gnome-shell r135 - trunk/js/ui
- From: danw svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnome-shell r135 - trunk/js/ui
- Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:51:34 +0000 (UTC)
Author: danw
Date: Mon Dec 22 21:51:34 2008
New Revision: 135
split out a Workspace class from Workspaces, reorganize for that
Modified: trunk/js/ui/workspaces.js
--- trunk/js/ui/workspaces.js (original)
+++ trunk/js/ui/workspaces.js Mon Dec 22 21:51:34 2008
@@ -38,6 +38,316 @@
// metaphor-breaking, but the alternatives are also weird.
const GRID_SPACING = 15;
+function Workspace(workspaceNum) {
+ this._init(workspaceNum);
+Workspace.prototype = {
+ _init : function(workspaceNum) {
+ let me = this;
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ this._workspaceNum = workspaceNum;
+ = new Clutter.Group();
+ let windows = global.get_windows().filter(this._isMyWindow, this);
+ // Find the desktop window
+ for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
+ if (windows[i].get_window_type() == Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP) {
+ this._desktop = this._makeClone(windows[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If there wasn't one, fake it
+ if (!this._desktop)
+ this._desktop = this._makeDesktopRectangle();
+ let metaWorkspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(workspaceNum);
+ this._desktop.connect('button-press-event',
+ function(actor, event) {
+ metaWorkspace.activate(event.get_time());
+ Main.hide_overlay();
+ });
+ // Create clones for remaining windows that should be
+ // visible in the overlay
+ this._windows = [this._desktop];
+ for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
+ if (this._isOverlayWindow(windows[i])) {
+ let clone = this._makeClone(windows[i]);
+ clone.connect("button-press-event",
+ function(clone, event) {
+ clone.raise_top();
+ me._activateWindow(clone.realWindow, event.get_time());
+ });
+ this._windows.push(clone);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Animate the full-screen to overlay transition.
+ zoomToOverlay : function() {
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ // Move the desktop into size/position
+ this._desktop.set_position(this.fullSizeX, this.fullSizeY);
+ Tweener.addTween(this._desktop,
+ { x: this.gridX,
+ y: this.gridY,
+ scale_x: this.scale,
+ scale_y: this.scale,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad"
+ });
+ // Likewise for each of the windows in the workspace. This
+ // would be easier if we just positioned and scaled the entire
+ // workspace group rather than going each window individually,
+ // but if we do that then the windows of the active workspace
+ // will trace out a curved path as they move into place, which
+ // looks odd. Positioning everything independently lets us
+ // move them in a straight line to their final destination.
+ for (let i = 1; i < this._windows.length; i++) {
+ let window = this._windows[i];
+ let [xCenter, yCenter, fraction] = this._computeWindowPosition(i);
+ xCenter = this.gridX + this.scale * (xCenter * global.screen_width);
+ yCenter = this.gridY + this.scale * (yCenter * global.screen_height);
+ let size = Math.max(window.width, window.height);
+ let desiredSize = global.screen_width * fraction;
+ let scale = Math.min(desiredSize / size, 1.0) * this.scale;
+ window.set_position(this.fullSizeX + window.origX, this.fullSizeY + window.origY);
+ Tweener.addTween(window,
+ { x: xCenter - 0.5 * scale * window.width,
+ y: yCenter - 0.5 * scale * window.height,
+ scale_x: scale,
+ scale_y: scale,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ opacity: WINDOW_OPACITY,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad",
+ onComplete: function () {
+ this._addCloneTitle(window);
+ },
+ onCompleteScope: this
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // Animates the return from overlay mode
+ zoomFromOverlay : function() {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) {
+ let window = this._windows[i];
+ if (window.cloneTitle)
+ window.cloneTitle.destroy();
+ Tweener.addTween(window,
+ { x: this.fullSizeX + window.origX,
+ y: this.fullSizeY + window.origY,
+ scale_x: 1.0,
+ scale_y: 1.0,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ opacity: 255,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad"
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // Animates grid shrinking/expanding when a row or column
+ // of workspaces is added or removed
+ resizeToGrid : function (oldScale) {
+ let rescale = this.scale / oldScale;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._windows.length; i++) {
+ let newX = this.gridX + (this._windows[i].x - this._desktop.x) * rescale;
+ let newY = this.gridY + (this._windows[i].y - this._desktop.y) * rescale;
+ let newWindowScale = this._windows[i].scale_x * rescale;
+ Tweener.addTween(this._windows[i],
+ { x: newX,
+ y: newY,
+ scale_x: newWindowScale,
+ scale_y: newWindowScale,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad"
+ });
+ this._adjustCloneTitle(this._windows[i], newX, newY,
+ newWindowScale);
+ }
+ },
+ // Animates the addition of a new (empty) workspace
+ slideIn : function(oldScale) {
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ if (this.gridCol > this.gridRow) {
+ this._desktop.set_position(global.screen_width, this.gridY);
+ this._desktop.set_scale(oldScale, oldScale);
+ } else {
+ this._desktop.set_position(this.gridX, global.screen_height);
+ this._desktop.set_scale(this.scale, this.scale);
+ }
+ Tweener.addTween(this._desktop,
+ { x: this.gridX,
+ y: this.gridY,
+ scale_x: this.scale,
+ scale_y: this.scale,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad"
+ });
+ },
+ // Animates the removal of a workspace
+ slideOut : function(onComplete) {
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ let destX = this._desktop.x, destY = this._desktop.y;
+ if (this.gridCol > this.gridRow)
+ destX = global.screen_width;
+ else
+ destY = global.screen_height;
+ Tweener.addTween(this._desktop,
+ { x: destX,
+ y: destY,
+ scale_x: this.scale,
+ scale_y: this.scale,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad",
+ onComplete: onComplete
+ });
+ },
+ destroy : function() {
+ = null;
+ },
+ // Tests if @win belongs to this workspaces
+ _isMyWindow : function (win) {
+ return win.get_workspace() == this._workspaceNum ||
+ (win.get_meta_window() && win.get_meta_window().is_on_all_workspaces());
+ },
+ // Tests if @win should be shown in the overlay
+ _isOverlayWindow : function (win) {
+ return win.get_window_type() != Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP &&
+ !win.is_override_redirect();
+ },
+ // Create a clone of a window to use in the overlay.
+ _makeClone : function(window) {
+ let clone = new Clutter.CloneTexture({ parent_texture: window.get_texture(),
+ reactive: true,
+ x: window.x,
+ y: window.y });
+ clone.realWindow = window;
+ clone.origX = window.x;
+ clone.origY = window.y;
+ return clone;
+ },
+ // Create a texture for the desktop background, used in the case
+ // where there is no desktop window
+ _makeDesktopRectangle : function() {
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ // In the case when we have a desktop window from the file
+ // manager, its height is full-screen, i.e. it includes the
+ // height of the panel, so we should not subtract the height
+ // of the panel from global.screen_height here either to have
+ // them show up identically.
+ let desktop = new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: global.stage.color,
+ reactive: true,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ width: global.screen_width,
+ height: global.screen_height });
+ desktop.origX = desktop.origY = 0;
+ return desktop;
+ },
+ _computeWindowPosition : function(index) {
+ // ignore this._windows[0], which is the desktop
+ let windowIndex = index - 1;
+ let numberOfWindows = this._windows.length - 1;
+ if (numberOfWindows in POSITIONS)
+ return POSITIONS[numberOfWindows][windowIndex];
+ // If we don't have a predefined scheme for this window count,
+ // overlap the windows along the diagonal of the workspace
+ // (improve this!)
+ let fraction = Math.sqrt(1/numberOfWindows);
+ // The top window goes at the lower right - this is different from the
+ // fixed position schemes where the windows are in "reading order"
+ // and the top window goes at the upper left.
+ let pos = (numberOfWindows - windowIndex - 1) / (numberOfWindows - 1);
+ let xCenter = (fraction / 2) + (1 - fraction) * pos;
+ let yCenter = xCenter;
+ return [xCenter, yCenter, fraction];
+ },
+ _addCloneTitle : function (clone) {
+ let transformed = clone.get_transformed_size();
+ let window = clone.realWindow;
+ let icon = window.meta_window.mini_icon;
+ let iconTexture = new Clutter.Texture({ width: 16, height: 16, keep_aspect_ratio: true});
+ Shell.clutter_texture_set_from_pixbuf(iconTexture, icon);
+ let box = new Big.Box({background_color : WINDOWCLONE_BG_COLOR,
+ y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER,
+ corner_radius: 5,
+ padding: 4,
+ spacing: 4,
+ orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL});
+ box.append(iconTexture, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
+ let title = new Clutter.Label({color: WINDOWCLONE_TITLE_COLOR,
+ font_name: "Sans 14",
+ text: window.meta_window.title,
+ ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END});
+ // Get current width (just the icon), with spacing, plus title
+ box.fullWidth = box.width + box.spacing + title.width;
+ box.width = Math.min(box.fullWidth, transformed[0]);
+ box.append(title, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
+ box.set_position(clone.x, clone.y);
+ let parent = clone.get_parent();
+ clone.cloneTitle = box;
+ parent.add_actor(box);
+ },
+ _adjustCloneTitle : function (clone, newX, newY, newScale) {
+ let title = clone.cloneTitle;
+ if (!title)
+ return;
+ let newWidth = Math.min(title.fullWidth, clone.width * newScale);
+ Tweener.addTween(title,
+ { x: newX,
+ y: newY,
+ width: newWidth,
+ time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
+ transition: "easeOutQuad"
+ });
+ },
+ _activateWindow : function(w, time) {
+ let global = Shell.Global.get();
+ let activeWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace_index();
+ let windowWorkspace = w.get_workspace();
+ if (windowWorkspace != activeWorkspace) {
+ let workspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(windowWorkspace);
+ workspace.activate_with_focus(w.get_meta_window(), time);
+ } else
+ w.get_meta_window().activate(time);
+ Main.hide_overlay();
+ }
function Workspaces() {
@@ -59,25 +369,18 @@
this._workspaces = [];
- this._clones = [];
- let windows = global.get_windows();
let activeWorkspaceIndex = global.screen.get_active_workspace_index();
let activeWorkspace;
- // Create a group for each workspace (which lets us raise all
- // of its clone windows together when the workspace is
- // activated), figure out their initial grid positions, and
- // add the desktop windows
+ // Create and position workspace objects
for (let w = 0; w < global.screen.n_workspaces; w++) {
- this._workspaces[w] = new Clutter.Group();
+ this._workspaces[w] = new Workspace(w);
if (w == activeWorkspaceIndex)
activeWorkspace = this._workspaces[w];
- activeWorkspace.raise_top();
this._positionWorkspaces(global, activeWorkspace);
- this._createDesktopActors(windows);
// Create a backdrop rectangle, so that you don't see the
// other parts of the overlay (eg, sidebar) through the gaps
@@ -100,44 +403,9 @@
- // Position/scale the desktop windows and their children. This
- // would be easier if we instead just positioned and scaled
- // the entire workspace group, but if we do that then the
- // windows of the active workspace will trace out a curved
- // path as they move into place, which looks odd. Positioning
- // everything independently lets us move them in a straight
- // line.
- for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
- let workspace = this._workspaces[w];
- let desktop = workspace.get_nth_child(0);
- desktop.set_position(workspace.zoomedOutX, workspace.zoomedOutY);
- Tweener.addTween(desktop,
- { x: workspace.gridX,
- y: workspace.gridY,
- scale_x: workspace.gridScale,
- scale_y: workspace.gridScale,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- transition: "easeOutQuad"
- });
- // Now handle the rest of the windows in this workspace
- let wswindows = windows.filter(function (win) { return win.get_workspace() == w; });
- for (let i = 0, windowIndex = 0; i < wswindows.length; i++) {
- let win = wswindows[i];
- if (win.get_window_type() == Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP ||
- win.is_override_redirect())
- continue;
- let clone = this._createWindowClone(wswindows[i], workspace,
- wswindows.length - windowIndex - 1,
- wswindows.length);
- this._clones.push(clone);
- windowIndex++;
- }
- }
+ // Position/scale the desktop windows and their children
+ for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++)
+ this._workspaces[w].zoomToOverlay();
// Track changes to the number of workspaces
this._nWorkspacesNotifyId =
@@ -153,27 +421,10 @@
let activeWorkspace = this._workspaces[activeWorkspaceIndex];
this._positionWorkspaces(global, activeWorkspace);
- activeWorkspace.raise_top();
- this._clones.forEach(function (v, i, a) { if (v.cloneTitle) v.cloneTitle.destroy(); });
- this._clones = [];
- for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
- let workspace = this._workspaces[w];
- let windows = workspace.get_children();
- for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
- Tweener.addTween(windows[i],
- { x: workspace.zoomedOutX + windows[i].origX,
- y: workspace.zoomedOutY + windows[i].origY,
- scale_x: 1.0,
- scale_y: 1.0,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- opacity: 255,
- transition: "easeOutQuad"
- });
- }
- }
+ for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++)
+ this._workspaces[w].zoomFromOverlay();
{ x: this._backdropX,
@@ -188,9 +439,8 @@
destroy : function() {
let global = Shell.Global.get();
- for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
+ for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++)
- }
this._workspaces = [];
@@ -232,7 +482,7 @@
workspace.gridX = this._x + workspace.gridCol * (wsWidth + GRID_SPACING);
workspace.gridY = this._y + workspace.gridRow * (wsHeight + GRID_SPACING);
- workspace.gridScale = scale;
+ workspace.scale = scale;
if (horiz) {
@@ -250,208 +500,21 @@
- // Now figure out their zoomed-out coordinates
+ // Now figure out their full-size coordinates
for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
let workspace = this._workspaces[w];
- workspace.zoomedOutX = (workspace.gridCol - activeWorkspace.gridCol) * (global.screen_width + GRID_SPACING);
- workspace.zoomedOutY = (workspace.gridRow - activeWorkspace.gridRow) * (global.screen_height + GRID_SPACING);
+ workspace.fullSizeX = (workspace.gridCol - activeWorkspace.gridCol) * (global.screen_width + GRID_SPACING);
+ workspace.fullSizeY = (workspace.gridRow - activeWorkspace.gridRow) * (global.screen_height + GRID_SPACING);
// And the backdrop
- this._backdropX = this._workspaces[0].zoomedOutX;
- this._backdropY = this._workspaces[0].zoomedOutY;
+ this._backdropX = this._workspaces[0].fullSizeX;
+ this._backdropY = this._workspaces[0].fullSizeY;
this._backdropWidth = gridWidth * (global.screen_width + GRID_SPACING) - GRID_SPACING;
this._backdropHeight = gridHeight * (global.screen_height + GRID_SPACING) - GRID_SPACING;
- _setupDesktop : function(desktop, workspaceNum) {
- let global = Shell.Global.get();
- let workspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(workspaceNum);
- desktop.connect("button-press-event",
- function(clone, event) {
- workspace.activate(event.get_time());
- Main.hide_overlay();
- });
- this._workspaces[workspaceNum].add_actor(desktop);
- desktop.origX = desktop.origY = 0;
- },
- _createDesktopActors : function(windows) {
- if (!windows) {
- let global = Shell.Global.get();
- windows = global.get_windows();
- }
- // Find the desktop window or windows
- for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
- if (windows[i].get_window_type() != Meta.WindowType.DESKTOP)
- continue;
- if (windows[i].get_meta_window().is_on_all_workspaces()) {
- for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
- if (this._workspaces[w].get_n_children() == 0)
- this._setupDesktop(this._cloneWindow(windows[i]), w);
- }
- break;
- } else {
- let desktopWorkspace = windows[i].get_workspace;
- if (this._workspaces[desktopWorkspace].get_n_children() == 0)
- this._setupDesktop(this._cloneWindow(windows[i]), desktopWorkspace);
- }
- }
- // Create dummy desktops for workspaces that don't have
- // desktop windows, and hook up button events on all desktops
- for (let w = 0; w < this._workspaces.length; w++) {
- if (this._workspaces[w].get_n_children() == 0)
- this._setupDesktop(this._createDesktopRectangle(), w);
- }
- },
- _cloneWindow : function(window) {
- let w = new Clutter.CloneTexture({ parent_texture: window.get_texture(),
- reactive: true,
- x: window.x,
- y: window.y });
- w.origX = window.x;
- w.origY = window.y;
- return w;
- },
- _createDesktopRectangle : function() {
- let global = Shell.Global.get();
- // In the case when we have a desktop window from the file
- // manager, its height is full-screen, i.e. it includes the
- // height of the panel, so we should not subtract the height
- // of the panel from global.screen_height here either to have
- // them show up identically. We are also using (0,0)
- // coordinates in both cases which makes the background window
- // animate out from behind the panel.
- return new Clutter.Rectangle({ color: global.stage.color,
- reactive: true,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: global.screen_width,
- height: global.screen_height });
- },
- _addCloneTitle : function (clone, window) {
- let transformed = clone.get_transformed_size();
- let icon = window.meta_window.mini_icon;
- let iconTexture = new Clutter.Texture({ width: 16, height: 16, keep_aspect_ratio: true});
- Shell.clutter_texture_set_from_pixbuf(iconTexture, icon);
- let box = new Big.Box({background_color : WINDOWCLONE_BG_COLOR,
- y_align: Big.BoxAlignment.CENTER,
- corner_radius: 5,
- padding: 4,
- spacing: 4,
- orientation: Big.BoxOrientation.HORIZONTAL});
- box.append(iconTexture, Big.BoxPackFlags.NONE);
- let title = new Clutter.Label({color: WINDOWCLONE_TITLE_COLOR,
- font_name: "Sans 14",
- text: window.meta_window.title,
- ellipsize: Pango.EllipsizeMode.END});
- // Get current width (just the icon), with spacing, plus title
- let width = box.width + box.spacing + title.width;
- let maxWidth = transformed[0];
- if (width > transformed[0])
- width = transformed[0];
- box.width = width;
- box.append(title, Big.BoxPackFlags.EXPAND);
- box.set_position(clone.x, clone.y);
- let parent = clone.get_parent();
- clone.cloneTitle = box;
- parent.add_actor(box);
- },
- // windowIndex == 0 => top in stacking order
- _computeWindowPosition : function(windowIndex, numberOfWindows) {
- if (numberOfWindows in POSITIONS)
- return POSITIONS[numberOfWindows][windowIndex];
- // If we don't have a predefined scheme for this window count,
- // overlap the windows along the diagonal of the workspace
- // (improve this!)
- let fraction = Math.sqrt(1/numberOfWindows);
- // The top window goes at the lower right - this is different from the
- // fixed position schemes where the windows are in "reading order"
- // and the top window goes at the upper left.
- let pos = (numberOfWindows - windowIndex - 1) / (numberOfWindows - 1);
- let xCenter = (fraction / 2) + (1 - fraction) * pos;
- let yCenter = xCenter;
- return [xCenter, yCenter, fraction];
- },
- _createWindowClone : function(w, workspace, windowIndex, numberOfWindows) {
- let me = this;
- let global = Shell.Global.get();
- // We show the window using "clones" of the texture .. separate
- // actors that mirror the original actors for the window. For
- // animation purposes, it may be better to actually move the
- // original actors about instead.
- let clone = this._cloneWindow(w);
- let [xCenter, yCenter, fraction] = this._computeWindowPosition(windowIndex, numberOfWindows);
- let desiredSize = global.screen_width * fraction;
- xCenter = workspace.gridX + workspace.gridScale * (xCenter * global.screen_width);
- yCenter = workspace.gridY + workspace.gridScale * (yCenter * global.screen_height);
- let size = clone.width;
- if (clone.height > size)
- size = clone.height;
- // Never scale up
- let scale = desiredSize / size;
- if (scale > 1)
- scale = 1;
- scale *= workspace.gridScale;
- workspace.add_actor(clone);
- clone.set_position(workspace.zoomedOutX + clone.origX,
- workspace.zoomedOutY + clone.origY);
- Tweener.addTween(clone,
- { x: xCenter - 0.5 * scale * w.width,
- y: yCenter - 0.5 * scale * w.height,
- scale_x: scale,
- scale_y: scale,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- opacity: WINDOW_OPACITY,
- transition: "easeOutQuad",
- onComplete: function () {
- me._addCloneTitle(clone, w);
- }
- });
- clone.connect("button-press-event",
- function(clone, event) {
- clone.raise_top();
- me._activateWindow(w, event.get_time());
- });
- return clone;
- },
- _activateWindow : function(w, time) {
- let global = Shell.Global.get();
- let activeWorkspace = global.screen.get_active_workspace_index();
- let windowWorkspace = w.get_workspace();
- if (windowWorkspace != activeWorkspace) {
- let workspace = global.screen.get_workspace_by_index(windowWorkspace);
- workspace.activate_with_focus(w.get_meta_window(), time);
- } else
- w.get_meta_window().activate(time);
- Main.hide_overlay();
- },
_workspacesChanged : function() {
let global = Shell.Global.get();
@@ -461,7 +524,7 @@
if (oldNumWorkspaces == newNumWorkspaces)
- let oldScale = this._workspaces[0].gridScale;
+ let oldScale = this._workspaces[0].scale;
let oldGridWidth = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(oldNumWorkspaces));
let oldGridHeight = Math.ceil(oldNumWorkspaces / oldGridWidth);
let lostWorkspaces = [];
@@ -469,8 +532,8 @@
if (newNumWorkspaces > oldNumWorkspaces) {
// Create new workspace groups
for (let w = oldNumWorkspaces; w < newNumWorkspaces; w++) {
- this._workspaces[w] = new Clutter.Group();
+ this._workspaces[w] = new Workspace(w);
} else {
// Truncate the list of workspaces
@@ -481,76 +544,26 @@
// Figure out the new layout
- let newScale = this._workspaces[0].gridScale;
+ let newScale = this._workspaces[0].scale;
let newGridWidth = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(newNumWorkspaces));
let newGridHeight = Math.ceil(newNumWorkspaces / newGridWidth);
if (newGridWidth != oldGridWidth || newGridHeight != oldGridHeight) {
// We need to resize/move the existing workspaces/windows
let existingWorkspaces = Math.min(oldNumWorkspaces, newNumWorkspaces);
- for (let w = 0; w < existingWorkspaces; w++) {
- let workspace = this._workspaces[w];
- let windows = workspace.get_children();
- let desktop = windows[0];
- for (let i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) {
- let newX = workspace.gridX + (windows[i].x - desktop.x) * newScale / oldScale;
- let newY = workspace.gridY + (windows[i].y - desktop.y) * newScale / oldScale;
- let newWindowScale = windows[i].scale_x * newScale / oldScale;
- Tweener.addTween(windows[i],
- { x: newX,
- y: newY,
- scale_x: newWindowScale,
- scale_y: newWindowScale,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- transition: "easeOutQuad"
- });
- }
- }
+ for (let w = 0; w < existingWorkspaces; w++)
+ this._workspaces[w].resizeToGrid(oldScale);
if (newNumWorkspaces > oldNumWorkspaces) {
// Slide new workspaces in from offscreen
- this._createDesktopActors();
- for (let w = oldNumWorkspaces; w < newNumWorkspaces; w++) {
- let workspace = this._workspaces[w];
- let desktop = this._workspaces[w].get_nth_child(0);
- if (workspace.gridCol > workspace.gridRow) {
- desktop.set_position(global.screen_width, workspace.gridY);
- desktop.set_scale(oldScale, oldScale);
- } else {
- desktop.set_position(workspace.gridX, global.screen_height);
- desktop.set_scale(workspace.gridScale, workspace.gridScale);
- }
- Tweener.addTween(desktop,
- { x: workspace.gridX,
- y: workspace.gridY,
- scale_x: workspace.gridScale,
- scale_y: workspace.gridScale,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- transition: "easeOutQuad"
- });
- }
+ for (let w = oldNumWorkspaces; w < newNumWorkspaces; w++)
+ this._workspaces[w].slideIn(oldScale);
} else {
// Slide old workspaces out
for (let w = 0; w < lostWorkspaces.length; w++) {
let workspace = lostWorkspaces[w];
- let desktop = lostWorkspaces[w].get_nth_child(0);
- let destX = desktop.x, destY = desktop.y;
- if (workspace.gridCol > workspace.gridRow)
- destX = global.screen_width;
- else
- destY = global.screen_height;
- Tweener.addTween(desktop,
- { x: destX,
- y: destY,
- scale_x: newScale,
- scale_y: newScale,
- time: Overlay.ANIMATION_TIME,
- transition: "easeOutQuad",
- onComplete: function() { workspace.destroy(); }
- });
+ workspace.slideOut(function () { workspace.destroy(); });
// FIXME: deal with windows on the lost workspaces
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