gnome-schedule r1119 - in branches/x-output-support: . src
- From: gauteh svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gnome-schedule r1119 - in branches/x-output-support: . src
- Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:15:52 +0000 (UTC)
Author: gauteh
Date: Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
New Revision: 1119
template respects output setting, in crontab
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -746,19 +746,15 @@
os.unlink (path)
- #TODO: check into
- #if a command his lenght is to long the last part is removed
def __make_preview__ (self, str, preview_len = 0):
if preview_len == 0:
preview_len = self.preview_len
- cnt = 0
- result = ""
- for a in str:
- if cnt <= preview_len:
- result = result + a
- cnt = cnt + 1
- if cnt > preview_len:
- result = result + "..."
- result = result.replace ("&", "&")
+ str = str.replace ("&", "&")
+ if len (str) <= preview_len:
+ return str
+ else:
+ return str[:preview_len] + "..."
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
self.cb_output = self.xml.get_widget ("combo_output")
self.cb_o_model = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT)
- self.cb_o_model.append ([_("Default behaviour"), 0])
- self.cb_o_model.append ([_("Supress output"), 1])
- self.cb_o_model.append ([_("X application"), 2])
- self.cb_o_model.append ([_("X application: supress output"), 3])
+ self.cb_o_model.append ([self.ParentClass.output_strings[0], 0])
+ self.cb_o_model.append ([self.ParentClass.output_strings[1], 1])
+ self.cb_o_model.append ([self.ParentClass.output_strings[2], 2])
+ self.cb_o_model.append ([self.ParentClass.output_strings[3], 3])
self.cb_output.set_model (self.cb_o_model)
cell = gtk.CellRendererText ()
self.cb_output.pack_start (cell, True)
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@
self.noevents = False
+ # Common string representation for the different output modes
+ self.output_strings = [
+ _("Default behaviour"),
+ _("Supress output"),
+ _("X application"),
+ _("X application: supress output"),
+ ]
#start the backend where all the user configuration is stored
self.backend = data.ConfigBackend(self, "gconf")
self.template = template.Template (self, self.backend)
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
self.gconf_client.unset("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/title" % (str (template_id)))
self.gconf_client.unset("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/command" % (str (template_id)))
self.gconf_client.unset("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/timeexpression" % (str (template_id)))
- self.gconf_client.unset("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/nooutput" % (str (template_id)))
+ self.gconf_client.unset("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/output" % (str (template_id)))
if newstring == " ":
self.gconf_client.unset ("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/installed")
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
self.gconf_client.set_int ("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/last_id", i)
return i
- def savetemplate_crontab (self, template_id, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression):
+ def savetemplate_crontab (self, template_id, title, command, output, timeexpression):
if (template_id == 0):
template_id = self.create_new_id_crontab ()
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
self.gconf_client.set_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/timeexpression" % (str (template_id)), timeexpression)
self.gconf_client.set_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/title" % (str (template_id)), title)
self.gconf_client.set_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/command" % (str (template_id)), command)
- self.gconf_client.set_bool("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/nooutput" % (str (template_id)), nooutput)
+ self.gconf_client.set_int("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/output" % (str (template_id)), output)
installed = self.gconf_client.get_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/installed")
if installed == None:
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@
command = self.gconf_client.get_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/command" % (str (template_id)))
title = self.gconf_client.get_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/crontab/%s/title" % (str (template_id)))
- nooutput = self.gconf_client.get_bool("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/" + type + "/%s/nooutput" % (template_id))
+ output = self.gconf_client.get_int("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/" + type + "/%s/output" % (str (template_id)))
timeexpression = self.gconf_client.get_string("/apps/gnome-schedule/templates/" + type + "/%s/timeexpression" % (template_id))
- return template_id, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression
+ return template_id, title, command, output, timeexpression
except Exception, ex:
return False
@@ -192,15 +192,17 @@
s = "<b>" + _("Title:") + "</b> " + title + "\n<b>" + _("Command:") + "</b> " + command
return s
- def format_crontab (self, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression):
+ def format_crontab (self, title, command, output, timeexpression):
command = self.parent.crontab.__make_preview__ (command)
if self.parent.edit_mode == "simple":
# hehe.. :)
timeexpression = timeexpression + " echo hehe"
minute, hour, dom, moy, dow, hehe = self.parent.crontab.parse (timeexpression, True)
timeexpression = self.parent.crontab.__easy__ (minute, hour, dom, moy, dow)
s = "<b>" + _("Title:") + "</b> " + title + "\n<b>" + _("Run:") + "</b> " + timeexpression + "\n<b>" + _("Command:") + "</b> " + command
- if nooutput:
- s = s + " <i>(" + _("No output") + ")</i>"
+ if output:
+ s = (s + " <i>(" + "%s" + ")</i>") % (str (self.parent.output_strings[output]))
return s
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
for id in crontab:
t = self.template.gettemplate ("crontab", int (id))
if t != False:
- id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression = t
- formatted = self.template.format_crontab (title, command, nooutput, timeexpression)
+ id2, title, command, output, timeexpression = t
+ formatted = self.template.format_crontab (title, command, output, timeexpression)
iter = self.treemodel.append ([int (id), "crontab", _("Recurrent"), formatted, self.parent.bigiconcrontab])
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@
elif type == "crontab":
t = self.template.gettemplate ("crontab", int (id))
if t != False:
- id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression = t
- self.parent.crontab_editor.showadd_template (self.transient, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression)
+ id2, title, command, output, timeexpression = t
+ self.parent.crontab_editor.showadd_template (self.transient, title, command, output, timeexpression)
self.widget.hide ()
Modified: branches/x-output-support/src/
--- branches/x-output-support/src/ (original)
+++ branches/x-output-support/src/ Sat Dec 13 19:15:51 2008
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
for id in crontab:
t = self.template.gettemplate ("crontab", int (id))
if t != False:
- id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression = t
- formatted = self.template.format_crontab (title, command, nooutput, timeexpression)
+ id2, title, command, output, timeexpression = t
+ formatted = self.template.format_crontab (title, command, output, timeexpression)
iter = self.treemodel.append ([int (id), "crontab", _("Recurrent"), formatted, self.parent.bigiconcrontab])
def on_edit_clicked (self, *args):
@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@
elif type == "crontab":
t = self.template.gettemplate ("crontab", int (id) )
if t != False:
- id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression = t
- self.parent.crontab_editor.showedit_template (self.widget, id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression)
+ id2, title, command, output, timeexpression = t
+ self.parent.crontab_editor.showedit_template (self.widget, id2, title, command, output, timeexpression)
self.reload_tv ()
def on_new_clicked (self, *args):
- relf.parent.addWindow.ShowAddWindow (self.widget, 1)
+ self.parent.addWindow.ShowAddWindow (self.widget, 1)
def on_delete_clicked (self, *args):
store, iter = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected()
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
elif type == "crontab":
t = self.template.gettemplate ("crontab", int (id) )
if t != False:
- id2, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression = t
- self.parent.crontab_editor.showadd_template (self.widget, title, command, nooutput, timeexpression)
+ id2, title, command, output, timeexpression = t
+ self.parent.crontab_editor.showadd_template (self.widget, title, command, output, timeexpression)
self.widget.hide ()
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