ooo-build r11654 - in trunk: . patches/test

Author: kyoshida
Date: Thu Feb 21 07:09:20 2008
New Revision: 11654

2008-02-21  Kohei Yoshida  <kyoshida novell com>

	* patches/test/sc-sheet-gridline-toggle.diff: add per-sheet grid display
	option and icon to easily toggle it on and off & Excel/ODF import and
	export.  This patch still needs to be adjusted for ooo-build.  It does
	not apply cleanly.


Added: trunk/patches/test/sc-sheet-gridline-toggle.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/test/sc-sheet-gridline-toggle.diff	Thu Feb 21 07:09:20 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=officecfg.vpj officecfg.clean/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/CalcCommands.xcu officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/CalcCommands.xcu
+--- officecfg.clean/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/CalcCommands.xcu	2008-02-20 15:04:18.000000000 -0500
++++ officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/CalcCommands.xcu	2008-02-20 17:55:05.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1439,6 +1439,11 @@
+                     <value xml:lang="en-US">E-mail as ~OpenDocument Spreadsheet...</value>
+                 </prop>
+             </node>
++            <node oor:name=".uno:ToggleSheetGrid" oor:op="replace">
++                <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
++                    <value xml:lang="en-US">Toggle Grid Lines for Current Sheet</value>
++                </prop>
++            </node>
+         </node>
+ 		<node oor:name="Popups">
+ 			<node oor:name=".uno:AuditMenu" oor:op="replace">
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/inc/document.hxx sc/inc/document.hxx
+--- sc.clean/inc/document.hxx	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/inc/document.hxx	2008-02-20 00:41:43.000000000 -0500
+@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ class ScAutoNameCache;
+ class ScTemporaryChartLock;
+ class ScLookupCache;
+ struct ScLookupCacheMapImpl;
++struct ScTableViewOptions;
+ namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
+     namespace lang {
+@@ -1703,6 +1704,8 @@ public:
+                     /// an ID unique to each document instance
+     sal_uInt32      GetDocumentID() const;
++    ScTableViewOptions* GetTableViewOptions( SCTAB nTab ) const;
+     void            InvalidateStyleSheetUsage()
+                         { bStyleSheetUsageInvalid = TRUE; }
+ 	void GetSortParam( ScSortParam& rParam, SCTAB nTab );
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/inc/sc.hrc sc/inc/sc.hrc
+--- sc.clean/inc/sc.hrc	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/inc/sc.hrc	2008-02-20 18:35:44.000000000 -0500
+@@ -821,6 +821,7 @@
+ #define FID_TAB_RTL				(TAB_POPUP_START+7)
+ #define TAB_POPUP_END			(DATA_MENU_END + 20)
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/inc/table.hxx sc/inc/table.hxx
+--- sc.clean/inc/table.hxx	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/inc/table.hxx	2008-02-20 00:30:49.000000000 -0500
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ #define SC_TABLE_HXX
+ #include <vector>
++#include <memory>
+ #ifndef _GEN_HXX //autogen
+ #include <tools/gen.hxx>
+@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ class ScIndexMap;
+ struct RowInfo;
+ struct ScFunctionData;
+ struct ScLineFlags;
++struct ScTableViewOptions;
+ class CollatorWrapper;
+@@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ private:
+ 	USHORT			nScenarioFlags;
+ 	BOOL			bActiveScenario;
++    ::std::auto_ptr<ScTableViewOptions> pViewOptions;
+ friend class ScDocument;					// fuer FillInfo
+ friend class ScDocumentIterator;
+ friend class ScValueIterator;
+@@ -183,6 +187,7 @@ public:
+ 							BOOL bColInfo = TRUE, BOOL bRowInfo = TRUE );
+ 				~ScTable();
++    ScTableViewOptions* GetViewOptions();
+ 	ScOutlineTable*	GetOutlineTable()				{ return pOutlineTable; }
+ 	ULONG		GetCellCount() const;
+Only in sc/inc: tabviewoptions.hxx
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/inc/ViewSettingsSequenceDefines.hxx sc/inc/ViewSettingsSequenceDefines.hxx
+--- sc.clean/inc/ViewSettingsSequenceDefines.hxx	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/inc/ViewSettingsSequenceDefines.hxx	2008-02-21 00:06:54.000000000 -0500
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+ // this are the defines for the position of the settings in the
+ // TableViewSettingsSequence
+-#define SC_TABLE_VIEWSETTINGS_COUNT         14
++#define SC_TABLE_VIEWSETTINGS_COUNT         15
+ #define SC_CURSOR_X							0
+ #define SC_CURSOR_Y							1
+@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+ #define SC_TABLE_ZOOM_TYPE                  11
+ #define SC_TABLE_ZOOM_VALUE                 12
+ #define SC_TABLE_PAGE_VIEW_ZOOM_VALUE       13
++#define SC_TABLE_SHOWGRID                   14
+ #define SC_CURSORPOSITIONX					"CursorPositionX"
+ #define SC_CURSORPOSITIONY					"CursorPositionY"
+@@ -112,4 +113,5 @@
+ #define SC_VIEWID							"ViewId"
+ #define SC_VIEW								"View"
+ #endif
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/sdi/docsh.sdi sc/sdi/docsh.sdi
+--- sc.clean/sdi/docsh.sdi	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/sdi/docsh.sdi	2008-02-20 18:33:41.000000000 -0500
+@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ interface TableSelection
+ 	FID_DELETE_TABLE	[ ExecMethod = ExecuteTable; StateMethod = GetStateTable; ]
+ 	FID_TAB_RENAME		[ ExecMethod = ExecuteTable; StateMethod = GetStateTable; ]
+ 	FID_TAB_RTL			[ ExecMethod = ExecuteTable; StateMethod = GetStateTable; ]
++    FID_TAB_TOGGLE_GRID [ ExecMethod = ExecuteTable; StateMethod = GetStateTable; ]
+ 	SID_TABLE_ACTIVATE	[ ExecMethod = Execute; ]
+ }
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/sdi/scalc.sdi sc/sdi/scalc.sdi
+--- sc.clean/sdi/scalc.sdi	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/sdi/scalc.sdi	2008-02-20 18:05:05.000000000 -0500
+@@ -7706,3 +7706,28 @@ SfxBoolItem SheetRightToLeft FID_TAB_RTL
+ 	GroupId = GID_FORMAT;
+ ]
++SfxBoolItem ToggleSheetGrid FID_TAB_TOGGLE_GRID
++	/* flags: */
++	AutoUpdate = FALSE,
++	Cachable = Cachable,
++	FastCall = FALSE,
++	HasCoreId = FALSE,
++	HasDialog = FALSE,
++	ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE,
++	Toggle = FALSE,
++	Container = FALSE,
++	RecordAbsolute = FALSE,
++	RecordPerSet;
++	Synchron;
++	/* config: */
++	AccelConfig = TRUE,
++	MenuConfig = TRUE,
++	StatusBarConfig = FALSE,
++	ToolBoxConfig = TRUE,
++	GroupId = GID_FORMAT;
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/core/data/documen2.cxx sc/source/core/data/documen2.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/core/data/documen2.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:59.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/core/data/documen2.cxx	2008-02-20 00:46:26.000000000 -0500
+@@ -277,6 +277,13 @@ sal_uInt32 ScDocument::GetDocumentID() c
+     return nCrc;
+ }
++ScTableViewOptions* ScDocument::GetTableViewOptions( SCTAB nTab ) const
++    if (ValidTab(nTab) && pTab[nTab])
++        return pTab[nTab]->GetViewOptions();
++    return NULL;
+ void ScDocument::StartChangeTracking()
+ {
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/core/data/ sc/source/core/data/
+--- sc.clean/source/core/data/	2008-02-05 11:16:59.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/core/data/	2008-02-20 01:16:25.000000000 -0500
+@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ SLOFILES =  \
+ 	$(SLO)$/table6.obj \
+ 	$(SLO)$/userdat.obj \
+ 	$(SLO)$/validat.obj \
+-	$(SLO)$/postit.obj
++	$(SLO)$/postit.obj \
++	$(SLO)$/tabviewoptions.obj
+     $(SLO)$/autonamecache.obj \
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/core/data/table1.cxx sc/source/core/data/table1.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/core/data/table1.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:59.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/core/data/table1.cxx	2008-02-20 00:33:00.000000000 -0500
+@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
+ #include "progress.hxx"
+ #include "hints.hxx"		// fuer Paint-Broadcast
+ #include "prnsave.hxx"
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ // STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -158,7 +159,8 @@ ScTable::ScTable( ScDocument* pDoc, SCTA
+ 	pScenarioRanges( NULL ),
+ 	aScenarioColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY ),
+ 	nScenarioFlags( 0 ),
+-	bActiveScenario( FALSE )
++	bActiveScenario( FALSE ),
++    pViewOptions( NULL )
+ {
+ 	if (bColInfo)
+@@ -228,6 +230,13 @@ ScTable::~ScTable()
+ 	DestroySortCollator();
+ }
++ScTableViewOptions* ScTable::GetViewOptions()
++    if (!pViewOptions.get())
++        pViewOptions.reset(new ScTableViewOptions);
++    return pViewOptions.get();
+ void ScTable::GetName( String& rName ) const
+ {
+ 	rName = aName;
+Only in sc/source/core/data: tabviewoptions.cxx
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/filter/excel/xeview.cxx sc/source/filter/excel/xeview.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/filter/excel/xeview.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:59.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/filter/excel/xeview.cxx	2008-02-20 12:40:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
+ #include "xestyle.hxx"
+ #endif
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ // Workbook view settings records =============================================
+ XclExpWindow1::XclExpWindow1( const XclExpRoot& rRoot ) :
+@@ -249,11 +251,14 @@ XclExpTabViewSettings::XclExpTabViewSett
+     const ScViewOptions& rViewOpt = GetDoc().GetViewOptions();
+     maData.mbShowFormulas   = rViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_FORMULAS );
+-    maData.mbShowGrid       = rViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_GRID );
+     maData.mbShowHeadings   = rViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_HEADER );
+     maData.mbShowZeros      = rViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_NULLVALS );
+     maData.mbShowOutline    = rViewOpt.GetOption( VOPT_OUTLINER );
++    // Save per-sheet view options.
++    const ScTableViewOptions* pTabViewOpt = GetDoc().GetTableViewOptions(nScTab);
++    maData.mbShowGrid = pTabViewOpt->mbDisplayGrid;
+     // *** sheet options: cursor, selection, splits, grid color, zoom ***
+     if( const ScExtTabSettings* pTabSett = GetExtDocOptions().GetTabSettings( nScTab ) )
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/filter/excel/xiview.cxx sc/source/filter/excel/xiview.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/filter/excel/xiview.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:59.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/filter/excel/xiview.cxx	2008-02-20 12:28:11.000000000 -0500
+@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
+ #include "xistyle.hxx"
+ #endif
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ // Document view settings =====================================================
+ XclImpDocViewSettings::XclImpDocViewSettings( const XclImpRoot& rRoot ) :
+@@ -295,12 +297,16 @@ void XclImpTabViewSettings::Finalize()
+         // set Excel sheet settings globally at Calc document, take settings from displayed sheet
+         ScViewOptions aViewOpt( rDoc.GetViewOptions() );
+         aViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_FORMULAS, maData.mbShowFormulas );
+-        aViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_GRID,     maData.mbShowGrid );
+         aViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_HEADER,   maData.mbShowHeadings );
+         aViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_NULLVALS, maData.mbShowZeros );
+         aViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_OUTLINER, maData.mbShowOutline );
+         rDoc.SetViewOptions( aViewOpt );
+     }
++    // Store sheet view options.
++    ScTableViewOptions* pTabViewOptions = rDoc.GetTableViewOptions(nScTab);
++    pTabViewOptions->mbDisplayGrid = maData.mbShowGrid;
+ }
+ // ============================================================================
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:56.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx	2008-02-20 23:48:16.000000000 -0500
+@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
+ #include "inputopt.hxx"
+ #include "fillinfo.hxx"
+ #include "sc.hrc"
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ #ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX
+ #include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+@@ -564,7 +565,12 @@ void ScGridWindow::Draw( SCCOL nX1, SCRO
+ 	aOutputData.SetEditObject( GetEditObject() );
+ 	aOutputData.SetViewShell( pViewData->GetViewShell() );
+-	BOOL bGrid = rOpts.GetOption( VOPT_GRID );
++    BOOL bGrid = rOpts.GetOption( VOPT_GRID );
++    const ScTableViewOptions* pTabOptions = pDoc->GetTableViewOptions(nTab);
++    if (pTabOptions)
++        // sheet view options take precedence over global view options.
++        bGrid = pTabOptions->mbDisplayGrid;
+ 	BOOL bPage = rOpts.GetOption( VOPT_PAGEBREAKS );
+ 	if ( eMode == SC_UPDATE_CHANGED )
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/ui/view/tabvwshf.cxx sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshf.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/ui/view/tabvwshf.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:56.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshf.cxx	2008-02-20 23:48:40.000000000 -0500
+@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
+ #include "scitems.hxx"
+ #include <sfx2/request.hxx>
++#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
++#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
+ #include <basic/sbstar.hxx>
+ #include <svtools/languageoptions.hxx>
+ #include <svtools/stritem.hxx>
+@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
+ //CHINA001 #include "strindlg.hxx"
+ //CHINA001 #include "mvtabdlg.hxx"
+ #include "docfunc.hxx"
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ #include "scabstdlg.hxx" //CHINA001
+@@ -685,6 +687,17 @@ void ScTabViewShell::ExecuteTable( SfxRe
+ 			}
+ 			break;
++        case FID_TAB_TOGGLE_GRID:
++            {
++                ScTableViewOptions* pViewOpt = pDoc->GetTableViewOptions(nCurrentTab);
++                pViewOpt->mbDisplayGrid = !pViewOpt->mbDisplayGrid;
++                SfxBindings& rBindings = GetViewFrame()->GetBindings();
++                rBindings.Invalidate( FID_TAB_TOGGLE_GRID );
++                PaintGrid();
++                rReq.Done();
++            }
++            break;
+ 		default:
+ 			DBG_ERROR("Unbekannte Message bei ViewShell");
+ 			break;
+@@ -800,6 +813,13 @@ void ScTabViewShell::GetStateTable( SfxI
+ 						rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab ) ) );
+ 				}
+ 				break;
++            case FID_TAB_TOGGLE_GRID:
++                {
++                    const ScTableViewOptions* pTabViewOptions = pDoc->GetTableViewOptions(nTab);
++                    rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem(nWhich, pTabViewOptions->mbDisplayGrid) );
++                }
++                break;
+ 		}
+ 		nWhich = aIter.NextWhich();
+ 	}
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/source/ui/view/viewdata.cxx sc/source/ui/view/viewdata.cxx
+--- sc.clean/source/ui/view/viewdata.cxx	2008-02-05 11:16:56.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/source/ui/view/viewdata.cxx	2008-02-21 00:17:16.000000000 -0500
+@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
+ #include "miscuno.hxx"
+ #include "unonames.hxx"
+ #include "inputopt.hxx"
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
+ #include <xmloff/xmluconv.hxx>
+@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ ScViewDataTable::~ScViewDataTable()
+ {
+ }
+-void ScViewDataTable::WriteUserDataSequence(uno::Sequence <beans::PropertyValue>& rSettings, const ScViewData& /*rViewData*/, SCTAB /*nTab*/)
++void ScViewDataTable::WriteUserDataSequence(uno::Sequence <beans::PropertyValue>& rSettings, const ScViewData& rViewData, SCTAB nTab)
+ {
+ 	rSettings.realloc(SC_TABLE_VIEWSETTINGS_COUNT);
+ 	beans::PropertyValue* pSettings = rSettings.getArray();
+@@ -181,6 +182,10 @@ void ScViewDataTable::WriteUserDataSeque
+         pSettings[SC_TABLE_PAGE_VIEW_ZOOM_VALUE].Value <<= nPageZoomValue;
++        const ScTableViewOptions* pTabViewOpt = rViewData.GetDocument()->GetTableViewOptions(nTab);
++        pSettings[SC_TABLE_SHOWGRID].Value <<= static_cast<sal_Bool>(pTabViewOpt->mbDisplayGrid);
+ //        pSettings[SC_TABLE_SELECTED].Value <<= bool(rViewData.GetMarkData().GetTableSelect( nTab ));
+ 	}
+@@ -287,6 +292,12 @@ void ScViewDataTable::ReadUserDataSequen
+             aPageZoomX = aPageZoomY = aZoom;
+             rHasZoom = true;
+         }
++        else if (sName.compareToAscii(SC_UNO_SHOWGRID) == 0)
++        {
++            bool bShowGrid = true;
++            aSettings[i].Value >>= bShowGrid;
++            rViewData.GetDocument()->GetTableViewOptions(nTab)->mbDisplayGrid = bShowGrid;
++        }
+         else if (sName.compareToAscii(SC_TABLESELECTED) == 0)
+         {
+             bool bSelected = false;
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=sc.vpj sc.clean/uiconfig/scalc/toolbar/formatobjectbar.xml sc/uiconfig/scalc/toolbar/formatobjectbar.xml
+--- sc.clean/uiconfig/scalc/toolbar/formatobjectbar.xml	2008-02-05 11:16:54.000000000 -0500
++++ sc/uiconfig/scalc/toolbar/formatobjectbar.xml	2008-02-21 01:47:44.000000000 -0500
+@@ -50,4 +50,6 @@
+  <toolbar:toolbaritem xlink:href=".uno:InsertColumns" toolbar:helpid="helpid:26268"  toolbar:visible="false" />
+  <toolbar:toolbaritem xlink:href=".uno:DeleteRows" toolbar:helpid="helpid:26236"  toolbar:visible="false" />
+  <toolbar:toolbaritem xlink:href=".uno:DeleteColumns" toolbar:helpid="helpid:26237"  toolbar:visible="false" />
++ <toolbar:toolbarseparator/>
++ <toolbar:toolbaritem xlink:href=".uno:ToggleSheetGrid" toolbar:helpid="helpid:26237"  toolbar:visible="true" />
+ </toolbar:toolbar>
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-30 11:25:40.000000000 -0400
++++ sc/inc/tabviewoptions.hxx	2008-02-20 01:15:22.000000000 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ *  $RCSfile: table.hxx,v $
++ *
++ *  $Revision: 1.32 $
++ *
++ *  last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2007/09/21 09:22:40 $
++ *
++ *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ *    =============================================
++ *    Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ *    MA  02111-1307  USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++/** This class stores a set of persistent sheet view options that are saved
++    with the document.  This class is still work in progress, thus will
++    likely grow with more options in future. */
++struct ScTableViewOptions
++    bool mbDisplayGrid;
++    ScTableViewOptions();
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-30 11:25:40.000000000 -0400
++++ sc/source/core/data/tabviewoptions.cxx	2008-02-20 16:04:37.000000000 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++ *
++ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
++ *
++ *  $RCSfile: table.hxx,v $
++ *
++ *  $Revision: 1.32 $
++ *
++ *  last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2007/09/21 09:22:40 $
++ *
++ *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
++ *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
++ *
++ *
++ *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
++ *    =============================================
++ *    Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
++ *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
++ *
++ *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
++ *    MA  02111-1307  USA
++ *
++ ************************************************************************/
++#include "tabviewoptions.hxx"
++ScTableViewOptions::ScTableViewOptions() :
++    mbDisplayGrid(true)

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