.mbBoundingBoxUnits && rLHS.maStops==rRHS.maStops; }
++enum PaintType
++ NONE,
++enum FillRule
++enum TextAlign
++enum CapStyle
++ BUTT,
++ RECT,
++enum FontStyle
++enum FontVariant
++struct State
++ State() :
++ maCTM(),
++ maTransform(),
++ maViewport(),
++ maViewBox(),
++ maFontFamily(), // app-default
++ mnFontSize(12.0),
++ meFontStyle(STYLE_NORMAL),
++ meFontVariant(VARIANT_NORMAL),
++ mnFontWeight(400.0),
++ meTextAnchor(BEFORE),
++ meTextDisplayAlign(BEFORE),
++ mnTextLineIncrement(0.0),
++ maCurrentColor(1.0),
++ mbVisibility(true),
++ meFillType(NONE),
++ mnFillOpacity(1.0),
++ meStrokeType(NONE),
++ mnStrokeOpacity(1.0),
++ meViewportFillType(NONE),
++ mnViewportFillOpacity(1.0),
++ maFillColor(0.0),
++ maFillGradient(),
++ meFillRule(NON_ZERO),
++ maStrokeColor(0.0),
++ maStrokeGradient(),
++ maDashArray(),
++ mnDashOffset(0.0),
++ meLineCap(BUTT),
++ meLineJoin(basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_MITER),
++ mnMiterLimit(4.0),
++ mnStrokeWidth(1.0),
++ maViewportFillColor(1.0),
++ maViewportFillGradient(),
++ mnStyleId(0)
++ {}
++ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix maCTM;
++ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix maTransform;
++ basegfx::B2DRange maViewport;
++ basegfx::B2DRange maViewBox;
++ rtl::OUString maFontFamily;
++ /** Absolute: xx-small=6.94 | x-small=8.33 | small=10 | medium=12 | large=14.4 | x-large=17.28 | xx-large=20.736
++ Relative(to parent): larger (enlarge by 1.2)
++ smaller (shrink by 1.2)
++ */
++ double mnFontSize;
++ FontStyle meFontStyle;
++ FontVariant meFontVariant;
++ double mnFontWeight;
++ TextAlign meTextAnchor; // text-anchor
++ TextAlign meTextDisplayAlign; // display-align
++ double mnTextLineIncrement; // 0.0 means auto
++ ARGBColor maCurrentColor;
++ bool mbVisibility;
++ PaintType meFillType;
++ double mnFillOpacity;
++ PaintType meStrokeType;
++ double mnStrokeOpacity;
++ PaintType meViewportFillType;
++ double mnViewportFillOpacity;
++ ARGBColor maFillColor;
++ Gradient maFillGradient;
++ FillRule meFillRule;
++ ARGBColor maStrokeColor;
++ Gradient maStrokeGradient;
++ std::vector<double> maDashArray;
++ double mnDashOffset;
++ CapStyle meLineCap;
++ basegfx::tools::B2DLineJoin meLineJoin;
++ double mnMiterLimit;
++ double mnStrokeWidth;
++ ARGBColor maViewportFillColor;
++ Gradient maViewportFillGradient;
++ sal_Int32 mnStyleId;
++inline bool operator==(const State& rLHS, const State& rRHS )
++ return rLHS.maCTM==rRHS.maCTM &&
++ rLHS.maTransform==rRHS.maTransform &&
++ rLHS.maViewport==rRHS.maViewport &&
++ rLHS.maViewBox==rRHS.maViewBox &&
++ rLHS.maFontFamily==rRHS.maFontFamily &&
++ rLHS.mnFontSize==rRHS.mnFontSize &&
++ rLHS.meFontStyle==rRHS.meFontStyle &&
++ rLHS.meFontVariant==rRHS.meFontVariant &&
++ rLHS.mnFontWeight==rRHS.mnFontWeight &&
++ rLHS.meTextAnchor==rRHS.meTextAnchor &&
++ rLHS.meTextDisplayAlign==rRHS.meTextDisplayAlign &&
++ rLHS.mnTextLineIncrement==rRHS.mnTextLineIncrement &&
++ rLHS.maCurrentColor==rRHS.maCurrentColor &&
++ rLHS.mbVisibility==rRHS.mbVisibility &&
++ rLHS.meFillType==rRHS.meFillType &&
++ rLHS.mnFillOpacity==rRHS.mnFillOpacity &&
++ rLHS.meStrokeType==rRHS.meStrokeType &&
++ rLHS.mnStrokeOpacity==rRHS.mnStrokeOpacity &&
++ rLHS.meViewportFillType==rRHS.meViewportFillType &&
++ rLHS.mnViewportFillOpacity==rRHS.mnViewportFillOpacity &&
++ rLHS.maFillColor==rRHS.maFillColor &&
++ rLHS.maFillGradient==rRHS.maFillGradient &&
++ rLHS.meFillRule==rRHS.meFillRule &&
++ rLHS.maStrokeColor==rRHS.maStrokeColor &&
++ rLHS.maStrokeGradient==rRHS.maStrokeGradient &&
++ rLHS.maDashArray==rRHS.maDashArray &&
++ rLHS.mnDashOffset==rRHS.mnDashOffset &&
++ rLHS.meLineCap==rRHS.meLineCap &&
++ rLHS.meLineJoin==rRHS.meLineJoin &&
++ rLHS.mnMiterLimit==rRHS.mnMiterLimit &&
++ rLHS.mnStrokeWidth==rRHS.mnStrokeWidth &&
++ rLHS.maViewportFillColor==rRHS.maViewportFillColor &&
++ rLHS.maViewportFillGradient==rRHS.maViewportFillGradient;
++struct StateHash
++ size_t operator()(const State& rState ) const
++ {
++ return size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 0, 0 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 1, 0 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 0, 1 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 1, 1 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 0, 2 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maCTM.get( 1, 2 ))
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewport.getWidth())
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewport.getHeight())
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewBox.getWidth())
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewBox.getHeight())
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFontFamily.hashCode())
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnFontSize)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meFontStyle)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meFontVariant)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnFontWeight)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meTextAnchor)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meTextDisplayAlign)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnTextLineIncrement)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mbVisibility)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meFillType)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnFillOpacity)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meStrokeType)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnStrokeOpacity)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meViewportFillType)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnViewportFillOpacity)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFillColor.a)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFillColor.r)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFillColor.g)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFillColor.b)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maFillGradient.maStops.size())
++ ^ size_t(rState.meFillRule)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maStrokeColor.a)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maStrokeColor.r)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maStrokeColor.g)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maStrokeColor.b)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maStrokeGradient.maStops.size())
++ ^ size_t(rState.maDashArray.size())
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnDashOffset)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meLineCap)
++ ^ size_t(rState.meLineJoin)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnMiterLimit)
++ ^ size_t(rState.mnStrokeWidth)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewportFillColor.a)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewportFillColor.r)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewportFillColor.g)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewportFillColor.b)
++ ^ size_t(rState.maViewportFillGradient.maStops.size());
++ }
++typedef std::hash_set<State, StateHash> StatePool;
++typedef std::hash_map<sal_Int32, State> StateMap;
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/ 2007-02-06 14:53:59.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/ 2008-02-21 16:37:18.000000000 +0100
+@@ -34,47 +34,47 @@
+ #*************************************************************************
+ PRJ=..$/..
+ PRJNAME=filter
+ TARGET=svgfilter
+ # --- Settings ----------------------------------
++.INCLUDE : svgisettings.pmk
+ # --- Types -------------------------------------
+-SLOFILES= $(SLO)$/svguno.obj \
+- $(SLO)$/svgfilter.obj \
++SLOFILES= $(SLO)$/parserfragments.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svgexport.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/svgfilter.obj \
+ $(SLO)$/svgfontexport.obj \
+- $(SLO)$/svgwriter.obj
+-.IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)"!=""
+-SLOFILES+= $(SLO)$/svgimport.obj
++ $(SLO)$/svgimport.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/svgreader.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/svguno.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/tokenmap.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/svgwriter.obj \
++ $(SLO)$/units.obj
+ # --- Library -----------------------------------
+ $(SVXLIB) \
+ $(VCLLIB) \
+ $(CPPULIB) \
+- $(SALLIB)
+-.IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)"!=""
++ $(SALLIB) \
++ $(LIBXML)
+@@ -87,3 +87,13 @@
+ # --- Targets ----------------------------------
++# Generate gperf files - from oox/source/token
++$(INCCOM)$/tokens.hxx $(MISC)$/tokens.gperf : tokens.txt
++ $(PERL) tokens.txt $(INCCOM)$/tokens.hxx $(MISC)$/tokens.gperf
++$(INCCOM)$/tokens.cxx : $(MISC)$/tokens.gperf
++ gperf --compare-strncmp -C -m 20 $(MISC)$/tokens.gperf | $(SED) -e "s/(char\*)0/(char\*)0, 0/g" >$(INCCOM)$/tokens.cxx
++$(SLO)$/tokenmap.obj : $(INCCOM)$/tokens.cxx $(INCCOM)$/tokens.hxx
+--- filter/source/svg/parserfragments.cxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/parserfragments.cxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
++#include "parserfragments.hxx"
++#include "gfxtypes.hxx"
++#include <basegfx/tools/canvastools.hxx>
++#include <com/sun/star/geometry/AffineMatrix2D.hpp>
++#include <boost/bind.hpp>
++#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
++#include <numeric>
++#include <algorithm>
++using namespace ::com::sun::star;
++namespace svgi
++inline sal_uInt8 hex2int( char val )
++ return val <= '9' ? val-'0' : (val < 'a' ? val+10-'A' : val+10-'a');
++void setFourBitColor( double& rChannel, char nChar )
++ const sal_uInt8 nVal(hex2int(nChar));
++ fprintf(stderr, "setFourBitCOlor %d color\n", nVal );
++ rChannel = (nVal*16+nVal)/255.0;
++void setEightBitColor( double& rChannel, const char* pStart, const char* )
++ const sal_uInt8 nVal0(hex2int(pStart[0]));
++ const sal_uInt8 nVal1(hex2int(pStart[1]));
++ fprintf(stderr, "setEightbitCOlor %d, %d color\n", nVal0, nVal1 );
++ rChannel = (nVal0*16+nVal1)/255.0;
++void setIntColor( double& rChannel, sal_uInt8 nVal )
++ fprintf(stderr, "setIntColor %d color\n", nVal );
++ rChannel = nVal/255.0;
++void calcRotation(std::vector<geometry::AffineMatrix2D>& rTransforms,
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D& rCurrTransform,
++ double fRotationAngle)
++ ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aCurr;
++ aCurr.translate(-rCurrTransform.m02,-rCurrTransform.m12);
++ aCurr.rotate(fRotationAngle*M_PI/180);
++ aCurr.translate(rCurrTransform.m02,rCurrTransform.m12);
++ rTransforms.push_back(
++ basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix(
++ rCurrTransform,
++ aCurr));
++void calcSkewX(std::vector<geometry::AffineMatrix2D>& rTransforms,
++ double fSkewAngle)
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D aMat(1.0,0.0,0.0,
++ tan(fSkewAngle),1.0,0.0);
++ rTransforms.push_back(aMat);
++void calcSkewY(std::vector<geometry::AffineMatrix2D>& rTransforms,
++ double fSkewAngle)
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D aMat(1.0,tan(fSkewAngle),0.0,
++ 0.0,1.0,0.0);
++ rTransforms.push_back(aMat);
++geometry::AffineMatrix2D multiplyMatrix( const geometry::AffineMatrix2D& rLHS,
++ const geometry::AffineMatrix2D& rRHS )
++ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aLHS;
++ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aRHS;
++ basegfx::unotools::homMatrixFromAffineMatrix(aLHS,rLHS);
++ basegfx::unotools::homMatrixFromAffineMatrix(aRHS,rRHS);
++ aRHS*=aLHS;
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D aRet;
++ return basegfx::unotools::affineMatrixFromHomMatrix(aRet,aRHS);
++bool parseColor( const char* sColor, ARGBColor& rColor )
++ using namespace ::boost::spirit;
++ int_parser<sal_uInt8,10,1,3> byte_p;
++ return parse(sColor,
++ // Begin grammar
++ (
++ // the #rrggbb form
++ ('#' >> (xdigit_p >> xdigit_p)[boost::bind(&setEightBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.r),_1,_2)]
++ >> (xdigit_p >> xdigit_p)[boost::bind(&setEightBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.g),_1,_2)]
++ >> (xdigit_p >> xdigit_p)[boost::bind(&setEightBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.b),_1,_2)])
++ |
++ // the #rgb form
++ ('#' >> xdigit_p[boost::bind(&setFourBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.r),_1)]
++ >> xdigit_p[boost::bind(&setFourBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.g),_1)]
++ >> xdigit_p[boost::bind(&setFourBitColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.b),_1)])
++ |
++ // rgb() form
++ (str_p("rgb")
++ >> '(' >>
++ // rgb(int,int,int)
++ (byte_p[boost::bind(&setIntColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.r),_1)] >> ',' >>
++ byte_p[boost::bind(&setIntColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.g),_1)] >> ',' >>
++ byte_p[boost::bind(&setIntColor,
++ boost::ref(rColor.b),_1)])
++ |
++ // rgb(double,double,double)
++ (real_p[assign_a(rColor.r)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(rColor.g)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(rColor.b)])
++ >> ')')
++ |
++ str_p("black")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,0,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("silver")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(192,192,192))]
++ |
++ str_p("gray")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(128,128,128))]
++ |
++ str_p("white")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(255,255,255))]
++ |
++ str_p("maroon")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(128,0,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("red")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(255,0,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("purple")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(128,0,128))]
++ |
++ str_p("fuchsia")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(255,0,255))]
++ |
++ str_p("green")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,128,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("lime")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,255,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("olive")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(128,128,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("yellow")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(255,255,0))]
++ |
++ str_p("navy")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,0,128))]
++ |
++ str_p("blue")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,0,255))]
++ |
++ str_p("teal")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,128,128))]
++ |
++ str_p("aqua")[assign_a(rColor,ARGBColor(0,255,255))]
++ ),
++ // End grammar
++ space_p).full;
++bool parseTransform( const char* sTransform, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform )
++ using namespace ::boost::spirit;
++ double fRefOffsetX(0.0);
++ double fRefOffsetY(0.0);
++ bool bRefTransform(false);
++ double fRotationAngle=0.0;
++ double fSkewAngle=0.0;
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D aIdentityTransform;
++ geometry::AffineMatrix2D aCurrTransform;
++ std::vector<geometry::AffineMatrix2D> aTransforms;
++ aIdentityTransform.m00 = 1.0; aIdentityTransform.m11 = 1.0;
++ aCurrTransform = aIdentityTransform;
++ const bool bRes = parse(sTransform,
++ // Begin grammar
++ (
++ // identity transform
++ str_p("none")
++ |
++ // the ref() form
++ (str_p("ref")
++ >> '('
++ >> str_p("svg")[assign_a(bRefTransform,true)]
++ >> !(real_p[assign_a(fRefOffsetX)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(fRefOffsetY)])
++ >> ')')
++ |
++ // the transform-list form
++ (list_p(
++ (
++ // matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f)
++ (str_p("matrix")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m00)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m10)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m01)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m11)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m02)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m12)]
++ >> ')')[push_back_a(aTransforms,aCurrTransform)]
++ |
++ // translate(x,[y])
++ (str_p("translate")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m02)]
++ >> !(',' >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m12)])
++ >> ')')[push_back_a(aTransforms,aCurrTransform)]
++ |
++ // scale(x,[y])
++ (str_p("scale")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m00)]
++ >> !(',' >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m11)])
++ >> ')')[push_back_a(aTransforms,aCurrTransform)]
++ |
++ // rotate(phi,[cx, cy])
++ (str_p("rotate")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(fRotationAngle)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m00)] >> ','
++ >> real_p[assign_a(aCurrTransform.m11)]
++ >> ')')[boost::bind(&calcRotation,
++ boost::ref(aTransforms),
++ boost::ref(aCurrTransform),
++ boost::cref(fRotationAngle))]
++ |
++ // skewX(phi)
++ (str_p("skewX")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(fSkewAngle)]
++ >> ')')[boost::bind(&calcSkewX,
++ boost::ref(aTransforms),
++ boost::cref(fSkewAngle))]
++ |
++ // skewY(phi)
++ (str_p("skewY")
++ >> '('
++ >> real_p[assign_a(fSkewAngle)]
++ >> ')')[boost::bind(&calcSkewY,
++ boost::ref(aTransforms),
++ boost::cref(fSkewAngle))]
++ // reset current transform after every push
++ )[assign_a(aCurrTransform,aIdentityTransform)],
++ // list delimiter is either ',' or space
++ ',' | eps_p ))
++ ),
++ // End grammar
++ space_p).full;
++ if( !bRes )
++ return false;
++ // fold all transformations into one
++ const geometry::AffineMatrix2D aTotalTransform(
++ std::accumulate(aTransforms.begin(),
++ aTransforms.end(),
++ aIdentityTransform,
++ &multiplyMatrix));
++ basegfx::unotools::homMatrixFromAffineMatrix(
++ rTransform,
++ aTotalTransform);
++ // TODO(F1): handle the ref case
++ return bRes;
++bool parseViewBox( const char* sViewbox, basegfx::B2DRange& rRect )
++ using namespace ::boost::spirit;
++ double x=0.0,y=0.0,w=0.0,h=0.0;
++ const bool bRes = parse(sViewbox,
++ // Begin grammar
++ (
++ // either comma- or space-delimited list of four doubles
++ (real_p[assign_a(x)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(y)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(w)] >> ',' >>
++ real_p[assign_a(h)])
++ |
++ (real_p[assign_a(x)] >>
++ real_p[assign_a(y)] >>
++ real_p[assign_a(w)] >>
++ real_p[assign_a(h)])
++ ),
++ // End grammar
++ space_p).full;
++ if( !bRes )
++ return false;
++ rRect = basegfx::B2DRange(x,y,x+w,y+h);
++ return true;
++bool parseDashArray( const char* sDashArray, std::vector<double>& rOutputVector )
++ using namespace ::boost::spirit;
++ rOutputVector.clear();
++ return parse(sDashArray,
++ // Begin grammar
++ (
++ // parse comma-delimited list of doubles
++ list_p(real_p[push_back_a(rOutputVector)])
++ ),
++ // End grammar
++ space_p).full;
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/parserfragments.hxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/parserfragments.hxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include <sal/config.h>
++#include <vector>
++namespace basegfx
++ class B2DHomMatrix;
++ class B2DRange;
++namespace svgi
++ struct ARGBColor;
++ /// Parse given string for one of the SVG color grammars
++ bool parseColor( const char* sColor, ARGBColor& rColor );
++ /// Parse given string for one of the SVG transformation grammars
++ bool parseTransform( const char* sTransform, basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform );
++ /// Parse given string for the viewBox attribute
++ bool parseViewBox( const char* sViewbox, basegfx::B2DRange& rRect );
++ /// Parse given string for a list of double values, comma-delimited
++ bool parseDashArray( const char* sDashArray, std::vector<double>& rOutputVector );
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/README 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/README 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++Required patches:
+--- filter/source/svg/svgfilter.cxx 2007-06-05 15:51:16.000000000 +0200
++++ filter/source/svg/svgfilter.cxx 2008-02-21 14:58:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -96,11 +96,9 @@
+ if( pFocusWindow )
+ pFocusWindow->EnterWait();
+-#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ if( )
+ bRet = implImport( rDescriptor );
+ else
+ if( )
+ {
+ uno::Reference< frame::XDesktop > xDesktop( mxMSF->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" ) ),
+--- filter/source/svg/svgfilter.hxx 2006-12-01 15:30:42.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/svgfilter.hxx 2008-02-21 15:19:06.000000000 +0100
+@@ -231,18 +231,11 @@
+ class SVGActionWriter;
+ class EditFieldInfo;
+-#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ class SVGFilter : public cppu::WeakImplHelper5 < XFilter,
+ XImporter,
+ XExporter,
+ XInitialization,
+ XServiceInfo >
+-#else // !SOLAR_JAVA
+-class SVGFilter : public cppu::WeakImplHelper4 < XFilter,
+- XExporter,
+- XInitialization,
+- XServiceInfo >
+ {
+ typedef ::std::hash_map< Reference< XInterface >, ObjectRepresentation, HashReferenceXInterface > ObjectMap;
+@@ -259,15 +252,11 @@
+ ObjectMap* mpObjects;
+ Reference< XComponent > mxSrcDoc;
+-#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ Reference< XComponent > mxDstDoc;
+ Reference< XDrawPage > mxDefaultPage;
+ Link maOldFieldHdl;
+-#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ sal_Bool implImport( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rDescriptor ) throw (RuntimeException);
+ sal_Bool implExport( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rDescriptor ) throw (RuntimeException);
+ Reference< XDocumentHandler > implCreateExportDocumentHandler( const Reference< XOutputStream >& rxOStm );
+@@ -306,10 +295,8 @@
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL filter( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rDescriptor ) throw(RuntimeException);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL cancel( ) throw (RuntimeException);
+-#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ // XImporter
+ virtual void SAL_CALL setTargetDocument( const Reference< XComponent >& xDoc ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException);
+ // XExporter
+ virtual void SAL_CALL setSourceDocument( const Reference< XComponent >& xDoc ) throw(IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException);
+--- filter/source/svg/svgimport.cxx 2006-12-01 15:31:12.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/svgimport.cxx 2008-02-21 15:36:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -37,160 +37,76 @@
+ #include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
+ #include "svgfilter.hxx"
++#include "svgreader.hxx"
+ #include "rtl/ref.hxx"
+-#include "jvmaccess/virtualmachine.hxx"
+-// -------------
+-// - SVGFilter -
+-// -------------
++#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
++#include <com/sun/star/uno/Type.hxx>
++#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XParser.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/InputSource.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/XImportFilter.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSource.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicator.hpp>
++using namespace ::com::sun::star;
++using namespace ::svgi;
+ sal_Bool SVGFilter::implImport( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rDescriptor )
+ throw (RuntimeException)
+ {
+- Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceFactory( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ) ;
+- rtl::OUString aTmpFileName;
+- String aFileName;
+- sal_Int32 nLength = rDescriptor.getLength();
+- const PropertyValue* pValue = rDescriptor.getConstArray();
+- sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
+- for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; ( i < nLength ) && !aTmpFileName.getLength(); i++)
+- if( pValue[ i ].Name.equalsAscii( "FileName" ) )
+- pValue[ i ].Value >>= aTmpFileName;
+- if( aTmpFileName.getLength() && )
+- {
+- Reference< XJavaVM > xJavaVM( xServiceFactory->createInstance( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("") ) ), UNO_QUERY );
+- Sequence< sal_Int8 > aProcessID( 17 );
+- String aLocalFile;
+- if( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToPhysicalName( aTmpFileName, aLocalFile ) && aLocalFile.Len() )
++#if 0
++ sal_Int32 nLength = rDescriptor.getLength();
++ rtl::OUString aName;
++ Reference< XInputStream > xInputStream;
++ for ( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLength; i++)
++ {
++ aName = rDescriptor[i].Name;
++ if (aName.equalsAscii("InputStream"))
++ rDescriptor[i].Value >>= xInputStream;
++ }
++ if (! return sal_False;
++ rtl::OUString sXMLImportService ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "" ) );
++ Reference < XDocumentHandler > xInternalHandler( mxMSF->createInstance( sXMLImportService ), UNO_QUERY );
++ SVGReader xReader(mxMSF, xInputStream, xInternalHandler);
++ return xReader.parseAndConvert();
++ rtl::OUString aURL;
++ uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > xInputStream;
++ uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicator > xStatus;
++ const sal_Int32 nLength = rDescriptor.getLength();
++ const beans::PropertyValue* pAttribs = rDescriptor.getConstArray();
++ for ( sal_Int32 i=0 ; i<nLength; ++i, ++pAttribs )
++ {
++ if( pAttribs->Name.equalsAscii( "InputStream" ) )
+ {
+- rtl_getGlobalProcessId( (sal_uInt8 *) aProcessID.getArray() );
+- aProcessID[16] = 0;
+- OSL_ENSURE(sizeof (sal_Int64)
+- >= sizeof (jvmaccess::VirtualMachine *),
+- "Pointer cannot be represented as sal_Int64");
+- sal_Int64 nPointer = reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >(
+- static_cast< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine * >(0));
+- xJavaVM->getJavaVM(aProcessID) >>= nPointer;
+- rtl::Reference<jvmaccess::VirtualMachine> _virtualMachine =
+- reinterpret_cast< jvmaccess::VirtualMachine * >(nPointer);
+- if (!
+- return bRet;
+- jobjectArray aArgs;
+- jclass aClass;
+- jmethodID aMId;
+- jstring aJStr;
+- try
+- {
+- jvmaccess::VirtualMachine::AttachGuard vmGuard(_virtualMachine);
+- JNIEnv * pEnv = vmGuard.getEnvironment();
+- aClass = pEnv->FindClass( "SOTranscoder" );
+- if( aClass )
+- {
+- aMId = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID( aClass, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V" );
+- if ( aMId )
+- {
+- ::utl::TempFile aTempFile;
+- String aOutputURL( aTempFile.GetURL() );
+- String aOutputFile;
+- aTempFile.EnableKillingFile();
+- if( ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertURLToPhysicalName( aOutputURL, aOutputFile ) && aOutputFile.Len() )
+- {
+- aJStr = pEnv->NewStringUTF( ByteString( aLocalFile.GetBuffer(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).GetBuffer() );
+- aArgs = static_cast<jobjectArray>(pEnv->NewObjectArray( 2, pEnv->FindClass( "java/lang/String" ), aJStr ));
+- aJStr = pEnv->NewStringUTF( ByteString( aOutputFile.GetBuffer(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).GetBuffer() );
+- pEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( aArgs, 1, aJStr );
+- pEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod( aClass, aMId, aArgs );
+- Graphic aGraphic;
+- SvStream* pIStm = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( aOutputURL, STREAM_READ );
+- if( pIStm )
+- {
+- GraphicConverter::Import( *pIStm, aGraphic );
+- delete pIStm;
+- }
+- Reference< XDrawPagesSupplier > xDrawPagesSupplier( mxDstDoc, UNO_QUERY );
+- if( && ( aGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE ) )
+- {
+- Reference< XDrawPages > xDrawPages( xDrawPagesSupplier->getDrawPages() );
+- if( && xDrawPages->getCount() )
+- {
+- Reference< XDrawPage > xDrawPage;
+- if( xDrawPages->getByIndex( 0 ) >>= xDrawPage )
+- {
+- Reference< XShapes > xShapes( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
+- Reference< XPropertySet> xPagePropSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
+- Reference< XShape > xShape( Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >( mxDstDoc, UNO_QUERY )->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "" ) ) ), UNO_QUERY );
+- if( && && )
+- {
+- Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xShape, UNO_QUERY );
+- sal_Int32 nPageWidth = 0, nPageHeight = 0;
+- xPagePropSet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Width" ) ) ) >>= nPageWidth;
+- xPagePropSet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Height" ) ) ) >>= nPageHeight;
+- if( && nPageWidth && nPageHeight )
+- {
+- xShapes->add( xShape );
+- ::com::sun::star::awt::Point aPos;
+- ::com::sun::star::awt::Size aSize;
+- GraphicObject aGraphObj( aGraphic );
+- Any aValue;
+- Size aGraphicSize;
+- const MapMode aTargetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM );
+- if( aGraphObj.GetPrefMapMode().GetMapUnit() == MAP_PIXEL )
+- aGraphicSize = Application::GetDefaultDevice()->PixelToLogic( aGraphObj.GetPrefSize(), aTargetMapMode );
+- else
+- aGraphicSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aGraphObj.GetPrefSize(), aGraphObj.GetPrefMapMode(), aTargetMapMode );
+- aGraphURL += String( aGraphObj.GetUniqueID(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
+- aValue <<= rtl::OUString( aGraphURL );
+- xPropSet->setPropertyValue( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "GraphicURL" ) ), aValue );
+- aPos.X = ( nPageWidth - aGraphicSize.Width() ) >> 1;
+- aPos.Y = ( nPageHeight - aGraphicSize.Height() ) >> 1;
+- aSize.Width = aGraphicSize.Width();
+- aSize.Height = aGraphicSize.Height();
+- xShape->setPosition( aPos );
+- xShape->setSize( aSize );
+- bRet = sal_True;
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- catch (jvmaccess::VirtualMachine::AttachGuard::CreationException &)
+- {
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- return bRet;
++ pAttribs->Value >>= xInputStream;
++ }
++ else if( pAttribs->Name.equalsAscii( "StatusIndicator" ) )
++ pAttribs->Value >>= xStatus;
++ }
++ if(!
++ return sal_False;
++ rtl::OUString sXMLImportService ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "" ) );
++ Reference < XDocumentHandler > xInternalHandler( mxMSF->createInstance( sXMLImportService ), UNO_QUERY );
++ SVGReader aReader(mxMSF, xInputStream, xInternalHandler);
++ return aReader.parseAndConvert();
+ }
+--- filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/svgreader.cxx 2008-02-21 16:26:19.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
++#include "svgreader.hxx"
++#include <xmloff/attrlist.hxx>
++#include "gfxtypes.hxx"
++#include "units.hxx"
++#include "parserfragments.hxx"
++#include "tokenmap.hxx"
++#include <rtl/math.hxx>
++#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
++#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
++#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/vector/b2enums.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/range/b2drange.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
++#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dlinegeometry.hxx>
++#include <com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XParser.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentBuilder.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/NodeType.hpp>
++#include <boost/bind.hpp>
++#include <hash_set>
++#define USTR(x) rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( x ) )
++#define OASIS_STR "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:"
++#define USER_UNIT (10.0) // FIXME? 10.0 considered a nice magic value ;-)
++using namespace ::com::sun::star;
++namespace svgi
++/** Visit all elements of the given tree (in-order traversal)
++ Given functor is called for every element, and passed the
++ element's attributes, if any
++ */
++template<typename Func> void visitElements(Func& rFunc,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> xElem)
++ if( xElem->hasAttributes() )
++ rFunc(xElem,xElem->getAttributes());
++ else
++ rFunc(xElem);
++ // notify children processing
++ rFunc.push();
++ // recurse over children
++ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNodeList> xChildren( xElem->getChildNodes() );
++ const sal_Int32 nNumNodes( xChildren->getLength() );
++ for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumNodes; ++i )
++ {
++ if( xChildren->item(i)->getNodeType() == xml::dom::NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE )
++ visitElements( rFunc,
++ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>(
++ xChildren->item(i),
++ uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW) );
++ }
++ // children processing done
++ rFunc.pop();
++struct AnnotatingVisitor
++ AnnotatingVisitor(StatePool& rStatePool,
++ StateMap& rStateMap,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocumentHandler) :
++ mnCurrStateId(0),
++ maCurrState(),
++ maParentStates(),
++ mrStates(rStatePool),
++ mrStateMap(rStateMap),
++ mxDocumentHandler(xDocumentHandler)
++ {
++ // fake initial parent - needs to setup a somewhat upscaling
++ // transformation, to avoid those dreaded integer roundoff
++ // errors in the drawing layer
++ State aState;
++ aState.maTransform.scale(USER_UNIT,USER_UNIT);
++ aState.maCTM = aState.maTransform;
++ maParentStates.push_back(aState);
++ }
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& )
++ {}
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNamedNodeMap>& xAttributes )
++ {
++ // init state. inherit defaults from parent.
++ maCurrState = maParentStates.back();
++ maCurrState.maTransform.identity();
++ fprintf(stderr,"the CTM is currently #1: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,0),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,1),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,2),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,0),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,1),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,2));
++ // scan for style info
++ const sal_Int32 nNumElems( xAttributes->getLength() );
++ rtl::OUString sAttributeValue;
++ for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumElems; ++i )
++ {
++ sAttributeValue = xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeValue();
++ const sal_Int32 nTokenId(
++ getTokenId(xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName()));
++ if( XML_STYLE == nTokenId )
++ parseStyle(sAttributeValue);
++ else
++ parseAttribute(nTokenId,
++ xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName(),
++ sAttributeValue);
++ }
++ // all attributes parsed, can calc total CTM now
++ if( !maCurrState.maViewBox.isEmpty() &&
++ maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth() != 0.0 &&
++ maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight() != 0.0 )
++ {
++ // transform aViewBox into viewport, such that they
++ // coincide
++ maCurrState.maTransform.translate(-maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinX(),
++ -maCurrState.maViewBox.getMinY());
++ maCurrState.maTransform.scale(maCurrState.maViewport.getWidth()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getWidth(),
++ maCurrState.maViewport.getHeight()/maCurrState.maViewBox.getHeight());
++ }
++ maCurrState.maCTM *= maCurrState.maTransform;
++ fprintf(stderr,"the CTM is currently #2: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,0),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,1),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(0,2),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,0),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,1),
++ maCurrState.maCTM.get(1,2));
++ // if necessary, serialize to automatic-style section
++ writeStyle(xElem);
++ }
++ rtl::OUString getStyleName( const char* sPrefix, sal_Int32 nId )
++ {
++ return rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(sPrefix)+rtl::OUString::valueOf(nId);
++ }
++ sal_Int8 toByteColor( double val )
++ {
++ // TODO(Q3): duplicated from vcl::unotools
++ return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int8>(
++ basegfx::fround(val*255.0));
++ }
++ rtl::OUString getOdfColor( const ARGBColor& rColor )
++ {
++ // TODO(Q3): duplicated from pdfimport
++ rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf( 7 );
++ const sal_uInt8 nRed ( toByteColor(rColor.r) );
++ const sal_uInt8 nGreen( toByteColor(rColor.g) );
++ const sal_uInt8 nBlue ( toByteColor(rColor.b) );
++ aBuf.append( sal_Unicode('#') );
++ if( nRed < 10 )
++ aBuf.append( sal_Unicode('0') );
++ aBuf.append( sal_Int32(nRed), 16 );
++ if( nGreen < 10 )
++ aBuf.append( sal_Unicode('0') );
++ aBuf.append( sal_Int32(nGreen), 16 );
++ if( nBlue < 10 )
++ aBuf.append( sal_Unicode('0') );
++ aBuf.append( sal_Int32(nBlue), 16 );
++ // TODO(F3): respect alpha transparency (polygons etc.)
++ OSL_ASSERT(rColor.a == 1.0);
++ return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
++ }
++ bool writeStyle(const State& rState)
++ {
++ rtl::Reference<SvXMLAttributeList> xAttrs( new SvXMLAttributeList() );
++ uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList> xUnoAttrs( xAttrs.get() );
++ std::pair<StatePool::iterator,
++ bool> aRes = mrStates.insert(rState);
++ if( !aRes.second )
++ return false; // not written
++ ++mnCurrStateId;
++ // mnStyleId does not take part in hashing/comparison
++ const_cast<State&>(*aRes.first).mnStyleId = mnCurrStateId;
++ mrStateMap.insert(std::make_pair(
++ mnCurrStateId,
++ rState));
++ // serialize to automatic-style section
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:name" ), getStyleName("svggraphicstyle", mnCurrStateId) );
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:family" ), USTR("graphic") );
++ mxDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:style"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ if( rState.meFillType != NONE )
++ {
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:fill" ), USTR("solid"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:fill-color" ), getOdfColor(rState.maFillColor));
++ if( maCurrState.mnFillOpacity != 1.0 )
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:fill-opacity" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(maCurrState.mnFillOpacity));
++ }
++ else
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:fill" ), USTR("none"));
++ if( rState.meStrokeType != NONE )
++ {
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke" ), USTR("solid"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke-color" ), getOdfColor(rState.maStrokeColor));
++ }
++ else
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke" ), USTR("none"));
++ if( maCurrState.mnStrokeWidth != 0.0 )
++ {
++ ::basegfx::B2DVector aVec(maCurrState.mnStrokeWidth,0);
++ aVec *= maCurrState.maCTM;
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR("svg:stroke-width"), rtl::OUString::valueOf( aVec.getLength()/100.0 )+USTR("mm"));
++ }
++ if( maCurrState.meLineJoin == basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_MITER )
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke-linejoin"), USTR("miter"));
++ else if( maCurrState.meLineJoin == basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_ROUND )
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke-linejoin"), USTR("round"));
++ else if( maCurrState.meLineJoin == basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_BEVEL )
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:stroke-linejoin"), USTR("bevel"));
++ if( maCurrState.mnStrokeOpacity != 1.0 )
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR("svg:stroke-opacity"), rtl::OUString::valueOf(maCurrState.mnStrokeOpacity));
++ mxDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:graphic-properties"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ mxDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:graphic-properties") );
++ mxDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:style") );
++ return true; // newly written
++ }
++ void writeStyle(const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem)
++ {
++ sal_Int32 nEmulatedStyleId=0;
++ if( maCurrState.maDashArray.size() &&
++ maCurrState.meStrokeType != NONE )
++ {
++ // ODF dashing is severly borked - generate filled shape
++ // instead (further down the road - here, we simply
++ // emulate a filled style with the next id)
++ // move all stroke attribs to fill, Clear stroking
++ State aEmulatedStrokeState( maCurrState );
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.meFillType = maCurrState.meStrokeType;
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.mnFillOpacity = maCurrState.mnStrokeOpacity;
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.maFillColor = maCurrState.maStrokeColor;
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.maFillGradient = maCurrState.maStrokeGradient;
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.meFillRule = EVEN_ODD;
++ aEmulatedStrokeState.meStrokeType = NONE;
++ if( writeStyle(aEmulatedStrokeState) )
++ nEmulatedStyleId = mnCurrStateId;
++ else
++ nEmulatedStyleId = mrStates.find(aEmulatedStrokeState)->mnStyleId;
++ }
++ sal_Int32 nStyleId=0;
++ if( writeStyle(maCurrState) )
++ nStyleId = mnCurrStateId;
++ else
++ nStyleId = mrStates.find(maCurrState)->mnStyleId;
++ xElem->setAttribute(USTR("internal-style-ref"),
++ rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ nStyleId)
++ +USTR("$")
++ +rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ nEmulatedStyleId));
++ }
++ void push()
++ {
++ maParentStates.push_back(maCurrState);
++ }
++ void pop()
++ {
++ maParentStates.pop_back();
++ }
++ void parseAttribute( const sal_Int32 nTokenId,
++ const rtl::OUString& sAttribute,
++ const rtl::OUString& sValue )
++ {
++ rtl::OString aValueUtf8( sValue.getStr(),
++ sValue.getLength(),
++ switch(nTokenId)
++ {
++ case XML_WIDTH:
++ {
++ const double fViewPortWidth(
++ convLength(sValue));
++ maCurrState.maViewport.expand(
++ basegfx::B2DTuple(fViewPortWidth,0.0));
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_HEIGHT:
++ {
++ const double fViewPortHeight(
++ convLength(sValue));
++ maCurrState.maViewport.expand(
++ basegfx::B2DTuple(0.0,fViewPortHeight));
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_VIEWBOX:
++ {
++ // TODO(F1): preserveAspectRatio
++ parseViewBox(
++ aValueUtf8,
++ maCurrState.maViewBox);
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_FILL_RULE:
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "evenodd" )
++ maCurrState.meFillRule = EVEN_ODD;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "nonzero" )
++ maCurrState.meFillRule = NON_ZERO;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.meFillRule = maParentStates.back().meFillRule;
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.mnStrokeWidth = maParentStates.back().mnStrokeWidth;
++ else
++ maCurrState.mnStrokeWidth = convLength(sValue);
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "butt" )
++ maCurrState.meLineCap = BUTT;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "round" )
++ maCurrState.meLineCap = ROUND;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "square" )
++ maCurrState.meLineCap = RECT;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.meLineCap = maParentStates.back().meLineCap;
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "miter" )
++ maCurrState.meLineJoin = basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_MITER;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "round" )
++ maCurrState.meLineJoin = basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_ROUND;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "bevel" )
++ maCurrState.meLineJoin = basegfx::tools::B2DLINEJOIN_BEVEL;
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.meLineJoin = maParentStates.back().meLineJoin;
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.mnMiterLimit = maParentStates.back().mnMiterLimit;
++ else
++ maCurrState.mnMiterLimit = aValueUtf8.toDouble();
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.mnDashOffset = maParentStates.back().mnDashOffset;
++ else
++ maCurrState.mnDashOffset = convLength(sValue);
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ if( aValueUtf8 == "none" )
++ maCurrState.maDashArray.clear();
++ else if( aValueUtf8 == "inherit" )
++ maCurrState.maDashArray = maParentStates.back().maDashArray;
++ else
++ parseDashArray(aValueUtf8.getStr(),
++ maCurrState.maDashArray);
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_FILL:
++ {
++ const State& rParent( maParentStates.back() );
++ parsePaint( aValueUtf8.getStr(),
++ maCurrState.meFillType,
++ maCurrState.maFillColor,
++ maCurrState.maFillGradient,
++ rParent.meFillType,
++ rParent.maFillColor,
++ rParent.maFillGradient );
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_STROKE:
++ {
++ const State& rParent( maParentStates.back() );
++ parsePaint( aValueUtf8.getStr(),
++ maCurrState.meStrokeType,
++ maCurrState.maStrokeColor,
++ maCurrState.maStrokeGradient,
++ rParent.meStrokeType,
++ rParent.maStrokeColor,
++ rParent.maStrokeGradient );
++ break;
++ }
++ {
++ basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform;
++ parseTransform(aValueUtf8.getStr(),aTransform);
++ maCurrState.maTransform = maCurrState.maTransform*aTransform;
++ break;
++ }
++ default:
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "unhandled token %s (detected as %s)\n",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(
++ sAttribute,
++ getTokenName(nTokenId));
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ void parseStyle( const rtl::OUString& sValue )
++ {
++ // split individual style attributes
++ sal_Int32 nIndex=0, nDummyIndex=0;
++ rtl::OUString aCurrToken;
++ do
++ {
++ aCurrToken=sValue.getToken(0,';',nIndex);
++ // split attrib & value
++ nDummyIndex=0;
++ rtl::OUString aCurrAttrib(
++ aCurrToken.getToken(0,':',nDummyIndex).trim());
++ OSL_ASSERT(nDummyIndex!=-1);
++ nDummyIndex=0;
++ rtl::OUString aCurrValue(
++ aCurrToken.getToken(1,':',nDummyIndex).trim());
++ OSL_ASSERT(nDummyIndex==-1);
++ // recurse into normal attribute parsing
++ parseAttribute( getTokenId(aCurrAttrib),
++ aCurrAttrib,
++ aCurrValue );
++ }
++ while( nIndex != -1 );
++ }
++ void parsePaint( const char* sValue,
++ PaintType& rType,
++ ARGBColor& rColor,
++ Gradient& rGradient,
++ const PaintType& rInheritType,
++ const ARGBColor& rInheritColor,
++ const Gradient& rInheritGradient )
++ {
++ if( strcmp(sValue,"none") == 0 )
++ rType = NONE;
++ else if( strcmp(sValue,"currentColor") == 0 )
++ {
++ rType = SOLID;
++ rColor = maCurrState.maCurrentColor;
++ }
++ else if( strcmp(sValue,"inherit") == 0)
++ {
++ rType = rInheritType;
++ rColor = rInheritColor;
++ rGradient = rInheritGradient;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ rType = SOLID;
++ parseColor(sValue,rColor);
++ }
++ }
++ sal_Int32 mnCurrStateId;
++ State maCurrState;
++ std::vector<State> maParentStates;
++ StatePool& mrStates;
++ StateMap& mrStateMap;
++ uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler> mxDocumentHandler;
++/// Annotate svg styles with unique references to state pool
++static void annotateStyles( StatePool& rStatePool,
++ StateMap& rStateMap,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> xElem,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocHdl )
++ AnnotatingVisitor aVisitor(rStatePool,rStateMap,xDocHdl);
++ visitElements(aVisitor, xElem);
++struct ShapeWritingVisitor
++ ShapeWritingVisitor(StatePool& rStatePool,
++ StateMap& rStateMap,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocumentHandler) :
++ mrStates(rStatePool),
++ mrStateMap(rStateMap),
++ mxDocumentHandler(xDocumentHandler),
++ mnShapeNum(0)
++ {}
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& )
++ {
++ }
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNamedNodeMap>& xAttributes )
++ {
++ rtl::Reference<SvXMLAttributeList> xAttrs( new SvXMLAttributeList() );
++ uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList> xUnoAttrs( xAttrs.get() );
++ sal_Int32 nDummyIndex(0);
++ rtl::OUString sStyleId(
++ xElem->getAttribute(
++ USTR("internal-style-ref")).getToken(
++ 0,'$',nDummyIndex));
++ StateMap::iterator pOrigState=mrStateMap.find(
++ sStyleId.toInt32());
++ maCurrState = pOrigState != mrStateMap.end() ? pOrigState->second : maParentStates.back();
++ const sal_Int32 nTokenId(getTokenId(xElem->getNodeName()));
++ switch(nTokenId)
++ {
++ case XML_POLYGON:
++ {
++ rtl::OUString sPoints = xElem->getAttribute(USTR("points"));
++ basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly;
++ basegfx::tools::importFromSvgPoints(aPoly, sPoints);
++ if( nTokenId == XML_POLYGON )
++ aPoly.setClosed(true);
++ writePathShape(xAttrs,
++ xUnoAttrs,
++ xElem,
++ sStyleId,
++ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPoly));
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_RECT:
++ {
++ // collect attributes
++ const sal_Int32 nNumElems( xAttributes->getLength() );
++ rtl::OUString sAttributeValue;
++ bool bRxSeen=false, bRySeen=false;
++ double x=0.0,y=0.0,width=0.0,height=0.0,rx=0.0,ry=0.0;
++ for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumElems; ++i )
++ {
++ sAttributeValue = xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeValue();
++ const sal_Int32 nAttribId(
++ getTokenId(xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName()));
++ switch(nAttribId)
++ {
++ case XML_X:
++ x = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ break;
++ case XML_Y:
++ y = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ break;
++ case XML_WIDTH:
++ width = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ break;
++ case XML_HEIGHT:
++ height = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ break;
++ case XML_RX:
++ rx = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ bRxSeen=true;
++ break;
++ case XML_RY:
++ ry = convLength(sAttributeValue);
++ bRySeen=true;
++ break;
++ default:
++ // skip
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if( bRxSeen && !bRySeen )
++ ry = rx;
++ else if( bRySeen && !bRxSeen )
++ rx = ry;
++ basegfx::B2DPolygon aPoly;
++ aPoly = basegfx::tools::createPolygonFromRect(
++ basegfx::B2DRange(x,y,x+width,y+height),
++ rx, ry );
++ writePathShape(xAttrs,
++ xUnoAttrs,
++ xElem,
++ sStyleId,
++ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aPoly));
++ break;
++ }
++ case XML_PATH:
++ {
++ rtl::OUString sPath = xElem->getAttribute(USTR("d"));
++ basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly;
++ basegfx::tools::importFromSvgD(aPoly, sPath);
++ writePathShape(xAttrs,
++ xUnoAttrs,
++ xElem,
++ sStyleId,
++ aPoly);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ void push()
++ {
++ maParentStates.push_back(maCurrState);
++ }
++ void pop()
++ {
++ maParentStates.pop_back();
++ }
++ void writePathShape( rtl::Reference<SvXMLAttributeList>& xAttrs,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList>& xUnoAttrs,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem,
++ const rtl::OUString& rStyleId,
++ const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPoly )
++ {
++ // we might need to split up polypolygon into multiple path
++ // shapes (e.g. when emulating line stroking)
++ std::vector<basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon> aPolys(1,rPoly);
++ State aState = maCurrState;
++ rtl::OUString aStyleId(rStyleId);
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ if( aState.maDashArray.size() )
++ {
++ // ODF dashing is severly borked - generate filled polygon instead
++ aPolys.clear();
++ for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i<rPoly.count(); ++i )
++ {
++ aPolys.push_back(
++ basegfx::tools::createAreaGeometryForPolygon(
++ rPoly.getB2DPolygon(i),
++ aState.mnStrokeWidth/2.0,
++ aState.meLineJoin));
++ // TODO(F2): line ends
++ }
++ sal_Int32 nDummyIndex(0);
++ aStyleId = xElem->getAttribute(
++ USTR("internal-style-ref")).getToken(1,'$',nDummyIndex);
++ StateMap::iterator pAlternateState=mrStateMap.find(aStyleId.toInt32());
++ aState = pAlternateState != mrStateMap.end() ? pAlternateState->second : maParentStates.back();
++ OSL_ENSURE( pAlternateState == mrStateMap.end(),
++ "Doh - where's my alternate style entry?!" );
++ }
++ // TODO(F2): separate out shear, rotate etc.
++ // apply transformation to polygon, to keep draw
++ // import in 100th mm
++ std::for_each(aPolys.begin(),aPolys.end(),
++ boost::bind(&basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon::transform,
++ _1,boost::cref(aState.maCTM)));
++ for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i<aPolys.size(); ++i )
++ {
++ fillShapeProperties(xAttrs,
++ xElem,
++ aPolys[i].areControlPointsUsed() ?
++ basegfx::tools::getRange(
++ basegfx::tools::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle(aPolys[i])) :
++ basegfx::tools::getRange(aPolys[i]),
++ USTR("svggraphicstyle")+aStyleId);
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:d" ), basegfx::tools::exportToSvgD(
++ aPolys[i],
++ false, // no relative coords. causes rounding errors
++ false )); // no quad bezier detection. crashes older versions.
++ mxDocumentHandler->startElement(USTR("draw:path"),
++ xUnoAttrs);
++ mxDocumentHandler->endElement(USTR("draw:path"));
++ }
++ }
++ void fillShapeProperties( rtl::Reference<SvXMLAttributeList>& xAttrs,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& /* xElem */,
++ const basegfx::B2DRange& rShapeBounds,
++ const rtl::OUString& rStyleName )
++ {
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:z-index" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf( mnShapeNum++ ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:style-name" ), rStyleName);
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:width" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(rShapeBounds.getWidth()/100.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:height" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(rShapeBounds.getHeight()/100.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ // OOo expects the viewbox to be in 100th of mm
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:viewBox" ),
++ USTR("0 0 ")
++ + rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ basegfx::fround(rShapeBounds.getWidth()) )
++ + USTR(" ")
++ + rtl::OUString::valueOf(
++ basegfx::fround(rShapeBounds.getHeight()) ));
++ // TODO(F1): decompose transformation in calling code, and use
++ // transform attribute here
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:x" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(rShapeBounds.getMinX()/100.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "svg:y" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(rShapeBounds.getMinY()/100.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ }
++ State maCurrState;
++ std::vector<State> maParentStates;
++ StatePool& mrStates;
++ StateMap& mrStateMap;
++ uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler> mxDocumentHandler;
++ sal_Int32 mnShapeNum;
++/// Write out shapes from DOM tree
++static void writeShapes( StatePool& rStatePool,
++ StateMap& rStateMap,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> xElem,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocHdl )
++ ShapeWritingVisitor aVisitor(rStatePool,rStateMap,xDocHdl);
++ visitElements(aVisitor, xElem);
++#ifdef VERBOSE
++struct DumpingVisitor
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr, "name: %s\n",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(
++ xElem->getTagName(),
++ }
++ void operator()( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement>& xElem,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XNamedNodeMap>& xAttributes )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr, "name: %s",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(
++ xElem->getTagName(),
++ const sal_Int32 nNumElems( xAttributes->getLength() );
++ for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nNumElems; ++i )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr, " %s=%s",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(
++ xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeName(),
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(
++ xAttributes->item(i)->getNodeValue(),
++ }
++ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
++ }
++ void push() {}
++ void pop() {}
++static void dumpTree( const uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> xElem )
++ DumpingVisitor aVisitor;
++ visitElements(aVisitor, xElem);
++} // namespace
++SVGReader::SVGReader(const uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xServiceFactory,
++ const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream>& xInputStream,
++ const uno::Reference<xml::sax::XDocumentHandler>& xDocumentHandler) :
++ m_xServiceFactory( xServiceFactory ),
++ m_xInputStream( xInputStream ),
++ m_xDocumentHandler( xDocumentHandler )
++sal_Bool SVGReader::parseAndConvert()
++ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XDocumentBuilder> xDomBuilder(
++ m_xServiceFactory->createInstance(
++ rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("")), uno::UNO_QUERY );
++ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XDocument> xDom(
++ xDomBuilder->parse(m_xInputStream),
++ uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
++ uno::Reference<xml::dom::XElement> xDocElem( xDom->getDocumentElement(),
++ uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
++ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ // doc boilerplate
++ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startDocument();
++ // get the document dimensions
++ // together with the AnnotatingVisitor, fake a somewhat upscaling
++ // transformation, to avoid those dreaded integer roundoff errors
++ // in the drawing layer
++ double fViewPortWidth(
++ USER_UNIT*convLength(xDocElem->getAttribute(USTR("width"))));
++ double fViewPortHeight(
++ USER_UNIT*convLength(xDocElem->getAttribute(USTR("height"))));
++ // document prolog
++ rtl::Reference<SvXMLAttributeList> xAttrs( new SvXMLAttributeList() );
++ uno::Reference<xml::sax::XAttributeList> xUnoAttrs( xAttrs.get() );
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:office" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "office:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:style" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "style:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:text" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "text:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:svg" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "svg-compatible:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:table" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "table:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:draw" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "drawing:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:fo" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:xlink" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:dc" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:number" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "datastyle:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:presentation" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "presentation:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:math" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:form" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "form:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:script" ), USTR( OASIS_STR "script:1.0" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:dom" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:xforms" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:xsd" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "xmlns:xsi" ), USTR( "" ));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "office:version" ), USTR( "1.0" ));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:document"), xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:automatic-styles"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:name" ), USTR("pagelayout1"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:page-layout"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ // TODO(Q3): this is super-ugly. In-place container come to mind.
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ // make page viewport-width times viewport-height mm large - add
++ // 5% border at every side
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:margin-top" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(fViewPortHeight/2000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:margin-bottom" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(fViewPortHeight/2000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:margin-left" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(fViewPortWidth/2000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:margin-right" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(fViewPortWidth/2000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:page-width" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(11.0*fViewPortWidth/1000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "fo:page-height" ), rtl::OUString::valueOf(11.0*fViewPortHeight/1000.0)+USTR("mm"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:print-orientation" ),
++ fViewPortWidth > fViewPortHeight ?
++ USTR("landscape") :
++ USTR("portrait"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:page-layout-properties"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:page-layout-properties") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:page-layout") );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:name" ), USTR("pagestyle1"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:family" ), USTR("drawing-page"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:style"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:background-size" ), USTR("border"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:fill" ), USTR("none"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:drawing-page-properties"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:drawing-page-properties") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:style") );
++ StatePool aStatePool;
++ StateMap aStateMap;
++ annotateStyles(aStatePool,aStateMap,
++ xDocElem,m_xDocumentHandler);
++#ifdef VERBOSE
++ dumpTree(xDocElem);
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:automatic-styles") );
++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:styles"),
++ xUnoAttrs);
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:styles") );
++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:master-styles"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:name" ), USTR("Default"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "style:page-layout-name" ), USTR("pagelayout1"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:style-name" ), USTR("pagestyle1"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("style:master-page"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("style:master-page") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:master-styles") );
++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:body"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement( USTR("office:drawing"),
++ xUnoAttrs );
++ xAttrs->Clear();
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:master-page-name" ), USTR("Default"));
++ xAttrs->AddAttribute( USTR( "draw:style-name" ), USTR("pagestyle1"));
++ m_xDocumentHandler->startElement(USTR("draw:page"),
++ xUnoAttrs);
++ // write out all shapes
++ writeShapes(aStatePool,
++ aStateMap,
++ xDocElem,
++ m_xDocumentHandler);
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("draw:page") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:drawing") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:body") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endElement( USTR("office:document") );
++ m_xDocumentHandler->endDocument();
++ return sal_True;
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/svgreader.hxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/svgreader.hxx 2008-02-21 15:15:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XDocumentHandler.hpp>
++#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
++namespace svgi
++class SVGReader
++ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > m_xServiceFactory;
++ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::io::XInputStream > m_xInputStream;
++ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > m_xDocumentHandler;
++ SVGReader( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xServiceFactory,
++ const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& xInputStream,
++ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler >& xDocumentHandler );
++ sal_Bool parseAndConvert();
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/tokenmap.cxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/tokenmap.cxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ * Parts copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
++#include "tokenmap.hxx"
++#include <string.h>
++namespace svgi
++#include "tokens.cxx"
++sal_Int32 getTokenId( const char* sIdent, sal_Int32 nLen )
++ const struct xmltoken* t = Perfect_Hash::in_word_set( sIdent, nLen );
++ if( t )
++ return t->nToken;
++ else
++sal_Int32 getTokenId( const rtl::OUString& sIdent )
++ rtl::OString aUTF8( sIdent.getStr(),
++ sIdent.getLength(),
++ return getTokenId( aUTF8.getStr(), aUTF8.getLength() );
++const char* getTokenName( sal_Int32 nTokenId )
++ if( nTokenId >= XML_TOKEN_COUNT )
++ return NULL;
++ const xmltoken* pCurr=wordlist;
++ const xmltoken* pEnd=wordlist+sizeof(wordlist)/sizeof(*wordlist);
++ while( pCurr != pEnd )
++ {
++ if(pCurr->nToken == nTokenId)
++ return pCurr->name;
++ ++pCurr;
++ }
++ return NULL;
++} // namespace svgi
+diff -u -r -N filter/source/svg/tokenmap.hxx filter/source/svg/tokenmap.hxx
+--- filter/source/svg/tokenmap.hxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/tokenmap.hxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include "tokens.hxx"
++#include <rtl/string.hxx>
++#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
++namespace svgi
++ sal_Int32 getTokenId( const char* sIdent, sal_Int32 nLen );
++ sal_Int32 getTokenId( const rtl::OUString& sIdent );
++ const char* getTokenName( sal_Int32 nTokenId );
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/tokens.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/tokens.txt 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
++# elements (SVG Tiny 1.2)
++# properties (SVG Tiny 1.2)
++# attributes (SVG Tiny 1.2)
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- filter/source/svg/units.cxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/units.cxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Jan Holesovsky <kendy suse cz>
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
++#include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
++#include "units.hxx"
++#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
++#include <boost/spirit.hpp>
++namespace svgi
++double convLength( double value, SvgUnit unit )
++ // convert svg unit to internal coordinates ("pixel"). Since the
++ // OOo drawing layer is still largely integer-based, the initial
++ // viewport transformation includes a certain scale factor
++ switch ( unit )
++ {
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_CM: return value * 1000.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_EM: fprintf( stderr, "TODO: legth type EM not implemented.\n" ); return 1000.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_EX: fprintf( stderr, "TODO: legth type EX not implemented.\n" ); return 1000.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_IN: return value * 2540.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_MM: return value * 100.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PC: return value * 2540.0/6.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PCT: fprintf( stderr, "TODO: legth type PCT not implemented.\n" ); return 1000.0;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PT: return value * 35.277778;
++ case SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PX: return value;
++ default: fprintf( stderr, "Unknown length type\n" );
++ }
++ return 0.0;
++double convLength( const rtl::OUString& sValue )
++ using namespace ::boost::spirit;
++ rtl::OString aUTF8 = rtl::OUStringToOString( sValue,
++ double nVal=0.0;
++ SvgUnit eUnit=SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PX;
++ const bool bRes = parse(aUTF8.getStr(),
++ // Begin grammar
++ (
++ real_p[assign_a(nVal)]
++ >> ( str_p("cm") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_CM)]
++ | str_p("em") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_EM)]
++ | str_p("ex") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_EX)]
++ | str_p("in") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_IN)]
++ | str_p("mm") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_MM)]
++ | str_p("pc") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PC)]
++ | str_p("pct")[assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PCT)]
++ | str_p("pt") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PT)]
++ | str_p("px") [assign_a(eUnit,SVG_LENGTH_UNIT_PX)]
++ | end_p)
++ ),
++ // End grammar
++ space_p).full;
++ if( !bRes )
++ return 0.0;
++ return convLength(nVal,eUnit);
++} // namespace svgi
+--- filter/source/svg/units.hxx 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ filter/source/svg/units.hxx 2008-02-21 14:16:04.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ * Author:
++ * Jan Holesovsky <kendy suse cz>
++ * Fridrich Strba <fridrich strba bluewin ch>
++ * Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens novell com>
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2008, Novell Inc.
++ *
++ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include <sal/config.h>
++namespace rtl{ class OUString; }
++namespace svgi
++ enum SvgUnit
++ {
++ };
++ /// return svg_length_t in 100th's of mm
++ double convLength( double fVal, SvgUnit unit );
++ double convLength( const rtl::OUString& sValue );
++} // namespace svgi
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