vala r1227 - in trunk: . vapi

Author: malureau
Date: Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
New Revision: 1227

2008-04-14  Marc-Andre Lureau  <marcandre lureau gmail com>

	* vapi/dbus-glib-1.vapi, vapi/enchant.vapi, vapi/libxml-2.0.vapi,
	vapi/sqlite3.vapi, vapi/taglib_c.vapi: remove "!".


Modified: trunk/vapi/dbus-glib-1.vapi
--- trunk/vapi/dbus-glib-1.vapi	(original)
+++ trunk/vapi/dbus-glib-1.vapi	Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
 	[CCode (cname = "DBusGProxy", lower_case_csuffix = "g_proxy")]
 	public class Proxy {
-		public Proxy.for_name (Connection! connection, string! name, string! path, string! interface_);
-		public bool call (string! method, out GLib.Error error, GLib.Type first_arg_type, ...);
-		public weak ProxyCall begin_call (string! method, ProxyCallNotify notify, pointer data, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy, GLib.Type first_arg_type, ...);
+		public Proxy.for_name (Connection connection, string name, string path, string interface_);
+		public bool call (string method, out GLib.Error error, GLib.Type first_arg_type, ...);
+		public weak ProxyCall begin_call (string method, ProxyCallNotify notify, pointer data, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy, GLib.Type first_arg_type, ...);
 		public bool end_call (ProxyCall call, out GLib.Error error, GLib.Type first_arg_type, ...);
 		public void cancel_call (ProxyCall call);

Modified: trunk/vapi/enchant.vapi
--- trunk/vapi/enchant.vapi	(original)
+++ trunk/vapi/enchant.vapi	Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
@@ -8,27 +8,27 @@
 		[CCode (cname = "enchant_broker_init")]
 		public Broker ();
-		public weak Dict request_dict (weak string! tag);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
-		public weak Dict request_pwl_dict (weak string! pwl);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
-		public void free_dict (Dict! dict); 			// FIXME integrate with memory manager
-		public int dict_exists (weak string! tag);
-		public void set_ordering (weak string! tag, weak string! ordering);
+		public weak Dict request_dict (weak string tag);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
+		public weak Dict request_pwl_dict (weak string pwl);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
+		public void free_dict (Dict dict); 			// FIXME integrate with memory manager
+		public int dict_exists (weak string tag);
+		public void set_ordering (weak string tag, weak string ordering);
 		public void describe (BrokerDescribeFn fn, pointer user_data = null);
 		public void list_dicts (DictDescribeFn fn, pointer user_data = null);
-		public weak string! get_error ();
+		public weak string get_error ();
 	public class Dict {
-		public int check (weak string! word, long len = -1);
-		public weak string[] suggest (weak string! word, long len = -1);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
+		public int check (weak string word, long len = -1);
+		public weak string[] suggest (weak string word, long len = -1);	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
 		[NoArrayLength ()]
 		public void free_string_list (weak string[] string_list); 	// FIXME integrate with memory manager
-		public void add_to_session (weak string! word, long len = -1);
-		public int is_in_session (weak string! word, long len = -1);
-		public void store_replacement (weak string! mis, long mis_len, weak string! cor, long cor_len);
-		public void add_to_pwl (weak string! word, long len = -1);
+		public void add_to_session (weak string word, long len = -1);
+		public int is_in_session (weak string word, long len = -1);
+		public void store_replacement (weak string mis, long mis_len, weak string cor, long cor_len);
+		public void add_to_pwl (weak string word, long len = -1);
 		public void describe (DictDescribeFn fn, pointer user_data = null);
 		[NoArrayLength ()]
-		public weak string! get_error ();
+		public weak string get_error ();

Modified: trunk/vapi/libxml-2.0.vapi
--- trunk/vapi/libxml-2.0.vapi	(original)
+++ trunk/vapi/libxml-2.0.vapi	Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@
 		public static void init ();
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlParseDoc")]
-		public static Doc* parse_doc (string! cur);
+		public static Doc* parse_doc (string cur);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlParseFile")]
-		public static Doc* parse_file (string! filename);
+		public static Doc* parse_file (string filename);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlParseMemory")]
-		public static Doc* parse_memory (string! buffer, int size);
+		public static Doc* parse_memory (string buffer, int size);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlReadDoc")]
 		public static Doc* read_doc (string cur, string url = null, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@
 		public static Doc* read_fd (int fd, string base_url = null, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlReadFile")]
-		public static Doc* read_file (string! filename, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
+		public static Doc* read_file (string filename, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlReadMemory")]
-		public static Doc* read_memory (string! text, int len, string url = null, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
+		public static Doc* read_memory (string text, int len, string url = null, string encoding = null, int options = 0);
 	[CCode (cname = "xmlParserOption", cprefix = "XML_PARSE_", cheader_filename = "libxml/parser.h")]
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
 		public Node* new_pi (string name, string content);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNewDocProp")]
-		public Attr* new_prop (string! name, string! value);
+		public Attr* new_prop (string name, string value);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNewDocRawNode")]
 		public Node* new_raw_node (Ns* ns, string name, string content);
@@ -535,28 +535,28 @@
 		public long get_line_no ();
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlGetNoNsProp")]
-		public string get_no_ns_prop (string! name);
+		public string get_no_ns_prop (string name);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlGetNodePath")]
 		public string get_path ();
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlGetNsProp")]
-		public string get_ns_prop (string! name, string! ns);
+		public string get_ns_prop (string name, string ns);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlGetProp")]
-		public string get_prop (string! name);
+		public string get_prop (string name);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlHasNsProp")]
-		public Attr* has_ns_prop (string! name, string! name_space);
+		public Attr* has_ns_prop (string name, string name_space);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlHasProp")]
-		public Attr* has_prop (string! name);
+		public Attr* has_prop (string name);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlIsBlankNode")]
 		public int is_blank ();
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNewChild")]
-		public Node* new_child (Ns* ns, string! name, string content = null);
+		public Node* new_child (Ns* ns, string name, string content = null);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNewNs")]
 		public Ns* new_ns (string href, string prefix);
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
 		public Attr* new_prop (string name, string value);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNewTextChild")]
-		public Node* new_text_child (Ns* ns, string! name, string content);
+		public Node* new_text_child (Ns* ns, string name, string content);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNodeAddContent")]
 		public void add_content (string content);
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
 		public void set_lang (string val);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNodeSetName")]
-		public void set_name (string! name);
+		public void set_name (string name);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve")]
 		public void set_space_preserve (int val);
@@ -628,10 +628,10 @@
 		public void set_list_doc (Doc* doc);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlSetNsProp")]
-		public Attr* set_ns_prop (Ns* ns, string! name, string value);
+		public Attr* set_ns_prop (Ns* ns, string name, string value);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlSetProp")]
-		public Attr* set_prop (string! name, string value);
+		public Attr* set_prop (string name, string value);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlSetTreeDoc")]
 		public void set_tree_doc (Doc* doc);
@@ -939,13 +939,13 @@
 		public string lookup_namespace (string prefix);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute")]
-		public int move_to_attribute (string! name);
+		public int move_to_attribute (string name);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo")]
 		public int move_to_attribute_no (int no);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs")]
-		public int move_to_attribute_ns (string! local_name, string! namespace_uri);
+		public int move_to_attribute_ns (string local_name, string namespace_uri);
 		[CCode (cname = "xmlTextReaderMoveToElement")]
 		public int move_to_element ();

Modified: trunk/vapi/sqlite3.vapi
--- trunk/vapi/sqlite3.vapi	(original)
+++ trunk/vapi/sqlite3.vapi	Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@
 	public class Database {
 		public int busy_timeout (int ms);
 		public int changes ();
-		public int exec (string! sql, Callback sqlite3_callback = null, void* data = null, out string errmsg = null);
+		public int exec (string sql, Callback sqlite3_callback = null, void* data = null, out string errmsg = null);
 		public int extended_result_codes (int onoff);
 		public int get_autocommit ();
 		public void interrupt ();
 		public int64 last_insert_rowid ();
 		public int total_changes ();
-		public int complete (string! sql);
-		public int get_table (string! sql, out string[] resultp, ref int nrow, ref int ncolumn, out string errmsg);
+		public int complete (string sql);
+		public int get_table (string sql, out string[] resultp, ref int nrow, ref int ncolumn, out string errmsg);
 		public static void free_table(string[] result);
 		[CCode (cname = "sqlite3_open_v2")]
-		public static int open (string! filename, out Database db, int flags = OPEN_READWRITE | OPEN_CREATE, string zVfs = null);
+		public static int open (string filename, out Database db, int flags = OPEN_READWRITE | OPEN_CREATE, string zVfs = null);
 		public int errcode ();
 		public weak string errmsg ();
-		public int prepare (string! sql, int n_bytes, out Statement stmt, out string tail = null);
+		public int prepare (string sql, int n_bytes, out Statement stmt, out string tail = null);
 	/* Dynamically Typed Value Object */
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 	[CCode (free_function = "sqlite3_finalize", cname = "sqlite3_stmt", cprefix = "sqlite3_")]
 	public class Statement {
 		public int bind_parameter_count ();
-		public int bind_parameter_index (string! name);
+		public int bind_parameter_index (string name);
 		public string bind_parameter_name (int index);
 		public int clear_bindings ();
 		public int column_count ();
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 		public int bind_int (int index, int value);
 		public int bind_int64 (int index, int64 value);
 		public int bind_null (int index);
-		public int bind_text (int index, string!# value, int n = -1, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_notify = GLib.g_free);
+		public int bind_text (int index, string# value, int n = -1, GLib.DestroyNotify destroy_notify = GLib.g_free);
 		public int bind_value (int index, Value value);
 		public int bind_zeroblob (int index, int n);
 		public void* column_blob (int col);
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 		public weak string column_text (int col);
 		public int column_type (int col);
 		public weak Value column_value (int col);
-		public weak string! column_name (int index);
+		public weak string column_name (int index);

Modified: trunk/vapi/taglib_c.vapi
--- trunk/vapi/taglib_c.vapi	(original)
+++ trunk/vapi/taglib_c.vapi	Mon Apr 14 19:48:33 2008
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 	public class File
 		[CCode (cname = "taglib_file_new")]
-		public File (string! filename);
+		public File (string filename);
 		[CCode (cname = "taglib_file_new_type")]
-		public File.type (string! filename, FileType type);
+		public File.type (string filename, FileType type);
 		public Tag tag();
 		public AudioProperties audioproperties(); //FIXME: should be assigned to a const TagLib_Audio_Properties*
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
 		public uint year();
 		public uint track();
-		public void set_title(string! title);
-		public void set_artist(string! artist);
-		public void set_album(string! album);
-		public void set_comment(string! comment);
-		public void set_genre(string! genre);
+		public void set_title(string title);
+		public void set_artist(string artist);
+		public void set_album(string album);
+		public void set_comment(string comment);
+		public void set_genre(string genre);
 		public void set_year(uint year);
 		public void set_track(uint track);

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