Re: Mx: How to force the parent's size?

On 05/02/13 14:43, Gyorgy Kovesdi wrote:
Hi Gyorgy

I have an MxDialog with an MxTable inside. I need to set its external size, but
setting the size of the dialog (with clutter_actor_set_size()) has no effect. Setting
the size of the inner table works, but it is hard to handle the dialog's size this way.

How can i force the size of the dialog? The dialog shall set the inner table to the remaining space.

Gyorgy Kovesdi

As you've found out the dialog's size is determined by it's children and it's padding. My suggestion would be to add a MxFrame inside the dialog with a fixed size.

  dialog = mx_dialog_new ();
  mx_dialog_set_transient_parent (MX_DIALOG (dialog),
CLUTTER_ACTOR (mx_window_get_clutter_stage (window)));
  mx_dialog_add_action (MX_DIALOG (dialog), mx_action_new_full ("close",
G_CALLBACK (close_dialog_cb),

  frame = mx_frame_new ();
  clutter_actor_set_size (frame, 500,500);

clutter_actor_add_child (frame, mx_label_new_with_text ("Dialog Window"));
  clutter_actor_add_child (dialog, frame);


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