gnome-games r8346 - trunk/aisleriot/rules

Author: chpe
Date: Mon Dec  1 18:18:09 2008
New Revision: 8346

Rewrite Baker's Game rules by basing them on freecell.scm. Bug #536913,
patch by Vincent Povirk.


Modified: trunk/aisleriot/rules/bakers_game.scm
--- trunk/aisleriot/rules/bakers_game.scm	(original)
+++ trunk/aisleriot/rules/bakers_game.scm	Mon Dec  1 18:18:09 2008
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ; AisleRiot - bakers_game.scm
-; Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Rosanna Yuen <zana webwynk net>
+; Copyright (C) 2008 Vincent Povirk <madewokherd gmail com>
 ; This game is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -16,236 +16,18 @@
 ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
 ; USA
-(def-save-var free-reserves 0)
+(load "freecell.scm")
-(define reserve '(0 1 2 3))
-(define foundation '(4 5 6 7))
-(define tableau '(8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15))
+(define (field-join? lower upper)
+  (and (eq? (get-suit lower) (get-suit upper))
+       (eq? (+ (get-value lower) 1) (get-value upper))))
-(define (new-game)
-  (initialize-playing-area)
-  (set-ace-low)
-  (make-standard-deck)
-  (shuffle-deck)
+(define (max-auto-red)
+  13
-  (add-normal-slot DECK)
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-blank-slot)
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-normal-slot '())
-  (add-normal-slot '())
+(define (max-auto-black)
+  13
-  (add-carriage-return-slot)
-  (set! HORIZPOS 0.5)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (add-extended-slot '() down)
-  (deal-cards-face-up 0 '(8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-			    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
-			    15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13
-			    14 15 8 9 10 11))
-  (set! free-reserves 4)
-  (list 9 4))
-(define (button-pressed slot-id card-list)
-  (and (not (empty-slot? slot-id))
-       (or (= (length card-list) 1)
-	   (and (member slot-id tableau)
-		(< (length card-list) (+ 2 free-reserves))
-		(check-same-suit-list card-list)
-		(check-straight-descending-list card-list)))))
-(define (droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot)
-  (cond ((= start-slot end-slot)
-	 #f)
-	((member end-slot tableau)
-	 (and (or (and (empty-slot? end-slot)
-		       (= (get-value (car (reverse card-list)))
-			  king))
-		  (and (not (empty-slot? end-slot))
-		       (= (get-suit (get-top-card end-slot))
-			  (get-suit (car card-list)))
-		       (= (get-value (get-top-card end-slot))
-			  (+ 1 (get-value (car (reverse card-list)))))))))
-	((and (= (length card-list) 1)
-	      (empty-slot? end-slot)
-	      (member end-slot reserve))
-	 #t)
-	((and (= (length card-list) 1)
-	      (member end-slot foundation))
-	 (and (or (and (empty-slot? end-slot)
-		       (= (get-value (car card-list)) ace))
-		  (and (not (empty-slot? end-slot))
-		       (= (get-suit (get-top-card end-slot))
-			  (get-suit (car card-list)))
-		       (= (+ 1 (get-value (get-top-card end-slot)))
-			  (get-value (car card-list)))))))
-	(#t #f)))
-(define (button-released start-slot card-list end-slot)
-  (and (droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot)
-       (move-n-cards! start-slot end-slot card-list)
-       (or (not (member start-slot reserve))
-           (set! free-reserves (+ free-reserves 1)))
-       (or (not (member end-slot reserve))
-           (set! free-reserves (- free-reserves 1)))
-       (or (not (member start-slot foundation))
-           (add-to-score! -1))
-       (or (not (member end-slot foundation))
-           (add-to-score! 1))))
-(define (button-clicked slot-id)
-  #f)
-(define (move-to-empty-foundation slot f-slots)
-  (cond ((eq? f-slots '())
-	 #f)
-	((empty-slot? (car f-slots))
-	 (deal-cards slot (list (car f-slots))))
-	(#t (move-to-empty-foundation slot (cdr f-slots)))))
-(define (move-to-foundation slot f-slots)
-  (cond ((eq? f-slots '())
-	 #f)
-	((and (not (empty-slot? (car f-slots)))
-	      (= (get-suit (get-top-card slot))
-		 (get-suit (get-top-card (car f-slots)))))
-	 (and (= (get-value (get-top-card slot))
-		 (+ 1 (get-value (get-top-card (car f-slots)))))
-	      (deal-cards slot (list (car f-slots)))))
-	(#t (move-to-foundation slot (cdr f-slots)))))
-(define (button-double-clicked slot-id)
-  (and (not (empty-slot? slot-id))
-       (or (member slot-id reserve)
-	   (member slot-id tableau))
-       (or (and (= (get-value (get-top-card slot-id))
-		   ace)
-		(move-to-empty-foundation slot-id foundation))
-	   (move-to-foundation slot-id foundation))
-       (add-to-score! 1)
-       (or (member slot-id tableau)
-	   (set! free-reserves (+ 1 free-reserves)))))
-(define (game-continuable)
-  (and (not (game-won))
-       (get-hint)))
-(define (check-full f-slots)
-  (or (eq? f-slots '())
-      (and (= (length (get-cards (car f-slots))) 13)
-           (check-full (cdr f-slots)))))
-(define (game-won)
-  (check-full foundation))
-(define (check-to-foundations? slots f-slots)
-  (cond ((eq? slots '())
-         #f)
-        ((or (empty-slot? (car slots))
-             (eq? f-slots '()))
-         (check-to-foundations? (cdr slots) foundation))
-	((= (get-value (get-top-card (car slots))) ace)
-	 (list 2 (get-name (get-top-card (car slots))) (_"an empty foundation")))
-	((and (not (empty-slot? (car f-slots)))
-	      (= (get-suit (get-top-card (car slots)))
-		 (get-suit (get-top-card (car f-slots))))
-	      (= (get-value (get-top-card (car slots)))
-		 (+ 1 (get-value (get-top-card (car f-slots))))))
-	 (list 1 (get-name (get-top-card (car slots))) (get-name (get-top-card (car f-slots)))))
-        (#t (check-to-foundations? slots (cdr f-slots)))))
-(define (check-for-king card-list iter slot)
-  (cond ((= (length card-list) 0)
-	 #f)
-	((and (= (length card-list) 1)
-	      (member slot tableau))
-	 #f)
-	((= (get-value (car card-list)) king)
-	 (get-name (car card-list)))
-	((= iter 0)
-	 #f)
-	((and (> (length card-list)1)
-	      (= (get-suit (car card-list))
-		 (get-suit (cadr card-list)))
-	      (= (+ 1 (get-value (car card-list)))
-		 (get-value (cadr card-list))))
-	 (check-for-king (cdr card-list) (- iter 1) slot))
-	(#t #f)))
-(define (check-for-spec-card card-list iter value)
-  (cond ((= (length card-list) 0)
-	 #f)
-	((= (get-value (car card-list)) value)
-	 #t)
-	((= iter 0)
-	 #f)
-	((and (> (length card-list) 1)
-	      (= (get-suit (car card-list))
-		 (get-suit (cadr card-list)))
-	      (= (+ 1 (get-value (car card-list)))
-		 (get-value (cadr card-list))))
-	 (check-for-spec-card (cdr card-list) (- iter 1) value))
-	(#t #f)))
-(define (check-to-tableau? slots t-slots)
-  (cond ((eq? slots '())
-         #f)
-        ((or (empty-slot? (car slots))
-             (eq? t-slots '()))
-         (check-to-tableau? (cdr slots) tableau))
-        ((= (car slots) (car t-slots))
-         (check-to-tableau? slots (cdr t-slots)))
-	((and (empty-slot? (car t-slots))
-	      (check-for-king (get-cards (car slots)) free-reserves (car slots)))
-	 (list 2 
-	       (check-for-king (get-cards (car slots)) free-reserves (car slots)) 
-	       (_"an empty tableau")))
-	((and (not (empty-slot? (car t-slots)))
-	      (= (get-suit (get-top-card (car slots)))
-		 (get-suit (get-top-card (car t-slots))))
-	      (check-for-spec-card (get-cards (car slots))
-				   free-reserves 
-				   (- (get-value (get-top-card (car t-slots))) 1)))
-	 (list 1 
-	       (get-name (make-card (- (get-value (get-top-card (car t-slots))) 1)
-				    (get-suit (get-top-card (car t-slots)))))
-	       (get-name (get-top-card (car t-slots)))))
-        (#t (check-to-tableau? slots (cdr t-slots)))))
-(define (check-for-empty-reserve)
-  (and (> free-reserves 0)
-       (list 0 (_"Move something on to an empty reserve"))))
-(define (get-hint)
-  (or (check-to-foundations? (append reserve tableau) foundation)
-      (check-to-tableau? (append reserve tableau) tableau)
-      (check-for-empty-reserve)))
-(define (get-options) 
-  #f)
-(define (apply-options options) 
-  #f)
-(define (timeout) 
-  #f)
-(set-features droppable-feature)
-(set-lambda new-game button-pressed button-released button-clicked
-button-double-clicked game-continuable game-won get-hint get-options
-apply-options timeout droppable?)
+(set-lambda new-game button-pressed button-released button-clicked button-double-clicked game-over game-won get-hint get-options apply-options timeout droppable?)

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