orca r3614 - in trunk: . test/keystrokes/oocalc
- From: richb svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: orca r3614 - in trunk: . test/keystrokes/oocalc
- Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:01:25 +0000 (GMT)
Author: richb
Date: Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
New Revision: 3614
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/orca?rev=3614&view=rev
* /test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_356334.py:
Adjusted various oocalc regression tests to use assertions.
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_356334.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_356334.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_356334.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -22,25 +23,24 @@
# 3. Press the down arrow to move to cell A2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Good in Pies Cell A2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Good in Pies Cell A2 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Good in Pies A2'
+ "Press the down arrow to move to cell A2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Good in Pies Cell A2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Good in Pies Cell A2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Good in Pies A2'"]))
# 4. Type Insert-f to get text attributes on the current cell (A2).
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Good in Pies Cell A2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Good in Pies Cell A2 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'size 16'
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'family-name Arial'
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'bold'
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'style italic'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction (0, 106,"Insert")) # Press Insert
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(150, 106,"Insert")) # Release Insert
+ "Type Insert-f to get text attributes on the current cell (A2)",
+ ["BUG: not speaking anything"]))
# 5. Press the right arrow to move to cell B2.
@@ -49,7 +49,13 @@
# VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B2 ', cursor=1
+ "Press the right arrow to move to cell B2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell B2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Yes B2'"]))
# 6. Type Insert-f to get text attributes on the current cell (B2).
@@ -59,9 +65,13 @@
# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'size 10'
# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'family-name Arial'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction (0, 106,"Insert")) # Press Insert
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(150, 106,"Insert")) # Release Insert
+ "Type Insert-f to get text attributes on the current cell (B2)",
+ ["BUG: not speaking anything"]))
# 7. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -101,4 +111,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363801.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363801.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363801.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -22,50 +23,64 @@
# 3. Type Insert-r to set the dynamical column headers to the first column.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'
-# VISIBLE: 'Dynamic column header set for ro', cursor=0
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction (0, 106,"Insert")) # Press Insert
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(150, 106,"Insert")) # Release Insert
+ "Type Insert-r to set the dynamical column headers to the first column",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic column header set for ro', cursor=0",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'"]))
# 4. Type Insert-c to set the dynamical row headers to the first row.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'
-# VISIBLE: 'Dynamic row header set for colum', cursor=0
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction (0, 106,"Insert")) # Press Insert
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(150, 106,"Insert")) # Release Insert
+ "Type Insert-c to set the dynamical row headers to the first row.",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic row header set for colum', cursor=0",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'"]))
# 5. Type Insert-r twice to clear the dynamical column headers.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic column header cleared.'
-# VISIBLE: 'Dynamic column header cleared.', cursor=0
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic column header cleared.'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction(0, None, "KP_Insert"))
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(0, None, "KP_Insert"))
+ "Type Insert-r twice to clear the dynamical column headers",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic column header set for ro', cursor=0",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic column header cleared.'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic column header cleared.', cursor=0",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic column header set for row 1'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic column header cleared.'"]))
# 6. Type Insert-c twice to clear the dynamical row headers.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic row header cleared.'
-# VISIBLE: 'Dynamic row header cleared.', cursor=0
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic row header cleared.'
sequence.append(KeyPressAction(0, None, "KP_Insert"))
sequence.append(KeyReleaseAction(0, None, "KP_Insert"))
+ "Type Insert-c twice to clear the dynamical row headers",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic row header set for colum', cursor=0",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'Dynamic row header cleared.'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Dynamic row header cleared.', cursor=0",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic row header set for column A'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Dynamic row header cleared.'"]))
# 7. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -105,4 +120,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363802.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363802.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_363802.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -17,56 +18,68 @@
# 2. Type Control-Home to position the text caret in cell A1.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1
+ "Type Control-Home to position the text caret in cell A1",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A1'"]))
# 3. Press the down arrow to move to cell A2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Good in Pies Cell A2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Good in Pies Cell A2 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Good in Pies A2'
+ "Press the down arrow to move to cell A2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Good in Pies Cell A2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Good in Pies Cell A2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Good in Pies A2'"]))
# 4. Press the right arrow to move to cell B2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell B2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B2 ', cursor=1
+ "Press the right arrow to move to cell B2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell B2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Yes B2'"]))
# 5. Press the down arrow to move to cell B3.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell B3 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B3 ', cursor=1
+ "Press the down arrow to move to cell B3",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell B3 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell B3 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Yes B3'"]))
# 6. Press the right arrow to move to cell C3.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell C3 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell C3 ', cursor=1
+ "Press the right arrow to move to cell C3",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Yes Cell C3 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Yes Cell C3 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Yes C3'"]))
# 7. Press the up arrow to move to cell C2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table No Cell C2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'No Cell C2 ', cursor=1
+ "Press the up arrow to move to cell C2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table No Cell C2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'No Cell C2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'No C2'"]))
# 8. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -106,4 +119,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364086.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364086.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364086.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -19,12 +20,6 @@
# 2. Enter Alt-f, right arrow, down arrow and Return.
# (File->New->Spreadsheet).
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'panel'
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("New", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU))
@@ -34,20 +29,41 @@
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Spreadsheet", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM))
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Sheet Sheet1", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE))
+ "File->New->Spreadsheet",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc ', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane Panel'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Panel', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc frame'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'panel'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A1'"]))
# 3. Type "hello" (without the quotes), followed by Return.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A2 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'hello A1'
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Sheet Sheet1", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE))
+ "Type 'hello' (without the quotes), followed by Return",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A2'"]))
# 4. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -71,4 +87,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364407.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364407.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_364407.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -18,10 +19,6 @@
# 2. Enter Alt-f, right arrow, down arrow and Return.
# (File->New->Spreadsheet).
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("New", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU))
@@ -31,8 +28,25 @@
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Spreadsheet", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM))
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Sheet Sheet1", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE))
+ "File->New->Spreadsheet",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc ', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane Panel'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Panel', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc frame'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'panel'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A1'"]))
# 3. Type Control-Shift-t to give focus to the spreadsheet cell locator.
@@ -41,8 +55,12 @@
# VISIBLE: 'A1 $l', cursor=2
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_LIST))
+ "Type Control-Shift-t to give focus to the spreadsheet cell locator",
+ ["BUG: not brailling/speaking anything"]))
# 4. Type right arrow twice and backspace twice to remove the current
@@ -60,9 +78,25 @@
# VISIBLE: 'Cell C3 ', cursor=1
sequence.append(TypeAction("c3", 0, 1000))
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Sheet Sheet1", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE))
+ "Type 'c3' followed by Return to jump to cell C3 in the spreadsheet",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ToolBar c $l'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'c $l', cursor=2",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ToolBar c $l'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'c $l', cursor=2",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ToolBar c3 $l'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'c3 $l', cursor=3",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ToolBar c3 $l'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'c3 $l', cursor=3",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ToolBar c3 $l'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'c3 $l', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell C3 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell C3 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' C3'"]))
# 6. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -76,4 +110,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_433398.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_433398.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_433398.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -32,22 +33,31 @@
# 5. Type down arrow three times to get to the Freeze menu item
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane MenuBar Freeze'
-# VISIBLE: 'Freeze', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Freeze'
+ "Type down arrow to get to the Freeze menu item [1]",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane MenuBar Freeze'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Freeze', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Freeze'"]))
# 6. Type Return to check it.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'
+ "Type Return to check it",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'"]))
# 7. Type Alt-w to bring up the Windows menu.
@@ -58,13 +68,17 @@
# 8. Type down arrow three times to get to the Freeze menu item.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane MenuBar <x> Freeze'
-# VISIBLE: '<x> Freeze', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Freeze checked'
+ "Type down arrow to get to the Freeze menu item [2]",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane MenuBar <x> Freeze'",
+ " VISIBLE: '<x> Freeze', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Freeze checked'"]))
# 9. Type Return to uncheck it.
@@ -73,7 +87,16 @@
# VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1
# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'
+ "Type Return to uncheck it",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'"]))
# 10. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -114,4 +137,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435307.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435307.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435307.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -34,12 +35,17 @@
# 5. Type Alt-f to select the Freeze menu item.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'
sequence.append(WaitForFocus("Sheet Sheet1", acc_role=pyatspi.ROLE_TABLE))
+ "Type Alt-f to select the Freeze menu item [1]",
+ [ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view4 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'"]))
# 6. Type Alt-w to bring up the Windows menu.
@@ -50,11 +56,16 @@
# 7. Type Alt-f to select the Freeze menu item.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1
-# SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'
+ "Type Alt-f to select the Freeze menu item [2]",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table'",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Sheet Sheet1 Table', cursor=1",
+ "BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame fruit - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Apples Cell B1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Apples Cell B1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Sheet Sheet1 table grayed'",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Apples B1'"]))
# 8. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -95,4 +106,6 @@
Modified: trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435852.py
--- trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435852.py (original)
+++ trunk/test/keystrokes/oocalc/bug_435852.py Wed Feb 20 21:01:25 2008
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from macaroon.playback import *
+import utils
sequence = MacroSequence()
@@ -39,38 +40,46 @@
# 4. Enter right arrow to move to cell B1.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell B1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell B1 ', cursor=1
+ "Enter right arrow to move to cell B1",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell B1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell B1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' B1'"]))
# 5. Enter down arrow to move to cell B2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell B2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell B2 ', cursor=1
+ "Enter down arrow to move to cell B2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell B2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell B2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' B2'"]))
# 6. Enter left arrow to move to cell A2.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A2 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A2 ', cursor=1
+ "Enter left arrow to move to cell A2",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A2 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A2 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A2'"]))
# 7. Enter up arrow to move to cell A1.
-# BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled1 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '
-# VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1
+ "Enter up arrow to move to cell A1",
+ ["BRAILLE LINE: 'soffice Application Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc Frame Untitled2 - OpenOffice.org Calc RootPane ScrollPane Document view3 Sheet Sheet1 Table Cell A1 '",
+ " VISIBLE: 'Cell A1 ', cursor=1",
+ "SPEECH OUTPUT: ' A1'"]))
# 8. Enter Alt-f, Alt-c to close the Calc spreadsheet window.
@@ -86,4 +95,6 @@
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