Re: Actors Blending.

I wanted to play with that a bit too.

I've attached a patch for Clutter and a quick test on how to use this in gjs :

It should allow to set a cogl blending program onto a ClutterImage.
This patch was written on top the coming 1.18 branch/release.



On 03/01/14 13:51, Jamil Drareni wrote:

I would like to blend actors like we would do it with OpenGL (glBlendFunc) or Photoshop (using a pixel wise equation).
After digging into clutter's source/doc I came up with to hints:

1/ Re-implement ClutterImage so I can call cogl pipeline blend strings.
2/ Using a ClutterShaderEffect and coding the appropriate blend equation.

In the first case, the blend functions are limited.

Using a shader is more versatile but  I can't figure out a way to expose to a shader
, running on an actor, the texture of a previously rendered actor (a sibling actor for instance).

Thank you,
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