r4005 - in trunk: . beast-gtk beast-gtk/gxk birnet birnet/tests bse bse/tests sfi/tests tests tests/bse tools

Author: timj
Date: 2006-10-21 18:33:09 -0400 (Sat, 21 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 4005

Sun Oct 22 00:30:08 2006  Tim Janik  <timj gtk org>

        * **/Makefile.am: fixed up all noinst_PROGRAMS uses to contain
        $(ALLTESTS), so tests get automatically build by adding them
        to one of the three *TESTS variables.

        * Makefile.decl: define ALLTESTS to contain TESTS, SLOWTESTS and

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Sun Oct 22 00:30:08 2006  Tim Janik  <timj gtk org>
+	* **/Makefile.am: fixed up all noinst_PROGRAMS uses to contain
+	$(ALLTESTS), so tests get automatically build by adding them
+	to one of the three *TESTS variables.
+	* Makefile.decl: define ALLTESTS to contain TESTS, SLOWTESTS and
 Sat Oct 21 22:38:23 2006  Stefan Westerfeld  <stefan space twc de>
 	* library/instruments/Makefile.am:

Modified: trunk/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	@echo $(ALL_CHECKED_MSG) | sed 's/./=/g'
 # fixup automake-1.9.6 distuninstallcheck:-rule reporting files created by update-mime-database(1)
-filter_stale_uninstalled      = | egrep -v '^.*/share/mime/(subclasses|globs|magic|XMLnamespaces|aliases)|./report.out$$'
+filter_stale_uninstalled      = | egrep -v '^.*/share/mime/(subclasses|globs|magic|XMLnamespaces|aliases)|.*/report.out$$'
 distuninstallcheck_listfiles  = find . -type f -print 		# standard automake-1.9 setting
 distuninstallcheck_listfiles += $(filter_stale_uninstalled)	# amend by required filtering
 # fixup automake-1.9.6 distcheck:-rule, which attempts to rebuild a dist tarball from within the test-build

Modified: trunk/Makefile.decl
--- trunk/Makefile.decl	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/Makefile.decl	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@
 	&& echo $$MESSAGETEXT | sed 's/./=/g' || true
+# === ALLTESTS ===
 # === report ===
 .PHONY: report
 report: all

Modified: trunk/beast-gtk/Makefile.am
--- trunk/beast-gtk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/beast-gtk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -188,15 +188,17 @@
 beast___BIN_VERSION__SOURCES = bstmain.c $(beast_sources)
 beast___BIN_VERSION__LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
 beast_vOBJECTS  = $(beast___BIN_VERSION__OBJECTS)
-noinst_PROGRAMS = tsmview testgui # bststest
-tsmview_SOURCES = tsmview.c cxxdummy.cc
-tsmview_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
-testgui_SOURCES = testgui.c $(beast_sources)
-testgui_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
-# bststest_SOURCES = bststest.c bstutils.c bstqsampler.c cxxdummy.cc
-# bststest_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
-progs_LDADD = $(strip                                           \
+progs_LDADD     = $(strip                                       \
 	$(BEAST_LIBS) 						\
 	./gxk/libgxk.a $(GXK_LIBS)                              \
 	$(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la $(BSE_LIBS)               \
+noinst_PROGRAMS += tsmview
+tsmview_SOURCES  = tsmview.c cxxdummy.cc
+tsmview_LDADD    = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS += testgui
+testgui_SOURCES  = testgui.c $(beast_sources)
+testgui_LDADD    = $(progs_LDADD)

Modified: trunk/beast-gtk/gxk/Makefile.am
--- trunk/beast-gtk/gxk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/beast-gtk/gxk/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -117,17 +117,21 @@
 libgxk_a_SOURCES = $(gxk_c_sources)
-progs_LDADD = $(strip						\
+progs_LDADD     = $(strip					\
 	libgxk.a $(GXK_LIBS) 					\
 	$(top_builddir)/sfi/libsfi.o $(SFI_LIBS) 		\
 	$(top_builddir)/birnet/libbirnet.o $(BIRNET_LIBS)	\
-noinst_PROGRAMS = gxktest splinetest
-gxktest_SOURCES = gxktest.c dummy.cc
-gxktest_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS += gxktest
+gxktest_SOURCES  = gxktest.c dummy.cc
+gxktest_LDADD    = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS   += splinetest
 splinetest_SOURCES = splinetest.c dummy.cc
-splinetest_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
+splinetest_LDADD   = $(progs_LDADD)

Modified: trunk/birnet/Makefile.am
--- trunk/birnet/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/birnet/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 SUBDIRS		= . tests
 INCLUDES       += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) -I$(srcdir) -I. $(BIRNET_CFLAGS)
 GLIB_MKENUMS    = glib-mkenums
 birnet_headers = $(strip 		\
@@ -129,8 +128,10 @@
 	&& rm -f xgen-sigs
 CLEANFILES += xgen-sigs birnetsignalvariants.hh xgen-signals.sed
-noinst_PROGRAMS = birnet-zintern
 progs_ldadd     = libbirnet.o $(BIRNET_LIBS) -lm
+noinst_PROGRAMS       += birnet-zintern
 birnet_zintern_SOURCES = birnet-zintern.cc
 birnet_zintern_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
 birnet_zintern_DEPS    = $(progs_deps)

Modified: trunk/birnet/tests/Makefile.am
--- trunk/birnet/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/birnet/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 INCLUDES       += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) -I. $(BIRNET_CFLAGS)
-noinst_PROGRAMS  = $(TESTS)
 progs_ldadd 	 = $(top_builddir)/birnet/libbirnet.o $(BIRNET_LIBS) -lm
 TESTS		+= infotest

Modified: trunk/bse/Makefile.am
--- trunk/bse/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/bse/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -306,15 +306,23 @@
 # other programs, we want to compile
-noinst_PROGRAMS = bsequery bseautodoc bseinfo bseprocidl
 progs_LDADD = libbse.la $(SFI_LIBS) -lm
 # source files
+noinst_PROGRAMS   += bseprocidl
 bseprocidl_SOURCES = bseprocidl.cc
-bseprocidl_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
+bseprocidl_LDADD   = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS += bsequery
 bsequery_SOURCES = bsequery.c cxxdummy.cc
-bsequery_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
+bsequery_LDADD   = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS   += bseautodoc
 bseautodoc_SOURCES = bseautodoc.c cxxdummy.cc
-bseautodoc_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
-bseinfo_SOURCES = bseinfo.c cxxdummy.cc
-bseinfo_LDADD = $(progs_LDADD)
+bseautodoc_LDADD   = $(progs_LDADD)
+noinst_PROGRAMS += bseinfo
+bseinfo_SOURCES  = bseinfo.c cxxdummy.cc
+bseinfo_LDADD    = $(progs_LDADD)

Modified: trunk/bse/tests/Makefile.am
--- trunk/bse/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/bse/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 EXTRA_DIST += arrows.gp filter-defs.gp
-noinst_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS)
-progs_ldadd = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
+progs_ldadd     = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
 TESTS          += testfft
 testfft_SOURCES = testfft.c cxxdummy.cc

Modified: trunk/sfi/tests/Makefile.am
--- trunk/sfi/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/sfi/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 INCLUDES       += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) -I. $(SFI_CFLAGS)
-noinst_PROGRAMS   = $(TESTS)
+noinst_PROGRAMS   = $(ALLTESTS)
 progs_nosfi_ldadd = $(top_builddir)/birnet/libbirnet.o $(SFI_LIBS) -lm
 progs_ldadd 	  = $(top_builddir)/birnet/libbirnet.o $(top_builddir)/sfi/libsfi.o $(SFI_LIBS) -lm
 SFIDL 		  = $(top_builddir)/sfi/sfidl

Modified: trunk/tests/Makefile.am
--- trunk/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/tests/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@
 # === test programs ===
-noinst_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS)
 progs_ldadd     = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
 # testwavechunk
 TESTS                += testwavechunk
 SLOWTESTS            += testwavechunk

Modified: trunk/tests/bse/Makefile.am
--- trunk/tests/bse/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/tests/bse/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 # test programs
 progs_ldadd = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
 SLOWTESTS         += cxxbinding

Modified: trunk/tools/Makefile.am
--- trunk/tools/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:23:24 UTC (rev 4004)
+++ trunk/tools/Makefile.am	2006-10-21 22:33:09 UTC (rev 4005)
@@ -9,27 +9,39 @@
 INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(BSE_CFLAGS)
+progs_ldadd     = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
-# programs to build
+# tools to build
-noinst_PROGRAMS = bsewavetool bsefextract bsefcompare cutvorbis magictest mathtool
-progs_ldadd = $(top_builddir)/bse/libbse.la
+noinst_PROGRAMS    += bsewavetool
 bsewavetool_SOURCES = bsewavetool.cc bwtwave.cc bseloopfuncs.c
-bsewavetool_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
-EXTRA_DIST += bsewavetool.hh bwtwave.hh bseloopfuncs.h sfiutils.h
+bsewavetool_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
+EXTRA_DIST         += bsewavetool.hh bwtwave.hh bseloopfuncs.h sfiutils.h
+noinst_PROGRAMS  += cutvorbis
 cutvorbis_SOURCES = cutvorbis.c cxxdummy.cc
-cutvorbis_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
+cutvorbis_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
+noinst_PROGRAMS    += bsefextract
 bsefextract_SOURCES = bsefextract.cc
-bsefextract_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
+bsefextract_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
+noinst_PROGRAMS    += bsefcompare
 bsefcompare_SOURCES = bsefcompare.cc
-bsefcompare_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
+bsefcompare_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
+noinst_PROGRAMS  += magictest
 magictest_SOURCES = magictest.c cxxdummy.cc
-magictest_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
+magictest_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
+noinst_PROGRAMS += mathtool
 mathtool_SOURCES = mathtool.c cxxdummy.cc
-mathtool_LDADD = $(progs_ldadd)
+mathtool_LDADD   = $(progs_ldadd)
 # bonbon ;)
 # plot various filter functions designed by mathtool

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