gparted r825 - in trunk: . src

Author: gedakc
Date: Sun Apr 20 16:11:23 2008
New Revision: 825

Improved abilility to translate text


Modified: trunk/src/
--- trunk/src/	(original)
+++ trunk/src/	Sun Apr 20 16:11:23 2008
@@ -78,23 +78,14 @@
 	//standard warning	
 	str_temp = "\n<i>" ;
-	str_temp += _("Choosing ") ;
-	str_temp += "<b>" ;
-	/*TO TRANSLATORS: This is the name of the button Gtk::RESPONSE_OK below. */
-	str_temp += _("Create") ;
-	str_temp += "</b>" ;
-	str_temp += _(" will") ;
-	str_temp += ":\n     - " ;
-	/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like IMMEDIATELY ERASE ALL DATA on disk /dev/hda */
-	str_temp += String::ucompose( _("IMMEDIATELY ERASE ALL DATA on disk %1"), device_path ) ;
-	str_temp += "\n     - " ;
-	/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like Create a new partition table on disk /dev/hda */
-	str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Create a new partition table on disk %1"), device_path ) ;
+	/*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like  Choosing the Create button will IMMEDIATELY ERASE ALL DATA on disk /dev/hda */
+	str_temp += String::ucompose( _("Choosing the Create button will IMMEDIATELY ERASE ALL DATA on disk %1"), device_path ) ;
 	str_temp += "\n</i>";
 	vbox ->pack_start( * Utils::mk_label( str_temp, true, Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, true ),
 			   Gtk::PACK_SHRINK );
 	this ->add_button( Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL );
+	/*TO TRANSLATORS: This is the name of the button referred to in the previous text  Choosing the Create button will .... */
 	this ->add_button( _("Create"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK );
 	this ->show_all_children() ;

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