clutter 1.16 raspberry

I try to get clutter/cogl run on the raspberry pi without x or any other layer between it and the gpu.
As i read in other e-mails and the internet, it should be possible that 
clutter writes direct to the Framebuffer ( i hope that's right? ).
First i compile the "hello_triangle" example from here: 
which uses EGL.
It compiles fine and runs perfectly. So when i understand it correct, 
the example writes direct to Framebuffer of my Raspberry!?.
After reading a lot, clutter is able to write direct to the Framebuffer 
with EGL ( is that correct? ).
Ok so far so good i thought. I downloaded cogl 1.16.0 and used following 
commands to configure it:
./configure --prefix=/usr  --disable-glibtest  --enable-gles2=yes 
--without-x --enable-null-egl-platform=yes
after make and install i tried one of the examples, but it didn't work. 
Then i added #include "bcm_host.h"
to cogl-info.c and at the beginning of the main function: bcm_host_init();
That's explained here:

But after compiling it didn't work too. I tried different configurations but it's still not working.
The last error i received was: "unable to find usable EGL configuration"

Puhh that's a lot.

I hope anybody can help me, maybe it's only a simple option i have to pass by the configuration.
Thanks for your time and Help

Best regards from Germany

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