sabayon r939 - in trunk: . lib

Author: jrobeson
Date: Fri Feb 15 21:43:58 2008
New Revision: 939

 * TABS to spaces


Modified: trunk/lib/
--- trunk/lib/	(original)
+++ trunk/lib/	Fri Feb 15 21:43:58 2008
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
        try to transfer only files remotely modified from the cache."""
     def __init__(self, directory = None):
         info = None
- = None
-	self.catalog = None
-	self.root = None
-	# delay the directory check/creation until needed
-	self.orig_directory = directory
+ = None
+        self.catalog = None
+        self.root = None
+        # delay the directory check/creation until needed
+        self.orig_directory = directory
     def __ensure_directory(self, directory, remove_old):
@@ -78,193 +78,193 @@
             if info == None:
                 directory = None
-	if directory == None:
+        if directory == None:
             parent_info = self.__ensure_directory (get_home_dir() + "/.sabayon", True)
             if parent_info:
                 directory = get_home_dir() + "/.sabayon/profile_cache"
                 info = self.__ensure_directory (directory, True)
-	if info == None:
-	    dprint("Running with cache deactivated")
- = None
-	    return
-	else:
- = directory
-	if stat.S_IMODE(info[0]) != stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IXUSR:
-	    dprint("Wrong mode for %s", directory)
-	    try:
-		os.chmod(directory, stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IXUSR)
-	    except:
-	        dprint("Failed to chmod %s, ignored", directory)
- = None
-		return
-	if == None:
-	    dprint("Running with cache deactivated")
-	    return
-	catalogfile = + "/catalog.xml"
-	try:
-	    self.catalog = libxml2.readFile(catalogfile, None,
-	                                    libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
-	except:
-	    dprint("Failed to load catalog from %s" %(catalogfile))
-	    self.catalog = None
-	if self.catalog != None:
-	    root = self.catalog.getRootElement()
-	    if not root or != "catalog":
-	        dprint("Discarding corrupted catalog")
-		self.catalog.freeDoc ()
-		self.catalog = None
-	    else:
-	        self.root = root
-	# remove empty catalogs
-	if self.catalog == None or self.root == None or \
-	   self.root.children == None:
-	    try:
-		os.unlink( + "/catalog.xml")
-	    except:
-	        pass
+        if info == None:
+            dprint("Running with cache deactivated")
+   = None
+            return
+        else:
+   = directory
+        if stat.S_IMODE(info[0]) != stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IXUSR:
+            dprint("Wrong mode for %s", directory)
+            try:
+                os.chmod(directory, stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IXUSR)
+            except:
+                dprint("Failed to chmod %s, ignored", directory)
+       = None
+                return
+        if == None:
+            dprint("Running with cache deactivated")
+            return
+        catalogfile = + "/catalog.xml"
+        try:
+            self.catalog = libxml2.readFile(catalogfile, None,
+                                            libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
+        except:
+            dprint("Failed to load catalog from %s" %(catalogfile))
+            self.catalog = None
+        if self.catalog != None:
+            root = self.catalog.getRootElement()
+            if not root or != "catalog":
+                dprint("Discarding corrupted catalog")
+                self.catalog.freeDoc ()
+                self.catalog = None
+            else:
+                self.root = root
+        # remove empty catalogs
+        if self.catalog == None or self.root == None or \
+           self.root.children == None:
+            try:
+                os.unlink( + "/catalog.xml")
+            except:
+                pass
     def __URL_mapping(self, URL):
         """Function to convert an URL to a local name in the cache"""
-	URL = string.replace(URL, '//', "_")
-	URL = string.replace(URL, '/', "_")
-	return URL
+        URL = string.replace(URL, '//', "_")
+        URL = string.replace(URL, '/', "_")
+        return URL
     def __save_catalog(self):
         """Save the on disk catalog in XML format"""
-	# don't save an empty catalog, and remove it if empty
-	if self.catalog == None or self.root == None or \
-	   self.root.children == None:
-	    try:
-		os.unlink( + "/catalog.xml")
-	    except:
-	        pass
-	    return
+        # don't save an empty catalog, and remove it if empty
+        if self.catalog == None or self.root == None or \
+           self.root.children == None:
+            try:
+                os.unlink( + "/catalog.xml")
+            except:
+                pass
+            return
         if self.catalog != None and != None:
-	    f = open( + "/catalog.xml", "w")
-	    f.write(self.catalog.serialize(format = 1))
-	    f.close()
+            f = open( + "/catalog.xml", "w")
+            f.write(self.catalog.serialize(format = 1))
+            f.close()
     def __update_catalog(self, URL, timestamp = None):
         """Update the catalog of resources in the cache with an updated entry"""
-	if URL == None:
-	    return
-	modified = 0
+        if URL == None:
+            return
+        modified = 0
         # create the catalog if needed
-	if self.catalog == None:
-	    self.catalog = libxml2.newDoc("1.0")
-	    self.root = self.catalog.newChild (None, "catalog", None)
-	    modified = 1
-	if self.root == None:
-	    return
-	try:
-	    child = self.root.xpathEval("/catalog/entry[ URL = '%s']" % URL)[0]
-	except:
-	    child = None
-	if child == None:
-	    child = self.root.newChild(None, "entry", None)
-	    child.setProp("URL", URL)
-	    if timestamp == None:
-	        timestamp = ""
-	    child.setProp("timestamp", timestamp)
-	    modified = 1
-	else:
-	    if child.prop("URL") == URL:
-		if timestamp != None:
-		    if timestamp != child.prop("timestamp"):
-			child.setProp("timestamp", timestamp)
-			modified = 1
-		else:
-		    child.setProp("timestamp", "")
-		    modified = 1
-	if modified == 1:
-	    self.__save_catalog()
+        if self.catalog == None:
+            self.catalog = libxml2.newDoc("1.0")
+            self.root = self.catalog.newChild (None, "catalog", None)
+            modified = 1
+        if self.root == None:
+            return
+        try:
+            child = self.root.xpathEval("/catalog/entry[ URL = '%s']" % URL)[0]
+        except:
+            child = None
+        if child == None:
+            child = self.root.newChild(None, "entry", None)
+            child.setProp("URL", URL)
+            if timestamp == None:
+                timestamp = ""
+            child.setProp("timestamp", timestamp)
+            modified = 1
+        else:
+            if child.prop("URL") == URL:
+                if timestamp != None:
+                    if timestamp != child.prop("timestamp"):
+                        child.setProp("timestamp", timestamp)
+                        modified = 1
+                else:
+                    child.setProp("timestamp", "")
+                    modified = 1
+        if modified == 1:
+            self.__save_catalog()
     def __catalog_lookup(self, URL):
         """lookup an entry in the catalog, it will return a tuple of the
-	   file path and the timestamp if found, None otherwise. If the
-	   file is referenced in the cache but has not timestamp then it
-	   will return an empty string."""
-	if self.root == None:
-	    return None
-	try:
-	    child = self.root.xpathEval("/catalog/entry[ URL = '%s']" % URL)[0]
-	except:
-	    return None
-	filename = + "/" + self.__URL_mapping(URL)
-	try:
-	    info = os.stat(filename)
-	except:
-	    dprint("Local cache file for %s disapeared", URL)
-	    child.unlinkNode()
-	    child.freeNode()
-	    return None
-	return child.prop("timestamp")
+        file path and the timestamp if found, None otherwise. If the
+        file is referenced in the cache but has not timestamp then it
+        will return an empty string."""
+        if self.root == None:
+            return None
+        try:
+            child = self.root.xpathEval("/catalog/entry[ URL = '%s']" % URL)[0]
+        except:
+            return None
+        filename = + "/" + self.__URL_mapping(URL)
+        try:
+            info = os.stat(filename)
+        except:
+            dprint("Local cache file for %s disapeared", URL)
+            child.unlinkNode()
+            child.freeNode()
+            return None
+        return child.prop("timestamp")
     def get_resource(self, URL):
         """Get a resource from the cache. It may fetch it from the network
-	   or use a local copy. It returns a Python file liek open() would.
-	   If passed a filename it will accept it if absolute.
-	   The return value is an absolute path to a local file."""
-	file = None
-	try:
-	    decomp = urlparse.urlparse(URL)
-	    if decomp[2] == URL:
-	        file = URL
-	except:
-	    file = URL
-	if file != None:
-	    if file[0] != '/':
-	        return None
-	    try:
-	        return file
-	    except:
-	        dprint("Failed to read %s", file)
-	        return None
-	else:
-	    self.__check_directory()
-	    filename = + "/" + self.__URL_mapping(URL)
-	    timestamp = self.__catalog_lookup(URL)
-	    last_modified = None
-	    try:
-	        request = urllib2.Request(URL)
-		if timestamp != None and timestamp != "":
-		    request.add_header('If-Modified-Since', timestamp)
+        or use a local copy. It returns a Python file liek open() would.
+        If passed a filename it will accept it if absolute.
+        The return value is an absolute path to a local file."""
+        file = None
+        try:
+            decomp = urlparse.urlparse(URL)
+            if decomp[2] == URL:
+                file = URL
+        except:
+            file = URL
+        if file != None:
+            if file[0] != '/':
+                return None
+            try:
+                return file
-	        dprint("Failed to create request for %s", URL)
-	        return None
-	    try:
-	        opener = urllib2.build_opener()
-		# TODO handle time outs there ....
-		datastream =
-		try:
-		    last_modified = datastream.headers.dict['last-modified']
-		except:
-		    last_modified = None
-	        data =
-		datastream.close()
-	    except:
-	        dprint("Resource not available or older using cache")
-		try:
-		    info = os.stat(filename)
-		    return filename
-		except:
-		    dprint("Failed to find cache file %s", filename)
-		    return None
+                dprint("Failed to read %s", file)
+                return None
+        else:
+            self.__check_directory()
+            filename = + "/" + self.__URL_mapping(URL)
+            timestamp = self.__catalog_lookup(URL)
+            last_modified = None
-	        fd = open(filename, "w")
-		fd.write(data)
-		fd.close()
-		self.__update_catalog(URL, last_modified)
-	    except:
-	        dprint("Failed to write cache file %s", filename)
-		return None
-	    return filename
+                request = urllib2.Request(URL)
+                if timestamp != None and timestamp != "":
+                    request.add_header('If-Modified-Since', timestamp)
+            except:
+                dprint("Failed to create request for %s", URL)
+                return None
+            try:
+                opener = urllib2.build_opener()
+                # TODO handle time outs there ....
+                datastream =
+                try:
+                    last_modified = datastream.headers.dict['last-modified']
+                except:
+                    last_modified = None
+                data =
+                datastream.close()
+            except:
+                dprint("Resource not available or older using cache")
+                try:
+                    info = os.stat(filename)
+                    return filename
+                except:
+                    dprint("Failed to find cache file %s", filename)
+                    return None
+            try:
+                fd = open(filename, "w")
+                fd.write(data)
+                fd.close()
+                self.__update_catalog(URL, last_modified)
+            except:
+                dprint("Failed to write cache file %s", filename)
+                return None
+            return filename
 default_cache = None
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@
     if default_cache == None:
         default_cache = cacheRepository()
-	# now we can activate the entity loader
-	libxml2.setEntityLoader(libxml2_entity_loader)
+        # now we can activate the entity loader
+        libxml2.setEntityLoader(libxml2_entity_loader)
     return default_cache
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
     file = the_cache.get_resource(URL)
         fd = open(file)
-	dprint("Cache entity loader resolved to %s", file)
+        dprint("Cache entity loader resolved to %s", file)
         fd = None
     return fd
@@ -311,18 +311,18 @@
     class test_http_handler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
         def do_GET(self):
-	    SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
+            SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
-	def log_message(self, format, *args):
-	    pass
+        def log_message(self, format, *args):
+            pass
     def run_http_server(www):
-	os.chdir(www)
-	server_address = ('', 8000)
-	httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(server_address,test_http_handler)
-	dprint("starting HTTP on %s" % (www))
-	httpd.handle_request()
-	dprint("stopping HTTP server")
+        os.chdir(www)
+        server_address = ('', 8000)
+        httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(server_address,test_http_handler)
+        dprint("starting HTTP on %s" % (www))
+        httpd.handle_request()
+        dprint("stopping HTTP server")
     www = "/tmp/sabayon_http_test"
     shutil.rmtree(www, True)
@@ -359,8 +359,7 @@
     assert(data == "content")
     dprint("second cached HTTP access okay")
-    # shutdown the cache, restart a new instance and try to get the
-    # resource
+    # shutdown the cache, restart a new instance and try to get the resource
     del cache
     cache = cacheRepository(dir)

Modified: trunk/lib/
--- trunk/lib/	(original)
+++ trunk/lib/	Fri Feb 15 21:43:58 2008
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
             return convert_to (a.content)
-	    np = node.nodePath()
+            np = node.nodePath()
             # Translators: You may move the "%(setting)s" and "%(np)s" items as you wish, but
             # do not change the way they are written.  The intended string is
             # something like "invalid type for setting blah in /ldap/path/to/blah"
@@ -97,31 +97,31 @@
         if db_file is None:
             file = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, "users.xml")
-	elif db_file[0] != '/':
+        elif db_file[0] != '/':
             file = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, db_file)
-	else:
-	    file = db_file
-	self.file = file;
-	self.modified = 0
-	dprint("New UserDatabase(%s) object\n" % self.file)
-	try:
-	    self.doc = libxml2.readFile(file, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
-	    # Process XInclude statements
-	    self.doc.xincludeProcess()
-	except:
-	    # TODO add fallback to last good database
-	    dprint("failed to parse %s falling back to default conf\n" %
-	           self.file)
-	    self.doc = None
-	if self.doc == None:
-	    self.doc = libxml2.readMemory(defaultConf, len(defaultConf),
-	                                  None, None,
-	                                  libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS);
+        else:
+            file = db_file
+        self.file = file;
+        self.modified = 0
+        dprint("New UserDatabase(%s) object\n" % self.file)
+        try:
+            self.doc = libxml2.readFile(file, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
+            # Process XInclude statements
+            self.doc.xincludeProcess()
+        except:
+            # TODO add fallback to last good database
+            dprint("failed to parse %s falling back to default conf\n" %
+                   self.file)
+            self.doc = None
+        if self.doc == None:
+            self.doc = libxml2.readMemory(defaultConf, len(defaultConf),
+                                          None, None,
+                                          libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS);
     def __del__ (self):
         if self.doc != None:
-	    self.doc.freeDoc()
+            self.doc.freeDoc()
     def __profile_name_to_location (self, profile, node):
         if not profile:
@@ -131,45 +131,45 @@
         if uri:
             return uri
-	# do the necessary URI escaping of the profile name if needed
+        # do the necessary URI escaping of the profile name if needed
         orig_profile = profile
-	try:
-	    tmp = parseURI(profile)
-	except:
-	    profile = libxml2.URIEscapeStr(profile, "/:")
-	# if there is a base on the node, then use 
-	if node != None:
-	    try:
-		base = node.getBase(None)
-		if base != None and base != "" and \
-		   base != os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, "users.xml"):
-		    # URI composition from the base
+        try:
+            tmp = parseURI(profile)
+        except:
+            profile = libxml2.URIEscapeStr(profile, "/:")
+        # if there is a base on the node, then use 
+        if node != None:
+            try:
+                base = node.getBase(None)
+                if base != None and base != "" and \
+                   base != os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, "users.xml"):
+                    # URI composition from the base
                     ret = libxml2.buildURI(profile, base)
-		    if ret[0] == '/':
-		        ret = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(ret, len(ret), None)
-		    dprint("Converted profile name '%s' to location '%s'\n",
+                    if ret[0] == '/':
+                        ret = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(ret, len(ret), None)
+                    dprint("Converted profile name '%s' to location '%s'\n",
                            orig_profile, ret)
                     return ret
-	    except:
-		pass
-	try:
-	    uri = libxml2.parseURI(profile);
-	    if uri.scheme() is None:
-	        # it is a file path
-		if profile[0] != '/':
-		    profile = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, profile)
-		if profile[-4:] != ".zip":
-		    profile = profile + ".zip"
-	    else:
-	        # TODO need to make a local copy or use the local copy
-		profile = profile
-	except:
-	    # we really expect an URI there
-	    profile = None
+            except:
+                pass
+        try:
+            uri = libxml2.parseURI(profile);
+            if uri.scheme() is None:
+                # it is a file path
+                if profile[0] != '/':
+                    profile = os.path.join (config.PROFILESDIR, profile)
+                if profile[-4:] != ".zip":
+                    profile = profile + ".zip"
+            else:
+                # TODO need to make a local copy or use the local copy
+                profile = profile
+        except:
+            # we really expect an URI there
+            profile = None
-	if profile[0] == '/':
-	    profile = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(profile, len(profile), None)
+        if profile[0] == '/':
+            profile = libxml2.URIUnescapeString(profile, len(profile), None)
         dprint("Converted profile name '%s' to location '%s'\n",
                orig_profile, profile)
         return profile
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@
         object, or the default profile name if @profile_location is
-	default = None
-	try:
-	    default = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles/default")[0]
-	    profile = default.prop("profile")
-	except:
-	    profile = None
+        default = None
+        try:
+            default = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles/default")[0]
+            profile = default.prop("profile")
+            except:
+                profile = None
         if not profile_location:
             return profile
@@ -301,13 +301,13 @@
                 profile = user.prop("profile")
                 profile = None
-	if not profile and not ignore_default:
-	    try:
-	        query = "/profiles/default[1][ profile]"
-		user = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
-		profile = user.prop("profile")
-	    except:
-	        profile = None
+        if not profile and not ignore_default:
+            try:
+                query = "/profiles/default[1][ profile]"
+                user = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+                profile = user.prop("profile")
+            except:
+                profile = None
         if not profile_location:
             return profile
@@ -317,44 +317,44 @@
     def __save_as(self, filename = None):
         """Save the current version to the given filename"""
-	if filename == None:
-	    filename = self.file
+        if filename == None:
+            filename = self.file
+        dprint("Saving UserDatabase to %s\n", filename)
+        try:
+            os.rename(filename, filename + ".bak")
+            backup = 1
+        except:
+            backup = 0
+            pass
+        try:
+            f = open(filename, 'w')
+        except:
+            if backup == 1:
+                try:
+                    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
+                    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                except:
+                    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                raise UserDatabaseException(
+                    _("Could not open %s for writing") % filename)
+        try:
+            f.write(self.doc.serialize("UTF-8", format=1))
+            f.close()
+        except:
+            if backup == 1:
+                try:
+                    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
+                    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
+                except:
+                    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
-	dprint("Saving UserDatabase to %s\n", filename)
-	try:
-	    os.rename(filename, filename + ".bak")
-	    backup = 1
-	except:
-	    backup = 0
-	    pass
-	try:
-	    f = open(filename, 'w')
-	except:
-	    if backup == 1:
-	        try:
-		    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
-		    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
-		except:
-		    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
-	    raise UserDatabaseException(
-	              _("Could not open %s for writing") % filename)
-	try:
-	    f.write(self.doc.serialize("UTF-8", format=1))
-	    f.close()
-	except:
-	    if backup == 1:
-	        try:
-		    os.rename(filename + ".bak", filename)
-		    dprint("Restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
-		except:
-		    dprint("Failed to restore from %s.bak\n", filename)
-	    raise UserDatabaseException(
-	              _("Failed to save UserDatabase to %s") % filename)
-	self.modified = 0
+            raise UserDatabaseException(
+                _("Failed to save UserDatabase to %s") % filename)
+        self.modified = 0
     def set_default_profile (self, profile):
         """Set the default profile to be used for all users.
@@ -363,30 +363,30 @@
         if profile is None:
             profile = ""
-	self.modified = 0
-	try:
-	    default = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles/default")[0]
-	    oldprofile = default.prop("profile")
-	    if oldprofile != profile:
-	        default.setProp("profile", profile)
-		self.modified = 1
-        except:
-	    try:
-		profiles = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles")[0]
-	    except:
-		raise UserDatabaseException(
-			  _("File %s is not a profile configuration") %
+        self.modified = 0
+        try:
+            default = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles/default")[0]
+            oldprofile = default.prop("profile")
+            if oldprofile != profile:
+                default.setProp("profile", profile)
+                self.modified = 1
+        except:
+            try:
+                profiles = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles")[0]
+            except:
+                raise UserDatabaseException(
+                    _("File %s is not a profile configuration") %
-	    try:
-		default = profiles.newChild(None, "default", None)
-		default.setProp("profile", profile)
-	    except:
-		raise UserDatabaseException(
-			  _("Failed to add default profile %s to configuration") %
+            try:
+                default = profiles.newChild(None, "default", None)
+                default.setProp("profile", profile)
+            except:
+                raise UserDatabaseException(
+                    _("Failed to add default profile %s to configuration") %
-	    self.modified = 1
-	if self.modified == 1:
-	    self.__save_as()
+            self.modified = 1
+        if self.modified == 1:
+            self.__save_as()
     def set_profile (self, username, profile):
         """Set the profile for a given username.
@@ -397,48 +397,48 @@
         if profile is None:
             profile = ""
-	self.modified = 0
-	try:
-	    query = "/profiles/user[ name='%s']" % username
-	    user = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
-	    oldprofile = user.prop("profile")
-	    if oldprofile != profile:
-	        user.setProp("profile", profile)
-		self.modified = 1
-	except:
-	    try:
-		profiles = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles")[0]
-	    except:
-		raise UserDatabaseException(
-			  _("File %s is not a profile configuration") %
+        self.modified = 0
+        try:
+            query = "/profiles/user[ name='%s']" % username
+            user = self.doc.xpathEval(query)[0]
+            oldprofile = user.prop("profile")
+            if oldprofile != profile:
+                user.setProp("profile", profile)
+                self.modified = 1
+        except:
+            try:
+                profiles = self.doc.xpathEval("/profiles")[0]
+            except:
+                raise UserDatabaseException(
+                    _("File %s is not a profile configuration") %
-	    try:
-		user = profiles.newChild(None, "user", None)
-		user.setProp("name", username)
-		user.setProp("profile", profile)
-	    except:
-		raise UserDatabaseException(
-			  _("Failed to add user %s to profile configuration") %
+            try:
+                user = profiles.newChild(None, "user", None)
+                user.setProp("name", username)
+                user.setProp("profile", profile)
+            except:
+                raise UserDatabaseException(
+                    _("Failed to add user %s to profile configuration") %
-	    self.modified = 1
-	if self.modified == 1:
-	    self.__save_as()
+            self.modified = 1
+        if self.modified == 1:
+            self.__save_as()
     def get_profiles (self):
         """Return the list of currently available profiles.
         This is basically just list of zip files in
         /etc/desktop-profiles, each without the .zip extension.
-	list = []
-	try:
-	    for file in os.listdir(config.PROFILESDIR):
-	        if file[-4:] != ".zip":
-		    continue
-		list.append(file[0:-4])
-	except:
-	    dprint("Failed to read directory(%s)\n" % (config.PROFILESDIR))
-	# TODO: also list remote profiles as found in self.doc
-	return list
+        list = []
+        try:
+            for file in os.listdir(config.PROFILESDIR):
+                if file[-4:] != ".zip":
+                    continue
+                list.append(file[0:-4])
+        except:
+            dprint("Failed to read directory(%s)\n" % (config.PROFILESDIR))
+        # TODO: also list remote profiles as found in self.doc
+        return list
     def is_sabayon_controlled (self, username):
         """Return True if user's configuration was ever under Sabayon's
@@ -465,27 +465,27 @@
         be real users - i.e. should not include system users
         like nobody, gdm, nfsnobody etc.
-	list = []
-	try:
-	    users = pwd.getpwall()
-	except:
-	    raise UserDatabaseException(_("Failed to get the user list"))
-	for user in pwd.getpwall():
-	    try:
-	        # remove non-users
-		if user[2] < 500:
-		    continue
-		if user[0] in list:
-		    continue
-		if user[6] == "" or string.find(user[6], "nologin") != -1:
-		    continue
+        list = []
+        try:
+            users = pwd.getpwall()
+        except:
+            raise UserDatabaseException(_("Failed to get the user list"))
+        for user in pwd.getpwall():
+            try:
+                # remove non-users
+                if user[2] < 500:
+                    continue
+                if user[0] in list:
+                    continue
+                if user[6] == "" or string.find(user[6], "nologin") != -1:
+                    continue
                 if user[0][len (user[0]) - 1] == "$":  # Active Directory hosts end in "$"; we don't want to show those as users
-		list.append(user[0])
-	    except:
-		pass
-	return list
+                list.append(user[0])
+            except:
+                pass
+        return list

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