gnome-utils r8344 - trunk/logview
- From: cosimoc svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnome-utils r8344 - trunk/logview
- Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 13:29:02 +0000 (UTC)
Author: cosimoc
Date: Tue Dec 23 13:29:02 2008
New Revision: 8344
Import GtkMessageArea.
Added: trunk/logview/gtkmessagearea.c
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/logview/gtkmessagearea.c Tue Dec 23 13:29:02 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+ * gtk-message-area.c
+ * This file is part of GTK+
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 - Paolo Maggi
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Modified by the gedit Team, 2005. See the AUTHORS file for a
+ * list of people on the gtk Team.
+ * See the gedit ChangeLog files for a list of changes.
+ *
+ * Modified by the GTK+ team, 2008.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gtkmessagearea.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+ GtkMessageAreaPrivate))
+#ifdef ENABLE_NLS
+#define P_(String) g_dgettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE "-properties",String)
+#define P_(String) (String)
+#define I_(string) g_intern_static_string (string)
+struct _GtkMessageAreaPrivate
+ GtkWidget *content_area;
+ GtkWidget *action_area;
+typedef struct _ResponseData ResponseData;
+struct _ResponseData
+ gint response_id;
+static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
+static void gtk_message_area_style_set (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkStyle *prev_style);
+static gboolean gtk_message_area_expose (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventExpose *event);
+static void gtk_message_area_buildable_interface_init (GtkBuildableIface *iface);
+static GObject * gtk_message_area_buildable_get_internal_child (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ const gchar *childname);
+static gboolean gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_tag_start (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ GObject *child,
+ const gchar *tagname,
+ GMarkupParser *parser,
+ gpointer *data);
+static void gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_finished (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ GObject *child,
+ const gchar *tagname,
+ gpointer user_data);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GtkMessageArea, gtk_message_area, GTK_TYPE_HBOX,
+ gtk_message_area_buildable_interface_init))
+static void
+gtk_message_area_finalize (GObject *object)
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_message_area_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+response_data_free (gpointer data)
+ g_slice_free (ResponseData, data);
+static ResponseData *
+get_response_data (GtkWidget *widget,
+ gboolean create)
+ ResponseData *ad = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (widget),
+ "gtk-message-area-response-data");
+ if (ad == NULL && create)
+ {
+ ad = g_slice_new (ResponseData);
+ g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (widget),
+ I_("gtk-message-area-response-data"),
+ ad,
+ response_data_free);
+ }
+ return ad;
+static GtkWidget *
+find_button (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id)
+ GList *children, *list;
+ GtkWidget *child = NULL;
+ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (message_area->priv->action_area));
+ for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
+ {
+ ResponseData *rd = get_response_data (list->data, FALSE);
+ if (rd && rd->response_id == response_id)
+ {
+ child = list->data;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_list_free (children);
+ return child;
+static void
+gtk_message_area_close (GtkMessageArea *message_area)
+ if (!find_button (message_area, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL))
+ return;
+ gtk_message_area_response (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area),
+static gboolean
+gtk_message_area_expose (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GdkEventExpose *event)
+ gboolean use_tooltip_style;
+ gtk_widget_style_get (widget,
+ "use-tooltip-style", &use_tooltip_style,
+ NULL);
+ gtk_paint_flat_box (widget->style,
+ widget->window,
+ widget,
+ use_tooltip_style ? "tooltip" : "messagearea",
+ widget->allocation.x,
+ widget->allocation.y,
+ widget->allocation.width + 1,
+ widget->allocation.height + 1);
+ if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_message_area_parent_class)->expose_event)
+ GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_message_area_parent_class)->expose_event (widget, event);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+gtk_message_area_class_init (GtkMessageAreaClass *klass)
+ GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
+ GObjectClass *object_class;
+ GtkBindingSet *binding_set;
+ widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
+ object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
+ widget_class->style_set = gtk_message_area_style_set;
+ widget_class->expose_event = gtk_message_area_expose;
+ object_class->finalize = gtk_message_area_finalize;
+ klass->close = gtk_message_area_close;
+ signals[RESPONSE] = g_signal_new (I_("response"),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkMessageAreaClass, response),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT,
+ signals[CLOSE] = g_signal_new (I_("close"),
+ G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkMessageAreaClass, close),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+ g_param_spec_int ("content-area-border",
+ P_("Content area border"),
+ P_("Width of border around the main dialog area"),
+ 0,
+ 8,
+ gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+ g_param_spec_int ("content-area-spacing",
+ P_("Content area spacing"),
+ P_("Spacing between elements of the main dialog area"),
+ 0,
+ 16,
+ gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+ g_param_spec_int ("button-spacing",
+ P_("Button spacing"),
+ P_("Spacing between buttons"),
+ 0,
+ 6,
+ gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+ g_param_spec_int ("action-area-border",
+ P_("Action area border"),
+ P_("Width of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialog"),
+ 0,
+ 5,
+ gtk_widget_class_install_style_property (widget_class,
+ g_param_spec_boolean ("use-tooltip-style",
+ P_("Use tooltip style"),
+ P_("Wether to use the same style as GtkTooltip for drawing"),
+ binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class (klass);
+ gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, GDK_Escape, 0, "close", 0);
+ g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (GtkMessageAreaPrivate));
+static void
+gtk_message_area_style_set (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkStyle *prev_style)
+ GtkStyle *style;
+ GdkColor default_border_color = {0, 0xb800, 0xad00, 0x9d00};
+ GdkColor default_fill_color = {0, 0xff00, 0xff00, 0xbf00};
+ GdkColor *fg, *bg;
+ gint button_spacing;
+ gint action_area_border;
+ gint content_area_spacing;
+ gint content_area_border;
+ gboolean use_tooltip_style;
+ gtk_widget_style_get (widget,
+ "button-spacing", &button_spacing,
+ "action-area-border", &action_area_border,
+ "content-area-spacing", &content_area_spacing,
+ "content-area-border", &content_area_border,
+ "use-tooltip-style", &use_tooltip_style,
+ NULL);
+ g_print ("use tooltip style: %d\n", use_tooltip_style);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (widget)->priv->action_area),
+ button_spacing);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (widget)->priv->action_area),
+ action_area_border);
+ gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (widget)->priv->content_area),
+ content_area_spacing);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (widget)->priv->content_area),
+ content_area_border);
+ if (use_tooltip_style)
+ {
+ style = gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths (gtk_settings_get_default (),
+ "gtk-tooltip", "GtkTooltip", G_TYPE_NONE);
+ if (style)
+ {
+ fg = &style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL];
+ bg = &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fg = &default_border_color;
+ bg = &default_fill_color;
+ }
+ if (!gdk_color_equal (bg, &widget->style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]))
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, bg);
+ if (!gdk_color_equal (fg, &widget->style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]))
+ gtk_widget_modify_fg (widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, fg);
+ }
+static void
+gtk_message_area_init (GtkMessageArea *message_area)
+ GtkWidget *content_area;
+ GtkWidget *action_area;
+ gtk_widget_push_composite_child ();
+ message_area->priv = GTK_MESSAGE_AREA_GET_PRIVATE (message_area);
+ content_area = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (content_area);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (message_area), content_area, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ action_area = gtk_vbutton_box_new ();
+ gtk_widget_show (action_area);
+ gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (action_area), GTK_BUTTONBOX_START);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (message_area), action_area, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (GTK_WIDGET (message_area), TRUE);
+ message_area->priv->content_area = content_area;
+ message_area->priv->action_area = action_area;
+ gtk_widget_pop_composite_child ();
+static GtkBuildableIface *parent_buildable_iface;
+static void
+gtk_message_area_buildable_interface_init (GtkBuildableIface *iface)
+ parent_buildable_iface = g_type_interface_peek_parent (iface);
+ iface->get_internal_child = gtk_message_area_buildable_get_internal_child;
+ iface->custom_tag_start = gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_tag_start;
+ iface->custom_finished = gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_finished;
+static GObject *
+gtk_message_area_buildable_get_internal_child (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ const gchar *childname)
+ if (strcmp (childname, "content_area") == 0)
+ return G_OBJECT (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (buildable)->priv->content_area);
+ else if (strcmp (childname, "action_area") == 0)
+ return G_OBJECT (GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (buildable)->priv->action_area);
+ return parent_buildable_iface->get_internal_child (buildable,
+ builder,
+ childname);
+static gint
+get_response_for_widget (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ GtkWidget *widget)
+ ResponseData *rd;
+ rd = get_response_data (widget, FALSE);
+ if (!rd)
+ else
+ return rd->response_id;
+static void
+action_widget_activated (GtkWidget *widget,
+ GtkMessageArea *message_area)
+ gint response_id;
+ response_id = get_response_for_widget (message_area, widget);
+ gtk_message_area_response (message_area, response_id);
+gtk_message_area_add_action_widget (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ GtkWidget *child,
+ gint response_id)
+ ResponseData *ad;
+ guint signal_id;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (child));
+ ad = get_response_data (child, TRUE);
+ ad->response_id = response_id;
+ if (GTK_IS_BUTTON (child))
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup ("clicked", GTK_TYPE_BUTTON);
+ else
+ signal_id = GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (child)->activate_signal;
+ if (signal_id)
+ {
+ GClosure *closure;
+ closure = g_cclosure_new_object (G_CALLBACK (action_widget_activated),
+ G_OBJECT (message_area));
+ g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (child, signal_id, 0, closure, FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ g_warning ("Only 'activatable' widgets can be packed into the action area of a GtkMessageArea");
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (message_area->priv->action_area),
+ child, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+ if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP)
+ gtk_button_box_set_child_secondary (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (message_area->priv->action_area),
+ child, TRUE);
+ * gtk_message_area_set_contents:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @contents: widget you want to add to the contents area
+ *
+ * Adds the @contents widget to the contents area of #GtkMessageArea.
+ */
+gtk_message_area_set_contents (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ GtkWidget *contents)
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (contents));
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (message_area->priv->content_area),
+ contents, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ * gtk_message_area_add_button:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @button_text: text of button, or stock ID
+ * @response_id: response ID for the button
+ *
+ * Adds a button with the given text (or a stock button, if button_text
+ * is a stock ID) and sets things up so that clicking the button will emit
+ * the "response" signal with the given response_id. The button is appended
+ * to the end of the message area's action area. The button widget is
+ * returned, but usually you don't need it.
+ *
+ * Returns: the button widget that was added
+ */
+gtk_message_area_add_button (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *button_text,
+ gint response_id)
+ GtkWidget *button;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (button_text != NULL, NULL);
+ button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (button_text);
+ gtk_widget_show (button);
+ gtk_message_area_add_action_widget (message_area, button, response_id);
+ return button;
+static void
+add_buttons_valist (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *first_button_text,
+ va_list args)
+ const gchar* text;
+ gint response_id;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ if (first_button_text == NULL)
+ return;
+ text = first_button_text;
+ response_id = va_arg (args, gint);
+ while (text != NULL)
+ {
+ gtk_message_area_add_button (message_area, text, response_id);
+ text = va_arg (args, gchar*);
+ if (text == NULL)
+ break;
+ response_id = va_arg (args, int);
+ }
+ * gtk_message_area_add_buttons:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @first_button_text: button text or stock ID
+ * @...: response ID for first button, then more text-response_id pairs
+ *
+ * Adds more buttons, same as calling gtk_message_area_add_button()
+ * repeatedly. The variable argument list should be NULL-terminated as with
+ * gtk_message_area_new_with_buttons(). Each button must have both text
+ * and response ID.
+ */
+gtk_message_area_add_buttons (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *first_button_text,
+ ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, first_button_text);
+ add_buttons_valist (message_area, first_button_text, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ * gtk_message_area_new:
+ *
+ * Creates a new #GtkMessageArea object.
+ *
+ * Returns: a new #GtkMessageArea object
+ */
+GtkWidget *
+gtk_message_area_new (void)
+ return g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_AREA, NULL);
+ * gtk_message_area_new_with_buttons:
+ * @first_button_text: stock ID or text to go in first button, or NULL
+ * @...: response ID for first button, then additional buttons, ending
+ * with NULL
+ *
+ * Creates a new #GtkMessageArea with buttons. Button text/response ID
+ * pairs should be listed, with a NULL pointer ending the list. Button
+ * text can be either a stock ID such as %GTK_STOCK_OK, or some arbitrary
+ * text. A response ID can be any positive number, or one of the values
+ * in the GtkResponseType enumeration. If the user clicks one of these
+ * dialog buttons, GtkMessageArea will emit the "response"
+ * signal with the corresponding response ID.
+ *
+ * Returns: a new #GtkMessageArea
+ */
+GtkWidget *
+gtk_message_area_new_with_buttons (const gchar *first_button_text,
+ ...)
+ GtkMessageArea *message_area;
+ va_list args;
+ message_area = GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (gtk_message_area_new ());
+ va_start (args, first_button_text);
+ add_buttons_valist (message_area, first_button_text, args);
+ va_end (args);
+ return GTK_WIDGET (message_area);
+ * gtk_message_area_set_response_sensitive:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @response_id: a response ID
+ * @setting: TRUE for sensitive
+ *
+ * Calls gtk_widget_set_sensitive (widget, setting) for each widget
+ * in the dialog's action area with the given response_id. A convenient
+ * way to sensitize/desensitize dialog buttons.
+ */
+gtk_message_area_set_response_sensitive (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id,
+ gboolean setting)
+ GList *children, *list;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (message_area->priv->action_area));
+ for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
+ ResponseData *rd = get_response_data (widget, FALSE);
+ if (rd && rd->response_id == response_id)
+ gtk_widget_set_sensitive (widget, setting);
+ }
+ g_list_free (children);
+ * gtk_message_area_set_default_response:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @response_id: a response ID
+ *
+ * Sets the last widget in the message area's action area with the
+ * given response_id as the default widget for the dialog. Pressing
+ * "Enter" normally activates the default widget.
+ */
+gtk_message_area_set_default_response (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id)
+ GList *children, *list;
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (message_area->priv->action_area));
+ for (list = children; list; list = list->next)
+ {
+ GtkWidget *widget = list->data;
+ ResponseData *rd = get_response_data (widget, FALSE);
+ if (rd && rd->response_id == response_id)
+ gtk_widget_grab_default (widget);
+ }
+ g_list_free (children);
+ * gtk_message_area_set_default_response:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @response_id: a response ID
+ *
+ * Emits the 'response' signal with the given @response_id.
+ */
+gtk_message_area_response (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id)
+ g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area));
+ g_signal_emit (message_area, signals[RESPONSE], 0, response_id);
+ * gtk_message_area_add_stock_button_with_text:
+ * @message_area: a #GtkMessageArea
+ * @text: the text to visualize in the button
+ * @stock_id: the stock ID of the button
+ * @response_id: a response ID
+ *
+ * Same as gtk_message_area_add_button() but with a specific text.
+ */
+GtkWidget *
+gtk_message_area_add_stock_button_with_text (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *text,
+ const gchar *stock_id,
+ gint response_id)
+ GtkWidget *button, *image;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_MESSAGE_AREA (message_area), NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (text != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (stock_id != NULL, NULL);
+ button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (text);
+ image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (stock_id, GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON);
+ gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (button), image);
+ gtk_widget_show (button);
+ gtk_message_area_add_action_widget (message_area, button, response_id);
+ return button;
+typedef struct
+ gchar *widget_name;
+ gchar *response_id;
+} ActionWidgetInfo;
+typedef struct
+ GtkMessageArea *message_area;
+ GtkBuilder *builder;
+ GSList *items;
+ gchar *response;
+} ActionWidgetsSubParserData;
+static void
+attributes_start_element (GMarkupParseContext *context,
+ const gchar *element_name,
+ const gchar **names,
+ const gchar **values,
+ gpointer user_data,
+ GError **error)
+ ActionWidgetsSubParserData *parser_data = (ActionWidgetsSubParserData*)user_data;
+ guint i;
+ if (strcmp (element_name, "action-widget") == 0)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; names[i]; i++)
+ if (strcmp (names[i], "response") == 0)
+ parser_data->response = g_strdup (values[i]);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (element_name, "action-widgets") == 0)
+ return;
+ else
+ g_warning ("Unsupported tag for GtkMessageArea: %s\n", element_name);
+static void
+attributes_text_element (GMarkupParseContext *context,
+ const gchar *text,
+ gsize text_len,
+ gpointer user_data,
+ GError **error)
+ ActionWidgetsSubParserData *parser_data = (ActionWidgetsSubParserData*)user_data;
+ ActionWidgetInfo *item;
+ if (!parser_data->response)
+ return;
+ item = g_new (ActionWidgetInfo, 1);
+ item->widget_name = g_strndup (text, text_len);
+ item->response_id = parser_data->response;
+ parser_data->items = g_slist_prepend (parser_data->items, item);
+ parser_data->response = NULL;
+static const GMarkupParser attributes_parser =
+ attributes_start_element,
+ attributes_text_element,
+gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_tag_start (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ GObject *child,
+ const gchar *tagname,
+ GMarkupParser *parser,
+ gpointer *data)
+ ActionWidgetsSubParserData *parser_data;
+ if (child)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strcmp (tagname, "action-widgets") == 0)
+ {
+ parser_data = g_slice_new0 (ActionWidgetsSubParserData);
+ parser_data->message_area = GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (buildable);
+ parser_data->items = NULL;
+ *parser = attributes_parser;
+ *data = parser_data;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return parent_buildable_iface->custom_tag_start (buildable, builder, child,
+ tagname, parser, data);
+static void
+gtk_message_area_buildable_custom_finished (GtkBuildable *buildable,
+ GtkBuilder *builder,
+ GObject *child,
+ const gchar *tagname,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GSList *l;
+ ActionWidgetsSubParserData *parser_data;
+ GObject *object;
+ GtkMessageArea *message_area;
+ ResponseData *ad;
+ guint signal_id;
+ if (strcmp (tagname, "action-widgets"))
+ {
+ parent_buildable_iface->custom_finished (buildable, builder, child,
+ tagname, user_data);
+ return;
+ }
+ message_area = GTK_MESSAGE_AREA (buildable);
+ parser_data = (ActionWidgetsSubParserData*)user_data;
+ parser_data->items = g_slist_reverse (parser_data->items);
+ for (l = parser_data->items; l; l = l->next)
+ {
+ ActionWidgetInfo *item = l->data;
+ object = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, item->widget_name);
+ if (!object)
+ {
+ g_warning ("Unknown object %s specified in action-widgets of %s",
+ item->widget_name,
+ gtk_buildable_get_name (GTK_BUILDABLE (buildable)));
+ continue;
+ }
+ ad = get_response_data (GTK_WIDGET (object), TRUE);
+ ad->response_id = atoi (item->response_id);
+ if (GTK_IS_BUTTON (object))
+ signal_id = g_signal_lookup ("clicked", GTK_TYPE_BUTTON);
+ else
+ signal_id = GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (object)->activate_signal;
+ if (signal_id)
+ {
+ GClosure *closure;
+ closure = g_cclosure_new_object (G_CALLBACK (action_widget_activated),
+ G_OBJECT (message_area));
+ g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (object,
+ signal_id,
+ 0,
+ closure,
+ }
+ if (ad->response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP)
+ gtk_button_box_set_child_secondary (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (message_area->priv->action_area),
+ GTK_WIDGET (object), TRUE);
+ g_free (item->widget_name);
+ g_free (item->response_id);
+ g_free (item);
+ }
+ g_slist_free (parser_data->items);
+ g_slice_free (ActionWidgetsSubParserData, parser_data);
Added: trunk/logview/gtkmessagearea.h
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/logview/gtkmessagearea.h Tue Dec 23 13:29:02 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * gtkmessagearea.h
+ * This file is part of GTK+
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 - Paolo Maggi
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Modified by the gedit Team, 2005. See the AUTHORS file for a
+ * list of people on the gedit Team.
+ * See the gedit ChangeLog files for a list of changes.
+ */
+#ifndef __GTK_MESSAGE_AREA_H__
+#define __GTK_MESSAGE_AREA_H__
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ * Type checking and casting macros
+ */
+#define GTK_TYPE_MESSAGE_AREA (gtk_message_area_get_type())
+typedef struct _GtkMessageAreaPrivate GtkMessageAreaPrivate;
+typedef struct _GtkMessageAreaClass GtkMessageAreaClass;
+typedef struct _GtkMessageArea GtkMessageArea;
+struct _GtkMessageArea
+ GtkHBox parent;
+ /*< private > */
+ GtkMessageAreaPrivate *priv;
+struct _GtkMessageAreaClass
+ GtkHBoxClass parent_class;
+ /* Signals */
+ void (* response) (GtkMessageArea *message_area, gint response_id);
+ /* Keybinding signals */
+ void (* close) (GtkMessageArea *message_area);
+ /* Padding for future expansion */
+ void (*_gtk_reserved1) (void);
+ void (*_gtk_reserved2) (void);
+ void (*_gtk_reserved3) (void);
+ void (*_gtk_reserved4) (void);
+ void (*_gtk_reserved5) (void);
+ void (*_gtk_reserved6) (void);
+GType gtk_message_area_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+GtkWidget *gtk_message_area_new (void);
+GtkWidget *gtk_message_area_new_with_buttons (const gchar *first_button_text,
+ ...);
+void gtk_message_area_set_contents (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ GtkWidget *contents);
+void gtk_message_area_add_action_widget (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ GtkWidget *child,
+ gint response_id);
+GtkWidget *gtk_message_area_add_button (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *button_text,
+ gint response_id);
+GtkWidget *gtk_message_area_add_stock_button_with_text
+ (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *text,
+ const gchar *stock_id,
+ gint response_id);
+void gtk_message_area_add_buttons (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ const gchar *first_button_text,
+ ...);
+void gtk_message_area_set_response_sensitive
+ (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id,
+ gboolean setting);
+void gtk_message_area_set_default_response (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id);
+/* Emit response signal */
+void gtk_message_area_response (GtkMessageArea *message_area,
+ gint response_id);
+#endif /* __GTK_MESSAGE_AREA_H__ */
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