glom r1412 - in trunk: . glom/layout_item_dialogs glom/libglom

Author: arminb
Date: Tue Feb  5 15:53:50 2008
New Revision: 1412

2008-02-05  Armin Burgmeier  <armin openismus com>

	* glom/libglom/ Fixed a 'non-void function does not
	return a value' warning in

	* glom/layout_item_dialogs/ Use a monospace
	font for the python script text field. Coding is much more convenient
	with a monospace font.


Modified: trunk/glom/layout_item_dialogs/
--- trunk/glom/layout_item_dialogs/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/layout_item_dialogs/	Tue Feb  5 15:53:50 2008
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
   refGlade->get_widget("button_test",  m_button_test);
   m_button_test->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_ButtonScript::on_button_test) );
+  // Set a monospace font
+  m_text_view->modify_font(Pango::FontDescription("Monospace"));

Modified: trunk/glom/libglom/
--- trunk/glom/libglom/	(original)
+++ trunk/glom/libglom/	Tue Feb  5 15:53:50 2008
@@ -1163,32 +1163,30 @@
       return true;
-  else
-  {
-    //Show message to the user about the broken installation:
-    //This is a packaging bug, but it would probably annoy packagers to mention that in the dialog:
-    Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Incomplete Glom Installation")), true /* use_markup */, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true /* modal */);
-    dialog.set_secondary_text(_("Your installation of Glom is not complete, because PostgreSQL is not available on your system. PostgreSQL is needed for self-hosting of Glom databases.\n\nYou may now install PostgreSQL to complete the Glom installation."));
-    dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
-    dialog.add_button(_("Install PostgreSQL"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
-    const int response =;
-    if(response != Gtk::RESPONSE_OK)
-      return false; //Failure. Glom should now quit.
-    else
-      return install_postgres(&dialog);
+  //Show message to the user about the broken installation:
+  //This is a packaging bug, but it would probably annoy packagers to mention that in the dialog:
+  Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Incomplete Glom Installation")), true /* use_markup */, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true /* modal */);
+  dialog.set_secondary_text(_("Your installation of Glom is not complete, because PostgreSQL is not available on your system. PostgreSQL is needed for self-hosting of Glom databases.\n\nYou may now install PostgreSQL to complete the Glom installation."));
+  dialog.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+  dialog.add_button(_("Install PostgreSQL"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
+  const int response =;
+  if(response != Gtk::RESPONSE_OK)
+    return false; //Failure. Glom should now quit.
+  else
+    return install_postgres(&dialog);
-    //Show message to the user about the broken installation:
-    Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Incomplete Glom Installation")), true /* use_markup */, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true /* modal */);
-    dialog.set_secondary_text(_("Your installation of Glom is not complete, because PostgreSQL is not available on your system. PostgreSQL is needed for self-hosting of Glom databases.\n\nPlease report this bug to your vendor, or your system administrator so it can be corrected."));
-    return false;
-  }
+  //Show message to the user about the broken installation:
+  Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(Bakery::App_Gtk::util_bold_message(_("Incomplete Glom Installation")), true /* use_markup */, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true /* modal */);
+  dialog.set_secondary_text(_("Your installation of Glom is not complete, because PostgreSQL is not available on your system. PostgreSQL is needed for self-hosting of Glom databases.\n\nPlease report this bug to your vendor, or your system administrator so it can be corrected."));
+  return false;
 /** Try to install postgres on the distro, though this will require a distro-specific 

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