beagle r4488 - in branches/beagle-rdf: BeagleClient beagled beagled/NetworkServicesQueryable search/Beagle.Search.Tiles
- From: dbera svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: beagle r4488 - in branches/beagle-rdf: BeagleClient beagled beagled/NetworkServicesQueryable search/Beagle.Search.Tiles
- Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:16:42 +0000 (GMT)
Author: dbera
Date: Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
New Revision: 4488
Merge 4481:4487 from trunk and fix the build of this branch. Replace duplicate code in DoLowLevelRDFQuery.
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/AssemblyInfo.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/AssemblyInfo.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -30,13 +30,14 @@
// Any request message types in the Beagle.dll file must be registered here.
[assembly: RequestMessageTypes (
+ typeof (CountMatchQuery),
+ typeof (DaemonInformationRequest),
typeof (IndexingServiceRequest),
typeof (InformationalMessagesRequest),
+ typeof (OptimizeIndexesRequest),
typeof (Query),
- typeof (DaemonInformationRequest),
- typeof (ShutdownRequest),
typeof (ReloadConfigRequest),
- typeof (OptimizeIndexesRequest),
+ typeof (ShutdownRequest),
typeof (SnippetRequest),
typeof (RDFQuery)
@@ -51,5 +52,7 @@
typeof (SearchTermResponse),
typeof (DaemonInformationResponse),
typeof (SnippetResponse),
- typeof (RDFQueryResult)
+ typeof (RDFQueryResult),
+ typeof (SnippetResponse),
+ typeof (CountMatchQueryResponse)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/Query.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/Query.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/Query.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -305,4 +305,25 @@
[XmlArrayItem (ElementName="Hit", Type=typeof (Hit))]
public ArrayList Hits = new ArrayList ();
+ // Synchronous query to return the number of matches
+ public class CountMatchQuery : Query {
+ public CountMatchQuery (string str) : this ()
+ {
+ AddText (str);
+ }
+ public CountMatchQuery ()
+ {
+ // RDFQuery is a sync message
+ this.UnregisterAsyncResponseHandler (typeof (HitsAddedResponse));
+ this.UnregisterAsyncResponseHandler (typeof (HitsSubtractedResponse));
+ this.UnregisterAsyncResponseHandler (typeof (FinishedResponse));
+ this.UnregisterAsyncResponseHandler (typeof (ErrorResponse));
+ this.UnregisterAsyncResponseHandler (typeof (SearchTermResponse));
+ Keepalive = false;
+ }
+ }
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/QueryResponses.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/QueryResponses.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/BeagleClient/QueryResponses.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -114,4 +114,8 @@
StemmedText = new ArrayList ();
+ public class CountMatchQueryResponse : ResponseMessage {
+ public int NumMatches = 0;
+ }
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/AssemblyInfo.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/AssemblyInfo.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@
typeof (ReloadConfigExecutor),
typeof (ShutdownExecutor),
typeof (SnippetExecutor),
- typeof (RDFQueryExecutor)
+ typeof (RDFQueryExecutor),
+ typeof (CountMatchQueryExecutor)
// All backends in this assembly must be registered here.
@@ -77,5 +78,5 @@
typeof (Beagle.Daemon.PidginQueryable.PidginQueryable),
typeof (Beagle.Daemon.StaticQueryable),
typeof (Beagle.Daemon.TomboyQueryable.TomboyQueryable),
- typeof (Beagle.Daemon.EmpathyQueryable.EmpathyQueryable)
+ typeof (Beagle.Daemon.EmpathyQueryable.EmpathyQueryable)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/ExternalMetadataQueryable.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/ExternalMetadataQueryable.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/ExternalMetadataQueryable.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
return null;
+ public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
public ISnippetReader GetSnippet (string[] query_terms, Hit hit, bool full_text)
return null;
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/IQueryable.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/IQueryable.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/IQueryable.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query query);
+ // Just return the number of matches
+ int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query);
ISnippetReader GetSnippet (string[] query_terms, Hit hit, bool full_text);
QueryableStatus GetQueryableStatus ();
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryable.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryable.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryable.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
public ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query query)
- return Driver.DoRDFQuery (query);
+ return Driver.DoRDFQuery (query, backend_query_part_hook);
public void DoQuery (Query query,
@@ -360,6 +360,12 @@
+ public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
+ {
+ return Driver.DoCountMatchQuery (query, backend_query_part_hook);
+ }
protected SnippetReader GetSnippetFromTextCache (string [] query_terms, Uri uri, bool full_text)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryingDriver.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryingDriver.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/LuceneQueryingDriver.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -136,12 +136,194 @@
+ // Core steps to do query
+ // The top-level methods use these steps
+ // Returns the lists of terms in the query
+ private ArrayList AssembleQuery (Query query,
+ QueryPartHook query_part_hook,
+ HitFilter hit_filter,
+ out ArrayList primary_required_part_queries,
+ out ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries,
+ out LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out AndHitFilter all_hit_filters)
+ {
+ primary_required_part_queries = null;
+ secondary_required_part_queries = null;
+ primary_prohibited_part_query = null;
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query = null;
+ all_hit_filters = new AndHitFilter ();
+ if (hit_filter != null)
+ all_hit_filters.Add (hit_filter);
+ ArrayList term_list = new ArrayList ();
+ foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts) {
+ LNS.Query primary_part_query;
+ LNS.Query secondary_part_query;
+ HitFilter part_hit_filter;
+ QueryPartToQuery (part,
+ false, // we want both primary and secondary queries
+ part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Required ? term_list : null,
+ query_part_hook,
+ out primary_part_query,
+ out secondary_part_query,
+ out part_hit_filter);
+ if (primary_part_query == null)
+ continue;
+ switch (part.Logic) {
+ case QueryPartLogic.Required:
+ if (primary_required_part_queries == null) {
+ primary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
+ secondary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
+ }
+ primary_required_part_queries.Add (primary_part_query);
+ secondary_required_part_queries.Add (secondary_part_query);
+ if (part_hit_filter != null)
+ all_hit_filters.Add (part_hit_filter);
+ break;
+ case QueryPartLogic.Prohibited:
+ if (primary_prohibited_part_query == null)
+ primary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
+ primary_prohibited_part_query.Add (primary_part_query, false, false);
+ if (secondary_part_query != null) {
+ if (secondary_prohibited_part_query == null)
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query.Add (secondary_part_query, false, false);
+ }
+ if (part_hit_filter != null) {
+ NotHitFilter nhf;
+ nhf = new NotHitFilter (part_hit_filter);
+ all_hit_filters.Add (new HitFilter (nhf.HitFilter));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return term_list;
+ }
+ private void BuildSearchers (out IndexReader primary_reader,
+ out LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher,
+ out IndexReader secondary_reader,
+ out LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher)
+ {
+ secondary_reader = null;
+ secondary_searcher = null;
+ primary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (PrimaryStore);
+ primary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (primary_reader);
+ if (SecondaryStore != null) {
+ secondary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (SecondaryStore);
+ if (secondary_reader.NumDocs () == 0) {
+ ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
+ secondary_reader = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (secondary_reader != null)
+ secondary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (secondary_reader);
+ }
+ private void CloseSearchers (IndexReader primary_reader,
+ LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher,
+ IndexReader secondary_reader,
+ LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher)
+ {
+ primary_searcher.Close ();
+ if (secondary_searcher != null)
+ secondary_searcher.Close ();
+ ReleaseReader (primary_reader);
+ if (secondary_reader != null)
+ ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
+ }
+ private void CreateQueryWhitelists (ICollection search_subset_uris,
+ LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher,
+ LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher,
+ LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist,
+ out LuceneBitArray secondary_whitelist)
+ {
+ primary_whitelist = null;
+ secondary_whitelist = null;
+ if (search_subset_uris != null && search_subset_uris.Count > 0) {
+ primary_whitelist = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher);
+ if (secondary_searcher != null)
+ secondary_whitelist = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
+ foreach (Uri uri in search_subset_uris) {
+ primary_whitelist.AddUri (uri);
+ if (secondary_whitelist != null)
+ secondary_whitelist.AddUri (uri);
+ }
+ primary_whitelist.FlushUris ();
+ if (secondary_whitelist != null)
+ secondary_whitelist.FlushUris ();
+ }
+ // Build blacklists from our prohibited parts.
+ LuceneBitArray primary_blacklist = null;
+ LuceneBitArray secondary_blacklist = null;
+ if (primary_prohibited_part_query != null) {
+ primary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher,
+ primary_prohibited_part_query);
+ if (secondary_searcher != null) {
+ secondary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
+ if (secondary_prohibited_part_query != null)
+ secondary_blacklist.Or (secondary_prohibited_part_query);
+ primary_blacklist.Join (secondary_blacklist);
+ }
+ }
+ // Combine our whitelist and blacklist into just a whitelist.
+ if (primary_blacklist != null) {
+ if (primary_whitelist == null) {
+ primary_blacklist.Not ();
+ primary_whitelist = primary_blacklist;
+ } else {
+ primary_whitelist.AndNot (primary_blacklist);
+ }
+ }
+ if (secondary_blacklist != null) {
+ if (secondary_whitelist == null) {
+ secondary_blacklist.Not ();
+ secondary_whitelist = secondary_blacklist;
+ } else {
+ secondary_whitelist.AndNot (secondary_blacklist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
///////// RDF fu ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// Returns a collection of Uris
// HitFilter and UriFilter are ignored for now
// They will come into play in the final FetchDocument part
- public ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query _query)
+ // FIXME: Should RDFQuery do any query mapping using backend_query_part_hook ?
+ // I think it should.
+ public ICollection DoRDFQuery (Query _query, QueryPartHook query_part_hook)
RDFQuery query = (RDFQuery) _query;
@@ -168,7 +350,7 @@
part.Text = _object;
part.SearchFullText = false; // We only search properties in RDF query
query.AddPart (part);
- return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null);
+ return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null, query_part_hook);
// Return uris for all documents with this property
@@ -184,7 +366,7 @@
part.Value = _object;
query.AddPart (part);
string field_name = PropertyToFieldName (pred_type, predicate);
- return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, field_name);
+ return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, field_name, query_part_hook);
// Return if the URI exists
@@ -192,7 +374,7 @@
QueryPart_Uri part = new QueryPart_Uri ();
part.Uri = new Uri (subject); // better be URI!
query.AddPart (part);
- return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null);
+ return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null, query_part_hook);
// Normal query in the document with this URI
@@ -206,7 +388,7 @@
part.SearchFullText = false; // We only search properties in RDF query
query.AddPart (part);
- return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null);
+ return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, null, query_part_hook);
// Return URI if the document with this URI contains this property
@@ -241,7 +423,7 @@
query.AddPart (part);
string field_name = PropertyToFieldName (pred_type, predicate);
- return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, field_name);
+ return DoLowLevelRDFQuery (query, field_name, query_part_hook);
throw new Exception ("Never reaches");
@@ -358,7 +540,9 @@
return hits;
- private ICollection DoLowLevelRDFQuery (Query query, string field_name)
+ private ICollection DoLowLevelRDFQuery (Query query,
+ string field_name,
+ QueryPartHook query_part_hook)
Stopwatch total, a, b, c, d, e, f;
@@ -376,55 +560,26 @@
// Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries
- ArrayList primary_required_part_queries = null;
- ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries = null;
+ ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
+ ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;
- LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query = null;
- LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query = null;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;
- ArrayList term_list = new ArrayList ();
- foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts) {
- LNS.Query primary_part_query;
- LNS.Query secondary_part_query;
- HitFilter part_hit_filter;
- QueryPartToQuery (part,
- false, // we want both primary and secondary queries
- part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Required ? term_list : null,
- query_part_hook,
- out primary_part_query,
- out secondary_part_query,
- out part_hit_filter);
- if (primary_part_query == null)
- continue;
- switch (part.Logic) {
- case QueryPartLogic.Required:
- if (primary_required_part_queries == null) {
- primary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
- secondary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
- }
- primary_required_part_queries.Add (primary_part_query);
- secondary_required_part_queries.Add (secondary_part_query);
- break;
+ AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;
- case QueryPartLogic.Prohibited:
- if (primary_prohibited_part_query == null)
- primary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
- primary_prohibited_part_query.Add (primary_part_query, false, false);
+ ArrayList term_list;
- if (secondary_part_query != null) {
- if (secondary_prohibited_part_query == null)
- secondary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
- secondary_prohibited_part_query.Add (secondary_part_query, false, false);
- }
+ // Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries
- break;
- }
- }
+ term_list = AssembleQuery (query,
+ query_part_hook,
+ null,
+ out primary_required_part_queries,
+ out secondary_required_part_queries,
+ out primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out all_hit_filters);
a.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -444,23 +599,12 @@
IndexReader primary_reader;
LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
- IndexReader secondary_reader = null;
- LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher = null;
- primary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (PrimaryStore);
- primary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (primary_reader);
+ IndexReader secondary_reader;
+ LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;
- if (SecondaryStore != null) {
- secondary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (SecondaryStore);
- if (secondary_reader.NumDocs () == 0) {
- ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
- secondary_reader = null;
- }
- }
- if (secondary_reader != null)
- secondary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (secondary_reader);
+ // Create the searchers that we will need.
+ BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher);
b.Stop ();
if (Debug)
Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Readers/searchers built in {1}", IndexName, b);
@@ -469,47 +613,14 @@
c.Start ();
// Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
- LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist = null;
- LuceneBitArray secondary_whitelist = null;
- // Build blacklists from our prohibited parts.
- LuceneBitArray primary_blacklist = null;
- LuceneBitArray secondary_blacklist = null;
- if (primary_prohibited_part_query != null) {
- primary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher,
- primary_prohibited_part_query);
- if (secondary_searcher != null) {
- secondary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
- if (secondary_prohibited_part_query != null)
- secondary_blacklist.Or (secondary_prohibited_part_query);
- primary_blacklist.Join (secondary_blacklist);
- }
- }
- // Combine our whitelist and blacklist into just a whitelist.
- if (primary_blacklist != null) {
- if (primary_whitelist == null) {
- primary_blacklist.Not ();
- primary_whitelist = primary_blacklist;
- } else {
- primary_whitelist.AndNot (primary_blacklist);
- }
- }
- if (secondary_blacklist != null) {
- if (secondary_whitelist == null) {
- secondary_blacklist.Not ();
- secondary_whitelist = secondary_blacklist;
- } else {
- secondary_whitelist.AndNot (secondary_blacklist);
- }
- }
+ LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
+ CreateQueryWhitelists (null,
+ primary_searcher,
+ secondary_searcher,
+ primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out primary_whitelist,
+ out secondary_whitelist);
c.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -585,14 +696,7 @@
f.Start ();
- primary_searcher.Close ();
- if (secondary_searcher != null)
- secondary_searcher.Close ();
- ReleaseReader (primary_reader);
- if (secondary_reader != null)
- ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
+ CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
f.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -615,8 +719,90 @@
return hits;
- // Returns the lowest matching score before the results are
- // truncated.
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query, QueryPartHook query_part_hook)
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Starting low-level queries", IndexName);
+ Stopwatch total;
+ total = new Stopwatch ();
+ total.Start ();
+ ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
+ ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;
+ AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;
+ ArrayList term_list;
+ term_list = AssembleQuery ( query,
+ query_part_hook,
+ null,
+ out primary_required_part_queries,
+ out secondary_required_part_queries,
+ out primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out all_hit_filters);
+ // If we have no required parts, give up.
+ if (primary_required_part_queries == null)
+ return 0;
+ IndexReader primary_reader;
+ LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
+ IndexReader secondary_reader;
+ LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;
+ BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher);
+ // Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
+ LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
+ CreateQueryWhitelists (null,
+ primary_searcher,
+ secondary_searcher,
+ primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out primary_whitelist,
+ out secondary_whitelist);
+ // Now run the low level queries against our indexes.
+ BetterBitArray primary_matches = null;
+ if (primary_required_part_queries != null) {
+ if (secondary_searcher != null)
+ primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (primary_searcher,
+ secondary_searcher,
+ primary_required_part_queries,
+ secondary_required_part_queries,
+ primary_whitelist,
+ secondary_whitelist);
+ else
+ primary_matches = DoRequiredQueries (primary_searcher,
+ primary_required_part_queries,
+ primary_whitelist);
+ }
+ int result = 0;
+ // FIXME: Pass the count through uri-filter and other validation checks
+ if (primary_matches != null)
+ result = primary_matches.TrueCount;
+ CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
+ total.Stop ();
+ if (Debug)
+ Logger.Log.Debug ("###### {0}: Total query run in {1}", IndexName, total);
+ return result;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
public void DoQuery (Query query,
IQueryResult result,
ICollection search_subset_uris, // should be internal uris
@@ -640,70 +826,26 @@
total.Start ();
a.Start ();
- // Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries
+ ArrayList primary_required_part_queries;
+ ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries;
- ArrayList primary_required_part_queries = null;
- ArrayList secondary_required_part_queries = null;
- LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query = null;
- LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query = null;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery primary_prohibited_part_query;
+ LNS.BooleanQuery secondary_prohibited_part_query;
AndHitFilter all_hit_filters;
- all_hit_filters = new AndHitFilter ();
- if (hit_filter != null)
- all_hit_filters.Add (hit_filter);
- ArrayList term_list = new ArrayList ();
+ ArrayList term_list;
- foreach (QueryPart part in query.Parts) {
- LNS.Query primary_part_query;
- LNS.Query secondary_part_query;
- HitFilter part_hit_filter;
- QueryPartToQuery (part,
- false, // we want both primary and secondary queries
- part.Logic == QueryPartLogic.Required ? term_list : null,
- out primary_part_query,
- out secondary_part_query,
- out part_hit_filter);
- if (primary_part_query == null)
- continue;
- switch (part.Logic) {
- case QueryPartLogic.Required:
- if (primary_required_part_queries == null) {
- primary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
- secondary_required_part_queries = new ArrayList ();
- }
- primary_required_part_queries.Add (primary_part_query);
- secondary_required_part_queries.Add (secondary_part_query);
- if (part_hit_filter != null)
- all_hit_filters.Add (part_hit_filter);
- break;
- case QueryPartLogic.Prohibited:
- if (primary_prohibited_part_query == null)
- primary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
- primary_prohibited_part_query.Add (primary_part_query, false, false);
- if (secondary_part_query != null) {
- if (secondary_prohibited_part_query == null)
- secondary_prohibited_part_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
- secondary_prohibited_part_query.Add (secondary_part_query, false, false);
- }
- if (part_hit_filter != null) {
- NotHitFilter nhf;
- nhf = new NotHitFilter (part_hit_filter);
- all_hit_filters.Add (new HitFilter (nhf.HitFilter));
- }
+ // Assemble all of the parts into a bunch of Lucene queries
- break;
- }
- }
+ term_list = AssembleQuery (query,
+ query_part_hook,
+ hit_filter,
+ out primary_required_part_queries,
+ out secondary_required_part_queries,
+ out primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out all_hit_filters);
a.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -719,26 +861,14 @@
// Now that we have all of these nice queries, let's execute them!
- // Create the searchers that we will need.
IndexReader primary_reader;
LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher;
- IndexReader secondary_reader = null;
- LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher = null;
+ IndexReader secondary_reader;
+ LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher;
- primary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (PrimaryStore);
- primary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (primary_reader);
+ // Create the searchers that we will need.
- if (SecondaryStore != null) {
- secondary_reader = LuceneCommon.GetReader (SecondaryStore);
- if (secondary_reader.NumDocs () == 0) {
- ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
- secondary_reader = null;
- }
- }
- if (secondary_reader != null)
- secondary_searcher = new LNS.IndexSearcher (secondary_reader);
+ BuildSearchers (out primary_reader, out primary_searcher, out secondary_reader, out secondary_searcher);
b.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -746,65 +876,16 @@
// Build whitelists and blacklists for search subsets.
c.Start ();
- // Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
- LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist = null;
- LuceneBitArray secondary_whitelist = null;
- if (search_subset_uris != null && search_subset_uris.Count > 0) {
- primary_whitelist = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher);
- if (secondary_searcher != null)
- secondary_whitelist = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
- foreach (Uri uri in search_subset_uris) {
- primary_whitelist.AddUri (uri);
- if (secondary_whitelist != null)
- secondary_whitelist.AddUri (uri);
- }
- primary_whitelist.FlushUris ();
- if (secondary_whitelist != null)
- secondary_whitelist.FlushUris ();
- }
- // Build blacklists from our prohibited parts.
- LuceneBitArray primary_blacklist = null;
- LuceneBitArray secondary_blacklist = null;
- if (primary_prohibited_part_query != null) {
- primary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher,
- primary_prohibited_part_query);
- if (secondary_searcher != null) {
- secondary_blacklist = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
- if (secondary_prohibited_part_query != null)
- secondary_blacklist.Or (secondary_prohibited_part_query);
- primary_blacklist.Join (secondary_blacklist);
- }
- }
- // Combine our whitelist and blacklist into just a whitelist.
- if (primary_blacklist != null) {
- if (primary_whitelist == null) {
- primary_blacklist.Not ();
- primary_whitelist = primary_blacklist;
- } else {
- primary_whitelist.AndNot (primary_blacklist);
- }
- }
- if (secondary_blacklist != null) {
- if (secondary_whitelist == null) {
- secondary_blacklist.Not ();
- secondary_whitelist = secondary_blacklist;
- } else {
- secondary_whitelist.AndNot (secondary_blacklist);
- }
- }
+ // Possibly create our whitelists from the search subset.
+ LuceneBitArray primary_whitelist, secondary_whitelist;
+ CreateQueryWhitelists (search_subset_uris,
+ primary_searcher,
+ secondary_searcher,
+ primary_prohibited_part_query,
+ secondary_prohibited_part_query,
+ out primary_whitelist,
+ out secondary_whitelist);
c.Stop ();
if (Debug)
@@ -860,14 +941,7 @@
f.Start ();
- primary_searcher.Close ();
- if (secondary_searcher != null)
- secondary_searcher.Close ();
- ReleaseReader (primary_reader);
- if (secondary_reader != null)
- ReleaseReader (secondary_reader);
+ CloseSearchers (primary_reader, primary_searcher, secondary_reader, secondary_searcher);
f.Stop ();
if (Debug)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/NetworkServicesQueryable/NetworkServicesQueryable.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/NetworkServicesQueryable/NetworkServicesQueryable.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/NetworkServicesQueryable/NetworkServicesQueryable.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -130,6 +130,11 @@
+ public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
public ISnippetReader GetSnippet (string[] query_terms, Hit hit, bool full_text)
return null;
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryDriver.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryDriver.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryDriver.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
ArrayList all_results = new ArrayList ();
- foreach (Queryable q in queryables) {
+ foreach (Queryable q in Queryables) {
if (! q.AcceptQuery (query))
@@ -647,6 +647,24 @@
+ static public int DoCountMatchQuery (CountMatchQuery query)
+ {
+ DehumanizeQuery (query);
+ int num_matches = 0;
+ foreach (Queryable q in Queryables) {
+ if (! q.AcceptQuery (query))
+ continue;
+ num_matches += q.DoCountMatchQuery (query);
+ }
+ return num_matches;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static public IEnumerable GetIndexInformation ()
foreach (Queryable q in Queryables)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryExecutor.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryExecutor.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/QueryExecutor.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -124,4 +124,19 @@
return result;
+ [RequestMessage (typeof (CountMatchQuery))]
+ public class CountMatchQueryExecutor : RequestMessageExecutor {
+ public override ResponseMessage Execute (RequestMessage request)
+ {
+ CountMatchQueryResponse result = new CountMatchQueryResponse ();
+ CountMatchQuery query = request as CountMatchQuery;
+ if (query == null)
+ return new ErrorResponse ("Only CountMatch query please!");
+ result.NumMatches = QueryDriver.DoCountMatchQuery (query);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/Queryable.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/Queryable.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/Queryable.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -88,6 +88,16 @@
return iqueryable.DoRDFQuery (query);
+ public int DoCountMatchQuery (Query query)
+ {
+ try {
+ return iqueryable.DoCountMatchQuery (query);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ Logger.Log.Warn (ex, "Caught exception calling DoCountMatchQuery on '{0}'", Name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
public ISnippetReader GetSnippet (string[] query_terms, Hit hit, bool full_text)
if (hit == null)
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/
--- branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/ (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/beagled/ Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
+if [ -z "$BEAGLE_MONO_RUNTIME" ]; then
+ export BEAGLE_MONO_RUNTIME="mono"
if [ -n "$BEAGLE_MONO_DEBUG_FLAG_IS_SET" ]; then
Modified: branches/beagle-rdf/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs
--- branches/beagle-rdf/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs (original)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs Fri Feb 15 01:16:42 2008
@@ -146,9 +146,19 @@
gr.Color = CairoFu.GdkColorToCairoColor (fill);
gr.Fill ();
- if (State == StateType.Selected || HasFocus) {
+ if (State == StateType.Selected) {
CairoFu.RoundedSelection (gr, this, 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height);
+ if (HasFocus) {
+ int focus_padding = (int)StyleGetProperty ("focus-padding");
+ int x = focus_padding + Style.Xthickness;
+ int y = focus_padding + Style.Ythickness;
+ int width = Allocation.Width - 2 * (focus_padding + Style.Xthickness);
+ int height = Allocation.Height - 2 * (focus_padding + Style.Ythickness);
+ Style.PaintFocus (Style, GdkWindow, State, evt.Area, this,
+ null, x, y, width, height);
+ }
CairoFu.DisposeContext (gr);
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