online-desktop r7262 - in trunk: . weblogindriver weblogindriver/weblogindriver

Author: marinaz
Date: Fri Aug 22 19:21:49 2008
New Revision: 7262

Make the accounts dialog available from the Online Accounts DBus service.


Modified: trunk/
--- trunk/	(original)
+++ trunk/	Fri Aug 22 19:21:49 2008
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 weblogindriver_PYTHON = weblogindriver/weblogindriver/ \
+	weblogindriver/weblogindriver/ \
 	weblogindriver/weblogindriver/ \

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver
--- trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/web-login-driver	Fri Aug 22 19:21:49 2008
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 # Custom modules
 import nssdecrypt
 import weblogindriver.keyring as keyring
+import weblogindriver.accounts_dialog as accounts_dialog
 from weblogindriver.gutil import *
 _logger = logging.getLogger("WebLoginDriver")
@@ -398,6 +399,7 @@
   def __str__(self):
     return "<Account userame:%s, kind:%s, gconf_dir:%s, enabled:%s>" % (self.GetUsername(), self.GetKind(), self._get_gconf_dir(), self.GetEnabled())
+_dialog = None
 class OnlineAccounts(dbus.service.Object):
   def __init__(self, bus_name):
@@ -545,7 +547,8 @@
       if was_enabled:
-      del self.__all_accounts[account.GetObjectPath()]     
+      del self.__all_accounts[account.GetObjectPath()] 
+      _logger.debug("signalling AccountRemoved")    
@@ -1015,6 +1018,13 @@
     self.__update_account(account) # this might find a password for the account and emit AccountEnabled signal 
     return (account.GetObjectPath(), True)
+  def get_existing_account(self, account_object_path):
+    if self.__all_accounts.has_key(account_object_path):
+      return self.__all_accounts[account_object_path]
+    else:
+      _logger.error("get_existing_account was called with an unknown object path %s" % account_object_path)
+      return None 
@@ -1067,8 +1077,26 @@
   def GetAllAccountKinds(self):
+    _logger.debug("in GetAllAccountKinds")
+  @dbus.service.method(OA_BUS_IFACE_STR)
+  def OpenAccountsDialog(self):
+    global _dialog
+    if _dialog:
+      _dialog.destroy()
+    _dialog = accounts_dialog.Dialog(None, self)    
+    _dialog.present() 
+  @dbus.service.method(OA_BUS_IFACE_STR,
+                       in_signature="as")
+  def OpenAccountsDialogWithKinds(self, accountKinds):
+    global _dialog
+    if _dialog:
+      _dialog.destroy()
+    _dialog = accounts_dialog.Dialog(accountKinds, self)    
+    _dialog.present() 
 _driver = None
 _online_accounts = None
 def modmain():

Added: trunk/weblogindriver/weblogindriver/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/weblogindriver/	Fri Aug 22 19:21:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+import sys, logging, urlparse, gnome
+import gobject, gtk, dbus
+import gutil
+from ddm import DataModel
+_logger = logging.getLogger("weblogindriver.AccountsDialog")
+class Dialog(gtk.Window):      
+    def __init__(self, account_kinds, online_accounts_service, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(Dialog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)        
+        self.__online_accounts_service = online_accounts_service
+        # we need the proxy as well to connect to the signals
+        try:
+            self.__onlineaccounts_proxy = dbus.SessionBus().get_object('org.gnome.OnlineAccounts', '/onlineaccounts')
+        except dbus.DBusException, e:
+            _logger.error("onlineaccounts DBus service not available, can't manage accounts")
+            return
+        self.__account_kinds = account_kinds
+        self.set_title('Accounts')
+        self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)
+        self.__notebook = gtk.Notebook()
+        self.__notebook.set_border_width(5)
+        self.__outer_existing_accounts_vbox = gtk.VBox() 
+        self.__outer_existing_accounts_vbox.set_border_width(5)
+        self.__outer_new_account_vbox = gtk.VBox() 
+        self.__outer_new_account_vbox.set_border_width(5)
+        # make tabs take an equal amount of space
+        self.__notebook.set_property("homogeneous", True)
+        self.__notebook.append_page(self.__outer_existing_accounts_vbox, gtk.Label("Existing Accounts"))
+        self.__notebook.append_page(self.__outer_new_account_vbox, gtk.Label("Add Account"))
+        # make tabs expand horizontally
+        self.__notebook.set_tab_label_packing(self.__outer_new_account_vbox, True, True, gtk.PACK_START)
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox = gtk.VBox()
+        self.__outer_existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(self.__existing_accounts_vbox, False, False) 
+        self.__new_account_vbox = gtk.VBox() 
+        self.__outer_new_account_vbox.pack_start(self.__new_account_vbox, False, False) 
+        self.add(self.__notebook)
+        self.connect('delete-event', self.__on_delete_event)
+        self.connect('destroy', self.__on_destroy)
+        # stuff below gets added to the "Existing Accounts" tab
+        # self.__no_accounts_label = gtk.Label("No existing accounts")
+        # self.__no_accounts_label.size_allocate(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(width=0, height=0)) 
+        # self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(self.__no_accounts_label)
+        self.__model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+        self.__accounts_combo = gtk.ComboBox(self.__model)
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(self.__accounts_combo, True, False)
+        textrender = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        self.__accounts_combo.pack_start(textrender, True)
+        self.__accounts_combo.add_attribute(textrender, 'text', 0)
+        self.__accounts_combo.connect('notify::active', self.__on_edited_account_changed)
+        # TODO: don't display the dropdown and password entry box if there are no accounts to edit 
+        self.__password_entry = gtk.Entry()
+        self.__password_entry.set_visibility(False) # this sets a password mode
+        self.__password_entry.connect('changed',
+                                      self.__on_account_settings_changed)
+        self.__password_entry.connect('activate',
+                                      self.__on_account_settings_applied)
+        password_vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=2)
+        self.__existing_accounts_label = gtk.Label()
+        password_vbox.pack_start(self.__existing_accounts_label, True, False)    
+        password_vbox.pack_end(self.__password_entry, False, False)
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(password_vbox, padding=5)
+        box_with_buttons = gtk.HBox()         
+        self.__check_box = gtk.CheckButton(label="Enabled")
+        box_with_buttons.pack_start(self.__check_box, False, False, padding=5)  
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(box_with_buttons, False, False, padding=5)
+        self.__check_box.connect('toggled',
+                                 self.__on_account_settings_changed)
+        self.__undo_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_UNDO)
+        self.__undo_button.connect('clicked',
+                                   self.__on_account_settings_reset)
+        self.__undo_button.set_sensitive(False)                     
+        self.__undo_button.size_allocate(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(width=100))               
+        self.__apply_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_APPLY)
+        self.__apply_button.connect('clicked',
+                                   self.__on_account_settings_applied)
+        self.__apply_button.set_sensitive(False)
+        box_with_buttons.set_spacing(5)
+        box_with_buttons.set_homogeneous(False)
+        box_with_buttons.pack_end(self.__apply_button, expand=False, fill=False)
+        box_with_buttons.pack_end(self.__undo_button, expand=False, fill=False)
+        remove_button_box = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__remove_button = gtk.Button(label="Remove Account")
+        remove_image = gtk.Image()
+        remove_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
+        self.__remove_button.set_image(remove_image) 
+        self.__remove_button.set_sensitive(False)
+        self.__remove_button.connect('clicked',
+                                   self.__on_account_remove_clicked)
+        remove_button_box.pack_end(self.__remove_button, expand=False, fill=False)
+        self.__remove_link_box = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__remove_link = Link()
+        self.__remove_link.set_text("Remove account online")
+        self.__remove_link.set_enabled(False)
+        self.__remove_link.connect("clicked", self.__open_account_page)
+        self.__remove_link_box.pack_end(self.__remove_link, expand=False, fill=False)
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(remove_button_box, False, False, padding=5)
+        self.__existing_accounts_vbox.pack_start(self.__remove_link_box, False, False)   
+        # stuff below gets added to the "Add Account" tab
+        self.__account_kinds_model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+        self.__account_kinds_combo = gtk.ComboBox(self.__account_kinds_model)
+        self.__new_account_vbox.pack_start(self.__account_kinds_combo, True, False)
+        account_kinds_textrender = gtk.CellRendererText()
+        self.__account_kinds_combo.pack_start(account_kinds_textrender, True)
+        self.__account_kinds_combo.add_attribute(account_kinds_textrender, 'text', 0)
+        _logger.debug("will get accounts kinds")
+        self.__all_account_kinds = self.__online_accounts_service.GetAllAccountKinds()
+        _logger.debug("will get accounts kinds 2")
+        # TODO: once we save accounts added locally on server, we will allow adding all account types
+        # in the dialog, but for now we don't allow adding any
+        # for kind_full_name in self.__all_account_kinds.values():
+        #     self.__account_kinds_model.append([kind_full_name])
+        # Setting padding to 1 here is a hack to get the content of both tabs to be aligned,
+        # we'll need to change this when it will become possible to add new account types to
+        # the existing dialog, for example, by adding stocks that require these account types
+        padding = 1  
+        if len(self.__account_kinds_model) > 0:
+            self.__account_kinds_combo.set_active(0) 
+            padding = 5
+        self.__username_entry = gtk.Entry()
+        self.__username_entry.connect('changed',
+                                      self.__on_new_username_changed)
+        self.__username_entry.connect('activate',
+                                      self.__on_new_username_added)
+        username_vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=2)
+        self.__username_label = gtk.Label("Username:")
+        self.__username_label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
+        username_vbox.pack_start(self.__username_label, False, False)    
+        username_vbox.pack_end(self.__username_entry, False, False)
+        self.__new_account_vbox.pack_start(username_vbox, padding=padding)
+        self.__add_button_box = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__add_button = gtk.Button(label="Add Account")
+        add_image = gtk.Image()
+        add_image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
+        self.__add_button.set_image(add_image) 
+        self.__add_button.set_sensitive(False)
+        self.__add_button.connect('clicked',
+                                   self.__on_new_username_added)
+        self.__add_button_box.pack_end(self.__add_button, expand=False, fill=False)
+        self.__new_account_vbox.pack_start(self.__add_button_box, False, False, padding=padding)
+        self.__add_link_box = gtk.HBox()
+        self.__add_link = Link()
+        self.__add_link.connect("clicked", self.__open_account_page)
+        if len(self.__account_kinds_model) > 0:
+            self.__account_kinds_combo.set_active(0)
+            self.__add_link.set_text("Add other accounts online")
+            self.__add_link_box.pack_end(self.__add_link, expand=False, fill=False)
+            self.__outer_new_account_vbox.pack_end(self.__add_link_box, False, False)
+        else:  
+            if self.__account_kinds and len(self.__account_kinds) == 1 and \
+               self.__account_kinds[0] in self.__all_account_kinds.keys():           
+                self.__add_link.set_text("Add " + self.__all_account_kinds[self.__account_kinds[0]] + " accounts online")
+            else:
+                self.__add_link.set_text("Add accounts online")
+            self.__add_link_box.pack_start(self.__add_link)
+            self.__new_account_vbox.pack_start(self.__add_link_box)
+        self.__model_tree_iter_by_account = {}
+        self.__current_account = None
+        self.show_all()
+        self.__set_no_accounts_state(True)
+        if len(self.__account_kinds_model) == 0:
+            self.__account_kinds_combo.hide()
+            self.__username_label.hide()
+            self.__username_entry.hide()
+            self.__add_button.hide()
+        self.__notebook.set_current_page(1)
+        # google_accounts = self.__online_accounts_service.GetAllAccountsWithKinds(["google"])
+        all_account_paths = self.__online_accounts_service.GetAllAccounts()
+        if len(all_account_paths) == 0:
+            # TODO: do something else
+            pass
+        else:
+            for a_path in all_account_paths:
+                self.__on_account_added(a_path)
+        self.__connections = gutil.DisconnectSet()
+        id = self.__onlineaccounts_proxy.connect_to_signal('AccountAdded',
+                                                           self.__on_account_added)
+        self.__connections.add(self.__onlineaccounts_proxy, id)
+        id = self.__onlineaccounts_proxy.connect_to_signal('AccountRemoved',
+                                                           self.__on_account_removed)
+        self.__connections.add(self.__onlineaccounts_proxy, id)
+    def __open_account_page(self, l):
+        gnome.url_show(urlparse.urljoin(get_baseurl(), "/account"))
+    def __on_account_added(self, a_path):
+        # TODO: check for account kind when we have a per-account dialog
+        if a_path not in self.__model_tree_iter_by_account:
+            a = self.__online_accounts_service.get_existing_account(a_path)
+            if a is None:
+                _logger.error("onlineaccount for path %s was not found" % a_path)
+                return
+            if self.__account_kinds and a.GetKind() not in self.__account_kinds:
+                return 
+            _logger.debug("account added %s" % a) 
+            tree_iter = self.__model.append([self.__all_account_kinds[a.GetKind()] + ': ' + a.GetUsername()])
+            self.__model_tree_iter_by_account[a_path] = tree_iter
+            if len(self.__model_tree_iter_by_account) == 1:
+                self.__set_no_accounts_state(False)
+                self.__current_account = a
+                self.__accounts_combo.set_active(0) 
+                self.__notebook.set_current_page(0)     
+    def __on_account_removed(self, a_path):
+        # we don't want to remove accounts that were disabled, but are still present in GConf here
+        # if accts.has_account(a):
+        #     return 
+        _logger.debug("account removed %s" % a_path) 
+        if a_path in self.__model_tree_iter_by_account:
+            _logger.debug("will remove")
+            self.__model.remove(self.__model_tree_iter_by_account[a_path])
+            del self.__model_tree_iter_by_account[a_path]
+            # TODO: possibly can get the index of the deleted selection, and move to the next one 
+            if self.__current_account.GetObjectPath() == a_path and len(self.__model_tree_iter_by_account) > 0:  
+                new_current_account_path = self.__model_tree_iter_by_account.keys()[0]
+                self.__current_account = self.__online_accounts_service.get_existing_account(new_current_account_path)
+                if self.__current_account is not None:   
+                    self.__accounts_combo.set_active_iter(self.__model_tree_iter_by_account.values()[0]) 
+                else:
+                    _logger.error("onlineaccount for path %s was not found" % new_current_account_path)
+        if len(self.__model_tree_iter_by_account) == 0:   
+            self.__set_no_accounts_state(True)
+    def __set_no_accounts_state(self, no_accounts):
+        if no_accounts:
+            self.__accounts_combo.hide()
+            self.__password_entry.hide()
+            self.__check_box.hide()
+            self.__undo_button.hide()
+            self.__apply_button.hide()
+            self.__remove_button.hide()
+            self.__remove_link_box.hide()
+            self.__existing_accounts_label.set_text("No existing accounts") 
+            self.__existing_accounts_label.set_alignment(0.5, 0.0)
+        else:
+            self.__existing_accounts_vbox.show_all()
+            self.__existing_accounts_label.set_text("Password:")
+            self.__existing_accounts_label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)    
+    def __on_edited_account_changed(self, *args):
+        new_iter = self.__accounts_combo.get_active_iter()
+        _logger.debug("account changed to %s" % self.__model.get_value(new_iter, 0))        
+        for (a_path, tree_iter) in self.__model_tree_iter_by_account.items():
+            # this assumes that text for each entry in the drop down box is different, which it should be       
+            if self.__model.get_value(tree_iter, 0) == self.__model.get_value(new_iter, 0):              
+                self.__current_account =  self.__online_accounts_service.get_existing_account(a_path)
+                if self.__current_account is None:
+                    _logger.error("onlineaccount for path %s was not found" % a_path)
+                    return
+                # TODO: this will trigger __on_password_entry_changed, make sure that is harmless
+                self.__password_entry.set_text(self.__current_account.GetPassword())
+                self.__check_box.set_active(self.__current_account.GetEnabled())
+                # TODO: set the remove button to be sensitive once we enable removing accounts on server
+                self.__remove_button.set_sensitive(False) 
+                self.__remove_link.set_enabled(True)
+                return
+        _logger.error("new edited account was not found in self.__model_tree_iter_by_account")
+    def __on_account_settings_changed(self, widget):
+        if self.__password_entry.get_text().strip() != self.__current_account.GetPassword() or \
+           self.__check_box.get_active() != self.__current_account.GetEnabled():
+            self.__undo_button.set_sensitive(True)  
+            self.__apply_button.set_sensitive(True)  
+        else:
+            self.__undo_button.set_sensitive(False)  
+            self.__apply_button.set_sensitive(False)  
+    def __on_account_settings_applied(self, widget):
+        text = self.__password_entry.get_text()
+        enabled = self.__check_box.get_active()
+        self.__online_accounts_service.SaveAccountChanges(self.__current_account.GetObjectPath(),
+                                                       { 'password' : str(text), 'enabled' : str(enabled) })
+        self.__undo_button.set_sensitive(False)  
+        self.__apply_button.set_sensitive(False)  
+    def __on_account_settings_reset(self, widget):
+        self.__password_entry.set_text(self.__current_account.GetPassword())
+        self.__check_box.set_active(self.__current_account.GetEnabled())
+    def __on_account_remove_clicked(self, widget):
+        self.__online_accounts_service.RemoveAccount(self.__current_account.GetObjectPath())
+    def __on_new_username_changed(self, widget):
+        # in the future can check if the input is of the desired form here
+        username_entered = (len(self.__username_entry.get_text().strip()) > 0)  
+        self.__add_button.set_sensitive(username_entered)        
+    def __on_new_username_added(self, widget):
+        text = self.__username_entry.get_text()
+        username_entered = (len(text.strip()) > 0)
+        # don't do anything if the user pressed enter in the username textbox while it is empty 
+        if not username_entered:
+            return
+        current_iter = self.__account_kinds_combo.get_active_iter()
+        for (kind, kind_full_name) in self.__all_account_kinds:
+            if self.__account_kinds_model.get_value(current_iter, 0) == kind_full_name:
+                account_tuple = self.__online_accounts_service.GetOrCreateAccount(kind, text)
+                self.__username_entry.set_text("")
+                self.__notebook.set_current_page(0)
+                # TODO: Display a special message if the account aready existed (account_tuple[1] is False), also
+                # the key should be self.__model_tree_iter_by_account only in that case
+                if self.__model_tree_iter_by_account.has_key(account_tuple[0]):
+                    account_iter = self.__model_tree_iter_by_account[account_tuple[0]]                
+                    self.__accounts_combo.set_active_iter(account_iter)
+                else:
+                    # acounts system will emit a signal that will cause __on_account_added to be called again, 
+                    # but it's ok to call this from here so that we can switch to the new account in the combo box right away
+                    self.__on_account_added(account_tuple[0])
+                    account_iter = self.__model_tree_iter_by_account[account_tuple[0]]   
+                    self.__accounts_combo.set_active_iter(account_iter)
+                return 
+        _logger.warn("Did not find an account kind that matched the account kind in the dropdown %s" % self.__account_kinds_model.get_value(current_iter, 0))
+    def __on_delete_event(self, dialog, event):
+        self.hide()
+        return True
+    def __on_destroy(self, dialog):
+        self.hide()
+        self.__connections.disconnect_all()
+class Link(gtk.EventBox):
+    __gsignals__ = {
+        "clicked" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
+    }
+    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
+        super(Link, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.__text = None
+        self.__enabled = True
+        self.__label = gtk.Label()
+        self.add(self.__label)
+        self.connect("button-press-event", self.__on_button_press)
+        self.connect("enter_notify_event", self.__on_enter) 
+        self.connect("leave_notify_event", self.__on_leave) 
+        self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
+                        & gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
+                        & gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK)
+    def set_alignment(self, x, y):
+        self.__label.set_alignment(x, y)
+    def set_ellipsize(self, do_ellipsize):
+        self.__label.set_ellipsize(do_ellipsize)
+    def __on_button_press(self, self2, e):
+        if e.button == 1 and self.__enabled:
+            self.emit("clicked")
+            return True
+        return False
+    def get_text(self):
+        return self.__text
+    def set_text(self, text):
+        self.__text = text
+        self.set_markup(gobject.markup_escape_text(text))
+    def set_enabled(self, enabled):        
+        self.__enabled = enabled
+        self.set_markup(gobject.markup_escape_text(self.__text))
+    def set_markup(self, text):
+        if  self.__enabled: 
+            self.__label.set_markup('<span foreground="blue">%s</span>' % (text,))
+        else:
+            self.__label.set_markup('<span foreground="#666666">%s</span>' % (text,))
+    def __on_enter(self, w, c):
+        self.__talk_to_the_hand(True)
+    def __on_leave(self, w, c):
+        self.__talk_to_the_hand(False)
+    def __talk_to_the_hand(self, hand):
+        display = self.get_display()
+        cursor = None
+        if hand and self.__enabled:
+            cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(display, gtk.gdk.HAND2)
+        self.window.set_cursor(cursor)
+def get_baseurl():
+    ## first we prefer the base url from the model we're actually using.
+    ## this happens when we just connect to "org.freedesktop.od.Engine"
+    ## and don't know in advance whether a dogfood or production or whatever
+    ## server instance owns that bus name.
+    ## Note that this is _supposed_ to work offline as well - the od.Engine
+    ## is supposed to have an offline mode.
+    model = DataModel()
+    if model.global_resource:
+        try:
+            return model.global_resource.webBaseUrl
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    ## we fall back to a hardcoded URL, since it's probably better
+    ## than crashing and would normally be right in production, but never
+    ## right when testing on dogfood.
+    return "";

Modified: trunk/weblogindriver/weblogindriver/
--- trunk/weblogindriver/weblogindriver/	(original)
+++ trunk/weblogindriver/weblogindriver/	Fri Aug 22 19:21:49 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import os, sys, logging, weakref, functools
+import os, sys, logging, weakref, functools, dbus
 from StringIO import StringIO
 import gobject
@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@
         to_remove = []        
         for (object, id) in self.__connections:
             if object == object_to_disconnect:
-                object.disconnect(id)
+                if type(id) == dbus.connection.SignalMatch:
+                    id.remove()
+                else:
+                    object.disconnect(id)
                 to_remove.append((object, id))
         for (object, id) in to_remove:
@@ -30,7 +33,10 @@
     def disconnect_all(self):
         for (object, id) in self.__connections:
-            object.disconnect(id)
+            if type(id) == dbus.connection.SignalMatch:
+                id.remove()
+            else:
+                object.disconnect(id)
 def call_timeout(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs):
     if 'logger' in kwargs:

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