gnomemm r1323 - in goocanvasmm/trunk: . goocanvas/src
- From: jjongsma svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnomemm r1323 - in goocanvasmm/trunk: . goocanvas/src
- Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 20:47:22 +0000 (GMT)
Author: jjongsma
Date: Wed Feb 6 20:47:21 2008
New Revision: 1323
* goocanvas/src/libgoocanvas_docs.xml: re-generated docs
Modified: goocanvasmm/trunk/goocanvas/src/libgoocanvas_docs.xml
--- goocanvasmm/trunk/goocanvas/src/libgoocanvas_docs.xml (original)
+++ goocanvasmm/trunk/goocanvas/src/libgoocanvas_docs.xml Wed Feb 6 20:47:21 2008
@@ -1,2 +1,4396 @@
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_skew_x">
+Skews the item's coordinate system along the x axis by the given amount,
+about the given origin.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the skew angle.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_skew_y">
+Skews the item's coordinate system along the y axis by the given amount,
+about the given origin.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the skew angle.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<function name="goo_canvas_render">
+Renders all or part of a canvas to the given cairo context.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the area to render, or %NULL to render the entire canvas.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the scale to compare with each item's visibility
+threshold to see if they should be rendered. This only affects items that
+have their visibility set to %GOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE_ABOVE_THRESHOLD.
+<function name="goo_canvas_points_unref">
+Decrements the reference count of the given #GooCanvasPoints struct,
+freeing it if the reference count falls to zero.
+<parameter name="points">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasPoints struct.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_properties_valist">
+Sets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="var_args">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_antialias_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard antialias property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_points_new">
+Creates a new #GooCanvasPoints struct with space for the given number of
+points. It should be freed with goo_canvas_points_unref().
+<parameter name="num_points">
+<parameter_description> the number of points to create space for.
+<return> a new #GooCanvasPoints struct.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_transform">
+Gets the transformation matrix of an item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="transform">
+<parameter_description> the place to store the transform.
+<return> %TRUE if a transform is set.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_child_properties">
+Gets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and value pointers, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_line_cap_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard line cap property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_transform_for_child">
+Gets the transformation matrix of an item combined with any special
+transform needed for the given child. These special transforms are used
+by layout items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child of @item.
+<parameter name="transform">
+<parameter_description> the place to store the transform.
+<return> %TRUE if a transform is set.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_item">
+Gets the canvas item associated with the given #GooCanvasItemModel.
+This is only useful when goo_canvas_set_root_item_model() has been used to
+set a model for the canvas.
+For simple applications you can use goo_canvas_get_item() to set up
+signal handlers for your items, e.g.
+item = goo_canvas_get_item (GOO_CANVAS (canvas), my_item);
+g_signal_connect (item, "button_press_event",
+(GtkSignalFunc) on_my_item_button_press, NULL);
+More complex applications may want to use the #GooCanvas::item-created
+signal to hook up their signal handlers.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<return> the canvas item corresponding to the given #GooCanvasItemModel,
+or %NULL if no canvas item has been created for it yet.
+<function name="goo_canvas_unregister_item">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+It should be called in the finalize method of #GooCanvasItem
+objects, to remove the canvas item from the #GooCanvas's hash table.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> the item model whose canvas item is being finalized.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_update">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+Updates the item, if needed, and any children.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="entire_tree">
+<parameter_description> if the entire subtree should be updated.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasBounds to return the new bounds in.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_raise">
+Raises a model in the stacking order.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="above">
+<parameter_description> the item model to raise @model above, or %NULL to raise @model to the top
+of the stack.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_paint">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+It paints the item and all children if they intersect the given bounds.
+Note that the @scale argument may be different to the current scale in the
+#GooCanvasItem, e.g. when the canvas is being printed.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the bounds that need to be repainted.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the scale to use to determine whether an item should be painted.
+See #GooCanvasItem:visibility-threshold.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_get_parent">
+Gets the parent of the style.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<return> the parent of the given style, or %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_rotate">
+Rotates the model's coordinate system by the given amount, about the given
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the clockwise angle of rotation.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the rotation.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the rotation.
+<function name="goo_canvas_line_dash_unref">
+Decrements the reference count of the dash pattern. If it falls to 0
+it is freed.
+<parameter name="dash">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasLineDash.
+<function name="goo_canvas_path_model_new">
+Creates a new path model.
+Here's an example showing how to create a red line from (20,20) to (40,40):
+GooCanvasItemModel *path = goo_canvas_path_model_new (mygroup,
+"M 20 20 L 40 40",
+"stroke-color", "red",
+This example creates a cubic bezier curve from (20,100) to (100,100) with
+the control points at (20,50) and (100,50):
+GooCanvasItemModel *path = goo_canvas_path_model_new (mygroup,
+"M20,100 C20,50 100,50 100,100",
+"stroke-color", "blue",
+This example uses an elliptical arc to create a filled circle with one
+quarter missing:
+GooCanvasItemModel *path = goo_canvas_path_model_new (mygroup,
+"M200,500 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z",
+"fill-color", "red",
+"stroke-color", "blue",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="path_data">
+<parameter_description> the sequence of path commands, specified as a string using the
+same syntax as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable
+Vector Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new path model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_create_path">
+Creates the path specified by the given #GooCanvasPathCommand array.
+<parameter name="commands">
+<parameter_description> an array of #GooCanvasPathCommand.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_paint_path">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+It paints the current path, using the item's style settings.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<function name="goo_canvas_unregister_widget_item">
+This function should only be used by #GooCanvasWidget and subclass
+It unregisters a widget item from the canvas, when the item is no longer in
+the canvas.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="witem">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasWidget item.
+<function name="GooCanvas">
+This is emitted when a new canvas item is created, in model/view mode.
+Applications can set up signal handlers for the new items here.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> the canvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the new item.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> the item's model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_line_dash_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard line dash property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_keyboard_ungrab">
+Ungrabs the keyboard, if the given item has the keyboard grab.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item that has the keyboard grab.
+<parameter name="time">
+<parameter_description> the time of the event that lead to the keyboard ungrab. This should
+come from the relevant #GdkEvent.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_transform">
+Gets the transformation matrix of an item model.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="transform">
+<parameter_description> the place to store the transform.
+<return> %TRUE if a transform is set.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_child_property">
+Gets a child property of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to get.
+<parameter name="value">
+<parameter_description> a location to return the value.
+<function name="goo_canvas_points_ref">
+Increments the reference count of the given #GooCanvasPoints struct.
+<parameter name="points">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasPoints struct.
+<return> the #GooCanvasPoints struct.
+<function name="goo_canvas_widget_new">
+Creates a new widget item.
+Here's an example showing how to create an entry widget centered at (100.0,
+GtkWidget *entry = gtk_entry_new ();
+GooCanvasItem *witem = goo_canvas_widget_new (mygroup, entry,
+100, 100, -1, -1,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="widget">
+<parameter_description> the widget.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the item.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the item.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width of the item, or -1 to use the widget's requested width.
+<parameter name="height">
+<parameter_description> the height of the item, or -1 to use the widget's requested height.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new widget item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_line_join_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard line join property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_raise">
+Raises an item in the stacking order.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="above">
+<parameter_description> the item to raise @item above, or %NULL to raise @item to the top
+of the stack.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_stop_animation">
+Stops any current animation for the given item, leaving it at its current
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_text_model_new">
+Creates a new text model.
+Here's an example showing how to create a text item with the bottom right
+of the text box placed at (500,500):
+GooCanvasItemModel *text = goo_canvas_text_model_new (mygroup, "Hello World", 500.0, 500.0, 200.0, GTK_ANCHOR_SE,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="string">
+<parameter_description> the text to display.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the text.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the text.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width of the text item, or -1 for unlimited width.
+<parameter name="anchor">
+<parameter_description> the position of the text relative to the given @x and @y
+coordinates. For example an anchor of %GDK_ANCHOR_NW will result in the
+top-left of the text being placed at the given @x and @y coordinates.
+An anchor of %GDK_ANCHOR_CENTER will result in the center of the text being
+placed at the @x and @y coordinates.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new text model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_line_width_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard line width property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_set_stroke_options">
+Sets the standard cairo stroke options using the given style.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<return> %TRUE if a paint source is set, or %FALSE if the stroke should
+be skipped.
+<function name="goo_canvas_rect_model_new">
+Creates a new rectangle item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a rectangle at (100,100) with a
+width of 200 and a height of 100.
+GooCanvasItemModel *rect = goo_canvas_rect_model_new (mygroup, 100.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the left of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the top of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="height">
+<parameter_description> the height of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new rectangle model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_parent">
+Gets the parent of the given item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<return> the parent item, or %NULL if the item has no parent.
+<function name="goo_canvas_pointer_ungrab">
+Ungrabs the pointer, if the given item has the pointer grab.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item that has the grab.
+<parameter name="time">
+<parameter_description> the time of the event that lead to the pointer ungrab. This should
+come from the relevant #GdkEvent.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_item_at">
+Gets the item at the given point.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the point
+<parameter name="is_pointer_event">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if the "pointer-events" property of
+items should be used to determine which parts of the item are tested.
+<return> the item found at the given point, or %NULL if no item was found.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_changed">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+It is used as a callback for the "changed" signal of the item models.
+It requests an update or redraw of the item as appropriate.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="recompute_bounds">
+<parameter_description> if the item's bounds need to be recomputed.
+<function name="goo_canvas_grab_focus">
+Grabs the keyboard focus for the given item.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item to grab the focus.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_animate">
+Animates an item from its current position to the given offsets, scale
+and rotation.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the final x coordinate.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the final y coordinate.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the final scale.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the final rotation. This can be negative to rotate anticlockwise,
+and can also be greater than 360 to rotate a number of times.
+<parameter name="absolute">
+<parameter_description> if the @x, @y, @scale and @degrees values are absolute, or
+relative to the current transform. Note that absolute animations only work
+if the item currently has a simple transform. If the item has a shear or
+some other complicated transform it may result in strange animations.
+<parameter name="duration">
+<parameter_description> the duration of the animation, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a
+<parameter name="step_time">
+<parameter_description> the time between each animation step, in milliseconds.
+<parameter name="type">
+<parameter_description> specifies what happens when the animation finishes.
+<function name="goo_canvas_convert_to_item_space">
+Converts a coordinate from the canvas coordinate space to the given
+item's coordinate space, applying all transformation matrices including the
+item's own transformation matrix, if it has one.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the x coordinate to convert.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the y coordinate to convert.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_style">
+Sets the model's style, by copying the properties from the given style.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_remove">
+Removes a model from its parent. If the model is in a canvas it will be
+This would normally also result in the model being freed.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_request_update">
+This function is only intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvas or
+#GooCanvasItem implementations.
+It schedules an update of the #GooCanvas. This will be performed in
+the idle loop, after all pending events have been handled, but before
+the canvas has been repainted.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<function name="goo_canvas_table_new">
+Creates a new table item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a table with a square, a circle and
+a triangle in it:
+GooCanvasItem *table, *square, *circle, *triangle;
+table = goo_canvas_table_new (root,
+"row-spacing", 4.0,
+"column-spacing", 4.0,
+goo_canvas_item_translate (table, 400, 200);
+square = goo_canvas_rect_new (table, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0,
+"fill-color", "red",
+goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties (table, square,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 0,
+circle = goo_canvas_ellipse_new (table, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0, 25.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties (table, circle,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 1,
+triangle = goo_canvas_polyline_new (table, TRUE, 3,
+25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0,
+"fill-color", "yellow",
+goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties (table, triangle,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 2,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new table item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_properties">
+Sets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_check_style">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple,
+typically in their update() or get_requested_area() methods.
+It ensures that the item's style is setup correctly. If the item has its
+own #GooCanvasStyle it makes sure the parent is set correctly. If it
+doesn't have its own style it uses the parent item's style.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_parent">
+Gets the parent of the given model.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<return> the parent model, or %NULL if the model has no parent.
+<function name="goo_canvas_set_root_item_model">
+Sets the root item model of the canvas.
+A hierarchy of canvas items will be created, corresponding to the hierarchy
+of items in the model. Any current canvas items will be removed.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_is_container">
+Tests to see if the given item model is a container.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<return> %TRUE if the item model is a container.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_bounds">
+Gets the bounds of the canvas, in canvas units.
+By default, canvas units are pixels, though the #GooCanvas:units property
+can be used to change the units to points, inches or millimeters.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="left">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to a #gdouble to return the left edge, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="top">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to a #gdouble to return the top edge, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="right">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to a #gdouble to return the right edge, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="bottom">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to a #gdouble to return the bottom edge, or %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_request_update">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+It requests that an update of the item is scheduled. It will be performed
+as soon as the application is idle, and before the canvas is redrawn.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_get_property">
+Gets the value of a property.
+This searches though all the #GooCanvasStyle's own list of property settings
+and also all ancestor #GooCanvasStyle objects.
+Note that it returns a pointer to the internal #GValue setting, which should
+not be changed.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<parameter name="property_id">
+<parameter_description> the property identifier.
+<return> the property value, or %NULL if it isn't set.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_root_item">
+Gets the root item of the canvas, usually a #GooCanvasGroup.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<return> the root item, or %NULL if there is no root item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_fill_pattern_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard fill pattern property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_child_properties">
+Gets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and value pointers, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_set_parent">
+Sets the parent of the style.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the new parent.
+<function name="goo_canvas_table_model_new">
+Creates a new table model.
+Here's an example showing how to create a table with a square, a circle and
+a triangle in it:
+GooCanvasItemModel *table, *square, *circle, *triangle;
+table = goo_canvas_table_model_new (root,
+"row-spacing", 4.0,
+"column-spacing", 4.0,
+goo_canvas_item_model_translate (table, 400, 200);
+square = goo_canvas_rect_model_new (table, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0,
+"fill-color", "red",
+goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_properties (table, square,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 0,
+circle = goo_canvas_ellipse_model_new (table, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0, 25.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_properties (table, circle,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 1,
+triangle = goo_canvas_polyline_model_new (table, TRUE, 3,
+25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0,
+"fill-color", "yellow",
+goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_properties (table, triangle,
+"row", 0,
+"column", 2,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new table model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties_valist">
+Sets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="var_args">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_add_child">
+Adds a child item to a container item at the given stack position.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the container to add the item to.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> the item to add.
+<parameter name="position">
+<parameter_description> the position of the item, or -1 to place it last (at the top of
+the stacking order).
+<function name="goo_canvas_rect_new">
+Creates a new rectangle item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a rectangle at (100,100) with a
+width of 200 and a height of 100.
+GooCanvasItem *rect = goo_canvas_rect_new (mygroup, 100.0, 100.0, 200.0, 100.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the left of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the top of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="height">
+<parameter_description> the height of the rectangle.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new rectangle item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_parent">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+It sets the parent of the item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the new parent item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_translate">
+Translates the origin of the model's coordinate system by the given amounts.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="tx">
+<parameter_description> the amount to move the origin in the horizontal direction.
+<parameter name="ty">
+<parameter_description> the amount to move the origin in the vertical direction.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_child_property">
+Sets a child property of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to set.
+<parameter name="value">
+<parameter_description> the value to set the property to.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_is_visible">
+Checks if the item is visible.
+This entails checking the item's own visibility setting, as well as those
+of its ancestors.
+Note that the item may be scrolled off the screen and so may not
+be actually visible to the user.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<return> %TRUE if the item is visible.
+<function name="GooCanvasItem">
+Emitted for each child property that has changed.
+The signal's detail holds the property name.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item that received the signal.
+<parameter name="pspec">
+<parameter_description> the #GParamSpec of the changed child property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_set_property">
+Sets a property in the style, replacing any current setting.
+Note that this will override the property setting in ancestor
+#GooCanvasStyle objects.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<parameter name="property_id">
+<parameter_description> the property identifier.
+<parameter name="value">
+<parameter_description> the value of the property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_convert_to_pixels">
+Converts a coordinate from the canvas coordinate space to pixels.
+The canvas coordinate space is specified in the call to
+The pixel coordinate space specifies pixels from the top-left of the entire
+canvas window, according to the current scale setting.
+See goo_canvas_set_scale().
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the x coordinate to convert.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the y coordinate to convert.
+<function name="goo_canvas_new">
+Creates a new #GooCanvas widget.
+A #GooCanvasGroup is created automatically as the root item of the canvas,
+though this can be overriden with goo_canvas_set_root_item() or
+<return> a new #GooCanvas widget.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_items_in_area">
+Gets a list of items inside or outside a given area.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="area">
+<parameter_description> the area to compare with each item's bounds.
+<parameter name="inside_area">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if items inside @area should be returned, or %FALSE if
+items outside @area should be returned.
+<parameter name="allow_overlaps">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if items which are partly inside and partly outside
+should be returned.
+<parameter name="include_containers">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if containers should be checked as well as
+normal items.
+<return> a list of items in the given area, or %NULL if no items are found.
+The list should be freed with g_list_free().
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_lower">
+Lowers an item in the stacking order.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="below">
+<parameter_description> the item to lower @item below, or %NULL to lower @item to the
+bottom of the stack.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_bounds">
+Gets the bounds of the item.
+Note that the bounds includes the entire fill and stroke extents of the
+item, whether they are painted or not.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasBounds to return the bounds in.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_translate">
+Translates the origin of the item's coordinate system by the given amounts.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="tx">
+<parameter_description> the amount to move the origin in the horizontal direction.
+<parameter name="ty">
+<parameter_description> the amount to move the origin in the vertical direction.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_is_container">
+Tests to see if the given item is a container.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<return> %TRUE if the item is a container.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_n_children">
+Gets the number of children of the container.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<return> the number of children.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_simple_transform">
+A convenience function to set the item's transformation matrix.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the item's coordinate space.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the item's coordinate space.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the scale of the item.
+<parameter name="rotation">
+<parameter_description> the clockwise rotation of the item, in degrees.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_child_property">
+Gets a child property of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to get.
+<parameter name="value">
+<parameter_description> a location to return the value.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_rotate">
+Rotates the item's coordinate system by the given amount, about the given
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the clockwise angle of rotation.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the rotation.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the rotation.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_ensure_updated">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+It updates the canvas immediately, if an update is scheduled.
+This ensures that all item bounds are up-to-date.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<function name="SECTION">
+GooCanvasWidget provides support for placing any GtkWidget in the canvas.
+Note that there are a number of limitations in the use of #GooCanvasWidget:
+It doesn't support any transformation besides simple translation.
+This means you can't scale a canvas with a #GooCanvasWidget in it.
+It doesn't support layering, so you can't place other items beneath
+or above the #GooCanvasWidget.
+It doesn't support rendering of widgets to a given cairo_t, which
+means you can't output the widget to a pdf or postscript file.
+It doesn't have a model/view variant like the other standard items,
+so it can only be used in a simple canvas without a model.
+<parameter name="Title">
+<parameter_description> GooCanvasWidget
+<parameter name="Short_Description">
+<parameter_description> an embedded widget item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_parse_path_data">
+Parses the given SVG path specification string.
+<parameter name="path_data">
+<parameter_description> the sequence of path commands, specified as a string using the
+same syntax as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable
+Vector Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<return> a #GArray of #GooCanvasPathCommand elements.
+<function name="goo_canvas_line_dash_new">
+Creates a new dash pattern.
+<parameter name="num_dashes">
+<parameter_description> the number of dashes and gaps in the pattern.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> the length of each dash and gap.
+<return> a new dash pattern.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_allocate_area">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It allocates an area to a child #GooCanvasItem.
+Note that the parent layout item will use a transform to move each of its
+children for the layout, so there is no need for the child item to
+reposition itself. It only needs to recalculate its device bounds.
+To help recalculate the item's device bounds, the @x_offset and @y_offset
+of the child item's allocated position from its requested position are
+provided. Simple items can just add these to their bounds.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="requested_area">
+<parameter_description> the area that the item originally requested, in the
+parent's coordinate space.
+<parameter name="allocated_area">
+<parameter_description> the area that the item has been allocated, in the parent's
+coordinate space.
+<parameter name="x_offset">
+<parameter_description> the x offset of the allocated area from the requested area in
+the device coordinate space.
+<parameter name="y_offset">
+<parameter_description> the y offset of the allocated area from the requested area in
+the device coordinate space.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_remove_child">
+Removes the child at the given position.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="child_num">
+<parameter_description> the position of the child to remove.
+<function name="goo_canvas_create_item">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, typically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+It creates a new canvas item for the given item model, and recursively
+creates items for any children.
+It uses the create_item() virtual method if it has been set.
+Subclasses of #GooCanvas can define this method if they want to use
+custom views for items.
+It emits the #GooCanvas::item-created signal after creating the view, so
+application code can connect signal handlers to the new view if desired.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> the item model to create a canvas item for.
+<return> a new canvas item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_animate">
+Animates a model from its current position to the given offsets, scale
+and rotation.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the final x coordinate.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the final y coordinate.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the final scale.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the final rotation. This can be negative to rotate anticlockwise,
+and can also be greater than 360 to rotate a number of times.
+<parameter name="absolute">
+<parameter_description> if the @x, @y, @scale and @degrees values are absolute, or
+relative to the current transform. Note that absolute animations only work
+if the model currently has a simple transform. If the model has a shear or
+some other complicated transform it may result in strange animations.
+<parameter name="duration">
+<parameter_description> the duration of the animation, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a
+<parameter name="step_time">
+<parameter_description> the time between each animation step, in milliseconds.
+<parameter name="type">
+<parameter_description> specifies what happens when the animation finishes.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_canvas">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+It sets the canvas of the item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas
+<function name="goo_canvas_keyboard_grab">
+Attempts to grab the keyboard for the given item.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item to grab the keyboard for.
+<parameter name="owner_events">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if keyboard events for this application will be
+reported normally, or %FALSE if all keyboard events will be reported with
+respect to the grab item.
+<parameter name="time">
+<parameter_description> the time of the event that lead to the keyboard grab. This should
+come from the relevant #GdkEvent.
+<return> %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab succeeded.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_canvas">
+Returns: the #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<return> the #GooCanvas.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties">
+Sets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_model">
+Gets the model of the given canvas item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<return> the item's model, or %NULL if it has no model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_check_in_path">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+It checks if the given point is in the current path, using the item's
+style settings.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="pointer_events">
+<parameter_description> specifies which parts of the path to check.
+<return> %TRUE if the given point is in the current path.
+<function name="goo_canvas_path_new">
+Creates a new path item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a red line from (20,20) to (40,40):
+GooCanvasItem *path = goo_canvas_path_new (mygroup,
+"M 20 20 L 40 40",
+"stroke-color", "red",
+This example creates a cubic bezier curve from (20,100) to (100,100) with
+the control points at (20,50) and (100,50):
+GooCanvasItem *path = goo_canvas_path_new (mygroup,
+"M20,100 C20,50 100,50 100,100",
+"stroke-color", "blue",
+This example uses an elliptical arc to create a filled circle with one
+quarter missing:
+GooCanvasItem *path = goo_canvas_path_new (mygroup,
+"M200,500 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z",
+"fill-color", "red",
+"stroke-color", "blue",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="path_data">
+<parameter_description> the sequence of path commands, specified as a string using the
+same syntax as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable
+Vector Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new path item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_convert_from_pixels">
+Converts a coordinate from pixels to the canvas coordinate space.
+The pixel coordinate space specifies pixels from the top-left of the entire
+canvas window, according to the current scale setting.
+See goo_canvas_set_scale().
+The canvas coordinate space is specified in the call to
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the x coordinate to convert.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the y coordinate to convert.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_class_find_child_property">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout container items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It finds a child property of a canvas item class by name.
+<parameter name="iclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to find
+<return> the #GParamSpec of the child property or %NULL if @class has no
+child property with that name.
+<function name="goo_canvas_ellipse_new">
+Creates a new ellipse item.
+Here's an example showing how to create an ellipse centered at (100.0,
+100.0), with a horizontal radius of 50.0 and a vertical radius of 30.0.
+It is drawn with a red outline with a width of 5.0 and filled with blue:
+GooCanvasItem *ellipse = goo_canvas_ellipse_new (mygroup, 100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 30.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="center_x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="center_y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="radius_x">
+<parameter_description> the horizontal radius of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="radius_y">
+<parameter_description> the vertical radius of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new ellipse item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_requested_area">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It gets the requested area of a child item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="requested_area">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasBounds to return the requested area in, in the
+parent's coordinate space.
+<return> %TRUE if the item should be allocated space.
+<function name="goo_canvas_update">
+This function is only intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvas or
+#GooCanvasItem implementations.
+It updates any items that need updating.
+If the bounds of items change, they will request a redraw of the old and
+new bounds so the display is updated correctly.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_get_line_width">
+Gets the item's line width.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<return> the item's line width.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_class_install_child_property">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+item models, specifically layout container item models such as
+It installs a child property on a canvas item class.
+<parameter name="mclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="property_id">
+<parameter_description> the id for the property
+<parameter name="pspec">
+<parameter_description> the #GParamSpec for the property
+<function name="goo_canvas_request_redraw">
+This function is only intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvas or
+#GooCanvasItem implementations.
+Requests that the given bounds be redrawn.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the bounds to redraw.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_user_bounds_to_parent">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple,
+typically in their get_requested_area() method.
+It converts the item's bounds to a bounding box in its parent's coordinate
+space. If the item has no transformation matrix set then no conversion is
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the bounds of the item, in the item's coordinate space.
+<function name="goo_canvas_group_new">
+Creates a new group item.
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new group item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_child">
+Gets the child at the given stack position.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="child_num">
+<parameter_description> the position of a child in the container's stack.
+<return> the child at the given stack position.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_move_child">
+Moves a child item to a new stack position within the container.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a container item.
+<parameter name="old_position">
+<parameter_description> the current position of the child item.
+<parameter name="new_position">
+<parameter_description> the new position of the child item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_model">
+Sets the model of the given canvas item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_style">
+Gets the model's style. If the model doesn't have its own style it will
+return its parent's style.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<return> the model's style.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_line_join_miter_limit_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard miter limit property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_text_new">
+Creates a new text item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a text item with the bottom right
+of the text box placed at (500,500):
+GooCanvasItem *text = goo_canvas_text_new (mygroup, "Hello World", 500.0, 500.0, 200.0, GTK_ANCHOR_SE,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="string">
+<parameter_description> the text to display.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the text.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the text.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width of the text item, or -1 for unlimited width.
+<parameter name="anchor">
+<parameter_description> the position of the text relative to the given @x and @y
+coordinates. For example an anchor of %GDK_ANCHOR_NW will result in the
+top-left of the text being placed at the given @x and @y coordinates.
+An anchor of %GDK_ANCHOR_CENTER will result in the center of the text being
+placed at the @x and @y coordinates.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new text item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_parent">
+Sets the parent of the model.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the new parent item model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_find_child">
+Attempts to find the given child with the container's stack.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> the child to find.
+<return> the position of the given @child, or -1 if it isn't found.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_get_path_bounds">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple,
+typically in their update() or get_requested_area() methods.
+It calculates the bounds of the current path, using the item's style
+settings, and stores the results in the given #GooCanvasBounds struct.
+The returned bounds contains the bounding box of the path in device space,
+converted to user space coordinates. To calculate the bounds completely in
+user space, use cairo_identity_matrix() to temporarily reset the current
+transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the #GooCanvasBounds struct to store the resulting bounding box.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_child">
+Gets the child item at the given stack position.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a container item.
+<parameter name="child_num">
+<parameter_description> the position of a child in the container's stack.
+<return> the child item at the given stack position.
+<function name="goo_canvas_set_scale">
+Sets the scale of the canvas.
+The scale specifies the magnification factor of the canvas, e.g. if an item
+has a width of 2 pixels and the scale is set to 3, it will be displayed with
+a width of 2 x 3 = 6 pixels.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the new scale setting.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_skew_x">
+Skews the model's coordinate system along the x axis by the given amount,
+about the given origin.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the skew angle.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<function name="goo_canvas_set_root_item">
+Sets the root item of the canvas. Any existing canvas items are removed.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the root canvas item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_skew_y">
+Skews the model's coordinate system along the y axis by the given amount,
+about the given origin.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="degrees">
+<parameter_description> the skew angle.
+<parameter name="cx">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<parameter name="cy">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the skew transform.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_default_line_width">
+Gets the default line width, which depends on the current units setting.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<return> the default line width of the canvas.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_child_properties_valist">
+Gets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="var_args">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and value pointers, and a terminating
+<function name="goo_canvas_polyline_model_new_line">
+Creates a new polyline model with a single line.
+Here's an example showing how to create a line from (100,100) to (300,300).
+GooCanvasItemModel *polyline = goo_canvas_polyline_model_new_line (mygroup,
+100.0, 100.0,
+300.0, 300.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="x1">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the start of the line.
+<parameter name="y1">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the start of the line.
+<parameter name="x2">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the end of the line.
+<parameter name="y2">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the end of the line.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new polyline model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_ellipse_model_new">
+Creates a new ellipse model.
+Here's an example showing how to create an ellipse centered at (100.0,
+100.0), with a horizontal radius of 50.0 and a vertical radius of 30.0.
+It is drawn with a red outline with a width of 5.0 and filled with blue:
+GooCanvasItemModel *ellipse = goo_canvas_ellipse_model_new (mygroup, 100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 30.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="center_x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="center_y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="radius_x">
+<parameter_description> the horizontal radius of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="radius_y">
+<parameter_description> the vertical radius of the ellipse.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new ellipse model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_polyline_new_line">
+Creates a new polyline item with a single line.
+Here's an example showing how to create a line from (100,100) to (300,300).
+GooCanvasItem *polyline = goo_canvas_polyline_new_line (mygroup,
+100.0, 100.0,
+300.0, 300.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="x1">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the start of the line.
+<parameter name="y1">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the start of the line.
+<parameter name="x2">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the end of the line.
+<parameter name="y2">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the end of the line.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new polyline item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_line_dash_newv">
+Creates a new dash pattern. Takes ownership of the @dashes vector.
+<parameter name="num_dashes">
+<parameter_description> the number of dashes and gaps in the pattern.
+<parameter name="dashes">
+<parameter_description> a g_new-allocated vector of doubles, the length of each
+dash and gap.
+<return> a new dash pattern.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_font_desc_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard font description property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_scale">
+Scales the item's coordinate system by the given amounts.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="sx">
+<parameter_description> the amount to scale the horizontal axis.
+<parameter name="sy">
+<parameter_description> the amount to scale the vertical axis.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_scale">
+Gets the current scale of the canvas.
+The scale specifies the magnification factor of the canvas, e.g. if an item
+has a width of 2 pixels and the scale is set to 3, it will be displayed with
+a width of 2 x 3 = 6 pixels.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<return> the current scale setting.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_items_at">
+Gets all items at the given point.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the point
+<parameter name="is_pointer_event">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if the "pointer-events" property of
+items should be used to determine which parts of the item are tested.
+<return> a list of items found at the given point, with the top item at
+the start of the list, or %NULL if no items were found. The list must be
+freed with g_list_free().
+<function name="GooCanvasItemSimple">
+The sequence of commands describing the clip path of the item, specified
+as a string using the same syntax
+as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable Vector
+Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_stroke_pattern_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard stroke pattern property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_transform">
+Sets the transformation matrix of an item.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="transform">
+<parameter_description> the new transformation matrix, or %NULL to reset the
+transformation to the identity matrix.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_get_child_properties_valist">
+Gets the values of one or more child properties of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="var_args">
+<parameter_description> pairs of property names and value pointers, and a terminating
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_scale">
+Scales the model's coordinate system by the given amounts.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="sx">
+<parameter_description> the amount to scale the horizontal axis.
+<parameter name="sy">
+<parameter_description> the amount to scale the vertical axis.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_transform">
+Sets the transformation matrix of an item model.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="transform">
+<parameter_description> the new transformation matrix, or %NULL to reset the
+transformation to the identity matrix.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_add_child">
+Adds a child at the given stack position.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> the child to add.
+<parameter name="position">
+<parameter_description> the position of the child, or -1 to place it last (at the top of
+the stacking order).
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_operator_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard operator property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_set_model">
+This function should be called by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple
+in their set_model() method.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> the model that @item will view.
+<function name="goo_canvas_set_bounds">
+Sets the bounds of the #GooCanvas, in canvas units.
+By default, canvas units are pixels, though the #GooCanvas:units property
+can be used to change the units to points, inches or millimeters.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="left">
+<parameter_description> the left edge.
+<parameter name="top">
+<parameter_description> the top edge.
+<parameter name="right">
+<parameter_description> the right edge.
+<parameter name="bottom">
+<parameter_description> the bottom edge.
+<function name="goo_canvas_polyline_model_new">
+Creates a new polyline model.
+Here's an example showing how to create a filled triangle with vertices
+at (100,100), (300,100), and (200,300).
+GooCanvasItemModel *polyline = goo_canvas_polyline_model_new (mygroup, TRUE, 3,
+100.0, 100.0,
+300.0, 100.0,
+200.0, 300.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="close_path">
+<parameter_description> if the last point should be connected to the first.
+<parameter name="num_points">
+<parameter_description> the number of points in the polyline.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> the pairs of coordinates for each point in the line, followed by
+optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new polyline model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_remove_child">
+Removes the child item at the given position.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a container item.
+<parameter name="child_num">
+<parameter_description> the position of the child item to remove.
+<function name="goo_canvas_register_widget_item">
+This function should only be used by #GooCanvasWidget and subclass
+It registers a widget item with the canvas, so that the canvas can do the
+necessary actions to move and resize the widget as needed.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="witem">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasWidget item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_group_model_new">
+Creates a new group item.
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new group model.
+<function name="GooCanvasPath">
+The sequence of path commands, specified as a string using the same syntax
+as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable Vector
+Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_stop_animation">
+Stops any current animation for the given model, leaving it at its current
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_child_property">
+Sets a child property of @child.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> a child #GooCanvasItemModel.
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to set.
+<parameter name="value">
+<parameter_description> the value to set the property to.
+<function name="goo_canvas_line_dash_ref">
+Increments the reference count of the dash pattern.
+<parameter name="dash">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasLineDash.
+<return> the dash pattern.
+<function name="goo_canvas_image_model_new">
+Creates a new image model.
+Here's an example showing how to create an image at (100.0, 100.0), using
+the given pixbuf at its natural width and height:
+GooCanvasItemModel *image = goo_canvas_image_model_new (mygroup, pixbuf, 100.0, 100.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent model, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will
+assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when
+it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="pixbuf">
+<parameter_description> the #GdkPixbuf containing the image data, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the image.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the image.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new image model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_simple_user_bounds_to_device">
+This function is intended to be used by subclasses of #GooCanvasItemSimple,
+typically in their update() or get_requested_area() methods.
+It converts the item's bounds to a bounding box in device space.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItemSimple.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="bounds">
+<parameter_description> the bounds of the item, in the item's coordinate space.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_items_at">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically container items such as #GooCanvasGroup.
+It gets the items at the given point.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the point.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo contect.
+<parameter name="is_pointer_event">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if the "pointer-events" properties of items should
+be used to determine which parts of the item are tested.
+<parameter name="parent_is_visible">
+<parameter_description> %TRUE if the parent item is visible (which
+implies that all ancestors are also visible).
+<parameter name="found_items">
+<parameter_description> the list of items found so far.
+<return> the @found_items list, with any more found items added onto
+the start of the list, leaving the top item first.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_class_list_child_properties">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout container items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It returns all child properties of a canvas item class.
+<parameter name="iclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="n_properties">
+<parameter_description> location to return the number of child properties found
+<return> a newly allocated array of #GParamSpec*. The array must be
+freed with g_free().
+<function name="goo_canvas_pointer_grab">
+Attempts to grab the pointer for the given item.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item to grab the pointer for.
+<parameter name="event_mask">
+<parameter_description> the events to receive during the grab.
+<parameter name="cursor">
+<parameter_description> the cursor to display during the grab, or NULL.
+<parameter name="time">
+<parameter_description> the time of the event that lead to the pointer grab. This should
+come from the relevant #GdkEvent.
+<return> %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab succeeded.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_move_child">
+Moves a child to a new stack position.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="old_position">
+<parameter_description> the current position of the child.
+<parameter name="new_position">
+<parameter_description> the new position of the child.
+<function name="goo_canvas_scroll_to">
+Scrolls the canvas, placing the given point as close to the top-left of
+the view as possible.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="left">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate to scroll to.
+<parameter name="top">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate to scroll to.
+<function name="goo_canvas_create_cairo_context">
+Creates a cairo context, initialized with the default canvas settings.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<return> a new cairo context. It should be freed with cairo_destroy().
+<function name="goo_canvas_polyline_new">
+Creates a new polyline item.
+Here's an example showing how to create a filled triangle with vertices
+at (100,100), (300,100), and (200,300).
+GooCanvasItem *polyline = goo_canvas_polyline_new (mygroup, TRUE, 3,
+100.0, 100.0,
+300.0, 100.0,
+200.0, 300.0,
+"stroke-color", "red",
+"line-width", 5.0,
+"fill-color", "blue",
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="close_path">
+<parameter_description> if the last point should be connected to the first.
+<parameter name="num_points">
+<parameter_description> the number of points in the polyline.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> the pairs of coordinates for each point in the line, followed by
+optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new polyline item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_image_new">
+Creates a new image item.
+Here's an example showing how to create an image at (100.0, 100.0), using
+the given pixbuf at its natural width and height:
+GooCanvasItem *image = goo_canvas_image_new (mygroup, pixbuf, 100.0, 100.0,
+<parameter name="parent">
+<parameter_description> the parent item, or %NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume
+ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is
+removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.
+<parameter name="pixbuf">
+<parameter_description> the #GdkPixbuf containing the image data, or %NULL.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the image.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the image.
+<parameter name="Varargs">
+<parameter_description> optional pairs of property names and values, and a terminating %NULL.
+<return> a new image item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_find_child">
+Attempts to find the given child item with the container's stack.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a container item.
+<parameter name="child">
+<parameter_description> the child item to find.
+<return> the position of the given @child item, or -1 if it isn't found.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_class_find_child_property">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+item models, specifically layout container item models such as
+It finds a child property of a canvas item class by name.
+<parameter name="mclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="property_name">
+<parameter_description> the name of the child property to find
+<return> the #GParamSpec of the child property or %NULL if @class has no
+child property with that name.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_style">
+Gets the item's style. If the item doesn't have its own style it will return
+its parent's style.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<return> the item's style.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_remove">
+Removes an item from its parent. If the item is in a canvas it will be
+This would normally also result in the item being freed.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<function name="goo_canvas_get_root_item_model">
+Gets the root item model of the canvas.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<return> the root item model, or %NULL if there is no root item model.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_fill_rule_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard fill rule property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_convert_from_item_space">
+Converts a coordinate from the given item's coordinate space to the canvas
+coordinate space, applying all transformation matrices including the
+item's own transformation matrix, if it has one.
+<parameter name="canvas">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvas.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the x coordinate to convert.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> a pointer to the y coordinate to convert.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_copy">
+Copies the given #GooCanvasStyle, by copying all of its properties.
+Though the parent of the new style is left unset.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasStyle.
+<return> a copy of the given #GooCanvasStyle.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_set_style">
+Sets the item's style, by copying the properties from the given style.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> an item.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_set_simple_transform">
+A convenience function to set the item model's transformation matrix.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="x">
+<parameter_description> the x coordinate of the origin of the model's coordinate space.
+<parameter name="y">
+<parameter_description> the y coordinate of the origin of the model's coordinate space.
+<parameter name="scale">
+<parameter_description> the scale of the model.
+<parameter name="rotation">
+<parameter_description> the clockwise rotation of the model, in degrees.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_class_install_child_property">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout container items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It installs a child property on a canvas item class.
+<parameter name="iclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="property_id">
+<parameter_description> the id for the property
+<parameter name="pspec">
+<parameter_description> the #GParamSpec for the property
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_requested_height">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+items, specifically layout items such as #GooCanvasTable.
+It gets the requested height of a child item, assuming it is allocated the
+given width. This is useful for text items whose requested height may change
+depending on the allocated width.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a #GooCanvasItem.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<parameter name="width">
+<parameter_description> the width that the item may be allocated.
+<return> the requested height of the item, given the allocated width,
+or %-1 if the item doesn't support this method or its height doesn't
+change when allocated different widths.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_new">
+Creates a new #GooCanvasStyle.
+<return> a new #GooCanvasStyle.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_hint_metrics_id">
+Unique #GQuark identifier used for the standard hint metrics property.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_get_n_children">
+Gets the number of children of the container.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> a container item.
+<return> the number of children.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_lower">
+Lowers a model in the stacking order.
+<parameter name="model">
+<parameter_description> an item model.
+<parameter name="below">
+<parameter_description> the item model to lower @model below, or %NULL to lower @model to the
+bottom of the stack.
+<function name="goo_canvas_style_set_fill_options">
+Sets the standard cairo fill options using the given style.
+<parameter name="style">
+<parameter_description> a style.
+<parameter name="cr">
+<parameter_description> a cairo context.
+<return> %TRUE if a paint source is set, or %FALSE if the fill should
+be skipped.
+<function name="goo_canvas_item_model_class_list_child_properties">
+This function is only intended to be used when implementing new canvas
+item models, specifically layout container item models such as
+It returns all child properties of a canvas item class.
+<parameter name="mclass">
+<parameter_description> a #GObjectClass
+<parameter name="n_properties">
+<parameter_description> location to return the number of child properties found
+<return> a newly allocated array of #GParamSpec*. The array must be
+freed with g_free().
+<function name="GooCanvasItemModelSimple">
+The sequence of commands describing the clip path of the item, specified
+as a string using the same syntax
+as in the &lt;ulink url=""&gt;Scalable Vector
+Graphics (SVG)&lt;/ulink&gt; path element.
+<function name="GooCanvasItemModel">
+Emitted for each child property that has changed.
+The signal's detail holds the property name.
+<parameter name="item">
+<parameter_description> the item model that received the signal.
+<parameter name="pspec">
+<parameter_description> the #GParamSpec of the changed child property.
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