gnomemm r1321 - in gstreamermm/trunk: . gstreamer/src tools/m4
- From: murrayc svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnomemm r1321 - in gstreamermm/trunk: . gstreamer/src tools/m4
- Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 21:39:49 +0000 (GMT)
Author: murrayc
Date: Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
New Revision: 1321
2008-02-05 Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
* gstreamer/src/event.hg:
* gstreamer/src/message.hg:
* tools/m4/convert_gst.m4: Use _MEMBER_GET_GOBJECT() where appropriate,
because this does proper reference-counting and creates const and
non-const versions.
* gstreamer/src/buffer.[hg|cc]: Some const fixes. Methods that
return new instance do not need both const and non-const versions.
Added: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/buffer.ccg
--- (empty file)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/buffer.ccg Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <gst/gstbuffer.h>
+#include <gst/gstutils.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace Gst
+Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> Buffer::create(const guint& size)
+ GstBuffer* buffer = gst_buffer_try_new_and_alloc(size);
+ if(buffer != NULL)
+ return wrap(buffer, false);
+ else
+ throw std::runtime_error("not enough memory to allocate the buffer");
+}//namespace Gst
Added: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/buffer.hg
--- (empty file)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/buffer.hg Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include <gstreamermm/miniobject.h>
+#include <gstreamermm/wrap.h>
+#include <gstreamermm/enums.h>
+#include <gstreamermm/caps.h>
+#include <gstreamermm/clock.h>
+namespace Gst
+class Buffer : public MiniObject
+ _CLASS_GSTMINIOBJECT(Buffer, GstBuffer, GST_BUFFER, Gst::MiniObject, GstMiniObject)
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> create(const guint& size);
+ _WRAP_METHOD(guint flags() const, GST_BUFFER_FLAGS)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(bool flag_is_set(BufferFlag flag) const, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(void flag_set(BufferFlag flag), GST_BUFFER_FLAG_SET)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(void flag_unset(BufferFlag flag), GST_BUFFER_FLAG_UNSET)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> copy() const, gst_buffer_copy)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(void copy_metadata(const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& source_buffer, BufferCopyFlags flags), gst_buffer_copy_metadata)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(bool is_metadata_writable() const, gst_buffer_is_metadata_writable)
+ //This is not const because it sometimes returns the same buffer:
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> make_writable(), gst_buffer_make_writable)
+ //This is const because it always returns a new buffer:
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> make_metadata_writable() const, gst_buffer_make_metadata_writable)
+ // TODO: Do we need to hand code this to throw an exception when the C API returns NULL ?
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Caps> get_caps(), gst_buffer_get_caps)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Caps const> get_caps() const, gst_buffer_get_caps, constversion)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(void set_caps(const Glib::RefPtr<Caps>& caps), gst_buffer_set_caps)
+ // TODO: Do we need to hand code this to throw an exception when the C API returns NULL ?
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> create_sub(const guint& offset, const guint& size), gst_buffer_create_sub)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer const> create_sub(const guint& offset, const guint& size) const, gst_buffer_create_sub, constversion)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(bool is_span_fast(const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& other_buffer) const, gst_buffer_is_span_fast)
+ //This is const because it always returns a new buffer:
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> span(const guint32& offset, const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& other_buffer, const guint32& len) const, gst_buffer_span)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> join(const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& other_buffer), gst_buffer_join)
+ //This is const because it always returns a new buffer:
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> join(const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& other_buffer) const, gst_buffer_join)
+ //This is const because it always returns a new buffer: (TODO: though maybe not: see the documentation. murrayc)
+ _WRAP_METHOD(Glib::RefPtr<Buffer> merge(const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>& other_buffer) const, gst_buffer_merge)
+ _MEMBER_GET(data, data, guint8*, guint8*)
+ _MEMBER_GET(size, size, guint, guint)
+ _MEMBER_GET(timestamp, timestamp, ClockTime, GstClockTime)
+ _MEMBER_GET(duration, duration, ClockTime, GstClockTime)
+ _MEMBER_GET(offset, offset, guint64, guint64)
+ _MEMBER_GET(offset_end, offset_end, guint64, guint64)
+ _MEMBER_GET(malloc_data, malloc_data, guint8*, guint8*)
+}//namespace Gst
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/event.hg
--- gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/event.hg (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/event.hg Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
const Structure& get_structure();
- _MEMBER_GET(event_type, type, EventType, GstEventType)
- _MEMBER_GET(timestamp, timestamp, ClockTime, guint64)
- _MEMBER_GET(source, src, Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Object>, GstObject)
/** Wrap a GstEvent* in a C++ instance, creating an instance of a derived
* Gst::Event. Gst::wrap() would just create a Gst::Event (rather than a
* derived one) because the derived Gst::Event classes do not correspond
@@ -31,6 +27,10 @@
bool is_upstream() const;
bool is_serialized() const;
+ _MEMBER_GET(event_type, type, EventType, GstEventType)
+ _MEMBER_GET(timestamp, timestamp, ClockTime, guint64)
+ _MEMBER_GET_GOBJECT(source, src, Gst::Object, GstObject*)
Structure structure_;
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg
--- gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/gstreamer/src/message.hg Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
const Structure& get_structure();
- _MEMBER_GET(message_type, type, MessageType, GstMessageType)
- _MEMBER_GET(timestamp, timestamp, ClockTime, guint64)
- _MEMBER_GET(source, src, Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Object>, GstObject)
/** Wrap a GstMessage* in a C++ instance, creating an instance of a
* derived Gst::Message. Gst::wrap() would just create a Gst::Message
@@ -27,6 +24,10 @@
static Glib::RefPtr<Message> wrap(GstMessage* message, bool take_copy=false);
+ _MEMBER_GET(message_type, type, MessageType, GstMessageType)
+ _MEMBER_GET(timestamp, timestamp, ClockTime, guint64)
+ _MEMBER_GET_GOBJECT(source, src, Gst::Object, GstObject*)
Structure structure_;
Modified: gstreamermm/trunk/tools/m4/convert_gst.m4
--- gstreamermm/trunk/tools/m4/convert_gst.m4 (original)
+++ gstreamermm/trunk/tools/m4/convert_gst.m4 Tue Feb 5 21:39:49 2008
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
_CONVERSION(`$1', `GST$1', ((GST$1)(__ARG3__)))
-_CONVERSION(`GstObject',`Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Object>',`Glib::wrap($3, true)')
+_CONVERSION(`GstObject*',`Glib::RefPtr<const Gst::Object>',`Glib::wrap($3)')
_CONVERSION(`State&',`GstState*',`((GstState*) (&($3)))')
@@ -44,7 +46,6 @@
_CONVERSION(`const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>&',`GstBuffer*',__CONVERT_REFPTR_TO_P)
_CONVERSION(`const Glib::RefPtr<Buffer>&',`const GstBuffer*',__CONVERT_REFPTR_TO_P)
-_CONVERSION(`GstCaps*',`Glib::RefPtr<Caps const>',`wrap($3)')
_CONVERSION(`GstStructure*',`Structure*',`((Structure*) ($3))')
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