gnomemm r1876 - in cluttermm/trunk: . clutter/src

Author: daniel
Date: Thu Dec 18 11:51:52 2008
New Revision: 1876

* clutter/src/path.{ccg,hg} (Path::Nodes): New proxy container class
which implements an STL-style interface to the PathNodes of a Path.
(Path::Nodes::reference): New proxy "reference" class which enables
write access to a Path through iterators or array subscripting.
(Path::Nodes::const_iterator): New random access iterator type.
(Path::Nodes::iterator): New writable random access iterator type.


Modified: cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.ccg
--- cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.ccg	(original)
+++ cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.ccg	Thu Dec 18 11:51:52 2008
@@ -73,4 +73,36 @@
   return reinterpret_cast<const Knot*>(&gobject_.points[count]);
+Path::Nodes::size_type Path::Nodes::size() const
+  return clutter_path_get_n_nodes(path_);
+Path::Nodes::reference::operator PathNode() const
+  PathNode node (PATH_CLOSE);
+  clutter_path_get_node(path_, index_, node.gobj());
+  return node;
+Path::Nodes::reference& Path::Nodes::reference::operator=(const PathNode& node)
+  clutter_path_replace_node(path_, index_, node.gobj());
+  return *this;
+Path::Nodes::const_iterator::reference Path::Nodes::const_iterator::operator*() const
+  PathNode node (PATH_CLOSE);
+  clutter_path_get_node(ref_.path_, ref_.index_, node.gobj());
+  return node;
+Path::Nodes::const_iterator::reference Path::Nodes::const_iterator::operator[](difference_type i) const
+  PathNode node (PATH_CLOSE);
+  clutter_path_get_node(ref_.path_, ref_.index_ + i, node.gobj());
+  return node;
 } // namespace Clutter

Modified: cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.hg
--- cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.hg	(original)
+++ cluttermm/trunk/clutter/src/path.hg	Thu Dec 18 11:51:52 2008
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@
   // Note: there is no advantage in not inlining these methods.
   // We can't change them without breaking ABI anyway.
-  reverse_iterator       rbegin()       { return reverse_iterator(end());         }
-  reverse_iterator       rend()         { return reverse_iterator(begin());       }
-  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end());   }
-  const_reverse_iterator rend()   const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
-  reference       front()       { return *begin();  }
-  const_reference front() const { return *begin();  }
-  reference       back()        { return *rbegin(); }
-  const_reference back()  const { return *rbegin(); }
+  inline reverse_iterator       rbegin()       { return reverse_iterator(end());         }
+  inline reverse_iterator       rend()         { return reverse_iterator(begin());       }
+  inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end());   }
+  inline const_reverse_iterator rend()   const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+  inline reference       front()       { return *begin();  }
+  inline const_reference front() const { return *begin();  }
+  inline reference       back()        { return *rbegin(); }
+  inline const_reference back()  const { return *rbegin(); }
-  reference       operator[](size_type i)       { return begin()[i]; }
-  const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return begin()[i]; }
+  inline reference       operator[](size_type i)       { return begin()[i]; }
+  inline const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return begin()[i]; }
@@ -87,9 +87,145 @@
   _CLASS_GOBJECT(Path, ClutterPath, CLUTTER_PATH, Glib::Object, GObject)
+  _WRAP_CTOR(Path(const Glib::ustring& description),
+             clutter_path_new_with_description)
+  class Nodes;
+  _WRAP_CREATE(const Glib::ustring& description)
+  inline Nodes nodes();
+  inline const Nodes nodes() const;
+  _WRAP_PROPERTY("description", Glib::ustring)
+  _WRAP_PROPERTY("length", guint)
+class Path::Nodes
+  friend class Clutter::Path;
+  ClutterPath* path_;
+  inline Nodes(const Path::Nodes& other) : path_ (other.path_) {}
+  explicit inline Nodes(ClutterPath* path) : path_ (path) {}
+  Nodes& operator=(const Path::Nodes&);
+  typedef unsigned int size_type;
+  typedef int          difference_type;
+  typedef PathNode     value_type;
+  typedef value_type   const_reference;
+  class const_iterator;
+  class iterator;
+  class reference
+  {
+  private:
+    friend class Path::Nodes::iterator;
+    friend class Path::Nodes::const_iterator;
+    ClutterPath* path_;
+    unsigned int index_;
+    inline reference(ClutterPath* path, unsigned int index)
+      : path_ (path), index_ (index) {}
+    // disallow the address operator
+    reference* operator&();
+    const reference* operator&() const;
+  public:
+    reference& operator=(const PathNode& node);
+    operator PathNode() const;
+  };
+  class const_iterator
+  {
+  protected:
+    Path::Nodes::reference ref_;
+  #endif
+  public:
+    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+    typedef PathNode                        value_type;
+    typedef int                             difference_type;
+    typedef const value_type                reference;
+    typedef void                            pointer;
+    inline const_iterator() : ref_ (0, 0) {}
+    inline const_iterator(ClutterPath* path, unsigned int index)
+      : ref_ (path, index) {}
+    inline bool equal(const const_iterator& b) const
+      { return (ref_.index_ == b.ref_.index_); }
+  #endif
+    reference operator*() const;
+    reference operator[](difference_type i) const;
+    inline const_iterator& operator++()    { ++ref_.index_; return *this; }
+    inline const_iterator  operator++(int) { return const_iterator(ref_.path_, ref_.index_++); }
+    inline const_iterator& operator--()    { --ref_.index_; return *this; }
+    inline const_iterator  operator--(int) { return const_iterator(ref_.path_, ref_.index_--); }
+  };
+  class iterator : public const_iterator
+  {
+  public:
+    typedef Path::Nodes::reference reference;
+    inline iterator() {}
+    inline iterator(ClutterPath* path, unsigned int index)
+      : const_iterator(path, index) {}
+  #endif
+    inline reference operator*() const { return ref_; }
+    inline reference operator[](difference_type i) const
+      { return reference(ref_.path_, ref_.index_ + i); }
+    inline iterator& operator++()    { ++ref_.index_; return *this; }
+    inline iterator  operator++(int) { return iterator(ref_.path_, ref_.index_++); }
+    inline iterator& operator--()    { --ref_.index_; return *this; }
+    inline iterator  operator--(int) { return iterator(ref_.path_, ref_.index_--); }
+  };
+  typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator>       reverse_iterator;
+  typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
+  typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag,
+                                value_type, reference, void, ptrdiff_t> reverse_iterator;
+  typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag,
+                                value_type, const_reference, void, ptrdiff_t> const_reverse_iterator;
+  size_type size() const;
+  inline bool empty() const { return (size() == 0); }
+/** @relates Path::Nodes::const_iterator */
+inline bool operator==(const Path::Nodes::const_iterator& a, const Path::Nodes::const_iterator& b)
+  { return a.equal(b); }
+/** @relates Path::Nodes::const_iterator */
+inline bool operator!=(const Path::Nodes::const_iterator& a, const Path::Nodes::const_iterator& b)
+  { return !a.equal(b); }
+inline Path::Nodes Path::nodes()
+  { return Path::Nodes(gobj()); }
+inline const Path::Nodes Path::nodes() const
+  { return Path::Nodes(const_cast<ClutterPath*>(gobj())); }
 } // namespace Clutter

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