seed r531 - in trunk: examples examples/browser examples/lightsoff tests
- From: racarr svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: seed r531 - in trunk: examples examples/browser examples/lightsoff tests
- Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 06:19:17 +0000 (UTC)
Author: racarr
Date: Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
New Revision: 531
Examples and tests are under MIT license. Except for lightsoff which is
under GPLv3. Also remerge browser in to SVN, which is also under GPLv3.
trunk/examples/browser/main.js (contents, props changed)
Added: trunk/examples/COPYING
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/COPYING Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+All examples in the toplevel directory (i.e. not including lightsoff or browser) are available under the MIT license.
+In addition the following subdirectories are under MIT license:
+ glib
+ clutter-shader
+ turtle
Modified: trunk/examples/
--- trunk/examples/ (original)
+++ trunk/examples/ Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
SUBDIRS = lightsoff \
clutter-shader \
glib \
+ browser \
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
threaded-repl.js \
actions.js \
calculator.js \
clutter-cairo.js \
Added: trunk/examples/browser/COPYING
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/COPYING Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--2008-12-21 01:14:23--
+Connecting to||:80... connected.
+HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
+Length: 35147 (34K) [text/plain]
+Saving to: `gpl-3.0.txt'
+ 0K .......... .......... .......... .... 100% 363K=0.09s
+2008-12-21 01:14:23 (363 KB/s) - `gpl-3.0.txt' saved [35147/35147]
Added: trunk/examples/browser/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/ Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+browserdir = $(datadir)/doc/seed/examples/browser
+browser_DATA = \
+ browser-actions.js \
+ browser-bookmarks.js \
+ browser-find.js \
+ browser-main.js \
+ browser-menu.js \
+ browser-tab.js \
+ browser-toolbar.js \
+ main.js
+ browser-actions.js \
+ browser-bookmarks.js \
+ browser-find.js \
+ browser-main.js \
+ browser-menu.js \
+ browser-tab.js \
+ browser-toolbar.js \
+ main.jsx
+## File created by the gnome-build tools
Added: trunk/examples/browser/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/ Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+lightsoffdir = $(datadir)/doc/seed/examples/lightsoff
+lightsoff_DATA = \
+ board.js \
+ light.js \
+ main.js \
+ light-off.svg \
+ light-on.svg \
+ 0.svg \
+ 1.svg \
+ 2.svg \
+ 3.svg \
+ 4.svg \
+ 5.svg \
+ 6.svg \
+ 7.svg \
+ 8.svg \
+ 9.svg \
+ lcd-back.svg \
+ lcd-front.svg \
+ score.js \
+ lcd-off.svg \
+ menu.js \
+ arrow-l.svg \
+ arrow-r.svg \
+ arrow.js
+ board.js \
+ light.js \
+ main.js \
+ light-off.svg \
+ light-on.svg \
+ 0.svg \
+ 1.svg \
+ 2.svg \
+ 3.svg \
+ 4.svg \
+ 5.svg \
+ 6.svg \
+ 7.svg \
+ 8.svg \
+ 9.svg \
+ lcd-back.svg \
+ lcd-front.svg \
+ score.js \
+ lcd-off.svg \
+ menu.js \
+ arrow-l.svg \
+ arrow-r.svg \
+ arrow.js
+## File created by the gnome-build tools
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-actions.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-actions.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+function current_tab()
+ return browser.get_nth_page(;
+function go_back()
+ current_tab().webView.go_back();
+ return false;
+function go_forward()
+ current_tab().webView.go_forward();
+ return false;
+function go_up()
+ current_tab();
+ return false;
+function refresh_page()
+ current_tab().webView.reload();
+ return false;
+function close_tab(button, tab)
+ browser.remove_page(browser.page_num(tab));
+ //TODO: sometimes this destroy starts causing exceptions
+ tab.destroy();
+ if(!browser.get_n_pages())
+ {
+ browser.newTab().navigateTo(homePage);
+ }
+ return false;
+function browse(urlBar, tab)
+ if ("://") < 0)
+ {
+ urlBar.text = "http://" + urlBar.text;
+ }
+ return false;
+function show_find()
+ findBox.entryBox.grab_focus();
+ return false;
+function find(entry, event, box)
+ //current_tab().webView.unmark_text_matches();
+ current_tab().webView.search_text("",,
+ true, true);
+ current_tab().webView.search_text(entry.text,,
+ true, true);
+ return false;
+function show_about()
+ // reuse window, formatting, centering, etc
+ about_window = new Gtk.Window();
+ var title_label = new Gtk.Label({label:"<span size='x-large'>" +
+ "<b>Seed Browser 0.2</b></span>",
+ use_markup: true});
+ var under_label = new Gtk.Label({label:"A simple WebKit-based browser, " +
+ "in Seed."});
+ var by_label = new Gtk.Label({label:"\251 2008, Seed maintainers"});
+ var close_button = Gtk.Button.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_CLOSE);
+ close_button.signal.clicked.connect(function(){about_window.destroy()});
+ var vbox = new Gtk.VBox();
+ vbox.pack_start(title_label, true, true, 5);
+ vbox.pack_start(under_label, true, true, 5);
+ vbox.pack_start(by_label, true, true, 5);
+ vbox.pack_start(close_button, false, false, 5);
+ about_window.add(vbox);
+ // instead of this, use packing once I find out how to do margins!
+ about_window.resize(300, 200);
+ about_window.show_all();
+ return false;
+function get_up_url()
+ Seed.print("Hey! This function currently causes a segmentation fault,\nso I'm just going to go ahead and do that now. KTHXBYE");
+ //this has a small, but harmless bug. not really a bug really,
+ //but more of a tiny behavior inconsistency
+ //in that if you have a basic url like with a trailing slash
+ //it stays with the trailing slash where as in every other case
+ //there is no trailing slash on the returned url
+ //i don't think this matters at all though and this is quite
+ //a beastly and useless comment.
+ var curr_url = current_tab().webView.get_main_frame().get_uri().split("://",2);
+ var last = curr_url[1].lastIndexOf("/");
+ if ( curr_url[1].length == last+1 )
+ last = curr_url[1].substring(0,last).lastIndexOf("/");
+ if (last == -1)
+ last = curr_url[1].length;
+ return curr_url[0]+ "://" + curr_url[1].substring(0,last);
+function create_action(nam, label, stock_id, accelerator, func)
+ var new_action;
+ if(label != null)
+ new_action = new Gtk.Action({name:nam, label:label,
+ stock_id:stock_id});
+ else
+ new_action = new Gtk.Action({name:nam,
+ stock_id:stock_id});
+ new_action.set_accel_group(accels);
+ actions.add_action_with_accel(new_action, accelerator);
+ new_action.connect_accelerator();
+ new_action.signal.activate.connect(func);
+ return new_action;
+function initialize_actions()
+ actions = new Gtk.ActionGroup({name:"toolbar"});
+ accels = new Gtk.AccelGroup();
+ new_tab_action =
+ create_action("new", "New Tab", "gtk-new", "<Control>t",
+ function ()
+ {
+ browser.newTab().setWebView(new WebKit.WebView());
+ = browser.get_n_pages() - 1;
+ });
+ close_tab_action =
+ create_action("close",
+ "Close Tab",
+ "gtk-close",
+ "<Control>w",
+ close_tab);
+ go_back_action =
+ create_action("go-back",
+ "Go Back",
+ "gtk-go-back",
+ "<Alt>Left",
+ go_back);
+ go_forward_action =
+ create_action("go-forward",
+ "Go Forward",
+ "gtk-go-forward",
+ "<Alt>Right",
+ go_forward);
+ go_up_action =
+ create_action("go-up",
+ "Go Up",
+ "gtk-go-up",
+ "<Alt>Up",
+ go_up);
+ focus_urlbar_action =
+ create_action("url",
+ "Focus URL Bar",
+ "",
+ "<Control>l",
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().toolbar.urlBar.grab_focus();
+ });
+ refresh_action =
+ create_action("refresh",
+ "Refresh",
+ "gtk-reload",
+ "F5",
+ refresh_page);
+ quit_action =
+ create_action("quit",
+ null,
+ "gtk-quit",
+ null,
+ shutdown);
+ cut_action =
+ create_action("cut",
+ null,
+ "gtk-cut",
+ null,
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().webView.cut_clipboard();
+ });
+ copy_action =
+ create_action("copy",
+ null,
+ "gtk-copy",
+ null,
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().webView.copy_clipboard();
+ });
+ paste_action =
+ create_action("paste",
+ null,
+ "gtk-paste",
+ null,
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().webView.paste_clipboard();
+ });
+ print_action =
+ create_action("print",
+ null,
+ "gtk-print",
+ "<Control>p",
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().webView.execute_script("print()");
+ });
+ zoom_in_action =
+ create_action("zoom-in",
+ null,
+ "gtk-zoom-in",
+ "<Control>plus", // TODO: needs to work for Ctrl-= also!!
+ function ()
+ {
+ var new_zoom_level = current_tab().webView.zoom_level + 0.1;
+ // FIXME: for some reason segfaults if try to zoom beyond here
+ if (new_zoom_level < 5.65)
+ current_tab().webView.zoom_level = new_zoom_level;
+ return false;
+ });
+ zoom_out_action =
+ create_action("zoom-out",
+ null,
+ "gtk-zoom-out",
+ "<Control>minus",
+ function ()
+ {
+ var new_zoom_level = current_tab().webView.zoom_level - 0.1;
+ if ( new_zoom_level > 0 )
+ current_tab().webView.zoom_level = new_zoom_level;
+ return false;
+ });
+ zoom_zero_action =
+ create_action("zoom-zero",
+ null,
+ "gtk-zoom-100",
+ "<Control>0",
+ function ()
+ {
+ current_tab().webView.zoom_level = 1;
+ return false;
+ });
+ about_action =
+ create_action("about",
+ null,
+ "gtk-about",
+ null,
+ show_about);
+ find_action =
+ create_action("find",
+ null,
+ "gtk-find",
+ null,
+ show_find);
+ add_bookmark_action =
+ create_action("addbookmark",
+ "Add Bookmark",
+ "gtk-add",
+ "<Ctrl>B",
+ add_bookmark);
+ // Someone needs to figure out how to use Tab in a key accel.
+ /*cycle_tabs_action = new Gtk.Action({name:"cycletabs", label:"Cycle Through Tabs",
+ tooltip:"Cycle Through Tabs"});
+ cycle_tabs_action.set_accel_group(accels);
+ cycle_tabs_action.connect_accelerator();
+ actions.add_action_with_accel(cycle_tabs_action, "<Control><Tab>");
+ cycle_tabs_action.signal.activate.connect(
+ function ()
+ {
+ }
+ );*/
+ return accels;
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-bookmarks.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-bookmarks.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+var bookmark_path = GLib.get_home_dir() + "/.seed_browser_bookmarks.db";
+//check if the bookmarks db exists and if there are permissions
+var new_db = (!GLib.file_test(bookmark_path, GLib.FileTest.Exists));
+bookmarks_db = new sqlite.Database(bookmark_path);
+ bookmarks_db.exec("create table bookmarks (key INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, url TEXT, name TEXT);");
+function populate_bookmarks_menu()
+ bookmarks_db.exec("select * from bookmarks",
+ function(results)
+ {
+ var new_bookmark_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(results["name"]);
+ new_bookmark_item.tooltip_text = results["url"];
+ new_bookmark_item.signal.activate.connect(select_bookmark, null, results);
+ menu.bookmarksMenu.append(new_bookmark_item);
+ });
+function add_bookmark()
+ // This right here is the second largest security vulnerability I've ever knowingly written.
+ // TODO: ROBB, we need a substitution api...
+ // Also it's just stupid, because it'll break on quotes, etc. And we all know sanitizing your SQL yourself is retarded.
+ var b_url = current_tab().webView.get_main_frame().get_uri();
+ //var b_name = current_tab().webView.get_main_frame().get_title();
+ var b_name = current_tab().titleLabel.label;
+ //var b_name = b_url; // ^ something about in arguments makes this not work FIXIT. the gir says no args.
+ bookmarks_db.exec("insert into bookmarks (url, name) values ('" + b_url + "','" + b_name + "');");
+ bookmarks_db.exec("select * from bookmarks where url='" + b_url + "' AND name='" + b_name + "';",
+ function(results){g_results=results}); // TODO: there's a better way to do this.
+ // probably need to save IDs-to-menuitems so we can destroy them if we want, etc...
+ // todo: how do we get the ID out when we insert??
+ var new_bookmark_item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(b_name);
+ new_bookmark_item.tooltip_text = b_url;
+ new_bookmark_item.signal.activate.connect(select_bookmark, g_results);
+ new_bookmark_item.show_all();
+ menu.bookmarksMenu.append(new_bookmark_item);
+function select_bookmark(menuItem, results)
+ current_tab().navigateTo(results["url"]);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-find.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-find.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// TODO: escape in the text field should hide it, not search more!
+FindBoxType = {
+ parent: Gtk.HBox.type,
+ name: "FindBox",
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ var closeButton = new Gtk.Button();
+ closeButton.set_image(new Gtk.Image({stock: "gtk-close",
+ icon_size: Gtk.IconSize.Menu}));
+ closeButton.signal.clicked.connect(
+ function ()
+ {
+ this.entryBox.text = "";
+ this.hide();
+ }, this);
+ closeButton.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.None);
+ var findLabel = new Gtk.Label({label:"Find: "});
+ this.entryBox = new Gtk.Entry();
+ this.entryBox.signal.key_release_event.connect(find, this);
+ this.caseSensitive = new Gtk.CheckButton({label:"Match case"});
+/* this.caseSensitive.signal.toggled.connect(
+ function (a,b)
+ {
+ // BROKEN.
+ current_tab().webView.unmark_text_matches();
+ find(this, 0, b);
+ return false;
+ }, this);*/
+ this.pack_start(closeButton);
+ this.pack_start(findLabel);
+ this.pack_start(this.entryBox, true, true);
+ this.pack_start(this.caseSensitive, false, false, 10);
+ }};
+FindBox = new GType(FindBoxType);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-main.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-main.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+TabbedBrowserType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Notebook.type,
+ name: "TabbedBrowser",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ prototype.newTab = function ()
+ {
+ var tab = new BrowserTab();
+ this.append_page(tab, tab.title);
+ this.set_tab_reorderable(tab, true);
+ if(selectTabOnCreation)
+ = this.get_n_pages() - 1;
+ return tab;
+ }
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.scrollable = true;
+ }};
+TabbedBrowser = new GType(TabbedBrowserType);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-menu.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-menu.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+FileMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Menu.type,
+ name: "FileMenu",
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.newTabItem = new_tab_action.create_menu_item();
+ //this.openItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "Open..."})});
+ //this.saveAsItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "Save As..."})});
+ this.closeItem = close_tab_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.quitItem = quit_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.printItem = print_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.newTabItem);
+ //this.append(this.openItem);
+ //this.append(this.saveAsItem);
+ this.append(this.closeItem);
+ this.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
+ this.append(this.printItem);
+ this.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
+ this.append(this.quitItem);
+ }};
+FileMenu = new GType(FileMenuType);
+EditMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Menu.type,
+ name: "EditMenu",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.cutItem = cut_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.copyItem = copy_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.pasteItem = paste_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.findItem = find_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.cutItem);
+ this.append(this.copyItem);
+ this.append(this.pasteItem);
+ this.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
+ this.append(this.findItem);
+ }};
+EditMenu = new GType(EditMenuType);
+BookmarksMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Menu.type,
+ name: "BookmarksMenu",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.addBookmarkItem = add_bookmark_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.addBookmarkItem);
+ this.append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem());
+ }};
+BookmarksMenu = new GType(BookmarksMenuType);
+HelpMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Menu.type,
+ name: "HelpMenu",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.aboutTabItem = about_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.aboutTabItem);
+ }};
+HelpMenu = new GType(HelpMenuType);
+ViewMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.Menu.type,
+ name: "ViewMenu",
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.zoomInTabItem = zoom_in_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.zoomInTabItem);
+ this.zoomOutTabItem = zoom_out_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.zoomOutTabItem);
+ this.zoomZeroTabItem = zoom_zero_action.create_menu_item();
+ this.append(this.zoomZeroTabItem);
+ }};
+ViewMenu = new GType(ViewMenuType);
+BrowserMenuType = {
+ parent: Gtk.MenuBar.type,
+ name: "BrowserMenu",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ // Toplevel menus
+ this.fileMenu = new FileMenu();
+ this.editMenu = new EditMenu();
+ this.bookmarksMenu = new BookmarksMenu();
+ this.helpMenu = new HelpMenu();
+ this.viewMenu = new ViewMenu();
+ this.fileItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "File"})});
+ this.editItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "Edit"})});
+ this.viewItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "View"})});
+ this.bookmarksItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "Bookmarks"})});
+ this.helpItem = new Gtk.MenuItem({"child": new Gtk.Label({"label": "Help"})});
+ this.fileItem.submenu = this.fileMenu;
+ this.editItem.submenu = this.editMenu;
+ this.viewItem.submenu = this.viewMenu;
+ this.bookmarksItem.submenu = this.bookmarksMenu;
+ this.helpItem.submenu = this.helpMenu;
+ this.append(this.fileItem);
+ this.append(this.editItem);
+ this.append(this.viewItem);
+ this.append(this.bookmarksItem);
+ this.append(this.helpItem);
+ }};
+BrowserMenu = new GType(BrowserMenuType);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-tab.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-tab.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+function title_changed(webView, webFrame, title, tab)
+ if(title.length > 25)
+ title = title.slice(0,25) + "...";
+ tab.titleLabel.label = title;
+ return false;
+function url_changed(webView, webFrame, tab)
+ tab.toolbar.back.sensitive = webView.can_go_back();
+ tab.toolbar.forward.sensitive = webView.can_go_forward();
+ tab.toolbar.urlBar.text = webFrame.get_uri();
+ return false;
+function new_tab_requested(webView, webFrame, newWebView)
+ newWebView = new WebKit.WebView();
+ newWebView.signal.web_view_ready.connect(new_tab_ready);
+ return newWebView;
+function new_tab_ready(webView)
+ browser.newTab().setWebView(webView);
+ return false;
+BrowserTabType = {
+ parent: Gtk.VBox.type,
+ name: "BrowserTab",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ prototype.navigateTo = function (location)
+ {
+ if(!this.webView)
+ this.setWebView(new WebKit.WebView());
+ this.show_all();
+ }
+ prototype.setWebView = function (webView)
+ {
+ if(this.webView)
+ return;
+ this.webView = webView;
+ this.webView.set_scroll_adjustments(null, null);
+ this.webView.signal.title_changed.connect(title_changed, this);
+ this.webView.signal.load_committed.connect(url_changed, this);
+ this.webView.signal.create_web_view.connect(new_tab_requested, this);
+ this.webView.signal.web_view_ready.connect(new_tab_ready, this);
+ this.webView.full_content_zoom = true;
+ this.webView.signal.load_started.connect(
+ function()
+ {
+ // At least on the Eee, the progress bar is bigger than the
+ // default status bar, so the status bar size changes when we hide/show
+ progressBar.fraction = 0;
+ // Questionable UI decision.
+ progressBar.pulse();
+ });
+ this.webView.signal.load_progress_changed.connect(
+ function(view, progress)
+ {
+ progressBar.fraction = progress/100;
+ });
+ this.webView.signal.load_finished.connect(
+ function()
+ {
+ progressBar.hide();
+ });
+ this.webView.signal.hovering_over_link.connect(
+ function(view, link, uri)
+ {
+ status.pop(hoverContextId);
+ status.push(hoverContextId, uri);
+ });
+ this.toolbar.urlBar.signal.activate.connect(browse, this);
+ this.toolbar.back.sensitive = this.webView.can_go_back();
+ this.toolbar.forward.sensitive = this.webView.can_go_forward();
+ webView.set_settings(webKitSettings);
+ var inspector = webView.get_inspector();
+ inspector.signal.inspect_web_view.connect(
+ function()
+ {
+ w = new Gtk.Window();
+ s = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
+ w.set_title("Inspector");
+ w.set_default_size(400, 300);
+ view = new WebKit.WebView();
+ s.add(view);
+ w.add(s);
+ w.show_all();
+ return view;
+ }
+ );
+ var scrollView = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
+ scrollView.smooth_scroll = true;
+ scrollView.add(this.webView);
+ scrollView.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic,
+ Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic);
+ this.pack_start(scrollView, true, true);
+ this.show_all();
+ }
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.webView = null;
+ this.toolbar = new BrowserToolbar();
+ this.pack_start(this.toolbar);
+ var closeButton = new Gtk.Button();
+ closeButton.set_image(new Gtk.Image({stock: "gtk-close",
+ icon_size: Gtk.IconSize.Menu}));
+ closeButton.signal.clicked.connect(close_tab, this);
+ closeButton.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.None);
+ this.progress = new Gtk.ProgressBar({fraction: 0.5});
+ this.title = new Gtk.HBox();
+ this.titleLabel = new Gtk.Label({label:"Untitled"})
+ this.title.pack_start(this.titleLabel);
+ this.title.pack_start(closeButton);
+ this.title.show_all();
+/* forker_pipe.write("fork");
+ = parseInt(;
+ Seed.print("new pid: " +;*/
+ this.show_all();
+ this.toolbar.urlBar.grab_focus();
+ }};
+BrowserTab = new GType(BrowserTabType);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/browser-toolbar.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/browser-toolbar.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+BrowserToolbarType = {
+ parent: Gtk.HBox.type,
+ name: "BrowserToolbar",
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.urlBar = new Gtk.Entry();
+ this.searchBar = new Gtk.Entry();
+ this.back = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-go-back"});
+ this.forward = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-go-forward"});
+ this.refresh = new Gtk.ToolButton({stock_id:"gtk-refresh"});
+ this.back.signal.clicked.connect(go_back);
+ this.forward.signal.clicked.connect(go_forward);
+ this.refresh.signal.clicked.connect(refresh_page);
+ this.pack_start(this.back);
+ this.pack_start(this.forward);
+ this.pack_start(this.refresh);
+ this.pack_start(this.urlBar, true, true);
+ this.pack_start(this.searchBar, false, false, 5);
+ }};
+BrowserToolbar = new GType(BrowserToolbarType);
Added: trunk/examples/browser/main.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/browser/main.js Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env seed
+/*var forker_pipes = new Multiprocessing.Pipe();
+var forker_pid = Seed.fork();
+if (forker_pid == 0)
+ var children = new Object;
+ Seed.print("*** Initializing forker \n");
+ Seed.print(forker_pipes[0].read());
+ forker_pipes[0].write("And the other direction!");
+ forker_pipes[0].add_watch(1,
+ function(source, condition)
+ {
+ var message =;
+ Seed.print("*** forker communication from main: " + message);
+ if (message == "fork\n")
+ {
+ var child_pipes = new Multiprocessing.Pipe();
+ child_pid = Seed.fork();
+ if (child_pid == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ source.write(child_pid);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ Gtk.main();
+/* Todo (priority order):
+ * Ctrl-click-open-in-new-tab?
+ * Bookmark editing/deleting/dropdown on creation allowing you to change the name!!
+ * History
+ * Search bar
+ * Zoom
+ * View source (or is web inspector enough? it's nicer than anything I can do)
+ * Save / open local files
+ * cookies?? do they not happen magically?
+ * favicon
+ * Settings manager
+// Configuration
+var homePage = "";
+var selectTabOnCreation = false;
+var webKitSettings = new WebKit.WebSettings({enable_developer_extras: true});
+Gtk.init(null, null);
+function shutdown()
+ // TODO: make this signaly... or something. wrapper function is silly.
+ bookmarks_db.close();
+ Gtk.main_quit();
+/*forker_pipes[1].write("Testing communication from main to forker,"+
+ " received");
+forker_pipe = forker_pipes[1];*/
+var window = new Gtk.Window({title: "Browser"});
+var status = new Gtk.Statusbar();
+// Small race condition with progressBar of sorts.
+// ^^ /what/?
+var progressBar = new Gtk.ProgressBar();
+var menu = new BrowserMenu();
+var findBox = new FindBox();
+var browserBox = new Gtk.VBox();
+var browser = new TabbedBrowser();
+hoverContextId = status.get_context_id("hover");
+status.pack_end(progressBar, false, false, 0);
+browserBox.pack_start(browser, true, true);
+browserBox.pack_start(status, false, false, 0);
Added: trunk/examples/lightsoff/COPYING
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/COPYING Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--2008-12-21 01:14:23--
+Connecting to||:80... connected.
+HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
+Length: 35147 (34K) [text/plain]
+Saving to: `gpl-3.0.txt'
+ 0K .......... .......... .......... .... 100% 363K=0.09s
+2008-12-21 01:14:23 (363 KB/s) - `gpl-3.0.txt' saved [35147/35147]
Added: trunk/tests/COPYING
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/tests/COPYING Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Any code in these tests is to be considered under the MIT license.
Modified: trunk/tests/
--- trunk/tests/ (original)
+++ trunk/tests/ Sun Dec 21 06:19:17 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
argv.js \
closure-finalization.js \
native-closure-exception.js \
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