empathy r611 - trunk

Author: xclaesse
Date: Sat Feb  9 19:08:13 2008
New Revision: 611
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/empathy?rev=611&view=rev

Prepare for 0.21.90 release


Modified: trunk/NEWS
--- trunk/NEWS	(original)
+++ trunk/NEWS	Sat Feb  9 19:08:13 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+NEW in 0.21.90
+ - Change "new message" dialog to "new conversation" and make possible to do voip call. (xclaesse).
+ - Try to load dtd and glade files from the srcdir. (xclaesse).
+ - Add a property to have or not groups on EmpathyContactListStore (xclaesse).
+ - Add a features property on EmpathyContactListView to enable/disable each action. (xclaesse).
+ - Add a program to show chat logs (xclaesse).
+ - Add a cancel button on the custom message diaog (xclaesse).
+ - Unset account parameter if user gives an empthy value. (xclaesse).
+ - Show/Hide main window when changing corresponding gcong key. (xclaesse).
+Bugs fixed:
+ - Fixed #501467, improve accounts dialog (xclaesse)
+ - Fixed #507840, New UI for Jabber accounts (xclaesse)
+ - Fixed #509906, empathy is showing off-line contacts before on-line ones (xclaesse)
+ - Fixed #511048, Ellipsize error button (xclaesse)
+ - Fixed #511841, account has to be selected to (un)check its checkbox (Carl-Anton Ingmarsson)
+ - Fixed #515008, Nickname should be in the main section of the preferences for salut accounts (Marco Barisione)
+ - Fixed #515010, Do not be automatically set published name for new salut accounts (Marco Barisione)
+ - Fixed #511679, Empathy HEAD doesn't build (Guillaume Desmottes)
+ - Updated eu translation (Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio).
+ - Updated Arabic Translation (Djihed Afifi).
+ - Updated Galician Translation. (icq).
+ - Updated Spanish translation (Jorge Gonzalez).
 NEW in
  - Update API documentation generator. (xclaesse).

Modified: trunk/configure.ac
--- trunk/configure.ac	(original)
+++ trunk/configure.ac	Sat Feb  9 19:08:13 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-AC_INIT(Empathy, 0.21.6, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=empathy)
+AC_INIT(Empathy, 0.21.90, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=empathy)
   Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Imendio AB
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 #   (Interfaces removed:    CURRENT++, AGE=0, REVISION=0)
 #   (Interfaces added:      CURRENT++, AGE++, REVISION=0)
 #   (No interfaces changed:                   REVISION++)

Modified: trunk/release.py
--- trunk/release.py	(original)
+++ trunk/release.py	Sat Feb  9 19:08:13 2008
@@ -28,40 +28,9 @@
-class Commit:
-	ref = ''
+class Bug:
+	number = ''
 	author = ''
-	date = ''
-	message = ''
-	bug = ''
-	translation = False
-	def parse(self):
-		p1 = self.message.rfind('(')
-		p2 = self.message.rfind (')')
-		if len(self.message) - p2 <= 2:
-			self.author = self.message[p1+1:p2]
-			self.message = self.message[:p1]
-		p1 = self.message.find('#')
-		p2 = self.message.find(' ', p1)
-		if p1 != -1:
-			self.bug = self.message[p1+1:p2]
-		message = self.message.lower()
-		if message.find('translation') != -1 and\
-		   message.find('updated') != -1:
-			self.translation = True
-			exp = '.*pdated(?P<name>.*).ranslation.*'
-			lang_re = re.compile(exp, re.S | re.M)
-	                match = lang_re.match(self.message)
-			if match:
-				lang = match.group('name').strip()				
-				self.message = "Updated " + lang + " Translation"
-		self.message += ' (' + self.author + ').'
-		return self.bug
 class Project:
 	def __init__(self):
@@ -164,49 +133,33 @@
 		return tags[len(tags)-1]
-	def get_commits(self):
-		bugs = ''
-		co = None
-		commits = []
-		last_tag = self.get_last_tag()
-		changes = self.exec_cmd ("git-log " + last_tag + "..")
-        	for line in changes.splitlines(1):
-        		if line.startswith('commit'):
-        			if co != None:
-        				bug = co.parse()
-        				if bug:
-        					if bugs != '':
-        						bugs += ','
-        					bugs += bug
+	def parse_commit(self, ref, author, date, message):
+		p1 = message.rfind('(')
+		p2 = message.rfind (')')
+		if len(message) - p2 <= 2:
+			author = message[p1+1:p2]
+			message = message[:p1]
+		msg = message.lower()
+		if msg.find('translation') != -1 and\
+		   msg.find('updated') != -1:
+			self.translations += ' - ' + message + ' (' + author + ').\n' 
+		elif message.find('#') != -1:
+			p1 = message.find('#')
+			while p1 != -1:
+				bug = Bug()
+				p2 = message.find(' ', p1)
+				bug.number = message[p1+1:p2]
+				bug.author = author
+				self.bug_commits.append(bug)
+				p1 = message.find('#', p2)
+		else:
+			self.commits += ' - ' + message + ' (' + author + ').\n'
-        			co = Commit()
-        			commits.append(co)
-				p1 = line.find(' ')
-				co.ref = line[p1:].strip()
-        		elif line.startswith('Author:'):
-        			p1 = line.find(' ')
-        			p2 = line.find('<')
-        			co.author = line[p1:p2].strip()
-        		elif line.startswith('Date:'):
-        			p1 = line.find(' ')
-        			co.date = line[p1:].strip()
-        		elif line.startswith('    git-svn-id:'):
-        			continue
-        		elif line.startswith('Merge:'):
-        			continue
-        		else:
-				msg = line.strip()
-				if msg == '':
-					continue
-				if msg.startswith('*'):
-					p1 = msg.find(':')
-					msg = msg[p1 + 1:].strip()
-				elif msg.startswith('2007-') or msg.startswith('2008-'):
-					continue
-				if co.message != '':
-					co.message += '\n'
-				co.message += msg
+	def query_bug_commits(self):
+		bugs = ''
+		for bug in self.bug_commits:
+			bugs += bug.number + ','
 		# Bugzilla query to use
 		query = 'http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?ctype=csv' \
@@ -236,11 +189,49 @@
 			bug_number = row[col_bug_id]
 			description = row[col_description]
-			for co in commits:
-				if co.bug == bug_number:
-					co.message = 'Fixed #%s, %s (%s)' % (co.bug, description, co.author)
+			for bug in self.bug_commits:
+				if bug.number == bug_number:
+					self.bugs += ' - Fixed #%s, %s (%s)\n' % (bug.number, description, bug.author)
-		return commits
+	def get_commits(self):
+		self.commits = ''
+		self.translations = ''
+		self.bugs = ''
+		self.bug_commits = []
+		last_tag = self.get_last_tag()
+		ref = None
+		changes = self.exec_cmd ("git-log " + last_tag + "..")
+        	for line in changes.splitlines(1):
+        		if line.startswith('commit'):
+				if ref != None:
+					self.parse_commit (ref, author, date, message)
+				p1 = line.find(' ')
+				ref = line[p1:].strip()
+				author = ''
+				date = ''
+				message = ''
+        		elif line.startswith('Author:'):
+        			p1 = line.find(' ')
+        			p2 = line.find('<')
+        			author = line[p1:p2].strip()
+        		elif line.startswith('Date:'):
+        			p1 = line.find(' ')
+        			date = line[p1:].strip()
+        		elif line.startswith('    git-svn-id:'):
+        			continue
+        		elif line.startswith('Merge:'):
+        			continue
+        		else:
+				msg = line.strip()
+				if msg == '':
+					continue
+				if message != '':
+					message += '\n'
+				message += msg
+		self.query_bug_commits ()
 	def make_tag(self):
 		new_tag = self.package_name.upper() + '_' +\
@@ -253,21 +244,9 @@
 		self.exec_cmd('git-tag -m "Tagged for release %s." %s' % ( self.package_version, new_tag))
 	def generate_news(self):
-		bugs = ''
-		translations = ''
-		others = ''
-		commits = self.get_commits()
-		for co in commits:
-			if co.translation == True:
-				translations += ' - ' + co.message + '\n'
-			elif co.bug != '':
-				bugs += ' - ' + co.message + '\n'
-			else:
-				others += ' - ' + co.message + '\n'
+		self.get_commits()
 		news = 'NEW in '+ self.package_version + '\n==============\n' 
-		news += others + '\nBugs fixed:\n' + bugs + '\nTranslations:\n' + translations + '\n'
+		news += self.commits + '\nBugs fixed:\n' + self.bugs + '\nTranslations:\n' + self.translations + '\n'
 		return news

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