deskbar-applet r2098 - in trunk: . deskbar/ui/cuemiac

Author: sebp
Date: Fri Apr 11 11:29:56 2008
New Revision: 2098

Moved CellRendererCuemiacCategory to separate file CuemiacCellRendererCategory.
Always use isinstance to check classes


Added: trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/	Fri Apr 11 11:29:56 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import pango
+class CuemiacCellRendererCategory (gtk.CellRendererText):
+    """
+    Special cell renderer for the CuemiacTreeView.
+    If the cell to be rendered is a normal Match, it falls back to the normal
+    gtk.CellRendererText render method.
+    If the cell is a CuemiacCategory it takes the icon column of the view into
+    consideration and correctly left justifies the category title.
+    This renderer also creates a small space between category headers. This is
+    to ensure that they don't appear as one solid block when collapsed.
+    """
+    __gproperties__ = {
+                'category-header' : (gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'markup for category title string',
+                      'markup for category title string, None if this is not a category header',
+                      None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
+                 'match-count' : (gobject.TYPE_INT, 'number of hits in the category',
+                      'the number of hits for the CuemiacCategory to be rendered',
+                      0,1000,0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
+                 'has-more-actions' : (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'whether the match has more than one action',
+                                    'If set to True a symbol will be displayed on the right',
+                                    False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
+        }
+    __gsignals__ = {
+        # This signal will be emited when '>' on the right is clicked
+        "show-actions-activated": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]),
+        # This signal will be emited then an area that's not the '>' from above is clicked
+        "do-action-activated": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]),
+    }
+    def __init__ (self):
+        gtk.CellRendererText.__init__ (self)
+        self.__category_header = None
+        self.__match_count = 0
+        self.__has_more_actions = False
+        self.__match_markup = ""
+        self.__button_x = 0
+        self.__button_y = 0
+        self.__button_width = 0
+        self.__button_height = 0
+        self.__relative_header_size = -0.2 # Make header 20% smaller than normal fonts
+        self.set_property("mode", gtk.CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE)
+        # Grab some default theme settings
+        # they are probably incorrect, but we reset
+        # them on each render anyway.
+        style = gtk.Style ()
+        self.header_font_desc = style.font_desc
+        self.header_font_desc.set_weight (pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)        
+        self.header_font_desc.set_size (self.header_font_desc.get_size () + int(self.header_font_desc.get_size ()*self.__relative_header_size))
+        self.header_bg = style.base [gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+    def set_style (self, widget):
+        """
+        Apply the style from widget, to this cellrenderer
+        """
+        self.header_font_desc =
+        self.header_font_desc.set_weight (pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
+        self.header_font_desc.set_size (self.header_font_desc.get_size () + int(self.header_font_desc.get_size ()*self.__relative_header_size))
+        self.header_bg = [gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+    def do_render (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
+        if not self.get_property ("category-header"):
+            self.render_match (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
+        else:
+            self.render_category (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
+    def render_match (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
+        ctx = window.cairo_create ()
+        # Set up a pango.Layout
+        more_actions_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
+        if self.get_property("has-more-actions"):
+            more_actions_layout.set_markup ("<b>&gt;</b>")
+        more_actions_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
+        more_actions_layout_width, more_actions_layout_height = more_actions_layout.get_pixel_size()
+        state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flags)
+        self.__button_width = more_actions_layout_width + 2
+        self.__button_height = cell_area.height 
+        # Draw the actual text in the remaining area
+        cell_area_width = cell_area.width
+        cell_area.width -= self.__button_width
+        gtk.CellRendererText.do_render (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
+        mod_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
+        self.__button_x = (cell_area.x + cell_area_width) - more_actions_layout_width - 2
+        self.__button_y = cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - more_actions_layout_height) / 2 ) + 1
+        window.draw_layout(mod_gc,
+                        self.__button_x,
+                        self.__button_y,
+                        more_actions_layout)
+        if self.get_property("has-more-actions"):
+            # Add some additional area around the '>' to activate it
+            self.__button_x -= 3
+            self.__button_y = cell_area.y
+            self.__button_width += 3
+        else:
+            self.__button_height = 0
+            self.__button_width = 0
+            self.__button_x = 0
+            self.__button_y = 0
+        #window.draw_rectangle(mod_gc, False, self.__button_x, self.__button_y,
+        #            self.__button_width, self.__button_height          
+        #            )
+    def render_category (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flag):
+        """
+        Renders the category title from the "category-header" property and displays a rigth aligned
+        hit count (read from the "match-count" property).
+        """
+        # Ensure we have fresh style settings
+        self.set_style (widget)
+        ctx = window.cairo_create ()
+        # Set up a pango.Layout for the category title
+        cat_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
+        cat_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
+        cat_layout.set_markup("...")
+        cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
+        ellipsise_size = cat_layout_width
+        cat_text = self.get_property("category-header")
+        cat_layout.set_markup(cat_text)
+        cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
+        # Set up a pango.Layout for the hit count
+        count_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
+        count_layout.set_text ("(" + str(self.get_property("match-count")) + ")")
+        count_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
+        count_layout_width, count_layout_height = count_layout.get_pixel_size()
+        max_cat_layout_width = cell_area.width - count_layout_width - 10
+        if cat_layout_width > max_cat_layout_width:
+            ratio = float(max_cat_layout_width - ellipsise_size)/cat_layout_width;
+            characters = int( ratio * len(cat_text) )
+            while (cat_layout_width > max_cat_layout_width):
+                if characters > 0:
+                    cat_layout.set_markup( cat_text[0:characters].strip() + "..." )
+                    characters -= 1
+                    cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
+                else:
+                    cat_layout.set_markup(cat_text.strip())
+                    break
+        state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flag)
+        main_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
+        window.draw_layout(main_gc,
+                        18,
+                        cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - cat_layout_height) / 2) + 1,
+                        cat_layout)
+        mod_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
+        window.draw_layout(mod_gc,
+                        (cell_area.x + cell_area.width) - count_layout_width - 2,
+                        cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - count_layout_height) / 2 ) + 1,
+                        count_layout)
+    def renderer_state_to_widget_state(self, flags):
+        state = gtk.STATE_NORMAL
+            state = gtk.STATE_SELECTED
+        return state
+    def do_activate(self, event, widget, path_string, background_area, cell_area, flags):
+        if not isinstance(widget, gtk.TreeView):
+            # Not a treeview
+            return False
+        if event == None or event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
+            # Event type not GDK_BUTTON_PRESS
+            return True
+        ex = event.x
+        ey = event.y
+        bx = self.__button_x
+        # Otherwise, we get problems when the cell
+        # is at the top of the visible part of the treeview
+        by = cell_area.y 
+        bw = self.__button_width
+        bh = self.__button_height
+        path = tuple([int(i) for i in path_string.split(':')])
+        if (ex < bx or ex > (bx+bw) or ey < by or ey > (by+bh)):
+            # Click wasn't on the icon
+            self.emit("do-action-activated", path)
+            return True
+        else:
+            self.emit("show-actions-activated", path)
+            return False
+    def do_get_property(self, property):
+        if == 'category-header':
+            return self.__category_header
+        elif == 'match-count':
+            return self.__match_count
+        elif == 'has-more-actions':
+            return self.__has_more_actions
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' %
+    def do_set_property(self, property, value):
+        if == 'category-header':
+            self.__category_header = value
+        elif == 'match-count':
+            self.__match_count = value
+        elif == 'has-more-actions':
+            self.__has_more_actions = value
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' %
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/
--- trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/	(original)
+++ trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/	Fri Apr 11 11:29:56 2008
@@ -5,234 +5,10 @@
 import logging
 from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.CuemiacItems import CuemiacCategory
+from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.CuemiacCellRendererCategory import CuemiacCellRendererCategory
 from deskbar.interfaces import Match
 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class CellRendererCuemiacCategory (gtk.CellRendererText):
-    """
-    Special cell renderer for the CuemiacTreeView.
-    If the cell to be rendered is a normal Match, it falls back to the normal
-    gtk.CellRendererText render method.
-    If the cell is a CuemiacCategory it takes the icon column of the view into
-    consideration and correctly left justifies the category title.
-    This renderer also creates a small space between category headers. This is
-    to ensure that they don't appear as one solid block when collapsed.
-    """
-    __gproperties__ = {
-                'category-header' : (gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'markup for category title string',
-                      'markup for category title string, None if this is not a category header',
-                      None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
-                 'match-count' : (gobject.TYPE_INT, 'number of hits in the category',
-                      'the number of hits for the CuemiacCategory to be rendered',
-                      0,1000,0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
-                 'has-more-actions' : (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'whether the match has more than one action',
-                                    'If set to True a symbol will be displayed on the right',
-                                    False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
-        }
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        # This signal will be emited when '>' on the right is clicked
-        "show-actions-activated": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]),
-        # This signal will be emited then an area that's not the '>' from above is clicked
-        "do-action-activated": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]),
-    }
-    def __init__ (self):
-        gtk.CellRendererText.__init__ (self)
-        self.__category_header = None
-        self.__match_count = 0
-        self.__has_more_actions = False
-        self.__match_markup = ""
-        self.__button_x = 0
-        self.__button_y = 0
-        self.__button_width = 0
-        self.__button_height = 0
-        self.__relative_header_size = -0.2 # Make header 20% smaller than normal fonts
-        self.set_property("mode", gtk.CELL_RENDERER_MODE_ACTIVATABLE)
-        # Grab some default theme settings
-        # they are probably incorrect, but we reset
-        # them on each render anyway.
-        style = gtk.Style ()
-        self.header_font_desc = style.font_desc
-        self.header_font_desc.set_weight (pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)        
-        self.header_font_desc.set_size (self.header_font_desc.get_size () + int(self.header_font_desc.get_size ()*self.__relative_header_size))
-        self.header_bg = style.base [gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
-    def set_style (self, widget):
-        """
-        Apply the style from widget, to this cellrenderer
-        """
-        self.header_font_desc =
-        self.header_font_desc.set_weight (pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
-        self.header_font_desc.set_size (self.header_font_desc.get_size () + int(self.header_font_desc.get_size ()*self.__relative_header_size))
-        self.header_bg = [gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
-    def do_render (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
-        if not self.get_property ("category-header"):
-            self.render_match (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
-        else:
-            self.render_category (window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
-    def render_match (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags):
-        ctx = window.cairo_create ()
-        # Set up a pango.Layout
-        more_actions_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
-        if self.get_property("has-more-actions"):
-            more_actions_layout.set_markup ("<b>&gt;</b>")
-        more_actions_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
-        more_actions_layout_width, more_actions_layout_height = more_actions_layout.get_pixel_size()
-        state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flags)
-        self.__button_width = more_actions_layout_width + 2
-        self.__button_height = cell_area.height 
-        # Draw the actual text in the remaining area
-        cell_area_width = cell_area.width
-        cell_area.width -= self.__button_width
-        gtk.CellRendererText.do_render (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags)
-        mod_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
-        self.__button_x = (cell_area.x + cell_area_width) - more_actions_layout_width - 2
-        self.__button_y = cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - more_actions_layout_height) / 2 ) + 1
-        window.draw_layout(mod_gc,
-                        self.__button_x,
-                        self.__button_y,
-                        more_actions_layout)
-        if self.get_property("has-more-actions"):
-            # Add some additional area around the '>' to activate it
-            self.__button_x -= 3
-            self.__button_y = cell_area.y
-            self.__button_width += 3
-        else:
-            self.__button_height = 0
-            self.__button_width = 0
-            self.__button_x = 0
-            self.__button_y = 0
-        #window.draw_rectangle(mod_gc, False, self.__button_x, self.__button_y,
-        #            self.__button_width, self.__button_height          
-        #            )
-    def render_category (self, window, widget, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flag):
-        """
-        Renders the category title from the "category-header" property and displays a rigth aligned
-        hit count (read from the "match-count" property).
-        """
-        # Ensure we have fresh style settings
-        self.set_style (widget)
-        ctx = window.cairo_create ()
-        # Set up a pango.Layout for the category title
-        cat_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
-        cat_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
-        cat_layout.set_markup("...")
-        cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
-        ellipsise_size = cat_layout_width
-        cat_text = self.get_property("category-header")
-        cat_layout.set_markup(cat_text)
-        cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
-        # Set up a pango.Layout for the hit count
-        count_layout = ctx.create_layout ()
-        count_layout.set_text ("(" + str(self.get_property("match-count")) + ")")
-        count_layout.set_font_description (self.header_font_desc)
-        count_layout_width, count_layout_height = count_layout.get_pixel_size()
-        max_cat_layout_width = cell_area.width - count_layout_width - 10
-        if cat_layout_width > max_cat_layout_width:
-            ratio = float(max_cat_layout_width - ellipsise_size)/cat_layout_width;
-            characters = int( ratio * len(cat_text) )
-            while (cat_layout_width > max_cat_layout_width):
-                if characters > 0:
-                    cat_layout.set_markup( cat_text[0:characters].strip() + "..." )
-                    characters -= 1
-                    cat_layout_width, cat_layout_height = cat_layout.get_pixel_size()
-                else:
-                    cat_layout.set_markup(cat_text.strip())
-                    break
-        state = self.renderer_state_to_widget_state(flag)
-        main_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
-        window.draw_layout(main_gc,
-                        18,
-                        cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - cat_layout_height) / 2) + 1,
-                        cat_layout)
-        mod_gc = widget.get_style().text_gc[state]
-        window.draw_layout(mod_gc,
-                        (cell_area.x + cell_area.width) - count_layout_width - 2,
-                        cell_area.y + ( (cell_area.height - count_layout_height) / 2 ) + 1,
-                        count_layout)
-    def renderer_state_to_widget_state(self, flags):
-        state = gtk.STATE_NORMAL
-            state = gtk.STATE_SELECTED
-        return state
-    def do_activate(self, event, widget, path_string, background_area, cell_area, flags):
-        if not isinstance(widget, gtk.TreeView):
-            # Not a treeview
-            return False
-        if event == None or event.type != gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
-            # Event type not GDK_BUTTON_PRESS
-            return True
-        ex = event.x
-        ey = event.y
-        bx = self.__button_x
-        # Otherwise, we get problems when the cell
-        # is at the top of the visible part of the treeview
-        by = cell_area.y 
-        bw = self.__button_width
-        bh = self.__button_height
-        path = tuple([int(i) for i in path_string.split(':')])
-        if (ex < bx or ex > (bx+bw) or ey < by or ey > (by+bh)):
-            # Click wasn't on the icon
-            self.emit("do-action-activated", path)
-            return True
-        else:
-            self.emit("show-actions-activated", path)
-            return False
-    def do_get_property(self, property):
-        if == 'category-header':
-            return self.__category_header
-        elif == 'match-count':
-            return self.__match_count
-        elif == 'has-more-actions':
-            return self.__has_more_actions
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' %
-    def do_set_property(self, property, value):
-        if == 'category-header':
-            self.__category_header = value
-        elif == 'match-count':
-            self.__match_count = value
-        elif == 'has-more-actions':
-            self.__has_more_actions = value
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' %
 class CuemiacTreeView (gtk.TreeView):
@@ -259,7 +35,7 @@
         icon = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf ()
         icon.set_property("xpad", 10)
-        hit_title = CellRendererCuemiacCategory ()
+        hit_title = CuemiacCellRendererCategory ()
         hit_title.connect("show-actions-activated", self.__on_show_actions_activated)
         hit_title.connect("do-action-activated", self.__on_do_action_activated)
         hit_title.set_property ("ellipsize", pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
@@ -314,7 +90,7 @@
         path, col, x, y = path_ctx
         model = self.get_model()
         match = model[model.get_iter(path)][model.MATCHES]
-        if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+        if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
             return True
             return False
@@ -358,7 +134,7 @@
         match = model[iter][model.MATCHES]
-        if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+        if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
             cell.set_property ("pixbuf", None)
             cell.set_property ("visible", True)
             cell.set_property ("cell-background-gdk",[gtk.STATE_NORMAL])
@@ -376,7 +152,7 @@
         match = model[iter][model.MATCHES]
-        if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+        if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
             # Look up i18n category name
             cell.set_property ("cell-background-gdk",[gtk.STATE_NORMAL])
             cell.set_property ("height", 20)
@@ -404,7 +180,7 @@
         model = self.get_model ()
         match = model[model.get_iter(path)][model.MATCHES]
         col = self.get_model().ACTIONS
-        if match.__class__ != CuemiacCategory:
+        if not isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
             self.__on_do_default_action(self, path, col, None)
     def __on_do_default_action(self, treeview, path, col, event):
@@ -441,7 +217,7 @@
         if event.keyval in self.activation_keys:
             # If this is a category, toggle expansion state
-            if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+            if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
                 path = model.get_path (iter)
                 if self.row_expanded (path):
                     self.collapse_row (path)
@@ -458,7 +234,7 @@
                 col = model.ACTIONS
                 self.__on_activated(widget, path, col, event)
         elif (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down):
-            if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+            if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
                 return False
             elif model.get_path(iter) == self.__find_bottom_path():
                 # We're at the bottom of the list
@@ -477,7 +253,7 @@
                         self.__select_path( (num, 0) )
                     return True
         elif (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up):
-            if match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
+            if isinstance(match, CuemiacCategory):
                 return False
             elif model.get_path(iter) == self.__find_top_path():
                 # We're at the top of the list 
@@ -562,7 +338,3 @@
             # All categories are collapsed
             return None
         return (cat, 0)
-if gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0):    
-    gobject.type_register (CuemiacTreeView)
-    gobject.type_register (CellRendererCuemiacCategory)

Modified: trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/
--- trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/	(original)
+++ trunk/deskbar/ui/cuemiac/	Fri Apr 11 11:29:56 2008
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 deskbar_cuemiac_PYTHON = \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \

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