gimp-help-2 r2650 - in trunk: . src/menus tools

Author: ulfehlert
Date: Sun Dec 28 20:11:15 2008
New Revision: 2650

2008-12-28  Ulf-D. Ehlert  <ulfehlert svn gnome org>

	* tools/ removed

	* tools/
	* tools/README
	* Makefile.GNU: added make target "status-LANG" to print
	translation statistics

	* src/menus/menus-windows.xml
	* src/menus/windows-introduction.xml
	* src/menus/windows-open-recent-docks.xml
	* src/menus/windows-show-docks.xml: set svn:keywords property

   trunk/tools/   (contents, props changed)
   trunk/src/menus/menus-windows.xml   (props changed)
   trunk/src/menus/windows-introduction.xml   (props changed)
   trunk/src/menus/windows-open-recent-docks.xml   (props changed)
   trunk/src/menus/windows-show-docks.xml   (props changed)

Modified: trunk/Makefile.GNU
--- trunk/Makefile.GNU	(original)
+++ trunk/Makefile.GNU	Sun Dec 28 20:11:15 2008
@@ -242,6 +242,11 @@
 # Special case 'en': do nothing :-)
 po-en: ;
+# Print translation statistics
+status-%: po-status-% ;
+	perl tools/ $(podir)/$*
 ####            Make XML files:  PO --> XML(non-en)                 ####

Modified: trunk/tools/README
--- trunk/tools/README	(original)
+++ trunk/tools/README	Sun Dec 28 20:11:15 2008
@@ -195,28 +195,25 @@
-This simple script searches for malformed 'lang' attributes (like
-lang="ende;fr", lang="en;de:fr", etc.) in the XML source files.
+Removed after changing to gettext-based documentation.
+This Perl script searches for po files in the specified directory
+and prints statistics about translation progress as well as a
+short summary (number of files and strings, number of translated,
+fuzzy, or untranslated strings).
     - Perl
+    - msgfmt (package "gettext" or "gettext-runtime")
     Call the script from the gimp-help-2 root:
-        perl tools/ [--verbose] [--relax]
-                                            file [file ...]
-                                   or
-        perl tools/ [--verbose] [--relax]
-                                            [--path] path/to/src
-Try the "--help" option or "perldoc tools/"
-for more information.
-Example output (verbose):
-    Checking 596 XML files ...
-    src/gimp.xml: 178: <preface lang="encs;de;es;fr;it;ko;nl;no">
+        tools/ [--verbose] po-directory

Added: trunk/tools/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/tools/	Sun Dec 28 20:11:15 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# gimp-help-2 -- get translation status
+# Copyright (C) 2008 The GIMP Documentation Team.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+=head1 NAME
+ - print po files along with translation statistics
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+[B<perl>] B<> [B<--todo>] I<PO-DIRECTORY>
+This script searches for po files in the specified directory
+and prints a sorted list of files with translation statistics
+(generated with C<msgfmt --statistics>) in the following format:
+	+n1 ~n2 -n3  path/to/file.po
+where C<n1> is the number of translated po messages, C<n2> the
+number of fuzzy messages, and C<n3> the number of untranslated
+By default the script also prints a short summary.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Find;
+my $PROG = $0;
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--todo>
+Skip files without untranslated or fuzzy messages.
+my $Usage =<<EOF;
+	--todo    Skip files without untranslated or fuzzy messages.
+# Command-line options (default values)
+my $Skip_translated = 0;
+# Read ccommand-line options
+	"todo" => \$Skip_translated
+) or die "$Usage\n";
+# Read ccommand-line argument
+my $Podir;
+if (scalar(@ARGV) == 1) {
+	$Podir  = $ARGV[0];
+	die "ERROR: No such directory: $Podir\n"
+		unless -d "$Podir";
+} else {
+	 die "ERROR: Missing argument\n\n" . "$Usage\n";
+# Search po files
+my @Pofiles = ();
+find( sub { /^\.svn/ and ($File::Find::prune = 1)
+                               or
+            /\.po$/ and push @Pofiles, $File::Find::name
+      },
+      $Podir );
+scalar @Pofiles > 0 or die "ERROR: No pofiles found.\n";
+# Create a child process which runs 'msgfmt' on every
+# po file and writes output via pipe to parent process.
+my $pid = open(MSGFMT, "-|");
+die "ERROR: Cannot fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
+if ($pid == 0) {
+	# Child process
+	$ENV{"LANG"} = "C";
+	for (sort @Pofiles) {
+		my $statistics = `msgfmt --statistics $_ 2>&1`;
+		# TODO: better do regex matching here?
+		chomp $statistics;
+		print "$_ $statistics\n";
+	}
+	close STDOUT or die "ERROR: Cannot close pipe (w): $!\n";
+	exit;
+# Parent process
+my ($translated, $fuzzy, $untranslated) = (0, 0, 0);
+my $msg_re = qr/^   (\S+) \s                     # $1 = filename
+                    (\S+) \s translated   \D+    # $2 = translated msgs.
+                (?: (\S+) \s fuzzy        \D+ )? # $3 = fuzzy msgs.
+                (?: (\S+) \s untranslated \D+ )? # $4 = untranslated msgs.
+                $/ix;
+while (<MSGFMT>) {
+	m/$msg_re/ or die("ERROR matching msgfmt output '$_'\n");
+	my ($n, $t, $f, $u) = ($1, $2, $3 || 0, $4 || 0);
+	print_file_statistics($n, $t, $f, $u);
+close MSGFMT or die "ERROR: Cannot close pipe (r): $!\n";
+print_summary($translated, $fuzzy, $untranslated);
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_file_statistics
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+	my ($n, $t, $f, $u) = @_;
+	$translated += $t;
+	$untranslated += $u;
+	$fuzzy += $f;
+	printf "%+4d  ~%-2d -%d\t%s\n", $t, $f, $u, $n
+		unless $Skip_translated && ($u + $f) == 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+sub print_summary
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+my $total = $translated + $fuzzy + $untranslated;
+	print STDERR
+	      "\n",
+	      "total: ", $total, " strings in ",
+	      scalar @Pofiles, " files:\n    ",
+	      "translated=", $translated, " ",
+	      "fuzzy=", $fuzzy, " ",
+	      "untranslated=", $untranslated, " ",
+	      "\n";
+	my $progress = int(($translated * 100 / $total) + 0.5);
+	if ($progress == 100 && $translated < $total) { $progress = 99 }
+	my $width = 50;
+	$translated   = int(  $translated * $width / $total);
+	$untranslated = int($untranslated * $width / $total);
+	$fuzzy        = int(       $fuzzy * $width / $total);
+	($translated + $untranslated + $fuzzy == $width) or ++$untranslated;
+	print STDERR
+	      "\n", "[",
+	      ">" x $translated,
+	      "~" x $fuzzy,
+	      "_" x $untranslated,
+	      "]", "  ",
+	      $progress, "%",
+	      "\n\n";
+=head1 BUGS
+The script has not been tested under Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ulf-D. Ehlert
+(C) 2008 The GIMP Documentation Team.
+License: GPL

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