GtkDialog::run in Clutter signal

Hello all,

I want to show a dialog from a custom Clutter signal handler, e.g. when a timeline has finished. I'm running into trouble when running the dialog. If I try to show it using gtk_dialog_run() it does not show up, but the main window darkens (as if it was about to show a modal window); if conversely I do gtk_window_present() it shows flawlessly.

If I attach gdb I can see some calls to Clutter's threading api. If I run() the dialog from another place in the code, not in a signal handler, the dialog shows fine.

Is this behavior known? Am I doing something wrong? I guess to circumvent this I could add a Glib timeout and run the dialog from there, but I don't know if this is a good approach.

Thank you very much. Best regards,

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