Re: Coaster-devel arch-reposity

On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 14:38 +0200, Tim Heinrich wrote:
> Hi,
> could anyone please give a detailed information on how to set up an arch
> reposity for coaster? I've tried the instructions on the
> Coaster-homepage but I can't figure it out. Here is exactly what i did:
> tla my-id 'Tim Heinrich <tim heinrich gmx de>
> tla register-archive
> tla archive-setup tim heinrich gmx de/coaster-gui--main--
> tla tag coaster-devel coaster-burn org--2004/coaster-gui--main--
> tim heinrich gmx de/coaster-gui--main--
> At this point I get the following output:
> No such version (
>   name: coaster-devel coaster-burn org--2004
>   location:
>   package-version: coaster-gui--main--
> This is wrong, isn't it?

Well yes, but I don't think it's due to any fault on your part.  Arch is
kind of weird to grok at first and the 'tla' implementation of it
doesn't help very much.  The instructions on the coaster website look
like they are out of date, but are only really out of date in a few
places.  Here are the steps that I used to setup my arch repository.  I
use the bazaar tool ('baz') instead of 'tla'.  These steps use version
1.2 of bazaar.  Version 1.3 just recently came out and had some changes
that will likely obsolete these instructions.

#Create arch ID
baz my-id 'Mark Drago <markdrago mail com>'

#Register the remote archive
baz register-archive

#Create your local archive
baz make-archive --signed
markdrago mail com--2005 /home/mdrago/code/arch

#Tell baz how to sign stuff it wants to sign - be sure to have a gpg key
#[create the ~/.arch-params/signing/=default file and add the line 'gpg

#Create a branch off of the main coaster branch (notice the old domain
name is still there - the actual name of the repository hasn't been
baz branch coaster-devel coaster-burn org--2004/coaster-gui--main--0.1.1
markdrago mail com--2005/coaster-gui--main--0.1.1

#Check out a copy from your new branch
baz get markdrago mail com--2005/coaster-gui--main--0.1.1

Now, I'm kind of new to arch myself, but this works for me.  I have an
arch repository set up at that contains a few
patches that I've already added to bugzilla.  I hope this helped.

--Mark Drago

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